6 - Progetto Velivolo Commerciale - FuselageDesign

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Progettazione di veicoli

aerospaziali (AA-LZ)

D o ce n t e t i t o l a r e : Pr o f. E . C a r r e ra

Le c t u r e s e r i es :
Conceptual Design of subsonic commercial

Dr. Davide Ferretto


Lesson 6: Fuselage Design

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
5.2 Where we left...
Table of Contents
6.1 Fuselage Configuration Alternatives

6.2 Fuselage Conceptual Design

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Frequently asked questions: Lesson 5

It is possible to use the

provided chart to look for the
more convenient airfoils
family in terms of cruise lift
coefficient (x-axis) and max
Lesson 5
lift coefficient (y-axis).

This allows reducing the

Some workload associated to the
literature review of airfoils.

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Frequently asked questions: Lesson 5

Concerning the identification of maximum lift coefficient of the airfoil at take-off

Step Formulas Comments
Calculate the Where the contribution to the to the
wing airfoil net wing maximum lift coefficient depends
𝐶𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐶𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑥−𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 − ∆𝐶𝑙 𝐻𝐿𝐷
maximum lift on the geometry, type and maximum
deflection of the selected HLD.
Lesson 5 coefficient

Identify the airfoil selection alternatives that deliver the desired Cl_i and Clmax


Derive Δ𝐶𝑙 𝐻𝐿𝐷 from the

difference between the trend
identifying lift coefficient for
[2] Raymer, Daniel. Aircraft design: a conceptual
clean profile and the one
approach. American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Inc., 2012.
associated to the profile with
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto) High Lift Devices (HLD)
Frequently asked questions: Lesson 5

Problems with critical conditions (transonic area on the airfoil).

Remember that the airfoil is a 2D section of your wing, thus it is not

sensible to 3D phenomena. For this reason, it is necessary to manually
set the correct boundary conditions for the analysis.
Lesson 5
The most important one is the Mach number, which, in this case, is the
perpendicular component of the free-stream Mach number because of
Some the wing sweep.


Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Frequently asked questions: Lesson 5
What about high-wing, or, in general, different configurations for the wing?

Lesson 5

Example: strut-braced wing (jet and turboprop) – High AR

Example: Prandtl-plane – Minimizing induced drag

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Frequently asked questions: Lesson 5

What about window-less cabin? Just be careful when saying

that it saves mass.
Is it really the case?

Lesson 5
Example: simulated windows


Example: virtual cabin

with AR

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Frequently asked questions: CAD

It is possible to use a different CAD environment?

Yes, but no support will be provided.
Please ensure that the required elements will be included in the
report, looking at the assignments.
Lesson 5
How to deal with wing, fuselage and empennages within the
It is required to include 2D and 3D views of individual elements within
Some the different chapters.
Then, there will be a chapter dedicated to the whole aircraft, in which
feedbacks 2D and 3D views for the entire airframe will be included.

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Frequently asked questions: CAD
Procedure to import airfoil profile
- Download coordinate file .txt
- Copy coordinates into Excel sheet or equivalent.
- Set three columns to identify x,y,z (usually airfoils come with only
2D shape, as it should be).
Lesson 5
e.g. Result should be like this one →


Then save your file as «Testo (con valori delimitati da

tabulazioni) .txt»

The final .txt file shall contain «.» to separate decimal digits

This file can be used in Solidworks then.

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Case Study: Define your 3D Wing Geometry

Assignment 5.3: Wing Geometry

Once the wing airfoil is selected, please, try to identify the main
parameters for a 3D wing in terms of:
- Incidence
- Aspect Ratio
- Sweep angle
- Taper Ratio
- Dihedral Angle
Wing design
Assignment 5.4: 2D and 3D CAD Modelling
ASSIGNMENT Proceed with the implementation of the isolated wing geometry in
the CAD environment. The report shall include:
- 3D view of the wing [assonometria]
- 2D view of the wing with measures (only main ones) (3-views
[proiezione ortogonale])

Where we left...
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Aircraft and Components configurations

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s

[1] Sadraey, Mohammad H. Aircraft design: A

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto) systems engineering approach. John Wiley &
Sons, 2012.
Aircraft and Components configurations

To define the aircraft configuration it is worth starting from the identification of the major
aircraft components and their design alternatives. Some ideas are reported in the following

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s

[1] Sadraey, Mohammad H. Aircraft design: A

systems engineering approach. John Wiley &
Sons, 2012.
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: main functionalities and features

To properly define the fuselage configuration, it is worth starting from the identification of
the identification of major functionalities and features.

