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Deficiency of IL12p40 (Interleukin 12 p40) Promotes Ang II

(Angiotensin II)–Induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Neekun Sharma, Rishabh Dev, Anthony M. Belenchia, Annayya R. Aroor,
Adam Whaley-Connell, Lakshmi Pulakat, Chetan P. Hans

Objective—Abdominal aortic aneurysm is caused by the accumulation of inflammatory cells in the aortic wall. Our recent
studies demonstrated that inhibition of Notch signaling attenuates abdominal aortic aneurysm formation by shifting
the macrophage balance towards anti-inflammatory (M2) phenotype. Using IL12p40−/− (interleukin 12 p40) mice, we
investigated the effects of M2-predominant macrophages on the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Approach and Results—Male (8–10 week-old) wild-type and IL12p40−/− mice (n=15) on C57BL/6 background were infused
with Ang II (angiotensin II, 1000 ng/kg per minute) by implanting osmotic pumps subcutaneously for 28 days. In the
IL12p40−/− mice, Ang II significantly increased the maximal intraluminal diameter (9/15) as determined by transabdominal
ultrasound imaging. In addition, IL12p40-deletion significantly increased aortic stiffness in response to Ang II as measured
by pulse wave velocity and atomic force microscopy. Histologically, IL12p40−/− mice exhibited increased maximal external
diameter of aorta and aortic lesions associated with collagen deposition and increased elastin fragmentation compared with
wild-type mice infused with Ang II. Mechanistically, IL12p40 deficiency by siRNA (small interfering RNA) augmented
the Tgfβ2-mediated Mmp2 expression in wild-type bone marrow–derived macrophages without affecting the expression
of Mmp9. No such effects of IL12p40 deficiency on MMP2/MMP9 was observed in human aortic smooth muscle cells or
fibroblasts. Depletion of macrophages in IL12p40−/− mice by clodronate liposomes significantly decreased the maximal
external diameter of aorta and aortic stiffness in response to Ang II as determined by imaging and atomic force microscopy.
Conclusions—IL12p40 depletion promotes the development of abdominal aortic aneurysm, in part, by facilitating
recruitment of M2-like macrophages and potentiating aortic stiffness and fibrosis mediated by Tgfβ2.
Visual Overview—An online visual overview is available for this article.   (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2019;39:212-223.
DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311969.)
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Key Words: aneurysm ◼ fibrosis ◼ macrophage ◼ mice ◼ transforming growth factor

A bdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common aortic

disorder and 10th leading cause of death among men
over 65 years of age.1,2 AAAs tend to expand asymptomati-
mouse models have reported the presence of macrophages in
the aneurysmal aorta wall, accumulating predominantly in the
cally until aortic rupture or dissection occurs, and once these In response to different stimuli, macrophages differentiate
rupture, the overall mortality rate is >80%.3 The treatment of towards a spectrum of polarization with distinct functions.
AAA is confined to surgery and endovascular repair because The extreme ends of this polarized spectrum are called as pro-
there are no effective pharmacological therapies to date.2,4 inflammatory (M1) or anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophages
Thus, there is a need to define the molecular and cellular and serve distinct functions in the progression of AAA devel-
mechanism of the disease to develop effective pharmacolog- opment. Although heterogeneity of these macrophages have
ical therapies. been reported in various vascular diseases, recent studies in-
The major factors contributing to AAA pathogenesis in- cluding ours have identified predominance of proinflamma-
clude infiltration of activated inflammatory cells and deg- tory macrophages within the inflamed aortic tissues.15–17 By
radation of extracellular matrix (ECM) along with loss of contrast, few studies have also reported the presence of anti-in-
vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs).5–7 It is now well es- flammatory macrophages in the aneurysmal tissues, which are
tablished that innate and adaptive immune cells, including implicated in ECM remodeling and tissue repair.18,19 Existence
macrophages, neutrophils, B cells, T cells, natural killer cells, of these diverse macrophage phenotypes with pathogenic and
and dendritic cells contribute significantly to aortic aneurysm reparative roles has provided a complexity in understanding
development.8–10 Recent data from human AAA patients and the pathogenesis of AAA. Although inflammatory process

Received on: July 20, 2018; final version accepted on: November 26, 2018.
From the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine (N.S., R.D., A.M.B., L.P., C.P.H.), Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology (A.R.A.,
C.P.H.), Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital (A.W.-C.), and Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center (N.S., R.D., A.M.B., L.P., C.P.H.), University
of Missouri, Columbia.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Chetan P. Hans, PhD, School of Medicine-Cardiovascular Medicine and Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, University of
Missouri, Room 324B,134 Research Park Dr, Columbia, MO 65211. Email
© 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol is available at DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311969

