Oktiana Report Interviewing Teacher.

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Report On The Results Of Interviewing Junior High School English

Teachers Individual Task

Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for the assessment of the
Teaching English To Secondary School course given by Mam. Elmiwati,
Semester IV of the Tadris English Study Program STAI TANJUNGPINANG-


Lecturer / Supervisor
: Drs. Elmiwati,


FY 2022/2023
Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty because
with His mercy, grace and taufik and guidance we were able to complete this
paper entitled Teaching English To Secondary School to the best of our
knowledge and abilities. And we also thank Mam. Elmiwati, M.pd who has
given this task to us.
We really hope this paper can be useful in order to increase our insight
and knowledge. We are also fully aware that in this assignment there are
shortcomings and it is far from what we expected. For that we hope for
criticism, suggestions and suggestions for improvement in the future
considering that nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.
May Allah SWT bless this effort and this simple paper can be understood
by anyone who reads it. Previously, we apologize if there are errors in words that
are less pleasing and we ask for constructive criticism and suggestions for future

Tanjung pinang, 19 June 2023

A. BACKGROUND……………………………………………………………………...................................
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION……………………………………………………...............................
C. PURPOSE…………………………………………………………………………......................................
C. WHAT ARE TEACHERS' DUTY AND ROLE IN THE CLASS.................……..........
A. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………....................................
B. SUGGESTION………………………………………………………………………..................................

Educating is the duty of adults to mature someone, maturity will lead to a
more advanced mindset and will subsequently produce benefits for the
surrounding life (Sadulloh et al., 2017: 72). Based on this opinion, it is an
obligation for adults to educate children during the process of growth and
development in the framework of their physical and psychological maturity.
The school environment is one of the efforts in creating and monitoring the
maturing process, teachers and students will interact in a learning
environment to discover new knowledge. This is done in order to provide
learning experiences while providing a form of support as part of the
student maturation process (Mulyono & Wekke, 2018: 7). Based on the two
opinions above, providing skills as a foundation to continue the struggle as
children of the nation is the right choice, to do this, social interaction
between teachers and students is needed. These interactions can be carried
out in the school environment.
Learning English is one of the skills that is currently a necessity in order
to be able to move forward both nationally and internationally. English is
the liaison language in this world, almost everyone knows English both as a
beginner and as a native speaker (Ratminingsih, 2017:1). In fact,
the requirement to be able to study abroad is to pass with a certain credit
on the TOEFL test. There are four language components that are applied to
learning English, namely listening, speaking, reading, writing by studying
the four abilities can provide a foundation for students to be able to
communicate and apply English in their lives (Usman et al., 2019). So,
based on this, the government patented English as a local content subject
in schools.
According to law no. 14 of 2005 which contains teachers and lecturers
states that professional educators have seven main tasks, namely educating,
teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in
early childhood education, formal education, basic education, and
secondary education. Center, 2005). Based on this, the teacher should
be able to implement his role in learning. The teacher is a person who is
responsible for the education of his students, a teacher must pay attention to
how to educate students in improving intellectual and moral characteristics
as a teacher is
being able to understand the material and convey it clearly to students so
that it is easy to understand, the teacher can manage classes in terms of
time, use of media and how to convey it to students so as to create a fun and
meaningful learning atmosphere, besides that teachers can make
interactions and familiarize themselves with students without losing their
authority as a teacher before students (Kurniasari et al., 2019: 158). Based
on this statement the teacher is a model for students both in learning
and outside learning, as a teacher it is supposed to show behavior that can
be emulated by students. because basically students will see more of the
teacher's behavior that can trigger good things if the teacher gives a good
example and bad things will happen if the teacher gives a bad example to
According to (Ratminingsih, 2017: 42-43) that there are five roles of the
teacher in learning English, namely the teacher as controller, driver, assessor,
resource, tutor and adviser.

1. What the duties of english teachers in junior high school?
2. What is the role of a good teacher in educating students?
3. How to condition a class with a large number of students?

