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1. Select a case study of your interest in your text book. There are a number of cases from the
page 388 to 655, choose only one case for each group and then conduct the strategic
management process. Strategic management process explains how the firm formulate,
implement and execute its strategy in achieving the firm business goals. You are required to
follow the strategic management steps as discussed in the class. Or the details ,you may also
refer on the page 388 and 389.

2. Writing suggestions. Your assignment may consists the following parts;

a) Introduction
b) Literature review
c) Company audit
d) Analysis
e) Findings
f) Conclusion
g) References

3. Your write up must not exceed than 4000 words.

4. You are required to submit the assignment in two copies ; soft and hardcopy

5. Each group may up to 5 members

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