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Motion Detector

A motion detector is an electronic device designed to sense and detect the presence of

movement within its surroundings. These signals are then processed to trigger a

specific response, such as activating an alarm, turning on lights, or recording video

footage. A motion detector revolves around its ability to perceive and react to the

dynamic aspects of its surroundings. It embodies the marriage of sensing technology

and automated response, enabling a wide range of applications that contribute to

safety, energy conservation, and the optimization of daily tasks.


I. Introduction

Crime volume in Cavite increased from 7,286 in 2019 to 15,986 in 2020, of which

1,194 are index and 6,773 are non-index crimes, and 8,019 are traffic crimes. In the

province of Cavite, crime volume was continuously increasing from 2012 to 2017. It

has reached its peak in 2017, which increased by 83.24% from 2016. However, it

decreased by 56.08% in 2018. The largest increase was in 2008 and 2009, which rose

by 544.95%. From 2019 to 2020, the total crime volume increased 681 cases,

representing 9.35%. Index crimes posted a decrease of 172 or 12.59% from 2019 to

2020. On the other hand, non-index crimes increased by 853 or 14.41%. Among the

cities and municipalities in the province, the City of Bacoor had the highest number of

crime incidents with 1,131, which accounted for 14.20% of the total crime volume,

followed by the City of Bacoor with 1,419 crime cases or 17.81% and the City of Imus

with 772 or 9.69% of the crime cases. Mostly populated and highly urbanized areas

had the highest number of crime incidences in the province of Cavite. Meanwhile, the

least number of reported crimes were in the municipalities of Mendez and General
Emilio Aguinaldo with 42 and 41 cases, respective. The probable cause of that high

rate of crime is because the lack of security measures of Filipino homes. These types

of crimes are more frequent in urban cities rather than rural towns. This is why

Filipino people need some type of security that will act as a layer of defense inside or

outside of their homes. Motion detectors can be the probable solution to this problem

Motion Detectors most commonly use an infrared detection sensor, which can be

incorporated or combined into various devices found around us. This sensor provides

data about motion, using which the device can alert the user of motion in the area or

perform certain tasks. For example, a motion detector attached to a burglar alarm

detects motion and enables the alarm to alert the home owners, or to activate a

camera. Inexpensive motion detectors are capable of detection up to 5 meters, and

more advanced systems can have much longer ranges., great to combine it with other

security systems. It would surely make that high rate of property crime go down as

the future burglars are going to be wary as there is a security system installed inside a

Filipino’s home.

II. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework: Motion Detector

1. Introduction:

- Define the purpose of the conceptual framework: to understand the fundamental

aspects and components of a motion detector.

- Highlight the importance and widespread use of motion detectors in various


2. Sensor Technology:
- Discuss different types of sensors commonly used in motion detectors, such as

infrared (IR) sensors, ultrasonic sensors, microwave sensors, or image sensors.

- Explain how each sensor type detects and measures motion based on specific

principles, such as detecting heat signatures, analyzing sound waves, or capturing

changes in reflected microwaves.

3. Signal Processing:

- Describe the signal processing techniques employed by motion detectors to analyze

the sensor data.

- Discuss algorithms and methods used for motion detection, including background

subtraction, frame differencing, optical flow analysis, or machine learning-based


- Explain how these techniques help distinguish between static and moving objects,

and identify the presence and characteristics of motion.

4. Output and Response:

- Explore the various response mechanisms triggered by motion detectors.

- Highlight typical actions such as activating alarms, turning on lights, adjusting

heating/cooling systems, or initiating surveillance systems.

- Discuss the importance of customization and flexibility in configuring the desired

responses based on specific application requirements.

5. Applications:

- Provide examples of motion detector applications across different fields, including

security systems, home automation, energy management, and robotics.

- Discuss the benefits of motion detectors in enhancing safety, convenience, energy

efficiency, and resource optimization.

6. Limitations and Challenges:

- Address the limitations and challenges associated with motion detectors.

- Discuss factors that may affect their performance, such as environmental

conditions, false alarms, sensor accuracy, and response latency.

- Highlight ongoing research and development efforts to overcome these challenges

and improve the functionality of motion detectors.

7. Conclusion:

- Summarize the key concepts and components discussed in the conceptual


- Emphasize the significance of motion detectors in various applications and their

potential for future advancements.

- Encourage further exploration and innovation in sensor technology, signal

processing, and response mechanisms to enhance the capabilities of motion detectors.

