Sims 2 - (Comandos)

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The Sims 2/cheats

Neighborhood Cheats
 changeLotZoning [residential | community | apartmentbase | greek | dorm | secretsociety]
This changes the zoning type of the lot. Before rezoning a lot using this cheat, make sure there are no Sims
currently living in the lot. To use this cheat, enter the lot that you would like to rezone, and then enter the
cheat, choosing one of these zoning options.
Note that zoning a beach lot into an apartment lot will severely corrupt the ocean and lot terrain and is
strongly not recommended.
Note that although the cheat to change lot zoning into secret hobby lot exists, you must do it the proper way,
or it will not work.

Do not change a residential lot that has been or is occupied to another lot zoning type, such as a community lot.
Doing so may corrupt the neighborhood.
Do not convert an apartment to an apartment sublot (e.g. changelotzoning apartmentsublot), as the lot will
disappear and possibly become corrupted.

 modifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off]
Allows the player to alter the neighborhood terrain by raising or lowering it. This cheat must be enabled in
the neighborhood view. To use it, enter modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on into the cheat console and click on the
area you would like to change. To select a larger area, click and drag the cursor to highlight the area you
would like to modify. Press [ or ] to raise or lower the terrain. Press \ to level the terrain and P to
smooth it. When finished, type modifyNeighborhoodTerrain off to disable the cheat.

 changeNeighborhoodType [primary/university/downtown/suburb]
Changes the type of the neighborhood or subhood. The game must be booted in debug mode — add the
line "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" to a Userstartup.cheat file.

 loadLot [lotName] [optional: family name]

Loads the selected lot. If the optional parameter is defined, it will move the defined family into the lot as well.

The game must be started up in debug mode. A userstartup.cheat file with "boolProp testingcheatsenabled
true" in it must be present in the "Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Config" folder. Alternatively, enabling
the allmenus cheat will start the game in debug mode by default.

 boolProp lotTerrainLighting true/false

Toggles whether lots light up when the cursor is moved over them.

 boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel true/false

Toggles the display of bridges in the neighborhood.

 boolProp displayLotImposters true/false

Toggles the display of buildings in the neighborhood.

 boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater true/false

Toggles the display of water in the neighborhood.

 boolProp displayNeighborhoodFlora true/false

Toggles the display of trees and plants in the neighborhood.

 boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoads true/false

Toggles the display of roads in the neighborhood.
 boolProp displayNeighborhoodProps true/false
Toggles the display of neighborhood decorations in the neighborhood.

 boolprop nhoodWaterReflection true/false

Toggles the display of reflections in the water in the neighborhood.

 boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled true/false

Toggles the camera movement when idle in the neighborhood view.

 boolProp carsCompact true/false

Toggles the detail level of cars in the neighborhood.

 boolProp carsOnRight true/false

Set to false to allow cars to drive on the left. Does not affect actual gameplay behavior; cars still drive on the
right in lots.

 boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename true/false

Set to true to display the lot's filename when the cursor is moved over the lot.

 deleteAllCharacters true/false
Deletes all Sims in the neighborhood, including NPCs and townies, but not Universal NPCs. Will
cause neighborhood corruption if used. See Game guide:How to delete a Sim correctly for deleting Sims.
Build Cheats
 moveObjects on/off
Removes footprint limitation for all object placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations
placed on hand tool for when objects are in use, or are normally non -movable objects. This is known to
cause issues with game elements, routing, hidden object generation and manipulation, etc. Note that usin g
this cheat allows you to delete objects that normally cannot be deleted, such as Sims, the mailbox, and the
garbage can. While deleted Sims will re-appear once you reload the lot, there is NO way to retrieve the
mailbox and the garbage can, so be careful!

 boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false

Removes the object placement restriction that requires objects to be placed within the grid, allowing their
placement to be fine-tuned.
This cheat may make it difficult to place windows and doors. Turn the cheat off in order to place them. It may
also corrupt the lot, making it inaccessible from neighborhood view, if used in ways that cause error or
conflict with other objects.

 boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/false

Allows objects to be placed at a 45 degree angle by pressing the < or > keys; clicking and dragging to
rotate will only rotate in the normal 90 degree increments.
Some objects may not work correctly when placed diagonally.
Sims can walk through certain objects that are placed at a 45 degree angl e, such as multi-grid objects.