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s

Which functionalities and features are more interesting for our case study?

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Narrow body & Regional

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s
Airbus A320 family Embraer E-Jets

Mitsubishi CRJ-series
(formerly Bombardier)

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Wide body

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s Boeing B777 family Boeing B787 family

Airbus A330 family Airbus A350 family

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Wide body
Double deck

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s
Boeing B747 family

Airbus A380

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Cargo vs Passengers

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s Boeing B747 passengers
Boeing B747 cargo

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Heavy cargo

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n Boeing Dreamlifter
A l t e r n a t i ve s Antonov AN225

Boeing 377 Super Guppy Airbus Beluga / Beluga XL

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Heavy cargo
Access options

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A l t e r n a t i ve s

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: main functionalities and features

Peculiar design

F u s e l a g e C o n f i g u ra t i o n Britten Norman Trislander Dornier 228
A l t e r n a t i ve s

Piaggio P180

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: conceptual design methodology

Once the main functionalities and

features of the fuselage have been
identified, it is important to select a
methodology to guide us during the
design process.

Fuselage Conceptual

[1] Sadraey, Mohammad H. Aircraft design: A

systems engineering approach. John Wiley &
Sons, 2012.
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: configuration

Let’s start with the high-level


Fuselage Conceptual

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: configuration

A350 Example

Please, remember that the

actual internal layout is then
defined together with Airlines!

Therefore, requirements related

to specific comfort standards
6.2 have a high impact on the
definition of the internal aircraft
Fuselage Conceptual layout!

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement
compartment cross Characteristics
section shape

• Reduced structural weight

• Room available for both passengers and cargo
• Simple but effective shape
• Fair exploitation of the available room

6.2 • Optimized class subdivision.

• Room available for both passengers and cargo

Fuselage Conceptual • Complex shape that may have negative impacts
on aerodynamics and structure. Select the cross-section shape
Design • Complexity in production and integration that suits your case study!
• Good exploitation of the available room
Do not forget to take a look at
competitors, too!
• Double-deck possibility
• Good exploitation of the available room

Optimal configuration for narrow body
• Simple shape with positive impact on
aerodynamic, structure, production and

• Double-deck possibility
• Optimal exploitation of the available room
• Optimal configuration for narrow body

• Simple shape with positive impact on
aerodynamic, structure, production and

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement

Example taken from the A350

6.2 Suggestion: try to

Fuselage Conceptual evaluate the volume
Design per passenger in
order to understand
the total required
cabin volume (see

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement

Evacuation in case of emergency is

the driving parameter for the
Example taken from the A350
determination of number and types
of exits.

Please refer to article CS25.807 of

EASA CS-25 regulation to get the
specific measures and prescriptions.
Fuselage Conceptual

Remember that cargo doors and passengers doors

location is function also of servicing procedures
during turn-around!
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: internal arrangement

Example taken from the A350

Evacuation in case of emergency is the driving

parameter for the determination of number and
types of exits.

Please refer to article CS25.807 of EASA CS-25

6.2 regulation to get the specific measures and
Fuselage Conceptual prescriptions.

Max passengers
Exit type for each exit

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement

Fuselage Conceptual Let’s do some hypotheses on the
longitudinal distribution of the main
Design volumes.

Please, note that the internal volume

distribution might be also influenced by
the wing vertical location

Example taken from the A350

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: slenderness ratio

Which are the most suitable

fuselage length?

