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Total No. of Questions : 4| SEAT NO.

[Total No. of Pages : 2
F.E. (Semester – II)
(2019 Pattern)
Time: 1 Hour] [Max
Marks: 30
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Solve Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

Q1 a) Explain any four features of Python programming. [4]

b) Explain data types in Python. [5]

c) Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find largest of three numbers. [6]


Q2 a) Define problem. Explain types of problem in detail? [4]

b) Explain following terms with suitable examples: [5]

i) Indentation
ii) Literals

c) Explain any three operators in Python with example. [6]

Q3 a) Explain while loop with syntax, flowchart and example. [4]


b) What is dictionary? Explain how to create dictionary, access and remove [5]
element from dictionary.

c) Describe the following terms with examples: [6]

i) break

ii) continue

iii) pass

1 P.T.O

Q4 a) Write a program in Python to find factorial of a number. [4]

b) What is tuple? Explain any three operations of tuple. [5]

c) Explain following selection statements in Python: [6]

i) if statement

ii) if – else statement

iii) if- elif-else statement


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