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Cybersecurity Internship | Week 01

Overview of Cybersecurity: Importance, challenges, and emerging trends

Introduction to cybersecurity frameworks and standards

Understanding different types of cyber threats and attacks

Introduction to network security and cryptography basics

Ethical considerations and professional ethics in cybersecurity

Cyber crime and cyber law

Individual Task:
1. Learn in depth about the above mentioned topics.


2. Research and craft an interactive social media post that highlight the importance of
cybersecurity in today’s digital landscape and share the post on different social media
platforms by tagging senselearner.

3. Research and craft an interactive social media post that highlight all the offences and
penalties under the IT Act, 2000 and share the post on different social media platforms by
tagging senselearner.


Tag us:

Cybersecurity Internship | Week 01 1


Submission Date:
Submit the individual tasks by June 27, 2023.

Group Task:
Work together to create and present a Presentation on Advanced Persistent Threat (APT).

1. Research: As a group, conduct thorough research on APT attacks, including their characteristics,
objectives, notable examples, attack lifecycle, detection, mitigation strategies, and emerging

2. Outline: Collaboratively create an outline for the presentation, dividing it into logical sections.
Assign each section to individual interns based on their strengths and interests.

3. Content Creation: Each intern should develop their assigned section, focusing on providing clear
explanations, relevant examples, and visuals to enhance understanding. Ensure that the content is
cohesive and flows smoothly from one section to the next.

4. Presentation Design: Design an aesthetically appealing and professional-looking slide deck using
presentation software of your choice (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides). Maintain consistency in
design elements such as fonts, colors, and formatting.

5. Practice: Rehearse the presentation as a group to ensure smooth transitions between sections,
proper timing, and overall coherence. Each intern should practice their assigned part and work on
their delivery to engage the audience effectively.

6. Q&A Preparation: Anticipate potential questions from the audience and prepare thoughtful
answers. Encourage open discussion during the presentation to foster engagement.

7. Presentation Delivery: On the scheduled presentation day, deliver the presentation to the team.
Ensure that each intern presents their assigned section with confidence and clarity. Encourage
audience participation and address any questions or concerns during the Q&A session.

8. Feedback and Reflection: After the presentation, gather feedback from the team and reflect on
the overall performance. Discuss strengths, areas for improvement, and lessons learned.

Cybersecurity Internship | Week 01 2

Note: Each group member should contribute to the research, content creation, and presentation
delivery. Collaborate effectively to ensure a cohesive and informative presentation on Advanced
Persistent Threat (APT).

Submission Date:
1st Presentation (Internal Presentation):

Date: June 27, 2023

2nd Presentation (Final and External Presentation):

Date: June 28, 2023

Minor Project I
As a team, undertake a minor project to design and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity
framework for a hypothetical organization. Conduct a thorough risk assessment, identify the
organization's specific security requirements, and develop a tailored cybersecurity framework based on
industry standards and best practices. Document the framework, including policies, procedures, and
controls, and present it in a final report. Additionally, provide recommendations for ongoing monitoring,
evaluation, and improvement of the framework.

Submission Date:
1st Presentation:

Date: June 29, 2023

2nd Presentation:

Date: June 30, 2023

Cybersecurity Internship | Week 01 3

Cybersecurity Internship | Week 01 4

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