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- Los sustantivos incontables no se pueden contar, no tienen por lo tanto forma
plural y se conjugan siempre en el 3ª persona singular.
- Tipos de comida y bebida: meat/fish/cheese/bread/water…
- Materiales: Wood/sand/iron
- Sustantivos abstractos: peace/beauty/freedom
- Advice/ news/ furniture/ traffic / rubbish/ weather/ knowledge

Expresiones para expresar cantidad con sustantivos incontables:

a bar of chocolate a lump of sugar

a carton of milk a can of coke

a cup of tea a tin of tuna

a glass of water a kilo of fruit

a loaf of bread a slice of pizza

a piece of advice a litre/ a bottle of wine

a sheet of paper an item of furniture

 A piece of advice

A + sonido consonántico/ an + sonido vocálico:

An hour/ honor/ honest/ heir/heritage
A university/ unique/ useful/ uniform/ European

 a/ an  sustantivos singulares contables: a book

 some  plurales e incontables (+): some books/ some milk
 any  plurales e incontables (-) (?): any books/ any milk * en oraciones
afirmativas con el significado ‘cualquier’: What present do you want for your
birthday? ‘Any present. I don’t mind.’
 some  con peticiones y ofrecimientos (?): can/ could/ would
 how much  cantidad con incontables (también para preguntar el precio)
 how many  cantidad con plurales
 a lot (of) / lots of  ‘mucho’ (+): a lot of books/ a lot of milk
 many  ‘mucho’ (pl.) (-) (?): many books
 much  ‘mucho’, incontables (-) (?): much milk
 few  ‘poco’ (pl.) few  no suficiente / a few = some (varios)
 little  ‘poco’, incontables little  no suficiente / a little = some

• Genitivo sajón: ‘s (people or animals) / of (things, ideas):

- Tom’s computer doesn’t work.
- I don’t remember the name of the book.
- What is the name of the man who lent us the money? (oración larga
con ‘of’)

- Expresiones/ periodos de tiempo: ‘s

- Have you still got yesterday’s newspaper?

- Next week’s meeting has been cancelled.

- Today’s lesson / Tomorrow’s party/ This evening’s match /

Monday’s television series.

- I’ve got a week’s holiday.

- I live near the station. It’s only 10 minutes’ walk.

- ‘of’ cuando después del poseedor aparece una oración de relativo

introducida por ‘who’:

- The parents of the girl who are teachers.

- sin ‘of’ y sin ‘s cuando aparece sustantivo como adjetivo:

- mountain bike/ horse race/ love story/ book shop/ jazz concert

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