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TDC Express Lin Eon ese nied Toxo rr on «lilt owen mo] Bote soe Cone S. IPD No. | Patients ren No. | Heel tz x 1 | RGNIPV3273 | Mrs. Bindu Singh” 32838612 | RGNACS-23- | 16/05/2023 | 103642/- i i | 2000888 i | | NEW | L LINDIA | | Note: Kindly check all the documents related to claim induding Investigation Reports, Discharge Summary, X-ray, U/S, CT Scan etc. at the time of recelving the bills. No enquiry will be entertained regarding above once bills ae received. Moo specs ‘Apollo Crate and Apolo Specie Hosp et No 27, Pocket ea Balgrs Area. Doe vi Sac, ‘rete Not Nagar 201308, Fa CIEE Sammars Fina) | Patient Name : Mrs. BENDU SINGH Bill No IN-ICS-23-24-000383 | Mte/ Gender 509 YRS Femate BilDate: 17-May-2023 cman PAN [Address :Eideco Golf View F-601T-A3, Apartment.Grenter | Noida,Gautam Buddha Nagar.india ump :RGN.0000018115, IPDNo —-:RGNIPY3273 | Consuttant Department |TPA Name :MEDIASSIST IPA, Ward +: SINGLE215 Bed Type SINGLE Billing Category : SINGLE | insurance Comp:The New India Insurance Company Admission Rate+ 11-May-2023 01:35 PM | | S.No. Particulars Amount a] CARDIOLOGY zi 4,550.00) RADIO TESTS. 7 7,900.00 SERVICE CHARGES 1,300.00 4 IPD CONSULTATION visits 24,500.00 5. ROOM CHARGE: : 22,500.00 jo Lan tests 6,710.6 [2_MRDICINE & CONSUMABLES 35,982.37 i Bill Amount: (INR): 103,612.37 rr Bill Amount (INR): 103,612.37 Discount (INR) 15,546.00 GST on Room Rents @ § % (0! (INR) 0.00 Round OFF Amount (INR) 037 6 ‘Total Amount (INR) 88,096.73 Patient share (INR): Pationt Payments (INR): 17,844.00 17,820.00, \ Patient Due (INR): 70,476.73 a Net Payable 1,620, MEDIASSIST TPA share 70,477.00 MEDIASSIST TPA net payable: 0.00 yma Reape Mode on TeMay 2005 RTPA Cri a “0000 TNR) lostay-2023 8 #04 PM, Cat Car 22,000.00 NR) 17-May-2025 & £28 PM RONRLA-25.26-000537 ntineP5yment 9,380.0 1NR) ay.2023 & 8:28 PM [RONRF-23-24-000196 Onin Pst 9380.00 INR) 17-May-2023 8 829 PM Online ayant -9380001NR) sedans RGNRE-23.25.000197 Feel TOT Roto Cladle Apollo Spectre hikcken’s wee [Patient Name : Mrs. BINDU SINGH |sge/ Gender 50.9 7RS/ Femate &C Specials in Surgery Detailed Bi (Final) * . ‘poo Cradle and Apolo Spectra Horta 27 Poca 27 Sector Burs re Opp tr Sede, tener Wola. Noga 201208, Una 252 444.Emal info apoegretenadacom Bill No Bill Date: + 17-May-2023 08:30 PM [ts wv as Sor NN ate 5 11-May-2023 01:35 PM. jem sReN.ono0raiis Discharge Date: 16.ay2025 1:00 AM jib No sRGNIPV3273 Ward SINGLE-215, [Consultant :Dr. Anshu Raina Bed Type +: SINGLE [Department :Consuttant Billing Category : SINGLE TPA Name: MEDIASSIST TPA |Imorance Como: The Nev India Inurance Company SANDE Descripon coy Go, Annet Caniovoy i DECK sme tae oo ss0 IPD CONSULTATION vistrs Vay-2023 DR. LB PRASAD(MORNING VISIT) 11-May-2023, DR, ANSHU RAINA(MORNING Vist) 4 1eMay-2023 DRL. PRASADVEVENING VISIT) 5. 1-May-2003._DR. ANS RAINAVEVENING VISIT) % 12-May-0028. DR. BHUPENDER BHATHEVENING Visit) 7% (ReMay2023 DR. ANSHU RAINA(MORNING VISIT) % 12-May-2023 DR. LB PRASADIMORNING VISIT) 9 12.May-2023 DR. ANSHU RAINACEVENING visit 10, 12.MMny.2023,_DR LB PRASADYEVENING VISiT) HL 3sMays2029._DR.ANSHU RAINAEVENING VISIT) 12, .hay-2023._DR.LB PRASADIEVENING VistT) 45 13:May-2029. DR, ANSHU RAINAQMORNING VISIT) 1, 13.May.2023, DR. LB PRASAD(MORNING VISIT) |S. 13.May-2025, DR. BHAVYA SINGH MORNING visit) 16 14-May2023._DR. LB PRASAIYMORNING VISIT) 7. H4May-2029, DR. ANSHU RAINA(MORNING Visit) | 14eMay-2023, DR. 1, PRASADYEVENING ViSir) 19. 