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No: 3673791 “TA OHB Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked t0 a Important Instructions: /e Answer Sheet is inside this Test Boo! ns le this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the »_Shestandfilin the parcolarson ORIGINAL Copy carefully with Hope eek ball point pen only oe Eo = 20 — duration and the Test i yuestions (four : ‘with a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry an juestions ineach biel ‘divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below Section A shall consist of tio ive) questions in each subject (Question Nos ~ 112 35,51 0 {questions are cempulsory (b) Section Bshallconit of 15 (Fifteen) questions eee bject (Question Nos -36 050,86 te 100, 13610 150 and 1861020) I sat of 15 (Fifteen) dues toaterpt any 10 (Ten) questions out" 1? (Fifteen) ineach Candidates are advised to read all 15 quest question paper. Inthe event of a candidate atte By the candidate shall be evaluated. 3. Puch question carries 4 marks, For cach correct response. 1h candidate will get 4 mat rect slse one mark wil Ie deducted from the total scores The cagimum marks are 720- es on Answer Sheet. 4. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Penonly for writing ~/ marking, response § Rough work isto be done in the space provided for his Perr in the Test Booklet only. 2 Ge pletion ofthe test, the candidate must hand rie he AnswerSheet (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) tothe Aeomaptial. The candidates arcallowed to ake Wty this Test Booklet with them. Sifprinted on the Original Copy of the Answer SI Finted fate shoul! immediately report the matter to 1 Biology (Botany an t0 85, ions in each subject of Section B before they Ste attempting the rrpting more than ten questions, the Firs fen questions answered rks, For each incorrect Invigilator before leaving the 7. The CODE for this Booklet is (C4. Make sure thatthe CO} rnresameas that on this Test Booklet, Incase! ds. repancy, thes arene gilator for replacement ofboth the Test Bo" ‘and the Answer Sheet. 8. Thecarutidates should ensure thatthe Answer Sheet Ate Med. Do not make any stray marks on Whe Answer ce cats ot write your Roll No.anywhere else eh" \hespeeified space in the Test Booklet/ Answer Sheet. 0 eee Aehite fluid for correction is NOT permisssoe Of the Answer Sheet 9 Rachcandidate must show on-demand his/her "Admit Card to the Invigilator, 11 Nocandidate, without special permission Jator, would leave his/her seat. 2 The candidates should not leave the Exam ver their Answer Sheet to the Invigilator angiuty and sign (with time) the Attendance date has not signed the Attendance Speer econd time, will be deemed not to have handed over ind deait with as an Unfair ‘Means case. 13, Use of Electronic/Manval Calculator prohibited. se Ol nidates are governed by all Rules and Regulations of the examination with regard to their conduct in thi see cination Room Hall. All cases of unfair means 6 oe salt with as per the Rules and Regulations of (hi examination. 15, No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall be detachs Te Thecandidates will write the Correct Test Booklet Code as given in Sheet. 17. Compensatory time of one hour five minutes willbe provided for the serafion, whether such candidate (having @ physical limitation to write) uses the fa Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) : OKRAM _GITANTALY _ OEY : 0019 10031 ination Hall without handing ‘Sheet twice. Cases, where acandi the Answer Sheet a ed under any circumstances. the Test Booklet/ Answer’ ‘Sheet in the Attendar examination of three hours and 20 minu| cility of scribe or not Roll Number in figures in words centre of Examination (i Capital) $$ Candidate's Signature: GBO™ tory Beri Invigilator’s Signature: Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : eee ; eS he -The variation of susceptibility (x) with absolute emperature (T) for a paramagnetic material is represented a5: a x ~ @ {> it tt ee ® 7 1/T— tt x ® ay ‘A bullet of mass m hits a block of mass M elastically ‘The transfer of energy is the maximum, when: M=m Q) M=2m as @) M< a. oe r(t)=4ti +20 j + 5k where t is in seconds and r in metre. Fi magnitude and direction of ve v(t), att=1, with respect to x-axis. @) 42 ms“, 45° yeee Q A2 msét, 31 @ 32 ms}, 30° () 3¥2_ ms“, 45° {5 Section - A (PHYSICS) The variation of susceptibility (x) with absolute temperature (T) for a paramagnetic material is represented as tt x a) yt | | x \ 2) vI— | tt 6 ‘ @) i yt— It x @ VT 7. A bullet of mass m hits a block of mass M elastically ‘The transfer of energy is the maximum, when Mem (@) M=2m Q@ M<>m 3 The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is “12.6 eV, The energy needed to ionize hydrogen atom from its second ‘excited state will be: 1B6eV Q) 68eV a. @) 151eV @) 34eV The escape velocity of a body on the earth surface 11.2 km/s. If the same body 1s upward with velocity 22.4 km/s, the velocity of this body at infinite distance from the centre of the earth will be Q)_n2v2 kms Wy & Zero We) oa 11.2km/s. : a (4) 1123 km/s A ens is made up of 3 it AIRE Sade up ot tert rarspan in figure. A point objec reat i beyond Hoe sae eBlog obtained on the other side? AE Wil m 2 1 G8) Noimage will be formed @ 3 The diameter of a spherical bob, when measure! with vernier calipers yielded the following, values Mem, 332m, 1 Mem, 3.33.emand 332m. The'mean diameter to appropriate significant igus fs (ipl 2328 em : 4 Q Wm ant @) Ram oY, 2 ) Yem aye Cmte basis of electrical conductivity. which ohe of the following, material has the smallest resistivity ? (1) Germanium @ Siver Q) Glass 4) Silicon ‘The mechanical quantity, which has dimensions of reciprocal of mass (M~!) is (1) angular momentum BD ceticentf thermal conducts 8) toque (4) gravitational constant The position of a particle is given by r(t)=ats +20) + 5k where tis in seconds and rin metre, Find the of velocity magnitude and direction ) at t= 1's, with respect to 1-axis, a) WE ms 45 : oe grad Q Nims hor qh 4 @) 32 ms") 30 L (4) 3V2 ms7!, 45° 10. n gjvemcycte, the work done during isobaric For the: @ 20) ) Zero § 400} 600) The equivalent capacitance of the arrangement shown in figure is 15uF 15 uF isu 15 uF () 30uF @ BaF @) BaF (@) 20uF ‘Anac source is connected inthe given circuit. The Value of will be: (jx 100 V=220 sin(100nt+4) volt go 2) @) 30 4° 1 ve 18. 16. wv. 18, The givencircuit isequivalentto re—po—) ae a aS 8 eo . oO A e — > A— a ‘A particle moves with a ms! horizontally under the velocity (si -aj+st actionofcorsiantforce (10? + 10} + 204) N. The instantaneous power supplied to the particle 200W Zero Coy 140W ‘Acerfain wire A has resistance 81 0. The resistance ‘of another wire Bof same material anc equal length ‘but of diameter thrice the diameter of A will be ) aia 9 @) 230 gan gare the lect permit and ma permeability of free space respectively. corresponding quantities of a medium are 1.5 tg respectively, the refractive index of ‘medium will nearly be oO 2 @) 3 ® 2 ‘The amount of elastic potential energy per unit volume (inST unit) of a steel wire of length 100 cm to stretch it by 1 mm is (if Young's modulus of the wire=2.0% 10"! N m~ the and the yo" 1017 ) 107 @ 105 ‘The 4" overtone of a closed organ pipe is same as that of 3" overtone of an open pipe. ‘The ratio of the length of the closed pipe to the length of the open ca ®. ‘ine of length 2mand mass 250 gig ‘nes aly in a uniform horizontal sf ‘he amount of curr pea oaaesere ete @ 2 5A (IBA 1w of elect soperarcreeesete (i) thearea of the surface (2) the quantity of charges enclosed by the surface @) _ theshape of the surface ‘balls projected from point A with velocity 20ms~! atan angle 60" tothe horizontal dinection, At the highest point B of the path (as shown in figure), the velocity vm s~1 of the bal willbe A c @ 2 Q wi @) Zero 10 Which ofthe following statementis not true? (1) Coefficient of viscosity isa scalar quantity (2) Surface tension sa scalar quantity @) _Pressureisa vector quantity (8) Relative density isa scalar quantity uniform ektric field and a uniform magnetic field te acting along the same direction in a certain region. Wanelectronis projected in the region such 4 Sha ty pit lng he diteton of ()_willturn towards right of direction of motion © _wileu towards feftof dirction of motion © sped will decease (9) speed will increase | | i (4) Ap-speexttinsc semiconductor sobtined whin Germanitmis doped with (9 Antimony 2) Phosphorous Arsenic 8) (4) Boron ait ren glass Which set of colours will come out in air for a situation shown in figure? (1) Yellow, Orange and Red All {) Orange, Red and Violet (4) Blue, Greenand Yellow UFZ, and Z; are the impedances of the given circuits (a) and (b) as shown in figures, then choose the correct option GOs ver a ®, ceameee 7 Bue 0 Q 8 « 5 ag, ThewavelengthofLymanseries of hytropen ato appearsin @)__visibleregion ©) _ farinfrared region ()__ ultraviolet region (8) _ infrared region ». 