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Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine

Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Bohovych O. M., Fedoruk O.V., Moskalyk N.V.,

Sheremeta O.O., Shkoruta I.I., Shpilchak L.Y.

Богович О. М., Федорук О. В., Москалик Н. В., Шеремета О. О.,
Шкорута І. І., Шпільчак Л. Я. Навчально-методичний посібник з англійської
мови для молодших спеціалістів медичних ВНЗ І-ІІІ рівнів акредитації. – Івано-
Франківськ: ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»,
2015. – 355с.

Посібник створено згідно з вимогами навчальної програми з іноземної

мови для вивчення фахової англійської мови для студентів вищих медичних
закладів освіти України І-ІІІ рівнів акредитації, які навчаються за спеціальністю
«Сестринська справа» та «Лікувальна справа».
Основним завданням посібника є формування у студентів вміння
використовувати англійську мову як засіб професійного спілкування та
самоосвіти. Посібник передбачає розвиток у студентів навичок і умінь читання,
аудіювання та говоріння англійською мовою на матеріалі лексики і
граматичних структур, типових для медичної літератури. У посібнику вміщено
ситуації, в яких опиняються медсестри в процесі практичної діяльності:
спілкування з пацієнтами і медичним персоналом, обстеження хворих і догляд
за ними, ознайомлення з медичним інструментарієм та обладнанням тощо.

кандидат філологічних наук,
доцент кафедри англійської мови та літератури
Прикарпатського національного університету ім.В.Стефаника
Дерев’янко О. А.
кандидат медичних наук,
доцент кафедри внутрішньої медицини №2 та
Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету
Боцюрко Ю. В.

Рекомендовано Центральною методичною комісією

Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету
Протокол №8 від 4 червня 2015 року

Lesson 1
I Study in Ivano-Frankivsk

Text: I Study in Ivano-Frankivsk

Grammar: The Pronoun (Personal, Possessive, Reflexive)
Active Vocabulary

to lie лежати, розташовуватись

significance значення, важливість
establishment заклад, установа
leading провідний, головний
former колишній
to found засновувати, створювати
to regulate регулювати, регламентувати
to approve затверджувати, схвалювати
to depend on залежати від
university chair кафедра
department факультет
to provide забезпечувати
due to завдяки, через
facilities обладнання, засоби
teaching staff викладацький склад
provision забезпечення
to gain здобувати, одержувати
Internet access підключення до Інтернету
equipment обладнання, устаткування
to be at one’s бути у чиємусь
disposal розпорядженні
to possess володіти
hostel гуртожиток
lodging житло

Read the text and answer the following questions
I Study in Ivano-Frankivsk
Ivano-Frankivsk lies in the South
West of Ukraine at the distance of 150-
300 km from the borders of Poland,
Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. It is
the city of regional significance,
administrative, economic and cultural
centre of Precarpathian region. Ivano-
Frankivsk is a relatively small city with
a population of roughly 245,000 people.
The size of the city only adds to its
Ivano-Frankivsk is famous as an educational centre. Seven higher
educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels are recorded in the
city and more than 40 thousand students study there. The major ones are:
National Medical University, National Technical University of Oil and
Gas, Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk.
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (IFNMU) is a modern
institution of higher education with rich traditions. It is also one of the
oldest and leading medical higher institutions of Ukraine.
The university history started in 1945 as Stanislav State Medical
Institute. At that time, there were 395 students and 47 teachers, including
several doctors and candidates of medical science. Before 1978 the
institute had had only a medical faculty, and then a stomatological faculty
was founded. In 1992 it became the Academy and in 2008 it was honoured
the title of National University.
All the educational programs of the University are regulated and
approved by the Ministry of Education & Science and the Ministry of
Health Care of Ukraine. There are the following specialties at the
university: General Medicine, Dentistry, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, and
Nursing. The course of study lasts 3-6 years depending upon the specialty.
More than 50 university chairs and departments provide the
educational process. Due to good facilities, high qualification level of the
teaching staff, scientific and methodical provision Ivano-Frankivsk
National Medical University has one of the leading positions in the
Modern lecture halls and labs, libraries, computer classes with Internet

