Smileys Check 2

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VOCABULARY 1 Look, road and put 0 fck WV) or a cross SA tewen fo o tome 2 Complete. (10 morks) Deore Veo Boor dy ere GRAMMAR 3 Moke sentences. (10 marks) 0 ten Woror Wo orton 1 oyibsce t60 2 iranainiaveiyoo 2 funny. ourorent Gnk@Broie 2 10 marks) a g oboe gy & owe, — @ & octet 4 Look, count and comple (20 marks) © rote ave we chai ene) 1 hee on, 2 Tree (gas. 3 Tree tomate), 4 Tree (valet) Stee. ts), = _ pe ‘COMMUNICATION USTENING 5 took, read and complete 6 Osten and draw tines. (00 marks) (20 “3 on: Rees =e oo ee B:No.hoint Hotinthe READING AND WRITING 7 Read and circ. (20 marks) oto, (BY my om Fone ne 1) my / ‘mr omy. The & my dod 2) Wi ‘hom om iis my mr 3) Your / Hername bundo.t¥e i my tor ord ths emmy ste:@) Our/Meienomes 0 Bronarau9/8)We /Ourore 37077 Nowilean focus DOG) tok and wite about myfamily ©) CC) toicond wite spout mynouse ©) ©) sorwheretingsandpeonieam © OO)

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