The purpose of this paper is to fulfill the requirements for the
assessment of the Teaching English To Secondary School course assignment
by Mam. Elmiwati, M.pd, and also to find out more about what the duties
of english teachers in junior high school, what is the role of a good teacher in
educating students and how to condition a class with a large number of


Being a teacher is not an easy job, so great is the mandate that is placed on
our shoulders to create the next generation of people who are faithful and
pious and have the skills and intelligence as their provisions in living the life of
the nation and state. The aim of National Education is to educate the life of the
nation and develop the Indonesian person as a whole, namely human beings who
have faith and are devoted to God Almighty and have noble character, have
knowledge and skills, are physically and spiritually healthy, have a strong
and independent personality and have a sense of social responsibility and
nationality. As we know that in general the teacher's task is as a teacher as well
as an educator who is responsible for the intellectual development and
character of each student.
What I emphasize here is the role of the teacher from a professional
perspective, namely as a teacher whose main goal is to transfer knowledge to
students, to provide teaching to students in accordance with the scientific field or
subject matter that they master. What's more, being an English teacher acts
like a junior high school where a teacher must also be demanded to be creative
in the teaching process so that students don't get bored and easily understand
material that is increasingly difficult to understand.
Being an English teacher is also not easy, there are times when we
teach material that is easy for students to understand and sometimes we teach
material that is difficult for students to understand. The teaching and learning
process of any subject is inseparable from 3 indicators
1. Subject matter
2. Supporting facilities
3. Intake of students

The most important process in the teaching process is the delivery of

material and students can receive the material. For the first point (subject
matter), no matter how difficult the material is, whether students can accept it or
not depends on the second and third points. If the learning support facilities
are complete and make it easier for students to learn, then teaching English is
not so difficult. But I am most concerned with the last point, namely student
intake (student ability). This last point can be said to be the most significant
impact point. As long as the intake of the students is good in receiving the
material (easy to understand) even though the self-help materials are only with
blackboards and teaching markers, it will feel very enjoyable. The biggest
problem now is that student intake is also influenced by many factors other
than innate intelligence. Like problems at home, delinquency, feeling lazy, too
many lessons at school, etc. Teaching, whatever subject it is, if the one being
taught has good intakes it will feel very, very easy and
vice versa


