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Demetra George presents:

The 9 House and Medieval Dream Interpretation, NCGR 2017

Always consider the 9th sign/house and its lord (use traditional rulerships)
• The significator of the dream will be a planet (use only seven visible planets) in the 9th, 10th, 1st, 7th, 4th, or
3rd houses (check houses in this order; stop at first planet you find)
• If there are no planets in these houses, the dream is false or of no account.
The planet that signifies the dream indicates the nature of the dream
• Saturn – something which brings fear
• Tail (South Node) with Saturn – more horrible and fearful, being chased, fear of being killed
• Jupiter – delightful things, kings, magnates
• Mars – bloodshed, battle, duel, destruction, hunt of wild animals
• Sun – flying between heaven and earth, light, fire, a king
• Sun with Head (North Node) – God, luminaries, flying, gold
• Venus – sex, games, pleasures, drinking bouts, fine clothing and jewels
• Mercury – paintings or writings, coins, buying and selling, houses of prayer
• Moon – sailors, sea, swimming, mother or other women
• Tail (South Node) – alone or with other planets, darkness, dust, sadness, whispering, murmuring, sick
people, burying of dead
• Head (North Node)– alone or with other planets, greenness, fragrance, gold, pleasure-gardens
Source of Dream
• The topic of a houses ruled by the planetary significator of the dream
• 1. dreamer him/herself; 2. substance/money; 3. brothers; 4. father; 5. children; 6. slave; 7. enemy, wife, or
partner; 8. death or capture; 9. journey; 10. authority or king; 11. friend; 12. enemy or incarceration. Or
other things the house signifies
Sign qualities of Significator of Dream
• Feminine – high elevated place, fear of falling from high place, sea storms, great winds
• Masculine – sunken place, struggle to climb up and out, narrow place, or place breaking away beneath feet
• Earth or last half of Sagittarius – stoned or fallen into a pit, narrow or restricted place, besieged and fearful
of being overpowered
• Fire (Aries, Leo, first half of Sagittarius) – someone hung or burned, fog, blackness, obscure mistiness
• Air – birds, winds, climbing trees, flying, being chased
• Watery sign – boarding a ship, drowning, shipwreck, flood
Effect of Dream - Modality of Moon Sign
• Fixed – dream will have an effect, for good or bad
• Common (mutable) – something will appear from dream
• Movable (cardinal) – it will disappear and not have any signification for dreamer
Outcome of Dream
• Relationships between significator of the dream, the Lord of the Ascendant, and Moon?
• If they all/two/or one joined with a benefic, usefulness and good will follow from the matters of house
ruled by the signficator of dream
• If lord of Ascendant is joined to the significator of the dream, or either one of them were malefic or either
one joined to a malefic, something evil will come according to what is signified by a house ruled by that
Join my Hellenistic Time Lords Retreat:
October 4-9, 2017 Portland, OR

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