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Draft Resolution: A.I.

for the People

Committee: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization
Signatories: The Republic of Argentina, The Federative
Republic of Brazil, The Central African Republic, The
Republic of Colombia, The Republic of Italy, New Zealand,
The United States of America, The United Mexican States, The
State of Israel, the Republic of South Africa, The Kingdom of
Sweden, The Holy See, The Kingdom of Norway, The Republic
of Poland, Tuvalu, The Republic of South Korea, The Russian
Federation, The State of Libya;
Sponsors: Italy, United States, South Africa
The United Nations,

Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, dictating peaceful actions through the
international community having respect for every human being in an equal manner,

Believing in the potential of Artificial Intelligence to improve the educational and employment sectors,

Embracing the General Assembly Resolutions 72/242 and 73/17 on the sustainable use of technological
intelligence appliances,

The Economic and Social Council,

1. Proposes the “United Nations Committee on the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
(UNCRAI)” as a sub-division of UNESCO’s Division on the Ethics of AI under the jurisdiction
of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which would be tasked with:
a. The creation of the United Nations Artificial Intelligence Data Center, which would serve
as an investigative organ made up of junior and senior executive members of the Ethics
of AI division, in charge of:
i. Creating intentionally-available online records on relevant statistics regarding AI
and the employment sector in all United Nations member states by collecting
public online data or requesting it directly from any governments willing to
voluntarily disclose it,
ii. Updating said records on an annual or or biannual basis to keep the information
relevant and time-conscious,
b. The creation of a task force in collaboration with the International Labor Organization
(ILO) that uses the aforementioned records to:
i. Hold monthly or bimonthly meetings (depending on how serious the task force
members consider the situation) to determine how likely artificial intelligence is
to generate an employment crisis worldwide,
ii. Based on the results of said meetings, draft and create analyses on their findings
and general international guidelines that recommend measures to prevent such a
crisis from occurring,
c. Funding provided by the Italian portion of ECOSOC’s budget, amounting to over 64,3
million euros in 2022;

2. Endorses the implication of the “Limitations on AI Forum”:

a. This calls to action all UN signatory countries to express concern about two main pillars;
i. Use and misuse of AI in schools,
ii. Boundaries between human and AI jobs,
b. Once this forum is finalized a document called “Correct boundaries regarding AI” which
all countries will agree on;

3. Supports the implementation of the “Oslo initiative” which consists of the assurance that all new
AI implementations follow and respect privacy and human rights,
a. Consist in creating tests to ensure new AI implemented in public spaces follow privacy
and personal information,
b. Consists in opening new research about potential AI problems and how these problems
could be solved,
c. Consists in the implementation of these new solutions to nowadays AI;

4. Proposes the “Artificial Intelligence” Regulations Plan (AIR) as a statement that talks about:
a. The creation of a temporary Commission of Digitization which will be in change of the
process of digitizing a country or place, this means making technology accessible to
b. The creation of a Commission of Artificial Intelligence , as a permanent commission to
introduce widespread use of Artificial Intelligence after the finalization of the
Commission of Digitization,
c. The creation of a Commision of Artificial Intelligence Development which will
encourage the investment in Artificial Technology research and development;

5. Welcoming the ¨I stand for Learning Efficiency Plan” (ISLE) as a plan that will provide
capacitation building and knowledge sharing in AI education and skill development, where
privacy is protected and no personal data is leaked:
a. These programs will empower educators, workers, students, among other people from all
over the world, including LCDs and DCs which are the ones in which UNESCO should
focus, with the necessary competencies to effectively use AI technologies,
b. I.S.L.E. will work in relation with the Commission of Digitization, which will fight for
the same goal, making technology, specifically AI accessible to everyone,
c. Create the AI for ALL program that will work in collaboration with International Labor
Organization (ILO), AI for ALL will incentivize small as well as large businesses, here
AI will be more than useful, avoid repetitive, allow feedback to the workers, etc,
d. Create the International Self-Privacy Commission, in where experts from all around the
world will discuss to find a way to avoid data leaks and privacy violations while using a
so powerful tool, AI;

6. Strongly recommends the “Workforces” experts meetings, which will teach the population about
the impact that AI has on labor market and how it can create new opportunities, this will also be
in charge of:
a. The development of training programs in AI for both educators and workers in different
sectors, it will also s as as add add digital literacy and understanding of AI
fundamentals in school curricula and facilitate access to AI-related online training
courses and educational resources,
b. Job transition support will consist of implementing job retraining programs for workers
whose jobs are being automated by AI, providing resources and advice to help workers
acquire new skills, and finding employment opportunities in AI-related fields, and
promote the creation of jobs based on AI, this is by working with NGOs like Open AI,
Partnership on AI, and AI Now Institute,
c. Providing training to employees and officials from different sectors, this training will
help to ensure that people are prepared to work with AI in an ethical, responsible and safe
d. Training to workers who have lost their jobs and will talk with them about how to find
new jobs in different sectors such as public administration, companies and non-profit
organizations, and will seek to use AI to improve efficiency, decision making and the
detection of possible acts of corruption, making more people interested in this subject,
e. Uploading this information on the UNESCO website allows any user to have, in
real-time, updated information about these meetings;