Lack of motivation, limited scheduled time, insufficient resources and
materials, and excess students in each class often become obstacles for
teachers in teaching English as a foreign language. However, teachers must also
use their creativity to address the limitations and constraints that arise from
their students in order to minimize the obstacles that contribute to failures in
the teaching and learning process of English in class.
English is one of the four nationalized subjects. Like it or not, like it or not,
students have to go through three years in junior high school or high school. To
find out how far the English teaching and learning process is at school,
the following is the result of our reporter's interview with one of the senior
teachers at SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta, namely Mr. Drs, Darwanto. When asked
about the general view of how English has been taught so far, he replied that
the number of students who have sufficient ability of the 4 (four) English
competencies, speaking, writing, reading, and listening, is no more than 10% of
the total number of students. who master the four competencies. Conversely, the
number of students who have very minimal abilities is also around 10%.
Furthermore, he explained that the remaining 80% were at an average level
meaning that they had adequate abilities in just one or two competencies,
namely reading or writing. He also believes that in this group, students actually
have the ability or potential to develop or improve their mastery of English but
they tend to be passive and less motivated to progress.
 Obstacle
According to the man who was born in Brebes, who has been teaching English
for almost 27 years at different schools, he has had various experiences related
to teaching English with students who have different backgrounds, both in terms
of economics, social, and the culture. According to him, this also has a big
influence on the types of obstacles that arise. But in outline, he sees these
obstacles as follows:
The lack of student motivation is believed by him to be one of the main
problems of learning English. Furthermore, he explained that student
motivation can come from outside, such as association with friends, family
conditions and the environment where they live is less supportive in that
direction. While motivation comes from within the students themselves because
these students have not found a moment where they have to learn this
international language well and seriously. The reason is, many graduates who
have worked regret a lot why
when they were at school they did not learn English properly and correctly. As a
result, their careers must stop or be delayed because they do not master
this foreign language, the second obstacle is that many students perceive English
as a difficult subject. This may be due to the students' previous minimal
knowledge of English and the striking differences from English and Indonesian,
especially in the pronunciation of the vocabulary and sentence patterns they use.
As a result, they tend to be passive and hesitant to try it. This is exacerbated
when they pay less attention to the lesson when the teaching and learning
process takes place. In fact, they tend to chat with their seatmates and do other
activities such as doodling, studying subjects, and some even sleeping. The third
obstacle is not enough time to practice. According to him, the opportunity or
time for them to relate to English is only in English lessons. After that, they are
faced with an environment that does not support English-speaking interactions.
Meanwhile, time in class is often very short; twice a week. Then, when and
where else can they practice and apply it? If this situation occurs continuously,
we will fail to achieve the goals that have been set before.
What is no less important which he believes is one of the problems that
contributes to failure in learning English is the lack of resources and teaching
materials. Resources and materials here refer to various objects that can be
used for teaching such as models, cards, computers, language laboratories, and
so on. They play an important role in the success of the teaching and learning
process in the classroom, because they represent elements in the real world,
intended to help students understand and explain reality. In other words,
they help to turn something complex into something simple. For example,
when the teacher wants to teach about animals, it will be rather difficult to have
students understand only with words, so they need resources and materials to
support the material. So, if teachers provide few resources and materials, it
will make English much more complicated for learners.
The final problem encountered in teaching English is the overcrowding of
students in English classes. The number of students in a typical classroom can
range from 1-15 or twenty students. In Indonesia, however, teachers can find
more than thirty students in very small classes without tape recorders,
televisions, posters, DVDs. It will certainly be difficult for teachers to carry out
activities where students can improve their communication skills because it is
not possible to personalize teaching, and as a result poor results are shown every

 Alternative solution
From the explanation of the problems mentioned above, he provides several
alternative solutions to overcome these problems as he has done to his own
students so far.
a. Students who do not understand English
On this issue, he tried to instill the importance of learning English, both for
everyday life and to deal with the times that are growing rapidly and are
increasingly sophisticated, if we don't learn English then we will be left behind
because of our stupidity.
b. Students consider English to be difficult and difficult
When dealing with students with these problems, he explained that English
is not difficult and difficult. If students want to study seriously, do exercises or
assignments, then naturally they will get used to the questions given, ranging
from easy to difficult, and they will automatically understand English.
c. Unsupportive environment
In this case he advises students to always try to speak English with their
closest environment, for example with their seat mates, parents or other family
members. Exercise can be started with small things such as asking about objects
in the school environment or at home. Remember "language is habit", language
is habit. If we are used to it, then we will be in a comfortable position when
they have to speak English.
d. Students have a limited vocabulary
Maybe because of a lack of knowledge and reading books about English,
they find it difficult to understand what the teacher says and have difficulty
understanding the reading. In this case, we give students an understanding of the
importance of reading. So, we encourage and guide students to be
diligent in reading.
e. Don't know how to use grammar.
In addition to explaining grammar by providing patterns or forms that
will be used, both yesterday's, today's or future tenses, we also shouldn't be
discouraged from always getting used to them asking one question every time
we speak. start the lesson according to the teaching material they are studying
or the teaching material that has been taught.
f.Lack of media used
Usually we only explain, give a verbal description of a situation, shape or
place. In this case, students can only imagine without seeing directly the form or
situation. As a result, it is difficult for them to understand and understand what
we mean. Instead, we use the media and show it. Is it in the form of pictures /
objects, so that students see and know directly, and understand what the teacher
conveys, especially with attractive colors.
The teacher is a figure who can shape the soul and character of students.
The teacher has the power to shape and build the personality of students to
become someone who is useful for religion, homeland and nation.