5 E The above figure shows the circuit symbol of a transistor. Select the correct statements given below : (A) The transistor has two segments of p-type semiconductor separated by a segment of retype semiconductor ©) Theemitter is of moderate size and heavily doped. (© Thecentral segmentis thin and lightly doped. (D) _Theemitter base junction is reverse biased! in common emitter amplifier circuit @ Oana) @ and) © and) @® — @yand© 30. The de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron, accelerated by potential difference of 81 Vis given by : @) B6nm Q 36nm @ 136nm @ 01360 31. The maximum power is dissipated for an ac in a/an: (1) resistive circuit Q Leircuit @) inductive circuit () — capacitivecircuit 32, The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons in photoelectric effectis independent of: (1) work function of material 2) intensity of incident radiation @) frequency of incident radiation (4) wavelength of incident radiation 33. 37. 4 Two particles A and B initially at rest, move towards eachother under mutual force of attraction. Atan instance when the speed of A is v and speed of Bis 430, the speed of centre of mass is We @) Zero @ ° @ 40 ‘AchargeQ uCis placed at the centre of acube, The flux coming out from any one of its faces will be (inSLunit) Q 6 Qa. 22 493 Q Fe 10 Q 3 o on Q 6 @ fx ‘he viscous drag acting on a metal sphere of diameter | mm, falling through a fluid of viscosity 08Pa:s witha velocity of 2m s~1 is equal to: Se (1) .45x10-3 N (ye 30x10-3 N @) 15x10-?N @® 20x10->N Section - B (PHYSICS) Jf Ris theradius of the earth and gis the acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface. Then the mean, density ofthe earth willbe: RG er @ 6 3 ® are 4nG ® aR ‘A copper wire of radius 1 mm contains 10” free electrons per cubic metre. The drift velocity for free electrons when 10 A current flows through the wire will be (Given, charge on electron = 1.6% 10" 9C): a © xto4 gt @ SB x10 mst @ mst 7 ® 6.25 x 10° net 7 cA 3 oa ‘more than cS 0. 4. 6 I Its image of equal | 42. js mounted ona wal 8 ine anotjectis ined on a parallel wall witl to be obtain, placed between these walls. sizes ielp of scene jn front of the second The ns He focal length ofthe ens ibe: x y essthan putles than 5 5 putlesthan 5 @ Pree © traconducting sphere ofradiusRischarged. Then tpeelecric fied ata distance (r> R)from the centre the sphere would be, (V = potential onthe surface cofthesphere) Ww @ RV os Ry 0 2 v OF ‘x block of mass? kg is placed on a inclined rough Surface AC (as shown in figure) of coefficient of frationy. Ifg=10ms~2 thenet force inN) on the block willbe: 103 ®) 10 ® 2% A container of volume 200 cmcontans0.2 mole of hydrogen gas and 0.3 mole of argon 83S. The pressure of the system at temperature 200 K (R83) K-tml) willbe Q) 615x105 Pa 65x10 Pa © 415105 Pa (415x106 Pa SS To produce an instantane ous di of 2mA inthe space between the capacitor of capacitance t uF, th placement cup parallel play rate of changed applied variable potential difference ({¥) . Var) m st (1) 800 V/s 2 S00V/s @) 20V/s (&) 400V/s Anemfis generated by an ac generator having 19 turn coil, of loop area 1 m2, The coil rotates at speed ofone revolution per second and plating uniform magnetic field of 0.05 T perpendicular to the axis ofrotation ofthe coil. The maximum value ofemtis: (Doe314V @ 314V @) aay (628 For very high frequencies, the effective impedance of the circuit (shown in the figure) will be: 8 wit > wan @ sn on wan pe ‘A constant torque of 100 N'm turns a wl 2 ment of inertia 300 kg m? about an axis passing through its centre. Starting from rest its angular velocity after 3sis () tred/s Q Srad/s (@) 10rad/s (@ 1 tad/s ‘The emf of a cell having internal resistance 1 balanced against a length of 330 cm on ¢ potentiometer wire. When an external resistane Pip isconnected across the cll, the balancing eng willbe (@) 20cm @ 30cm @) 15cm @) 32cm 47 AT kg object strikes a wall with velocity 1ms~lat an anle of 60° with the wall and reflects atthe same tee, Af it remains in contact with wall for 1s then the force exerted on the walls © 30/3 N @ Zero ® w3N WO 20aN 48 The angular momentum ofan electron moving in anorbitofhydrogen atomis 1 5(2). Theenergyin the same orbit is nearly @) -15ev @ -16ev @) -13ev (4) -14eV 49. A particles executing uniform circular motion with velocity y and acceleration @ Which of ihe following is true ? () 7 isaconstant; @ is nota constant @ Zisntrcrtnt 2 an @ 7 isaconstant; a isa constant ® 7 isnotaconstant; 2 isa constant 50. Asimple pendulum oscillating in air has a period of 3 s. Ifitis completely immersed in non-viscous th a liquid, having density (3) of the material of the bob, the new period will be: WY wis 2 Cae @ 2s “ ae 5 Section - A (Chemistry) Incorrect setof quantum numbers from the following or n=4, =2,-1,0,+1,42,+3, =2,-1,+1,+2, m= +1/2 o m= -2,-1,0,+1,+2, @ -2,-1,0,+1,42,43, 7 Given bek : Assertion (A): “a {onisation enthalpy increases along, each sevies of the transition elements from left to right. Howeves small variations occur. Reason (R): There is corresponding increase in nuclear charge which accompanies the filling of electrons in the inner d-orbitas, Inthe light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: @ (A)iscorrect but (R) is not correct. (A) isnotcorrect but R) iscorrect. