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FARHAN AHSAN ALI (02-111222-307)
MUHAMMAD AHMED (02-111222-213)
MUHAMMAD ABBAS (02-111222-367)
AMNA (02-111222-222)
AIMAN GUL (02-111222-070)
GHAZIA TAZEEN (02-111222-013)
INTRODUCTION:- .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM:- ...................................................................................................................................... 2
JUSTIFICATION OF PROBLEM:- ................................................................................................................................. 2
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY:- ............................................................................................................................................ 2
LIMITATIONS OF STUDY:- .......................................................................................................................................... 2
HYPOTHESIS:-............................................................................................................................................................ 2
KEYWORDS & CONCEPT:- ......................................................................................................................................... 3
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE:- .............................................................................................................................. 3
REVIEW OF RELATED ARTICLE:- ................................................................................................................................ 3
REVIEW OF RELATED BOOK:-.................................................................................................................................... 4
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:- ........................................................................................................................................ 4
QUALITATIVE & QUANTITATIVE STUDY:- .................................................................................................................. 4
Physical abuse: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Infidelity:- ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Low Patience:- ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Early marriage:- .................................................................................................................................................... 5
POPULATION:- .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
UNIVERSE OF RESEARCH:- ........................................................................................................................................ 5
SAMPLING & SAMPLE SIZE:- ..................................................................................................................................... 5
QUESTIONNAIRES: - .................................................................................................................................................. 6
DATA PRESENTATION:- .................................................................................................................................................. 6
PRESENTATION & INTERPRETATION OF DATA:- ........................................................................................................ 6
Data Analysis:- ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION & RECCOMENDATIONS:- ................................................................................................... 10
SUMMARY:- ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
MAJOR RESULTS & INTERPRETATION:- .................................................................................................................. 11
CONCLUSION:- ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
RECCOMENDATIONS:- ............................................................................................................................................ 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY:- .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
REFERENCES:- ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
SOURCES:- ............................................................................................................................................................... 12


Divorce means the separation of married couple by ending their social contract which is
marriage. Children are most affected by this situation. Due to separation of parent’s court is
liable to give custody of a child to anyone of them who is capable to bring up his/her child. The
effect of divorce on children is just extraordinary as children are a part of the family that divorce
separates. Children facing difficulties and deals many of problems because of separation of their
parents. They need both father and mother love and protection but due to divorce they only
received exclusive preservation.

In our society, we saw many reasons of divorce. Some are mentioned physical abuse, conflict,
lack of commitment, one partner not carrying their weight in the marriage, infidelity, joint
family system, forced marriages, Financially issues, etc. These are the most common reasons of
divorce in our society.

Our research initiation is about effect of divorce on children. Separation of parents is a form of
injustice that violates right to live with both parents in house. It’s needed regrettable to know
that such type of issue is proceeding in an unrestrained manner today. In our research
proffering, divorce was first defined. Moreover, priority will be laid on the main issue of this
research that is effect of divorce on children.

During the interviews, there was a language barrier, and the interviewees were uncomfortable
with the video interviews. Due to a lack of interest and time, respondents filled out
questionnaires quickly and half-heartedly.

1. Divorce of parents form many psychological and social problems for children, which on
severely impact their growth, socialization & education.
2. Divorce among the couple cause many personalities disorder in children.
3. Divorce among parents severely impact on sleep status

The legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body.
Separate of dissociate something from something else typically with an undesirable
A divorce is a formal ending of a marriage it’s more permanent than a separation and
involve a legal process. If you get a divorce that means the marriage is officially over.