Sharma et al   M2-Polarized Macrophage and AAA   213

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms Materials and Methods

The authors declare that all supporting data are available within the
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm article and in the online-only Data Supplement. The authors also de-
AFM atomic force microscopy
clare that we will make analytic methods and study materials avail-
able to other researchers on request from the corresponding author
Ang II angiotensin II (C.P. Hans).
BMDM bone marrow–derived macrophage
ECM extracellular matrix Animals, Design, and Aneurysmal Model
IFN-γ interferon-γ Eight-week old, male wild-type (WT; C57BL/6J; 000664) and
IL interleukin IL12p40−/− mice (B6.129S1; 002693) were purchased from The Jackson
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase Laboratory. In addition to 10 generations crossing with C57BL/6 mice
Mmp matrix metalloproteinase
by The Jackson Laboratory, IL12p40−/− mice were further crossed to
C57BL/6 mice for 7 to 8 generations in our laboratory to generate on
PCR polymerase chain reaction homogenous C57BL/6J background. The WT and IL12p40−/− mice
PWV pulse wave velocity were first bred to generate IL12p40+/− mice, and the male and female
Smad mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 IL12p40+/− mice were further interbred to generate WT and IL12p40−/−
littermates, which were used for the studies. Genotyping was per-
SMC smooth muscle cell
formed according to The Jackson Laboratory’s protocol.
Tgfβ transforming growth factor β Only male mice were studied because of low incidence of Ang
Timp tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase II–induced AAA in female mice as detailed in an Arteriosclerosis,
WT wild type Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Council statement.32 Mice were
kept on a 12 hours/12 hours light/dark cycle with standard chow.
Aneurysmal studies were performed on these mice by infusing Ang
seems to contribute to AAA, approaches to limit progression II for 28 days using published protocols.13,15 Animals were randomly
of AAA by use of anti-inflammatory drugs for treating the allocated to Ang II infusion or control. For the end point data anal-
ysis, samples and data were blinded wherever possible to reduce bias.
AAA patients have not been successful.20–22 These observa-
Briefly, mice were anesthetized in a closed chamber with 1% to 2%
tions warrant in-depth studies about the role of inflammatory isoflurane in oxygen for 2 to 5 minutes until immobile. Each mouse
factors in the development of AAA by examining specific was then removed and taped on a heated (37±2°C) procedure board
roles of M1 or M2 macrophages. with 1.0±1.5% isoflurane administered via nosecone during minor
Among the various key players known to regulate macro- surgery. Mini osmotic pumps (Model 2004; Alzet, Cupertino, CA)
containing Ang II (1000 ng/min per kg; Sigma) were implanted sub-
phage phenotype is IL12 (interleukin 12), a proinflammatory
cutaneously in the neck region of anesthetized mice. The mice were
heterodimeric cytokine composed of p35 and p40 subunits.23,24 observed daily for normal behavior or sudden death. The mice that
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Principally expressed by monocytes/macrophages and den- died in response to Ang II were immediately necropsied to determine
dritic cells, it has been shown that macrophages from IL12p40 the cause of death. At the end of the study, mice were terminated
deficient mice are biased toward M2 activation profile.25,26 It with an overdose of anesthetics ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine
(20 mg/kg). The aortas were dissected, fixed in 10% formalin, and
is also reported that IL12p40 deficiency enhances bleomycin- processed for macroscopic and histological studies. All the animal-
induced fibrosis; however, it protects against silica-induced related experiments were approved by the Animal Care and Use
fibrosis.27 Similarly, deficiency of IL12p35 enhances cardiac Committee at the University of Missouri (Columbia, MO). All the
fibrosis by promoting M2 macrophages and TGFβ (transform- animal experiments conform the National Institutes of Health guide-
ing growth factor-β) production.26 Additionally, IL12p35 defi- lines (Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals).
ciency presents robust silica-induced pulmonary inflammation
and fibrosis.28 Interestingly, studies on the independent role of Sample Size Calculation and Outcome Variables
M2 macrophages leading to fibrosis and vascular diseases have Our primary outcome variable in the current study was an increase
emerged.29,30 In the recent studies, low dose of Ang II (angi- in the external aortic diameter by ≥50% to define the presence or
absence of AAA. Based on our previous work and reports from other
otensin II) infusion differentiated Ly6Chi monocytes into M2 labs using this definition, we powered the study with our main out-
macrophages in the aortic wall.30 Chemokine (C-C motif) re- come variable of maximal external aortic diameter using (α=0.05).
ceptor 2 antagonist prevented the accumulation of these mac- We estimated our sample size for this variable to n=10 per group to
rophages and was associated with reduction in fibrosis, elastin determine if the data is statistically significant assuming a 5% sig-
loss, and blood pressure in these studies.30 Our lab has pre- nificance level using t test. For the pathological outcome measures,
we included cellular infiltration, elastin fragmentation, abundance of
viously published that inhibition of Notch signaling protects collagen, and increased Mmp2 (matrix metalloproteinase) expres-
against the development of AAA associated with decreased sion. For the functional outcome, aortic stiffness as determined by 2
M1 polarization and increased M2 polarization of macro- independent methods (pulse wave velocity [PWV] and atomic force
phages.15,31 However, direct roles of M2-predominant macro- microscopy [AFM]) was used.33,34
phages in the development of AAA are not yet determined.
In the present study, we sought to determine the impact of Transabdominal Ultrasound Imaging and
M2-like macrophages on AAA development. We hypothesized Quantification of Aortic Aneurysms
that deletion of IL12p40 and subsequent enhanced M2 macro- For ultrasonic imaging, mice were restrained for <15 s to put into the
phages aortic infiltration would accelerate AAA formation in anesthesia chamber, followed by anesthetization with oxygen and
the setting of Ang II infusion through development of perivas- vaporized isoflurane (≈2%). Loss of spinal reflexes was confirmed via
toe pinching, and the loss of corneal reflex was assessed by gentle
cular fibrosis and elastin fragmentation. Our results showed touch of the eye with a soft tissue paper technique. The animals were
that deficiency of IL12p40 leads to enhanced AAA formation placed on a heated (41°C) imaging stage in supine position while
associated with increased Tgfβ2 mediated proteolytic activity. under anesthesia. The body temperature, heartbeat, and respiration
214   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   February 2019