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A), Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 52, @ ff @ Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R), Assertion (A): Lithium and beryllium unlike their other respective ‘group members form compounds with pronounced Reason (R): ithium and Magnesium have similar properties due to diagonal relationship. Inthe lightof the above statements, choose the correct rer fromthe options given below : (A)is true but (R) is false. (A) is false but (R) is true. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A. Fora weak acid HA, the percentage of dissociation is nearly 1% at equilibrium. If the concentration of acid is 0.1 mol L~!, then the correct option for its K, at the same temperatures: () 1x10-4 @ 1x10-6 @) 1x10-5 (@) 1x10-9 solution of a compound ‘X’ is, ere feed ‘option for the molality of solution is (Molar mass of compound X=85 ) () 0.705m Q 1.208m @ 1.165m 53, @ e) @ a 0.858. m ca 57. 7 Consider the given reaction 61. Thee il B(OH) ayn The comect value ofc ‘he functional groups present in compound °x" | pa2+ umes Stoning te are: eiag) 422° Fels), =~ ogy al (1) _ ketoneand double bond Goes (@) double bond and aldehyde ae 6920 Oe alcohol and aldehyde a 2 Ha 13 (4) _ alcohol and ketone @ tony ‘The E° values for @ +08 Alt /Al= +0.55 Vand TI /Tl= -034V ee 62, R-COOH. wn Ee P+ /Al= -1.66 Vand TP* /Tl= +1.26 V. Taronaa ?R-CH2OH Identify the incorrect statement. Raia, samen R=Chiy- Cty (1) Alismore electropositive than TI 7 - IAB OATH, 7-H Hon QY - TP* isa good reducing agent than T* ee ee @) Alt is unstable in solution Q) LiAIH, (4) Tican be easily oxidised to TI* than TP @) NaBH, (9) Hy/Pd ‘The correct order of dipole moments for molecules NHy, HS, CH, and HF, is? 63, Fora reaétion 3A + 28 (1) CH,> H,S> NH,>HF ap) raverage ri ince of Bis give — @Qy H,S> NH,> HF>CHy ie ate appearancect Bis ven by (3) NH,>HP>CH,> HS ‘The correct relation between the average rate of (4) HP>NH,>H,S>CHy appearance of B with the average rate of disappearance of A is given in option Molar conductance of an electrolyte increases with AIA] dilution according to the equation Oe eae ~3afAl A= Ain AVE > ar Which of the following statements aretrue ? =28f4] (A) Thisequation applies to both strong and weak ® Su electrolytes. aa (8) Value of the constant A depends upon the » nature of the solvent. (© Value of constant A is same fr both BaCl, | 64. ‘The following conversion is known as. and MgSO,, ° (D)__ Value of constant A is same for both BaCl, q fe and Mg(OH)> aiGlanaie Choose the most appropriate answer from the noe options given below fee () A)and @)only @) Stephenreaton @& Band (Cony Rosenmund reaction (%) — @)and (D) onh eae 65. 7 Which amongst the following i used in controlling (Cheilosis occurs due to deficiency of depression and hypertension ? thiamine (2) Seldane ) nicotinamide @ Valium © pyridoxamine Gl Equanil Oca Prontosil eH 6 or. Which one of the following represents all isoelectronic species ? ()Na*,Cl-,0-,No* @_Nj0,N;0,.NO*,NO @NatsMg?*,0-,F> () Cat, An K*.Cl- Givenbelow are two statements Statement I: ‘The value of wave function, .d5 upon Tenatseftectonm ean Statement II: ‘The probability of finding an electron at a point within an atom is proportional to the orbital wave function. Inthe ightof the abovestatements, choose the correct answer from the options given below (Q) Statement lis true but Statement IL is false. Q) Statement lis false but Statement Ils true. @) Both Statement Iand Statement are true, (@) Both Statement Iand Statement Mare false. ‘The correct van der Waals equation for‘ mole of a real gasis (+g ]ev-b-Rt 0 ¥ a [o)o-wem oy (rot ota (oe rata ‘The correct option in which the density of argon (Atomic mass = 40) is highest q) sir @ 0C2atm @) OC datm (4) 273°C, 4atm Which of the following is correctly matched ? (1) Basic oxides + In,03,K,0,$n0, @) Neutral oxides => CO, NOz,N,0 @) Acidic oxides + Mn,0,$0,,TeO (§) _ Amphoteric oxides = BeO, Ga,0,, GeO Which of the following isa positively charged sol? () Methylene blue sol Congo red sol @) Silver sol @ Sb, sol 9 n 2. 