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The Knight at Dawn

<chapter 1>

Figure out (v) 생각해내다 I need to figure out what my math homework is.

Turn on (v) ~를 켜다 Please turn on the light at night.

Doorway (n) 출입구 She is standing in the doorway.

Medallion (n) 큰 메달 A winner of this game gets a big medallion.

Fact (n) 사실 Is this a fact or a lie?

Mean (adj) 인색한 My teacher is a very mean person.

Look out (v) 살피다 A thief looked out the window.

Dawn (n) 새벽 My grandfather always wakes up at dawn.

Tiptoe (v) 발 끝으로 걷다 I tiptoed downstairs not to wake other people.

Whisper (v) 속삭이다 Tom whispered a secret to me.

Toss in (v) ~에 던지다 I tossed the empty box in the garbage can.

Creep (v) 살금살금 움직이다 The thief crept into the empty house.

Wand (n) 가느다란 지팡이 A magician waved his magic wand.

Slip out (v) 살며시 나가다 I slipped out of his room after he fell asleep.

Chirp (v) 새/벌레가 울음소리를 I hear birds chirping every morning.

Bark (v) 개가 짖다 My dog always barks at strangers.

Dash (v) 돌진하다 Several rats dashed out of the hole.

Frown (v) 얼굴을 찡그리다 The teacher was frowning at the bad boy.

Glare at (v) ~을 노려보다 He glared at his brother with anger.

Ladder (n) 사다리 Can you climb the ladder?

Grip (v) 단단히 붙잡다 I gripped a tennis racket to play the match.

Disappear (v) 사라지다 My dog suddenly disappeared.

<chapter 2>

Shout (v) 소리치다 I could hear my brother shouting outside.

Crawl (v) 기어가다 My brother crawled under the bed.

Take off (v) ~를 벗다 My grandfather took off his hat.

Scatter (v) 뿌리다 The marbles were scattered all over the floor.

Shudder (v) 떨다, 오싹하다 As soon as I saw the ghost, I shuddered.

Stick out (v) 튀어나오다 The turtle was sticking its head out of the water.

Knight (n) 기사 The knight fought the dragon.

Leather (n) 가죽 Is this jacket real leather?

Point at (v) ~를 가리키다 My little brother is pointing at the big bear.

Neigh (v) 말이 울다 The horse didn’t stop neighing all day.

Armor (n) 갑주 Police officers wear armor vests.

Moan (v) 신음하다 I moaned louder because it was so painful.

Tremble (v) 떨다 Why are you trembling?

Spin (v) 빙빙 돌다 The bottle started to spin.

Squeeze (v) 강하게 쥐다 I squeezed my hands tightly.

Still (adj) 움직이지 않는 I stood still in the middle of the road.

Damp (adj) 축축한 My clothes got damp in the rain.

Whinny (n) 말의 울음소리 I could hear the horse’s whinny.

Peek (v) 엿보다 I peeked through a hole.

Loom (v) 거대한 모습을 A man loomed out of the darkness.

Oak tree (n) 오크(떡갈나무,참나무 There is an oak tree next to our house.
등의 총칭)나무
Yank (v) 확 잡아당기다 I yanked away the cap.

Examine (v) 검토하다 She needs to examine her essay carefully.

Scoot down (v) 서둘러 내려가다 We scooted down the stairs.

Groan (v) 투덜대다 She groaned when her mom told her to clean the
Misty (adj) 안개가 자욱한 London is a misty city.

<chapter 3>

Feast (n) 잔치 "What a feast!" He exclaimed after seeing a lot of

food on the table.
Weigh up to (v) ~까지 무게가 나가다 The puppy weighed up to 5 kg.

Drawbridge (n) 들어올리는 다리 The knight walked over the drawbridge.

Moat (n) (외적에 대비하여 성 The ducklings are in the moat.

주변에 판) 호
Crocodile (n) 악어 The crocodiles look scary.

Windmill (n) 풍차 There are many windmills in Amsterdam.

Piercing (adj) 날카로운 I heard a piercing sound from the forest.

Shriek (n) 외침 소리, 비명 I could hear John’s shriek of pain.

Split (v) 쪼개지다 She split the apple to share with me.

Hawk (n) 독수리 There is a big hawk on the tree.

Ward (n) (성 안의) 가운데 마당 Inside the castle, there is a big ward.

Train (v) 훈련하다, 길들이다 The coach trains the soccer players.

Fanfare (n) 팡파르 I could hear the fanfare music.

Announce (v) 발표하다 She is going to announce the winner.

Peacock (n) 공작새 Children love colorful peacocks.