7. Encourages the creation of the “No one is replaceable (NOIR)” plan, which aims to protect
citizens after losing their job by artificial intelligent , this plan has three pillars :
a. On our first pillar, education and knowledge:
i. In this pillar we will give courses, diplomas, classes, among other kinds of
education totally free,
ii. Providing relevant knowledge for getting a new job, with the support of
companies such as OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
b. On our second pillar, mental health and protection:
i. We will offer free virtual psychological exams for people that have lost their jobs
by artificial intelligence and feel emotionally affected,
ii. After that they will receive mental health advice and support,with the help of
NGOs as the Federation for Mental Health (WFMH),
c. On our third pillar, reincorporation:
i. Upon completing a minimum of 3 courses, classes, or relevant certification
programs, NOIR will provide job placement advice and business creation
support, with the backing of the International Labour Organization (ILO),
ii. Furthermore, through collaboration with professionals and relevant organizations,
individuals will be presented with employment opportunities to facilitate their
successful reentry into the workforce;

8. Promotes the “Nelson Plan” , which consists of the promotion of the correct use of AI in
education and work, ensuring a smooth transition to an AI driven future work environments and
facilitating the transition to AI-based jobs and ensuring the employability of workers, the
a. The development of training programs in AI for both educators and workers in different
sectors, it will also promote digital literacy and understanding of AI fundamentals in
school curricula and facilitate access to AI-related online training courses and educational
b. Job transition support will consist of implementing job retraining programs for workers
whose jobs are being automated by AI, providing resources and advice to help workers
acquire new skills, and finding employment opportunities in AI-related fields, and
promote the creation of jobs based on AI, this is by working with NGOs like Open AI,
Partnership on AI, and AI Now Institute;

9. Recommends the proposal of “Artificial World” with a free association that
specializes on instructing students how to program to get to AI with the following steps:
a. Teaching students how Artificial Intelligence works with new ways like using classroom
boards, fun initiatives or using technology itself,
b. Individuals trained will be able to start working with technology developing new
advancements to help with AI development,
a. Promotion and partnership by companies as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft;

10. Accepts “Schools Must Step In” proposal, for including regulated and supervised usage of
artificial technology,
a. Accessibility: AI can help address educational disparities by providing accessible
learning opportunities to children regardless of their location or socioeconomic
b. Funding: Each nations government will be able to finance each tablets costs while also
accepting volunteered donations,
c. In the case of countries with developing economy, they will be able to access a fund
created by the other countries that participate in this proposal,
d. Implementation: Giving tablets to Ivy League students with supervised access to internet
to prevent plagiarism,
e. Giving them other programs to find resources for schoolwork, so students don't have the
necessity to use AI to make their work,
f. Also, informing teachers of the current situation and problematic with ChatGPT, AInow,
among other Artificial Intelligence networks;
11. Promotes the Early Childhood AI technologies can adapt to individual children’s needs, providing
personalized learning experiences and tailored content,
a. Enhanced Engagement: AI- powered educational tools, such as interactive apps and
games, can engage young children in fun and interactive learning experiences,
b. Skill development: AI can support the development of essential skills, such as
problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity, through interactive and adaptive
c. Data-Driven Insights: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, providing
educators with valuable insights into children’s learning progress, preferences , and areas
that need attention;

12. Recommends the use of the “Clearwall” normative framework which establishes the limitations
and points that should be considered on AI having the clear pillars of:
a. Privacy: By recommending the use of security codes on AI to respect the consumer`s
data and personal information, also it is going to verify the information to prevent data
leakages or fake news by using different kinds of firewalls,
b. Regulation: It will propose three international guidelines to improve the compliance of
this framework,
i. AI must protect people and respect their privacy, remembering the first pillar,
ii. AI must follow and comply with human orders without harming or modifying
iii. AI will protect its own existence to the extent that this protection does not
conflict with or interfere with the laws as stated above,
c. Supervision: This will encourage the implementation of periodic evaluations to be carried
out to analyze the impact of its compliance with the previously established guidelines and

13. Recommends the implementation of “Teaching Teachers” plan that aim to train educators in the
use of AI and equips teachers with the necessary knowledge to integrate AI into their teacher
practices, this plan has two main pillars;
a. Education, this plan will ensure teaching teachers about the possibles uses of AI and the
necessary information to use it correctly by giving them virtual courses, diplomas,
classes, among other kinds of education totally free,
b. Implementation, this plan aims to provide teachers with knowledge about the benefits of
integrating AI into their teaching practices and promote its inclusion in classrooms to
support student engagement and ethical use of AI;

14. Suggests the addition and the mentioning of AI technology in any privacy or data laws in any
a. Supports the IEG plan which stands for International Ethical Guidelines where member
states of this committee can develop a set of ethical guidelines for artificial intelligences
b. Emphasizing key principles such as transparency, accountability, fairness, and human
c. Focusing on responsible AI practices, addressing issues such as informed consent,
explainability, and data governance;

15. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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