 boolProp lotTerrainPaints true/false

Set to false to hide terrain paints on the ground. Does not remove them; enter build mode, select the terrain
paint option, and Ctrl+Click on terrain paint to fully remove them.

 boolProp lotWater true/false

Set to false to remove water on the lot. Does not affect swimming pools.

 boolProp lockTiles true/false

Set to false to allow the tiles of the sidewalk and the road to be modified, as well as allowing for the
placement of floor tiles on the very edges of the lot. Also done by the moveobjects cheat.

 boolProp constrainFloorElevation true/false

Set to false to allow tiles occupied by walls, floors, and foundations to have their elevations changed.

 setQuarterTilePlacement [on/off]
When enabled, the player can place objects off of the grid at quarter tile increments after pressing ^
Ctrl + F . This will make some objects unusable and is recommended for decorative objects only.

 boolProp aptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false]

If set to [false], players can enable build mode while editing an empty apartment lot.
Do not use the boolProp aptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled false cheat to make structural changes, such as building
walls or stairs, while the lot is zoned as an apartment of any kind. This will result in inconsistency with the apartment
"base lot" and apartment "sub lots", and could possibly corrupt the lot.

Similarly, do not use the boolProp aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled false cheat to edit buy mode objects in
communal areas while the apartment has at least one playable resident moved in. Again, this will result in
inconsistency and could corrupt the lot. The cheat can be used to resolve some issues though, such
as date and outing rewards getting stuck outside of apartment units, unable to be picked up in normal buy mode.

 boolProp apartmentBuildBuyRestrictions [on/off]

Permits certain buy mode objects which normally are disabled in apartments to be purchased. The only
known disabled objects are the secret door bookshelf and closets.
 boolProp aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false]
If set to [false], players can pick up, move, and delete objects outside the currently rented apartment.

 boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false]

Allows objects to be placed at a 45 degree angle by pressing the < or > keys; clicking and dragging to
rotate will only rotate in the normal 90 degree increments.
Some objects may not work correctly when placed diagonally.
Sims can walk through certain objects that are placed at a 45 degr ee angle, such as multi-grid objects.

 deleteAllFences
Deletes all fences on the lot. Must be in build mode to use this cheat.

 deleteAllWalls
Deletes all walls on the lot. Must be in build mode to use this cheat.

 deleteAllHalfWalls
Deletes all half walls on the lot. Must be in build mode to use this cheat.

 deleteAllAwnings
Deletes all awnings on the lot. Must be in build mode to use this cheat.

 deleteAllObjects [doors/windows/stairs]
Deletes the type of object specified on the lot. Must be in build mode to use this cheat.

 IndividualRoofSlopeAngle [15-75]
Adjusts the pitch of individual roof sections on the lot. To use, enter the code and, while holding the ^
Ctrl and ⎇ Alt keys, click on the roof section(s) to be adjusted.
This cheat was broken when Pets was first shipped, in that the cheat could be used but changes would not
be saved with the lot. Install the Pets patch to fix this.

 roofSlopeAngle [15-75]
Adjusts the angles of all roofs on the lot, measured in degrees. Acceptable values are 15 to 75.

 boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false]

Setting this to false enables build/buy mode tools that would normally be disabled when in a dorm lot. It also
works for community lots, although any changes made to the lot will not be saved.

 setHighestAllowedLevel [number]
Sets the amount of floors allowed. Do not build any higher than 16 floors, or the game will crash.
This cheat works sporadically in later expansions, and does not work in the base game. To build higher, the
"Dormer Trick" can be used to build one more level up; simply build to the highest level possible without
cheats, build a dormer, and then build a wall on the new level. The dormer can be safely removed after this.
Gameplay Cheats
 kaching
Gives the household an additional 1,000 Simoleons

 familyFunds [family last name] [number]

Sets the funds of the specified household. Add + or - before the number to add or subtract the number
typed. If more than one household has the same family name, it will only affect whichever one has most
recently been added to the Neighborhood. Note: The maximum amount of Simoleons a household can have
is 9,999,999.

 motherlode
Gives the household an additional 50,000 simoleons.

 aging [on/off]
Prevents Sims on the lot from aging. Also pauses any pregnancies.

 intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number]

Changes the maximum number of Sims allowed on a lot. Will allow you to invite more Sims to a party, and
allows more visitors to show up on community lots. Please note that having more Sims on the lot will
increase lag and reduce game performance.

 intProp censorgridsize [number]

Sets the size of the pixelated censor when Sims are nude, such. Setting this to 0 removes the censor
completely. (Works only prior to installing the University patch)

 AspirationLevel (0-5)
Adjusts a Sim's aspiration to the selected level. 0 is failure and 5 is platinum.

