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Tiny Habits Worksheet

Using the below worksheet, write down your action plan for 3 habits that you will build, commit to and
monitor throughout the duration of the program.

You can add any of The Daily 3 practices and 1 - 2 other habits that you want to develop.

In addition to your Daily 3, try not to add too many other new habits as it might become a distraction and
overwhelming. Let’s focus on building a few good habits at a time.

Tiny habits & After I... I will … and I will

actions celebrate by …

Example make my coffee study 4 pages on basking in the sun for 5

Canvas minutes.

wake up in the morning do my morning pages throw imaginary confetti

Habit 1

sit down at my desk to turn off notification on put my hustle-hard face

Habit 2 work social media on

wake up and put my say ‘it's going to be a smile to myself

Habit 3 feet on the ground great day’


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