access, gyms with the training equipment, rest camps at the Black Sea and

in the Carpathian mountains are at the students’ disposal. Ivano-Frankivsk
National Medical University possesses a system of hostel accommodation.
It owns four hostel buildings providing lodging for over 2000 students.
1. Where is Ivano-Frankivsk situated?
2. The city is an administrative, economic and cultural centre of
Precarpathian region, isn’t it?
3. What are the major higher educational institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk?
4. When was Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University founded?
5. What was the first name of the university?
6. What specialties are there at the university now?
7. How many chairs and departments provide the educational process?
8. How many hostels does the university possess?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following from the text.
At the distance; educational institution; to honour the title; candidate of
medical science; course of study; university chair; teaching staff; scientific
provision; to gain the leading position; Internet access; training equipment;
at the students’ disposal; hostel accommodation; to provide lodging for
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Ivano-Frankivsk is situated in the South East of Ukraine.
2. Seven higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels are
recorded in the city.
3. National Technical University of Oil and Gas is one of the oldest and
leading medical higher institutions of Ukraine.
4. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University was founded in 1954.
5. The course of study lasts 5 years for all specialties.
6. There are no foreign students at the university.
7. Students of the university are given all possibilities to work and rest.
8. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University possesses two hostel
buildings providing lodging for over 2000 students.
III. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. Ivano-Frankivsk is the city of …, administrative, economic and cultural
centre of … .
2. The major higher educational institutions are: … .
3. IFNMU is one of the oldest and leading … .
4. There are the following specialties at the university: … .
5. More than 50 university chairs and departments provide … .
6. … has one of the leading positions in the country.
IV. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. Seven higher educational establishments of III-IV accreditation levels
are recorded in Ivano-Frankivsk.
2. The training time at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University lasts
3-6 years depending upon the specialty.
3. The university provides 185 medical specializations.
4. Due to high qualification level of the teaching personnel IFMU has one
of the leading positions in the country.
5. Modern laboratories, computer classes with Internet connection, sport
hall with the training equipment stand for the students’ convenience.
6. The university owns a system of hostel accommodation.
V. Read and dramatize the dialogue.
Oleg: I’m Oleg and what’s your name?
Igor: My name is Igor. Glad to meet you. Are you a student?
Oleg: Yes, I am. I’m a first-year student of Ivano-Frankivsk National
Medical University. What about you?
Igor: I’m a pupil now, but my dream is to enter this university. Did you
enter the university straight from the school?
Oleg: No, I didn’t. First I worked at a hospital as a nurse for a year.
Igor: I see. How many faculties are there at the university?
Oleg: There are many faculties at the university: the medical faculty, the
stomatological faculty, the faculty of pharmacy, the faculty of foreign
students training, the post diploma faculty. The medical faculty is the
biggest one.
Igor: How long does the course of study last there?
Oleg: It depends on the specialty. The course of study at the medical
faculty, for example, takes 6 years and it takes 5 years at the
stomatological faculty.
Igor: What faculty do you study at?
Oleg: I study at the medical one.
Igor: How many examinations will you take this term?
Oleg: This winter term we won’t take examinations, we’ll have tests.
Igor: Good luck to you.
Oleg: Thank you. Good luck to you, too.

Grammar Exercises

Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

Nominative Objective Conjoint Absolute are formed by adding
Case Case Form Form -self (sing), -selves (pl)
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its - itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves
Note: She lives all by herself The expression (all) by + a
in that big house. reflexive pronoun usually means
I. Replace the nouns in bold type by the personal pronouns in the
Nominative or Objective Case.
1. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University is a modern institution
of higher education with rich traditions.
2. My friends are working in the library.
3. I saw my groupmates in the gym.
4. We listened to the teacher of Anatomy with great interest.
5. The lecturer is telling us the history of our university.
6. Many students carry on scientific investigations.
7. The scientific article has already been written by this student.
8. What are you doing? — I’m calling my groupmate Iryna.
II. Put the Personal Pronouns in brackets in the proper form.
1. Let (she) … fill in the patient’s card.
2. Let (I) … listen to your heart and lungs.
3. Let (we) … have dinner at our University canteen after classes.
4. Let (I) … take your temperature.
5. Do you know (we) … district doctor? — Yes, I know (she) …. I got
acquainted with (she) … when I was on duty at the out-patient
6. Do you know that man? — Yes, I know (he) …. He is an experienced
therapeutist working in (he) … field for many years.