rates were continuously monitored during the imaging procedure. For Histology and Immunohistochemistry
abdominal aorta measurements, the abdominal hairs were removed by After fixation, the abdominal aortas from experimental mice were
applying hair removal cream followed by cleaning with wet gauze. rinsed with PBS and processed for paraffin embedding. Serial sections
Warmed ultrasound gel was applied to the abdominal surface and ul- (5 μm) were prepared by cutting abdominal aorta into 2 equal halves
trasound MS550D probe (40 MHz) applied to the gelled surface to and sectioned throughout the tissue. The sections of the abdominal aorta
collect B-mode, M-Mode, ECG-based Kilohertz Visualization mode at regular intervals (200 μm) were subjected to hematoxylin and eosin,
images, as well as Power Doppler measurements, by the imaging elastin, and Masson trichrome stain for histoarchitectural evaluation of
system (Vevo 2100, VisualSonics). Short and long axis scans of aortas aneurysm as described previously.37 The serial tissue sections obtained
were performed on the abdominal aorta from the level of the left renal from these mice were further subjected to immunohistochemistry.
arterial branch through to the suprarenal region. Cine loops of 100 For immunohistochemistry, the abdominal aortas were stained with
frames were acquired throughout the renal region on the abdominal antibodies for Moma2 (monocyte+macrophage antibody; ab33451),
aorta and used to determine the maximal diameters of the abdominal Cd206 (MCA2235T, BioRad), Tgfβ2 (ab36495), Mmp2 (ab37150),
aorta in the suprarenal region. To define consistency, all the ultrasound Mmp9 (ab38898), phospho-p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein
data were collected in a blinded fashion by an experienced faculty kinase1:800; 9211, cell signaling), and phospho-smad3 (mothers
member in the core facility at Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center. against decapentaplegic homolog 3; 1:200; ab52903) as described.37
The Ang II–induced AAA were defined as having at least 50% The specificity of all the antibodies were confirmed using appropriate
increase in the maximal intraluminal and external diameters of the IgG controls (I-2000–1, I-4000–1, I-1000–5; Vector laboratories) in
abdominal aorta compared with the control mice.15,35 The maximal place of primary antibodies at same concentrations. The intensity of
intraluminal diameters of the suprarenal abdominal aorta were quan- the immunostaining was evaluated by obtaining 6 images from random
tified in vivo by ultrasound imaging. For quantification of the max- areas of interest at ×40 or ×100 from each tissue (n=6) and quantified
imal external diameters, suprarenal abdominal aortic diameters were using Fiji version of Image J following the software directions.38 The
measured using ZEN lite software (Zen 2.3 blue edition; Zeiss, NY) images were blinded to reduce bias during quantification.
by an independent researcher ex vivo under a microscope. The av-
erage suprarenal aortic width was 0.87 mm in control mice, and con-
sequently, we defined AAA as >1.31 mm. For aortic rupture, mice Cell Isolation, siRNA Transfection, RNA
were closely monitored for acute rupture incidences for first 10 days Extraction, and Quantitative Real-Time PCR
of Ang II infusion. The mice which died post-Ang II infusion im- Bone marrow–derived macrophages (BMDMs) were isolated from
mediately underwent autopsy to determine the cause of death. The 6- to 8-week old WT or IL12p40−/− mice by previously established
aortic rupture was defined by the presence of blood clot in the chest protocol.15,31 Briefly, femur and tibia bones were flushed with culture
cavity and hemorrhage of abdominal aorta between the celiac artery media under aseptic conditions, and cells were collected and treated
and the left renal artery.36 These aortas were isolated and examined with ACK (ammonium-chloride-potassium) lysis buffer (Gibco) to
histologically for the presence of disrupted elastic laminae at the site lyse red blood cells. The remaining bone marrow–derived cells were
of rupture, with extravasation of blood. cultured in ultra-low 6 well tissue culture plates. After 6 hours, cells
were treated with macrophage colony stimulating factor (10 ng/mL,
R&D systems) in complete medium (RPMI [Roswell Park Memorial
Aortic Stiffness Measurement
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Institute] 1640+10% human serum+1% penicillin-streptomycin) with

In vivo aortic stiffness was measured locally in the abdominal aorta by a media change every other day. At day 7, cells were serum starved in
PWV technique by analyzing ECG-based Kilohertz Visualization data 1% FCS-RPMI for 2 hours followed by stimulation with lipopolysac-
collected at day 14 and 28 of Ang II infusion using VevoVasc software charide (100 ng/mL, Sigma Aldrich) and IFN-γ (interferon-γ; 20 ng/
as described previously.34 Briefly, PWV was determined by simulta- mL, Biolegend) or IL4/IL13 (10 ng/mL each) for 24 hours to polarize
neous tracking of R-wave of the ECG and the pulse wave along the 2 into M1 or M2 states, respectively. For naive macrophages, cells
locations of suprarenal abdominal aorta. VevoVasc software was used to were treated with vehicle only. For gene expression analysis, media
calculate PWV as a ratio of the distance (d) between 2 locations along was removed, and the cell pellets were mixed with RLT lysis buffer
the aorta and time delay (∆t) of the pulse wave between both locations (Qiagen). Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen)
and is expressed in m/s. The ex vivo aortic stiffness was determined in following the manufacturers’ instructions. The concentration of
the abdominal aortic sections by AFM.33 To evaluate the stiffness, a 2 extracted RNA was measured using a Nanodrop ND1000 to verify that
mm segment of the abdominal aorta was obtained from mice. The aorta the 260:280 and 260:230 ratios were ≈2. For transfection studies of
was opened longitudinally, and the adventitial surface of each explant BMDMs, IL12p40 siRNA (small interfering RNA; sc-39641), Tgfβ2
was fastened to a glass coverslip using cell-tak (BD Biosciences). siRNA (sc-39803), and control siRNA (sc-37007) were used with
The aortic stiffness within intact aortic explants was measured using Lipofectamine RNA iMAX reagent (Invitrogen) and the OptiMEM
a nano-indentation protocol with AFM according to previously media (31985-070, Invitrogen) using the manufacturer’s protocol.
described procedures.33 AFM measurements were conducted at room In some wells, IL12p40−/− BMDMs were treated with SB431542,
temperature. The measurements for both PWV and AFM were con- Tgfβ receptor kinase inhibitor (15 nmol/L, Tocris Biosciences), or
ducted following the 2-man principle, who were blinded to the study. human recombinant Tgfβ2 protein (10 ng/mL, Fisher) for 48 hours.
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was per-
formed on CFX connect real-time PCR detection system (Biorad) in
Blood Pressure Measurement triplicate. Cycle threshold for Rpl13a was used to normalize gene
Blood pressure was measured noninvasively on conscious mice using expression. The primer sequences for genes are available on request.
a CODA volume pressure recording tailcuff system (Kent Scientific
Corporation, Torrington, CT) as described previously.15 The CODA
system analyzes 6 measurements: systolic, diastolic pressure, mean Western Blot Analysis
pressure, rate, blood flow, and blood volume. Briefly, mice were The supernatants from BMDMs grown in 60 mm culture dishes were
acclimated for 2 days to restraint tubes and trial measurements. On collected, and the media were concentrated 50-fold using Amicon
the third day, after 5 acclimation cycles, 25 individual blood pressure ultra-4 centrifugal filter units (Millipore). In some dishes, the cells
measurements (technical replicates) were taken; all false readings (as were treated with Ang II (200 nm; Sigma) for 24 hours or IL4/IL13
determined by the diagnostic software) were excluded, and any an- (20 ng/mL each, R&D systems) for 48 hours. The concentrated pro-
imal failing to register at least 20 (80%) true readings were excluded teins were mixed with equal volume of 2X Laemmli sample buffer
from analysis. Data was trimmed to exclude the lowest and highest (Biorad) containing β-mercaptoethanol and boiled for 8 minutes at
5% of measured values, and the mean was used to represent each an- 95°C. After centrifugation, 20 µL of the samples were then loaded
imal. The measurement of blood pressure was performed blindly with onto SDS-PAGE (10% wt/vol) and electrophoretically transferred
respect to experimental groups. to polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes. After blocking, the
Sharma et al   M2-Polarized Macrophage and AAA   215