The teacher's duty is to prepare a moral person who can be expected to

develop himself and develop the nation and state. The Law on Teachers and
Lecturers states that teachers are professional educators with the main task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students
in early childhood education through formal education, primary and
secondary education.
 Teacher duties in general
The teacher's task in general is to educate, in operationalization to educate is
a series of processes of teaching, giving encouragement, praising, punishing,
setting an example and enabling.
Special task :
1. As a teacher
As a teacher (instructional), the teacher is in charge of planning the teaching
program, carrying out the program that has been prepared and carrying out the
assessment after the program is implemented.
2. As an educator
As educators (educators) the teacher is tasked with directing students to a
level of maturity with perfect personalities.
3. As a leader
As a leader, the teacher is in charge of leading and controlling himself,
students and the community concerned, regarding efforts to direct,
supervise, organize, control, participate in the program being carried out.
 Teacher Role
New developments in the view of teaching and learning have consequences
for teachers to improve their roles and competencies. Because basically the
teaching- learning process and student learning outcomes are largely
determined by the role and competence of the teacher. Competent teachers
will be better able to create an effective learning environment and will be
better able to manage their classes so that student learning outcomes are at an
optimal level. Several roles are considered the most dominant and are classified
as follows:
1. Teachers As Organizers
The teacher's role is to create an educational process that can be accounted
for, both formally (to those who appoint and assign them) and morally (to the
target students, and God who created them).
2. Teacher as Demonstrator
As a demonstrator and teacher, teachers should always master the material
or subject matter to be taught and always develop and improve their abilities.
One thing that must be considered by the teacher is that he himself is a
student. This means that the teacher must learn continuously. In this way he
will enrich himself with various knowledge as provisions in carrying out his
duties as a teacher and demonstrator and be able to demonstrate what he
teaches in a didactical manner so that what is conveyed really belongs to the
A teacher should be capable and skilled in formulating TPK and
understanding the curriculum. In addition, the teacher must also understand
himself as a source of learning and be skilled in providing information to
students. As a teacher he must also help the development of students to be able
to receive, understand, and master knowledge. Thus a teacher will be able to
play his role as a teacher well.
3. The teacher as class manager
The teacher in his role as class manager should be able to manage the class
as a learning environment and organize the school environment. This
environment is regulated and supervised so that learning activities are directed
towards educational goals. Supervision of the learning environment also
determines the extent to which the environment becomes a good learning
environment. A good environment is challenging and stimulates students to
learn, provides a sense of security and satisfaction in achieving goals. The
quality and quantity of student learning in the classroom depends on many
factors, including the teacher, personal relationships between students in
the class, as well as the general conditions and atmosphere in the classroom.
The general objective of classroom management is to provide and use classroom
facilities for various teaching and learning activities in order to achieve good
results. While the specific goal is to develop the ability of students to obtain
the expected results.
4. Teachers as Facilitators
As a facilitator, the teacher provides facilities or convenience in the teaching
and learning process.
5. Teacher As Mediator
As a mediator, the teacher should have sufficient knowledge and
understanding of educational media, because educational media is a
communication tool to make the teaching and learning process more effective.
Educational media is an indispensable basis that is complementary and an
integral part for the success of the process of education and teaching in
schools. The teacher does not only have knowledge about educational media,
but also must have the skills to choose and use and manage the media properly.
To become a teacher, you need to experience continuous and systematic
practical training, both through pre-service and in-service training. The selection
and use of educational media must be in accordance with the objectives,
materials, methods, evaluation, teacher abilities and the interests and abilities
of students. As a mediator, the teacher also becomes an intermediary in human
relations. For this purpose the teacher must be skilled at using knowledge
about how people interact and communicate. The goal is that teachers can
create optimally the quality of an interactive environment. In this case there
are three kinds of activities that can be carried out by teachers, namely
encouraging good social behavior, developing personal interaction styles, and
cultivating positive relationships with students.
6. Teachers As Motivators
As a motivator, teachers should be able to encourage students to be
enthusiastic and active in learning.
7. Teachers As Inspirators
As an inspiration, the teacher must provide inspiration for the learning
progress of students. The problem of learning is the main problem of students,
the teacher must be able to provide instructions on how to learn well.
8. Teacher As Climator
As a climator, the teacher's role is to create a conducive and enjoyable
learning climate.
9. Teachers As Informers
