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Tiffany is a Supervisor at Zenith Technologies. She noticed that there have been several conflicts

between members of her team. Help Tiffany prepare a proposal for the introduction of Soft Skills

Training for workers. Soft skills include a variety of individual attributes which encourage

greater productivity and performance of the labor force. Consider five (5) main attributes that

can be refined to support job readiness.


Use an appropriate presentation tool to present the following:

● Outline at least five (5) professional attributes relevant to career success :

● Ability to learn - Every organization has a specific set of knowledge that every
employee will need to acquire at their job.
● Conscientiousness
● Interpersonal skills
● Adaptability
● Integrity
● Describe three (3) ways in which an individual can develop the requisite professional
attributes for job readiness :
○ Self Awareness - Understanding one's own strengths, weakness, emotions, values
and motivations. It also makes you a better manager because you will be more
aware of others' strengths and weaknesses “. By using more efficiency, you can
work smarter and increase productivity.
● Skills development - Enhancing one’s ability, knowledge, and expertise to
improve personal and professional performance.
● Goal setting - Establishing clear, achievable, and meaningful objectives for
personal and professional growth.
● Explain how soft skill education can be used as a tool to improve the performance of
Tiffany’s team ?
Soft skill education can help Tiffany to improve the performance of her team by using
soft skill development and training. This helps Tiffany in skills areas like communication,
problem solving, critical thinking, and leadership. In the long run, this will help Tiffany
and her team to be successful in the ever changing workplace environment. Also the right
personal traits can help Tiffany and her team excel at work.
● State three (3) advantages of soft skill education :
○ Increased productivity - Developing your soft skills can help you become more
productive at work. Learning communication skills can help you to listen better
and ask more thorough questions.
○ Improved customer service - A pleasure and helpful attitude towards customers is
cruel to good customer service relations. Soft skills training helps you to improve
your listening, communication and problem solving ability. These new skills help
you build trust with customers that translate into repeat business.
○ Increased self confidence - With soft skills training, you might feel more
confident in your role. For example, team building classes can help you and build
trust with one another. As a result, you may feel more confident in your ability to
perform well in an organization.
● Explain three (3) ways management can help their employees with soft skill
○ Build positive relationships - Building positive relationships with employees
helps develop soft skills. You can build positive relationships with your
colleagues by engaging in a genuine conversation about their weekend plans,
family, hobbies and interests. Also this helps with communication and customer
service in the workplace.
○ Emphasize teamwork - When you engage in good teamwork, you show your
employer that you're great at collaborating with others. Teamwork could occur in
a group setting for a presentation or one-on-one with another colleague to
complete a shared task. During a shared task or daily responsibility, allow each
member of the group to contribute their share and celebrate the unique skills and
personalities of the group.
○ Communication - Effective communication is a soft skill that benefits everyone in
the workplace. Although you may have tasks and responsibilities that don't
require the help of anyone else in your office, take the opportunities you have for
forming relationships with those around you. Communicate often to develop this
soft skill. This includes communication face-to-face, through email and in
presentations to a group.

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