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Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

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Increasing soil microbial biomass nitrogen in crop rotation systems

by improving nitrogen resources under nitrogen application

XING Ting-ting1, 2, CAI An-dong3, LU Chang-ai1, YE Hong-ling1, 2, WU Hong-liang1, HUAI Sheng-chang1,

WANG Jin-yu1, XU Ming-gang1, LIN Qi-mei3

Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering
Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, P.R.China 
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081,

Soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) contains the largest proportion of biologically active nitrogen (N) in soil, and is
considered as a crucial participant in soil N cycling. Agronomic management practices such as crop rotation and mono-
cropping systems, dramatically affect MBN in agroecosystems. However, the influence of crop rotation and mono-
cropping in agroecosystems on MBN remains unclear. A meta-analysis based on 203 published studies was conducted
to quantify the effect of crop rotation and mono-cropping systems on MBN under synthetic N fertilizer application. The
analysis showed that crop rotation significantly stimulated the response ratio (RR) of MBN to N fertilization and this
parameter reached the highest levels in upland-fallow rotations. Upland mono-cropping did not change the RR of MBN
to N application, however, the RR of MBN to N application in paddy mono-cropping increased. The difference between
crop rotation and mono-cropping systems appeared to be due to the various cropping management scenarios, and the
pattern, rate and duration of N addition. Crop rotation systems led to a more positive effect on soil total N (TN) and a
smaller reduction in soil pH than mono-cropping systems. The RR of MBN to N application was positively correlated with
the RR of mineral N only in crop rotation systems and with the RR of soil pH only in mono-cropping systems. Combining
the results of Random Forest (RF) model and structural equation model showed that the predominant driving factors of
MBN changes in crop rotation systems were soil mineral N and TN, while in mono-cropping systems the main driving
factor was soil pH. Overall, our study indicates that crop rotation can be an effective way to enhance MBN by improving
soil N resources, which promote the resistance of MBN to low pH induced by intensive synthetic N fertilizer application.

Keywords: microbial biomass nitrogen, crop rotation systems, mono-cropping systems, synthetic nitrogen  fertilizer,

Received 29 December, 2020 Accepted 2 March, 2021

XING Ting-ting, E-mail: 15947039328; Correspondence 1. Introduction
LU Chang-ai, E-mail:
© 2022 CAAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open Soil microbes are a crucial component in soil organic
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
matter decomposition and sequestration as well as
doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(21)63673-0 carbon and nitrogen (N) cycling (Manzoni and Porporato
XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500 1489

