Book Review 11

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Adventist University of Africa

Theological Seminary




A paper

presented in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the course

NTST 660 Gospels

Clifford Otieno Makemo

August 2022
Mark, L. Strauss. Four Portraits, One Jesus: A survey to Jesus And the Gospels. Grand

Rapids Michigan 49530. Zondervan, 2009.

Mark, L. Strauss is the author of the Four Portraits, one Jesus: a Survey to Jesus and the

Gospels. This piece of work brings the Jesus of Nazareth history. Jesus as the object of faith,

hope and an element of worship. He has done a thorough study of the four gospel books and

convince his readers about their essentiality. Different artists have tried to give Jesus a good

picture but Strauss has painted Jesus with four difference face but one man. ‘’It is a thorough yet

accessible introduction to the four biblical Gospels and their subject, the life and person of

Jesus’’1. He has authored many books including; Mark: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on

The New Testament Which Is Widely Read, The Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies.

Grasping God’s Word, The Challenge to The Bible Translation, The Davidic Messiah in Luke-

Acts, among other works.

There are four books portray Jesus Christ Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The first three make

almost the same stories called the synoptic gospel. John has difference outline in the story of

Jesus. The gospel can be read both vertically and horizontally to mean independently and

together respectfully. These gospel narratives were passed on verbally but after a period they

were written. The readers who go through these accounts could ask questions hence historical

and source criticisms. Through these, it was discovered that that there were specific stories which

were cutting across into which the writers borrowed from especially Matthew and Luke to

supplement Mark to be ‘Q’ source. ‘M’ source for Matthew and ‘L’ source for Luke.

The historical background of Jesus and the gospel is between fifth century BC to the end of

the first century AD. Alexander the great and later his generals hellenised the world then and
introduced the Greek language and culture. Maccabees defeated the Syrians and the Jews became

independent up to 63 BC when they conquered by the Romans. Jesus was born during this time

when Caesar Augustus was the emperor, and Herod the Great was the king of the Jews. The

Roman ruled until AD 66 when Jews revolted but thwarted then the destruction of the second

temple in AD 70 in AD 76 the Jew’s rebelled again under the leadership Bar Kokhba but were

defeated thus the end of Israel’s political state.

Jewish people had a belief in one God being worship in the temple at Jerusalem and the

Synagogue, more so the synagogue was for teaching of Torah. They had their sects as follows;

The Sanhedrin or High Court, scribes experts of the law, the Sadducees from the Priestly

Institution. The Pharisees who respect authority of the scripture and the tradition. The Essenes

who believe like Pharisees but live as a community. The social bandits (Zealots) and

apocalypticism those destroy the wicked but deliver the righteous. All these sects had messianic

expectation as a King after David. The Jewish Literatures provide the background for the Gospel.

In both Greco-Roman and Jewish Societies family comprises of Father highly authoritative,

Mother (woman) child bearer, children and grandparents. Marriage were highly honored and

arranged by parents. Monogamy was the common practice though polygamy also existed.

Celebrations and communal eating were social events. Their cities were highly populated

because they were industrious cities. Wealthy people lived in large villas in houses of bricks.

Public Building were including indoor theaters, outdoor amphitheaters, stadium, temples and

market places. Farming and trade were the main economic activities.

Part three bring about the understanding of the four gospel books beginning with Mark which is

the gospel according to Peter. He painted Jesus with the picture of a mighty and powerful son of

God, whose is seen in authority is seen in casting out demons and challenging the religious
leaders. He also gives Jesus a picture of a Messiah who must die. The greatest face he gives to

Jesus according to Mark is the servant. Mathew looks at Messiahship of Jesus. Luke, he is the

savior of the world. Then John, the God for all mankind.

Part four asks the reality of Jesus Christ. The Historical reliability of the Gospels and Jesus. Did

Jesus existed in the phase of history therefore the historical Jesus. Did He Live? He was born and

lived a descendant of Abraham, David and Adam. He preached in Synagogues, in public places.

He taught people in different topics. He performed miracles. He lived and died and resurrected to

bring Glory and hope for the Jews and also to the whole world.

This is the book which bring the harmony to the gospel books more especially the Synoptic. It

brings about the four pictures of Jesus but without discord. Mark L Stranss has a wonderful work

putting Jesus in history and expectation of Jewish Messiah. He proves that what the Jewish

Community were waiting for has been fully come to pass in the person of Jesus Christ as

portrayed in the four Gospels.

For this reason, therefore, I recommend this book to the study of the gospel and for the churches

to know more about Jesus of Nazareth who is also Jesus of Faith.

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