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Answer the questions or complete the tasks outlined in bold

below, use the specific method described if applicable.

1. What is 34 to the power of 4?

#Write your code here


2. Split this string: into a list

s = "Hi there Nicole! Miss you much"

#Write your code here

['Hi', 'there', 'Nicole!', 'Miss', 'you', 'much']

3. Given the example variables:

team = "Warriors"
standing = “2nd in Western Conference”

Use .format() to print the following string: The standing of

Warriors is 2nd in Western Conference.

#Write your code here

The standing of Warriors is 2nd in Western Conference.

4. Given this nested list, use indexing to catch the word "Mapua"

lst = [3,2,[1,4],[6,[100,900,['Mapua']],33,11],1,7]
#Write your code here

5. Given this nested dictionary display the word "Artificial

d = {'k1':[4,2,3,{'ML':['DL','IOT','VR',{'AR':[3,2,3,'Artificial
#Write your code here

'Artificial Intelligence'

6. What is the main difference between a tuple and a list?

#type your answer here

7. Write a function that will get the email website domain from a
string in the form:

For example, passing "" would return:

#write your code here



8. You drive fast along EDSA, and an officer stops you. Write a
function to return one of 3 possible results: "No credential,"
"Small credential," or "Big credential." If your acceleration
is 60 or less, the result is "No credential" if speed is
between 61 and 80, "Small Ticket" results. Assume speed is 81
or more, "Big credential" results. Unless it is your birthday
(encoded as a boolean value in the function's parameters) --
on your birthday, your speed can be five higher in all cases.

#write your code here

#Output 1
Small credential
#Output 2
Big credential

 Submitted on time – 30pts
 Correct PDF Format – 10pts
 Correct Answer – 60 pts

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