2009; Gessner et al. 2010). Soil microbial biomass N and N limitation (Zhou et al. 2002; Fierer et al. 2009;
(MBN) plays a critical role in maintaining soil fertility Chen et al. 2018). On the other hand, application of N
and is considered as a biologically active N pool in soils fertilizers may reduce soil pH (Zhang et al. 2009; Guo
(Deng et al. 2000). Despite its small size (0.5–15.3% of et al. 2010; Tian and Niu 2015), resulting in stimulation
total soil N), MBN is important in the conversion between of leaching of Ca 2+, Mg 2+ and Na + which are required
soil organic and inorganic N pools and hence critical to for microbial growth, and also mobilization of Al3+ which
regulating plant nutrient uptake (Anderson and Domsch is harmful to microorganisms (Treseder 2008; Lu et al.
2006). The size of the MBN pool is affected by changes 2011; Chen et al. 2015; Deng et al. 2017). Crop rotation
in agricultural management practices and could indicate practices have positive effects on microbial diversity and
early changes in soil N stability due to its high sensitivity soil fauna and microbial abundance, which may improve
to changes in the soil environment (Li et al. 2018). A large the resistance of microbes to low soil pH compared with
number of studies have found an increase in MBN under mono-cropping systems (Zhang et al. 2015). On the
synthetic N fertilizer application (Liu et al. 2010; Gong other hand, increasing crop diversity through crop rotation
et al. 2011; Liang et al. 2011; Qiu et al. 2016; Shahid improves SOC and TN, which causes only minor changes
et al. 2017), however, it is still unknown whether MBN is in soil pH due to enhanced soil acid-buffering capacity
influenced by crop rotation management. (Mcdaniel et al. 2014). MBN is affected by soil properties,
Crop rotation and mono-cropping are major cropping but it is unclear whether different soil factors control the
management systems used in agroecosystems. Crop response of MBN to N fertilizer application in crop rotation
rotation is effective in mitigating weed, insect and pathogen and mono-cropping systems.
pressure due to the improved richness of residual roots To date, two meta-analyses have compared the
and litter in cropping soils which may improve crop yields response of soil MBN to synthetic N fertilizer application
(Smith et al. 2008). Moreover, enhanced crop diversity in agroecosystems (Lu et al. 2011; Zhang Q et al. 2017).
in crop rotations may increase MBN (Moore et al. 2000; The study of Zhang Q et al. (2017) focused on Chinese
Mcdaniel et al. 2014; Peralta et al. 2018) by improving farmland while that of Lu et al. (2011) compiled data from
soil microbial community diversity, growth efficiency, only 18 studies including MBN (from 1985 to 2007). Both
and enzyme activity, which leads to stimulated microbial analyses lack data on the MBN response to N fertilizer
resistance to environmental changes (Li et al. 2009; application in crop rotation and mono-cropping systems
Mcdaniel et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2015). In contrast, and information on the mechanisms involved. In the last
mono-cropping practices deplete soil nutrients, reduce 10 years, a number of field studies have focused on the
bacterial abundance and community diversity due to the effect of synthetic N fertilizer application on MBN under
autotoxicity of root exudates, reduce nutrient utilization various cropping systems. We performed a comprehensive
and microbial resistance to environmental changes meta-analysis to integrate 203 relevant published papers
(Lithourgidis et al. 2006; Li et al. 2019). Application of to: 1) characterize how soil MBN differs in crop rotation
synthetic N fertilizers indirectly influences soil microbes and mono-cropping systems and 2) clarify whether there
through affecting soil fertility in agroecosystems. are different driving factors influencing MBN in the two
Consequently, how MBN changes in crop rotation and management systems. Our hypotheses included: (1) crop
mono-cropping systems following N fertilizer application rotation practices lead to higher soil MBN levels than
and whether MBN is influenced by N fertilizer application mono-cropping practices, and (2) improvements in soil N
pattern, duration and rate need to be clarified. resources due to synthetic N fertilizer application would
Soil properties are influenced by cropping management drive changes in MBN in crop rotation systems.
system and altered soil properties may drive changes
in MBN (Marais et al. 2012). Crop rotation practices 2. Materials and methods
enhance soil organic matter input derived from various
crop residues and thus improve soil quality and structural 2.1. Data collection
stability (Mcdaniel et al. 2014; Peralta et al. 2018).
For instance, soil organic carbon (SOC), total N (TN) For the current study, “soil microbial N”, “cropland”
content and pH are higher in crop rotation than in mono- or “farmland”, “crop rotation”, “mono-cropping” or
cropping systems (Lithourgidis et al. 2006; Li et al. 2019). “monoculture” and either “N fertilizer”, “N fertilization”,
Furthermore, application of synthetic N fertilizers in both “N input”, “N addition”, “N application”, or “N enrichment”
crop rotation and mono-cropping systems enhance crop were used as search items for the China National
yield and plant C inputs into the soil, which leads to the Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (
increase in microbial biomass due to alleviation of C and Web of Science (
1490 XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