Vanish (v) 없어지다, 사라지다 She vanished in a smoke like a magic.

<chapter 4>

Mutter (v) 중얼거리다 My brother muttered to himself.

Plank (n) 두꺼운 널빤지 We are going to paint a wooden plank.

Creak (v) 삐걱거리다 The door creaked.

Peer (v) 뚫어지게 쳐다보다 Jack peered at his dog.

Halt (v) 멈추다 The car halted at the red light.

Crouch down (v) 쭈그리다, 웅크리다 He crouched down under the table.

Shiver (v) 떨다 He shivered because of the cold wind.

Torch (n) 횃불 The torches lit the dark cave.

Clop over (v) 타가닥 타가닥 ( The horse clopped over cobbled streets.
말발굽 소리) 소리
Cobblestone (n) 내다
(도로 포장용) 조약돌 There are many cobblestone streets in Europe.

Wave at (v) ~에게 손을 흔들다 Kate waved at her boyfriend.

Stable (n) 마구간 Horses are in the stable.

Sigh (n) 한숨 She sighed with sadness.

Stare (v) 빤히 쳐다보다 Why are you staring at me?

Awe (n) 경외, 두려움 I was filled with awe at the wonderful sight.

Blaze (v) 밝게 타다 The fire blazed all over the ship.

Antler (n) 사슴의 뿔 Deer has antlers.

Stroll (v) 거닐다, 산책하다 Matthew was strolling the streets with his dog.

Cape (n) 어깨에 걸치는 망토 Little Red Riding Hood wore a red cape.

Fur (n) 모피 Don’t wear fur when the weather is hot.

Whirl around (v) 빙빙 돌다, 회전하다 The dust whirled around his feet.

Art (v) <고어,시> be의 제 2 Where art thou?

인칭 단수
Thou (n) <고어,시> (2인칭 Where art thou?
단수 주격) 그대, 당신
Squeak (v) (어린 애가) 앙앙 울다 The mouse squeaked when it saw the cat.

<chapter 5>

Stumble into (v) 우연히 발견하다 I stumbled into Jake’s party last night.

A row of 한 줄의~ There is a row of desks in the classroom.

Flick off (v) 손가락으로 튀겨 끄다 I flicked off the light switch before I went to bed.

Flip through (v) 휙휙 넘기다 She flipped through her beauty magazine.

Armory (n) 병기고 The guns were in the armory.

Shield (n) 방패 The knight used the shield to protect himself.

Spear (n) 창 The Indians hunted the deer with sharp spears

Sword (n) 검, 칼 Excalibur is a magic sword.

Crossbow (n) 석궁 The enemies had crossbows.

Club (n) 곤봉 The caveman used his club to hunt the bear.

Battle-ax (n) 전쟁용 도끼 We need battle-axes to fight the enemies.

Visor (n) (투구의) 면갑 The visor slammed down to cover his face.

Slam (v) (문을) 쾅 닫다 You should not slam the door at night.

Echo (v) 메아리 치다 My voice echoed back to me.

Metal (adj) 금속의 The metal door is heavy.

Chamber (n) 방 There were only books inside the chamber.

Struggle (v) 발버둥치다, He struggled to get out of the car.

Clatter (v) 덜걱덜걱 울리다 School bells clattered loudly.

Lie (v) 드러눕다 He lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

Fiery (adj) 이글거리는 The lion looked at me with fiery eyes.

<chapter 6>

Squinty (adj) 가늘게 뜬 His squinty eyes were glaring at me.

Foreigner (n) 외국인 I met a foreigner who came from Canada.

Egyptian (n) 이집트 사람 I met many kind Egyptians when I visited Egypt.

Roman (n) 고대 로마 사람 Romans worked very hard.

Persian (n) 페르시아 사람 My uncle is a Persian.

Arrest (v) 체포하다 The police arrested the thief.

Dungeon (n) 지하 감옥 The thief was sent to the dungeon.

Frantically (ad) 미친 듯이 He screamed frantically.

Iron (adj) 철의 The prince wore an iron mask.

Shove at (v) ~을 밀어 붙이다 Nick shoved at the desk.

Clammy (adj) 축축한 My hands got clammy with fear.

Filthy (adj) 불결한 The old house was very filthy.

Drip (v) (액체가) 뚝뚝 The water dripped from the ceiling.

Puddle (n) 웅덩이 The rain made big puddles in the street.

Unzip (v) 지퍼를 열다 I unzipped my backpack and took out a pencil.

Whip (v) 낚아채다 My sister whipped the ice cream out of my hand.

Freeze (v) (공포, 충격으로) As soon as I saw the thief, I froze.

