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POF Wah Cantt e-tag Application Instructions

1. Eligibility Criteria. Following are eligible to apply for E-Tag of their vehicles:
a. Employees of POFs and its subsidiary organizations.
b. Residents of Wah Cantonment living within the walled premises.
c. Organizations of NESCOM and SPD including subordinate organizations.
d. Business firms and contractors who are registered with POFs (purchase, civil
works etcetera).
e. Personal vehicles of people not resident of Wah Cantonment, being used for:
(1) Commuting to their offices inside Wah Cantonment.
(2) Commuting to businesses (registered) inside Wah Cantonment.
(3) Pick and drop of school / college students inside Wah Cantonment.
f. College/ School vehicles plying exclusively for the use of college and school
children on production of certificate from respective head of institution. But
they will be allowed for the day times only i.e. from 1st light to last light.
g. Commercial vehicles being used for pick and drop of school/ college students
and for pick and drop of Factory employees or employees of strategic
organizations residing inside Wah Cantonment.
h. Head of major private/ public sector organizations working in the vicinity of
POFs Estate Area (on case to case basis).
i. Government officials and notables (on case to case basis).
j. Owners of plaza, shops and businesses in Wah Cantonment.
k. Any other applicant who does not fall into the categories mentioned above
may be issued E Tag after due verification and approval of Director Security
(as a special case).
2. Categories. E-Tags are divided into following seven categories. Commercial
vehicles (Suzuki Pick Up, Hiace, Hyundai Shezore, Tractor Trolley, Buses etcetera) will
not be issued with resident E-Tags, the same will be dealt on case to case basis. The
POFs broad arrow numbers vehicles will be only issued with official E Tags.
3. E-Tags is as following: -
a. POF Employees. All serving employees of POF, its subsidiaries and
attached departments (only during the period of attachment) fall in this
category. The application for this category of E-Tag will be forwarded through
concerned factory / department to Token office. Following documents will be
(1) CNIC.
(2) Driving License.
(3) Vehicle Registration Book.
(4) Factory Pass.
(5) Certificate of residence in case of residence in POF Estate.
(6) Authority / confirmation letter of head of department / factory (Director,
MD, GM etcetera).
(7) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of Overseas Pakistanis can get the E
Tag of a vehicle which is on the name of overseas Pakistani on
depositing following additional documents:
(a) Copy of first page and page with Exit Stamp of Passport.
(b) Stamp paper for responsibility of vehicle.

(8) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of deceased persons can get the E
Tag of a vehicle which is on the name of deceased person within one
year of date of death on depositing copy of death certificate. Such E
Tag will be only for one year. Vehicle will be required to be transferred
for obtaining E Tag of subsequent year.
b. POF Employees (Retired). All retired employees of POF and its
subsidiaries are in this category. Following documents will be deposited for
issue of E Tag:-
(1) CNIC.
(2) Driving License.
(3) Vehicle Registration Book.
(4) Pension Book/ Daily Order/ Retired Pass.
(5) Bank lease documents (if vehicle is leased by Bank).
(6) Certificate of residence in case of residence in POF Estate (If
(7) Documents of payment of Cantonment Board dues (if resident of
Cantonment Board area).
(8) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of Overseas Pakistanis can get the E
Tag of a vehicle which is on the name of overseas Pakistani on
depositing following additional documents:
(a) Copy of first page and page with Exit Stamp of Passport.
(b) Stamp paper for responsibility of vehicle.
(9) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of deceased persons can get the E Tag
of a vehicle which is on the name of deceased within one year of date
of death on depositing copy of death certificate. Such E Tag will be only
for one year. Vehicle will be required to be transferred for obtaining E
Tag of subsequent year.

c. Resident. Issued to the residents within parameter wall. Following

documents will be deposited for issuance of E-Tag:-
(1) CNIC.
(2) Driving License.
(3) Registration Book of Vehicle.
(4) “Authority -to- drive” letter (in case of company provided vehicles).
(5) Residence certificate (in case of residence in Wah Estate area).
(6) Rent agreement (if applicable).
(7) Bank lease documents (if vehicle is leased by Bank).
(8) Documents of payment of Cantonment Board dues (if resident of
Cantonment Board area).
(9) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of Overseas Pakistanis can get the E
Tag of a vehicle which is on the name of overseas Pakistani on
depositing following additional documents:
(a) Copy of first page and page with Exit Stamp of Passport.
(b) Stamp paper for responsibility of vehicle.
(10) Family (Parents/ Wife/ Children) of deceased persons can get the E
Tag of a vehicle which is on the name of deceased within one year of
date of death on depositing copy of death certificate. Such E Tag will be
only for one year. Vehicle will be required to be transferred for obtaining
E Tag of subsequent year.

