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4th Quarter

For the 4th Quarter in the subject of Science I have learned a lot of
lessons relating to Biodiversity and also I have encounter some
problems. The first lesson that I have learned is the Parts of
Digestive System, here I aquire a knowledge of knowing each the
role of each parts. It is followed by knowing about macromolecules
and process of digestion. The next lesson is all about cell and cell
cycle, here we have learned the steps of Mitosis and Meiosis then
we tackled the Non-disjuction where there is cancer and trisomy.
The next one is all about Genetics, Traits, Alleles, and Genes.
Followed by how to use a Punnet Square and the difference of
Phenotype and Genotype, Homozygous and Heterozygous. Then we
moved on to the module 4 the biodiversity. We discuss about the
species/genetic diversity and the ecosystem then also the Early
system classification and kingdom of anamalia. Then the last
lessons that I have learned is the Components of Ecosystem, The
Nitrogen, Water and Oxygen Cycle, The trophic level and high and
low biodiversity. The lesson I found the hardest is the different
cycles because there's a time where I find it hard to understand. The
lesson that I find easiest is the process of digestion since I am
already familiar with it. The problem that I have encounter is the
memorization of the informations like the classifications but I
surpass it by still memorizing it and accepting that I need to
memorize it in order to have a knowledge and pass my tasks. I
dedicate my work to Maam Cj because if it's not for her then I
probably have a hard time to understand those lesson. I like how
the way she teaches us and makes everything feels so easy to learn.
The creative activities that she makes us to do helped a lot on
having a deeper understanding within the lesson.
4th Quarter
For the 4th Quarter in the subject of Biotechnology. I
have learned a lot of things and encounters some
problems. The first lesson that we tackled is the Types
of Biotech where I get to know the different of the
red,yellow,green,gold and gray. The lesson 2 is all
about diagnostics and drug production and the
different applications of Biotechnology in Health. The
lesson three is all about pharmacogenomics and
therapeutic. It is followed by Agronomic and
Pharmaceutical then food crops and non-food crops,
bioenergy & biostimulation, bioplastics,
bwaugmentation and many more. Then we moved on
to the Micropropagation and molecular breeding,
Diagnostics and Vaccines, Floriculture, Alcohol
Production and Malting. We are also discussing about
the the different ethical issues of Biotechnology in
Agriculture, Industry, Environment, and Health. The
lesson that I find difficult is the Pharmacogenomics
and therapeutic because the loaded information
about it is so hard to remember. The lesson did I find
easiest is the lesson 1 which is different types of
biotechnology because It is very easy to differentiate
and understand. The problem that I have encounter is
I got easily confuse of the different types of
bioremidation but I surpass it by researching. I
dedicate my work to you Maam Aileen because you
helped me to have a deeper understanding to the
lessons that we have in this Quarter.

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