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As per the definition of "Runtime Softwaer" under the USE, DEPLOYMENT, AND DISTRIBUTION oF RUNTIME SOFTWARE section of the

10 Developer and Advanced Developer LIcense Agreement, the following files constitute "Runtime So ftware". **.NET MERGE MODULES** Crystal10.NET.WebServiceReporting.msm Crystal10.NET.EmbeddedReproting.msm Crystal10.NET.RemoteReporting.msm Crystal10.NET.EmbeddedReportingMapping.msm NetServer.msi **UTILITIES** crheapalloc.dll crtslv.dll iles filedialog.dll implode.dll keycode.dll exlate32.dll r3exlen.dll xerces-c_2_1_0.dll **MISC (??) ** Emfgen.dll JVMmanager.dll sscdlg.dll vle.dll Heap Allocator Used by ExportModeller.dll to process enapsulated page f Common File Dialog Compression library Keycode Module Encapsulated Page Format (EPF)->HTML Translator Encapsulated Page Format (EPF)->HTML Translator Module XML Parsing Library EMF Generator JVM Manager Public C callable Amigo Dialog Components VLE Module

**REPORT APPLICATION SERVER** dtsagent.dll Report Application Server Design-Time Server Agent localcon.dll Report Application Server odbccon.dll Report Application Server ODBC Connection Provider RegistryWrapper.dll Report Application Server Registry Wrapper saxserialize.dll EROM XML Serialization **PRODUCT FEATURES** c2d6dten.dll Data Definition Tool Crddt32.dll Data Definition Tool CRSmartTag.dll Smart Tag Module cachemanager.dll Cache Manager CRAnalyzer.dll Analyzer Module crtemplate.dll Template Engine crtowords_en.dll ToWords cubedefmodel.dll Cube Definition Module DataDefModel.dll Data Definition Module crystalwizard.dll Standard Wizard Component EnterpriseRepositoryAdapter.dll Repository Adapter Module RepositoryExplorer.dll Repository Explorer favorites.dll Favorites Module querybuilder.dll Query Builder ReportRenderer.dll Report Renderer sacommlayer.dll Analysis Communication Layer sacommoncontrols.dll Analysis Communication Controls sacorbaadapter.dll Analysis CORBA adapter saxmlserialize.dll Analysis XML Serialization sscsdk80.dll Charting Engine webReporting.dll Web Reporting Module **REPORT OBJECT MODEL**

CEReportSource.dll clientdoc.dll commonobjectmodel.dll objectfactory.dll pageObjectModel.dll requestmodel.dll RptControllers.dll rptdefmodel.dll undoManager.dll **REPORT ENGINE** crpe32.dll crqe.dll **DESIGNER** craxddrt.dll craxdrt.dll Model craxdui.dll CRDesignerCtrl.dll model, not thread safe **VIEWER** crviewer.dll PrintControl.dll sviewhlp.dll swebrs.dll **DATA ACCESS** Cdo32.dll crdb_ado.dll crdb_adoplus.dll crdb_cdo.dll crdb_com.dll crdb_dao.dll crdb_dataset.dll crdb_dictionary.dll crdb_fielddef.dll crdb_filesystem.dll p3sd2en.dll crdb_JavaBeans.dll crdb_mscrm.dll crmscrmbridge.dll crmscrmconnector.dll crdb_odbc.dll crdb_olap.dll crdb_oracle.dll crdb_p2bact3.dll p2bact3.dll p2iract3.dll p3da3en.dll p3ra3en.dll crdb_p2bbde.dll p3dbeen.dll crdb_p2bbtrv.dll p2bbtrv.dll p2ctbtrv.dll p3dbten.dll p3tbten.dll

Enterprise ReportSource plug-in Client Document Commmon Object Model Object Factory Library Page Object Module Request Model Report Controllers Report Definition Model Client Document Undo Manager Interface for C developers Crystal Query Engine ActiveX Designer Design and Runtime Support 32-bit Only COM Object Model, Dual Interface, Apartment ActiveX Designer Embeddable Designer Control 32-bit only COM object model, dual interface, apartment