III. Statement of the problem

In the last 10 years, the security industry has seen huge improvement in its ability to

amass Surveillance information. Bigger budgets, cheaper cameras, and cheaper

storage have resulted in bigger and better surveillance system – 30 million security

cameras generate 4 billion hours of video every week in the United States alone [1].

But despite these huge increases in CCTV spending, there has been little to no

reduction of fraud, theft, crime, and terror. Conventional surveillance systems haven’t
made human beings any faster at watching all that video, understanding its content

and finding critical information. Some of there are too expensive or impractical just for

home use and not applicable for many situations. This “Security Gap” between what

we collect and what we can analyze is at the root the most pressing problems in

surveillance system today. [1] For that reason, the Spy Cam Surveillance System with

Motion Detector is built to perform adequate surveillance security system in order to

prevent any crucial crime with automated capturing scene and provides immediate

response to suspicious events. This system also built with motion detector to detect

movement in detection zone, without motion detector the system need to run

continuously and 24-hours on without effective storage and will loss more energy.

IV. Hypothesis

Hypothesis: The effectiveness of motion detectors in detecting and responding to

motion is influenced by various factors, including sensor technology, environmental

conditions, and the chosen response mechanism.


The hypothesis proposes that the performance of motion detectors can be affected by

different factors. Firstly, the type and quality of sensor technology used in the motion

detector can impact its ability to accurately detect motion. Different sensors may have

varying levels of sensitivity, range, and response time, which can influence the overall

effectiveness of the motion detection system. Secondly, environmental conditions can

play a crucial role in the performance of motion detectors. Factors such as lighting

conditions, temperature variations, and the presence of obstructions can affect the

sensor's ability to accurately detect motion. For example, excessive ambient light or

heavy rain may interfere with infrared sensors, leading to false positives or missed
detections. Lastly, the chosen response mechanism of the motion detector can

influence its effectiveness. Different applications may require specific responses, such

as triggering an alarm, activating lighting, or recording video footage. The

appropriateness and efficiency of the chosen response mechanism can impact the

overall utility of the motion detector in fulfilling its intended purpose. To test this

hypothesis, one could conduct experiments or studies that evaluate the performance

of different motion detectors under various sensor technologies, environmental

conditions, and response mechanisms. By analyzing the collected data, researchers

can assess the correlation between these factors and the effectiveness of motion

detectors in accurately detecting and responding to motion.

V. Scope And Limitations

The limitation of the research is the PIR motion detector it had 5 meters detecting

range, if the movement is beyond of the capability of the sensor it would not trigger.

The goal of this research is to have more range and have a low amount of cost. We

need to improve the detector device to have a low cost and very useful detector device.

VI. Time and Place of study

the research is all about improving the security of ALLSHS, Lantic, Carmona Cavite.

Researcher would want give the school excellent and functional detector we wanted to

improve the security of every classroom of the school, and we want to make it happen

on this school year 2022-2023.

VII. Significance of study

The study is all about to improving the life of the family and have a working motion

detector, that can uses in daily life, we want to improve it to be better for this school
year to use it before it ended. as well as to reduce the number of students who lose

their belongings and other people who are not belong to the school is going to detect.

VIII. Definition of terms

 Motion detector [A motion detector is an electrical device that detects nearby

motion using a sensor. A device of this type is frequently integrated as a

component of a system that automatically performs a task or alerts a user of

motion in a specific area]

 Property crime [Property crime is a type of crime that typically involves private

property and includes crimes such as burglary, larceny, theft, motor vehicle

theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism. A property crime is one committed in

order to obtain money, property, or some other benefit]

 Security [Security is the prevention or mitigation of potential harm caused by

others by limiting their freedom to act.

 Rural towns [ A rural area, also known as the countryside, is a geographical

area located outside of towns and cities. Rural areas typically have a low

population density and small settlements. Agricultural and forestry areas are

commonly referred to as rural]

 ALLSHS [ Angelo Levardo Loyola senior high school]




The advantage of this monitoring system over other is the

ability of this monitoring system to provide an effective and

easy method for user. It is important to consider the

assessment in all the aspects including speed and


The most appropriate monitoring available is this system

able to monitor a progress in a long time. Result is presented

in Figure 2. Four different detectors are used in the system

starts from left is comparing current frame with previous,

pixellate filter, blob counter and morph. All these detectors

are working smoothly with high efficiency during slow

motion about 6.40 frames per second (fps).

