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Department of Education

Region V
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________ Score: MUSIC

Parent’s Signature: __________ ARTS

Date: _____________________ PE

Direction: Read the following questions then choose the CORRECT answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your choice on
the SPACE provided for. Kindly use BLUE ballpen for this test.

______ 1. In this opera, a Japanese woman married an American Lieutenant but eventually returns
to America after treating their marriage as a casual affair. He married an American woman and
when he returned to Japan three years later, he found out that he had a son with the Japanese
woman. Upon learning that he married another woman, the Japanese woman killed herself to make
sure that their son will be taken by his father. What is the title of this opera?
A. La Boheme B. Madame Butterfly C. Carmen D. La Traviata

______ 2. During Romantic period, vocal music became one of the best tools for expressing one’s
feelings. What could be the BEST reason for this?
A. because of emotional subjectivity
B. because it is for the intellects
C. because of its grandiosity and unpredictability
D. because of the formal structure they observe

______ 3. Romantic period not only takes pride on their vocal music but as well as their
instrumental music. However, due to funds and resources, Philippine schools can’t produce the
same instruments used when it comes to teaching this to learners. But we can improvise. Which of
the following concepts describes “improvisation” in relation to musical instruments?
A. act of creating music without much preparation
B. act of playing music without much preparation
C. performer instantly reproduce what his/her mind suggests
D. all of the above

______ 4. Like how the script contains the plot of the story of a play, ___________ contains the plot of
the opera.
A. libretto B. librettist C. score D. opera script

______ 5. Joey was confident about his acting skills. However, during the actual day of their
presentation for Romeo and Juliet, he forgot some important lines. If you were Joey, what are you
going to do?
A. I will not do anything about it.
B. I will improvise my lines through ad-lib.
C. I will let my co-actors to save me by saying their lines instead.
D. I will look at the audience, shrug my shoulders, and just laugh.

______ 6. You are an aspiring composer and you are searching for the right vocal range or
classification of your female singer. She has the lowest voice, therefore, she is a
A. contralto B. mezzo-soprano C. soprano D. tenor

______ 7. Breathing, being one of the fundamentals of singing, plays an important role. Why is good
breathing technique important for singers?
A. Because their performance depends on it.
B. Because it is a natural biological function.
C. Because it allows them to project sound better.
D. Because it will add breathing noises as they sing.
______ 8. In Pitch Perfect movie series, actresses sing without musical accompaniment. This is an
example of ___________________.
A. A Capella B. Duet C. Trio D. Soprano

______ 9. Improvisation is a creative approach used to treat a musical material. Using musical
elements, which of the following used improvisation appropriately?
A. In harmony, one can explore and play with chords.
B. In timbre, one can play with different types of sound.
C. In melody, one can use a portion of a given melody and combine it with other notes.
D. All of the above.

For no. 10, use the rubric below in answering the question.

______ 10. You auditioned for a role in La Traviata. You have learned from your music teacher that
proper posture promotes efficient breathing. So, on your performance day, you stood straight with
your heads up and started singing. However, there were instances that you’re teacher sends signal
of proper posture. Following the rubric above, how will you be evaluated for “posture”?
A. advanced B. proficient C. basic D. minimal

______ 11. An aria is an air or solo singing part sung by a principal character. Why does it decide
the fate of an entire opera?
A. Because it can bring the audience to its feet if sung properly and well.
B. Because it is what the public will remember best when they leave the opera house.
C. Because it is sung by a principal character so obviously it will have an impact to its fate.
D. Because audience focuses only on the aria and if it touches their hearts, they will
appreciate the opera.

For nos. 12-15, it was already administered (“Kalesa” performance and their musical play).

______ 16. It is a form of art that combines all other forms of art in which a story is told either
through dialogue and actions, and song or dance in a live performance.
A. musical play B. musical drama C. opera D. theater

______ 17. What is a “satyr” play?

A. It features a half-goat, half-man character.
B. It makes people see the impact of their behavior.
C. It deals with tragic events and unhappy endings.
D. It is a dramatized version of a particular biblical event.

______ 18. Jill was amazed at what he saw in the stage during the play presentation. The setting
was in a cemetery. When the lady awoke, she saw her loved one lying dead from poison so she
stabbed herself and died. It was a grim scenery with all those dead people. The lights went out
slowly with the music playing a very sad melody. What element of theater is described here?
A. plot B. theme C. spectacle D. genre
______ 19. Satyr was often performed after three tragedies. What could be the reason for this?
A. Satyr is the most important genre.
B. It contains the name of the playwright.
C. It provides a breather from the preceding unhappy endings.
D. It is always requested by the many audiences during the period.

______ 20. Tragedy is a compound word of two Greek words “tragos” (goat) and “” (ode). What is
the relevance of “goat” in Tragedy that it inspired the name?
A. Goats were sacrificed to Dionysus before performances. C. Both A and B.
B. Performers wore goat-skins. D. Neither A nor B.