membranes were probed with antibodies against Tgfβ1 (ab92486; quantitative PCR. In accordance with the published reports,25
1:2000) and Tgfβ2 (ab36495; 1:2000). Membranes were then incu- BMDMs from IL12p40−/− mice showed significantly
bated with appropriate HRP (horseradish peroxidase)-conjugated
decreased expression of proinflammatory (M1) macrophage
secondary antibodies. Proteins on the membranes were visualized by
chemiluminescence detection kit (Super signal west femto maximum markers including iNos, Tnfα, and Notch1 (Figure IA in the
sensitivity substrate; Thermo Scientific). The proteins in the media online-only Data Supplement). Concomitantly, the BMDMs
were normalized to total protein contents of the cell extracts. from IL12p40−/− mice showed modest increase in the ex-
pression of anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophage markers,
Aortic Ring Assay and Gelatin Zymography including Il10 and Tgfβ1 (Figure IB in the online-only Data
Aorta from WT and IL12p40−/− mice were isolated, and aortic rings Supplement). In addition, the Western blot measurements
were obtained for transfection or treatment as described previously.37 showed that IL12p40−/− macrophages spontaneously secrete
The aortic rings were treated with nonspecific siRNA or Tgfβ2 siRNA higher amount of Tgfβ2 in the supernatant compared with
using Lipofectamine as described above. The aortic rings were also
that of WT (Figure IC in the online-only Data Supplement).
treated with SB431542 or human recombinant Tgfβ2 for 48 hours as
described above. For gelatin zymography, the aortic tissue lysates and This increase in Tgfβ2 was consistent with Ang II or IL4/IL13
culture supernatants from aortic rings and IL12p40−/− BMDMs with stimulation of macrophages. However, the Tgfβ1 expression
various treatments were used. The supernatants were concentrated by IL12p40−/− macrophages remain unchanged, although it
to 50-fold using Amicon ultra-10 centrifugal filter units (Millipore). was increased at basal level (Figure IC in the online-only Data
Aortic tissue lysates were prepared in RIPA (radioimmunoprecipi- Supplement). In addition, the BMDMs were confirmed to be
tation assay) buffer containing protease and phosphatase inhibitor.
Samples were briefly sonicated and centrifuged at 4°C at 10 000 rpm >90% double positive for CD11b and F4/80 (Figure II in the
for 20 minutes. After analysis of protein content (BCA Protein assay online-only Data Supplement). These results indicate that the
kit, Pierce) in supernatants, gelatinase activity was detected by load- BMDMs from the IL12p40−/− mice represent a macrophage
ing equal amount of protein (20 µg) onto 7.5% SDS-PAGE gels con- profiling with predominance of anti-inflammatory genes (M2)
taining 1 mg/mL gelatin. Bands of lysis in Coomassie Blue–stained and decreased expression of proinflammatory genes (M1).
gels were derived for bands corresponding to the pro and activated
forms of MMP2 and MMP9.
IL12p40 Deficiency Exacerbates Ang II–Induced
Macrophages Depletion, Flow Cytometry, and AAAs
Ang II Infusion To examine the direct role of M2-like macrophages in AAA
The macrophages in IL12p40 mice were depleted using liposomes
−/− pathogenesis, WT and IL12p40−/− mice (n=15) were infused
containing clodronate (dichloromethylene diphosphonate; clodronate- with Ang II subcutaneously for 28 days. Transabdominal ul- Animals received 150 μL intraperitoneal injections trasound imaging showed increased maximal intraluminal
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of control or clodronate liposome 2× at 3-day interval. One day after diameter in the suprarenal region of the abdominal aorta of
second injection, aneurysmal studies were conducted in these mice for IL12p40−/− mice at day 14 and 28 of Ang II, whereas no such
14 days by methods described above. Some mice were sacrificed after
2 clodronate injections to verify the absence of macrophages in spleens increase in maximal intraluminal diameter in this region was
by flow cytometry (Figure IX in the online-only Data Supplement). observed in the WT mice infused with Ang II (Figure 1A and
Flow cytometry cell surface staining with standard procedures was 1C). Aortic dissection-mediated mortality was observed in
done using BV605 anti-F4/80 antibody as described previously.39 The 13% of the IL12p40−/− mice (2 out of 15) in response to Ang II,
cells were analyzed by BD LSRFortessa X-20 instrument. whereas no mortality was observed in WT mice with same treat-
ment (Figure 1D). The macroscopic examination of the aortas at
Statistical Analysis day 28 demonstrated that only 13% of the WT mice (2/15) de-
Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism version veloped AAA formation in response to Ang II as determined by
7.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc, CA) and SAS Proc GLM (SAS 9.4). the maximal external aortic diameter in the suprarenal aortic re-
All the data were assessed for normality and equal variance using
GraphPad Prism and SAS Proc GLM. Continuous data were exam- gion (Figure 1B, 1D, and 1E). The extent of AAA development
ined by Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. Unpaired 2-tailed Student t significantly increased to 60% (9/15) in IL12p40−/− mice at day
test was used to determine statistical difference between 2 groups for 28 and was significantly higher compared with WT mice in re-
normally distributed continuous variables. For comparison of multiple sponse to Ang II (Figure 1E). No change in the maximal aortic
groups, ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparison analysis or diameter was observed in the saline-treated WT or IL12p40−/−
2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc tests were used. For
data without normal distribution, nonparametric Mann-Whitney U
mice (Figure 1D). Ang II infusion increased systolic, diastolic,
test or Kruskal-Wallis test were applied. In data that revealed unequal and mean blood pressure in all mice, and no significant differ-
variance, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied. For incidence of ences were observed between these groups at day 28 (Figure
AAA, Fisher exact test was performed. In the case of blood pressure, III in the online-only Data Supplement). Similar increase in
repeated measure 2-way ANOVA was used to determine between and the total cholesterol, low-density lipids, and high-density lip-
within group differences, with time as the repeating factor. All data
are presented as mean±SEM. P<0.05 was considered statistically sig-
ids contents in the serum of both WT and IL12p40−/− mice was
nificant for all tests. observed in response to Ang II infusion at day 28 (Figure IV in
the online-only Data Supplement).
Next, we investigated whether increase in maximal intralu-
minal diameter in abdominal aorta of IL12p40−/− mice is corre-
IL12p40 Deficiency Induces BMDM Polarization lated with the aortic wall functions. Aortic stiffness as measured
Toward M2 Macrophage Phenotype by PWV using VevoVasc software was significantly higher in
We initially characterized the BMDMs from C57BL6 (WT) IL12p40−/− compared with WT at day 28 of Ang II infusion
and IL12p40−/− mice for a panel of M1 and M2 genes by (1.76±0.40 versus 1.15±0.23 m/s; Figure 1F). Furthermore,
216   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   February 2019
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Figure 1. IL12p40 (interleukin 12 p40) deficiency increases Ang II (angiotensin II)–induced abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) development and aortic stiffness.
A, Representative transabdominal ultrasound images obtained at day 0, 14, and 28 using a VisualSonics Vevo2100 showing increase in the luminal expansion
of abdominal aorta in the wild-type (WT) mice (top) and IL12p40−/− mice (bottom) in response to Ang II. Dashed yellow lines outline the lumen. B, Represen-
tative aortas from the experimental mice showing maximal aortic width in the suprarenal region of the aorta. Images were taken using Zeiss Stemi 2000-C
microscope. Scale bar, 1 mm. C, Quantification of maximal intraluminal diameters of abdominal aorta by ultrasound. D, Quantification of ex vivo maximal
external diameters of abdominal aortas by microscopy (n=6; control mice and n=15; Ang II mice). E, Incidence of AAA and aortic aneurysm rupture in WT and
IL12p40−/− mice in response to Ang II. F, Pulse wave velocity calculated from measurements of abdominal aortic pulse pressure as determined by ECG-based
Kilohertz Visualization in response to Ang II at day 28 (n=12). G, Bar graph showing increased aortic stiffness in IL12p40−/− mice compared with WT-Ang II
obtained by atomic force microscopy (n=8 per group). Two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc analysis was used for statistics
in C. Kruskal-Wallis test was applied for statistics in D. Fisher exact test was used for comparing AAA incidence and mortality because of rupture in E. Mann-
Whitney test was applied for statistics in F and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied in G.*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. ns indicates nonsignificant.

