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Critique of “Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health of Filipino College Students”

The goal of this criticism is to improve the caliber and thoroughness of a study that examines the
complex connections between psychological well-being, psychological discomfort, student mental health,
and mental health literacy. The current summary has a solid foundation because it lists relevant research
publications, but there are certain areas where it might be strengthened to provide more support for its
analysis. To achieve this, this critique urges the differentiation of study kinds, incorporation of precise
information and quantitative findings, thorough critical analysis of methodology, enhancements to
organizational structure, and discussion of biases and limitations.

The types of research that are included should be clearly stated to improve clarity, such as
systematic reviews, meta-analyses, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, or case-control studies. This
distinction will help readers develop a nuanced awareness of the advantages and disadvantages linked to
each study design, permitting a more thorough interpretation of the results.

In addition, it would be advantageous for the summary to have particular information, numerical
findings, and impact sizes generated from the studies mentioned. Readers can gain a greater
understanding of the research results and gain an understanding of the scope of the effects that have been
noticed by viewing these findings, which are presented.

A more thorough critical review of the methodology used, taking into consideration sample sizes,
data collection tools, and potential biases, is required. While the current summary briefly acknowledges
the limits of each study, it does not go into enough detail to address these issues. A stronger reliability and
validity of the results will result from readers being better equipped to assess the research's advantages
and disadvantages.

To assure clarity and ease comprehension, the summary's organizational structure needs to be
improved. The summary will offer a more organized and cohesive presentation of material by dividing
each study into its own section and continuously stressing the aims, methodologies, and major findings,
allowing readers to explore deeper into the issue.

It is crucial to carefully consider biases and limits, including how self-reporting measures, sample
size, study design, and potential confounding variables may affect the results. Also, due to the potential
effects of cultural variations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and educational systems on sleep habits and
academic performance, caution should be exercised when extrapolating the findings to include all college
students or healthcare professionals.
Additionally, it is crucial to take into consideration the cultural and contextual characteristics
specific to the Filipino population when examining the relationship between psychological well-being,
psychological discomfort, student mental health, and mental health literacy specifically among Filipino
participants. The application of the findings may be considerably impacted by the diversity in cultural
norms, societal expectations, lifestyle circumstances, and educational systems among various populations
and countries. In order to fully comprehend the intricate relationships between psychological well-being,
psychological discomfort, student mental health, and mental health literacy within the Filipino setting, it
is crucial to do research with Filipino participants.

As a result, the clarity of the evaluation, structure of organization, and addressing biases and
limits may all be improved, considerably raising the level of quality and thoroughness of the literature
review summary. Additionally, taking into consideration cultural and contextual aspects that are unique to
the Filipino population and conducting research with Filipino participants will provide important insights
into psychological well-being, psychological discomfort, student mental health, and mental health literacy
in the Filipino context.


Reyes, M. E. S., Christian, R., & Delariarte, C. F. (2021, September). Mental Health
Literacy and mental health of Filipino College students. ResearchGate.

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