On the other hand, when the system is applied on very

fast motion around 36 fps, morph filter is able to detect the

object’s motion clearly with a tiny lagging rather than the

previous three detectors but there is an interesting finding

that pixellate detector is unable to detect a very fast

movement. It will automatically decrease the motion to

become slow motion for an analysis due to its characteristic

of enlarge low resolution image and it takes longer time to

process the mean for detection. Some sections of the trial

motion like subject’s palm center and subject’s ring on the

last finger were successfully detected by the last detector.

Another motion video was analyzed using this four

detectors and the result showed that morph filter able to

detect the fast movement of table tennis ball effectively for

a long period. The detector can detect, recognize and coping

out a zone of interest of every moving object in a frame.

The result indicates that morph filter is better in motion

detection for the monitoring system. The detection is

running smoothly and available in fast motion detection.

This monitoring system also could be revised to make

them more user-friendly, with a focus on issues such as

layout, illustrations, message, information, and cultural

appropriateness. It provides full functionality for the entire

assessment cycle: authoring, scheduling, administering and

rating. A non-technical rationale for using the procedure,

including the type of information and what we can do with

this information will be provided. It is a premier and

affordable personal computer-based assessment system for

academia, government and business users.

The monitoring system is designed around four essential

qualities: validity, reliability, impact and practicality.

Validity is normally taken to be extent to which an

assessment can be shown to produce scores which are an

accurate reflection of a human’s motion true level.

Reliability concerns the extent to which assessment results

are stable, consistent and accurate, and therefore the extent

to which they can be depended on for making decisions

about the motion. Impact concerns the effects, beneficial or

otherwise, which an examination has on the motion.

Practically can be defined as the extent to which an

assessment is practicable in terms of the resources needed to

produce and administer it.

There is a lot to do with this motion detection monitoring

system depending on the imagination. One but not the only

one straight forward application for this system is video

surveillance. It also can be applied on the incredible thing

likes gesture recognition, behavioral analysis and gait



In conclusion, an effective monitoring system for motion

detection and assessment tool has been developed. The level

of motion is used as the input for the monitoring system to

generate assessment to the motion detection to the particular

person specifically. Results and findings show that the

monitoring system is effective and consistent in producing

relevant results to the detected motion. This monitoring

system can be developed in the algorithm for speech

recognition system in order to obtain more accurate and

reliable voice input.

In future, this system will be upgraded to mobilize

resources to provide the necessary infrastructure, supplies

and materials needed to ensure every assessment is

achieving the motion analysis potential. This is important to

increase the reliability and effectiveness of this monitoring


A more detailed concept of motion detection will be

more useful in later processing stages. As in image flow

algorithm, all the information is need to be incorporated on

the direction of motion. Optimization in realization is very

important for a optimize solution from the beginning


The advantage of this monitoring system over other is the

ability of this monitoring system to provide an effective and

easy method for user. It is important to consider the

assessment in all the aspects including speed and


The most appropriate monitoring available is this system

able to monitor a progress in a long time. Result is presented

in Figure 2. Four different detectors are used in the system

starts from left is comparing current frame with previous,

pixellate filter, blob counter and morph. All these detectors

are working smoothly with high efficiency during slow

motion about 6.40 frames per second (fps).

On the other hand, when the system is applied on very

fast motion around 36 fps, morph filter is able to detect the

object’s motion clearly with a tiny lagging rather than the

previous three detectors but there is an interesting finding

that pixellate detector is unable to detect a very fast

movement. It will automatically decrease the motion to

become slow motion for an analysis due to its characteristic

of enlarge low resolution image and it takes longer time to

process the mean for detection. Some sections of the trial

motion like subject’s palm center and subject’s ring on the

last finger were successfully detected by the last detector.

Another motion video was analyzed using this four

detectors and the result showed that morph filter able to

detect the fast movement of table tennis ball effectively for

a long period. The detector can detect, recognize and coping

out a zone of interest of every moving object in a frame.

The result indicates that morph filter is better in motion

detection for the monitoring system. The detection is

running smoothly and available in fast motion detection.

This monitoring system also could be revised to make

them more user-friendly, with a focus on issues such as

layout, illustrations, message, information, and cultural

appropriateness. It provides full functionality for the entire

assessment cycle: authoring, scheduling, administering and

rating. A non-technical rationale for using the procedure,

including the type of information and what we can do with

this information will be provided. It is a premier and

affordable personal computer-based assessment system for

academia, government and business users.