AFM confirmed the increase in the aortic stiffness of the ab- lesions using hematoxylin and eosin, Verhoeff-Van Gieson
dominal aorta in IL12p40−/− mice than WT mice in response (elastin), and Masson trichrome (collagen) staining of aorta.
to Ang II (8.72±3.21 versus 3.70±1.94 kpa; Figure 1G). These Hematoxylin and eosin, elastin staining, and quantitative
results demonstrate that IL12p40 deficiency is associated with data demonstrated that infusion of Ang II in WT mice in-
aortic dysfunctions and increased AAA incidence. duced marginal adventitial thickening with minimal infiltra-
tion of inflammatory cells and no visible elastin fragmentation
IL12p40 Deficiency Increases Structural (Figure 2C, 2G, and 2M). IL12p40 deficiency increased struc-
Damages of Aorta in Response to Ang II tural deformity as evidenced by thickening and noticeable
The tissue sections from different groups were subjected to cellular infiltration in adventitial layer and increased frag-
histological analysis to characterize the abdominal aortic mentation of elastin layer in response to Ang II (Figure 2D,
Sharma et al   M2-Polarized Macrophage and AAA   217
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Figure 2. IL12p40 (interleukin 12 p40) deficiency increases structural damage of aorta in response to Ang II (angiotensin II). A–D, Transverse sections of ab-
dominal aorta stained with H&E (hematoxylin and eosin) illustrating the extent of abdominal aortic aneurysm progression at day 28 in response to saline (A–B)
or Ang II (C–D). E–H, Representative images of Verhoeff-Van Gieson staining demonstrating the extent of elastin fragmentation in IL12p40−/− mice infused with
Ang II at day 28. I–L, Representative collagen staining in the abdominal aorta of experimental groups visualized in blue using trichrome staining. M–N, Quanti-
fication of medial elastin degradation (M) and collagen deposition (N) in experimental groups (n=6 for each group). Scale bar=50 µm. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. ns
denotes nonsignificant in Tukey multiple comparisons test. WT indicates wild-type.