Crystal Report Viewer Print Control Report Viewer Helper Web Report Broker Data Object Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver Database driver

for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Microsoft ADO.NET Crystal Data Object COM data provider Microsoft Data Access Objects DataSet provider dictionary files resource Field Definitions File System data. DB2 Server Java data Microsoft CRM (1) Microsoft CRM (2) Microsoft CRM (3) ODBC OLAP data resource Oracle Act!3.0 (1) Act!3.0 (2) Act!3.0 (3) Act!3.0 (4) ACT!3.0 (5) IDAPI (1) IDAPI (2) BTrieve (1) BTrieve (2) BTrieve (3) BTrieve (4) BTrieve (5)

crdb_p2bxbse.dll p2ixbse.dll p3dxben.dll p3ixben.dll crdb_p2sdb2.dll crdb_p2sevta.dll crdb_p2sevtc.dll p3seven.dll crdb_p2sexsrm.dll p3sxsen.dll crdb_p2sifmx.dll p3sifen.dll crdb_p2smapi.dll ss Book (1) p3smpen.dll ss Book (2) crdb_p2smsiis.dll p3sisen.dll crdb_p2snote.dll p3slnen.dll crdb_p2soutlk.dll p2soutlk.dll p3souenu.dll crdb_p2srepl.dll lica (1) p3sacen.dll lica (2) p3srpen.dll lica (3) crdb_p2ssyb10.dll p3ssten.dll crdb_p2strack.dll acking Logs (1) p3stken.dll acking Logs (2) crdb_p2swblg.dll p3swlen.dll crdb_query.dll **EXPORT DESTINATIONS** crxf_html.dll crxf_pdf.dll crxf_rtf.dll crxf_wordw.dll crxf_xls.dll u2dapp.dll x3dapen.dll u2fcr.dll x3fcren.dll u2frdef.dll x3frden.dll u2ddisk.dll x3ddken.dll u2dmapii.dll x3dmpen.dll u2dnotes.dll x3dnten.dll u2dpost.dll x3dpten.dll u2dvim.dll

Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database

driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver

for for for for for for for for for for for for for

XBase (1) XBase (2) xBase (3) xBase (4) dBase II Microsoft NT event Microsoft NT event Microsoft NT event Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Exchange Informix (1) Informix (2) Microsoft Exchange

logs (1) logs (2) logs (3) Server Admin (1) Server Admin (2) Folders and Addre

Database driver for Microsoft Exchange Folders and Addre Database Database Database Database Database Database Database Database driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver for for for for for for for for Microsoft IIS Log Files (1) Microsoft IIS Log Files (2) Lotus Notes Domino Lotus Notes Domino Microsoft Outlook (1) Microsoft Outlook (2) Microsoft Outlook (3) Microsoft Exchange Public Folder Rep

Database driver for Microsoft Exchange Public Folder Rep Database driver for Microsoft Exchange Public Folder Rep Database driver for Sybase (1) Database driver for Sybase (2) Database driver for Microsoft Exchange Server Message Tr Database driver for Microsoft Exchange Server Message Tr Database driver for Web Log Files (1) Database driver for Web Log Files (2) Database driver for Query Data HTML PDF RTF WORD EXCEL App App RPT RPT RPT DEF RPT DEF Disk Disk MAPI MAPI LOTUS LOTUS UXD UXD VIM Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Designation Destination Destination Destination Destination (32-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit)

x3dvmen.dll u2fcompress.dll x3fcpen.dll u2fodbc.dll x3foden.dll u2frec.dll x3frcen.dll u2fsepv.dll x3fsven.dll u2ftext.dll x3ftxen.dll x3fxmen.dll

VIM Compress Compress ODBC ODBC Records Records CSV CSV TXT TXT XML

Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export Export

Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination

(32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (16-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit) to 21st Century to 21st Century to 21st Century to 21st Century

