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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 4 4A Complete the extracts with the words in the box.
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. cracked hang humble matter radical
1 What have been the most important inventions of replica rudder
the last twenty years in the following areas?
1 Today billions of us can travel across the planet in
• food a of hours.
• medicine 2 But that everyday miracle started in a rather
• technology way.
• transport 3 They were trying out this new form
2 What inventions would you like to see in the of transportation.
future in these areas? 4 Until they’d how to ride the
wind, …
5 Apparently, even I should be able to get the
of it.
6 And they put a on the back.
7 This is an exact of their glider.

B Watch the DVD again to check.

5A EITHER think of a recent invention OR choose one

of the inventions below and find out as much as
you can about it. Make notes.
• 3D printing
• nanotechnology in computers
• piezoelectricity
• autonomous vehicles

2 Watch the DVD. Tick the things Dallas Campbell

1 drive a car
2 put a flag in the sand
3 measure a distance
4 interview an inventor
5 open a door B Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about
6 wear a helmet the invention you chose. Which is the most useful?
7 run across a sand dune Which is your favourite invention?
8 fly a glider A: I chose autonomous vehicles.
B: What are they?
3A Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). A: They’re things like driverless cars.
1 The Wright brothers’ invention would allow people
to travel further.
2 The glider was invented aer the aeroplane.
3 They built the glider two years before they tested
the first aeroplane.
4 The wing at the front makes it turn le and right.
5 Dallas finds it difficult to imagine how the Wright
brothers felt.
6 The invention had important consequences.

B Watch the DVD again to check.

© Pearson Education Limited 2016

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