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[Roll No. ] 22654 BCA VI SEMESTER [MAIN/A.T.K.T.] EXAMINATION JULY - 2022 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT [Max. Marks : 85] [ime : 00 Hrs} [Min, Marks : 28 Note: All THREE Sections are compulsory, Student should not write any thing on question paper. fa wos ' Usual oe we A Foret] [Section - A] ‘This Section contains Multiple Choice Questions. Each question carries 1 Mark. ati wre Y agfawatha ver é| gale ge 1 ale ae) Q. 01 Which dimension of management has further two dimensions - a) Management of Work b) Management of People ©) Management of Operation @) Management of Multi Dimensional Management frat Gee, (64) H art et way s - a) rT vaerT by oftai @r yer ©) fear or yar a) agsrarfl ar ade Q.02 Planning is the - a) Primary / first function of the b) Both (a) and (d) manager ©) None of these @) The last fiction of the manager warhit & - a) wet /oR oer art ob) (a) site (a) a ) wir a ats et @ Hore or sila orf Q. 03 Which of the following is the main reason for the existence of an organization- a) The vision ofan organization —b) The mission of an organization ©) The objective of an organization ) The chief executive officer (CEO) of an organization. fer 4 a ot a one den & sifttra wf cata g — a) wen at gfe by weer oT uader QO wens cer a) eer or yer ordarert aifereeny Q..04 Which of the following is the element of directing - a) Supervision b) Motivation ©) Leadership 4) Allofthese PTO. Prefer 4 tei Preent oT oer e — a) oefdenr b) eT o Aq @ ont wit Q. 08 "Planning is theoretical whereas controlling is practical” - a) True b) False ©) Cannot say @) None of these “Patent teifee & orate Peay, eraeiite & — a) wel b) Word © ve al and @ sailed Ya wg ae [Section - B] ‘This section contains Short Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. ae as A agra wer &| gale a 8 afel a2 Qt Q3 What is the nature of Management ? aries oh oper gar & ? OR ‘What are the four roles of Management ? wae wt are after? wate 2 What are the 5 nature of Planning ? abrn of gia waht war 7 OR ‘What are the four components of Plan ? ubrn & aR dew ot eg? How to identify the right - 'Spans of contro!’ for your organization ? and died @ ford alter -— Paavo sak a asart det aki? OR What relationship should exist between line and staff managers ? Explain. line sit staff managers @ da I aff relationship €41 afed ? wrengd | ‘What are the five elements of direction ? Explain briefly. fear & via aca ot 8 & ? ey A aa OR Cont... ‘How can a person resolve human relations problems ? Explain. we ofan, anda ddet wT wrest or wre et we ua 2 ? arse | ‘What are the controlling process steps in Business Management ? array veer A Prerayr uibar & av aa es ? OR ‘What is Controlling and its features ? Pram aan & sie gaat fava’ aaisa ? [Section - C] This section contains Essay Type Questions. Each question carries 11 marks. we ws F wer & | Gale Ger 11 afl er 8) 2.6 What are the function of management and its types ? Write the importance of management? Explain. . - wart @ wrt aie sub Wee aa Ss? Uae wT Neer ferfery | OR Describe about Human Relations Theory of Management ? weer @ aria tise Praia a art A avis we ? Define Planning, explain its purpose, characteristics, limitations and its importance ? @) rem @e | OR ‘What is Management by Objective Process ? Write steps in management by objective process ? Seca ERI wT gar? ogee ve ERT Wee @ aR wT Ferfisret ? What are 10 problems (challenges) faced by Entrepreneurs in India while starting their business ? Explain each challenges ? ana 4 vali of amt aaa ye od aaa fet 10 wil (challenges) #1 UFAT Wet sear f ? wete Gifrat wt area we) OR Write about Nature of staffing and explain functions of staffing and explain why staffing is important ? i vafa & ar a forsi sik xeitha @ oral @) aren afer sie wxsigd fm eerfthr aat aecayst & ? PTO. 22654 Qo Describe about ‘Human Relations in Industry’ - Issues and Challenges. ere eect site apt at acter eat ob ae at aofst we OR ‘What are the strategies for effective labor relations ? What should a manager do to establish healthy human relations in an organizations ? ward) ae tistdt @ ford worfifat aan 2 we einer AH erer sede wae wait Get & fer veerw wT aat oe aifed 2 What are controlling process steps in Business Management ? Explain each steps ? array weet A Pear aba & ae ars ? gee aH HY aATEAT Gey OR Describe about organizational control techniques ? Explain modem and traditional control techniques, with examples ? nemer@ Fear cofet & a 4H aan ? ongfae ved oreaite Petav do-fel ot sere aed wags’ | °

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