Divorce is defined as separation of husband and wife by ending their social contract which is
marriage. In this whole scenario, children are focal point that affected the most. Due to
separation of parents court is liable to give custody of a child to anyone of them who is capable
enough to raise his/her child. When parents no longer love each other and decide to live apart,
a child can feel as if their world has been turned upside down. The level of upset the child feels
can vary depending on how their parents separated, the age of the child, how much they
understand, and the support they get from parents, family and friends. As a marriage dissolves,
some parents find themselves asking questions like, "Should we stay together for the kids?"
Other parents find divorce is their only option. And while all parents may have many worries on
their mind-from the future of their living situation to the uncertainty of the custody
arrangement-they may worry most about how the children will deal with the divorce. Because
of which child suffers a lot and get love and affection from one parent only. When parents'
divorce each other, another sort of divorce occurs between the parents and their children. The
primary effect of divorce (and of the parental conflict that precedes the divorce) is a decline in
the relationship between parent and child. Immediately after a divorce, most parents have two
sets of problems: their adjustment to their own intrapsychic conflicts and to their role as a
divorced parent. The stress of divorce tends to weaken and even damage the parent-child
relationship for divorced mothers. Children of divorced parents felt the support lesser they
received from home than children of intact homes, and these negative. feelings become more
pronounced by the time children are mature enough. Children in divorced families receive less
emotional support, financial assistance, and social help from their parents. Divorced homes
show a decrease in language stimulation, pride, affection, stimulation of academic behavior,
encouragement of social maturity, and warmth directed towards the children. The presence of
fewer things of need especially toys and games are common, as is directed towards an increase
in physical punishment. Though some studies show that parental divorce itself may not affect
parenting but it often leads to worry, exhaustion, and stress for parents. These factors affect
both parenting and parental control. Thus, divorce and separation result in less caring and more
overprotective parenting during the adolescent years. Though the child's ability to trust their
parents, close friends, and others is strongly linked to positive parent-teen relationships

regardless of parental divorce, parental divorce makes it more difficult for children to trust their
parents, while a decline in the closeness of the parent-child relationship mediates much of the
association between parental divorce, marital discord, and offspring's psychological wellbeing in
adulthood. Children of separated parents move away from their families of origin earlier due to
low levels of family cohesion and harmony. The greater the unhappiness in their parents'
marriage, the earlier children leave home to get married, cohabit, or live on their own.


The phenomenon of divorce damages society (Fagan & Churchill, 2012). family, and also effect
relationship among children and parents. Amato (2000) indicates that divorce grounds for
previously spouses, ending emotional support, causing economic difficulties and family serves
as building block for society, while the marriage serves as its base. Hence, the divorce i.e.
dissolution of marriage does have inescapable deteriorating impacts for children and for five
major social institutions prevailing in society including family, religion, education, economic and
political. within divorced families, children receive reduced emotional, economic, and half of all
first marriages results in divorce and two third of such situations involve children, who
experience a variety of on-going psychological and social elementary schools who experience
parental divorce promptly start showing academically poorer performance as compared with
their peers from intact families immediately after divorce children exhibited weaker academic
performance in contrast to intact families` children. The children who experience divorce
earlier Children who experience divorce of their parents or grandparents do incline single
parent families regarding drop out from schooling.
Source:- Amato, P.R. & Cheadle, J. (2005). The Long Reach of Divorce: Divorce and Child Well-being
Across Three Generations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67(1), 191-206.



Physical abuse:
Marriage is supposed to bring you comfort and peace of mind, as well as make your life easier
and more enjoyable. Abusive relationships are harmful to any marriage and should be avoided
at all costs. Rape occurs when you sexually impose yourself on someone, whether that person is
your spouse or a stranger. As a result, when the scenario arises, gets disruptive and out of
control results in divorce.

Cheating on your spouse not only violates a commitment, but it also undermines a
relationship's trust. Cheating might be the outcome of a dying or failing relationship or a
person's personal anxieties. Whether it's a one-night stand or something more long-term,
cheating frequently leads to divorce, as many couples fail to learn to trust each other enough to
go past this test.

Low Patience:-
Marriage is not an easy task; it necessitates a great deal of attention and effort to succeed.
Patience is the foundation for success in all aspects of life. You must adjust and become
acclimated to each other's habits, especially when it comes to marriage. Social isolation and
adjusting to a new environment and role can be particularly tough for women. Financial strains,
excessive restrictions, and an overabundance of household tasks and marital responsibilities can
all contribute to scenarios that could lead to divorce.

Early marriage:-
Early marriages are a major cause of divorce because persons in their late twenties make more
mature and solid decisions than those who have just entered adulthood. Marriage necessitates
continual effort and mutual respect for one another's values and viewpoints. You must be a
good listener and make the other person feel heard and significant, which is a skill that kids are
unlikely to possess. Early couples struggle to deal with marital troubles, so many turn to divorce
as a quick fix to get their lives back on track.