III. Complete the sentences by adding reflexive pronouns.
1. She will write the report on Chemistry … .
2. You should go to the library … .
3. Do you like to work with other people or do you prefer working by… .
4. She can call … the cleverest student in the group.
5. There is a nice hostel not far from the university. I’ve seen it … .
6. Although the article was difficult we translated it … .
7. I can give you a piece of advice, but you should solve the problems … .
8. Tom and Ann blamed … for bad marks in Latin.
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Цей молодий викладач – мій брат.
2. Її дочка вивчає латинську мову сама.
3. Педіатрія –його спеціальність, а стоматологія – моя.
4. Він знає цих студентів, вони всі з США.
5. Дивно, але вона не любить нічого про себе розповідати.
6. Я піду до бібліотеки сам.
7. Якщо ти даш мені свій посібник з хімії сьогодні, я зможу
повернути його тобі завтра.
8. Цей студент не робив дослідження сам, викладач допоміг йому.

Lesson 2
I’m a Medical Student
Text: I am a Medical Student
Grammar: The Pronoun (Indefinite. Negative)
Active Vocabulary

honourable почесний
field галузь, сфера
to specialize спеціалізуватися
doctor’s assistant фельдшер
noble благородний,
examination шляхетний
procedure випробовування, огляд
treatment процедура
to prescribe лікування
to interpret призначати
anatomy theatre розтлумачувати
academic year анатомічна зала
curriculum навчальний рік
pre-clinical навчальний план
subjects теоретичні предмети
case history до навчання в клініці
scientific історія хвороби
society науковий
guideline гурток, товариство
trade директива, вказівка
to require ремесло, заняття
вимагати, потребувати

Read the text and answer the following questions

I am a Medical Student
It is very important for everybody to make
the right choice of a profession. And it is no
wonder because there are a lot of honourable
professions. I have known for a long time that
leaving school is the beginning of my
independent life, the beginning of a far more

serious examination of my abilities and
character. As the years passed I

changed my plans a lot of times about which university to enter or what
field of industry to specialize in.
My parents and school teachers helped me to choose my profession.
I’m going to become a doctor’s assistant. I consider this profession to be
very noble and interesting. Doctor’s assistants typically obtain medical
histories, perform examinations and procedures, diagnose diseases,
prescribe medication, order and interpret diagnostic tests and refer patients
to specialists as required.
Now I am a student of the Medical College of Ivano-Frankivsk
National Medical University, one of the most famous higher medical
schools in our country. I like my student life. You have to live it if you
really want to feel what it is like. You go to classes, spend time with your
groupmates, go to hospitals where you meet patients and try to learn how
to communicate with them. After classes you have to do hometasks, to go
to the library, to visit anatomy theatre. The day finishes late. You go to
sleep and next morning everything starts from the beginning.
The academic year begins on September, 1 and is divided into two terms.
At the end of each term the students have to pass examinations and credit
tests. The curriculum includes theoretical and clinical subjects. For the first
two years we study pre-clinical subjects such as: Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, Social Sciences, Latin and so on. We also study Human
Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, and Microbiology. The students have
practical courses at therapeutic, surgical and other departments in hospitals
and clinics. We are taught to take and record the patient’s case history, to
perform medical examination of the patient, to make diagnosis, to prescribe
treatment and carry on different medical procedures. There are all facilities
for talented students to carry on research work. They attend scientific
societies at different departments where they are offered modern guidelines
for research activity.
Medical students must realize all the difficulties of their future
profession. Treating patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade. I think
the profession of a doctor’s assistant requires a real calling for it.
1. Why is it important to make the right choice of a profession?
2. Who helped you to choose your occupation?
3. Why have you decided to become a doctor’s assistant?
4. What are the duties of a doctor’s assistant?
5. Why have you entered Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University?
6. Are there any facilities to carry on research work for medical students?
7. Do you understand the difficulties of your profession?
8. The profession of a doctor’s assistant requires a real calling for it, doesn’t it?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Правильний вибір професії; почесна професія; початок незалежного
життя; випробування здібностей і характеру; фельдшер; історія
хвороби; здійснювати огляд; діагностувати захворювання;
призначати ліки; вищий медичний заклад; анатомічна зала;
навчальний рік; проводити науково-дослідницьку роботу; науковий
гурток; справжнє покликання.
II. Match the term with its definition.
1. … - the science that is concerned with studying the structure of
substances and the way that they change or combine with each other.
2. … - an ancient language, it is considered a dead language; it is still
taught in some institutions around the world.
3. … - the scientific study of the structure of a human body or a part of a
4. … - the science that studies the way in which the bodies of living things
5. … - the science concerned with the study of natural objects and
substances, and of natural forces such as light, heat, and movement.
6. … - a natural science concerned with the study of life and living
organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution and
(Human Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Latin, Physiology)
IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
The Profession of a Surgeon
My grandfather is a doctor and he works as a … in hospital. I have been
several times at the … and spent some time watching him working.
His main task is to … on people. After each … he takes care of the …
until they recover. He … people and gives them professional advice. After
operation people should follow his … . My grandfather says, if your … is
good, you are always in … mood. It is very important for everybody.
He is always kind and … to his patients. People feel that and trust him.
That is why it is easier to treat them. I know that he wants to see all his
patients … . I noticed that he is … when his patients recover.
(Hospital, surgeon, happy, healthy, operate, operation, attentive, good,
patients, health, examines, instructions)