______ 21. “Grade 9 students watched the musical play High School Musical at MNCHS Auditorium”
is a theatrical feature pertaining to what element of a theater?
A. audience B. plot C. acting D. spectacle

______ 22. What does “breaking of the fourth wall” in theater means?
A. There is an actual wall between performers and audience, and they literally break it before
the start of the performance.
B. There is an invisible wall between performers and audience, and performers address
dialogues to the audience.
C. There is an actual wall between performers and audience, and audience can only hear
what the performers were saying.
D. There is an invisible wall between performers and audience, and performers pretend to
break the wall by acting exaggeratedly.

______ 23. In a Tom and Jerry show, we do not hear any dialogue but we can feel the intensity and
speed of their action. What element is responsible for this effect?
A. facial expression B. sound C. make-up D. light

______ 24. In terms of theatrical elements and principles, what made Oedipus Rex, a Greek play,
unique from other Western classical plays/opera?
A. Staging is divided into three levels: main stage, heaven, and hell.
B. Facial expressions was of no importance to actors since they were always masked.
C. There were variety of props used depending on the scene/act the actors were portraying.
D. Their costumes are based on the style and design of dresses worn during the Renaissance

______ 25. Evaluate which of the following is a fitted description for a director, an important figure
in the production staff.
A. He/she sets up the actual stage of production.
B. He/she has the vision of the desired total effect and impact of the performance.
C. He/she provides the financing and oversees the overall production of the performance.
D. He/she looks at the details searching for evidence through research to produce
conceptual ideas.

______ 26. “Romans loved a good spectacle.” How do they show it?
A. They loved to watch combats.
B. They were pleased with realistic violence.
C. They admired blood sports and gladiator competitions.
D. D. All of the above.

______ 27. You were assigned a character in your play with a Parkinson’s disease. In order to make
your portrayal convincing, what element of theater are you going to use and how will you do it?
A. Gestures/Movements – I will do shivering movements with my hands and other parts of
my body.
B. Speaking – I will speak in a shaking manner to make the audience think I am old and has
a disease.
C. Facial Expression – I will show an exaggerated sad face so audience will know that I have
a disease.
D. Acting – I will limp around when I walk, show a disheartened expression, and would talk
slowly like an old person does.
For no. 28, complete the Venn Diagram below. Explain the uniqueness of these two original
performances using the diagram. Write at least one similarity and one difference each work.

Romeo & Juliet Florante at Laura

For nos. 29 & 30, you are working as a costume designer. Design the figure below and transform it
into any character in Romeo & Juliet stage play.

Name of Character: _________________________

______ 31. Badminton is believed to have originated from this game played by English Army officers
stationed in India during 17th century. What is this game called?
A. Poona B. Minton C. Mintonette D. Poontah

______ 32. Activities done during free time is called “recreation”. What is the primary reason why
one engages in recreational activity?
A. socialize B. enjoyment C. fitness D. boredom

______ 33. Which of the following is a manifestation of the “Leave No Trace” policy in camping?
A. Pick up flowers in going home. C. Bring non-biodegradable equipment.

B. Bring home with you all your waste materials. D. Feed animals you encounter.

______ 34. You are trying to plan for a recreational activity after your final examination. What is the
BEST THING to keep in mind?
A. The activity should be of your interest.
B. The activity should be away from home.
C. The activity should be held within your comfort zone.
D. The activity should give you the chance to earn money.

______ 35. Xam is the SK Chairman in their Barangay. She was requested by their Barangay
Captain to plan an activity for the health of the people. Which of the following should she consider
in planning for the said activity?
A. budget of the project C. health status of the people
B. facilities in the barangay D. personnel to work in the project

______ 36. Why did William Morgan invented volleyball?

A. to make an indoor recreational activity for his clients
B. to create an indoor recreational activity that is fun out of nothing
C. to create an indoor recreational activity during the winter season
D. to make an indoor recreational activity that will make his clients physically fit

______ 37. Badminton playing burns more calories. What reason can we attribute this to?
A. the speed of movement in playing C. the jumping actions in smashing
B. the swinging actions in hitting the shuttle D. the slow wrist actions in drop shots

______ 38. Jem would like to be an ambassador of healthy lifestyle in their community. How can she
give justice to this?
A. write about healthy lifestyle C. practice healthy lifestyle
B. disseminate healthy lifestyle D. talk about healthy lifestyle

______ 39. One of the essential tips for outdoor recreational activities is wilderness ethics. How does
one observe it?
A. Leave what one finds inside the area, even if it is a trash.
B. Maximize campfire impacts to get the best of your activity.
C. Be respectful and courteous to other visitors, as well as to wildlife.
D. Leave a trace on the way like picking flowers to avoid loss of direction.

______ 40. Badminton is one of the indoor recreational activities. While it can be played outdoors,
what is the logic behind badminton being IDEALLY played indoors?
A. It is more comfortable inside the gym.
B. Air resistance is lesser inside the gym.
C. It’s more convenient to play inside the gym.
D. Friction is greater in providing better stability.

For nos. 41-42, it was already administered (orienteering, volleyball, badminton, and Zumba dance).

