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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of City of San Jose del Monte


S.Y. 2022-2023
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Then shade it on your answer sheet.

1. Who discusses the Filipino concept of freedom in the essay?

a. Leonardo N. Mercado
b. Emmanuel L. Torres
c. Vincent van Gogh
d. Pablo Picasso
2. How does the Filipino concept of freedom differ from Western conceptions?
a. Filipinos believe in individual autonomy.
b. Filipinos emphasize communalism and respect for authority.
c. Filipinos prioritize personal goals and desires.
d. Filipinos disregard cultural values and social norms.
3. In what way does the concept of "kapwa" influence the Filipino understanding of freedom and
a. It promotes individualism and autonomy.
b. It encourages pursuing personal interests.
c. It fosters interconnectedness and mutual responsibility.
d. It emphasizes individual accountability.
4. How does the concept of "utang na loob" relate to the discussion of the paradox of human
freedom and responsibility?
a. It highlights the value of personal autonomy.
b. It emphasizes pursuing individual goals and desires.
c. It acknowledges the need to reciprocate kindness and generosity.
d. It disregards the consequences of our actions on others.
5. What is the Filipino term for the interconnectedness of individuals?
a. Kapwa
b. Utang na loob
c. Bayanihan
d. Kamayan
6. How can the Filipino concept of freedom be applied to everyday life?
a. By prioritizing personal interests over community well-being.
b. By disregarding cultural values and social norms.
c. By fostering a sense of responsibility and community.
d. By encouraging individualism and autonomy.
7. Which term best defines prudence in decision-making?
a. Following rules and guidelines
b. Making the best decision
c. Making the right decision aligned with values and goals
d. Accepting uncertainty and leaving decisions to chance
8. According to existentialist philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre, what is the significance of
prudence in decision-making?
a. It helps to manage anxiety and uncertainty
b. It ensures the best outcome for every decision
c. It eliminates the need for individual freedom and responsibility
d. It allows for control over every aspect of life