The monitoring system is designed around four essential

qualities: validity, reliability, impact and practicality.

Validity is normally taken to be extent to which an

assessment can be shown to produce scores which are an

accurate reflection of a human’s motion true level.

Reliability concerns the extent to which assessment results

are stable, consistent and accurate, and therefore the extent

to which they can be depended on for making decisions

about the motion. Impact concerns the effects, beneficial or

otherwise, which an examination has on the motion.

Practically can be defined as the extent to which an

assessment is practicable in terms of the resources needed to

produce and administer it.

There is a lot to do with this motion detection monitoring

system depending on the imagination. One but not the only

one straight forward application for this system is video

surveillance. It also can be applied on the incredible thing

likes gesture recognition, behavioral analysis and gait



In conclusion, an effective monitoring system for motion

detection and assessment tool has been developed. The level

of motion is used as the input for the monitoring system to

generate assessment to the motion detection to the particular

person specifically. Results and findings show that the

monitoring system is effective and consistent in producing

relevant results to the detected motion. This monitoring

system can be developed in the algorithm for speech

recognition system in order to obtain more accurate and

reliable voice input.

In future, this system will be upgraded to mobilize

resources to provide the necessary infrastructure, supplies

and materials needed to ensure every assessment is

achieving the motion analysis potential. This is important to

increase the reliability and effectiveness of this monitoring


A more detailed concept of motion detection will be

more useful in later processing stages. As in image flow

algorithm, all the information is need to be incorporated on

the direction of motion. Optimization in realization is very

important for a optimize solution from the beginning


The advantage of this monitoring system over other is the

ability of this monitoring system to provide an effective and

easy method for user. It is important to consider the

assessment in all the aspects including speed and


The most appropriate monitoring available is this system

able to monitor a progress in a long time. Result is presented

in Figure 2. Four different detectors are used in the system

starts from left is comparing current frame with previous,

pixellate filter, blob counter and morph. All these detectors

are working smoothly with high efficiency during slow

motion about 6.40 frames per second (fps).

On the other hand, when the system is applied on very

fast motion around 36 fps, morph filter is able to detect the

object’s motion clearly with a tiny lagging rather than the

previous three detectors but there is an interesting finding

that pixellate detector is unable to detect a very fast

movement. It will automatically decrease the motion to

become slow motion for an analysis due to its characteristic

of enlarge low resolution image and it takes longer time to

process the mean for detection. Some sections of the trial

motion like subject’s palm center and subject’s ring on the

last finger were successfully detected by the last detector.

Another motion video was analyzed using this four

detectors and the result showed that morph filter able to

detect the fast movement of table tennis ball effectively for

a long period. The detector can detect, recognize and coping

out a zone of interest of every moving object in a frame.

The result indicates that morph filter is better in motion

detection for the monitoring system. The detection is

running smoothly and available in fast motion detection.

This monitoring system also could be revised to make

them more user-friendly, with a focus on issues such as

layout, illustrations, message, information, and cultural

appropriateness. It provides full functionality for the entire

assessment cycle: authoring, scheduling, administering and

rating. A non-technical rationale for using the procedure,

including the type of information and what we can do with

this information will be provided. It is a premier and

affordable personal computer-based assessment system for

academia, government and business users.

The monitoring system is designed around four essential

qualities: validity, reliability, impact and practicality.

Validity is normally taken to be extent to which an

assessment can be shown to produce scores which are an

accurate reflection of a human’s motion true level.

Reliability concerns the extent to which assessment results

are stable, consistent and accurate, and therefore the extent

to which they can be depended on for making decisions

about the motion. Impact concerns the effects, beneficial or

otherwise, which an examination has on the motion.

Practically can be defined as the extent to which an

assessment is practicable in terms of the resources needed to

produce and administer it.

There is a lot to do with this motion detection monitoring

system depending on the imagination. One but not the only

one straight forward application for this system is video

surveillance. It also can be applied on the incredible thing

likes gesture recognition, behavioral analysis and gait


In conclusion, an effective monitoring system for motion

detection and assessment tool has been developed. The level

of motion is used as the input for the monitoring system to

generate assessment to the motion detection to the particular

person specifically. Results and findings show that the

monitoring system is effective and consistent in producing

relevant results to the detected motion. This monitoring

system can be developed in the algorithm for speech

recognition system in order to obtain more accurate and

reliable voice input.

