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I will tell you about my daily activities, I wake up at

04.00 and get ready to go to the mosque, after coming

home from the mosque at around 04.50, I exercise a
little until 05.30 after that I take a shower, after taking
a shower I play games until 07.00, after I'm tired of
playing games I immediately did the assignment given
from campus until 08.00, after I finished cleaning the
boarding house from sweeping to mopping until 09.50,
after that I mandi for the second time, after taking a
shower I prepared to go to campus, I left at 10.00 to
arrive at campus at 10.15 I entered the campus for the
first course until before noon around 11.40 then I
prayed dzuhur at 12.10 after the midday prayer I
continued the lesson until it was finished around 03.50
in the afternoon, after that I prayed Asr after Asr prayer
I went home to the boarding house and slept from
hours 04.15 pm until close to sunset after waking up I
get ready to take a shower to go to the mosque, after
coming home from the mosque at 19.00 pm I
immediately ate, after eating I waited for the Isha
prayer time, after the Isha prayer I played games for
about 2 hours when the time was 10.00 pm I was
getting ready to sleep

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