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Music And


La musica iluminates las áreas del cuerpo
del brain involucradas en emotion,
memory and even physical movement. OF
Escuchar music beneficia el benefits
general, ayuda a regular las emotions,
creates happines and relaxation in

everyday life

THERAPY The happiness of the patient

Listen to music that helps relax

"Not carry another purpose than
your mind and body. Don't listen to
the good and health of the sick"
nonsense, because over the years,

your brain will be broken.

Nadie más que nosotros puede liberar

nuestras mentes
Truths 1.Find out everything related

1. They always consider diseases such as
diabetes, cancer, tumors, among others.
to medicine
They cannot be treated, on the contrary, if Ya no seamos engañados por las
they can be cured
Los científicos discovered that
mentiras de la medicina
2. Scientists discovered that pharmaceutical pharmaceutical drugs se puden
drugs can be extracted from oil. That's why 2. Apply natural medicine at extraer del petroleo. That's why
they change the name of "drug store" to home they change the name of "drug
El uso de productos naturales beneficia
store" to PHARMACY
a nuestro cuerpo, no debemos consumir
productos fármacos

3. Share this information with


Difundamos esta información a los que

desconocen, de esta manera muchos
podrán reflexionar


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