Aula 7.1 Carpooling

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💡 O que vamos aprender

nessa aula:

✓Falar sobre Transportes

em Inglês

✓Preposições: By

✓Novas expressões em

💬 Diálogo + Explicação
Katie: As usual, could you

please give me a ride

home tonight?

Robert: Unfortunately, I

can’t today. I’m so sorry!

Katie: Did something

happen? We’ve been riding

back together most nights

after work…

Robert: Yeah, but I came

by bus today.
Katie: I can’t believe it! You

also came to work by bus

today? Why?

Robert: My car broke down

yesterday, so today I had to

leave it at the car shop.

Katie: What caused it to

break down so suddenly?

Robert: I don’t know

exactly, but the turn signal

lights aren’t working.

Katie: I’m happy you left it

at the car shop. It’s too

dangerous to drive around

when the car is having

problems like that.

Robert: And why haven’t

you been driving to work,


Katie: I need to save

money, so, for now, I'm only

driving 3 times a week.

Robert: In that case, what

do you think about

carpooling so that we can

both save money!

Katie: That’s a wonderful

idea, Robert! Let’s do it!

📝 Resumo da aula:
✓Falar sobre Transportes

em Inglês

✓Preposições: By

✓Novas expressões em


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