2H, and 2M). In addition, the degree of collagen deposition markers (Cd206 and Tgfβ2). Increased immunostaining of
was significantly higher in the adventitial region of IL12p40−/− Moma2-positive macrophages was observed within the remod-
compared with that of WT mice infused with Ang II indicating eled adventitia of IL12p40−/− mice (arrows in Figure 3D),
that IL12p40 deficiency promotes aortic fibrosis (Figure 2L whereas no such Moma2-positive cells were observed in WT
and 2N and Figure VH in the online-only Data Supplement). mice infused with Ang II (Figure 3C). Furthermore, the infil-
WT and IL12p40−/− control mice did not show any observable trated cells in the aorta of IL12p40−/− mice in response to Ang
difference in the structure of aorta in the suprarenal region II were found to be positive for both M2 macrophage mark-
(Figure 2A, 2B, 2E, 2F, 2I, and 2J). These data demonstrate ers, Cd206 and Tgfβ2 (Figure 3H and 3L). No marked in-
that deficiency of IL12p40 in C57BL/6 mice induces elastin crease in the immunostaining for iNos (inducible nitric oxide
fragmentation and increased collagen deposition in the ab- synthase; an M1 polarization marker) was observed in the
dominal aorta exhibiting the characteristics features of AAA adventitia of IL12p40−/− mice or WT mice infused with Ang
in response to Ang II. II (data not shown). Interestingly, Tgfβ2 positive M2 macro-
phages were found to be penetrating towards the medial region
IL12p40 Deficiency Increases Infiltration of the abdominal aortic sections in IL12p40−/− mice (arrows in
of M2 Macrophages in Aortic Lesions Figure 3H and 3L). WT and IL112p40−/− control mice did not
Next, we characterized the immune cells infiltrated into AAA show any observable difference in cellular immunostaining
lesions in IL12p40−/− mice using immunohistochemistry. for Moma2, Cd206, or Tgfβ2 in the aortic tissue (Figure 3A,
Aortic sections were stained with antibodies against common 3B, 3E, 3F, 3I, and 3J). These data demonstrated that mac-
macrophage marker (Moma2) and M2-macrophage specific rophages and Cd206-positive as well as Tgfβ2-positive cells
218   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   February 2019

Figure 3. Recruitment of M2 macrophages in the aorta of IL12p40−/− (interleukin 12 p40) mice after 28 d of Ang II (angiotensin II) infusion. A–D, Immunohisto-
chemistry showing expression of Moma2 (monocyte+macrophage antibody), a macrophage marker, in the aortic tissue at day 28 of saline or Ang II treated mice.
E–H, Immunohistochemistry showing expression of Cd206, an M2-macrophage marker in the aortic tissue at day 28 of saline or Ang II mice. I–L, Immunostain-
ing of Tgfβ2 (transforming growth factor β) in the abdominal aorta of experimental mice. Some of the immunopositive cells are pointed with arrows (scale bar=50
µm). WT indicates wild-type.

(markers of M2 macrophages) seem to be infiltrating in the validate these observations, we immunostained the abdominal
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adventitial and medial regions of the aorta in IL12p40−/− mice aortic sections from WT and IL12p40−/− mice with antibodies
during pathogenesis of AAA. specific to Mmp2 and Mmp9. As expected, significant increase
in the immunostaining of Mmp2 was observed in the adven-
IL12p40 Deficiency Induces Upregulation titial region of IL12p40−/− mice than WT mice in response to
of Tgfβ2 and Mmp2 Expression Ang II (Figure 4C–4F and 4K). However, there was no change
TGFβ is one of the upstream signaling proteins known to alter in the expression of Mmp9 in the aortic sections of WT and
the structure and composition of ECM and known to play IL12p40−/− mice infused with Ang II (Figure 4G–4J and 4L).
an important role in vascular remodeling and fibrosis.40 We Taken together, it is conceivable that increase in Tgfβ2 may
examined if Tgfβ signaling could be associated with patho- play a role in increasing the expression of MMP2.
logical process of extensive matrix degradation in IL12p40−/− Furthermore, to confirm that Tgfβ2 is the mediator for
mice in response to Ang II. To this end, we inhibited IL12p40 Mmp2 activity, we performed gelatin zymography studies
in WT BMDMs with IL12p40 siRNA and checked for expres- in aortic rings and macrophages with Tgfβ modulation. As
sion of Tgfβ and downstream Mmps. As expected, increased shown in Figure 4M, we found increased activity of Mmp2
expression of Tgfβ2, not the Tgfβ1 mRNA was observed in aortic rings as well as supernatants from IL12p40−/− mice
in the WT BMDMs with IL12p40 deficiency (Figure 4A). compared with WT both at basal level and with stimulation
IL12p40 deficiency in WT BMDMs also increased the ex- of TGFβ2. The Mmp2 activity was decreased with SB431542
pression of Mmp2 mRNA without affecting Mmp9 expression or Tgfβ2 siRNA (Figure 4M). Similarly, macrophages from
(Figure 4A). Deficiency of IL12p40 in fibroblasts and SMCs IL12p40−/− mice showed increased Mmp2 at basal level and
using IL12p40-specific siRNA did not change the gene ex- with stimulation with TGFβ2 (Figure 4N). This Mmp2 ac-
pression of Tgfβ2 and Mmp2 (Figure VII in the online-only tivity was alleviated with SB431542 or Tgfβ2 siRNA treat-
Data Supplement and data not shown). To confirm the increase ment. Finally, to confirm that Tgfβ pathway is activated in
in Mmp2 is Tgfβ2-dependent, we treated IL12p40−/− BMDMs aortic tissues, we immunostained the abdominal aortic sec-
with either Tgfβ pathway inhibitor (SB431542) or human re- tions with phospho-smad3 and phospho-p38 MAPK from all
combinant TGFβ2 and checked the expression of Mmps and 4 experimental groups (Figure 5). Interestingly, we found sig-
Timps (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase). Interestingly, nificantly increased number of nuclei positive for phosphory-
we observed increased expression of Mmp2 with recombinant lated forms of both smad3 and p38 in the IL12p40−/− tissues
TGFβ2 treatment (Figure 4B). We confirmed the increased in response to Ang II (Figure 5D, 5H, 5I, and 5J). This data
expression of TgfβR1 with recombinant TGFβ2 treatment suggested that Tgfβ pathway is activated and may play a role
(Figure VIII in the online-only Data Supplement). To further in increasing the AAA in IL12p40−/− mice.
Sharma et al   M2-Polarized Macrophage and AAA   219
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Figure 4. IL12p40 (interleukin 12 p40) deficiency increases Tgfβ2 (transforming growth factor β) dependent Mmp (matrix metalloproteinase) activity. A, mRNA
expression of IL12p40, Mmp2, Mmp9, Tgfβ1, and Tgfβ2 in wild-type (WT) bone marrow–derived macrophage (BMDMs) transfected with IL12p40-specific siRNA
(small interfering RNA) or negative control siRNA as measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. B, mRNA expression of Mmps and Timps in
IL12p40−/− BMDMs treated with Tgfβ receptor kinase inhibitor (SB431542) or hr (human recombinant) TGFβ2. Representative immunohistochemistry images of
MMP2 (C–F) and MMP9 (G–J) in abdominal aorta of experimental mice. Quantification of MMP2 (K) and MMP9 (L) immunostaining in the adventitial region of
abdominal aorta from experimental mice. M and N, Representative gelatin zymography for pro-MMP2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2), active MMP2 and pro-MMP9
in aortic rings (M, top), supernatants from aortic rings (M, bottom), and supernatants from BMDMs of indicated groups (N). Scale bar=50 µm. *P<0.05, **P<0.01,
***P<0.001, ns denotes nonsignificant in paired 2-tailed Student t test (A and B) or in Tukey multiple comparisons test (K–L). Ang II indicates angiotensin II.