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9. How does prudence relate to the Filipino value of "kapwa"?
a. It involves accepting uncertainty and leaving decisions to fate
b. It emphasizes following rules and guidelines in decision-making
c. It involves considering the impact of actions on others and striving for the common good
d. It requires controlling every aspect of life
10. According to Martin Heidegger, what role do ethical choices play in human existence?
a. They are unnecessary in defining one's identity and meaning in life
b. They ensure the best outcome for every decision
c. They are fundamental and shape one's identity and meaning in life
d. They eliminate the need for individual freedom and responsibility
11. How does the Filipino value of "pakikipagkapwa" relate to ethical prudence?
a. It involves accepting uncertainty and leaving decisions to chance
b. It emphasizes following rules and guidelines in ethical decision-making
c. It involves considering the impact of actions on others and striving for the common good
d. It requires controlling every aspect of life
12. What is the value of reflecting on one's values and goals in applying prudence to ethical
a. It ensures the best outcome for every ethical choice
b. It eliminates the need for considering potential risks and consequences
c. It helps clarify what is important and align choices with long-term goals and values
d. It involves accepting uncertainty and leaving ethical choices to fate
13. How does ethical prudence relate to the Filipino value of "hiya"?
a. It involves accepting uncertainty and leaving ethical choices to fate
b. It emphasizes following rules and guidelines in ethical decision-making
c. It involves considering the impact of actions on others and community expectations
d. It requires controlling every aspect of life
14. Which statement best describes the role of prudence in ethical decision-making?
a. Prudence ensures that every ethical choice is perfect and without risks
b. Prudence eliminates the need for reflecting on values and goals
c. Prudence involves careful consideration of consequences and the impact on others
d. Prudence involves accepting uncertainty and leaving ethical choices to chance
15. Why is seeking advice from trusted friends or mentors helpful in applying prudence to ethical
a. They can make the decisions on our behalf
b. They can eliminate the need for personal reflection and evaluation
c. They provide different perspectives and help evaluate potential consequences
d. They ensure that ethical choices align with community expectations
16. What is the overall importance of applying prudence to ethical choices?
a. Ensuring that every ethical choice is perfect and without risks
b. Eliminating the need for individual responsibility in decision-making
c. Careful consideration of consequences and a focus on long-term goals and values
d. Controlling every aspect of life to avoid uncertainty
17. Which philosopher is associated with the concept of the freedom of the human person?
a. Jean-Paul Sartre
b. Martin Heidegger
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Friedrich Nietzsche
18. According to existentialism, what is the relationship between freedom and responsibility?
a. Freedom and responsibility are unrelated concepts.
b. Freedom implies the absence of responsibility.
c. Freedom and responsibility are inseparable.
d. Responsibility limits freedom.
19. What is the concept of authenticity in relation to freedom?
a. Authenticity means conforming to societal expectations.
b. Authenticity is the rejection of personal values and beliefs.
c. Authenticity requires exercising freedom and living true to oneself.
d. Authenticity is the absence of responsibility.
20. According to Jean-Paul Sartre, what did he mean by the phrase "man is condemned to be free"?
a. Freedom is a burden that should be avoided.
b. Freedom is a natural state of being.
c. Freedom is a predetermined destiny.
d. Freedom requires taking responsibility for one's choices.
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21. How did Martin Heidegger view the relationship between freedom and society?
a. He believed society limits individual freedom.
b. He argued that freedom can only be achieved through society.
c. He advocated for complete freedom from societal constraints.
d. He saw no relationship between freedom and society.
22. What role do laws and regulations play in the philosophy of freedom?
a. Laws and regulations enhance individual freedom.
b. Laws and regulations limit individual freedom.
c. Laws and regulations are irrelevant to individual freedom.
d. Laws and regulations are necessary for societal freedom.
23. What is the basic principle underlying the philosophy of freedom?
a. The principle of cause and effect
b. The principle of absolute freedom
c. The principle of societal expectations
d. The principle of personal desires
24. What is the significance of personal responsibility in the philosophy of freedom?
a. Personal responsibility restricts freedom.
b. Personal responsibility defines the limits of freedom.
c. Personal responsibility enhances individual freedom.
d. Personal responsibility is unrelated to freedom.
25. How do external factors impact individual freedom?
a. External factors completely determine individual freedom.
b. External factors have no influence on individual freedom.
c. External factors can limit individual freedom.
d. External factors enhance individual freedom.
26. What is the role of personal choices in the philosophy of freedom?
a. Personal choices have no impact on freedom.
b. Personal choices are determined by societal norms.
c. Personal choices define and shape individual freedom.
d. Personal choices are irrelevant to the concept of freedom.
27. Which philosopher's philosophy emphasizes the importance of recognizing the talents and
contributions of individuals from underprivileged sectors and those with disabilities?
a. Martin Buber
b. Heidegger
c. Hannah Arendt
d. Kierkegaard
28. Which philosopher's philosophy calls for the creation of inclusive spaces where individuals can
engage in meaningful dialogue and appreciate the talents and contributions of others?
a. Martin Buber
b. Heidegger
c. Hannah Arendt
d. Paul Tillich
29. According to Martin Buber, what is the key to genuine dialogue?
a. Recognition of shared humanity
b. Suspension of preconceived judgments
c. Appreciation of diverse perspectives
d. Engagement with others
30. Which philosopher's philosophy invites individuals to embrace authentic dialogue and
acceptance of others?
a. Martin Buber
b. Heidegger
c. Paul Tillich
d. Husserl
31. Which philosophical perspective emphasizes the importance of embracing personal choices and
taking responsibility for them?
a. Existentialism
b. Utilitarianism
c. Stoicism
d. Rationalism