Gasp (v) 놀라다 She gasped when she saw the ghost.

Sputter (v) (불꽃이) 바지직 The candle sputtered out in the wind.
소리를 내며 꺼지다
Wipe out (v) 공격하다 I will wipe you out if you move.

Howl (v) 울부짖다 The patient howled with pain.

Quake (v) 떨다, 전율하다 He is quaking with fear.

Leap (n) 뛰어오름 You should take a leap forward.

<chapter 7>

Sack (n) 자루 A sack of potatoes was delivered to our house.

Wooden (adj) 나무로 만든 There were some deep scratches on the wooden
Barrel (n) 통 The barrels were filled with water from the rain.

Storeroom (n) 저장실 Let's put them in the storeroom.

Flour (n) 밀가루 We need flour to bake bread.

Trapdoor (n) (마루의) 치켜올리는 I spotted the trapdoor on the floor.

Precipice (n) 절벽 He jumped off the precipice of the mountain.

Stamp on (v) 짓밟다 Don’t stamp on a frog.

Tug on (v) 세게 끌어당기다 She tugged on the door to open it.

Barely (ad) 겨우, 간신히 I barely passed the exam.

Run down (v) 줄다, 감소하다 The batteries are running down.

Dim (adj) 어둠침침한, 어둑한 Why is this room so dim?

Desperate (adj) 절박한 PPhil was desperate to find his lost dog.

Unlatch (v) 빗장을 벗기다 I unlatched the door to get out of the house.

Inch down (v) 조금씩 아래로 We inched down the steep cliff carefully.
Clinge (v) 매달리다, 꼭 The child clinges to his mother.
Ledge (n) 바위 턱 The ledge is very slippery

Splash (v) (물을) 튀기다 Don’t splash the water.

<chapter 8>

Cough (v) 기침하다 Kate always coughs when she is sick.

Flail (v) 휘두르다 He flailed his arms because he was so angry.

Tread (v) 걷다, 가다 She was afraid he would tread on her feet.

Afloat (adj) 떠서, 뜬 My baby sister can’t stay afloat in the water.

Dog-paddle (v) 개헤엄 I don’t know how to dog-paddle in the water.

Water-streaked 물로 앞이 가려진 I couldn't see very clearly through the water-

(adj) streaked window.
Slither (v) 미끄러지듯 나아가다 The snake slithered out of the hole.

Embankment (n) 제방, 둑 The embankment keeps the water from flowing
over its bank.
Chatter (v) (추위, 공포 때문에 Fear made his teeth chatter.
이가) 딱딱 소리 내다
Swallow up (v) (모습 등을) 감추다 Her figure was swallowed up by the mist.

Soupy (adj) (안개 따위가) 짙은 The soupy fog made it impossible to see the
city’s view.
Moonlight (n) 달빛 The prince and the princess danced under the
<chapter 9>

Dismount (v) (말, 자전거 따위에서) My brother dismounted from his bicycle.
Rein (n) 고삐 You need to hold the horse’s rein.

Canter (v) 천천히 구보하다 The horse cantered around the house.

Saddle (n) 안장 You should put a saddle on the horse before

riding it.
Brave (adj) 용감한 The knight was very brave to fight the dragon.

Mysterious (adj) 신비로운 He is mysterious about his plan.

Steer (v) ~을 향하게 하다 He steered the ship westward.

Bow (v) 머리를 숙여 인사하다 The boy bowed to the king.

Brief (adj) 짧은, 단 시간의 I need to write a brief story for my homework.

Gleam (v) 번쩍이다 The necklace gleamed brightly on her chest.

Fumble (v) 여기저기 찾다 He fumbled about trying to find his key in the
Rock (v) 좌우로 흔들다 He rocked a cradle.

Absolute (adj) 절대적인 She was an absolute fool.

<chapter 10>

Streetlight (n) 가로등 The streetlights light up the town.

In a daze 멍하니 I was in a daze after the earthquake.

Deserted (adj) 황량한 He walked across the deserted field.

Lawn (n) 잔디밭 There is a small lawn in front of my house.

Cozy (adj) 아늑한 My room is very small and cozy.

Smooth (adj) 매끄러운 The fabric is smooth to touch.

Worn (adj) 낡은 My jacket is worn but it’s still my favorite.

Ancient (adj) 멋 옛날의 The ancient city was destroyed by the war.

Notice (v) 알아차리다 I didn't notice that she cut her hair.

Amazing (adj) 놀랄 만한 He discovered an amazing truth.

Least (adj) 가장 적은 This is the least interesting book to me.

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