In future, this system will be upgraded to mobilize

resources to provide the necessary infrastructure, supplies

and materials needed to ensure every assessment is

achieving the motion analysis potential. This is important to

increase the reliability and effectiveness of this monitoring


A more detailed concept of motion detection will be

more useful in later processing stages. As in image flow

algorithm, all the information is need to be incorporated on

the direction of motion. Optimization in realization is very

important for a optimize solution from the beginning


The advantage of this monitoring system over other is the ability of this monitoring

system to provide an effective and easy method for user. It is important to

consider the assessment in all the aspects including speed and background. The
most appropriate monitoring available is this system able to monitor a progress in a

long time. Result is presented in Figure 2. Four different detectors are used in the

system starts from left is comparing current frame with previous, pixelate filter,

blob counter and morph. All these detectors are working smoothly with high

efficiency during slow motion about 6.40 frames per second (fps). On the other

hand, when the system is applied on very fast motion around 36 fps, morph

filter is able to detect the object’s motion clearly with a tiny lagging rather than

the previous three detectors but there is an interesting finding that pixelate

detector is unable to detect a very fast movement. It will automatically decrease

the motion to become slow motion for an analysis due to its characteristic of enlarge

low resolution image and it takes longer time to process the mean for detection.

Some sections of the trial motion like subject’s palm center and subject’s ring on

the last finger were successfully detected by the last detector. Another motion video

was analyzed using this four detectors and the result showed that morph filter

able to detect the fast movement of table tennis ball effectively for a long period.

The detector can detect, recognize and coping out a zone of interest of every moving

object in a frame. The result indicates that morph filter is better in motion

detection for the monitoring system. The detection is running smoothly and

available in fast motion detection. This monitoring system also could be revised to

make them more user-friendly, with a focus on issues such as layout,

illustrations, message, information, and cultural appropriateness. It provides full

functionality for the entire assessment cycle: authoring, scheduling,

administering and rating. A non-technical rationale for using the procedure,

including the type of information and what we can do with this information will

be provided. It is a premier and affordable personal computer-based assessment

system for academia, government and business users. The monitoring system is

designed around four essential qualities: validity, reliability, impact and

practicality. Validity is normally taken to be extent to which an assessment can

be shown to produce scores which are an accurate reflection of a human’s

motion true level. Reliability concerns the extent to which assessment results are

stable, consistent and accurate, and therefore the extent to which they can be

depended on for making decisions about the motion. Impact concerns the effects,

beneficial or otherwise, which an examination has on the motion. Practically can

be defined as the extent to which an assessment is practicable in terms of the

resources needed to produce and administer it. There is a lot to do with this motion

detection monitoring system depending on the imagination. One but not the only one

straight forward application for this system is video surveillance. It also can be

applied on the incredible thing likes gesture recognition, behavioral analysis and

trait analysis. In conclusion, an effective monitoring system for motion detection and

assessment tool has been developed. The level of motion is used as the input for the

monitoring system to generate assessment to the motion detection to the particular

person specifically. Results and findings show that the monitoring system is

effective and consistent in producing relevant results to the detected motion.

This monitoring system can be developed in the algorithm for speech recognition

system in order to obtain more accurate and reliable voice input. In future, this

system will be upgraded to mobilize resources to provide the necessary

infrastructure, supplies and materials needed to ensure every assessment is

achieving the motion analysis potential. This is important to increase the reliability

and effectiveness of this monitoring system. A more detailed concept of motion

detection will be more useful in later processing stages. As in image flow

algorithm, all the information is need to be incorporated on the direction of motion.

Optimization in realization is very important for a optimize solution from the



The framework of the continuous hand gesture segmentation and recognition is

shown in Fig. 4.1. It contains three modules: Sensing, Data Segmentation, and Hand

Gesture Recognition. In the Sensing module, accelerometer, gyroscope and compass

sensor readings are collected from 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) in the

wristband. The sampling rate is set to be 20Hz with a balanced consideration of

recognition accuracy, computational cost, and power restriction in the wristband. The