74, ca Match List with List-1L List-1 List - (MistreySample) (Technion ied : for purification) (a) Glycerolfromspentiye () Staan (@ Chiowéomm-+Aniine ) Frectec, ea gee under reduced pressure () Aniline + Water (VY) Distillation Choose the corect answer from the options given below: @) AMD.CHM,O40, 0-0 2 HIV... Oy ©) HD,@), C0, (0}49) (HD. 6)(u,O-0, 0400) Which amongst the following reactions of alkyl halides produces isonitrle as a major product ? (a) R-X+HON> @ R-X+AgCN> (O RoX+KCN> @ RX#NACN HO ‘Choose the most appropriate answer from the ions given below (a) (D)only, (Cand) only @) _ (@Bonly (4 (A)and(B) only Match List-I with List-I1. List-1 List-Il (Hydride) (Type of hydride) (a) NaH @ Electron precise @) PH; @ Saline © Gey (0) Metallic OD) Lats, (@) Electron rich Choose the correct answer from the options given below Q) (AYA), B-AV), (0-0, 0-0 2 (AYA, 8), (C-0), (0-0) @) AYO, HD, (C-M). OY) 4) (AHA,BYAV).(O-0 OM) Which one of the following statements is incorrect related to Molecular Orbital Theory ? (1) The -w* antibonding molecular orbital has @ node between the nuclei Inthe formation of bonding molecular orbital, @ the twoelectron waves of the bonding atoms reinforce each other. (@) Molecular orbitals obtained from 2p, and 2p, orbitals are around the bond axis. ‘A se-bonding molecular orbital has larger electron density above and below the internuclear axis. @ 76. Anacidic buffer is prepared 78. by mixin, weak acid and it's salt wj ay ith stron, 1g base, @)_equalvolumes of equimolar acid and weak base, Mtionsof weak @) strong acid and it’s salt with sy (4) strong acid and it’s salt with won’ O2. (The pK, ofacid= pK, of the base) base Reagents which can be carboxylic acids, are (A) Cr0,-H,80, ®) K,Cr,0,+H,50, (© KMn0,+KOH/HO+ © cusaK ® Cr, (CH,CO,O Choose the most a options given below. @) @),(Cana(D), only 2) @),(D)ana ey. only ® (A), @)and © only ® (A), ®ande) only ‘sed to convert alcohols to PPTopriate answer from the IMGH0),P+ @) Ga Q In @ A @ B {me correct option fr the rate law that corresponds to overall first, ‘order reaction: () Rate=k [apap (2) Rate=K{A][B} ©) Rate=k[Ap/2[BP @ Which amongst the following compounds/species is least basic? Rate=k [A]-V/2 [By3/2 HN Seco o Son (2) ae aN @) @ 10 Given below are: two statements: Statement I: Statement II; High density polymers are chemically inert, angnetht alte above statment coset cong answer from the options given below : a Slatement is corectbut Statement His ae 2) Statement Is incorrect but ‘Statement Il is true G) Both Statement Land Statement ILaretrue (4) Both Statement and Statement Ilare fale ‘Which amongst the following compounds willshow scometilomerion® a2 () Pent-t-ene 2) 23-Dimethylbut-2-cne @) 2Methylprop-t-ene @ 3A-Dimethyihex-3-ene Given below are two statements Statement I: Hydrated chlorides and bromides of Ca, Srand Ba ‘onheating undergo hydrolysis Statement It: Hydrated chlorides and bromides of Be and Mg on heating undergo dehydration. Inthe lightof the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below : (1) Statement lis correct but Statement Iis false. @) Statement I is incorrect but Statement Ils true, @) Both Statement {and Statement Il are true (4) Both Statement land Statement Il are false. The correct order for the rate of af: Hominidae (3) Calliphoridae (Muscidae 156, Select incorrect statement, regarding chem, structure of insulin. " (1) Mature insulin molecule consists of ty polypeptide chains A, Band C. Insulinis synthesized as prohormone whic @ contains extra stretch of C-peptide (@) C-peptide is not present in mature insu molecule. ) sptide chains A and B are linked b disulphide bridges. 4157, Which one of the following isthe quiescent tage celleycle? a @ ® ® 158, Givenbelow aretwostatements Statement: RNA being unstable, mutate ata faster rate Statement: RNA can directly code for synthesis of proteins hence can easily express the characters. Inthe lightof the above statements, choose the cores answer from the options given below @ @ Statement is correct but Statement Iis al Statement I is incorrect but Statement I! true _ YT Both Statement and Statement arte 1 (4) Both Statement Iand Statement Il areas st 161. in en an tatements : ong. Assertion (A) and the other beled as i. ther is labelled as Reason, “Assertion (A); Ascending limb of oop of Hens in ater and allows transport ae vata Port of electrolytes actively Reason (R): Dilution of filtrate takes place due electrolytes in the medullary aig’ * °° *flux of Inthelightof the above statement, choose answer from the options given belgn = ne comet (1) (Ajistrue but (R) is false 0) (disfalse but (R) is true Both (A) and (R) are true and @ explanation of (A) te and (R) is the correct (4) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) ‘The Cockroach is : (1) Ammonotelic only Q) Uricotelic only @) _Ureotelic only (4) Ureotelic and Uricotelic ‘Which of the following statements are correct with respect o the hormone and its function ? (A) Thyrocalcitonin (TCT) regulates the blood calcium level ®) In males, FSH and androgens regulate spermatogenesis. oO Hyperthyroidism can lead to goitre. ® Glucocorticoids