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Peer Pressure: Influencing Factors and Its Negative Impact to the Mental Health
Status of Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students at Rosary School

A Research Study Presented to the Senior High School Department

Rosary School Inc.

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research I


Jerick Agnas

Mayvelyn Agnas

Janille Borela

Jerome Theodore De Belen

Ninfa Dumago

Janah Louise Ortinero

MAY 2023

This research study entitled “Peer Pressure: Influencing Factors And Its Negative Impact to
the Mental Health Status of Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students at Rosary School
Incorporated” , prepared and submitted by Jerick Agnas, Mayvelyn Agnas, Jerome Theodore
De Belen, Ninfa Dumago, Janah Louise Ortinero in partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research I, has been submitted and is recommended for acceptance and approval for
Final Oral Defense.




Panelist Panelist



Approved by the Panel of Examiners during the Final Oral Examination on April 24, 2023 with
the grade of __________________.




Panelist Panelist

ACCEPTED AND APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research


School President

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following people for

this research study will not be successful without their utmost help and support.

First, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the students of Grade 11 General

Academic Strand of Rosary School Incorporated who participated in this study and provided us

with their valuable insights and opinions on the subject matter.

To the researchers’ parents, for the limitless love and all-out support that led to the

successful undertaking of this work. We would also like to thank the school administration and

faculty for their support and assistance in conducting this research, particularly to the guidance

office and the school counselor who provided us with relevant information and data.

To Ms. Liezel Estanislao, Thanks to your guidance and expertise, the researchers gained a

deeper understanding and appreciation for this subject. Your enthusiasm and dedication to

teaching made the learning process engaging and exciting. The knowledge and skills we acquired

in your class have not only enriched my academic experience, but also have the potential to

impact my personal and professional life in a positive way.

To Ms. Ara Jane Serdan and Mr. Venc Francis Barayoga, would like to express our sincere

appreciation for the invaluable insights and advice you shared during our recent session. Your

expertise and experience in the field of research have provided us with valuable guidance and

direction in creating a successful research project. Your recommendations on the importance of

a clear research question, the need for a well-defined methodology, and the significance of
thorough data analysis have been particularly helpful. We also appreciate your emphasis on the

importance of effective communication, collaboration, and time management in ensuring a

successful outcome. Your contribution to our project has been significant, and we are grateful

for your willingness to share your expertise with us. We look forward to incorporating your

suggestions into our research plan and to applying the knowledge gained from our interaction

with you. Once again, we express our sincere gratitude to you for your valuable time and

contribution. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in our journey towards creating

a successful research project.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the various resources we consulted in

the course of this study, including books, academic journals, and online publications, which

provided us with the necessary information and background knowledge to complete this


Peer pressure is a common phenomenon among adolescents that can have significant

impacts on their mental health. This research aims to examine the factors that influence peer

pressure and its negative impact on the mental health status of grade 11 General Academic

Strand students of Rosary School Incorporated.

The study will employ a qualitative data collection method to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the topic. Though survey questionnaires and in- depth interviews, the study

seeks to identify the factors that contribute to peer pressure among students, including social

norms, self- esteem, and the desire for social acceptance. The research will also investigate the

negative effects of peer pressure on the mental health status of students, such as anxiety,

depression, and stress. The findings in this study will contribute to the development of effective

interventions and support systems that address the negative impact of peer pressure on the

mental health of students. Ultimately, the research aims to improve the overall well- being and

academic performance of grade 11 GAS students at Rosary School Incorporated. It is important

for educators, parents, and mental health professionals to address the negative effects of peer

pressure and provide support to students in developing healthy coping mechanisms and a

positive sense of self- worth.

Based on the findings, negative peer pressure can affect mental health. It can decrease

self-confidence and lead to poor academic performance, distancing from family members and

friends, or an increase in depression and anxiety, that can eventually lead teens to engage in in

self-harm or have suicidal though. Additionally, negative peer pressure can also lead to risky
behaviors such as substance abuse, unprotected sexual activities, and involvement in delinquent

activities, which can further exacerbate mental health problems and increase the risk of physical

harm or legal consequences. It is crucial to address these issues promptly and provide

appropriate interventions and resources to prevent further negative consequences. The findings

from this study can also serve as a basis for developing prevention programs and support systems

for students, parents, and educators to promote positive mental health and resilience in the face

of peer pressure. It is essential to create a safe and supportive environment for students to thrive

and develop into healthy and well-rounded individuals. Overall, addressing the negative impact

of peer pressure on students' mental health necessitates a multifaceted approach involving

educators, parents, mental health professionals, and the students themselves. We can assist kids

develop resilience and coping skills that promote healthy mental health and well-being by

encouraging positive social norms, providing support tools, and creating a safe and friendly


The Problem and Its Background

Introduction & Background of the study……………………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Assumptions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Conceptual Paradigm…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Theoretical Framework ...……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Theoretical Paradigm…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Scope and Delimitation of the Study.………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Notes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Review of Related Studies………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Notes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 13

Research Methodology

Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Respondents of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 16

Data Gathering Tools………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

Statistical Treatment of Data…………………..………………………………………………………………………. 19

Notes……………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………. 20


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………………………………………………………….. 21


Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations…………………………………………………… 22

Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
List of Tables

Table 1.1: Factors that Influence Students to Peer Pressure

Table1.2: Negative Impacts of Peer Pressure

Table 1.3: Solutions that will Lessen the Negative Peer Pressure


List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Factors Affecting Peer Pressure

Figure 1.2 The Negative Impacts of Peer Pressure

Figure 1.3 The Solutions


The Problem and Its Background

Introduction and Its Background

Peer pressure is a common and often influential force in the lives of adolescents, as they

navigate the challenges of fitting in and establishing their own identities. It can take many forms

from subtle social influences to more overt forms of persuasion or coercion. Peer pressure can

have powerful influence on an individual’s behavior, especially during adolescence when peer

relationships are of great importance. When students feel pressured to conform to the

expectations of their peers, it can have serious negative impacts on their mental health and well-


