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note 2
Memo 2
경제경영 3
Supply and demand 3
빈 살만 왕세자의 28.12.2022 3
Culture and economics 4
Consumerism 4
Historical overview 4
Immigration 4
Trade policies 4
Interest rates 4
Recession 4
Inflation 4
Employment rates 4

 빈 살만 왕세자와 한국의 관계
 집값 전망 국내와 국외 비교

PART A Breakdown
the question

PART B Write your

thesis (Write
this at the top
of your

PART C Plan your Introduction Topic

essay (in dot Elabor 1
points) ate
Body Evidence
Conclusion Insights

Supply and demand
Gas prices are an excellent example of supply and demand. Gas prices often rise in the summer due, in part, to the high demand of summer travelers. If the prices rise too high, however,
demand falls, there is a surplus of gas, and thus prices will usually fall.
If you’re writing about supply and demand, you might write an informative essay to simply explain the supply and demand of a product. You could also write an argument essay about how
supply (or prices) should be higher or lower based on the market.

집의 공급이 정체한 상황과 금리로 인한 집값 상승 28.12.2022

Topic 집의 공급이 정체한 상황과 금리로 인한 집값 상승

Question 집값 상승을 막기 위해 실질적으로 어떤 정책을 시행해야 하는가?
PART A Breakdown - 공급 부족->집값 폭등
the question - 현재 부동산 시장에 대한 이해부터 출

PART B Write your

thesis (Write
this at the top
of your

PART C Plan your Introduction Topic

essay (in dot Elabor 1
points) ate
Body Evidence
Conclusion Insights

Culture and economics
A discussion about culture and economics might revolve around several cultural groups and how they impact the economy. Or the discussion might focus on one specific group (such as
millennials) and how they affect the economy.

I’m sure you’ve purchased your share of products in your lifetime. So writing about consumerism might be one of those essays in which you can share personal experiences. Perhaps you can
even discuss how and why you spend, and how it has affected your life.

Historical overview
A historical overview economics essay could take the form of a comprehensive overview of a specific time period (and its impact on society).
An overview might also focus on one specific component of the economy (such as interest rates or technology) and trace its impact throughout a time period.

Immigration is another one of those topics that lends itself to a cause and effect essay.
You might consider the impact of immigrants (either legal or illegal) in an entire country, one region, or one city. Or you might consider the impact of immigrants on an industry, such as
You could also take another approach. Discuss what would happen to the economy if immigrants were no longer allowed to enter the country. Or conversely, you could discuss what would
happen if current immigrants left the country.

Trade policies
If you’re writing about trade policies, perhaps explain how policies impact one country. You could also try comparing and contrasting the policies of two or three different countries.

Interest rates
Ever buy something with a credit card and then look at your statement the next month to see how much you’re paying in interest? (It’s painful. Try to pay off your credit cards ASAP!)
This personal experience with credit card interest rates might help you envision how interest rates can affect purchases in a larger company. It might also help you understand how and why
interest rates may change.
Have an awesome idea for an explanatory essay about interest rates but just can’t seem to get the words in place? Check out 4 Proven Ways to Keep Writer’s Block From Ruining Your Essay.

Recessions affect just about everyone. If you know people who’ve lived through a recession (or two), their insights might be just what you need to add a local perspective to your research.
Need a few ideas to help create a survey for your economics essay? Read How to Write Perfect Survey Questions for Your Paper.

Some amount of inflation can actually be good for an economy. But if inflation increases too much, it can cause some instability and discourage spending and economic growth.
Making a list of the advantages and disadvantages is the perfect start to writing a pros and cons essay about inflation.

Employment rates
Employment rates and the economy go hand in hand. If your goal is to explain how the two are connected, this is the perfect time to brush up on your research paper skills. That might
include brushing up on MLA or APA citation styles.


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