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GIO: To study the anatomic and physiologic function of the male reproductive

SIO 1. Draw & label sagittal section of male reproductive system.

2. List the male accessory reproductive organs and their functions.

-It secretes a thin, milky, alkaline fluid that helps sperm viability.
-The fluid helps to neutralize the acidity of other seminal fluids.

-The seminal vesicles secrete into the vas deferens an alkaline fluid (which
neutralizes the acid in the vagina
-It secretes fructose (which provides energy for the sperm)
-Secretes prostaglandins (which increase sperm viability and stimulate
female uterine contractions that help sperm move into the uterus

-Secretes an alkaline fluid into the spongy urethra (neutralizes acidic urine in
the urethra before ejaculation occurs
3. Draw & label a spermatozoa.

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4. Draw & label frontal section of penis showing internal structure of penis.

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5. Discuss the mechanisms involved in the process of erection and ejaculation.

-During sexual arousal, nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis.
Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora
cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces. The
blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand
and creating an erection

At the moment of ejaculation, the walls of the epididymis contract (squeeze)
to create peristaltic waves that push sperm into the vas deferens. Nerves
also stimulate the seminal vesicles and the prostate to contract which forces
semen (the mixture of sperm and secretions) into the urethra.

6. Define circumcision.
Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most
common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesions are removed, and the
foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed,
and then the foreskin is cut off.

7. Define cryptorchidism.

An undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) is a testicle that has not moved into its
proper position in the bag of skin hanging below the penis (scrotum) before birth.
Usually just one testicle is affected, but about 10 percent of the time both testicles are

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Course/Year/Sec: Teacher:


NO. 16B

GIO: To study the anatomic and physiologic functions of the female reproductive

SIO 1. Draw and label sagittal section of the female reproductive system.

2. Draw and label the vulva

3. Enumerate the
found within the

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Vaginal opening, Clitoris, Labia minora, and Urethral opening

4. Draw and label the sagittal section of the female breast.

5. Enumerate the phases of the female reproductive cycle.

a.) Menstruation

Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of the uterus

(endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrual fluid contains blood,
cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrial cells) and mucus. The average
length of a period is between three days and one week.

b.) Follicular phase

The follicular phase starts on the first day of menstruation and ends with
ovulation. Prompted by the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone stimulates the ovary to produce
around five to 20 follicles (tiny nodules or cysts), which bead on the surface.

Each follicle houses an immature egg. Usually, only one follicle will mature into
an egg, while the others die. This can occur around day 10 of a 28-day cycle.
The growth of the follicles stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken in
preparation for possible pregnancy.

c.) Ovulation

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the surface of the ovary. This

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usually occurs mid-cycle, around two weeks or so before menstruation starts

Within two days, ovulation is triggered by the high levels of LH. The egg is
funneled into the fallopian tube and toward the uterus by waves of small, hair-
like projections. The life span of the typical egg is only around 24 hours. Unless
it meets a sperm during this time, it will die.

d.) Luteal phase

During ovulation, the egg bursts from its follicle, but the ruptured follicle stays
on the surface of the ovary. For the next two weeks or so, the follicle transforms
into a structure known as the corpus luteum. This structure starts releasing
progesterone, along with small amounts of estrogen. This combination of
hormones maintains the thickened lining of the uterus, waiting for a fertilized
egg to stick (implant)

6. Enumerate the hormones and their function in female reproduction.

ESTROGEN – inhibits growth of facial hair, initiates secondary sexual

characteristics, and causes thickening of endometrium.

PROGESTERONE – inhibits ovulation, inhibits contraction, firms the cervix and

stimulates the endometrium

FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE- stimulates the development of the

follicle cells in the ovary

LUTEINIZING HORMONE – stimulates ovulation and the formation and

maintenance of the corpus luteum.

7. Define ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg

grows outside a woman's uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-
threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. In more than 90% of
cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube

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