The pressure to fit in and conform to the expectations of peers can be overwhelming for

many students. They may feel like they have to engage in risky behaviors or activities to be

accepted by their peers. This can include experimenting with drugs and alcohol, engaging in

dangerous activities like speeding or engaging in sexual activity before they are ready, or even

bullying others to fit in with a particular group. One of the most common negative impacts of

peer pressure is increased stress and anxiety. Students who feel pressured to conform to the

expectations of their peers may experience feelings of guilt and shame if they do not engage in

certain behaviors or activities. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can have

serious impacts on mental health. Use drugs or alcohol to fit in with their peers may develop a

dependence on these substances

In addition to stress and anxiety, negative peer pressure can also lead to substance abuse

and addiction. Students who feel pressure to use drugs or alcohol to long-term effects on their

mental and physical health. Substance abuse can also lead to other negative consequences, such

as poor academic performance, legal troubles, and damaged relationships with family and

friends. It can also contribute to the development of mental health disorders. Students who feel

pressure to conform to certain physical or behavioral standards set by their peer group may

develop unrealistic expectations and engage in behaviors that are harmful to their mental and

physical health. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low-term impacts on mental health.

Negative peer pressure can also have negative impacts on academic performance. Students who

feel pressured to conform to the expectations of their peers may engage in risky behaviors that

lead to truancy or poor academic performance. This can have long-term impacts on their

educational and career opportunities.

The effects of such behaviors can decrease self-confidence, self-worth and distancing

from family members and friends. Social media adds a significant dimension to peer pressure. It

means that a young person’s peer group has continuous access to them, outside of the normal

school day. Peer pressure-related posts may include images of unrealistic lifestyles or body

image, risky behavior and alcohol and drug use. Young person can experience peer pressure in

varying degrees. Sometimes their peers may proactively influence them to behave in certain ways

and at other times they may be just following along. This form of peer pressure may occur as

social modeling. For example, a group of popular students may all be drinking alcohol and they

may be considered appropriate. Others will strive to also be seen in this same light and may then

participate in the modeled behavior to try and fit in with this social group, whether or not they
asked to join in. It can also manifest in more subtle ways, such as being pressured to dress a

certain way or to adopt certain beliefs or attitudes. It can have serious consequences, including

physical harm, legal trouble, emotional distress, and damage to relationships.

Peer influence is also a phenomenon that affects many individuals, especially during

adolescence and early adulthood. It refers to the influence that friends, classmates, or peers can

have on person's thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making processes. Whether it is to fit in with

a group, to gain acceptance, or to avoid rejection, it can be a powerful force that leads people to

engage in activities they might not otherwise choose to do.

Peer pressure is mostly a negative act that has been existent up until the present times,

and different students have different coping mechanisms when it comes to this matter. It usually

begins with peers seeking rapport from other students for the purpose of having plenty of

connections in an area. The environment may differ as students grow up either in a peaceful, or

in a chaotic surrounding, therefore, it can have different impacts to them, and that includes their

overall behavior. The causes of peer pressure can be plenty, including the desire to fit in with a

particular social group, the need to conform to the norms of society, and the influence of media

and popular culture. Adolescents are often concerned with their social status and may engage in

risky behaviors to gain acceptance from their peers. They may also feel pressured to engage in

behaviors that are not in line with their personal values and beliefs.

One situation where someone might experience peer pressure is if they are at a party

where their friends are drinking alcohol or using drugs. Even if the person does not want to such

things, they may feel pressured to do so in order to fit in or avoid being seen as uninteresting.
That can be a difficult situation to navigate, as the person may feel torn between wanting to

maintain their friendships and wanting to make choices that align with their values and beliefs.

It is important for individuals to be aware of their own boundaries and to have strategies in place

for saying no to peer pressure in a firm but respectful way. The impacts of peer pressure on

mental health can be destructive, including anxiety, and even suicidal idealization. Adolescents

who experience peer pressure may feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the demands

placed upon them. They may also develop a negative self-image, which can affect their academic

performance. Peer pressure can lead to feelings of isolation, which can exacerbate mental health

problems. In recent years, Peer pressure has become a significant concern for parents, educators,

and mental health professionals.

It is essential to understand its factors and impacts on the Grade 11 Students mental

health status to develop effective interventions and strategies to support them. By identifying

the factors that contribute to peer pressure and the impact it has on mental health, educators

can develop targeted interventions to promote positive mental health among adolescents

especially the students

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the factors that influence students’ to peer pressure?

2. What are the negative impacts of peer pressure on the mental health status of the


3. What are the necessary solutions that will lessen the negative impacts of peer

pressure among students?


1. Peer pressure can be influenced by factors such as low self-esteem, desire for acceptance,

fear of rejection, lack of assertiveness, parental guidance, cultural and social norms, and

media influence.

2. Engaging in negative peer pressure can cause them to feel anxious and stressed in trying

to fit in with peers’ expectations, that can have a negative impact on mental health such

as depression, anxiety, and trauma.

3. The necessary solutions that will lessen the negative impacts of peer pressure among

students is by developing social-emotional learning program in school and promoting

positive peer pressure.

Conceptual Framework

Input. This part will serve as a guide to recognize the answer for objectives, this contains the

Related Literature, survey and the responses of Grade 11 students of General Academic Strand

in Rosary School Incorporated.

Process. This part includes several procedures on analyzing data such as determining the

influencing factors and impacts of peer pressure on the mental health status of Grade 11 students

General Academic Strand in RSI, and to assess their awareness about it.

Output. This contains the result of the study where the researchers’ provided solutions that will

lessen the risk of peer pressure.

Feedback. Employed in the conceptual paradigm, denotes that the outcome of this study is vital

to the mental health status of students caused by peer pressure.