Depletion of Macrophages in IL12p40−/− Mice in F4/80+ macrophages in the mouse spleen evident by flow
Reduces Fibrosis and Aortic Stiffness cytometry for macrophage marker, F4/80 (Figure VII in the
Finally, to confirm the active contributions of M2 macro- online-only Data Supplement). At day 14 of Ang II infusion, a
phages in AAA pathogenesis, we depleted macrophages using significant decrease in the maximal external diameter of aorta
clodronate liposomes in IL12p40−/− mice and characterized was observed in IL12p40−/− mice treated with clodronate than
Ang II–induced aneurysm formation. Intraperitoneal injec- control group. (Figure 6A and 6B). Aortic stiffness was also sig-
tion of clodronate-containing liposomes resulted in a decrease nificantly attenuated in the clodronate-treated IL12p40−/− mice
220   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   February 2019

Figure 5. Tgfβ (transforming growth factor β) pathway is activated in IL12p40−/− (interleukin 12 p40) mice in response to Ang II (angiotensin II). Representative
immunohistochemistry images of phospho-smad3 (mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3; A–D) and phospho-p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein
kinase) staining (E–H) in abdominal aorta of experimental mice. Quantification of phospho-smad3 (I) and phospho-p38 (J) nuclear immunostaining in the ab-
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dominal aorta from experimental mice. Scale bar=50 µm. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001, ns denotes nonsignificant in Tukey multiple comparisons test (I and J). WT
indicates wild-type.

than control IL12p40−/− mice in response to Ang II (Figure 6C). composed of p35 and p40 subunits, is a well-known proin-
Histological analysis of the aortic tissues revealed decreased flammatory cytokine important in controlling macrophage
adventitial remodeling and reduced cellular infiltration in the phenotype and T-cell effector functions.24 Previous studies
macrophages depleted group of IL12p40−/− mice (Figure 6D– have illustrated that the macrophages from p35 or p40 defi-
6I). Interestingly, there was less collagen deposition in the cient mice have a bias towards the M2 activation profile.25,27
adventitial region of clodronate injected IL12p40−/− Ang II Although, both the p35 and p40 deficient mice are associated
mice compared with IL12p40−/− Ang II alone as determined by with extensive cardiac fibrosis mediated by Tgfβ, herein, we
Trichrome staining (Figure 6H–6I). These results suggest that report the direct role of M2-like macrophages in the pathogen-
increased fibrosis and arterial stiffness in the IL12p40−/− mice esis of AAA in IL12p40−/− mice.
may primarily be mediated by macrophages. The M2 macrophages are characterized by their involve-
ment in tissue remodeling, immune regulation, tumor pro-
Discussion motion, and phagocytic activity. These cells are generally
The goal of the current study was to examine the direct role intended to create anti-inflammatory environment and pro-
of M2-like macrophages in the pathogenesis of Ang II– mote healing. However, when the lesion is persistent, M2
induced AAA using IL12p40−/− mice as a model. We preferred macrophages secrete large amounts of profibrotic factor, such
C57BL/6 mice over the well-known Apoe−/− mouse model be- as Tgfβ. The activation of Tgfβ signaling, a multifunctional
cause Apoe−/− mice have been shown to have a skew towards cytokine, is implicated in various cellular process, such as
increased expression of M1-associated genes even at naive proliferation, angiogenesis, and wound healing. Tgfβ sig-
state.41 Moreover, the development of AAA in Apoe−/− mice is naling, a modulator of the structure and composition of the
critically driven by M1-polarized macrophages. However, we ECM, contributes to pathological tissue fibrosis of the heart,
aimed to determine the role of M2 macrophages in the fibrotic lung, and liver in many vascular diseases.42–44 Here, we dem-
events independent of inflammation observed in Apoe−/− mice onstrated that in response to Ang II, activation of Tgfβ sig-
in response to Ang II. We demonstrated that predominance naling and fibrotic events in the aorta of IL12p40−/− mice are
of M2-like macrophages in IL12p40−/− mice increases Tgfβ2 associated with increased collagen deposition in the adventi-
mediated fibrosis resulting in increased Mmp2 expression. tial region. Similarly, we observed infiltration of macrophages
These events lead to focal aortic enlargement along with in the aorta of IL12p40−/− mouse that was positive for Tgfβ2
medial destruction thus causing AAA development. IL12, immunostaining. Significant increase in Tgfβ2 expression in
Sharma et al   M2-Polarized Macrophage and AAA   221

