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The objective of this article review is to let students read and analyse scholarly journals related

to the course at hand/field of specialization. In so doing, they can acquire technical and
analytical skills in designing research projects aimed at solving specific problems in their local
area and beyond.

Guideline for article review

1) Article title, name of the author, volume and number, date of publication and the
publisher, number of citation, impact factor of the journal.
2) Objectives/Research questions
3) Study site (where and to whom it meant for)
4) Problem statement
5) Methodology (research approach, participants, sample and sampling technique, tools of
data collection)
6) Basic theoretical assumptions or arguments adapted
 Is it logical and sustainable?
 What differentiates these arguments have from others that you have read in the
area so far (if any)
7) Basic findings (identify)
 What is their implication in other empirical domains like in your local area,
institution you work in, your country?
 What alternative explanations could be accounted from the author(s) findings?
8) Limitations (theoretical, empirical, methodological, socio-economic,…)
9) Conclusion (remark the main points)
 Does the conclusion provided imply the findings?
 Is it generalizable?
 What relevance it has to any related issue you know in your local/work area?
 Its implication for future research in the area?

N. B. Read the article under your name/group attentively and follow the above guideline to review
(paraphrase your review). Substantiating the findings with similar issue you know in your locality (if any)
is highly recommended. The reviewed article will be presented in class by all group members. Students
will be evaluated both as a group and individually during the presentation sessions (to be arranged). It
covers 20% of your continuous assessment.

Have a good work and stay safe!

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