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32. According to existentialism, authentic existence arises from:
a. Rejecting predetermined destinies imposed by society.
b. Accepting societal norms and values without question.
c. Pursuing power and success at any cost.
d. Embracing a passive role in decision-making.
33. The concept of the "original position" in John Rawls' theory of justice refers to:
a. A hypothetical scenario where people deliberate on principles of justice while unaware of
their social status or attributes.
b. The inherent nature of individuals that determines their social roles.
c. The historical context in which societies are formed.
d. The enforcement of laws and regulations to maintain social order.
34. According to Rawls, the difference principle permits inequalities as long as they benefit:
a. The most powerful members of society.
b. The majority of individuals.
c. The least advantaged members of society.
d. The economically prosperous members of society.
35. How does existentialism align with Rawls' principles of justice?
a. Both perspectives emphasize the importance of individual freedom and responsibility.
b. Existentialism rejects the idea of justice, while Rawls' principles aim to establish a just
c. Existentialism focuses on social inequalities, while Rawls' principles prioritize personal
d. Both perspectives promote a utilitarian approach to justice.
36. Which perspective focuses on connecting personal troubles with larger social issues?
a. Existentialism
b. Utilitarianism
c. Rationalism
d. Sociological imagination
37. In which form of society does individual achievement and meritocracy play a significant role?
a. Agrarian society
b. Industrial society
c. Virtual society
d. None of the above
38. How do virtual societies differ from agrarian and industrial societies?
a. Virtual societies prioritize communal ties and interdependence.
b. Virtual societies place emphasis on individual achievement and meritocracy.
c. Virtual societies introduce new dimensions to individuality and social relationships.
d. Virtual societies focus on agricultural practices and sustainability.
39. What does the sociological imagination prompt individuals to do?
a. Critically examine their social environments and question prevailing norms.
b. Isolate themselves from social interactions.
c. Embrace societal norms without question.
d. Focus only on personal troubles and ignore larger social issues.
40. By understanding the impact of social contexts, we can work towards fostering societies that:
a. Promote personal gain at the expense of others.
b. Reinforce existing power structures and social hierarchies.
c. Support the growth and authentic expression of individuality.
d. Limit individual freedom and responsibility.
41. According to Immanuel Kant, what is the significance of individuality within society?
a. Individuality is the foundation for social interaction and relationships.
b. Individuality hinders the formation of human relationships.
c. Individuality is a product of social contexts and has no inherent value.
d. Individuality is irrelevant in the study of the human person in society.
42. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, how are individuals shaped in society?
a. By their unique attributes and perspectives.
b. Through their interactions with family and education.
c. Through their participation in economic systems.
d. By conforming to social norms and customs.

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43. What is the concept of "I-Thou" relationships proposed by Martin Buber?
a. Relationships based on mutual respect and acceptance of differences.
b. Relationships that prioritize individual autonomy and freedom.
c. Relationships that are rooted in economic exchange.
d. Relationships that exclude genuine understanding and empathy.
44. How does authentic dialogue contribute to the formation of human relationships?
a. By reinforcing biases and preconceived notions.
b. By excluding individuals who hold different perspectives.
c. By fostering a sense of belonging, trust, and mutual respect.
d. By discouraging open communication and empathy.
45. According to John Rawls, what is the purpose of reasoned dialogue in society?
a. To establish principles that benefit only the privileged members of society.
b. To perpetuate power imbalances and social hierarchies.
c. To promote justice and fairness for all members of society.
d. To exclude individuals who possess different backgrounds and experiences.
46. How does authentic dialogue challenge prejudice and discrimination?
a. By reinforcing existing power imbalances.
b. By encouraging individuals to confront their biases with empathy.
c. By excluding individuals who hold different beliefs.
d. By perpetuating social divisions and inequalities.
47. How do economic systems impact the construction of identity?
a. Economic systems have no influence on human relationships.
b. Economic systems shape individuals' positions within society.
c. Economic systems promote social cohesion and unity.
d. Economic systems disregard social stratification and inequalities.
48. According to Clifford Geertz, how does culture influence the formation of human relationships?
a. Culture has no impact on interpersonal connections.
b. Culture provides a framework for interpreting the world and creating shared symbols.
c. Culture encourages individuals to isolate themselves from society.
d. Culture perpetuates conflicts and clashes of values.
49. How does John Dewey view education's role in society?
a. Education has no transformative power in society.
b. Education fosters active citizenship and the development of democratic values.
c. Education perpetuates inequalities and power imbalances.
d. Education hinders the formation of human relationships.
50. What is the significance of studying the interplay between individuality and social contexts?
a. It has no relevance in understanding human existence within society.
b. It helps comprehend how individuals are influenced by their social surroundings.
c. It reinforces the primacy of social contexts over individuality.
d. It undermines the importance of social systems in shaping human relationships.

The real school for the people and all grown men is life.
- Mikhail Bakunin

COMMITTEd Citrusian Learners

Competency-based Opportunities and Mechanism in Mobilizing Integrating, and Transforming a Timely Education

Address: RC-11 Barangay Citrus, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
School ID: 307508
FB Account: DepEd Tayo Citrus National High School 307508

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