SUD Life Century Royale

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Benefit Illustration

(This shall form a part of the policy document)

Na me of Pros pect/Policyholder: Aa a Aa Pro p o s a l N o :

Age: 38 N a m e o f th e Pro d u ct: S U D Li f e Ce n tu ry R o ya l e
Na me of Life As s ured: Aa a Aa
Ta g Li n e : LiA f Ne oI nn -sLiu nraknece
d N o n - Pa r ci p a n g I n d i vi d u a l S a vi n g s
Pl a n
Age: 38
U n i q u e I d e n fica o n N u m b e r: 142 N 083 V02
Policy Term: 40
Premium Pa yment Term: 7 Pa y 1s t Yea r 4.50%
GST Ra te a nd a pplica ble Ces s , if a ny
Amount of Ins ta lment Premium: 1,00,000 2nd Yea r Onwa rds 2.25%

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums and benefits under the policy.
Policy D etails
Sum Assured Rs. 10,00,000
Policy Option Base Plan
Sum Assured on Death(at inception of the policy) Rs. 10,00,000

Premium S ummary
B ase Plan R iders Total I nstalment Premium
I nstalment Premium without G ST 1,00,000 0 1,00,000
I nstalment Premium with First Year G ST 1,04,500 0 1,04,500
I nstalment Premium with G ST 2n d year Onwards 1,02,250 0 1,02,250

(Amount in Rupees.)

Guaranteed Non Guaranteed

Policy Year Annualized Premium Minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value Special Surrender Value Surrender Benefit
Survival Benefits Other Benefit, if any Maturity Death Benefit

1 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 0 0 0
2 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 70,000 1,00,853 1,00,853
3 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 1,05,000 1,63,885 1,63,885
4 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 2,00,000 2,36,759 2,36,759
5 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 2,50,000 3,20,643 3,20,643

(Amount in Rupees.)

Guaranteed Non Guaranteed

Policy Year Annualized Premium Minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value Special Surrender Value Surrender Benefit
Survival Benefits Other Benefit, if any Maturity Death Benefit

6 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 3,00,000 4,17,004 4,17,004

7 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,00,000 3,50,000 5,27,312 5,27,312
8 0 0 0 0 10,00,000 3,58,750 5,71,598 5,71,598
9 0 0 0 0 10,00,000 3,67,500 6,19,679 6,19,679
10 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 3,76,250 6,72,062 6,72,062
11 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 3,85,000 6,73,024 6,73,024
12 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 3,93,750 6,74,147 6,74,147
13 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,02,500 6,75,278 6,75,278
14 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,11,250 6,76,473 6,76,473
15 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,20,000 6,77,802 6,77,802
16 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,28,750 6,79,162 6,79,162
17 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,37,500 6,80,600 6,80,600
18 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,46,250 6,82,236 6,82,236
19 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,55,000 6,83,872 6,83,872
20 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,63,750 6,85,691 6,85,691
21 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,72,500 6,87,638 6,87,638
22 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,81,250 6,89,662 6,89,662
23 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,90,000 6,91,937 6,91,937
24 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 4,98,750 6,94,326 6,94,326
25 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,07,500 6,97,002 6,97,002
26 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,16,250 6,99,824 6,99,824
27 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,25,000 7,02,880 7,02,880
28 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,33,750 7,06,251 7,06,251
29 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,42,500 7,09,847 7,09,847
30 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,51,250 7,13,814 7,13,814
31 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,60,000 7,18,194 7,18,194

(Amount in Rupees.)

Guaranteed Non Guaranteed

Policy Year Annualized Premium Minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value Special Surrender Value Surrender Benefit
Survival Benefits Other Benefit, if any Maturity Death Benefit

32 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,68,750 7,22,928 7,22,928

33 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,77,500 7,28,173 7,28,173
34 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,86,250 7,33,969 7,33,969
35 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 5,95,000 7,40,389 7,40,389
36 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 6,03,750 7,47,538 7,47,538
37 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 6,12,500 7,55,521 7,55,521
38 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 6,21,250 7,64,588 7,64,588
39 0 55,880 0 0 10,00,000 6,30,000 7,74,804 7,74,804
40 0 55,880 0 8,00,000 10,00,000 6,30,000 7,86,546 7,86,546

Notes :Annualized Premium excludes Underwri ng extra premium ,frequency loadings on premiums ,the premiums paid towards the riders ,if any and G oods and Service Tax
Terms and Condi ons
1. Surrender B enefit-Surrender of the policy is allowed a er firs t cons ecu ve full years ’ premiums have been paid. D uring the Policy Term, Surrender Value payable will be higher of
G uaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value.
2. Q uantum of benefits in res pect of Non-G uaranteed category may vary.
3. Policy values are as of year end.
4. Tax B enefits -Premiums payable and benefits receivable under this plan are eligible for tax benefits as per the prevailing tax laws . w.e.f. from April 01, 2012, to qualify for tax
benefit on premium(s ) paid under s ec on 80 C & for tax benefit on maturity/s urvival proceeds under s ec on 10 (10 D ) of the I T Act, 1961, the s um as s ured s hould not be les s than 10
mes the annualis ed/s ingle premium. Pleas e cons ult your tax advis or for details
5. Propos al D epos it-T he propos al depos it receipt given in res pect of the cons idera on amount paid to the company does not bind the company to accept the ris k on the life of the
life propos ed under the propos al for ins urance.
6. About Star Union D ai-ichi L ife Ins urance C ompany L imited
Star Union D ai-ichi L ife ins urance is the name of the company and ' S U D L ife C entury Royale' is only the name of the Plan and does in no way indicate the quality of the policy, its
future pros pects or returns .
7. G oods & Services Tax and applicable ces s ,if any will be charged on premiums as per prevailing tax laws .T his is s ubject to any change in the tax rate.
8. For more details on ris k factor, terms and condi ons , pleas e read the Sales brochure of the plan carefully before concluding a s ale.
In cas e you require any clarifica on, pleas e cons ult your ins urance advis or or call our office.

I, ___________________________ (Name), have explained the I ___________________________ (Name), having received the
premiums, and benefits under the product fully to the prospect / informa on with respect to the above, have understood the above
policyholder. statement before entering into the contract.

Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

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