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TOPIC 5: MUSCLES Origin: Mesoderm- middle primary

germ layer
One of 4 basic tissues
Classification: •4 weeks
1. Location -mesenchymal cells proliferate,
-Skeletal elongate & differentiate into myoblast
-Cardiac myotubes.
-Smooth ¤Myoblasts- will fuse to produce the
multinucleated myotubes
2. Function (Voluntary, Involuntary)
•5" week
■Skeletal- voluntary; Attached to the -myotubes lengthen
•9" week
■Smooth muscle- involuntary; provide -myotubes synthesize myofilaments
motility for many vital activities such as
peristalsis of the gut, emptying the •20 week
urinary bladder. -proliferation of myofilaments at birth-
*For the eye: constriction especially for myofilaments turn into myofibrils
the pupils. -will increase in circumference and
*For the uterus- during childbirth, length
uterine contraction -Myofilaments are arranged in
alternating, overlapping bond/band
■Cardiac- involuntary; the one that
forms the myocardium At birth- Myofilaments are collected
into bundles as myofibrils
3. Presence of striations-Striated,
□Non-striated- smooth muscles Muscle fibers
》 Principal cellular and functional unit
□Striated- skeletal muscle, cardiac
of a muscle tissue

》The structure therefore, is an elongated

4. Metabolic, ultrastructural features-
higly differentiated cell and this fiber
Type 1 (Red Fibers), Type 2
has a parallel array of filaments
(intermediate Fibers)
containing the thick and the tin: The
Myosin and Actin Filament (these
filaments will interact and slide past - subdivides the muscle into muscle
each other to cause the contraction or fascicles or bundles of fascicles
shortening of the muscle fibers. -can be seen internally

》 Just like any other cell, it has a c. endomysium-surrounds muscle

membrane. The membrane here, fiber(very delicate loose CT)
specifically with the skeletal muscle -Elongated, Thread like cell,
fiber is called the sarcolemma multinucleated cell whose ends is
(plasmalemma). inserted into a tendon. These skeleton
☆Sarcolemma- muscle fiber muscles which is inserted into a tendon
is attached to a bone accross joint
Rhabdomyosarcoma- soft tissue ◇Most striking feature of a skeletal
malignancy; common among children muscle is the orderly arrangement
and adolescence contracal microfilaments into
myofibrils and it has its
SKELETAL MUSCLE: characteristics striation pattern. Each
of these myofibril has alternating light
▪︎Fundamental role is to produce
and dark bands along its length.
movement and generate force
-Light (Isotropic)
▪︎Contains skeletal muscle fibers
-Dark (Anisotropic)
which is elongated (thread-like)
-Each of the myofibrils is made of
multinucleated cell.
myosin which is the thick and actin
▪︎Has investments or called the
(thin myofilaments). Organized into a
repeating unit of contraction known as
the sarcomere.
-Sarcomere- unit of contraction of
skeletal muscles; made of repeating
a. Epimysium
units of the thick and thin myofilaments
- dense CT that surrounds whole muscle
Z-BAND - dark transverse band which
- Extensions from dense CT- CT tissue
marks the end of one or each of
septa which subdivides the muscle into
bundles of fascicles (internally)
-thin (actin) myofilaments attach/anchor
-can be seen externally
- Center of the sarcomere contains the
thick (myosin myofilaments) which is
b. Perimysium
called the A-BAND.
》Therefore, the major components of a
skeletal muscle fiber is from the
♧ outermost,-sarcolemma,

♧ Sarcoplasmic reticulum- similar to


♧ Sarcoplasm- similar to cytoplasm

where we can see different organelles
(transversus abdominis muscle)
like ribosomes, and other structures like
glycogen, lipid droplets.
•Type 2A (Intermediate fibers)
- fast contraction, moderate resistance
Clinical Correlate of Skeletal Muscle:
to fatigue, medium mitochondrial
Neuromuscular diseases- skeletal
density, high glycolic & oxidative
muscle biopsy
enzymes activity with high force output
-Skeletal muscles used in Racing,