1S-May-2023 DRL PRASADEVENING VistT) 2. 15-Maye2023_ DR. LB PRASAD(MORNING Vist) 21, 15.Nay-2023- DR, ANSHU RAINA(MORNING VISIT) 22, 16sMay-2023 DR ANSHU RAINACMORNING VISIT) 200.00 1.20000 1.20000 1.20000 1.20000 1.20000 1.20000 1,200.00 1.20000 #20100 1200.00 +0000 1,206.00 sonc0 120000 120000 1200.00 1.20000 1.20.00 120000 120000 te tat a0 so 1.00 00 120000 100 000 20000 1.00 0.00 1.20000 09 00 1200.00 1.00 000 1200.00 i 0.00 1200.90 1.00 om 1200.00 0 000 120000 1.00 000 3,200.00 100% po 120000 1.00 0.00 1200.00 00 00 1200.00 1.00 000 1200.00 100 0.00 50000 109 600 1200.00 1.00 600 1200.00 0 00 1.20.90 1.00 2.00 1200.00 00 0.00 1200.00 100 000 2,200.00 1.20000 LAB TESTS ; 23, h-May2023- GLUCOSE GLUCOMETER 12000 200% om 2000 RENAL PROFILE:RENAL FUNCTION TEST May. ‘000 2.00 0.00 4,040.00 2A May 2008 eer RET emo ine 23. WeMay2023 LIVER FUNCTION TEST (LF) (PROG) 170m 1.00 00 1,170.00 TTT By MDT Fae Apollo Cradle Baio Spectra’ & Children's Specialists in Surgery CRQRUREN WW Detailed Pil (Final) ‘Allo rade and Apole Speci Hospital Pot No 2, Pocket PS Sulders na, Opp. Miva Sct, Greate Nold i Nagar 201308, 0. Inn, Yetvoi 120282 444 Emalinowanologreaternlsa com Cee CHD RGR WOOTEN BIN TRONS 25-24. 50038 [Same Ns aINDU SINC IPD Ne :RGNIPVAITA 29, 12-May. GLUCOSE GLUCOMETER: 120.00 1.00" 0.00, 120.00 cideeee uacmucre ote ie a % Uisyous cusgmtitones oem ia =p 7 sewatronunmrwtriscron resp EE Poni GI saor0 rests reser ie ar ie eres “0 im te ame a teas te fc fon Seed taste Eg rwnmpanane neem ‘BOCUNENTS To He PROVIDED BY THE HOSPITAL W SUPPORT OF THE CLAN 1 Saas cng sunray ne am ne Ho £. Saror emittance tigen Cea erg ere oes aceon bea See NI EN |S Chae rato eae rar Sens gms ce eterno ance Shae ‘Petre stn omer oases neta sepa sth eps) ‘eal stein arnt rel he Ney is eat eo a ay est ene. nn rand 3 few eter : © Lbrenon . 2 rR nee 2 Say estate SERS r races ate nent comin aed amar ot Sage emere ra ested Lwin Saye fees ce ete maf in REQUEST FOR CASHLESS HOSPITALISATION FOR HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY PART C (Revised) Tose mus nmocnseras TO aio IAIOODOCOIDIOOIE) eC OOo IeRODA0O ee OOOO ERED TiPoea OSD DRE Tietvevtaris Tana as 859 NOC OOOO OOoC | oo GA RCo) Con }OW000 1 oOo J Coes QOOECDEE seem FeO sO | HEE eee atlases fe qs cay qevewtene taco TO | OO REQUEST FOR CASHLESS HOSPITALISATION FOR HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY PART C (Revised) TOMER mocKLE TES NA = yet tee AUSbOOCHERERCCOOCOOCOOOOO Monn ae eerie EEPEL) CELE Rigas ckear MOET Sietis Date of Admission. PATIENT NAME/INSURED NAME (SLOCK LETTERS) cu. ~ NGEY/SEX YZ be 7 (To be filled by the insured/policy holder/attendant) Do you have an insurance policy? YES/NO please select: New india/ United India/ National Insurance/ Oriental Insurance/others ‘ave you contacted TPA or insurance Company for cashless facity? Yes/No Whether patient apted for Eligible Room Category under Poh vespno oN connie then kindly mention the opted room categorynnnenseuud LM Mp, cee tion wish to aval above facity and | hereby agree to pay on my free wil, after being exslained in detail by the Hosaital authority in my own and understandable language about the abor- At foc allty/Procedure/Treatment and associated cost of it, whichis over and above the agrecd arf For the treatment. Further, if | opt to go for final bill reimb spective