Grammar Exercises
 Indefinite Pronouns
Some and its compounds are used:
in affirmative sentences;  There are some doctors in the
in special questions;  Where have you left some of your
in interrogative sentences  Will you have some more tea?
expressing an offer or request;
Any and its compounds are used:
in interrogative and negative  Are there any doctors in the
sentences; ward? I don’t see any.
 in affirmative sentences in the  You may choose any profession.
meaning no matter of which.
That ice-cream was good. Can I
have another?
anybody/anyone Can anyone answer this question?
The doctor needs to know if I have
anything eaten anything in the last two
everybody/everyone We can start the lecture because
everybody has arrived.
somebody/someone Somebody knocked on the door.
I’ve brought you something. It’s a
new atlas on Anatomy.
 Negative Pronouns
no No student is allowed to talk.
nobody/no one I phoned many times but nobody answered.
If you don't know the answer it’s best to
I keep telling Jack and Jill but neither
believes me.
none I invited five friends but none have come.

I. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
1. There are some interesting medical articles here.
2. Someone is knocking at the door.
3. There is some medicine in the bottle.
4. They have brought her some interesting books to read.
5. There are some dictionaries on the shelf.
6. Some students were late to class.
7. There were some new words in that text.
8. She can know something about it.
II. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns some, any, no.
1. There wasn’t … medicine in the bottle.
2. Are there … patients in the waiting-room? - No, there aren’t … .
3. Take … water. The medicine is bitter.
4. We haven’t got … textbooks.
5. There are … specialties at our university.
6. You can choose … faculty, except Dentistry.
7. Are there … students in the lecture hall? – I don’t see … .
8. May I have … more time?
9. Choose … time you like for your appointment.
10.There are … students in the laboratory. It is empty.
11.… student is allowed to talk, the lecturer is speaking.
12.Are there … certificates of health on the nurse’s table?
III. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Хтось вступив на фармацевтичний факультет цього року?
2. У мене є кілька посібників з біології, хімії та фізики.
3. Можна мені ще чаю?
4. Чому деякі студенти пішли? У нас дослідницька робота в лабораторії.
5. Жоден словник не міг допомогти йому перекласти статтю.
6. Деякі студенти першого курсу вже склали іспити.
7. Будь-хто може зрозуміти це.
8. Нікого не було в класі, коли я повернувся.
9. Хтось приходив сюди, коли мене не було? — Ніхто не приходив,
але хтось телефонував.
10. Ви можете дістати цю книжку в будь-якій бібліотеці.