in January 2018. Overall, 203 papers including 144 sites (NP), and N combined with phosphorus and potassium
were selected (Appendix A). Criteria for including studies (NPK). Mean annual mineral N fertilizer application rate
in the analysis were as follows: (1) studies must have was grouped into <100, 100–300, 300–500, or >500 kg
been farm-based or controlled laboratory experiments; ha–1 yr–1. Synthetic N fertilizer application duration was
(2) the study must have included a paired synthetic N divided into <1, 1–10, 11–20, 21–30, or >30 years. Form
fertilizer group and non-fertilized control group; and (3) of N fertilizer was categorized as urea, NH4+, NO3–, or
all treatments must have been replicated and results NH4++NO3– (Appendix B).
must have been presented with measures of variability
including standard deviations (SDs) or standard error 2.2. Meta-data analysis
(SEs). If the SD was not provided, an estimate was
derived as SD=mean/10 (Luo et al. 2006). (4) If a study MetaWin 2.1 Software (Rosenberg et al. 2000) was used
was conducted over multiple years, the sampling interval to assess the effect of N fertilizer application on MBN.
must have been less than five years. Data protocols The response ratio (RR) was calculated as the ratio of
used for the selected studies were as follows. If the study the natural logarithm of a given variable in the treatment
contained results from different experimental sites, results group to that in the control group (eq. (1)) (Hedges et al.
of different sites were included as independent studies. 1999):
Our data only included one growing season; if a paper RR=ln(X /Xt c)=ln(Xt )–ln(Xc)  (1)
included different plant growth stages, the arithmetic where X t and X c are the mean value of the variable X of
mean of each growth period was included in the database. the treatment group and the control group, respectively.
If treatments in one paper included experimental results The variance of effect size was calculated as:
of conventional tillage and no-tillage, only experimental St2 Sc2
V= + (2)
results of conventional tillage were included. If data in ntXt2 ncXc2 
the paper were represented as graphs or other figures, where n t and n c are the number of samples in the
means and standard deviations were extracted using treatment and control group, respectively, and St and Sc
GetData Graph Digitizer 2.26 Software (http://www. represent the standard deviations of the treatment and control group, respectively. Weight was calculated as:
In the selected studies, MBN was determined using a Wij =1/V  (3)
chloroform fumigation extraction or chloroform fumigation where Wij is the weighting factor for the ith level and the
culture technique. The methods used for determining jth pair and V is a variance.
other soil physical and chemical properties given in The weighted response ratio (RR++) was used to represent
the studies (soil pH, TN, the ratio of SOC to TN (C/N), overall response of the treatment group compared to the
dissoluble organic N (DON), ammonium N, nitrate N, control group and calculated as:
m k
mineral N ((ammonium N + nitrate N)) are presented in ∑ ∑ WijRR
i=1 j=1
the original studies but were not included here. RR++= m k  (4)
The assembled database contained latitudinal and ∑ ∑ Wij
i=1 j=1
longitudinal information, soil properties (soil type, soil pH), where m is the number of compared groups, and k is the
climate information (mean annual temperature (MAT) and number of comparisons in the corresponding groups. The
mean annual precipitation (MAP), cropping system, crop standard error of RR++ (S(RR++)) was calculated as:
type, type of synthetic N fertilizer application (application 1
alone or as a mixture with other fertilizers), application S(RR++)= m k
∑ ∑ Wij
rate, fertilization duration, and form of N fertilizer. Soil i=1 j=1

type and texture were classified according to the US Soil If data were not normally distributed or had less
Classification System (Soil Survey Staff 2006). Mean than 20 data points, the bootstrap method was used to
annual temperature (MAT) was divided into groups calculate the 97.5 percentile of RR++ over 5 000 iterations
consisting of <5, 5–10, 10–20 or >20°C, mean annual (Zhou et al. 2014). If data were normally distributed or
precipitation (MAP) was divided into groups of <500, had greater than 20 data points, the 95% confidence
500–1 000, 1 000–1 500, or >1 500 mm. Crop types and interval (95% CI) of RR++ was used and calculated as:
crop rotation systems were identified from each original 95% CI= RR++ ±1.96×S(RR++) (6)
study and compiled into the database (Table  1). The If the RR ++ confidence interval did not overlap the
type of synthetic N fertilizer application was grouped into abscissa zero point, means were considered significantly
N application alone (N), N combined with phosphorus different for the control and treatment groups (Gurevitch
XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500 1491

Table 1 A list of crop type and cropping system and each group tested for the significance of MBN in the meta-analysis
Variable Group Explanation
Crop type Cereal Maize, wheat, sorghum, oats, barley, rice
Legume Soybeans, peanuts, cowpeas
Tuber Potato, sweet potato
Vegetable Tomato, celery, eggplant, cucumber, spinach
Other crops Tobacco, sugar cane, rape, cotton, alfalfa, strawberry
Cropping system
Rotation system Upland crop rotation system Wheat–maize
Potato–wheat–green manure
Sweet potato–rape
Upland crop-fallow Wheat–fallow
rotation Maize–maize–fallow
Paddy crop-fallow rotation Rice–rice–fallow
Upland-paddy crop Rice–rape
rotation Rice–rice–rape
Mono-cropping system Upland mono-cropping Upland crop
Paddy mono-cropping Paddy crop