Targeted population of Pakistan.

The research was held in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, & Peshawar.


The sample size is 5 years to below 18 (5-<18). This restriction was willful i.e., the children below
age of 5 years & adults above 18 years were not included in the study. The 1000 willing
respondents including 320 juveniles from Karachi, 250 juveniles from Lahore, 230 juveniles from
Islamabad and 200 juveniles from Peshawar.
In Karachi, 160 juveniles were male and 160 were female.
In Lahore, 125 juveniles were male and 125 were female.
In Islamabad, 120 juveniles were male and 110 were female.
In Peshawar, 100 juveniles were male and 100 were female.

Q:1 Is your friend asked about your parental divorce? (YES/NO)

When parents get divorced, friends ask their children about divorce?

Q:2 Are you facing problems at school? (YES/NO)

When your parents get divorced? Are you facing problems at school?

Q:3 Did parental divorce affect your sleep status? (YES/NO)



Q1:-When parents get divorced, friends ask their children about divorce?

43.20% YES

This questionnaire shows status of children regarding whether their friends ask them about
their parents’ divorce, among them 623 (62.3%) respondents agreed that their friends ask
about their parents’ divorce and 377 (37.7%) respondents disagreed. It shows that majority of
respondents face this situation.
Q2:- When your parents get divorced ? Are you facing problems at school?

43.20% 56.80%


This questionnaire shows status of children’s facing difficulties in school due to their parental
divorce; among them 700 (70%) shared their experience that they face difficulties in school due
to their parents’ divorce, while 300 (30%) respondents disagreed. Majority respondents face
difficulties while being in school. In schools, children have to face financial issues, relationing
issues, homework, an academic need etc., which is difficult for them without both parent’s
support to cope with.

Q3:- Did parental divorce affect your sleep status?




This questionnaire shows effects on sleeping status of children after their parental divorce; a
number of 266 (26.6%) respondents shared adversities with their sleep after divorce of their
parents while 733 (73.3%) respondents disagreed. Though the lesser number of respondents
experienced sleep disturbance, hence it exhibits effect on their peace of mind and post-divorce
psychological state’s adversity. The sleep is necessary for peace of mind, psychological
wellbeing, health, physical growth, social activities etc., while sleeplessness cause mental
problems and illnesses.

NOTE:- In these responses, the age of respondents was 5-<18 & belong from a Muslim family.

Figure 1

It shows main reasons of divorce in Pakistan



Infidelity Lack of Early Marriage Physical Abuse


Source:- google

Figure 2:-

It shows the graph of percentage of divorce according to the age in Pakistan.

Figure 3:- It shows marriage terms(years) in Pakistan.

Data Analysis:-

The data shows that the age between 20-29and 30-39 shows high percentage of divorce
because of lack of impatience, influence of western culture, loss in faith in marriage and family
unit and etc.

Because of divorce of parents, it effects on children. For example, children appear to do better
when they have close relationships with both parents, when mothers and fathers are
psychologically well adjusted and provide competent parenting to children, when post-divorce
conflict between parents is minimal, when levels of household income are adequate, and when
post-divorce life changes are few. we also know that adults who experienced parental divorce as
children score lower than other adults, on average, on a variety of measures of well-being,
including socioeconomic attainment, psychological adjustment, and marital quality. This
indicates that the gap between children from divorced and continuously intact families persists
well into adulthood.



Due to their parents' divorce, the children confront numerous challenges in society. People frequently
discuss about their parents' divorce, which is traumatic for them; as a result, they avoid regular mixing
with others, isolating themselves. Even some youngsters are psychologically disturbed as a result of their
parents' separation. They are unable to sleep soundly following such an event in their lives, and this lack
of sleep has a physical and psychological impact on them. These adolescents have difficulties paying
attention to their academics, which has an impact on their academic achievement, which in turn has an

impact on their socialization and personality development processes. Divorce has a financial impact on
children, rendering them unable to meet their needs, desires, and longings.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that

"No child is born except upon Fitra/nature. It is his parents who determine whether he is a Jew, Christian,
or Polytheist" (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 6426).