Figure 6. Depletion of macrophages in IL12p40−/− (interleukin 12 p40) mice attenuates structural damage of aorta. A, Representative aorta from IL12p40−/−
mice treated with PBS liposome and clodronate liposome followed by Ang II (angiotensin II) infusion for 14 d. B, Quantification of maximal aortic width from
aortas of IL12p40−/− control and clodronate-treated mice at day 14 of Ang II infusion (n=11). C, Abdominal aortic stiffness as measured by atomic force
microscopy at day 14 of Ang II infusion in IL12p40−/− control and clodronate-treated mice (n=8). Representative H&E (hematoxylin and eosin) image (D–E),
elastin staining (F–G), and Trichrome staining (H–I) from IL12p40−/− experimental mice at day 14 of Ang II infusion. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 in Mann-Whitney test.
Scale bar=50 µm.
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the WT BMDMs transfected with IL12p40 siRNA suggested our study, excessive production of M2-macrophage specific
that Tgfβ2 is the major pathway affected by M2 macrophages Tgfβ2 could be a key process leading to fibrosis and enhancing
associated with IL12p40 deficiency. Overall, these results the pathogenesis of AAA in IL12p40−/− mice. Both the classic
implicated that Tgfβ2 may be one of the major players during and alternative pathways of Tgfβ signaling are known to play
pathogenesis of AAA in IL12p40−/− mouse. a role in regulating ECM remodeling.40 We observed increased
The role of Tgfβ in AAA pathogenesis has been shown immunostaining of both phospho-smad3 and phospho-p38 in
to be variable depending on the stage of the disease or the IL12p40−/− tissues in response to Ang II. Because alternative
environment milieu of the vascular injury.45 The systemic in- Tgfβ signaling pathway is known to induce Mmp2 and Mmp9
hibition of Tgfβ during Ang II infusion augmented expansion expression,40,50 our study indicates that Tgfβ signaling leads to
and rupture of abdominal aorta.46 Similarly, protective role of proteolytic destruction of elastin fragments by the production
Tgfβ was reported in the C57BL/6 mice in response to Ang of Mmps. This is evident by increased activity of Mmp2 in
II.47 In addition, our previous studies have shown that Notch1 macrophages and aortic rings from IL12p40−/− mice. Although
haploinsufficiency stabilizes AAA by promoting macrophage Mmp9 activity was higher compared with Mmp2 in mac-
differentiation towards M2 phenotype mediated by Tgfβ2.31 rophages, Mmp2 was present only in IL12p40−/− BMDMs,
However, genetic deletion of Tgfβ receptor signaling in SMCs which was eliminated by inhibition of Tgfβ2. Similarly, the
did not accelerate AAA in elastase model of mice.48 Moreover, aortic rings experiment clearly showed the increased activity
increased Tgfβ signaling is pathogenic in experimental of Mmp2 in IL12p40−/− aortas. The increased Mmp2 activity
Marfan syndrome of aortic aneurysm and is associated with in the aortic rings might also be contributed by vascular SMC–
abnormal aortic wall remodeling, dilatation, and aneurysm rich medial layer. It will be interesting to determine if mac-
expansion.49 In the present study, we observed infiltration of rophages directly influence vascular SMCs to secrete Mmps
M2-like macrophages is associated with increased Tgfβ2 and or it is mediated through secreted factors, such as Tgfβ2.
fibrosis leading to augmented AAA. Potential explanation for Evidently, further studies will highlight such interactions be-
these variable results could be the cellular source of Tgfβ be- tween macrophages and SMCs. Taken together, increased ex-
cause many cells, including immune cells, vascular SMCs, pression of Mmp2 in the aortic sections of IL12p40−/− mice
(myo)fibroblasts, and platelets, contribute to Tgfβ production. and BMDMs with IL12p40 deficiency suggest that Mmp2 is
Thus, the pathological effect of Tgfβ could be intrinsic to par- the major contributor for elastin degradation. Thus, increased
ticular cell type. Similarly, a baseline level of Tgfβ signaling Tgfβ signaling associated Mmp2 may be one of the most
may be necessary to preserve aortic structure, but the exces- important mechanisms leading to elastin degradation during
sive production may be pathogenic in vascular pathologies. In AAA development in IL12p40−/− mice.
222   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   February 2019

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• IL12p40−/− (interleukin 12 p40) mice depict M2-predominant macrophage phenotype.
• Deficiency of IL12p40 augments Ang II (angiotensin II)–induced abdominal aortic aneurysm in C57BL/6 mice.
• The development of abdominal aortic aneurysm in IL12p40−/− mice is associated with enhanced fibrotic events and medial layer degeneration
via upregulation of Tgfβ2 (transforming growth factor β) and Mmp2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2).
• Our findings suggest that M1/M2 macrophage balance rather than predominance of 1 phenotype is necessary for tissue homeostasis.

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