1) Respondents Profile: 1) Analysis of data

a) Sex
b) Age a) Questionnaires
c) Grade and b) Observations
1) Effective solutions
Section that will lessen the
2) Conducting a Survey risk of negative peer
2) Review Related to:
Literature pressure.
a) Determine the
3) Survey Questionnaire influencing 2) Providing an info-
Factors of Peer graphic to those
4) Grade 11 Students
General Academic
Pressure students enable for
b) To ascertain the them to know what
Strand in Rosary School
effects of peer
Inc. are those factors of
pressure of the
peer pressure and its
mental health
status of Grade impact to the mental
11 Students health status.
Academic Strand
in RSI
c) Assess the Grade
11 Students’
awareness of
peer pressure

Figure : Conceptual Paradigm
Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework that the researchers used to explore the topic of peer pressure

and its negative impacts on the mental Status of Grade 11 students is the Social Identity Theory

(SIT) proposed by Henri Tajfel (1896), Social Cognitive Theory (Albert Bandura in 1986) and

Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Leon Festinger in 1957).

The Social Identity Theory of Henri Tajfel proposes that individuals define themselves

and their place in society by identifying with various social groups. These social groups can

include family, friends, and classmates. According to SIT, individuals have a strong desire to

maintain a positive social identity and to belong to a particular group. This desire can lead

individuals to conform to group norms, values, and behaviors. Peer pressure occurs when

individuals feel pressure to conform to the expectations of their social group, particularly when

it comes to behaviors and attitudes. Social Identity Theory can help explain why students may

feel pressure to conform to the expectations of their social group, including peers. It suggests

that students may identify strongly with their peer group and feel a strong desire to maintain a

positive social identity. This desire can lead them to conform to group norms and behaviors, even

if those behaviors have negative impacts on their mental health.

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) proposed by Albert Bandura is a psychological perspective

that focuses on how people learn and develop their behaviors and attitudes in their social

environment through interactions with others. Social learning theory and observational learning

theory are other names for it. Individuals learn new behaviors and attitudes through observation,

imitation, and modeling, according to social cognitive theory. People are thought to be active
agents in their own learning processes, constantly evaluating and modifying their behavior in

response to what they observe in others. Social cognitive theory also emphasizes the role of

cognitive processes in shaping behavior, such as attention, memory, and motivation. An

individual's motivation to learn a new behavior or attitude, for example, will influence their

attention and memory of relevant social information. Furthermore, according to social cognitive

theory, people learn through reinforcement, such as rewards or punishments. Individuals are

more likely to repeat a behavior if they are rewarded for it. Education, health behavior, and

organizational behavior are just a few of the fields where social cognitive theory has been used.

It has also had an impact on research in social psychology, which studies how people interact

with one another and with the world around them. Social Cognitive Theory can help explain how

students learn and adopt new behaviors and attitudes through observation and modeling. Peer

pressure and social influence can be powerful sources of modeling and reinforcement, and

students may be more likely to engage in behaviors that their peers are doing or that are seen as

socially desirable. This can contribute to negative impacts on their mental health if those

behaviors are harmful or unhealthy.

The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance was molded by Leon Festinger at the beginning of

the 1950s. It suggests that inconsistencies among cognition (knowledge, opinion, or belief about

the environment, oneself, or one’s behavior) generate an uncomfortable motivating feeling (the

cognitive dissonance state). According to the theory, people feel uncomfortable when they

experience cognitive dissonance and thus are motivated to retrieve an acceptable state. The

magnitude of existing dissonance depends on the importance of the involved cognition. Cognitive

Dissonance Theory can help explain why students may experience discomfort or anxiety when
their behaviors or attitudes conflict with their beliefs or values. For example, if a student values

their mental health and well-being but feels pressure to engage in behaviors that are harmful,

they may experience cognitive dissonance. This discomfort may motivate them to change their

behavior or attitudes to align with their values, or it may lead to negative impacts on their mental

health if they are unable to resolve the conflict.

By combining these theories, the researchers have constructed another theory that will

highlight their understanding about this study which is the Group Acceptance Theory. It suggests

that individuals seek social acceptance from their peer groups and may engage in behaviors that

align with the group’s norms and values in order to be accepted. The Social Identity Theory

highlights the importance of group membership and how it shapes individual behavior and

attitudes, while Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes the role of observation and modeling in

learning new behaviors and attitudes. Finally, the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance emphasizes the

discomfort people feel when they experience inconsistencies between their beliefs and actions.

When these theories are combined, it suggests that individuals may experience cognitive

dissonance if they do not conform to group norms and values, which may motivate them to

conform and maintain a positive social identity. In the context of peer pressure, group acceptance

theory proposes that individuals may feel pressure to conform to their peer group's expectations

in order to be accepted and maintain their social status within the group.

The new theory, that combined with social identity theory, social cognitive theory, and

cognitive dissonance theory, provides a more nuanced understanding of the factors that

influence peer pressure and its negative impact on mental health status.
Social Cognitive Theory

(Albert Bandura in 1986)

Social Identity Theory Cognitive Dissonance

(Henri Tajfel, 1896) (Leon Festinger, 1957)

Group Acceptance

(Researchers Theory)

Figure : Theoretical Paradigm

Significance of the Study

The information gathered in this research will be useful to the following:

Students. This study will serve the students as their references, to avoid of being involved in

negative peer pressure. It can increase awareness regarding the potential negative impacts of

peer pressure on their mental health and well- being. It can also empower them to make

informed decisions, assert their boundaries, and seek support when needed.

Teachers. This will be their method to discover successful ways to manage the various behaviors

of the students, it can provide valuable insights into understanding the factors that contribute to

peer pressure and how it affects the mental health of their students. This knowledge can inform

the development of strategies to address peer pressure in the classroom, such as teaching

students to recognize and resist negative peer influence and promoting positive social behaviors

that foster a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Parents. This study will help them to be more aware on how they should treat their child with

strict boundaries. It can help them understand the impacts of peer pressure on their child’s

mental health and provide appropriate support and guidance. It can also help them to recognize

warning signs of negative peer pressure and take appropriate actions to prevent its negative

impacts on their children.

Future Researchers. This will help the future researchers to utilize this investigation as their

reference, this will aid them to gather information when they choose to open up the study

about peer pressure.

