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1 Warm-up

Have you or your friends ever had a broken bone? How did you know it was broken?

2 Vocabulary

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. Complete the sentences below.

1. found a. a photograph of something inside your body, e.g. bones

2. radioactive elements b. get something from someone

3. an X-Ray c. something that is made for the first time, e.g. the
4. an invention d. things that keep you safe, e.g. a hard hat

5. receive e. to officially start something e.g. a school or organization

6. protection f. Uranium, Plutonium, Radium, etc.

1. Bill Gates this university in 2005.

2. You need an as soon as possible. Your might have a broken leg.
3. Every year, she a birthday card from her sister.
4. Scientists need to be careful when they experiment with .
5. The telephone was a very important .
6. You shouldn’t lie in the sun without . It’s dangerous.

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3 Before you listen

You are going to hear a historian speaking about the life of Marie Curie. Read the questions and think
about the possible answers. Listen and check if you were correct.
Audio 1. When was Marie Curie born?

a. 1897 b. 1867 c. 1976

2. How many siblings did she have?

a. five b. four c. three

3. Which elements did Marie Curie discover?

a. Carbon b. Potassium and Oxygen c. Polonium and Radium

4 Checking understanding
Read the questions below and listen again to check what you remember about Marie Curie. Answer
the questions and compare them with your partner.

1. What did Marie Curie teach poor children? 4. Who did Marie work with?
2. What did her parents teach her? 5. What did Marie win for her work in Physics
3. Why did her parents found a secret and Chemistry
university for girls? 6. How did she die?

5 Speaking
Look at the pictures below and think about the different uses of X-Rays in our modern world. With
your partner, discuss your ideas.

Phrases that can help you:

a broken bone have an operation airport security check bags for dangerous items
cancer treatment a road accident a medical opinion

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3. Before you listen

Marie Sklodowska Curie was born in 1867 in Poland. Her family was big, and she was the youngest
of five children. Her parents were both teachers. They loved books and learning. They taught their
children many important things about life, education and about respecting other people. Thanks to
their support, Marie became one of the best students.

In her teenage life, Marie taught poor children how to read. She was very good at it. Later, she went
to university and became an amazing scientist. She wanted to make a difference, so she worked very
hard to help women to go to university. At that time, it was not typical for girls to continue their
studies after finishing school, so her parents founded a secret university just for them.

In her adult life, Marie did many experiments and around 1912, she discovered Radium and Polonium
with her husband Pierre. These are radioactive elements which make X-Rays possible.

She was the first ever woman to win the Nobel Prize. First, she got it for her work in Physics, and
what was even more surprising, she received a second prize but this time in Chemistry.

Working with X-Ray machines made Marie Curie very ill. At that time, people did not know that it
was dangerous to use radioactive elements without special protection. As a result, she died in 1934,
at the age of 66.

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1. Warm-up

Encourage a brief discussion. Prompt the expression "I/he/she had an X-ray."

2. Vocabulary

1. e 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. d

1. founded 2. X-ray 3. receives

4. radioactive elements 5. invention 6. protection

3. Before you listen

1. b 2. b 3. c

4. Checking understanding

Students can listen to the audio two or three times. For lower ability groups, show the transcript and play the
audio for the third time if necessary.
1. how to read
2. about life, education and to respect others
3. It was not typical for girls to go to university at the time.
4. her husband, Pierre Curie
5. two Nobel Prizes
6. She was ill because of working with radioactive elements.

5. Speaking

Explain any of the new words to the students. This is a short task so try to encourage a good discussion. You can
write some ideas on the whiteboard.

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Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Irina Drb's lessons.

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