d. Day Visitor. Issued to frequent visitors of Wah Cantonment (Pick and Drop
for children studying in schools, business in Wah Cantonment etcetera).
Following documents will be submitted for issuance of E-Tag:-
(1) CNIC.
(2) Driving License.
(3) Registration Book of Vehicle.
(4) Documents of payment of Cantonment Board dues (in case of business
in Cantonment Board area).
(5) “Authority-to-drive” letter (in case of company provided vehicles).
(6) List of passengers for contract carriage signed by concerned outfit (if
(7) Reason for entering in Wah Cantonment, following reasons are
accepted as valid reasons for issuance of E Tag in this category:-
(a) Children studying in Wah Cantonment.
(b) Business in Wah Cantonment.
(c) Attachment in any Department of POF and its subsidiaries, Station
HQ/ Cantonment Board.
(d) Any other reason subject to approval by Director Security/ Deputy
Director Security.
(8) Organizations such as PMO, HIT, NESCOM, NDC, AWC etcetera will
be issued with Day Visitor E-Tag for their official vehicles. Details are as
(a) Private vehicles of employees will be dealt with on case to case
(b) The organization concerned will furnish a list of all official vehicles
with rationale and reason for entry in Wah Cantonment on annual
basis, so as to reach Security HQ by 30 November of each year.
(c) The fee of E Tag will be charged in accordance with fee schedule
as mentioned at serial 10 of this SOP.
(9) Security HQ reserves the right to cancel any E Tag on account of
misconduct, over speeding, overloading or on any other irregularity
(10) E Tags so cancelled will be issued again only after fulfilling the
requirements and penalties as mentioned at serial 11 of this SOP.
(11) Official Contractors. Official contractors working with any
department of POF or its subsidiary will be issued with temporary slip
for its vehicles if the work is expected to be completed within 3 x
months. In case the work is expected to take longer duration than 3 x
months, Day visitor E-Tag will be issued to the vehicles of concerned
contractors. The temporary chit/ Day visitor E-Tag will be issued to
concerned contractor after receipt of documents of drivers and vehicles.
The same department will be liable to return the temporary chit/ E-Tag
to Token Office on completion of the work.

4. Commercial Tokens. Will be issued to vehicles being used for commercial

activities (pick and drop). POF employees and residents of Wah Cantonment are
eligible to apply. Commercial Tokens will be issued after balloting at a ratio of 60:40 to
POF employees and residents in following two categories:-
a. Booking (Yellow Token). The holder of this type of Commercial Token
will be allowed to use his vehicle for special booking, as a taxi. It is NOT
ALLOWED to pick and drop passengers as in case with Pick & Drop
Commercial Token explained below.
b. Pick & Drop (Sharp Pink Token). The holder of this Commercial Token
will be allowed to pick and drop passengers from authorized bus stops on
specified routes.
c. Details including process for award of Commercial Token are attached as
Annexure A.
5. Business E-Tag (Yellow). Issued to owners of plaza, shops and businesses
in Wah Cantonment for vehicles used for carriage of luggage/ stores specific to the
shops or businesses being run inside Wah Cantonment. Following documents are
required for Business E-Tag:-
a. CNIC.
b. Driving License.
c. Registration Book of Vehicle.
d. Residence certificate by Cantonment Board/ Estate Office. In case of non
residents, proof of ownership of business inside Wah Cantonment.
e. Copy of permission letter/ licence by DDFA/ Station Headquarters/
Cantonment Board Wah for running business inside Wah Cantonment.
f. E Tag will be issued after security clearance by 699 FIU.
6. Miscellaneous Instructions.
a. Vehicle should be in the name of owner. Vehicles leased by the banks are
exempted from this condition on provision of following documents:-
(1) Document of Bank lease.
(2) Official letter of organization (if vehicle leased to organization).