Researchers. The researchers can use the study’s findings to develop intervention programs and

strategies that can help students deal with peer pressure. It can also provide them with deeper

understanding of the factors that influence peer pressure and its impacts on mental health.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on exploring the factors that contribute to peer pressure and its

negative impacts on the mental health status of Grade 11 General Academic Strand students at

Rosary School Incorporated. The researchers used at least 50% of the 45 students in General

Academic Strand as respondents for the survey. Grade 11 students are typically around 16-18

years old, which is a time that they are still developing their sense of identity and independence.

This can make them more susceptible to peer pressure as they may be more influenced by their

peers’ opinions and actions.

The study will mainly assess influencing factors that affect students on their mental health

status. This study is delimited by several factors. Firstly, it will only focus on Grade 11 students,

so the results may not be generalization to other age groups or educational levels. Secondly, the

study will be ended on the academic year 2023, which may not reflect the experiences of

students in other academic years. Lastly, the study will rely on self-reported data, which may be

subject to bias or inaccuracies.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein:

Peer pressure. Influence from members of one’s peer group.

Delinquency. The behavior that is considered inappropriate or illegal, particularly with regards to

breaking laws or social norms.

Dynamics. These are the factors or properties that stimulate growth or development.

Crucial Stage. A period or phase of development or decision-making that is considered to be

particularly important or significant, with the potential to greatly influence the outcome or

trajectory of a process or situation.

Exacerbate. To make a situation, problem, or condition, worse or more severe, when something

exacerbates a problem or condition, it causes it to become more intense, difficult, or painful than

it already was.

Euphoric. A state of intense happiness, excitement, and pleasure, it refers to a feeling of elation

or extreme joy that can be brought on by a variety of experiences or situations.

Vying. To compete for something, or to measure oneself against others.

Necessitates. make something necessary as a result or consequence.

Multifaceted. A multifaceted person has many abilities, or a personality with many sides to it.







Review of Related Literature and Studies

Peer pressure is a common phenomenon that has received a great deal of attention in

the psychological literature. This review will examine some of the key findings and theories

related to peer pressure.

Review Related Literature

Adolescents are not yet fully developed, and they believe that if they do not adapt to the

norms and principles of their peer group, their friends will leave them, forcing them to conform

to their friends’ ways of behavior. Corsaro (1995)1 mentions that, as children interact day after

day, they invent routines that reflect age-related concerns and perceptions of the adult’s world

and create a sense of group identity. Gouws and Kruger (1994)2, mentions that the peer pressure

is then perceive as a sounding board for the adolescents’ ideas, thoughts and their concerns.

Peer pressure is not always negative. Peer pressure will negatively affect when their

decision and beliefs are set aside just for students to be accepted in a particular peer group,

teenagers look for assurance from their peers or peer groups, they tend to be influenced by what

they do or even set standards for themselves, resulting in unconsciously pressuring themselves

(Aldenese, 2010)3. It states that the reasons why peer pressure negatively affects the students,

it is when the students ignoring their own desire and adapting the behavior of a group, just to

feel accepted.
Their desire to gain peer approval, teenagers typically feel pressure to engage in the same

activities as their peers. Sometimes, they will succumb to that pressure against their better

judgement. Adolescents with low self-esteem are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure, and

might lose their perspective about right and wrong. On the other hand, adolescents with

nurturing parents are more likely to resist peer-group values that differ from their family's values

(Dr. Ken Shore, 2011)4. It states that adolescents who have low self-esteem are likely to be easily

influenced by peer pressure.

Peer pressure exists because of human awareness of the importance of groups in social

life. A child is introduced to life outside the home through two processes, introduce groups and

learning to understand the culture of a group. Peers can also influence a person’s attitudes,

conversations, interests, appearance and behavior such that if you are not careful, it will have a

positive and a negative impact on someone (Bin-Bin Chen, 2013)5. It states that peer pressure is

the feeling of encouragement to engage in certain behaviors in order to be accepted by a social

group, peers have the ability to influence an individual, which can have positive and negative

impacts on someone as well as they learn it based on their environment.

According to Dr. Andrew Adler (2010)6, peer pressure may cause some teenagers to

engaged in harmful or dangerous behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal

drug, peer pressure rarely solves problems such as shyness and self-esteem. These problems are

often the result of anxiety and low self -confidence and peer pressure may make these difficulties

worse. So, while doing things like smoking or drinking may seem normal because of what they

see on others such as family and friends. Adler stated that teenagers who have a low-esteem and
are shy usually give in to peer pressure, they give in to peer pressure because they want to join

with other teenagers with the hope of feeling to be part of a group or becoming better liked.

The first thing that parents can do is that they can help children to recognize that attempts

to influence them are everywhere. You can turn around without somebody attempting to

influence you. Another one is to help children understand that the culture is full of influence

attempts, and peers are just another set of forces that are vying for the attention and the vying

to shape someone’s behavior. It may look susceptible when in fact you are not particularly

susceptible to other people. They know that susceptibility is greater for children who do not have

a lot of friends. As they want to protect the friendships that they have, and so they are more

likely to do what their friends say because they are worried about losing their friends and have

difficulty making others (Brett Laursen, 2018)7. Laursen states that, people are only able to affect

someone since they are afraid of losing their friendships, owning to the fact that, if they do not

do something that a group usually does, they will feel like they are not belong to that peer group.

In the case of Adamson University, CNN8 Philippines news channel reported that a student

named as John Matthew Salilig, a 24-year-old Chemical Engineering learner, has died by caused

by hazing as part of a fraternity initiation ceremony. The students were subjected to physical and

mental abuse, including being hit with paddles, forced to drink alcohol, and deprived of food and

sleep just to conform to the norms of the group and expectations of the fraternity and to prove

his loyalty to the group. As the student wants to be part of the fraternity, the students do the

things that he does not usually do, and let the members of the group paddle him, until he died.
CNN9 news reported the 17-year-old boy, who has not been named, was found dead in

his home after taking a lethal combination of prescription drugs and alcohol. The boy’s mother

has spoken out about the dangers of peer pressure, saying that her son had been a good boy who

had been influenced by his peers. She called for greater awareness of the risks of drug use among

young people and for more support for parents and families dealing with addiction. The two

students who supplied the drugs have been arrested and are facing charges of drug trafficking

and involuntary manslaughter. The case has sparked renewed concern about the availability of

drugs among young people and role of peer pressure in drug use. This case shows how negative

peers can easily force someone to do something they do not actually want to do.