insurance company wil reimburse only pount will be borne by me / patient only yursement with insurance company, er agreed tariff for the treatment and balance ve a0 been explained that when room service of a category other than eligible room rent is availed patient not ony the ciference in room rent but also an equal proportion ofall other charges he treatment shail be borne by me/ patient only \ Signature | Signature: eet ; \ - ime ofthe Paten/Patientsstendant Name ofthe Hospital RepresBntded Borital Sel Mobile No. E-Mail PAN J Form 60: Aadhar Card Number, 91 82876 95877 Mayank Shekhar 4 @ ; ’ Jk © a le ; ores on * © » portaerrs, inti araee, ee ae. BEY ¢ Seen a “Bist NA NRD ROBUST some "RES BR ew eee Se eon g + Fae lee: updated Network hospta tt, tgs o ° =e a * seal reseatontee tart. + Fela arate cont ee evo, aa es ey + Eee ign ete spat ae ® Be, Bao Spectra’ &Ch OT Throseirats. en's, | Specialists in Surgery Hespital awoke Rea —— Es 7 RREAEER NOIDA Patient Name Mrs. BINDU SINGH Registration Date 1 f-May-2023 03:08 PM IPD No RGNIPV3273, Reporting Date 12-May-2028 10:43 AM UID RGN.0000018115 Referring Doctor Approved Date ‘12-May-2023 10:43 AM | DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY X-RAY CHEST PA Subtle ‘patchy opacity seen in left lower lung ? Infective, Cardiothoracic ratio appears normal Bilateral hila appear normal. Bilateral domes of diaphragm & costophrenic angles appear normal. Bones & soft tissues appear normal No midline shift seen, Advice: Clinical correlation, seg oF je Ob, Shalini Verma. Sr. Consultant Radiologist Reg no. 2319 Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals Pocket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email: info@apollospectragn,com| www. GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. “*'*"" (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 By, Bro Apollo Spectra’ &Chik ren’ s. “Specialists in Surgery Hospital [PaientNane wre BNOU SHH conaces Tralee ae |nacicense: = soVOMBOF Rocaves ‘1nayfcea 00:220M June RGN.ooooot8r1s Repenes "inne 419M |vistio RGNT48993 Status Fal Report | ret Dor DrDrAnstu Raa tert Name: HLM GNHRI HOSPITAL GR NOIOA [Poe wo anv Pstectiocton Seco 1 Greta Nota [ DEPARTMENT OF HAEMATOLOGY Tost Name Result | Unit | Bio: Ref Range Method [COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) , WHOLE BIOOD-EDTA as HAEMOGLOBIN wa im Epectrophotemeter rey co % 36-45 [Electronic pulse & [catelaton RBC COUNT coe 384.8 [Electrical impedence [nev a e301 __[Galevated MCE 28 2s alulles MCHE gist 318348 [Calculated ROW is % 116-14 (Calculated TOTAL LEUGOGYTE COUNT (LO) Callleuns | 4000-10000 [Electrical npedance DIFFERENTIAL LEUCOCYTIC COUNT (OLG) | NeuTRorrits : we tecical impedance LYMPHOCYTES % Eecircal impedance EOSINOPHILS % ecncal impedance MONOCYTES % [Electrical Impedance | BASOPHILS % [Electrical Impedance | CORRECTED TLC rt Cells/ou.mmn [Calculated } "ABSOLUTE LEUCOCYTE COUNT [ NeUTROPHES — [500 calsvesimen | 2000-7000 [tecical impedance LYMPHOCYTES 670 Cetefoumm | 00-3000 [Flecreal Impedance EOSINOPHILS 710 Celsvoumm 20-500 [Electical impedance “MONOGYTES: 330 Celsfoumm | 200-1000 —[Eleceal Impedance PLATELET COUNT Sis000 | ealveume | 150000-410000 [Electrical mpedence Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals® ‘RONOPOtket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email: info@apollospectra age ot| www. GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Cradle _ lo Spectra’ & Children’s, | Specialists in suraery Hospital JGREATEB NOIDA: FatoriNove Wa BNDUSNGH cote Tia OPM agelGonde: SOY OMBO ecaives tmoyanzac22a9M JURDARNo RGN 000018418 Reverie a2 0418 vist D Rowreeae3 sts Fina Report Ret Doctor Oran Raina clans Name" HA\GNHR! HOSPITAL GR NODA [pe no GNIVIRTS Potantwcaon __: Secor Greer Noite DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY c [Result Unit | Blo, Ref Range | Method BILIRUBIN, TOTAL | __040 mga] 04-12 __[Aeobiinabin [[BILRUBIN CONJUGATED ORECT) [0.10 | mela [DIAZO DYE [CBIURUBIN INDIRECT) [= =230 mgt ——Pial Wavelength “ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE 15 . ut 444 psc | (aLtiser) | | [ PARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE | 200 wf 338 SOC {aSTISGOT) | Hee [ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE I 77.00 ut wat [FCC PROTEIN, TOTAL T 640 oak | 678.3 IBIURET | ALBUMIN — 3.30 gid 3.8-5.0 [BROMOCRESOL | [GREEN | SLOBUUN 30 | 9a ZOas [Calculated | (CAG RATIO 1.06 0.9-2.0 [Calculated : page ore Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals : RGNOPStket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP- 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email inieinpelogeectromescora| wes apaleiepesmushen GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190D12012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Ba ier de C & Hospital OH ABolio Spectr Specialists in Surgery ildren's, Paton Name we BNBU SINGH Sates Tray am OEM AceiGender soy MSOF Recshed 11hay2029 03226 JUsIDM No RGN.ooceatBI15 Reported 1ey2025 04110 Jisiio Rant48993 Fal Repo | Ref Doctor Or.Dr.Anshu Raina Client Name HLM GNHRI HOSPITAL GR NC [reno Renevaars atetlocaton Sector ret Nisa | DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY a eat Name Result Unit | Bio. Ref. Range Method [RENAL PROFILEIKIONEY FUNCTION TEST (RFTIKET), SERLAT > CREATINE O73 mana | | IMeTHoD (amex : [ane mgi| 77-48 urease ‘BLOOD UREA NITROGEN 54 mgidt | 80-78. [Caculatod URIC ACID. _ 5.50 mgidt | 3.0-5.5 |URICASE. CALCIUM 7.80 mg 8.4102 OPC PHOSPHORUS, NORGANIC gic 26-44 PNPXOD ‘SODIUM, ee mmovL_ 135-145 [Direct ISE [POTASSION 1 momo 35-51 Dee SE ((cRLORDE 1 [moi 98-107 rect SE Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals#! RoNOPetket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP- 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Em: GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190D12012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Be, | Rospcus & Children’s, | Specialists in Surgery Hospital Patient Name ‘Wrs.BINDU SINGH [ootectes 1iMiayi2023 04:43PM JigeGonder SOMO recs 1ntey2223 08 0°14 JID No RGN oopo0r81+5 perce ‘nteyiane3 ces vist ntat038 ste Final Report Ret Doce D:DrArah Rane cient Name HL GHW HOSPITAL GR NODA PoP No antovaers Patent cation; Secor 1,reater Nea DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Result Unit] Bios Rot Range] Wathed [COMPLETE URINE EXAMINATION (CUE), URINE ] PHYSICAL EXAMINATION [ couour [PALE YELLOW] PALEVELLOW — [aval z [TRANSPARENCY CLEAR CLEAR Vaual oH Seer coe 57.5 [Sremothmrol Bue Se GRAVITY ~ To r08s [her 030 [Dipti j BIOCHEMICAL EXAMINATION URNEPROTEN NEGATIVE NEGATWE PROTEIN ERROR OF| | INDICATOR. [euease NEGATIVE NEGATE ——[e00.FOD URINE BILIRUBIN NEGATIVE NEGATIVE [AZO COUPLING [URINE KETONES (RANDOM) NEGA NEGATNE —NITROPRUSSIOE UROBLINOGEN TNORWAL