b. Verification from cantonment board for residents will be done by Station HQ

representative in Token office.
c. FIU verification will be done as enumerated in the flow chart by FIU staff in
Token office.
7. Temporary Chit. Temporary chit will be issued for one month (maximum up to
three months) on following grounds:-
a. Purchase of new vehicle, and registration number not yet allotted.
b. Guest of a POF Officer/ Staff residing at his house, Officer/ staff concerned
will provide certificate to this effect.
c. Labour working under any outfit of POF, concerned outfit will provide
certificate to this effect.
d. Change of ownership of vehicle is under process.
e. Any other reason not covered above after approval of Deputy Director
f. Complete documents of individual and vehicle will be deposited for issue of
vehicle temporary chit.
g. The signing authority rests with Deputy Director Security only.
8. Allied Departments. Allied Departments authorized with Free E-Tags for their
official vehicles are listed below. Personally owned vehicles of employees of each
department will be dealt with as per categories mentioned above:

Ser Department Status Free /

a. FA (Fin Advisor of POFs) Official Rs. 200/-
b. COFA (Controller of Fin Accounts) “ Rs. 200/-
c. IDA (Inspection Depot Armament) “ Rs. 200/-
d. ARDE(Armament Research & Development “ Rs. 200/-
Establishment) Gadwal
e. NADRE/ NAIO (Naval Armament Inspection “ Rs. 200/-
f. HQ Security and under command units “ Rs. 200/-
g. Station HQ Wah Cantonment “ Rs. 200/-
h. SSD (Station Supply Depot) “ Rs. 200/-
9. List of departments’ authorized with resident E-Tag on subsidized rates for their
official vehicles is as under. However, the vehicles personally owned by employees of
these organizations will be dealt with according to above mentioned categories:
Ser Department Status Free /
a. Wah Noble Private Limited Resident Rs. 200/-
b. WIL (Wah Industries Limited) “ Rs. 200/-
c. Development Laboratories “ Rs. 200/-
d. POF Welfare Trust “ Rs. 200/-
e. Cantonment Board “ Rs. 200/-
f. FGEIs (School & Colleges) “ Rs. 200/-
g. Civil Police (Employed In Wah Cantonment “ Rs. 200/-
h. Resident Magistrate “ Rs. 200/-
i. Wah Medical College “ Rs. 200/-
j. Wah Engineering College “ Rs. 200/-
k. Degree College For Women “ Rs. 200/-
l. Mashal College “ Rs. 200/-
m. COMSATS “ Rs. 200/-
n. NRTC ( National Radio Telecommunication “ Rs. 200/-
Corporation) Haripur
o. Government School/ Colleges “ Rs. 200/-
p. Sir Syed Education Society “ Rs. 200/-
Note: All other departments / organizations / personnel not included in the list
whether government or private will be issued E-Tag on payment after fulfilling the
requirements mentioned in this Standing Operating Procedure.

10. Cancellation of E-Tag/ Blacklisting. E-Tag may be cancelled on the grounds of

misconduct, overloading, over speeding and other disciplinary grounds. Gross
negligence and misconduct including getting fined three times will lead to cancellation of
E-Tag and blacklisting. All vehicles found committing violations mentioned below will
face following penalties for issuance of new E-Tag:-
Ser Violation Fine (Rs)
a. Traffic Violation. 500.00
b. Misbehaving with Security Staff. 1000.00
c. Indulging in commercial activity (on non-commercial 3000.00
d. Being part of strike/riot. 5000.00
e. Tempering with E-Tag (bogus E-Tag). 5000.00
f. Depositing false documents (FIR etcetera.) to Token 3000.00
g. Involved in accident 3000.00
h. “Maafi Nama” on stamp paper of Rs 100/- to be deposited along with fine.
i. Any individual checked repeating the same activity to deposit double the
j. Any individual committing a violation, not covered in above mentioned
paragraphs will be adjusted in any category as deemed necessary after
approval of Director / Deputy Director Security. The decision of
Headquarters Security in this regard will be considered final.
k. In case of gross violation covered / not covered under above clauses, the
violator can be blacklisted permanently.
11. Miscellaneous Instructions. In conjunction with the above paragraphs,
following instructions will be followed in true letter and spirit:-
a. In case of loss of original E-Tag, duplicate E-Tag will be issued on payment
Rs. 1500/- and production of copy of FIR. The fee will also be charged from
those who are exempted from E-Tag fee earlier.
b. E-Tag is non-transferable. In case of transfer/ sale of vehicle the old owner
will have to deposit old E-Tag and new owner can get fresh E-Tag after
fulfilling all the requirements including the fee and security clearance
c. Headquarters Security reserves the right to cancel any E-Tag at any time
without prior information.
12. Fee Structure. Fee structure of different categories of E-Tag is as follows which
will be deposited in be deposited in National Bank of Pakistan Aslam Market wah Cantt
Branch Account no 3147331669:
Ser Category Fee (Rs)
a. Official 200/-
b. (1) Upto 1000 cc 800.00
(2) 1000 to 1500 cc 1000.00
(3) Over 1500 cc 1200.00