are secreted in Adrenal Medulla, Parathyroid hormone is regulated by Circulating levels of sodium ions. Choose the most appropri from th t propriate answer from the “Ptions given below : 0 Q % @ ® 162. Select thes, o (Daan Se Rapin > alveolar membease® (2 and CO) across ®) Diffusion of, a % testn fy "4 CO2 between blood and a PranSPOF of gases bythe blood ‘ulmonary ventilation by w ee alveolar air is ©) Utilisation of ©, by the ce Chant toteand eaten el Feta ose the correct 7 pelea the correct answer from the options given a )(A),0,@),@) Ze ©,(8),(A),(&),) 8 B19, (a) ® A,©,8),©,0) 163. Which of the following is/are caus, Diodiversty ey OH OMINE is/are causa) of 2 Qxer exploitation, habitat toss and (2) Climate change only ©)_Overexploitation only (4) Habitatloss and fragmentation. only. 164.” Match List-Iwith List -1 List-1 List-I1 (A) Comtractilevacuole —)—Asterias (B) Watervascular system (I) Amoeba © Canalsystem (Q) Spongitia ©) Flamecells WW) Taenia Choose the correct answer from the options given below @ AHVY),C+),-0,0-a @ 0,610,049, 040) 8) AM), 60), (C-0),(0)-4v) @®) AO), 8-0, (C+, 01) 165. Match List -Iwith List- I List-1 aie (A) Palmbones © Phalanges (®) Wristbones —()_—Metacarpals (© Anklebones (Ul) Carpals. ©) _Digitbones (NY) Tarsals Choose the correct answer from the options given below: @ AY,0-0,C-0,0}-) @ (AHIY),8+0, (C40), 0-) @) (AH), AV), (C-),(0H0) @ AHO,.BHm,C4M,0-0) > 167. 20 CO qui tothLiet IE se wae List ay onameat — Maltiload 375 ® ups copperseessing Rubber barrier © us 0 Hormone releasing (1) Lippes loop © uo vaults qy)_ ING-20 coos he comes answer from the options given below (AH. CHED- COOH AHO CHM. 6) AAD BOHM ® (AH, BEV). HD. hich ofthe following can act as molecular sxissor5? (gy) _Restition enzymes @ DNAligase @)_ RNApolymerase (@ _ DNApolymerase Select the correct statements about sickle cell anaemia (A) Thereisa change in gene for beta globin. © _Inthebeta globin, thereis valine in the place of Lysine. © _Itisanexample of point mutation. ©) Inthenormal gene U is replaced by A. (Boone he correct answer from the options given GQ) B)C)and(D) only 2) (B)ana)only @ — (A),B)andPyonly (4) (A)and (Chonly 169. 170. a. Given below are two t Statement 1: ements, Intea Cytoplasmic \ pelo" sie Sperm cw specialised procedure of ston f : oe earns a guternent in, Infertility cases due to inabi ‘ avlete egos nS Peco ty guatemen® Inthe lightof the abovestatom, ‘ey garni! swer from the oy tents, cf ‘ anawer from the options given soelieht {Q) Statement iscorrectbuts inet ‘Statemer - : @)_Siaement snort o * g) Both Statement Land Statemeny ™ oO = ett (@)_BothStatementLandSttenet o ™ Match List-I with List-IL | o * List-1 co : (Ec) - . othe) 4 | git (a) Rewave Depo ventas mer’ @ _QRScomplex —U)__Endofsysnie oe (© Twave ()__Depolarisaton atria ‘State ©) EndofTwave (0) Repoliining a miricleg 00C: Choose the correct answer from the options ga ov below: int @) OXY).B40OHM,040) - 2 AX).CHIV, C4. | » B) (AHIN)-@HUD, (C+, PH0 , © AHO, @-O.C40),PH | e | ‘Match List -I with List - 11. | ; List-I List-11 | y (A) Eosinophils @ 6-8% \ ( @ Lymphocytes) -2-3% | (© Neutrophils (@) 20-25% | 174. (0) Monocytes (60-65% Choose the correct answer from the options 8° below: @ AHY),8-0,(0-0), OY) @ AHY),8}0,(0-, OHO) @) A+), BHM.) 0-0) ® — @+0),CH00),(0-0, 2H) Given below are two statements Statement I: Goblet cells are unicellular glands, Statement II: Earwaxis the secretion of exocrine gland Inthellightof the above. answer from the options given te, a) 2 o @ Statements, choose the correct Ww Statement lis true but Statement Il is false Statement lis false but Statement IL is true Both Statement Iand Statement I are true Both Statement I and Statement I are false 173, Given below aretwo statements regarding oogenesis Statement I: The primary follicles get surrounded by more layers of granulosa cells, a theca and cavity antrum. Now itis called shows fluid filled secondary follicle. Statement II: Graafian follicle ruptures to release the secondary oocyte from the ovary by the process called ovulation. Inthe lightof the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below : a 2 2 (4) Statement I is correct but Statement Il is false Statement Iis incorrect but Statement II i true Both Statement I and Statement Il are true Both Statement I and Statement Il are false ‘If there are 250 snails in a pond, and within a year their number increases to 2500 by reproduction. What should be their birth rate per snail per year ? @ 10 Org ® 25 @ 15 2 175, 176. 