______ 43. You were invited to talk on how to prevent diseases and live a healthy and quality life.
What would be the focus of your talk?
A. The health history of the family.
B. The attitude and behavior of the family.
C. The environment where the community is.
D. The nutrition and physical activity of the family.

For nos. 44 and 45 (2pts), create a slogan about practicing environmental ethics during your
participation in any recreational activities in your community. Create your slogan inside the box.

______ 46. It refers to types of injuries in which some harm was intended to occur.
A. simple mishaps C. intentional injuries
B. unintentional injuries D. intentional accidents

______ 47. It is a form of abuse which takes away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will
in exchange for some sort of benefit.
A. kidnapping B. extortion C. terrorism D. abduction

______ 48. It focuses on articles regarding protection rights of children to keep them safe from harm.
A. Protection from sexual Exploitation
B. Protection from all forms of violence
C. The Convention on the Rights of the Child
D. Protection from Abduction, sale, and trafficking

______ 49. The headline “Russian military attacks, invades Ukraine” is an example of
_____________________________ injury.
A. intentional / preventable C. unintentional / preventable
B. intentional/ unpreventable D. unintentional / unpreventable

______ 50. Rhea, one of the funniest girl in your group, has not been her usual self for a week now.
You noticed that she rarely talk and would often space out. One time, you saw some scratches on
her wrist. From these indications, you can assume that Rhea is at risk of ________________, a type of
intentional injury.
A. bullying B. suicide C. stalking D. rape

______ 51. Ed and Nicky have been friends for years and finally decide to go on a date. After having
a few drinks, they go back to Nicky's apartment and begin kissing on her bed. Nicky tells Ed that
she doesn't want things to go any further. Ed tries to force her to go further, but Nicky grabs her
pepper spray and sprays him in the face. She immediately leaves her apartment and calls 911.
What intentional injury was she preventing from happening in her home?
A. rape B. molestation C. incest D. assault

______ 52. The following news headlines indicate intentional injuries EXCEPT ______________.

A. C.

B. D.

______ 53. The following are characteristics of verbal abuse, a type of intentional injury, EXCEPT for
one. Which is it?
A. It is not obvious nor hidden.
B. It may begin with put-downs disguised as jokes.
C. It is dangerous because it causes gradual fading of self-confidence.
D. It is controlling to the point where it could sound very sincere and in a concerned way.

______ 54. Domestic violence is an act that includes physical assault, sexual abuse, and verbal
abuse. Which is a risk factor for it?
A. The partner sadly accepts the end of their relationship.
B. The partner is very understanding and is not easily jealous.
C. The partner continuously praises the other to make him/her feel loved.
D. The partner has a history of bad relationships and blames it on others.

______ 55. Evaluate which of the following situations is correctly identified. Write only the letter of
your answer on the space provided for.

Situation Category of Injury

A. A wife got blacked eye because she was hit by her husband. Intentional Injury
B. A group of students teased a girl and took her belongings. Unintentional Injury
C. Mary suffers ankle dislocation due to falling from the Intentional Injury
D A boy was hospitalized because of fraternity initiation. Unintentional Injury

______ 56. What information can you get from the poem below?
A. It talks about how Sasha and Leigh loves each other.
B. It paints a picture of domestic violence and how it affected Sasha.
C. It talks about how scared Sasha and Lei’s mother was of their father.
D. It paints a picture of a beautiful and ideal family ruined by a murderous father.

______ 57. Bullying is rampant in school, but there are ways to prevent it from happening. Choose
three (3) protective factors against bullying from the list below.

I. Strengthen youth’s skills. III. Connect youth to caring adults and activities.
II. Intervene to mitigate harms and prevent future risk. IV. Safe place where one can go to.


______ 58. Stacey dated Jason for about three months before deciding to end the relationship. Jason
did not take the news well and continues to secretly follow Stacey, taking pictures of her everywhere
that she goes and sending them to her in threatening letters. He also calls Stacey at work numerous
times a day and hangs up on her. What should Stacey do to protect herself against Jason's
A. Blow a loud whistle into the phone when she thinks Jason is calling her and not
B. Carry a gun with her whenever she goes to work so she will not be caught off guard.
C. Yell whenever she sees Jason on the street before he could possible approach her.
D. Save Jason’s letters and turn them over to the police right away.

______ 59. Read on the situation below and analyze the risk factors involved. Choose three (3) risk
factors from the list.

Angela, a 19-year-old female college student, frequently sneaks out to party and have drinks at a
local bar. After several alcoholic beverages, she lost her consciousness. She woke up to see her
social media flooded with her malicious photos from last night. Because of the incident, she
started to have suicidal thoughts and plan to overdose with an unknown medication.

I. School failure II. Social rejection by peers III. Association with delinquent peers
IV. Poor parental monitoring and supervision of children V. Involvement with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco

A. I, III, V B. II, IV, V C. III, IV, V D. II, III, V


60. In one to two sentences, explain how you will prevent and control intentional injuries.

Prepared by: Checked by:

T-III (MAPEH Teacher) MT-I (Mathematics Teacher)

Recommending Approval: Approved:


HT-III, Department Head (MAPEH Department) MT-II, Asst. to the Principal

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