NORMAL [EHRLICH [[BLOOD. NEGATIVE NEGATIVE [Diptce NITRITE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE istic LEUCOCYTE ESTERASE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE PYRROLE | i HYDROLYSIS ‘CENTRIFUGED SEDIMENT WET MOUNT AND MICROSCOPY PUS CELLS 45 anil ge Os Microscopy EPITHELIAL CELLS eo hot Tato MICROSCOPY. Rae ABSENT Tho o2 IMicROSCOPY [exsts — Tz Fyalin Gast MICROSCOPY [orverars ABSENT ABSENT MICROSCOPY. Dr. PARWIN AHMED MBBS,D.CP Consultant Pathologist Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospital ON 5BEcket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email:| www. Tel “End OF Report ™ GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Offic: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Bs B, = Cradle lo Spectra & Children’s, | Specialists in surgery Hospital [Barcode No. RGNORESTI fge Sex 3 oral Patent Name Mes. BINDU SINGH Registaton Date = 12-May-2029 11:33 AM PO No. RGNIPV3273 Reporting Date "2May-2023 11:56 AM uo RGN.0000018115 Approved Date 12May-2023 1186 AM | Referring Doctor J DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY COLOR Ds y nN The common, superficial and deep femoral veins; popliteal, anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal veins are visualized and appear normal in calibre with anechoic lumen and smooth inner margins of the walls; and are normally compressible. Complete and uniform colour filling is seen, with normal spontaneous and unidirectional flow showing normal respiratory and cardiac phasicity. The veins show normal response to ‘Valsalva maneuver and augumentation Bilateral greater and lesser saphenous veins appear normal in caliber with rformal tapering towards the periphery. Bilateral saphenofemoral and saphenopopliteal junctions appear normal, with no e/o reversal of flow seen. ‘Visualized soft tissue appears normal IMPRESSION: Advice : Clinical correlation. No evidence of deep vein thrombosis in bilateral lower limbs. wa \ Ves vens Apollo Cradle & Chidren's Hospital and Spectra Hospitals Pocket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email:| www. GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. "*!*"! (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Be Bao Apollo Spectra’ Idren’s, | Specialists in surgery aie Patent Nene Ws BROUSNGH eatecied Tease SIA pcciGenser 0990 Receives vantaynzs 2022 UMIOMR Ne: RGNaDoCO:er1E Reportes ‘ay2025 01.056 vist ewison3e sist Fal Repo Ret Doctor Oe DrAnshy Raine Cient Name HLMGNHRI HOSPITAL GR NODA OP No renevaaTs Patertlcaion Sesto Greer Nok ~ DEPARTMENT OF HAEMATOLOGY { Test Name Resule Unit | Blo: Raf Range | Method [COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (GBC), MMOLEBLOODEDTA ; HAEMOGLOBIN as] [Seaarophotometer Pov 3850 [Etecronis pulse & [Caleuiation REC COUNT 302 [Wane [Elecrial impedence MCV anne [os iL (Cateuated MH [ons 29 [Calculated MCHC roa 3a 315345 [Galelatod ROW. [i586 % 716-14 [Galouates TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT (TLE) | 8400 ceiceuram | 4000-10000 [Etecvical impedance DIFFERENTIAL LEUCOCYTIC COUNT (DLO) NEUTROPHILS: 66 i 40-80 Electrical impedance LYMPHOCYTES, 26 20-40Eleiial impedance [[EOSINOPHIS: : a2 18 Elsircal impedance MONOCYTES 7 06 2:10 _Elstieal impedance BASOPHILS. 