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‫سواالت مضمون ترجمه‬

‫سواالت تشریحی‬
1. According to Howard Gardner How many intelligent humans can have?
Answer 1. He said human can have six types of intelligence like musical
intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, personal
intelligence, logical and mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence.
2. in which context field dependent learner, learner best?
Answer 2 they learn best in natural context, they learn something in without really
trying and they prefer learning by doing, hand on work, and learning by reading.
3. in which environment flexible learner can learn better?
They can learn in different environment and move easily and comfortably from
one to other place and in different degree of noisiness, or silence, heat or cold, light
or darkness while standing up and walking around sitting in comfortable and hard
4. What is different between translation and interpretation?
Translation is the translate of written text and interpretation is the translation of
oral speech.
5. Name Types of translation?
In common translation has five types 1 generals 2 legal 3 commercials 4
administrative 5 literary.
6. There are how many sensory form to receive information or input?
In general, we have three form to receive information 1 visual 2 auditory 3
7. What is first impressions?
To experience a person is to make a first rough attempt to understand that person
based on the early conflicting evidence is normally called first impressions.
8. What is the different between human and Machen translation?
Human translation is that the text translates by human and is the best type of
translation and Machen translation is that Machen translate it like google
translation and it need to edit.
9. Explain the subliminal state?
Subliminal state is the one that allows the translator to earn a living at the work.
10.Name five psychology courses that is benefit for translator?
 Industrial psychology
 The psychology of advertising
 The psychology of learning
 The psychology of problem solving
 Human memory and cognition
‫سوالت چهارجوابه‬.

1. There are _________ ways to experience people.

a-Four b- five c- two d- three
D is correct.
2. If we want to experience more people it called_______
a- less understanding b- deep understanding c- induction d- b and c
D is correct.
3. According to ________ that “the meaning of the word is its use in the
a- Wittgenstein b- Jensen c- Mc Carthy d-Sabara
A is correct.
4. Jensen offer _______ types of respond filter.
a- six types b- seven types c- ten types d- none of them
A is correct.
5. The translator shuttling imagines between _________ vary different mental
state and respond.
a- three b- two c- five d- six
6. Experience of the word sometimes _______ the translator’s habits.
a- show b- confirm c- form d- modify
B is correct.
7. Intuition is often equated with __________.
a- guessing b- thinking c- feeling d- doing
A is correct.
8. Translation is the intelligence _______
a- lesson, b- activity c- work d- b and d correct.
D is correct.
9. The translator habit makes it possible to translate ______
a- faster b- reliable c- enjoyable d- all correct
D is correct.

‫سواالت صحیح غلط‬

1. Musical intelligence is the ability to hear, perform and compose music with
the complex skill and attention to details. (T)
2. Technical translator need high spatial and logical intelligence. (T)
3. A good translator is someone is someone who has never quite experience
enough to do her or his job well. (T)
4. Without experience other people speaking we would never learn a language.
5. Translator of song lyric need high personal intelligence. (F)
6. Translator need habit in order to speed up the translation process and make it
more enjoyable. (T)
7. Structured environment learner need to specific type of environment. (T)
8. Visual external learner learns best by creating visual images of thing in their
head. (F)
9. Kinesthetic learner learns best by doing. (T)
10.Translation is often thought to be primarily about word and meaning. (T)
‫سواالت کوتاه جواب‬
1. What is linguistic intelligence?
The ability to hear, sort out, produce, and manipulate the complexities of a
single language.
2. What is context?
A place where learning happens.
3. What is the feature of interdependent leaner?
Interdependent learner can learn in both with people and individually.
4. How auditory learner can learn best?
They can learn best by listening and respond orally.
5. Just name the types of responding
It has four types 1- contextual global 2- sequential detailed linear 3-conceptual and
6. What are the constant learning cycle of professional translator?
The cycle moves on three stages instinct, experience and habit.
7. How many approached we have to processing experience?
There are three approaches.
8. What is experience/
Learning something from someone is called experience
9. The translator experience began abductively at how many place?
At two place
10.Name the three way we can experience people.
The first way inductively, second abductively, third deductively.

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