Teamwork Assingment 3

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Passage A

Teamwork is working with others to achieve a common goal. Working with others to
solve a problem has many benefits: more possible solutions, more people to share the
work, more ideas and perspectives. But effective teamwork involves more than simply
meeting with people: You need to understand and apply good teamwork skills. For
example, sports teams don’t win merely because the individual players are talented;
they win because the individual players pool their individual talents into a coordinated
whole. Each player on the team works hard, but each player also supports and
cooperates with other players. Players may also discuss strategies together to help
ensure the team’s success.

The same is true of teamwork in other areas as well. There are some basics to keep in
mind when you are part of a team. The team establishes ground rules that ensure each
person on the team can contribute. Members listen to each other and respect different
points of view. Although one person may function as a team leader, all individuals
play an equal role and are equally appreciated. Members recognize that they must
depend on one another. All members contributeand feel responsible for their own
work because it affects the outcomes of the team’s efforts. Every member of the team
needs to know exactly what he or she must do, on a day-to-day basis to make sure that
the team achieves its goals. Without that clarity, team-member will work at cross-
purpose and trip over each other. Note that large teams may be broken up into small
sub-teams, which must also have clearly defined roles. All of this must be thought
through carefully and continually refined as the team moves forward. In addition,
team members must be willing to share whatever resources they control that are
required for the team to achieve its goal



In this passage, author is basically trying to motivate us about the benefits of team working.
According to author, working within a team saves time and has many benefits such as
possibilities of more organized solutions and ideas. For an effective team work it is essential
that every member must understand others and apply good team working skills. Here author
states a fact that sport teams don’t win because the individual players are talented; they win
because the individual players pool their individual talents into a coordinated whole. He says
that team working has some basic rules that each individual must work hard equally and must
be appreciated equally. They must listen each other suggestions. Author says that every
member must understand his responsibilities. He says clarity is important in team working
otherwise team members will start fighting with each other. Large teams can also be sub-
divided for effective work of team and all of these things include careful planning. For our
society team working can be very beneficial for us as team working can help us to save our time
more ever team working can be very beneficial for students to do their homework. Office work
and factory is also completely based on team working. Individual working cannot achieve all
goals so doing team working can be helpful for the fulfillment of our work. People can also get
help from each other by working within a friendly team working environment.

In my opinion team working is very essential as no one in this world can be perfect. No one can
do a better work individually as compared to team work. More ever, in my point of view by
sharing a work it is easy to do the work rather than doing work individually. By working within a
team you have the opportunity to do a work according to your specialization. Two or more
individuals are better than an individual for solving difficult tasks. Working in teams increases
collaboration and allows for brainstorming.

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