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Reflection For 4th

I learned countless things in Quarter 4 which is more about Applications of
biotechnology in different aspects. The first lesson is the types of
biotechnology like Red which is about the medical field, next lesson is
diagnostics and therapeutics like gene theraphy and after that i discovered
about types of gene testing a real lifee example of this is the ultrasound, and
next is biotechnology in agriculture mainly crops like transgenic plants crops
and then the following lessons are all about the environment such as
Biofertilizer, Molecular breeding and more, the second to the last lesson is
about industry and the environment like in industry the Biofuels and biomass
and in environment we have biostimulation and its types the last is the ethical
issues regarding biotech such as religional concerns

For me i found no lesson difficult and in fact they were all very easy to
understand you just because most of the topics can be seen in real life
because biotechnology is commonly used in many different things whether it'll
be about health, environment, agriculture and especially the industry. For the
lesson i found easiest it'll be the last lesson because the past lessons were the
same as this but its just about the ethical issues of biotech which i find easy
since i was very familiar about the topic

There are many problems i encountered this quarter one of them is my poor
memory i often forget the terms and often just guess the answer when in a test
i surpassed this problem by having a deep understanding or a brainstorm when
the lesson is done

I dedicate my work for my future and mostly all of us dedicate this for our
parents not just me but i think me and my classmates just want to make our
parents proud

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