c. Land Cruiser, Pajero, Single/ Double Cabin 2000.00

a. Suzuki Van (Commercial) Pick and Drop 7,800.00
b. Day Visitor Booking 4,500.00
c. Suzuki Van (Shift duty) 3,000
d. Suzuki Pick Up (Commercial) 3,500.00
e. Bus, Shehzore, Hiace, Truck & Tractor (Commercial) 4,000.00
f. For each extra Driver 300.00
g. Temporary Entry Slip 300.00

1. Commercial Tokens will be issued to Suzuki Vans operating on commercial basis
with-in Wah Cantonment as per para 8 of this SOP.
2. Eligibility Criteria. Eligibility criteria for issuance of Commercial Tokens is as
a. Serving and Retired employees of Wah Cantonment.
b. Residents, residing within the boundary wall of Wah Cantonment.
c. The applicant must fulfil all criteria already issued for issuance of E-Tag.
d. The applicant must be Security wise cleared and should be in possession of
valid driving license and CNIC.
e. The applicant must be the owner of vehicle being applied for the Commercial
Token and will be allowed to have only one extra driver. The extra driver so
detailed must also be resident of Security premises of Wah Cantonment and
security wise cleared.
f. Any other driver detailed for the vehicle apart from owner and one extra
driver as mentioned at serial 2e above will be considered illegal and will be
liable for disciplinary action.
3. Categories of Commercial Token
a. Booking (use of vehicle as Taxi). The holder of this Commercial Token
will be allowed to use his vehicle for special booking, that the vehicle will be
used as taxi only. They will not be permitted to ply on any of the routes
mentioned in para 3b below for pick and drop of passengers. Violators will be
challaned and blacklisted in case of repetition.
b. Pick & Drop (use of vehicle on specific route). The holder of this
Commercial Token will be allowed to pick and drop passengers from
authorized bus stops on following routes:-
(1) Route 1. Starts from barrier No. 3 passes along route No. 7 and
terminate at Nawababad.
(2) Route 2. Starts from barrier No. 3 passes along Gadwal Mor, 26 area
graveyard, 27 area market and terminate at barrier No 4.
(3) Route 3. Starts from barrier No. 1 passes through Quaid-e-Azam
Avenue and terminate at barrier No. 3.
c. The holder of pick and drop Commercial Token will be allowed to carry out
commercial activity on route 1 and 3 at following timings:-
(1) 15 March to 15 August : 1900 to 0530 Hours
(2) 16 August to 14 March : 1800 to 0630 Hours
(3) Welfare Trust transport will ply on route 1 & 3 during day time.
d. Route 2
(1) Vehicles on route 2 will operate without any restriction of timings as
Welfare Trust transport does not ply on this route.
(2) Fare upto Gadwal will not exceed Rs 20/- per person.
4. Issuance Procedure. Issuance procedures for Commercial Token will be as
a. Booking (use of vehicle as Taxi). Commercial Token in this category will
be issued by Token Office. Commercial Token so issued will be valid till 31st
December each year. Specimen of booking token is at Appendix 1 to
Annexure A. Following documents will be deposited in token office for the
said permit:-
(1) CNIC.
(2) Driving License
(3) Registration Book of Vehicle.
(4) Residence certificate (in case of residence in Wah estate)/ NOC by
Cantonment Board.
(5) Other Requirements
(a) The application will be issued with Day Visitor E-Tag alongwith
Commercial Token for use of vehicle on commercial activity.
(b) Commercial Token will be issued after security clearance by 699
(c) After issuance of Commercial Token the applicant will be
governed by SOP of E-Tag.
Pick & Drop (use of vehicle on route). The applications for Commercial Token, along
with complete E-Tag documents will be deposited in HQ Security by 10 December
every year.

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