As the religion of all Prophets Peace Be Upon Them, Islam is the religion of all Prophets Peace Be Upon
Them, beginning with the first human being, Adam, who was also the first Prophet Adam Peace Be Upon
Him, and ending with the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Children are not born as a
result of any kind of sin, whether it is original, inherited, or derived. They are born into their natural
faith, which is Islam.

Children frequently confront issues such as a lack of money, education, and identity, as well as a lack of
sufficient love and affection, all of which have an impact on their personalities. Furthermore, actual
studies show that divorce deteriorates the bond between parents and children. When compared to the
children of married couples, the children show less confidence in everyday life. Children from divorced
homes are more likely to have psychiatric and behavioral difficulties than children from intact families.


The majority of children are badly affected after parental divorce. After this, friend asked the questions
about divorce of parents from children & it also badly impact on children’s education, socialization &
growth. But it wasn’t effect on sleep status of children after parental divorce.


Marriage is an established norm in all countries and faiths, and family life is a vital institution for human
civilization. Divorce is an ant concept to Islamic beliefs because of its detrimental effects on nearly all
family members, and Islam loves family life and disapproves of its breakup. Divorce rates are lifting, and
breakups are on the rise, with their negative consequences on the rise as well.

The main issue of divorce is Infidelity, Early marriage, Physical abuse & Lack of impatience & effect
children badly. Children are among the most vulnerable sectors and direct victims of adversity in such a
cascade of negative outcomes. Children are overly exploited in terms of social well-being, economic
deprivation, and psychological adversity as a result of parental divorce, according to the current research


Individuals, families, society, and the state are advised to do all morally, legally, and lawfully feasible to
keep family marriage intact. Both parents love and treat their children with affection through their words
and acts, company, and treatment. We must provide children a secure sense of self and meet their
religious, educational, psychological, and economic requirements. If, ALLAH forbid, divorce or separation
occurs, promote the idea that children with divorced parents have two homes: one with their father and
one with their mother. Give children the understanding that divorce is not their fault. Make it simple for
kids to communicate their emotions. If it's possible, speak positively about the other parent; if that's not
possible, at the very least avoid criticizing and talking negatively about the other parent in front of the
child while staying neutral. Allow children to be children; do not use them as a source of emotional
support or as a source of confidence by pitting them against other parents. Keep the other parent
informed on all critical needs and matters concerning the children's schooling, functions, cocurricular,
social activities, and special events, whenever feasible, because it is the responsibility of both parents to
raise their children to be the best human resource they can be.



1- Amato, P.R. & Afifi, T.D. (2006). Feeling Caught Between Parents: Adult Children’s Relations
with Parents and Subjective Well-Being. Journal of Marriage and Family. 68(1), 222-235.
2- Amato, P.R. & Cheadle, J. (2005). The Long Reach of Divorce: Divorce and Child Well-being
Across Three Generations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67(1), 191-206.
3- Amato, P.R. & Sobolewski, J.M. (2001). The Effects of Divorce and Marital Discord on Adult
Children’s Psychological Well-Being. American Sociological Review, 66(6), 900-921.
4- Cherlin, A.J., Lansdale, P.L.C. & McRae, C. (1998) . Effects of Parental Divorce on Mental
Health Throughout the Life Course. American Sociological Review, 63(2):239-249.
5- Grych, J.H. & Fincham, F.D. (1992). Interventions for Children of Divorce: Toward Greater
Integration of Research and Action. Psychological Bulletin, 111(3), 434-454.
6- Jacquet, S.E. & Surra, C.A. (2001). Parental Divorce and Premarital Couples: Commitment and
Other Relationship Characteristics. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63(3), 627-638.

1-Mamoon Khan Khattak
Associate Professor of Social Work & Chairman, Department of Social Work & Sociology, Kohat
University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, KP, Pakistan.

2-Khalid Usman Khan Khattak

Research Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Gandhara University, Peshawar, KP,Pakistan.

3-Zahra Maqbool
MSc-Sociology, Department of Social Work & Sociology, Kohat University of Science & Technology
(KUST), Kohat, KP, Pakistan.

1- Sajjad Hussain
2- Basharat Hussain
3- Kaleem Shah
4- Sumera Farid



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