In March 2021, CBS10 news channel reported that a 12-year-old boy in Colorado, USA died

after participating in a social media trend known as the "blackout challenge". The challenge

involves choking oneself until losing consciousness, with the aim of experiencing a euphoric high

upon regaining consciousness. The boy's death has been attributed to peer pressure, as he was

reportedly encouraged to participate in the challenge by friends on social media. The tragedy

highlights the dangers of peer pressure and the need for parents and caregivers to monitor their

children's online activity. In his desire to amaze his friends on social media he did the thing that

will harm him.

Review Related Studies

Although people assume that peer pressure is an influential component of adolescent

development, few empirical studies have investigated the nature and extent of its influence.

Using retrospective accounts from 297 college undergraduates, the present study assessed how
much pressure peers exerted in numerous areas of high school life and how this pressure

influenced teenagers' attitudes and behaviors. One-third of both genders identified peer

pressure as one of the hardest things they had to face as a teenager. Generally, however, peer

pressure appeared stronger for females than males, and the genders disagreed about the areas

in which pressure was strongest. Perceptions of peer pressure were significantly associated with

dating attitudes, sexual activity, and use of drugs and alcohol, but not with relationships with

parents. The findings suggested that adolescents may be their own worst enemy in any attempt

to break away from gender-stereotype attitudes and behavior (Bradford Brown, 1985. Journal of

Youth and Adolescence, 14,451-468)11. It states that girls are more likely to prioritize maintaining

social harmony and fitting in with their peers, leading to a greater susceptibility to peer pressure.

According to Nicole Marie Howard (2004)12, adolescents have always been exposed to

peer influence, but the kinds of peer influence that they encounter have changed tremendously

in the past year. Peers can influence everything from what an adolescent chooses to wear to

whether or not an adolescent engages in drug related or other delinquent behavior. It states that

adolescents are the ones who choose their peers’ influence, such as choosing to drink alcohol,

use illegal drugs, and other negative behavior.

Another implication of peer influence is its impact and risking-taking behavior. Since

adolescents’ sense of identity is highly linked to their chosen peer group, they may mimic peer

behaviors. These behaviors may put them at risk, as in the case of self-harming behaviors that

can be copied within a peer group (Daniel & Goldston, 2009)13. It states that their behavior is
learned depend on group that they belong its either negative peer pressure nor positive peer


Peer pressure is carried out in two forms, namely direct and indirect. If done directly,

someone will get pressure from peers to do something. Meanwhile, indirect peer pressure does

not have signs of being pressured, but action. For example, being shunned by peers for no

apparent reason is due to having different behavior from other people (Prabhakar, 2012)14. In

summary, peer pressure can occur in two forms: direct and indirect. Direct peer pressure is when

someone overtly pressures an individual to engage in a particular behavior, while indirect peer

pressure involves more subtle cues that encourage conformity to group norms. Both types of

peer pressure can have significant impacts on individuals, leading them to engage in behaviors

that they might not otherwise do.

Throughout adolescence, appearance-related social pressure plays a significant part in

development of a poor body image and self-esteem, as well as serious mental problems.

Determining who is the most vulnerable to social pressure can enhance focus prevention and

intention. Peer pressure has a greater impact on girls. From the early middle adolescence, the

main impacts in indirect peer pressure (Susanne Helfert & Petra Warschburger, 2013)15. The goal

of this study is to provide a complete picture of gender, weight, and age-related changes in peers

and parents perceptions of appearance-related social pressure.

Peer pressure is also recognized to be related to a person adolescent year. Peer pressure

may also be present as it might be connected with negativity, for example to bullying, school,

use, and illicit drug use consumption, as well as negative body image, which is proven to cause
affecting a child or adolescents well-being (Jellena May Cruz, Ayana Patrice Dela Torre, Oceana,

Jhoselle Tus, 2022)16. This study states that there is a direct correlation between peer pressure

and mental well- being of a person.

Adolescents’ susceptibility to peer influence was examined as a marker of difficulties in

the general process of autonomy development that was likely to be related to deficits across

multiple domains of psychosocial functioning. A laboratory-based assessment of susceptibility to

peer influence in interactions with a close friend was developed and examined in relation to

corollary report obtained from adolescents, their mothers, and close peers at ages 13 and 14. As

hypothesized, observed susceptibility to peer influence with a close friend predicted future

responses to negative peer pressure, but it was also related to broader markers of problems and

functioning, including decreases in popularity, and increasing levels of depressive symptoms,

overtime susceptibility to peer influence was also linked to higher concurrent levels of substance

use, externalizing behavior, and sexual activity (Joseph P Allen, Mary Frances R Porter, F Christy

McFarland)17. This study aims the moral sense at adolescent to peer influence. Such of parents

and close friend influence behaviors. On the observation of the study negative peer pressure are

commonly found in friends. The relationship within the group with its peers are co-related with

each other, hence, direction of this particular relationship should be monitored were these

relationships should go considering all possible factors correlated within the group outcome.

This part of the study describes peer pressure as an influential component of adolescent

development, and explores its nature and extent of influence. Peer pressure is defined as the

influence that peers have on an individual to engage in positive or negative behaviors or make
positive or negative choices. The passage identifies two main types of peer pressure, positive and

negative, and highlights that adolescents are the ones who choose their peers' influence. The

passage also explains that peer pressure can occur in two forms, direct and indirect. Direct peer

pressure is when someone overtly pressures an individual to engage in a particular behavior,

while indirect peer pressure involves more subtle cues that encourage conformity to group

norms. The passage concludes that peer pressure exists because of human awareness of the

importance of groups in social life and identifies low self-esteem as a vulnerability factor for peer



1Corsaro, W. A. (1995). Friendship and peer culture in the early years. Ablex Publishing


2Gouws, E., & Kruger, J. (1994). The nature of peer pressure in adolescence. Journal of

Adolescence, 17(4), 313-326. doi:10.1006/jado.1994.1027

3Vicente (Tico) Aldanese (2010, February. 1). Peer pressure Its Influence on teens and Decision

Making from philstar nelsite: http://www. Philstar. com Article. asps. Article Id = 5457 13

& publication Subcategory Id =111.