 StretchSkeleton (0.0-?)
Adjusts a Sim's height. (1.0 is default) Changes will not be saved, and the Sim's height will be reset once the
lot is reloaded.

 boolProp petActionCancel [true/false]

Allows the player to cancel interactions in a pet's queue.

 boolProp controlPets [true/false]

Allows the player to control pets in the same manner as other Sims.

 boolProp disablePuppyKittenAging [true/false]

Toggles aging for puppies and kittens. Does not work on adult animals; use the regular aging [on/off] cheat
for this.

 boolProp petsFreeWill [true/false]

Toggles free will for pets.

 addneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]
Enables an interaction on non-controllable Sims to add them to the current household.

 forceTwins
Forces a single-birth pregnancy into a twin pregnancy. The pregnant Sim must be selected before entering
this cheat.

 setHour [0 - 23]
Sets the hour of the day in 24-hour time. For example, setHour 13 will change the game's clock to 1PM,
while setHour 1 changes the clock to 1AM.
 unlockCareerRewards
Unlocks all career rewards for the currently selected Sim.

 maxMotives
Maximizes the needs of all Sims. Will not affect Servo's Power motive or PlantSim motives. Not useful
for restaurant owners (Who wants customers that aren't hungry?)

 motiveDecay [on/off]
Enables or disables motive decay for all Sims on the lot. If motive decay is off, the needs of Sims will not

 lockAspiration [on/off]
Enables or disables decay/gain for the aspiration bar.

 aspirationPoints [amount]
Gives the selected Sim the specified amount of aspiration points, so they can buy aspiration rewards. Won't
affect the aspiration bar.

 ageSimsCheat [on/off]
Enables a "Set Age" option that appears when clicking on a Sim, which allows you to easily change their
age. It will also appear on all objects, although it will not work.
Storytelling Cheats
 slowMotion [value]
The slowMotion cheat takes one parameter: the "slowness" setting (such as slowMotion 4). This value
ranges from 0 to 8 where 0 is normal speed and 8 is the slowest speed. Helps with taking pictures at the
exact moment, or for dramatic video effects.

 boolProp objectShadows true/false

Toggles the display of shadows from outdoor objects.

 boolProp guob true/false

Toggles the display of shadows from indoor objects.

 boolProp simShadows true/false

Toggles the display of shadows cast by Sims.

 floatprop particleDensity [0-10]

Modifies the strength of transparent elements such as green stink clouds (e.g. those from smelly trash),
steam, glowing light, and rain. 0 is no visible transparent elements at all, 1 is default. The game allows for
very high numbers, but there is no visible difference past 10.

 floatProp tvVolume [number]

Allows the player to change the volume of the television. Acceptable values are 0.0 - 1.0.

 boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false

Enables the use of postprocessing cheats (see below); very useful for movie making (also see below).
Please note that you must have a video card that can handle pixel shaders in order to successfully use this
cheat. If you use the cheats and you don't have pixel shaders, the screen will most likely go partially dark,
and will not come back until you turn off enablePostProcessing. If you turn on postprocessing, and you turn
on cinematics, and a cinematic plays, you may also experience unwanted graphical glitches.

 bloom [r g b x] (rgb is color) (x is the bloom amount) [0.0 - 1.0]

This cheat adds a blur effect, like a sitcom flashback moment. You must have entered boolProp
enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

 vignette [centerX centerY X] (X is the vignetteing factor) [0.0 - 1.0]

Adds a blur effect from the specified center. Using "vignette 0.5 0.5 0.5" should put some blurry bits at the
edge of the screen. Vignette 0.5 0.5 1.0 is maximum edge blurriness. You must have entered boolProp
enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

 filmGrain [val] [0.0-1.0]

This cheat makes the screen grainy. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this
cheat to work.