and Hedges 1999). RR++ was converted to a percentage perform between-group (QB) and within-group (QW)
(%) using the following equation to assess percent heterogeneity tests (Treseder 2008).
change (%): Random Forest (RF) is a regression model that
Percentage (%)=(eRR++–1)×100 combines multiple decision trees to improve prediction
accuracy (Shahbazi et al. 2017; Zhang H et al. 2017) and
2.3. Data analysis was used to identify factors impacting MBN response
following application of synthetic N fertilizers. The RF
It was necessary to conduct a bias test for collected method independently considers the importance of each
documents to remove articles which exhibited influencing factor, interdependence of influencing factors,
characteristics of publication bias before the analysis and ranks influencing factors according to their importance
(Deng et al. 2015). Results of the publication bias (Strobl et al. 2007; Shahbazi et al. 2017). In the RF
assessment demonstrated that the data were independent model, the importance score is calculated by out-of-bag
and there was no publication bias in regards to MBN (OBB) data to calculate the mean square error (MSE),
(Appendix C). Because a large proportion of the data was and the OBB data are not involved in the tree construction
not normally distributed (Appendix D), a boot-strapping process of random data subsets (Zhang H et al. 2017).
method was selected to meet requirements of normally The final value of the importance score is determined by
distributed data (Jian et al. 2016). The Chi-square test the sum of MSE calculated across all trees. The larger
was used to assess differences in heterogeneity among the value is, the more important the factor is (Shahbazi
groups at P<0.05. The Chi-square test was used to et al. 2017). The RF model was implemented using the
1492 XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

package “Random forest” in R (R Core Team 2018). The 38.72% in crop rotation systems compared to 12.5% in
“Miss Forest” function was used to impute missing values, mono-cropping. In addition, the upland, upland-fallow,
and then to determine the importance of N addition rate and upland-paddy rotations had a positive effect on the
(kg N ha–1 yr–1), N duration (yr), climatic factors and soil response of MBN to N fertilizer application with the effect
physical and chemical properties on the response ratio of being greatest for the upland-fallow rotation (124.16%,
MBN to N fertilization. P<0.01; Fig. 1). Upland mono-cropping had no effect on
A piecewise structural equation model (SEM) (Lefcheck MBN but paddy mono-cropping increased the response
and Duffy 2015) was used to quantify the relationships ratios (RRs) of MBN to N fertilizer application by 28.16%
among MBN, soil properties, and fertilizer managements among all kinds of mono-cropping. The MBN/TN ratio
(N fertilizer addition rate and duration). The piecewise was significantly enhanced by application of N fertilizer
SEM is translated to multiple linear mixed relationships in crop rotation systems with the positive effect being
and evaluated individually to test the direct and indirect greatest in the upland crop-fallow rotation (189.85%)
effects (Lefcheck 2016). Shipley’s d-separation test of (Appendix F).
generalized causal path analysis depended on a set of Differences in MBN between crop rotation and mono-
regressions to find whether any paths are missing from the cropping systems varied with different synthetic N fertilizer
model (Shipley 2009). It used akaike information criterion management. MBN was greater in crop rotation systems
(AIC) to compare nested models with small sample size than in mono-cropping, when N fertilizers were applied
(Shipley 2013), with the traditional variance covariance- alone, synthetic N fertilizer addition rate was less than
based SEM ( 300 kg ha–1 yr–1, or when the duration of application was
structural-equation-modeling-in-ecological-research/). We less than one year (Fig. 2).
constructed the piecewise SEM based on the schematic
diagram in the Appendix E, which was implemented in the 3.2. Effects of crop rotation and mono-cropping
R package ‘piecewiseSEM’ ( systems on soil chemical properties
piecewiseSEM) and reported the standardized coefficient
for each path from each component model. Soil mineral N increased by 61.67 and 63.17% in
response to N fertilizer application in crop rotation and
3. Results mono-cropping systems, respectively (Fig.  3). The
positive effect on the response of TN to N fertilizer
3.1. Variation in MBN between crop rotation and application in crop rotation systems (21.74%) was higher
mono-cropping systems than that in mono-cropping systems (7.56%). Soil C/N
was found to be significantly enhanced (14.16%) in
Synthetic N fertilizer application increased soil MBN by response to N fertilization in crop rotation systems, but not

Crop rotation Mono-cropping

QB=29, QW=778, P<0.01

Crop rotation a 339
Mono-cropping b 91

QB=128, QW=804, P<0.01

Upland rotation b 201

Upland mono-cropping c 54

Upland-paddy rotation b 104

Paddy mono-cropping b 41
Upland-fallow rotation 30

Paddy-fallow rotation bc 14

–40 0 40 80 120 160 200

Percentage change (%)