4Ken, S. S., (2010). Psychologist https://www education

5Chen. B.- B., & Chang, L. (2012) Adaptive insecure attachment and resource control strategies

during middle childhood. International journal of Behavioral Development, 36, 389- 397.

6Adler, A. B. (2010). The Role of peer Pressure in Adolescent Risk Behavior. Adolescence, 45(178),

7Laursen, B. (2018). Peer Influence and Adolescent Socialization. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia

of Psychology.




11 Brown, B. B., Clausen, D. R., &Eicher, S.A (1986) Development Psychology, 22(4), 521-530

12Nicole Marie, H. H., Peer Influence in Relation to Academic Performance and Socialization

among adolescents.

13Daniel, S. S., & Goldston, D. B (2009) Interventions for suicidal youth: A Review of the literature

and developmental considerations. Suicide and life- Threatening Behavior, 39(3), 252-


14Prabhakar, B. (2012). Peer Pressure: The Effects on Teenagers. Global Journal of Human Social

Science Sociology, Economics & Political Science, 12(13), 9-16.

15Helfert, S., & Warschburger, P. (2013). A prospective study on the impact of peer and parental

pressure on body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls and boys. Body image, 10(4), 517-525.

16Cruz, J. M., Dela Torre, A. P., Oceana, & Tus, J. (2022). The correlation between peer pressure

and mental well-being among children and adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health,

70(2), e37-e38.

17Allen, J. P., Porter, M. F. R., & McFarland, F. C. (2006). The two faces of adolescents' success

with peers: Adolescent popularity, social adaptation, and deviant behavior. Child

development, 77(5), 1368-1381.


Research Methodology

Within this chapter, the researchers will discover the approaches that implemented

during their analysis. The following passages detail various components of their investigation,

including the structure for inquiry, techniques utilized to gather data and methods employed in

order to develop appropriate research.

Research Design

The study used descriptive type of research to collect the data that is needed in identifying

the factors and impacts of peer pressure in the Mental Health Status of Grade 11 General

Academic Strand students at Rosary School, Incorporated.

Data Gathering Technique

The researchers used random sampling technique to select a representative sample from

the population. By using this technique, researchers can make inferences about the population

with a high degree of confidence. Peer pressure is a sensitive topic as it has affected many
students. In this form, they can be more comfortable through writing their experiences as they

can properly think on how they will elaborate the given matter.

Data Gathering Instruments

The Data gathering instruments that the researchers used for this study is survey

questionnaire. The researchers produced sets of questions identifying the factors and effects of

peer pressure in the mental health status of Grade 11 General Academic Students at Rosary

School, Incorporated.

Research Approach

For this study, the researchers used the Qualitative Method to determine and to allow

the researchers to gain a deep understanding of the phenomenon and its impact on individuals

and groups.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data set collected responses from participants using Percentage Technique and

Statistical Analysis, was performed to gain insights and draw meaningful conclusions from the


Percentage Technique. The percentage technique is a method of analyzing data that involves

calculating the proportion or percentage of respondents who selected each response option in a

survey or study. This technique can provide a quick way to summarize the data and identify

trends or patterns in the responses.

𝒑= 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 %

P : number of percentages

F : frequency of responses

N : number of samples


Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter contains the collected information from the questionnaires given to the

respondents. The following presents bar graphs showing the results that the researchers were

able to gather which gave answers to the questions in this study.


Table 1.1: Factors that Influence Students to Peer Pressure

Categories Frequency Percentage

Social acceptance 16 64%

Low self- esteem 20 80%

Cultural values 2 8%

Fear of rejection 18 72%

Avoidance of bullying 11 44%

Bad- parenting 11 44%

Figure 1.1: Factors Affecting Peer Pressure

Social Acceptance. Out of the 25 respondents, 16 of them chose the specified category, which

represents 64% of the total number of respondents.

Low self Esteem. In this category, 20 (80%) out of 25 respondents selected low self-esteem as

one the factors of peer pressure.

Cultural values. 2 (8%) out of 25 respondents chose this category.

Fear of rejections. Based on the results 18 (72%) of the respondents chose fear rejections as one

of the factors.

Avoidance of bullying. In this category 11 (44%) of the respondents chose this category.

Bad Parenting. 11 (44%) out 25 respondents chose this category


Table 1.2: Negative Impacts of Peer Pressure

Categories Frequency Percentage

Poor academic performance 21 84%

Negative behavior/Display of 10 40%


Anxiety 12 48%

Decrease of self- confidence 13 52%

Depression 17 68%
Figure 1.2: The Negative Impacts of Peer Pressure

Poor academic performance. Out of 25 respondents 21 (84%) of them chose this category

Negative behavior/Display of risk. 10 (40%) out of 25 respondents chose this as their negative


Anxiety. Based on the results 12 (48%) out of 25 respondents chose this category

Decrease of self-confidence. 13 (52%) out of 25 respondents chose this as one of the negative


Depression. In this category 17 (68%) of the respondents chose Depression.

Avoidance of bullying. In this category 11 (44%) of the respondents chose this category.
Bad Parenting. 11 (44%) out 25 respondents chose this category


Table 1.3: Solutions that will Lessen Negative Peer Pressure

Categories Frequency Percentage

Category 1. 3 12%

Category 2. 21 84%

Category 3. 1 4%

Figure 1.3 The Solutions


Category 1. Consultation with the class adviser or guidance counselor.

Category 2. Direct observation of the parents on the behavioral changes of their children.

Category 3. Campaign for proactive child support.

Category 1. 3 (12%) of the respondents chose this category as their solution

Category 2. 21 (84%) out of 25 respondents chose this category

Category 3. In this category, 1 (4%) of the respondent chose this category.


Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Peer pressure is a phenomenon that has made a considerable impact on the overall status

of the respondents’ mental health as well as their perspectives about the given issue. Over the

years, the concept of peer pressure has gone through constant changes given the various events

in the past, which influenced the previous generations’ mindset. This is the cause why different

individuals have different ideas on the said topic. All the information stated in this study will help

the respondents as they will be well-informed. Furthermore, they will be more observant with

their connections with other people, and be more careful in making decisions.

The study’s objective is to find out how peer pressure affects the respondents in a

negative way. The data will be gathered through these questions:

1.) What are the factors that influence students’ response to peer pressure?
2.) What are the negative impacts of peer pressure on the mental health status of the


3.) What are the necessary solutions that will lessen the negative impacts of peer

pressure among students?

In this study, the research method used was the descriptive survey with the

questionnaires as the main data gathering instrument. Its objective is to give emphasis on the

factors, the impacts, and their overall understanding about the given phenomenon.

The respondents involved in this study were composed of twenty-five (25) Senior High

School students at Rosary School. Inc.

As the process of collecting data wags ongoing, the descriptive type of research in the

form of survey questionnaires was utilized in this study. In addition, the random sampling

technique was used in order for the whole process to be unbiased. The computation of the

number of responses of each respondent to each indicator answered in the survey were done

with Percentage Technique.


Q1. Based on the interpretation of the collected data, the findings indicate that low self-

esteem is the most influential factor of peer pressure on students with 20 (80%) responses out

of 25 respondents. While the Cultural values with 2 (8%) responses out of 25 respondents are

the least significant factor of peer pressure.

Q2. Based on the result, Poor academic performance received 21 (84%) out of 25

responses from the respondents and was the most chosen category among the answers provided

by the researchers as negative impacts to the mental health status. On the other hand, Negative

behavior/Display of risk received 10 (40%) response out of 25 respondents and the was the least

negative impacts to the metal health status on students.

Q3. Based on the results, Direct observation of the parents on the behavioral changes

of their children (Category 2.) received the most selected answers with the 21 (84%) out of 25

responses as their solution to lessen the negative risk of peer pressure. While campaigning for

proactive child support (category 3.) got the lowest selected answers with 1 (4%) out of 25

responses to lessen the negative impacts of peer pressure to the mental health status of the



After conducting a careful investigation and analysis of the data collected, it is now time

to draw conclusions from the findings. The following section summarizes the main results of the

study and discusses their implications, limitations, and recommendation for future researchers.

The findings reveal that peer pressure is a significant issue that affects the mental health

status of the students. The results suggest that negative peer pressure is more prevalent among

students who has low self-esteem That might cause of having a Poor academic performance as

the negative impact of peer pressure despite the factors and its impact it has a solution, the

respondents stated that direct observation of the parents on the behavior of their children is the

necessary solution for students.

SOTP 1. What are the factors that influence students to peer pressure?

Based on the results, the respondents stated that low self-esteem is the factor that

influence students to peer pressure, when the students have negative perception on themselves,

they may feel a greater need to fit in with their peers in order to feel accepted and validated.

SOTP 2. What are the negative impacts of peer pressure on the mental health status of the


Based on the data that had been collected, poor academic performance is one of the most

negative impacts that can affects student’s mental health status. When the students engage in

peer pressure and prioritize their social life over their academic responsibilities, they feel neglect

their studies and fall behind, which can lead to feelings of stress, overwhelm and hopelessness.

This can also contribute to a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors that negatively impact their

mental health status and well being.

SOTP3. What are the necessary solutions that will lessen the negative impacts of peer pressure

among students.

Based on the results, direct observation of the parents on the behavioral changes of

their children (Category 2) is the most selected answers among the other responses imparted by

the researchers with, parents have the major responsibilities about their children behavior as

well as the first person that will observe about their changes. While campaigning for proactive

child support (category 3) received the lowest response from the respondents stated that

category 3 is not the necessary solutions that will lessen the negative impact of peer pressure.
The findings of the study can be explained by several social psychological theories,

including social identity theory, social cognitive theory, cognitive dissonance theory, and group

acceptance theory. Social identity theory suggests that students with negative self-perceptions

may be more susceptible to peer pressure as they seek validation and acceptance from their

peers. For example, a student with low self-esteem who perceives themselves as unpopular or

unattractive may feel pressure to conform to their peers' behavior and attitudes in order to fit in

and feel accepted. This could lead them to engage in activities that they may not feel comfortable

with, such as substance use or risky behaviors, in order to gain approval from their peers and

improve their social standing. Social cognitive theory posits that students may adopt similar

behaviors and beliefs as their peers, leading to poor academic performance and negative self-

evaluations. For instance, if a student's peer group values skipping classes and not studying for

exams, the student may begin to adopt those behaviors in order to fit in and be accepted. As a

result, their academic performance may suffer, and they may begin to doubt their own abilities

and self-worth. Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that students may experience negative

emotions and beliefs when their behaviors conflict with their values. For example, a student who

values honesty may feel cognitive dissonance if they cheat on a test to impress their peers. The

student may experience feelings of guilt and self-doubt, which can negatively impact their mental

health and well-being. This conflict between their values and behavior can cause discomfort and

anxiety, leading to negative self-evaluations and a desire to conform to their peers' behavior in

order to reduce this dissonance. Finally, group acceptance theory highlights the importance of

parental support in providing a sense of acceptance and belonging that can help students resist

negative peer pressure. Overall, the study emphasizes the role of social psychological processes
in peer pressure among students and underscores the need for parental support in promoting

positive mental health and academic outcomes. Future research can continue to explore these

connections and develop interventions to promote resilience in the face of negative peer



When conducting research, it is important to provide recommendations based on the

findings in order to inform future actions and decisions. These recommendations serve as

valuable insights for individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their practices,

policies, and strategies. In this context, the researchers would like to offer my recommendations

based on the analysis and interpretation of the research data.

Future researchers

1. Conduct a further investigation of the underlying mechanisms by which low self-esteem

contributes to susceptibility to peer pressure. This could include examining the role of social

comparison processes, self-evaluation motives, and other relevant factors. Explore the potential

for interventions that target self-esteem and related factors, such as self-efficacy, to reduce the

negative impact of peer pressure on the mental health of GAS students.