As an informant, the teacher must be able to become a source of
information on academic and general activities
10. Teachers As Initiators
As an initiator, the teacher must be able to spark ideas for progress in
education and teaching.
11. Teacher as Culminator
As a culminator, the teacher is the person who directs the learning process
gradually from beginning to end (culmination). With the design, students will pass
through the culmination stage, a stage that allows each student to know
the progress of their learning.
12. Teachers As Evaluators
Every type of education or form of education, at a certain time during
an educational period, the teacher always evaluates or evaluates the results
that have been achieved, both by the educated and by the educators.
Likewise, in one teaching and learning process, the teacher should be a
good evaluator. This activity is intended to find out whether the objectives
that have been formulated have been achieved or not, and whether the
material being taught is always quite appropriate. All of these questions can be
answered through evaluation or assessment activities. With an assessment,
the teacher can determine the success of achieving goals, students'
mastery of the lesson, as well as the accuracy or effectiveness of teaching
methods. Another purpose of the assessment is to find out the position of
students in the class or group. With assessment, the teacher can classify
whether a student is a group of students who are smart, moderate, poor, or
good enough in their class when compared to their friends.
Teaching in a class with a large number of students is a portrait of the
everyday life of the majority of teachers in Indonesia. This condition often
makes it difficult for teachers to manage classes so that learning activities
become ineffective. In fact, with a few tricks, a situation like this can
be circumvented and it can actually become a condition that benefits and
relieves the teacher. This article is intended to share steps on how to get
around learning activities in a class with a large number of students so that
they can be more effective and less tiring. The tricks that will be discussed
are effectively applied in teaching English but can also be applied to
teaching other subjects. Most of the tricks that I will discuss are summarized
in an interesting article written by Susan Renaud, Elizabeth Tennenbaum,
and Phillip Stantial entitled Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes
with Limited Resources (2007).
Here are some practical steps teachers can take:
1. Begin learning by making class agreements. Class agreements are rules of
conduct made with students that should be carried out at the beginning
of the learning period such as the beginning of the semester. Class
agreements are a more effective and inclusive alternative to replacing
the 'old style' where the teacher or school compiles rules and regulations
that must be followed by all students where students are not involved in
their preparation. Class agreement is an agreement made by students
and teachers together. Steps that can be taken is the teacher can
students into small groups of 3-4 people. Each group was given a piece of
paper and asked to discuss what kind of classroom atmosphere they
wanted and to write down in the form of a few sentences a statement of
the rules and their consequences. Avoid using negative sentences such as
'Forbidden...' or 'Don't...'. Also make sure the consequences made by
students are the application of positive discipline. Avoid punishment,
negative discipline, especially in the form of violence. After each group is
finished, the teacher writes the agreements that have been made by
students by grouping the same agreements from the results of group
work. Discuss the results that have been agreed upon, offer to students if
there is something you want to change. If it has been mutually agreed
upon, post the results of the student agreement in class, and apply
it consistently. Remind students about agreements and their
consequences regularly. The involvement of students in making
agreements and their consequences makes students feel more responsible
and more motivated to implement them and even remind each other
when students break agreements.
2. Discuss with students why you should learn and master English. This
should be done at the beginning of the semester. Give motivation to be
active in class. Agree on positive attitudes that students should adopt
when studying, for example being confident, not being afraid to
speak, or not considering making mistakes in English as something to be
ashamed of. Give appreciation to students after doing something
3. Apply habits in managing the class. This is important so that a lot of
study time is not wasted just to calm the class. For example, to get
students' attention, agree with students when the class atmosphere is
noisy or not conducive, the teacher raises his hand and students will
also raise their hands and stop doing other activities to pay attention to
the teacher. The trick can be replaced by ringing a small bell or rhythmic
applause followed by students.
4. Avoid taking student attendance one by one. Asking students who were
absent would be more efficient.
5. Use 'name cards' to remember each student's name. This trick is
effectively done at the beginning of the semester to quickly remember
student names. Give each student a piece of paper, ask them to write
their full name and nickname clearly enough to be visible from the front
of the class. Give space for them to be creative. Then, have them place
their name cards in front of each one so the teacher can clearly see
them. Interaction with
students by saying their names can build positive relationships between
teachers and students.
6. Apply peer tutors (peer mentors). Empower students with high ability
levels to mentor students with lower ability levels.
7. Prepare one worksheet for each group or pair. This method helps save