Data Segmentation module segments potential gestures from a sequence of hand

movements. To segment gestures from hand movements, we first apply a threshold

based method to detect the start and end of the sequence of hand movements. As

found in previous work [9] [51], while performing a hand gesture, people start from a

static position, and then end in another static position. Therefore, the gestures tend to

lie between these static positions. We develop a novel gesture segmentation algorithm

to detect these static positions, and thus separate the sequence of hand movements

into multiple 29 Accelerometer & Gyroscope Sequence Start/End Detection Noise

Segments Removal Features Extraction Classification Sensing Gesture Controller

Hand Gesture Recognition Data Segmentation Within-sequence Gesture Separation

Merging Adjacent Segments Figure 4.1: Continuous Gesture Segmentation and

Recognition Framework segments, where one gesture may lie in one segment or

several adjacent segments. To avoid splitting a single gesture’s data into multiple

segments, three metrics are proposed as post-processing to merge the adjacent

segments so that each gesture only lies in one segment. Finally, the Noise Segments
Removal module is applied to remove segments with noise gestures. The Recognition

module receives segments from Data Segmentation module and classifies each

segment as one predefined gesture or noise gesture. We apply the Hidden Markov

Model to classify gestures because it has shown high recognition accuracy [19]. The

recognized gesture can be utilized as a command to control the medical instruments

or healthcare-related devices, such as a medical computer screen, X-ray or MRI



A passive infrared sensor detects body heat (infrared energy) by looking for changes in

temperatures. This is the most-widely-used motion sensor in home security systems.

When you arm your system, this activates the motion sensors to report possible


Once the PIR motion sensor warms up, it can detect heat and movement in the

surrounding areas, creating a protective “grid.” If a moving object blocks too many grid

zones and the infrared energy levels change rapidly, the infrared sensor triggers an


 Microwave (MW)

This type of sensor sends out microwave pulses and measures the reflections off of

moving objects.1 They cover a larger area than infrared sensors but are more

expensive and vulnerable to electrical interference.

 Dual technology motion sensors

Some motion sensors can combine multiple detection methods in an attempt

to reduce false alarms. For example, it's not uncommon for a dual technology sensor

to combine a passive infrared (PIR) sensor with a microwave sensor.

Each sensor type operates in different areas of the spectrum (ranging from passive to

active). Dual technology motion sensors are not as likely as other types to cause a

false alarm, because both sensors need to trip in order to sound an alarm.

However, this does not mean that they never cause false alarms. The road user

detection algorithm proposed here consists of motion detection and classification,

which are applied in series. The approach has been specifically tuned for ITS

applications, with low computational cost and scalability in mind. In addition,

multiple well-established image processing methods such as blur, erosion, and

dilation are utilized to filter the contents of the images. Workflow of the algorithm is

presented in Fig. 1, displaying the steps taken to reach detections for an image. When

an 8-bit three channel RGB image is fed into the algorithm, the input image is first

resized and processed with motion detection. The image is transformed into a

grayscale image where each moving pixel is presented in white and shadows are

presented in gray (a). Since the acquired grayscale image is typically noisy, the image

is blurred, thresholder into a binary image, and finally eroded and dilated (b).

Remaining areas after the filtering are fitted with bounding boxes (c). Using these

bounding box coordinates, bounding box proposals are captured from the original

RGB image (d). The acquired bounding box proposals are fed into a classification CNN,

which gives the class of each bounding box proposal as an output (e). Consequently,

the output of the MoDeCla algorithm is the image coordinates and types of the visible

moving objects.





For many basic projects or products that need to detect when a person has left or

entered the area, or has approached, PIR sensors are great. They are low power

and low cost, pretty rugged, have a wide lens range, and are easy to interface with.

Note that PIRs won't tell you how many people are around or how close they are to

the sensor, the lens is often fixed to a certain sweep and distance (although it can

be hacked somewhere) and they are also sometimes set off by house pets.

Experimentation is key!


Step 1: Gather the parts

One can Buy Everything Shopee or Lazada Get most of the Things from your Local

Electronics & Robotics Store.

Here is the List of Parts which are Needed :

1.) PIR Motion Sensor ( Main Part, I am using HC-SR501 )

Note that every PIR Manufacturer might have a Different Pinout. So Please confirm the

Pinout of PIR Before Performing this Project. [ My PIR Had Pinout - VCC | Output |

Ground || (From Back Left to Right Direction) ]

2.) BC547 NPN Transistor

3.) (4 Pcs.) White 5mm LEDs

4.) Small Copper Board

5.) (2 Pcs.) Pin Screw Terminal

6.) 3 Pin Right Angle Header

Step 2: Circuit

A Simple Circuit , Controlled by two major Things.