17. Given below are two statements Statement I The nose.contains mucus -coateg rec Statement It: Wall of the eye ball has thy internal layers retina gr and photoreceporcegy 8A poly Intholightof the above statements ch answer from the options given @ 2 Br @ 1008e the comect below Statement Iis true but Statement This false Both Statement I and Stat tement Hare true Both Statement I and Sta tement I are false Which one of the foll lac operon ? (1) Sucrose 2) Lactose @) Glucose @ Galactose Match List-I with List-11, List-1 Deforestation lowing acts as an inducer for List-II Responsible for heating of Earth's surface and atmosphere Conversion of forested areas to non-forested areas ‘Natural ageing of lake by nutrient ‘enrichment of its water “ 0 Reforestation @ © Green-houseeffect (M)) Process of, restoring a forest that once existed butwas removed Eutrophication (IV) D Choose the correct answer from the options given below : AX). (CH00,0H0 2 A0,60,.04m.0XV) 8) ALA, BHCH0.OH) (ava, -aV) (0-000) » : 178. Diacetyl morphine is also called ag g 2 e (a) 179, °X' and “Y’ are the compo nomenclature, Thi eae. by'Z & ® 8 @ Amphetamine Barbiturate Crack ‘Smack of Binomial HS naming system was proposed X - Generic name, Y - Speci Carolus Linnaeus’ Pec epithet, 2 - X-Specific epithet, Y - Gen. Specific epithet Y-Genericname,2-RE X - Specific epithet,-¥-~ Generic naiia Carolus Linnaeus ee X-Generic name, Y- ific epit Whitaker ‘Specific epithet, Z-RH. 180. Which of the following statements are correct? w ® o © Reproductive health refers to total well-being inall aspects of reproduction, Amniocentesis is legally banned for sex determination in India. “Saheli” -anew oral contraceptive for females was developed in collaboration with ICMR (New Delhi). Amniocentesis is used to determine genetic disorders and survivability of foetus. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: or 2) e) @ (B)and(C)only (D) and (C) only (A), (B) and (D) only (A)and (C) only 22 181, 182, 183. Mateh List-1withLigg 4, List-1 (A) Terpenoides Uy t ©) Lectins : Cae, @ ym (Alkaloids ey © Toxins ke ™ cy Choose the correct answer f “a, below: TOM he oo © OX, B00, 2 ADCO Om, 8 AW, CHD... 049 4) (A+, BHIV).O-0), Oy re Given below are two statements. Statement I: In bacteria, the mesosomes are fon ‘extensions of plasma membrane. "by y Statement II: ‘Themesosomes, in bacteria, help in DN, and cell wall formation. A bey Inthe light ofthe above statements ch appropriate answer from the optionsgenga Statement I is correct but Staten, @ incorrect 2) Statement I is incorrect but Statement correct : (2) Both Statement I and Statement acon (@) Both Statement I and Statement Iz» incorrect Select correct sequence of substages of Popa of Meiotic division (A) Zygotene (B) Pachytene © _ Diakinesis ©) Leptotene © _ Diplotene Choose the correct answer from the options below: Q OB).A,0.O 2 AGOGO 2» OBO ® (A.0),8),(0,®) sraintem of human brain consists of a) (2) 3) () Mid-brain, Pons and Medulla Oblongata Forebrain, Cerebellum and Pons Thalamus, Hypothalamus and Corpora quadrigemina Amygdala, Hippocampus and Corpus Callosum |dentify the fossil of man who showed the following characteristics. (A) Brain capacity of 1400 cc (8) Used hides to protect their body (© Buried their dead bodies In the light of above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1) Homoerectus Q) Neanderthal man @) Homo habits (4) Australopithecus Section - B (Biology : Zoology) With reference to Hershey and Chase experiments. Select the correctstatements, a Viruses grownin the presence of radioactive phosphorus contained radioactive DNA. (B) Viruses grown on radioactive sulphur contained radioactive proteins. (© Viruses grown on radioactive phosphorus contained radioactive protein. (Q) Viruses grown on radioactive sulphur contained radioactive DNA. © _ Viruses grown on radioactive protein contained radioactive DNA. Choose the most appropriate answer from the ‘options given below 0) @ ®@ Oy (D)and () only (A)and (8) only (A)and (©) only ®)and(D) only 23 187, 188. 189. © MOBO ® P.O604) 8) (0,814). @,0) 8 BOB Given below are two: Assertion (A): ‘A person goes to high atta A Person goes tof le and experien. “Altiude: with symptoms ie hese difficalty and heart palpitations : Reason (R): Due to low atmospheric pressure at high the body does not seston it Inthelight ofthe abovestatemens chose the comet answer from the options given below: (1) A)istruebut(R)sfalse 2) (A)isfalse ut (Ris true (Br Both (A) and aetnean store explanation of A) @ Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) isnot the correct explanation of (A) ‘Thesalient features of geneticcodeare: (A) Thecodeis palindromic B)_UGAactasiniiatorcodon oO “The code is unambiguous and spec (©) Thecodeis neary univers Choose the mst appropriate aver fom options given below: (Aland Dyonly @%) Bhand(Conly ©) (Aand @only Cana (pony a nts of Renin - Angiotensin ine Aan cost vativaton of eels and eease of Tn oe otensin Tactivates release ofaldosterone Fallin glomerular blood pressure, © absorption of Na* and wate fom ist © convoluted tubule tensinogen is converted to Rew tesint ad hen to Angiotensin choose the correct answer fom the options given below a C.A)@).8).) (8,080.8) @ (8),0)0,8.