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a, an & the

8th Grade
what is the difference?

a pen
an umbrella
Here is the point


if the words begin with if the words begin

vowels (a i u e o)
with consonants
(b,c,d,f,g,h etc)
Let's Practice
This is ... cow.
This is a cow.
This is ... chair.
This is a chair.
This is ... apple.
This is an apple.
This is ... octopus.
This is an octopus.
This is ... laptop.
This is a laptop.
What is the difference?
What is the difference?
What is the difference?
Let's Practice
..... is an umbrella.
This is an umbrella.
..... is a book.
That is a book.
..... are shoes.
Those are shoes.
..... are pens.
These are pens.
..... are books.
These are books.
.... ..... a tree.
That is a tree.
.... ..... a pencil.
This is a pencil.
.... ..... color pencils.
Those are color pencils.
.... ..... mangoes.
Those are mangoes.
.... ..... bananas.
These are bananas.

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