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contribution of cognitive

behavioral approaches
in psychotherapy

Manoj N
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and
Cognitive Therapy in psychotherapy
An overview of the practice of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Aaron
Beck's Cognitive Therapy, with a focus on their applications in mental health.
The Practice of Rational
Emotive Behavior
- REBT is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy
that focuses on the relationship between
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

- The practice involves identifying and

challenging negative and irrational beliefs that
contribute to emotional distress.

- REBT techniques include cognitive

restructuring, disputing irrational beliefs, and
homework assignments.

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Application of REBT as a
Brief Therapy
- REBT can be applied as a brief therapy,
designed to be completed within a shorter
period of time.

- This approach is useful for individuals

experiencing acute symptoms and need
immediate relief.

- Brief REBT typically involves identifying and

challenging negative beliefs, developing coping
strategies, and implementing behavioral

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Application to Group
- REBT can also be used in group counseling

- The therapist works with a group of clients to

identify and challenge negative beliefs that
contribute to emotional distress.

- Group counseling allows for the sharing of

experiences and perspectives and can provide a
sense of support and validation.

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Aaron Beck's Cognitive
- Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy focuses on
the relationship between thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors.

- The principles include identifying negative

automatic thoughts, examining evidence for
and against those thoughts, and developing
more realistic and adaptive beliefs.

- The client-therapist relationship is based on

collaboration and a partnership.

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Applications of Cognitive
- Cognitive Therapy can be used to treat a
range of mental health conditions, including
depression, anxiety disorders, and substance

- It can be used in medical settings to manage

chronic pain and other medical conditions.

- Cognitive therapy can be used as a

standalone treatment or in combination with
other forms of therapy.

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questions. 😄

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