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[Roll No. ] 22653 BCA VI SEMESTER [MAIN/A.T.K.T.] EXAMINATION JULY - 2022 COMPUTER GRAPHICS (Max. Marks : 85] [Time : 3:00 Hrs] Pin, Marks : 28] Hotes AL TH Aeolons re ogres Aldea os a orice thing on question paper. [Section - A] ‘This Section contains Multiple Choice Questions. Each question carries 1 Mark. ati wre Y agfawatha ver é| gale ge 1 ale ae) Q.01 GUI Stands for - a) Graphics Uniform Interaction _b) Graphical User Interaction © Graphical User Interface d) None of these off 4 ang wr ygt ar — a) uiftooer afnnt getaerr b) uifibarel aR setae 9 uli aR see a) oad FS aid adh Q.02 Which of the following algorithm is a faster method for calculating pixel position - a) Parallel line algorithm b) Mid point algorithm © DDA line algorithm @ Breshnham's algorithm, Praifed Fa ai ef ofa aft oft venient 2 at fa fire at fer a wor we wad g — a) Reet aes veer b) fis age enReA 9 S10 as vane @ sees vere Q.03 Which of the following is defined as process of elimination of part's of scene outside a window or a view port - Pea a @! window @ sve wigs et of ger ear z - a) Editing b) Cutting ©) Clipping @) Plucking Q.04 Which of the following operation can be used to zoom in or zoom out any axis ona three dimensional object from it original position - a) Rotation b) Shearing ©) Scaling @ Translation PEO. frafafia 4 & fire site er su zoom in steal zoom out feel ver eRe & ur fra sr at fe de fae H sretae oT oP TST aT HT wa @ a) eet by) elafer oo) eéfehr ® cee Q..05 EPS image file format used for - a) Vector graphics b) Bitmap ©) Both (a) and (b) @) None of these ities sor wiser or ore eaate feat ona B — a) dace aifthry b) facta © (a) sik (b) aa @ ola ia og adi [Section - B] ‘This section contains Short Answer Type Questions, Zach question carties 5 Marks. go ars 4 aguante ver @) ude ae 5 fet ar 2] Qt What is Computer Graphics ? Write essential of application of computer graphics in detail pages fibre aar & ? aecagul weflhert ar fae @ wasga | OR Write difference between Random Scan display and Raster Scan displays Qusy vor ait eee eda fee A sie ere aa | Write DDA algorithm with example. DDA venferr wr very fed wrsngd | OR ‘Write short note on any two - i) Boundary fill algorithm. ii) Polygon filling algorithm. iii) Sean line polygon filling Explain concept of clipping and point clipping method, Fecttttr & free mr wrens ait age ot faery eer wT fate fevfeey OR Cont... 22653 Explain all case of text clipping with suitable example. care faettn & well der ccigd site Gorse afer aasTsa | Given a triangle with point (1, 1) (0, 0) (1, 0) apply shear parameter 2 on x- axis , 2 ony axis. Find new point. wp faetor fear wer & fered faq (1.1) ©, 0) C, 0) &1 shear fig 2 x-axis Fak 2 -y axis 21 ve fag at wort ahifort | OR Given a cirele C with radius 10 and center co-ordinate (1, 4) apply translation with distance 5 towards x - axis and 1 toward y axis obtain new co-ordinate of ¢ without change in it’s radius. wp ater & freet fear lo 8 aie dee fag (1, 4) 8 styl giaetert @eaT @ x-axis 02 Sai y axis oe Te fet fren oT oRatte fer) ae fas ToT @e1 Write down introduction of Multimedia with example. aedtifear or Vere ales Ua PIT OR Explain Multimedia application in detail wedPifsar weflbert wr fae @ wasnsd | [Section - C] This section contains Essay Type Questions. Each question carries 11 marks. we wey we | cele wer 11 ate ar 3) 2.6 Explain CRT with diagram and its all components. CRT oF fara afte fem @ easnst sik sud fafter oiric wt AY faene o wrengtt | OR What is Input and Output device. Explain all input and output device with suitable example. gig sit onseye feage aa eld 2 ? wit vor @ gaye aiiz srseye. fearga ef vere alee weed | Explain Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with suitable example sera ot oda sgt vetifters wf screw afer wasted | OR Explain Bresenham’s circle generation algorithm with suitable example. BREA GY Wee ORAM Voie wT verewT Uist WreTsy | PTO. 22653 Qs Q.10 Explain Cohen Sutherland algorithm with suitable example (line clipping). wid Yereys ors faery vetiRe wr verse aise wreTsa | OR Explain Liang Barsky line clipping algorithm with example. ferry areal ong faery vette wr gereer aig UrIsIge | Explain Two dimensional transformation with example. fe face civprisr at sere aise wrensa | oR Explain Homogeneous coordinate system ? shifsitire oF aiffete Rees wl asad ? Explain all multimedia file format with example. artisan & wit cer @ orga wrfe wT areeT wie WASTET | OR Explain multimedia Tool's with example uedbifear ga wi sere ufed faeare SY weg’ | ° 22653

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