paper and helps the teacher not get overwhelmed with a large number of
worksheets. This method also encourages students to get used to
discussing in the learning process.
8. Give clear and easy-to-understand instructions. Ask students if the
instructions were clearly understood. Encourage them to ask if something
is not understood.
9. Group students with other students who are close together. If the group
is homogeneous, replace some group members with other groups so
that each group is heterogeneous.
10. Change student seats after a few meetings. This method can change
the class atmosphere so that it is not monotonous while at the same time
providing opportunities for students to work in groups with different
11. Begin group activities with short and simple activities. This method
aims to make students in groups adjust to more complex activities in
12. Apply some models of cooperative learning. This step can
encourage all students to be actively involved in learning.
13. Make use of relevant and authentic media or realia. Ask students to
bring objects that can be used as learning media. News clippings from
newspapers or magazines can also be used.
14. Position yourself further away when the student asked to speak his
voice is too small. This is important so that the student raises his voice
so that other students can hear. This needs to be remembered, because
usually the teacher's spontaneous reaction when a student does not speak
loudly enough will usually approach the student so that other students
will increasingly not listen to what the student is saying. This trick is
effective for students who are not confident enough to speak in class.
15. Encourage students to use English optimally during learning
activities. Avoid requiring or forcing them to use English because it will
result in students who lack confidence or are afraid of making mistakes
choosing to be silent and being counterproductive.
16. Apply reflective learning. It is intended that all students can
measure the
extent to which they have understood what they have learned and know
what they have not done optimally. Filling in the KWL table (What I Know,
What I Want to Know, and What I Learned) at the beginning and end of
learning can be done by students to train them to learn reflectively.
The teacher is a profession that is considered difficult to live because as
a teacher who is in the current era who is required to have renewal in all
respects, including in terms of teaching techniques, it's a good idea for
us to share teaching techniques used by today's teachers. Previously the
admin wanted to explain a little about the meaning of teaching techniques.
The learning technique can be defined as a way that someone does in
implementing a specific method. For example, the use of the lecture method
in a class with a relatively large number of students requires a separate
technique, which of course will be technically different from the use of the
lecture method in a class with a limited number of students.
1. Creative
Some teachers expect that they even require students to think creatively,
but have teachers ever thought that the initial spearhead for a student to
become creative is from a teacher. A student is motivated to be creative after
students pay attention to how a teacher becomes creative in front of his
students. Motivated to be creative after students think and want to be creative
like the teacher. As a teacher who is a role model and even teachers are often
called guguh and imitated, it is a parameter of how students' intelligence or
students' creativity is seen from how smart and creative the teachers who teach
them are.
2. Giving and receiving
Because there are no perfect humans in the world, so it is with students
that there are no students who are perfect in intelligence and there are no
teachers who are perfect in all respects. Between students and teachers must
understand each other's character so that there is no misunderstanding between
the two. As a teacher, you must understand each character of the students you
teach, deal with each student in a different way because each student has their
own shortcomings, which the teacher must understand.
3. Overt/extroverted
It is important that students and teachers are open to each other,
meaning that students are expected to always be honest in everything when
dealing with teachers. For example, they are more honest when they do not
understand the
learning material that the teacher explained earlier so that the teacher is not
angry if he asks students to repeat the previous lesson. The nature of openness
is related to good communication between teachers and students so that it
supports the learning process carried out as expected.
4. Teaching questioner center
Feeling valued is one of the keys to being comfortable when being taught
by a teacher, meaning that students feel considered to exist and are involved in
the learning process, not just being a human being sitting or sleeping in a
room. Students feel proud and valued when they call or ask the teacher and
receive good treatment or feedback from a teacher, with the response from
the teacher students will feel cared for and motivated to ask new things to the
teacher. As a teacher, you must be a good listener and answering machine for
5. The questionnaire
Being a good answerer must also be a good questioner. The parameter of
the successful learning process is that students are able to achieve learning
objectives by being able to answer all matters related to the learning material.
One effective learning technique that is often used by teachers is to frequently
ask questions to students, especially students who are classified as having
weak memory skills because by asking questions students will feel motivated to
find answers to questions posed by the teacher. Not only asking within the
scope of learning, a teacher may also ask about the condition of students so
that good communication can be established between the teacher and students.