1) BC547 Transistor

2) PIR Motion Sensor

This Can be Done on PerfBoard too.

Explanation :

When PIR Sensor sense any Human interference or ir Light running @ 38KHz then it's

Output Pin Become from LOW to HIGH which result in 3.3v Supply in Output Pin, So

We Would be using that output pin to switch the transistor on and off which will lead

to On and off of LEDs too. The LEDs are Connected in Series So that they would

consume all 12v Supply once switched and which would not lead to burning.

Note : Only Supply 12v , If Voltage Greater than this than it will lead to burning of

LEDS. and PIR has an in-built Regulator which will accept 12v.

Step 3: Breadboard Circuit

For Those who want to build it on a Breadboard.

Step 4: Eagle PCB File.

Just Print the Pdf Attached. and I will be using the Toner Transfer Method. it would be

your choice which method you will choose because end result would be same.

Step 5: Transfer the Artwork

Just Press Hardly with an iron with full High Temperature Dial for 4-5 mins. After this

immediately dip into Water and Gently Rub the paper on PCB with your thumb. The

Artwork must have Attached to PCB. Otherwise if traces are broken then try again.

Step 6: Etch It

Now put the PCB in Ferric Chloride.

You may use HCL+ Hydrogen Peroxide too.

Step 7: Drill Holes.

Make sure to drill with 1mm bit for this because they have a kind of broad legs

Step 8: Solder Screw Terminal

Using soldering iron and led

Step 9: Solder Right Angle Header

Solder the Right Angle Header in the right Place

Step 10: Solder LEDs

3v x 4 LEDs = 12v which will not burn the LEDs and make sure the Anode and

Cathodes of LEDs

Step 11: Solder the Transistor

Be sure to face the flat side of transistor towards LEDs

Step 12: Solder the PIR

it was soldered to position it motion sensing part towards our self.

Step 13: Power It.

To make sure it is working and test it if it’s working properly.

List of materials
1) PIR Motion Sensor. ( Main Part, I am using HC-SR501 )

2) BC547 NPN Transistor

3) (4 Pcs.) White 5mm LEDs

4) Small Copper Board

5) 2 Pin Screw Terminal

6) 3 Pin Right Angle Header


Result and discussion

What we did was install the light on the motion detector. We did use complicated stuff,

and it closed every 40 seconds. and it has three modes of dimming, and when you

pass in front of it, it will make the light stronger, and the third one will stay dim. and

it opens when someone passes by or moves.


Conclusion and Recommendation


Motion detectors play a vital role in enhancing security, energy efficiency, and

convenience in various applications. They are effective in detecting and responding to

motion, thanks to advancements in sensor technology, signal processing, and

response mechanisms. However, the effectiveness of motion detectors can be

influenced by factors such as sensor technology, environmental conditions, and the

chosen response mechanism. Sensor technology, including infrared, ultrasonic,

microwave, or image sensors, impacts the accuracy and sensitivity of motion

detection. Environmental conditions, such as lighting, temperature, and obstructions,

can affect the performance of motion detectors. The response mechanism chosen for a

specific application should be carefully considered to ensure it aligns with the desired



1. Choose the appropriate sensor technology: Consider the specific requirements of the

application and select a motion detector with the most suitable sensor technology.

Evaluate factors such as range, sensitivity, and reliability to ensure accurate motion


2. Optimize environmental conditions: Take into account the environmental conditions

in the installation area. Minimize obstructions, adjust lighting conditions, and account

for temperature variations to maximize the performance of motion detectors.

3. Configure response mechanisms thoughtfully: Customize the response mechanism

of the motion detector to align with the intended purpose. Ensure the chosen

response, such as alarms, lighting, or surveillance, is appropriate for the specific

application and enhances the desired outcomes.

4. Regular maintenance and testing: Conduct regular maintenance and testing of

motion detectors to ensure their continued effectiveness. This includes cleaning

sensors, checking for any physical damage, and verifying the accuracy of motion

detection and response activation.

5. Stay updated with advancements: Keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in

motion detection technology. New sensor technologies, signal processing techniques,

and response mechanisms may offer improved performance, accuracy, and


By considering these recommendations, users can optimize the performance of motion

detectors and maximize their benefits in terms of security, energy efficiency, and

convenience. Motion detectors are versatile tools that can contribute significantly to

various domains, and ongoing research and development efforts are expected to

further enhance their capabilities in the future.

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