Fig. 1 Effects of crop rotation and mono-cropping on soil MBN under synthetic N fertilizer application. Error bars show SD. The
sample size (n) is displayed beside each bar. Cropping systems with different lowercase letters are significantly different at P<0.05.
XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500 1493

Crop rotation Mono-cropping

N N Duration a 28
addition a 10 addition a 122 >30
a 14
NPK type 300–500 rate
a 39 a 9 a 80
b 21
a 45 a 168 a 86
NP 100–300 11–20
a 42
a 13 b 76
a 121
a 142 a 19 a 8
N <100 a 29
b 41 b 9 <1
b 10

-40 0 40 80 120 -40 0 40 80 120 -40 0 40 80 120

Percentage change (%)

Fig. 2 Crop rotation and mono-cropping effects on soil microbial biomass nitrogen under different synthetic N fertilizer type (NPK, NP
or N alone), rate (kg ha–1 yr–1) and duration (number of years of application). Error bars show SD. The sample size (n) is displayed
beside each bar. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different N fertilizer managements at P<0.05.

changed in mono-cropping systems. N fertilizer increased impact on MBN response (Fig. 5-A). However, for mono-
soil DON, nitrate N and ammonium N by 27.05, 92.13 cropping systems, the most important controlling factors
and 79.36%, respectively, in crop rotation systems and by for changes in MBN response to N fertilizer application
33.16, 50.43 and 45.50%, respectively, in mono-cropping were RRs of soil pH and TN (Fig.  5-C). Consequently,
systems. In addition, crop rotation systems (–2.87%) the results of RF models were accordant with the results
had a smaller reduction in N-induced changes in soil pH of regression analyses in both crop rotation and mono-
compared to mono-cropping systems (–3.58%; Fig. 3). cropping systems (Fig. 4).
We also fitted a piecewise SEM in crop rotation and
3.3. Relationships between the response ratios mono-cropping systems, respectively, to infer the direct
of MBN and soil factors in crop rotation and mo- and indirect effects of application of synthetic N fertilizer
no-cropping systems (addition rate and duration) on MBN response via soil
properties. The models had Fisher’s C statistic P>0.05
The RR of MBN had a significant positive correlation with and AIC=83.06 in crop rotation systems (Fig.  6-A) and
the RRs of TN and mineral N but had no relationship with Fisher’s C statistic P>0.05 and AIC=78.92 in mono-
soil pH in crop rotation systems (Fig.  4-A–C). However, cropping systems (Fig. 6-B). The SEM demonstrated that
there was a significant positive correlation between the duration of synthetic N fertilizer application directly (–0.15,
RRs of MBN and soil pH in mono-cropping systems standardized coefficient) and indirectly through TN (0.46,
(Fig.  4-C). To clarify which factors drove the changes standardized coefficient), mineral N (0.44, standardized
in MBN in crop rotation and mono-cropping systems, coefficient) and nitrate N (–0.23, standardized coefficient)
RF  model analysis was  performed. The independent affected MBN in crop rotation systems, while the influence
variables used in our RF model explained 58 and 57% of of addition rate of synthetic N fertilizer on MBN was
the total variances in the responses of MBN to synthetic mediated through ammonium N (–0.36, standardized
N fertilizer application across crop rotation and mono- coefficient) in mono-cropping systems. Soil TN, mineral
cropping systems, respectively (Fig.  5-B and D). For N, nitrate N and DON directly influenced MBN response
crop rotation systems, RRs of soil mineral N, TN and to N fertilizer application in crop rotation systems, and
nitrate N were the most important factors affecting the the response of soil TN and mineral N to synthetic N
variation in MBN response to N fertilizer application fertilizer addition played a more important role (0.46 and
(Fig. 5-A). RRs of DON, ammonium N, pH and duration 0.44, standardized coefficient) in affecting MBN than
of N application had a small influence on MBN response did nitrate N and DON (Fig. 6-A). However, soil pH, TN
to N fertilization application. Furthermore, the RR of C/N and ammonium N directly affected MBN response in
and rates of synthetic N fertilizer addition had a minimal mono-cropping systems, with soil pH (0.59, standardized
1494 XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

