Readiness Plan 2020 2021 Banton District

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon


SY 2020-2021

I. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

A. No. of Learners Passed/Failed
B. Remarks/Interventions
Grade Level Enrolment Passed Failed Retain Remarks/
Balogo ES 41 41
Banice ES 64 63 1
Banton Central ES 171 167 4
Libtong ES 45 45
Nasunogan ES 64 64
Tan-ag ES 44 44
Tumalum-Lagang ES 49 49
Tungonan ES 85 85
TOTAL 563 559 5

As reflected in the table, 99.3% of the district enrolment passed in the School
Year 2020-2021. Within the school year, the school’s teaching force worked hand-
in-hand to facilitate learning activities to the learners. After the semestral break,
Bridging Program was conducted, this is to address the learners whose grades are
at risk. Teachers conducted Home visitation, Small Group Discussion, One-on-One
Tutorial and provided checklist / Worksheets to develop phonic awareness,
improve decoding skills, number sense, help pupils in in rounding off numbers,
changing proper fraction to mixed form and vice versa, identifying nouns in a
sentence and form the plural of regular verbs, and to improve the reading skills of
the pupils. The impacts of the results were as follows:

 Learners developed their decoding skills and phonemic awareness.

 Sounded and identify letters correctly.
 Learners improved their number sense, can count 1-10 and above,
skip counting in Grade 1, and identify and can write numbers
 Learners improve their grammar skills; identifying and use of
pronouns, verbs, adjectives in sentences.
 They can now identify the names and sound of the letters in the
 Learned to round-off numbers and can now change proper fraction to
mixed form and vice versa
 They can now identify nouns and form the plural of regular verbs.
 Improve the reading skills of the pupils.
 Clarified on how to solve given problems.

Teachers did their best to help every learner learn. They constantly reminded
the parents of their role in the teaching-learning process in the New Normal
Education. In addition, we encouraged our learners to improve their own learning
by providing them constructive feedback. They also bridged our learners’ learning
gaps by giving them simplified activity sheets and reading materials. Besides, they
conducted home visitation and tapping community facilitators or siblings to
learners that needed immediate attention and supervision.
II. Challenges encountered/Action Taken
The learning engagement of learners is the most challenging part for the
teachers. The chosen learning modality is beneficial but to keep them on the right
tract is difficult hence they are at home and the learning environment is different from
the school. This made their academic achievement lower and at risk. On the other
hand some of the SLMs were not returned. Almost fifty percent of the school’s
printers encountered problems, some are not useable anymore. Guardian of the
pupil finds difficulty in attending the academic needs of the learners. Learners find
difficulty in solving problems in Mathematics. However, these problems of the
teachers were given interventions to continue the transfer of learning to pupils
especially in this time of pandemic. We rest assured that there will be no pupils left
behind for this coming school year 2022-2021.

Action to be Taken:
 Reduced/simplified the learning tasks indicated in the learning
 Provided technical assistance to parents
 Conducted Home Visitation
 Encouraged parents to report their kids’ performance regularly
 Provided assessment based from the lessons in the modules.
 To include in the supplementary budget the purchase of additional
printers for the reproduction of additional modules and learning
activity sheets
 To conduct regular home monitoring / visitation to learners with
academic problem following the health protocols issued by the local
 Reduced the activities to be answered in the modules.
 To continue the orientation / brief explanation about the topics to all
parents / guardians before the distribution of the Self-Learning
modules in the scheduled time of distribution and retrieval.
 To allocate funds for the repair of printers and laptops.
 To coordinate all stakeholders for any donations needed by the
schools and especially the improvement in the learning outcomes of
the pupils.

III. Learning Resource Plan

A. Strategies to minimize dependence on print materials
 Access to LR portal
 Access to DepEd Commons
 Craft Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) aligned with the learning objectives
 Construct written assessment and performance tasks aligned with the
learning objectives
Use modules in multimedia (slide, videos and audio film)
Use of Web – Enhance Learning Activities
Create performance tasks aligned with the learning objectives.

B. Conservation and utilization on the use of LRs

Ensure that the learning resources taken from the LR, DepEd Commons
and in the web are suitable for the pupils.
School Administrators and teachers make a comprehensive report on the
current status of LRs utilization and conservation. Problems regarding
with this should be given an immediate action.
C. Updates on Fund utilization downloaded by the CLMD
 Teachers will be involved in the budgeting of School and other funds
because they know what they will prioritize and badly needed in the
implementation of the Modular Distance Learning Modality used by the

IV. Innovative Practices for SY 2021-2022

 To encourage all teachers to attend webinars related to their job
 Provide technical assistance to parents / guardians through Limited-
face-to-face orientation during the distribution of SLMs to increase their
limited knowledge in teaching their children in all learning areas.
 Provide technical assistance through classroom observation, learning
action cell (LAC) sessions and individual coaching to address the
divers need of their learners.
 Conduct weekly meeting with teachers to be updated with all the
memos, assess the learning outcomes of the pupils, feedbacks of
parents/guardians, and the needs of teachers in the MDL
 Giving of Quarterly incentive / awards to teachers / pupils with
Outstanding and Very Satisfactory accomplishments.
 To give teachers voice in schools budget decisions
Respectfully submitted:

Coordinating Principal

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