6. Sharing
Science, knowledge, development of the times, renewal of the world
is always an interesting topic of conversation between teachers and students.
The knowledge contained in books related to new developments/discoveries
related to the learning material being discussed is a delicacy that is liked by
students because students feel that they are getting new information, not only
information from standard books but also new knowledge obtained from
teachers. A teacher is required to always be updated and aware of the renewal
of knowledge that is currently developing. So that students' knowledge is
growing according to the times. Sharing knowledge is the main task for a
teacher but sharing experiences and solutions to life's problems is also allowed
as long as it is able to form good character for students. meaning that in
addition to educating the student's brain a teacher is also able to form the good
character of a student.
7. Information technology (IT)
Information technology (IT) is a general term for any technology that
assists humans in creating, modifying, storing, communicating, and/or
disseminating information. This also applies in the world of education and
science. A teacher must be a modern teacher who understands technology in
order to support the renewal of knowledge and the development of teaching
techniques. Not only relying on books, blackboards and markers but being
able to apply learning material by using computers, projectors and the internet.
This is likely to generate interest in student learning due to the use of different
teaching techniques that create excitement in the classroom or study room.
with the use of computers and projectors not only showing writing but
combined with images (visual), sound (audio, music, instruments) and real
examples from video.
8. Focus on learning materials
Focusing the learning process on learning objectives is an important thing
that must be done by the teacher while in class. Sometimes a teacher who
provides learning material forgets the purpose of a teacher coming to class. An
incident or event or even when giving an example of material is the reason a
teacher forgets their purpose of delivering learning material. Therefore it is
important for a teacher to write down or provide learning points on learning
slides so that it indirectly reminds what material must be achieved in the
learning process.
9. Repeat things hard
What students often do when they don't understand a material is to
remain silent or even leave material they find difficult to understand. This is
the importance of a teacher knowing learning materials that are considered
difficult and difficult for students to understand. a teacher should not hesitate
to ask students' understanding of a material and students are expected not to
be afraid to admit their lack of understanding of difficult material. Repeating
difficult learning material until all students understand the difficult material is
the best solution for this problem. As previously discussed, students and
teachers must understand each other, be open, ask questions and share so that
when there are problems they can be solved with various solutions and the
learning process goes well.
10. Discussions
Discussion tricks are a technique that is often used by teachers to test
students' verbal abilities while at the same time creating students' self-
confidence to appear in front of the class. This technique is powerful enough
to provoke
hidden talents possessed by students. At first students will be very shy to
appear and explore their intelligence but as the discussion progresses students
will get used to appearing and speaking in public, with the emergence of self-
confidence students will no longer hesitate to show their abilities in everything.
Class discussion is not just a discussion activity between several students
in one group but in the end will present it in front of the class and even in front
of all students at school. Not only discussing one subject matter in the form of
material that will be displayed in the form of PowerPoint slides, but in terms of
practice, such as art, sports, and even story telling, this can also be applied.
11. Motivators
A teacher who is said to be supersmart because teachers are required to
be smart and know everything students ask about science, apart from that a
teacher must also be a superangel who always sets a good example, good advice
to super motivations to form good character in students on the sidelines. during
the learning time or the learning process takes place.
This is not called an additional task but the main task of a teacher
because it is very difficult to approach students who are mentally difficult to
change students' bad behavior. As a teacher, you have to touch the student's
heart first before touching the brain, subdue the bad behavior of the student
first and then subdue the student's mind. when the bad character and the
student's heart have changed for the good it is likely that the learning process
will run smoothly