**DATE AND TIME CONVERSION USER FUNCTION LIBRARIES (UFLS)** u2l2000.dll 16-bit Conversion of 20th Century Dates Dates u3l20en.dll 32-bit Conversion of 20th Century Dates Dates u3520en.dll 32-bit Conversion of 20th Century Dates Dates u3520en.dll 32-bit Conversion of 20th Century Dates Dates u2ldts.dll 16-bit Data Time String u25dts.dll 16-bit Date Time String u3ldten.dll 32-bit Date Time String u35dten.dll Date Time String **FINANCIAL USER FUNCTION LIBRARIES (UFLS)** u2lexch.dll 16-bit Currency Exchange u3lxcen.dll 32-bit Currency Exchange u2lfinra.dll 16-bit Financial Ratios u3lfren.dll 32-bit Financial Ratios **MISC USER FUNCTION LIBRARIES (UFLS)** u2lcom.dll 16-bit COM communication u25samp1.dll 16-bit Sample UFL u35s1en.dll 32-bit Sample UFL ufmanager.dll Manager for loading UFLs **Crystal Reports for VisualStudio.Net Components** CRVsPackageLib.dll CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Design.dll CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.TemplateEngine.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.Audit.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.CachePageServer.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.Cms.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.EventServer.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.FileServer.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.JobServer.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.ReportAppServer.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Admin.Wcs.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Auth.secEnterprise.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Auth.secLdap.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Auth.secWinAD.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Auth.secWindowsNT.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Calendar.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Connection.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Event.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Excel.dll

CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.FavoritesFolder.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Folder.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Hyperlink.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.LicenseKey.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.ObjectPackage.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Pdf.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Powerpoint.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Powerpoint.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Report.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Rtf.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Server.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.ServerGroup.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Shortcut.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Txt.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.User.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.UserGroup.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop.Word.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Dest.DiskUnmanaged.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Dest.Ftp.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Dest.Smtp.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.InfoStore.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Integration.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.PluginManager.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Strings.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Utils.UtcConverter.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Viewing.ReportSource.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Web.dll CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Web.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommLayer.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommonControls.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommonObjectModel.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CubeDefModel.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataSetConversion.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ObjectFactory.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.XmlSerialize.dll CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.dll CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll CrystalDecisions.Web.dll CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.dll **Crystal Reports for VisualStudio.Net Resource Files** CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.resources.DLL CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.Shared.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.VSDesigner.Mobile.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.VSDesigner.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.Web.Mobile.MobileViewerSys.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.Web.resources.dll CrystalDecisions.Web.resources.dll RESOURCE (See non-localized version of these files for description, this list in cludes the english locale) For the files below, replace _en with: _de for German

_fr _jp _it _es _chs _ko

for for for for for for

French Japanese Italian Spanish Simplified Chinese Korean

cachemanager_res_en.dll Cdo32en.dll clientdoc_res_en.dll CRAnalyzer_res_en.dll craxddrt_res_en.dll craxdrt_res_en.dll craxdui_res_en.dll crdb_adoplus_res_en.dll crdb_ado_res_en.dll crdb_cdo_res_en.dll crdb_com_res_en.dll crdb_dao_res_en.dll crdb_dataset_res_en.dll crdb_dictionary_res_en.dll crdb_fielddef_res_en.dll crdb_filesystem_res_en.dll crdb_JavaBeans_res_en.dll crdb_odbc_res_en.dll crdb_olap_res_en.dll crdb_oracle_res_en.dll crdb_p2s_res_en.dll crdb_pc_res_en.dll crdb_query_res_en.dll crdesignerctrl_res_en.dll crmscrmstatus_res_en.dll crpe32_res_en.dll crqe_res_en.dll crtemplate_res_en.dll crwz97_res_en.dll crxf_html_res_en.dll crxf_pdf_res_en.dll crxf_rtf_res_en.dll crxf_wordw_res_en.dll crxf_xls_res_en.dll cubedefmodel_res_en.dll datadefmodel_res_en.dll dtsagentd_res_en.dll EnterpriseRepositoryAdaptor_res_en.dll filedialog_res_en.dll formula_res_en.dll LicenseManager_res_en.dll localcon_res_en.dll odbccon_res_en.dll querybuilder_res_en.dll regwiz_res_en.dll requestmodel_res_en.dll rptcontrollers_res_en.dll rptdefmodel_res_en.dll sacommlayer_res_en.dll sacommoncontrols_res_en.dll sacorbaadapter_res_en.dll saxmlserialize_res_en.dll sscdlg_res_en.dll

sscsdk80_res_en.dll u2fcompress_res_en.dll vle_res_en.dll JAVA In addition to the list of Java "Runtime Software" located below, please see jav a_runtime.txt, installed with the Crystal Reports Java Reporting Componnent. rasapp.jar Report Application Server rascore.jar Serialization.jar URIUtil.jar ReportViewer.jar Java Zero-Client Report Viewer ReportViewerBean.jar Java Thick-Client Report Viewer

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