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‫سوالت مضمون مونوگراف‬

‫سوالت تشریحی‬
1. What is introduction?
Introduction a thing preliminary to something else especially an explanatory
section at the beginning of book, report or speech.
2. What is abstract?
Abstract is the summary of a monograph or book that must contain 200 to 250
words, and it come at the beginning of chapter.
3. Name types of essay?
Essay have four types 1- narrative 2- descriptive 3 –expository 4 persuasive
4. What is plagiarism in literature?
When someone used other people idea, words, sentence wrongly it called
5. What is AIP citation?
AIP citation is used for physic citation and it based on American institutes of
physic that published in New York city in 1990.
6. Name some rule that we used in physic reference list?
 Uses hanging indents
 Contains no bold or italics
 Uses authors initials rather than first name.
 Joins coauthors name with and ampersand, &.
 Omits the title of articles
 Abbreviate the journal name
 List only the first page of article
7. Name the format of citation that we used in CSE citation?
CSE citation has three format of citation such as citation-sequence, citation
name and name year citation.
8. What is the different between bluebook and ALWD?
Both of them use for legal citation the different on the version ALWD is the update
version of bluebook citation.
9. Explain citation sequence briefly?
Citation sequence are numbered (1), (2) in the text reference full reference appear
in the end of the paper they are not alphabetized.

‫سوالت چهار جوابه‬

1. AAA is stand for…...
A: American Astrophysics Association B: American Astronomy Association
C: American Anthropology Association D: American Antinomy Association
C is correct.
2. CSE citation is widely used for….
A: chemistry B: biology C: mathematic D: computer
B is correct.
3. CSE have ___________ way of citation.
A: 2 ways B: 4 ways C:5 ways D: 3 ways
D is correct.
4. Citation make you a better ______
a- writer b- person c- researcher d- a and c correct
5. CSE citation style used to capitalized ___________
a- title b- first word c- proper nouns d- all correct
D is correct.
6. If you wish to include the URL for the article, put it after the_______
a- date year b- name of author c- page number d- all
C is correct.
Full reference appears at the ___________ of the paper.
a- end b- top c- middle d- corner
A is correct
7. In AMA style from coauthor of book and article we can list up
a- seven b- six c- five d four
B is correct.
8. Physic citation are based on ___________
a- AMA b- SCE c-AIP d-none of them
B is correct.
9. Researcher in ___________ science often cite unpolished research.
a- biology b- physic c- chemistry d humanity
B is correct
10.The classification system is as simple as the paper are __________
a- more complex b- most complex c- complex d- easy
‫سواالت صحیح و غلط‬

1- The two system, citation-sequence and citation name, present each item in
the reference list the same way. (T)
2- The PMID appears as the list item in the citation and not followed by a
3- AMA citation are used for biology sciences (F).
4- Superscript such as this 34(T).
5- Legal citation is not based on bluebook citation(F).
6- If the article you citing is available online, perhaps at the authors web site,
mention the URL just before the MR number. (T)
7- In mathematical and computer science citation, Journal title are abbreviated
but not italicized. (T)
8- Legal citations are frequently use abbreviation. (T)
9- In AAA citation list the early work later. (FZ
10- AAA does not indicate how many author should be including. (T)

‫کوتاه جواب‬
1- Do I need cite everything I use in the paper?
(Pretty much.)
2- How many citations I can used in my paper?
There is no exact number.
3- What is ALWD stand for?
It is stand for Association of legal Writing Direction
4- Legal citation is commonly based on which citation?
On bluebook.
5- If there are more than six author in an article how we cite their names?
We can write name of three writers and add et al at the end for other.
6. All medical articles have an electronic identification number that known
as what?
That known as PMID.
7. What is the function of PMID?
It can identify the documents.
8. In ACS citation instated of “page” in reference we use what?
We can use “p” or “pp”.
9. Parenthesis with the number in italics, such as (23) use in which citation?
It uses in ACS citation

Prepared by Mohammad ishaq farmanyar.

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