Being a teacher is not an easy job, so great is the mandate that is placed on
our shoulders to create the next generation of people who are faithful and
pious and have the skills and intelligence as their provisions in living the life of
the nation and state. The aim of National Education is to educate the life of the
nation and develop the Indonesian person as a whole, namely human beings who
have faith and are devoted to God Almighty and have noble character, have
knowledge and skills, are physically and spiritually healthy, have a strong
and independent personality and have a sense of social responsibility and
Lack of motivation, limited scheduled time, insufficient resources and
materials, and excess students in each class often become obstacles for
teachers in teaching English as a foreign language. However, teachers must also
use their creativity to address the limitations and constraints that arise from
their students in order to minimize the obstacles that contribute to failures in
the teaching and learning process of English in class. The lack of student
motivation is believed to be one of the main problems of learning English.
Furthermore, he explained that student motivation can come from outside,
such as association with friends, family conditions and the environment
where they live is less supportive in that direction. The teacher is a figure who
can shape the soul and character of students. The teacher has the power to
shape and build the personality of students to become someone who is useful
for religion, homeland and nation.
The teacher's duty is to prepare a moral person who can be expected to
develop himself and develop the nation and state. The Law on Teachers and
Lecturers states that teachers are professional educators with the main task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students
in early childhood education through formal education, primary and
secondary education. The teacher's task in general is to educate, in
operationalization to educate is a series of processes of teaching, giving
encouragement, praising, punishing, setting an example and enabling.
New developments in the view of teaching and learning have consequences
for teachers to improve their roles and competencies. Because basically the
teaching- learning process and student learning outcomes are largely
determined by the role and competence of the teacher. Competent teachers
will be better able to create an effective learning environment and will be
better able to manage their classes
so that student learning outcomes are at an optimal level.
Teaching in a class with a large number of students is a portrait of the
everyday life of the majority of teachers in Indonesia. This condition often
makes it difficult for teachers to manage classes so that learning activities
become ineffective. In fact, with a few tricks, a situation like this can be
circumvented and it can actually become a condition that benefits and relieves
the teacher. This article is intended to share steps on how to get around
learning activities in a class with a large number of students so that they can be
more effective and less tiring. The tricks that will be discussed are effectively
applied in teaching English but can also be applied to teaching other subjects.
Most of the tricks that I will discuss are summarized in an interesting article
written by Susan Renaud, Elizabeth Tennenbaum, and Phillip Stantial entitled
Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes with Limited Resources (2007).
The teacher is a profession that is considered difficult to live because as a
teacher who is in the current era who is required to have renewal in all respects,
including in terms of teaching techniques, it's a good idea for us to share
teaching techniques used by today's teachers. Previously the admin wanted to
explain a little about the meaning of teaching techniques.
The learning technique can be defined as a way that someone does in
implementing a specific method. For example, the use of the lecture method in
a class with a relatively large number of students requires a separate
technique, which of course will be technically different from the use of the
lecture method in a class with a limited number of students.

The authors of this paper have many weaknesses and mistakes. So therefore,
the authors suggest that readers who want to explore the science and
knowledge of report on the results of interviewing junior high school english
teachers, after reading this paper, read other, more complete sources. And let
us apply the knowledge that we have got into everyday life so that knowledge
can be useful for real life.
We hope that readers and also to prospective teachers out there after
reading this paper will increase knowledge and insight can understand about
how to condition a class with a large number of students, understanding
what the teacher's roles and duties are, and also understanding what obstacles
will be felt when becoming a teacher in the future. Previously we apologize if
there are words and writing that are wrong, we also expect criticism and
suggestions from readers
for the perfection of this paper in the future and hopefully this paper can be
useful for all of us.

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