 letterBox [val] [0.0-0.4]

Adds a letterbox effect to the view. You must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this
cheat to work.

 plumbbobToggle [on/off]
Toggles the display of the plumbbob, good for moviemaking/picture taking. Will not work in
a Userstartup.cheat file.

 showHeadlines [on/off]
If set to off, will remove thought and speech bubbles, as well as relationship chang e graphics. Will not work
in a Userstartup.cheat file.
Miscellaneous Cheats
 help
Lists some cheats but not all of them. The player can also enter ? after doing the expand cheat.

 help [cheatname]
Displays specific information about the cheat.

 exit (or the ⎋ Esc key)

Closes the cheat console.

 expand
Expands or contracts the cheat console.

 clear
Wipes the cheat console clean. Does not disable currently enabled cheats.

 boolProp ShowCatalogePFlags true/false

Set to true to show what expansion/stuff pack each buy mode object came from. Does not work with Happy
Holiday Stuff objects (they will simply display The Sims 2 as if they came from the base game).

 boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel true/false

Set to true to prevent walls from being cut away from the selected Sim in Walls Cutaway mode.
 boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel true/false
If set to true, only objects that are on the same floor as the selected Sim will be displayed. This is similar to
the "Object Hiding" option in the game settings, in which indoor objects on the floors beneath the one
currently being viewed by the player will be hidden. Can improve game performance by reducing the amount
of objects that need to be rendered at one time.

 boolProp displayPaths true/false

Toggles the display of paths, shown when a Sim is moving from point A to point B.

 boolProp displayLookAtBoxes true/false

If set to true, boxes will appear on the faces of Sims, and at the spot where their eyes are looking towards.

 boolProp allObjectLightsOn true/false

Set to true to force all objects to be lit up continuously, instead of only when on.

 vsync on/off
Set to off to improve game performance, although doing so may cause graphical glitches.

 boolProp useShaders true/false

Toggles the use of graphical shaders. Set to true to see improved graphics. May cause issues with graphics
cards that cannot support this option — turn it back off if there are problems. See also Game Help:Bump
Maps and Shaders.

 boolProp bumpMapping true/false

Toggles the use of bump maps. Set to true for increased detail on walls, floors, and clothing. May cause
issues with graphics cards that cannot support this option — turn it back off if there are problems.

 boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer true/false

Toggles the reflection of mirrors. Turn it off to improve game performance.

 faceBlendLimits on/off
Toggles the use of facial bounding limitations, which can make some corrections for two parents with
different facial structures. Turn it off to remove these corrections.

 changeLotClassification [low | middle | high]

This changes the lot classification of the lot. The lot will remain this classification until
the clearLotClassValue cheat is used.

 clearLotClassValue
This clears any "changeLotClassification" cheat used on the lot and sets the lot class to the correct
calculated value.

 printLotClass
This prints the lot's class (low, middle, or high) as well as the corresponding numerical lot class value. The
lot class on an apartment lot will determine which social class townies move into it.

 bugJarTimeDecay [on|off]
Toggles whether butterflies and fireflies caught in jars will live forever.
If this cheat is used inside a Userstartup.cheat file, it must be placed on the last line of the file. Doing otherwise will
break the Userstartup.cheat file.

 setLotLightingFile [filename]
Used to create a new lighting file with specific lot lighting values. Only intended for experienced users.
Advanced cheats
 boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true/false
enables/disables testingcheatsenabled

To enable Debug Mode in Create a Sim, go to CAS and press Shift-N; a message will appear, saying the
player is now in debug mode. To disable this mode, press Shift-M.

Once enabled, the player is given the ability to spawn the Tombstone of Life and Death, Rodney's Death
Creator, and other debugging objects.

If the cheat is enabled before loading a lot, it is possible to manipulate a Sim's skill levels, personality,
relationships, and motives by simply dragging the sliders up and down. It is also possible to fulfill wants
and/or fears by Ctrl+Clicking on them.

Important: Be careful with the objects spawned using this cheat, as misuse of them can cause corruption.

It is possible to rent an apartment with all of its furnishings by enabling testingcheatsenabled, shift+clicking
on the door of the apartment you would like to rent, and selecting "Rent Furnished". The Sim must be
standing next to the door, and they must not have any other actions in their queue.

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