Crop rotation Mono-cropping lead to a higher MBN than mono-cropping (Moore et al.
2000; Mcdaniel et al. 2014), however these studies
ignored the effects of crop rotation type and N fertilizer
a 121
Mineral N application. The current meta-analysis demonstrated
a 20 that upland rotations significantly stimulated the RR of
MBN to N application, but upland mono-cropping did
not change the RR of MBN (Fig. 1). This phenomenon
a 184
may be due to increased residual root and litter diversity
b 55 in upland crop rotations, which stimulates soil microbial
community diversity and growth efficiency, thus ensuring
soil stability and resistance to soil environmental changes
a 123
(Moore et al. 2000; Mcdaniel et al. 2014; Peralta et al.
C/N a 47 2018). However, upland mono-cropping systems lead to
unbalanced nutrient consumption, reduced pH and SOC,
which decreases soil microbial abundance and activities
a 38 (Lithourgidis et al. 2006; Li et al. 2019). Therefore, the
DON a 21 RR of MBN in upland mono-cropping systems may have
been unable to increase largely due to relatively poor
microbial community structure. However, MBN in paddy
a 75 mono-cropping systems was increased by N fertilizer
Nitrate N application (Fig. 1). Paddy soil has a higher SOC content
a 18
than upland soil due to different Fe oxide formations
(Liu et al. 2016). Crystalline Fe oxides in paddy mono-
a 55 cropping systems are poor, which decreases rates of soil
Ammonium N a 18 organic matter decomposition under anaerobic conditions
and increases the potential of accumulating SOC due
to the large mineral surface area (Kögel-Knabner et al.
a 88 2010). SOC drives the increasing MBN content in paddy
pH mono-cropping soils because of the relatively higher
b 39
bacterial and fungal biomass than in upland mono-
–40 0 40 80 120 160 cropping soils (Liu et al. 2016). Our results showed that
Percentage change (%) upland-fallow rotation resulted in the highest increase in
the RR of MBN (Fig. 1). Secondary succession would
Fig. 3 Mean and 95% CI of weighted response ratio (RR++) happen during the fallow period and this would improve
of soil properties in crop rotation and mono-cropping systems
the diversity of plant communities, depending on seed
under synthetic N fertilizer application. Error bars show SD.
The sample size (n) of each variable is displayed beside each availability (Castro et al. 2016). Both crop diversity and
bar. Different lower-case letters indicate significant differences community composition were found to affect soil-borne
between cropping systems at the P<0.05 level.
microbial communities and improve bacteria diversity
(Zhong et al. 2007; Ceja-Navarro et al. 2010), which is of
coefficient) being more predominant than other soil benefit to MBN. Upland-fallow rotations could improve the
properties (Fig. 6-B). soil temperature, humidity and soil organic matter content,
which increases the diversity, biomass and activity of fungi
4. Discussion and bacteria and inhibits harmful microorganisms induced
by continuous mono-cropping (Li et al. 2009; Castro et al.
4.1. Effect of crop rotation and mono-cropping 2016). Consequently, upland-fallow rotations lead to the
systems on the response of soil MBN to N fertilizer highest increase in the RR of MBN to N fertilization due to
application the improvement of diversity and biomass of microbes.
Diverse N fertilizer application practices led to different
Crop rotation and mono-cropping systems might have effects on MBN in crop rotation and mono-cropping
different effects on changes in the RR of MBN to N systems (Fig. 2). Previous meta-analysis found a small
fertilizer application due to differences in crop diversity. decrease in MBN in agricultural ecosystems (Lu et al.
Previous studies have found that crop rotation systems 2011), and N fertilizer application alone inhibited MBN,
XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500 1495

Crop rotation Mono-cropping

y=0.46x+0.38 y=0.38x+0.35
R2=0.03, P<0.05 R2=0.11, P<0.01
3 y=–0.14x–0.02
R2=0.14, P<0.01 R2=0.01, P=0.62


–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 RR mineral N
C 3 D
R2=0.003, P=0.67
R2=0.0014, P=0.75
2 y=0.04x–0.18
R2=0.003, P=0.83
R2=0.65, P<0.01


–0.5 –0.3 –0.1 0.1 –1 0 1 2
RR pH RR nitrate N

Fig. 4 Relationships between the response ratio of soil MBN (RR MBN) and soil TN (RR TN) (A), soil Mineral N (RR mineral N)
(B), soil pH (RR pH) (C) or nitrate N (RR nitrate N) (D), in different crop rotation and mono-cropping systems.