2. Conduct qualitative research to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and

perspectives of GAS students regarding peer pressure, self-esteem, academic performance, and
parental involvement. This could include in-depth interviews or focus group discussions with

students, as well as observations of parent-child interactions.

By addressing these research gaps, future researchers can provide insights into the

complex relationships between peer pressure, self-esteem, academic performance, and parental

involvement, and inform the development of effective interventions and policies aimed at

promoting the mental health and academic success of students.


1. Develop a better understanding of one's own values and beliefs, and establish clear

personal goals and aspirations. This can help to reduce the impact of peer pressure by providing

a clear sense of direction and purpose.

2. Build a supportive network of peers and adults, such as teachers, mentors, or

counselors, who can provide guidance and encouragement when facing difficult decisions or

challenges related to peer pressure.

3. Develop effective communication skills and assertiveness, in order to express one's

own opinions and needs in a clear and confident manner, and to resist negative peer pressure.


1. Develop a better understanding of the impact of peer pressure on students'

mental health and academic performance, and incorporate this knowledge into classroom

instruction and guidance.

2. Foster a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, in which students feel

valued and respected for their unique strengths and qualities.

3. Provide opportunities for students to develop social and emotional skills, such as

communication, conflict resolution, and self-esteem building, in order to promote resilience and

resistance to negative peer pressure.


1. Foster a positive and supportive home environment, in which students feel valued and

respected for their unique qualities and achievements.

2. Develop open and honest communication with your child, and encourage them to

express their thoughts and feelings about school, peers, and social pressures.

3. Help your child to develop a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence, through

positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support for their interests and aspirations.

Permit to Conduct Study



School President
Rosary School Incorporated
Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

Dear Madam:

Greetings of peace!

We, the researchers from Rosary School Inc. Grade 11 GAS and HUMSS students, are conducting
a research study titled "Peer Pressure: Influencing Factors and Its Negative Impact on the
Mental Health Status of Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students at Rosary School Inc." The
study will elicit the perspective of the selected Grade 11 students under the General Academic
Strand in the campus regarding our study.

In this regard, we would like to request your permission to conduct a survey among the selected
students in your institution on March__, 2023. We guarantee that the information gathered from
the students will be kept confidential and used only for this study.


Jerome Theodore De Belen

Research Leader

Noted by:

Liezel P. Estanislao

Research Instructor

Approved by:

Maria Eusebia Gaite-Quiñones

School President, Rosary School Inc.


Letter to the Respondents and Survey Questionnaire



A pleasant day to you!

We, a research group from Rosary School Inc.'s Grade 11 GAS and HUMSS, are currently
conducting a research study titled "Peer Pressure: Influencing Factors and Its Negative Impact
on the Mental Health Status of Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students at Rosary School
Inc." As our respondents, may request your sincere cooperation in answering our questionnaires
related to our study. We guarantee that the information gathered will remain confidential and
used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


The Researchers

Instruction. Read each question carefully then select three to four the answer/s that fits your

I. Factors Affecting Peer Pressure

___ social acceptance ___ fear of rejection

___ weak personality ___ avoidance of bullying

___ cultural values ___ bad parenting

Others (please specify) ___________________

II. Negative Impacts of Peer Pressure on the Mental Health Status of Students
___ poor academic performance ___ decrease in self confidence
___ display of risk/negative behavior ___ depression
___ anxiety

Others (please specify) ___________________

III. Solutions
___ consultation with the class adviser or guidance counselor

___ direct observation of the parents on the behavioral changes of their children

___ campaign for proactive child support

Others (please specify) ________________________________________


Jerick Agapito Agnas

Zone Tagongtong, Agdangan Baao, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09158614732


Date of Birth : July 17, 2004

Place of Birth : Bicol Medical Center

Age : 19

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Rebecca Agnas

Occupation : OFW

Father : Tomas Agnas Jr.

Occupation : Security Guard


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(Humanities and Scial Science)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Agdangan National High School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2017-2021

GRADE SCHOOL : Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2010-2016

Zone Tagongtong, Agdangan Baao, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09083751329


Date of Birth : September 17, 2004

Place of Birth : Naga City

Age : 18

Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Nelly N. Agnas

Occupation : Dentist Assistant

Father : Noel M. Agnas

Occupation : House Keeper


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(General Academic Strand)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Agdangan National High School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2017-2021

GRADE SCHOOL : Sto. Dominggo Elementary School

S/Y 2011-2016

Zone Tagongtong, Agdangan Baao, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09150774271


Date of Birth : January 02, 2006

Place of Birth : Pasig City

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Bibian Borela

Occupation : House Wife

Father : Danilo Borela

Occupation : Driver


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(Humanities and Scial Science)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Agdangan National High School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2017-2021

GRADE SCHOOL : Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2010-2016

Zone 6, Sta Cruz Baao, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09092361174


Date of Birth : Febuary 16, 2006

Place of Birth : Naga City

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Joahnna Bernadette De Belen

Father : Jose De Belen


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(General Academic Strand)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario Baao, Cam.Sur

S/Y 2017-2023
GRADE SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario Baao, Cam.Sur

S/Y 2011-2016

Zone 3, Salvacion Baao, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09845621135


Date of Birth : July 09, 2005

Place of Birth : Manila

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Nimfa Dumago

Father : Rodelio Dumago


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(General Academic Strand)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Pili National High School

Pili, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2017-2023
GRADE SCHOOL : University of North Eastern Philippines

San Roque, Iriga

S/Y 2011-2016

Zone 4 Pecuaria Lanipga Bula, Camarines Sur


Contact No. 09616100732


Date of Birth : November 14,2006

Place of Birth : Pecuaria Lanipga Bula,Camarines Sur

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Luningning T. Lavapie

Occupation : Farmer

Father : Julius C. Ortinero

Occupation : Marine Engineer


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Rosary School Inc.

Del Rosario, Baao, Camarines Sur

(Humanities and Scial Science)

S/Y 2022-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Agdangan National High School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2017-2021

GRADE SCHOOL : Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2010-2016


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