•Type 2 B
- power lifters

Muscle Tendon Junction

•40-50% of total Body Weight (BW) of
- muscle injury
an adult

-immobilization- to reduce tensile

•Type 1 (Red fibers) (used for
endurance)-small diameter, aerobic,
slow-contracting, very resistant to
Satellite Cells
fatigue, long and continued activity;
more mitochondria and myoglobin;
-small, flat, mono-nucleated cells
low myofibrillar ATPase activity; low
between sarcolemma and basement
content of glycogen. Found in muscles
used for aerobic activities. Walking &
maintain posture
-reserve stem cells or resting myoblast
(precursor cells)
- for repair and regeneration
CARDIAC MUSCLE ▪︎Mitochondria- makes up 20-25%
of the volume of the cardiac cells,
glycogen and lipid droplets altenates
-Striated, branching, involuntary muscle
can be seen for energy source
in myocardium

-With actin, myosin, has troponin and

-Joined end to end, side to side by
intercalated discs
▪︎regulatory protein of the cardiac
▪︎Intercalated discs
▪︎the contractions of the cardiac
- aggregates of the 3 specialized
muscle involves the interactions still of
junctions: Gap or communicating
the myosin and the actin myofilaments
junctions, the macula adherens or
which is initiated by the calcium binding
desmosomes, anchoring adherens
to the troponin C

-Makes up the myocardium of the

heart. The individual cells of the cardiac -Has modified cardiac muscle cells

muscle tissue are called my myocytes. along myocardium-Purkinje fibers

▪︎Purkinje fibers- are modified
The cardiac muscles are branching.
cardiac muscle cells which are scattered
along the innermost part of the
▪︎Main difference
- cardiac muscles are branched whose myocardium especially in the

joints are joined or side to side by a interventricular septum. It is

embedded in the connective tissue and
specialized site which is unique to the
is part of the conduction system. Resist
cardiac muscle and known as
anoxia (without/absence of oxygen)
intercalated discs. When these cardiac
compared to ordinary cardiac cells.
muscle fibers contract in synchrony, the
Discovered by a certain physiologist in
blood is now expelled from the
the name of Johannes Evangelista
chambers and forced into the systemic
Purkinje. Discovered large flask-shaped
or the pulmonary as well as the
cells of the cerebellum.
coronary vascular units.
☆Purkinje fibers- are seen

-Lipofuschin- wear and tear pigments in the heart specifically the ventricle
of the cardiac muscle tissue and ☆Purkinje Cells- seen in
common in patients with advanced age CNS (CEREBELLUM)

-Sarcomeres-functional unit of
contraction -Cardiac muscle as a whole is
vascularized. No regeneration if the
muscle tissue is injured. If there is injury, Features: Difference between the two
there is no regeneration because there muscle tissues:
are no satellite cells.
◇Dense bodies
-Intercalated discs-aggregates - unique to the smooth muscle
3 specialized junctions - scattered in cytoplasm, or attached to
▪︎functions: cellular adhesion, the sarcolemma where it links the thin
electrical & ionic coupling, transmission and intermediate filaments to the cell
of tension & contraction from cell to cell membrane

-Sudden cardiac death-heart stops ◇Caveolae

beating; conduction disturbance - flask-shaped invagination of the
-Increases the cell surface area to 70%
SMOOTH MUSCLE -Serves a critical role in calcium
transport to initiate the smooth muscle
-No striations; involuntary contraction

-Hollow tubes, sacs, internal viscera, -Functions of Smooth Muscle:

blood vessel walls maintains tone sustained partial
contractions and peristalsis, innervation
-Role: regulate digestion, respiration, or nerve supply of the smooth muscle is
reproduction, blood flow through through the autonomic nervous system
contraction and relaxation through the efferent endings

-Contraction is slower compared to -Extrinsic factors control contraction:

the two muscle cells. Contraction of Oxytocin, histamine, serotonin,
smooth muscle cells can be sustained stretching
for long periods 》 Oxytocin- circulating hormone,
stimulates contraction of the uterus
-Has variable speed compared to the during chil birtg
skeletal muscle 》Histamine
-Composition: mono-nucleated cells 》 Stretching- also control the smooth
with simple cytoplasmic structure muscle contraction
Clinical point:
Asthma & Hypertension- contractile
and proliferative abnormality of the
smooth muscles are also major causes
of these two. Due to the sustained
contraction of the bronchial as well as
the smooth vascular muscles

Allergy- excess histamine and

increase extension of the smooth
muscle activity thereby narrowing the

Atherosclerosis- there is arterial

smooth muscle cells accumulates of
cholesterol which would lead plaque
formation that will compromise blood

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