but NPK fertilizer application increased MBN in Chinese increased MBN in crop rotation systems. In addition, crop
farmland (Zhang Q et al. 2017). Relatively limited rotation systems had a positive effect on the RR of MBN to
data were available for these studies and both studies N application, but mono-cropping systems did not change
ignored the effects of cropping management types. In the RR of MBN when N fertilizer application rate was
the present study, MBN was significantly increased in less than 100 kg ha–1 yr–1 and duration was less than one
crop rotation but weakly inhibited in mono-cropping year (Fig. 2). These results imply that microorganisms in
systems when N fertilizer was applied alone (Fig. 2), while mono-cropping systems are insensitive to low N addition
MBN was boosted in both systems when NPK fertilizer rates and short-term inorganic N applications due to the
was applied. Microbial biomass has well-constrained decrease in bacterial and fungal biomass (Jia et al. 2020).
C:N:P ratios (Cleveland and Liptzin 2007) and microbial A small increase in MBN may induce a significant
metabolic activity is mainly limited by P (Cleveland et al. change in soil N cycling and its associated soil functions.
2002; Allison et al. 2008; Deng et al. 2017). Compared Crop rotation practices enhanced the ratio of MBN to
to mono-cropping, crop rotation systems have been TN (MBN/TN), while mono-cropping systems had no
found to return abundant and diverse crop residues significant effect on MBN/TN (Appendix E). The MBN/
to soil, which supplied organic P to soil microbes and TN ratio could represent the transformation efficiency
stimulated the biomass of Gram positive bacteria (GP) of exogenous N input into microbial N (Joergensen and
and fungi that favored decomposing recalcitrant nutrient Emmerling 2006) and MBN has been considered as an
fractions (Zechmeister-Boltenstern et al. 2015). Thus, in indicator of the soil N pool (Deng et al. 2000). Therefore,
the present study, when N fertilizer was applied alone, it following synthetic N fertilizer application, crop rotation
1496 XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

RR mineral N
RR TN 1.5 MSE=0.09
RR nitrate N

Predicted RR MBN
RR ammonium N 0.5
RR pH 0
RR C/N –0.5

Addition rate –1.0

–1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Measured RR MBN
MSE increase (%)
C D 2.0
RR TN 1.5 MSE=0.05

Predicted RR MBN
Addition rate R2=0.57
RR mineral N
RR C/N 0.5
RR ammonium N
Duration –0.5
RR nitrate N
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
MSE increase (%) Measured RR MBN

Fig. 5 Variable importance derived from the Random Forest model for response ratio of soil MBN (RR MBN) to N fertilization in
crop rotation (A) and mono-cropping (C) systems, and the performance of Random Forest models for detecting factors controlling
the RR of MBN to N fertilization in crop rotation (B) and mono-cropping (D) systems. The dashed line shows the 1:1 line.

systems, especially the upland-fallow rotation, have a 2017; Zhou et al. 2017). Bacteria are the dominant
greater potential for improving both soil bio-fertility and N microorganisms in agroecosystems and have a higher
sequestration than mono-cropping systems. demand for N than fungi. Bacterial dominance may be
increased by the improvement of soil N availability and
4.2. Driving factors affecting the response of MBN inhibited by the decreased soil pH induced by N fertilizer
to N in crop rotation and mono-cropping systems application (Guo et al. 2010; Zechmeister-Boltenstern
et al. 2015). However, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteridae,
As an active biological N index, MBN is affected by soil Bacteroidetes, Planctomyces and Chloroflexus can resist
inorganic N content and by changing soil C availability, low pH environmental pressure through evolution and
C:N ratio, and soil pH (Treseder 2008; Guo et al. 2010). diffusion mechanisms (Zhang et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2016).
We found crop rotation and mono-cropping systems could Moreover, GP bacteria and fungi have adaptability to low
induce different responses of soil properties to synthetic N soil pH due to their thick and interlinked peptidoglycan
fertilizer application, and divergent relationships between cell wall (Nielsen and Ball 2015). Crop rotation leads
soil properties and MBN (Figs. 3 and 4). Results from to a higher bacterial and fungal community abundance
the RF model and SEM suggested that the crucial factors and diversity (i.e., Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and
influencing the changes in MBN in crop rotation systems Firmicutes) than mono-cropping, which promotes the
were soil TN and mineral N, while in mono-cropping utilization of C and N sources and improves resistance
systems soil pH was important (Figs. 5 and 6). A possible to decreased pH induced by application of N fertilizers
explanation for these different results is that microbes in (Liu et al. 2020). Therefore, the increase in N resources
agroecosystems are often limited by N and application induced by application of N fertilizers controls the MBN
of N fertilizers can alter microbial biomass, diversity and changes in crop rotation rather than soil pH.
activities by improving N availability, SOC accumulation We also found the negative effect of N fertilizer
from crop residues and reducing soil pH (Zhang J et al. application on soil pH in crop rotation systems was
XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500 1497