©) 191. 192. © B.ABOMD elec the correct statements regarding dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (A) BODisinversely related to dissolved oxygen. Low dissolved oxgen and high BOD lead to Toss of aquatic life. High BOD leads to high dissolved oxygen. Both BOD and dissolved oxygen are indicator 7” ofhealth ofa water body. Both BOD and dissolved oxygen are affected by amount of organicmatterin the water body. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below : @) A),B),©,Bonly @ (A)B).(0),Bonly 45 (A),B),(C,D)only ® ®O,O),@only Given below are two statements Statement: Parathyroid hormone acts on bones and stimulates the process ofbone resorption. Statement It: Parathyroid hormone along with Thyrocalcitonin playsasignifcantrolein carbohydrate metabolism. Inthelightof the abovestatements,choose the correct answer from the options given below : (1) Statement is correct but Statement Ii false @) Statement Lis incorrect but Statement IL is true 4 Both Statement I and Statement Il are true (4) Both Statement and Statement I are false oo 193, Select the correct statements. 194. 195. (A) Platyhelminthes pseuclococlomateand pir’ th organisms eet (8) Ctenophores reprod ni fertlvationisetennee ‘ ion sexta." ayy (© Intapeworm, tetitizatio Ne notseparate, "Sie, (PD) Clenophores are exch “ clus diploblastic and bio i ploblstic and biluminesg Mn (E)_ In sponges, fertilization jg ne developments direct, tern Choose the correct answer fro : below Ah () (A),(©and(D)only 2) @),(C)and (Dy only @)_ (A)and (E)only (4) @)and (Djonly Match List with List-IL List-1 List-t1 (Ajo Genetherapy Separation DNA fragnay B) RNAinterference (0) Diagnostic, AIDS (ELISA Celular dog, Gel @¥) Allows coratig Electrophoresis ofa gene delet Choose the correct answer from the options, below @HV),B)0, (0-0, 0) 2) (AXEV),B}), (Q-), D0 ©) (AXEY), BHA, (C-@), (0) (8). (AY), (BAN, (C-0), DH) Which ofthe following statements are core ith respect of Golgi apparatus ? (A) _ It is the important site of formation of glycoprotein and glycolipids. (8) _Itproduces cellular energy in the frmot8T? © _ It modifies the protein synthesized ribosomes on ER. (D) _Itfacilitates the transport of fons. © _Itprovides mechanical support Choose the most appropriate answer from! options given below (1) and (C)only @) (A)and©)only @ (A)and(D) only @) — (D)and(E)only Select the incorrect states Malcipie Ovulation Eadiryo Le 7 ansfer (MOET) i : @ ed £885 at 4 to 6 cells - stages a Fecovered non-surgically out Sepa mother © °°" and transferred to surrogate 2 Itis used toincrease herd size ina short time, @) Cow is adminis tered wil ee a with hormones to @) — Super-ovulatin IB COW is eit bull oris artificially thom a Given below are two statements. Statement]: In cockroach, the forewings are transparent and Prothoracic in origin, Statement II: In cockroach, the hind wings are opadjue, leathery and mesothoracic in origin Inthe lightofthe above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (1). Statements corectbut Statement Iisfelse (2) Statement I is incorrect but Statement lis true @) __ Both Statement [and Statement Il are tue (4) Both Statement I and Statement IT arefalse 3. Match List -Twith List II. List-1 List-II (A) Columnar @) Ducts of glands epithelium (8) Ciliated — @)_Inerlining of stomach epithelium and intestine (Q Squamous (il) Inner lining of epithelium bronchioles (D) Cuboidal (¥)_ Endothelium epithelium Choose the correct answer from the options given. below @) AXM,B)0),.C-0,0V) @ (AA), B,C), 0-0) @) A,B, C-0,.OH1V) @) AY), BHM), (O-0Y), OD) a » 199. Match List-I with List- 0 (A) ®) © © 1 Cytokine barriers) Cellular barriers Physiological barriers Physical barr Choose the correct answer below: @ @ 8) @ AH. BHAM.OHT),.OH0) (AXED, B-0(0-4¥),0)400 AH, BHO, (C-€0, OHV) (AH, BA), OHV) ‘200; Select the correct statement/s with respect to mechanism of sex determination in Grasshopper. (A) _ tisantexample of female heterogamety. ‘Male produces two different types of gametes a bed or without X chromosome. Total number of chromosomes (autosomes x ‘and sex chromosomes) is same in both males. and females. (D)__Alleggs bear an additional X chromosome besides the autosomes. Choose the correct answer from the options below: ()@)and(D) only @ _(A),Cand (only ©) only @ — A)and © only -000-

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