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Topic 1: Effective Workplace Communication

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. discuss the concepts of workplace communication;

2. distinguish the components of communication in the workplace;
3. explain the skills needed for workplace success; and
4. demonstrate effective communication in the workplace based from a
developed script.

Presentation of Content

Read the material below and think about what it is trying to tell you about workplace communication and
significant components and skills needed for an effective communication in the workplace.

Workplace Communication

Workplace communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas, both verbal and non-verbal,
within an organization. An organization consists of employees from different parts of the society. These
employees bring different cultures, beliefs, experiences and backgrounds that at times create conflict. To
minimize disagreements that could affect the organization negatively, communication has to be given attention.

Workplace communication according to Sherman (2019) is tremendously important to organizations because

few jobs are solo acts. It takes good communication to work on a team, and good communication increases
productivity and efficiency. On the other hand, ineffective and poorly managed workplace communication leads
to poor motivation, conflict, and communication gaps between employees, which causes confusion, wastes
time, and reduces productivity (Meier, 2014).

Misunderstandings that cause friction between people can be avoided by effective workplace communication.
Effective communication, also called open communication, prevents barriers from forming among individuals
within companies that might impede progress in striving to reach a common goal.

For organizations to function as desired, superiors and subordinates must be able to interact clearly and
effectively with each other through verbal and non-verbal communication to achieve shared goals.

Communication Skills for Workplace Success

Doyle (2020) believes that a person’s ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is
very important, no matter what agency or organization he/she is in. In the digital era, employees must know
how to effectively convey and receive messages personally or virtually, via phone, text, e-mail, and social
The following are the communication skills that would lead you the way to success.

 Positive Feedback:  Giving feedback involves giving praise and recognition, something as simple as
saying "good job" or "thanks for taking care of that" to a co-worker can greatly increase motivation.

 Open-Mindedness: A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open
mind. Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view, rather than simply
getting your message across.

 Respect for people and their ideas: People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey
respect for them and their ideas.
 Nonverbal Communication: Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all
color the message you are trying to convey. A relaxed and a friendly tone will make you appear
approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you.

 Friendliness:  It is important to be nice and polite in all your workplace communications. This is
important in both face-to-face and written communication.

 Active Listening: Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. Take the
time to practice active listening. Active listening involves paying close attention to what the other
person is saying, asking, clarifying, and rephrasing what the person says to ensure understanding.

 Clarity and Conciseness: Good verbal communication means saying just enough. Don’t talk too much
or too little. Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on
the phone, or via text or email.

 Confidence: It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows your
coworkers that you believe in what you are saying and will follow through.

 Choosing the Right Medium: An important communication skill is to simply know what form of
communication to use. Try not to overuse electronic communication. Sometimes a face-to-face contact
works best.

 Empathy: Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from" demonstrate that you
have been listening to the other person and respect their opinions.

The Power of Good Communication in the Workplace 

Good communication is an important skill in any environment with human interactions. However, when it
comes to communication in the workplace, good communication is an integral element to business success.
Bosworth, a coach of leaders at all levels and across a number of industries with pragmatic, developed a
consultative approach that is based on the following benefits of good communication.

1. Good Communication Mitigates Conflict

One of the times an organization is most likely to seek communication training is when there’s clear tension or
conflict in the workplace. Regardless of the conflict, communication is usually an underlying factor.

2. Good Communication Increases Employee Engagement

Communicating is more than just talking. It is about connecting with people. One of the most powerful benefits
of better communication in the workplace is more engaged employees.

3. Good Communication Creates Better Client Relationships

When your employees are trained to communicate more effectively and to connect with others, they can better:
a.) mitigate and resolve conflict, b) understand needs, c.) help the customer feel understood, and d.) present new
information in a way in which the client will be more receptive 

4. Good Communication Results in a More Productive & Talented Workforce

Employee engagement is a significant factor in the productivity of a workforce. Besides, contributing to

increased employee engagement, communication skills can also help foster a more productive and talented
workforce in many other ways:

a. Understanding team talents & skills.

b. Achieving more buy-in. 
c. Innovation and creative thought. 
d. More strategic team building. 

Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

We communicate in different ways to different people, but we have to be very careful about the way we
communicate at work. Stephanie Watson in her article shares some of the tips that management experts use to
improve communication. The communication strategies enumerated below, according to her, can lead to real
improvements in employee motivation, productivity and profitability. These are
1. Make work fun. Making work fun will keep workers motivated and productive.
2. Don't just hear. Listen.
3. Take your emotions out of the equation. You can't be professional if you're angry at your coworkers. Learn to
react stoically.
4. Make employees feel like owners.
5. Trust your people. If you want to keep morale, make sure your coworkers know you trust their instincts.
6. Understand what your coworkers are motivated by
*the desire for compensation and material things
*the need to bond with others and feel as though they belong
*the need to make sense of their environment
*the desire to defend their accomplishments

7. Give positive feedback. If you like something your co-worker does, let them know it.
8. Respect cultural differences.
9. Revive the great lost art of conversation. Even in our modern world, face-to-face communication can work
wonders for morale.
10. Handle conflicts with diplomacy.

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