A Fisher′s C=13.06; P=0.53; AIC=83.06

Duration RR pH

–0.48 **
RR DON –0.2 RR ammonium N


3 ** 0.32**

.27 **



RR mineral N RR nitrate N RR TN

0.29 **


–0.15* RR MBN 0.46**


B Fisher′s C=8.92; P=0.84; AIC=78.92

Addition rate RR pH

0.11 **

RR DON 0.27** RR mineral N

7 **
5 **




RR ammonium N RR C/N RR TN

3 **



RR MBN 0.59**

Fig. 6 Structural equation models of synthetic N fertilizer, climate and soil chemical properties as predictors of soil MBN in crop
rotation (A) and mono-cropping (B) systems. Solid black arrows represent positive paths (P<0.05), dotted black arrows represent
negative paths (P<0.05) and dotted grey arrows represent non-significant paths (P>0.05). Numbers adjacent to arrows are
standardized path coefficients, analogous to relative regression weights, and indicative of effect size of the relationship. Overall
fit of piecewise SEM was evaluated using Shipley’s test of d-separation: Fisher’s C statistic (if P>0.05, then no paths are missing
and the model is a good fit) and Akaike information criterion (AIC). R2 values associated with endogenous variables indicate the
proportion of explained variance (adjusted R2) by relationships with other variables. *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; Duration, synthetic N
fertilizer application duration; Addition rate, synthetic N fertilizer addition rate; Mean response ratios (RR) are presented for mineral
N, total N (TN), nitrate N, ammonium N, soil pH, dissolved organic N (DON), soil organic carbon to N ratio (C/N) and microbial
biomass N (MBN).

less than in mono-cropping systems (Fig.  3). Together systems provided higher carbon inputs and diversity
with our regression analyses (Fig.  4-C), these results of plant residues to soils, which could contain higher
showed that, compared to mono-cropping, crop rotation levels of soil organic matter and better soil structural
1498 XING Ting-ting et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2022, 21(5): 1488–1500

stability to improve the “buffering” capabilities provided be considered as a means to compensate for some of
by soil microbes (Marais et al. 2012). The lack of crop the negative effects of intensive fertilizer application
diversity in mono-cropping systems leads to unbalanced by enhancing soil microbial biomass and associated
nutrient consumption and as a consequence crop roots nutrient conversion functions.
may release H + ions because of excess uptake of
cations over anions (Tang and Rengel 2003). Secondly, Acknowledgements
removal of alkaline products such as grain also leads to
reduced soil pH (Rengel 2011). Lower soil pH in mono- Financial supports were received from the Agro-scientific
cropping systems was not conducive to survival of most Research in the Public Interest of China (201503122).
microorganisms when compared with crop rotation We thank all the researchers whose data were used in
systems (Guo et al. 2010; Li et al. 2019), but increased this meta-analysis. We appreciate Prof. Li Jianwei of
abundance of specific acid-tolerant microorganisms Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
(Shen et al. 2018). Furthermore, autotoxicity of root Tennessee State University, USA and Prof. Li Guihua of
exudates caused by mono-cropping systems induces Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese
proliferation of pathogens and also reduction of Academy of Agricultural Sciences for their help in this
microbial activity associated with soil nitrogen cycling manuscript.
(Lithourgidis et al. 2006). Consequently, mono-
cropping systems drive changes in MBN through soil
Declaration of competing interest
pH due to relatively poor microbial diversity. The roles
of the key bacterial and fungal communities in mono- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
cropping systems still remain unknown and further
study is needed to clarify the contributions of microbial Appendices associated with this paper are available on
functional groups in the response of MBN to N fertilizer

5. Conclusion
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Executive Editor-in-Chief ZHANG Wei-li

Managing Editor SUN Lu-juan

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