00 % <2 [Electrical impedance [CORRECTED TLC 8,400 [Calculated "ABSOLUTE LEUCOCYTE COUNT NEUTROPHILS: fi [5844 Celisicurrmm [2000-7000 [Electrical impedance: LYMPHOCYTES 284 Celisieimm | 1000-3000 Electrical impedance -EOSROPR — 7a ete grn | cs00;- ecicalioecere “MONOCYTES 504 Celisfoumm 200-1000 [Electrical Impedance PLATELET COUNT [480000 | estisfeumm | 160000-470000 —Eeorcal impedence Re Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals Sfage ‘RONOPOtKet-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 ae Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email: info@apollospectragn. .com| www. apollospectra. com GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No, U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 Boe | Bosc &Childten’s, | Specialists in Surgery Hospital fagscencer say aMa0F ecewed tanayinzo 12czPa HOW Ns: RGNonnotar1s Roped ‘unto 0105 tio onis0038 sia Fra Rago et Occ OrDrAnstu Rena tert Name: HIM GNF HOSPITAL GR NOIDA BOP No oun Palertocion _: Set reir Ni Pe DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY Test Name [Result [Unt | Blo. Ref. Range | Wethod [RENAL PROFILEIKIDNEY FUNCTION TEST (RFT), FRU | CREATININE 075 maid if Dat [ENZYMATIC hweT400 (rex 7030 Tae lire [BLOOD UREANATROGEN ase 30-230 [Cacuated TRIG ACID 475 ~3.0:55 URICASE CALGION 280 e410 [orc | BHOSPHORIS INORGANIC 302 26-44 |PNPXOD SOKA 1a 195-145 [reat SE POTASSION 48 3551 [prec SE [lear —— 700 96-107 —[Dreat SE A “* End Of Report “* Eee De Pawn ase maps. ConsuRant Pathologist rage Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals: RONPOtket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 15 120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email: | www. apollospectrai com GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, Ist Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003 = ee Prospect ren’s, | Specialists in Surgery ae seiGencer SOY 9MBDIF Recaves 1nay2020 010M UHDMRN —_:RGNocoCoNer1S Reports aniy2029 01210M ato Ranssoous — Fira Report Ret Dato Oe DrAnsh Rana tent Nome‘: HLMGNERI HOSPAL GR NOIDA 210° No anvszra Patentiocaten _ Sexe 1 Grater Noa ‘DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Test Name Resuk | Unit | lo. Ref Range | Method [COMPLETE URINE EXAMINATION (CUE), URINE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION [_coLour |_PALE YELLOW. [PALE YELLOW [Visual TRANSPARENCY [CLEAR CLEAR isal oH 7. 575 [Bremoihymal Bue SP. GRAVITY 7018 7062=1.030__[Dipstik BIOCHEMICAL EXANINATION URINE PROTEIN NEGATIVE | NEGATIVE [PROTEIN ERROR OF| | INDICATOR CLUSOSE | REGATNE REGATNE_|GOD-POD. URNEBILRUEIN [NEGATIVE NEGATE [AZO COUPLNG URINE KETONES (RANDOM) NEGATIVE NEGATIVE __|NITROPRUSSIDE, [[UROBILINOGEN NORWAL NORBIAL__[EHRLIGH [BLooD NEGATIVE NEGATE [Dipstck [NEGATIVE NEGATIVE [Dipstek : NEGATIVE [PYRROLE [HYDROLYSIS hot 08 meroscopy Tot | 10” [MICROSCOPY ABSENT That 02 MIGROSCOPY NL 7: yalna Cast [MICROSCOPY [eRYSTALS se ASSENT |IGROSCOPY 7 End Of Repo Dr. PARWIN AHMED MBIBS,D.CP Consultant Pathologist age of Apollo Cradle & Chidren’s Hospital and Spectra Hospitals: RONOPStket-7, Opp. IFS Villas, Greater Noida, UP - 201308 Tel: 0120 232 4444 | Mob: 7669524490 | Email:| www. apoilospectra. com GREEN NOIDA HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE HOSPITALS PVT. LTD. (CIN No. U85190DL2012PTC246448) (A Licensee of Apollo Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Regd. Office: 1497, 1st Floor, Bhardwaj Bhawan, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003

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