Are there any relationships

between cross-sectional area and
6.2 fuselage length?
Fuselage Conceptual
Design Yes, a relationship exists, and it is
evaluated through a parameter
called slenderness ratio or
length-to-diameter ratio or also
fineness ratio

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: slenderness ratio

To properly select an appropriate

slenderness ratio, please remember
the list of requirements
(performance, operational, etc.) that
might be affected by this parameter,
6.2 • Zero-lift drag (to be minimized)
Fuselage Conceptual • Wetted-area (to be minimized)
Design • Fuselage weight (to be minimized)
• Mass moment of inertia (to be
• Internal volume (to be maximized)
• …

See some examples, ...

Select your Slenderness Ratio

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: slenderness ratio

If the goal is to minimize the fuselage zero-lift drag, set

slenderness (l/d) close to 16.
Fuselage contribution to drag is
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑡 proportional to the slenderness (l/d)
𝐶𝐷 0 = 𝑐𝑓 𝑓𝑙/𝑑 𝑓𝑀
𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑐𝑓 skin friction coefficient of the fuselage
𝑓𝑀 equation function of aircraft speed
𝑓𝑙/𝑑 equation function of slenderness
Fuselage Conceptual

60 𝑙
𝑓𝑙/𝑑 = 1 + 3 + 0.0025
𝑙 𝑑
𝑑 𝑙
= 16.3
𝑑 𝐶𝐷 0


Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement for passenger compartment

Fuselage Conceptual

Define your own configuration and describe it. You can also
look at 2 or 3 different alternatives (not mandatory).

Try defining also the profile of the fuselage at different

sections along vehicle x-axis

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: volume allocation

To properly design passenger

and/or cargo compartments it is
6.2 important to have a precise
estimation of of payload mass,
Fuselage Conceptual
volume and type

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: volume allocation

Example taken from the A350

Fuselage Conceptual

Try to use reference data to

reach an acceptable
passengers/cargo volume

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: cockpit & nose

Common jet aircraft have

similar nose shapes to
accomodate cockpit and, at the
same time, to reduce drag,
specifically taking into account
possible Mach divergence
Fuselage Conceptual

Typical values are around 1.5 – 2.0

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: windows

Please think about pilots and passengers visibility!

Even if we are not going to detail too much our aircraft model, let’s
try to be realistic in designing windows!

Fuselage Conceptual

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: tailcone
Also for tailcone, specific values of
fineness ratio may ensure minimum
But which is the
drag due to the fuselage upsweep.
correct upwseep angle
to avoid tail-strike?

Fuselage Conceptual

𝜃 𝑙1 𝑙2 Typical values are around 1.8 – 2.0

𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣 ∙ 𝑙2 > 𝑀𝑇𝑂𝑊 ∙ 𝑙1

𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣 𝛽

Typical values of 𝛽 = 15°
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Fuselage: internal arrangement for passenger compartment

Quick design process

Step 1: define a baseline

6.2 cross-section layout.
Fuselage Conceptual
Design Use suggestions available
from literature and check
the applicable Certification
Specifications (CS-25)!

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

Fuselage: internal arrangement for passenger compartment

Step 2: Evaluate reference

diameter of the fuselage

Step 3: Evaluate reference

length of the fuselage

Fuselage Conceptual
For example, the maximum width of a twin aisle configuration can
be evaluated as follows:

Complementary, the maximum width of a twin aisle configuration

can be evaluated as follows:

Check if this is
applicable for your
nose and tailcone
Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)
Case Study: Define your 3D Fuselage Geometry

Assignment 6.1: Design your fuselage following the suggested

Fuselage design

Assignment 6.2: 2D and 3D CAD Modelling

ASSIGNMENT Proceed with the implementation of the isolated fuselage geometry
in the CAD environment. The report shall include:
- 3D view of the fuselage [assonometria]
- 2D view of the fuselage with measures (only main ones)
(3-views [proiezione ortogonale])

Lesson 6: Fuselage Design (D. Ferretto)

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