Lesson 1
At the Polyclinic
Text: At the Polyclinic
Grammar: Plural of Nouns
Active Vocabulary

healthcare facility медичний заклад

to obtain отримувати
general medical лікар загальної
practitioner практики
gynaecology гінекологія
ophthalmology офтальмологія
neurology неврологія
pulmonology пульмонологія
endocrinology ендокринологія
sore throat хворе горло
abdomen черевна порожнина
registry реєстратура
registering clerk реєстратор
complaint скарга
blood pressure тиск крові
to make a diagnosis ставити діагноз
to administer призначати лікування
ailment хвороба, нездужання
malady хвороба, недуга
certificate of health медична довідка
Admission приймальна комісія
eyesight зір
blood (urine) test аналіз крові (сечі)
X-ray рентген

Read the text and answer the following questions
At the Polyclinic
A polyclinic is a common type
of healthcare facility in many
countries. A typical polyclinic is an
outpatient clinic that is without the
need for an overnight stay, where a
number of healthcare services
(including diagnostics) can be
obtained. It houses general medical
practitioners (GPs) and departments
of some medical specialties i.e.
gynaecology, dermatology,
ophthalmology, neurology, pulmonology, cardiology, endocrinology etc.
The services range from the management of acute and chronic medical
conditions, health education, childhood immunization, health screening
and vaccinations, X-ray and laboratory services to minor surgical
procedures. A polyclinic is sometimes co-located with a hospital. Each
polyclinic has its own laboratory, X-ray room, physiotherapy, surgical
and dental department, as well as numerous consulting rooms. There
are polyclinics for the adult population and polyclinics for
If you have a headache, toothache, backache, stomachache or
earache, if you have a sore throat, eye or finger, if you feel pain in your
abdomen, if it hurts you to move, you need help. First of all you should
call to the polyclinic to have an appointment with your district doctor for
a certain hour.
When you come to the polyclinic you go to the registry first. A
registering clerk on duty will ask your name, address and will find your
patient’s card. Then the clerk will direct you to the consulting room
where your district doctor sees his patients. The doctor will listen to
your complaints and examine you thoroughly: feel your pulse, listen to
your heart and lungs, take your temperature and blood pressure and send
you to the laboratory for some tests. On the basis of the findings he will
make a diagnosis and administer you some treatment. The only thing
you will have to do is to follow the directions. Otherwise a slight
ailment can develop into an incurable malady.

Before entering any college or university everyone also has to go to
the district polyclinic to get the certificate of health to hand it in to the
Admission Committee. You have to be examined by different medical
specialists including a therapeutist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an eye
specialist and other doctors. They have to check your kidneys, liver,
stomach, eyesight, and hearing as well. You have to go to the laboratory
for blood and urine tests and to the X-ray room for the chest
examination. When the examination is over a district doctor fills in your
patient’s card and writes out your certificate of health.

1. What is a polyclinic?
2. When do people usually go to the polyclinic?
3. Where do you go first when you come to the polyclinic?
4. What does the medical examination usually include?
5. What helps the doctor to make a correct diagnosis?
6. Why is it important to follow the prescribed treatment?
7. Did you have to go to the polyclinic before entering our college? Why?
8. Were you X-rayed?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following.
Healthcare facility; childhood immunization; minor surgical procedures; to
have a headache, backache, stomachache; to have a sore throat; to feel pain
in abdomen; to have an appointment with a district doctor; healthcare
services; registering clerk on duty; to listen to the complaints; to feel the
pulse; to make a diagnosis; a slight ailment; blood and urine tests.

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. A typical polyclinic is an outpatient clinic that is ….
2. It houses general medical practitioners and departments of some
medical specialties: … .
3. Each polyclinic has its own …, and many consulting rooms.
4. … will ask your name, address and will find your … .
5. The doctor will listen to … and examine you thoroughly: feel your …,
listen to your … and …, take your … and … and send you to the
laboratory for … .
6. On the basis of the … he will make a … and administer you some … .

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. If you have a sore throat, eye or finger and if you feel pain in your
abdomen, you go to the chemist’s.
2. You go to the consulting room first when you come to the polyclinic.
3. A registering clerk on duty will find your patient’s card and direct you
to your district doctor.
4. The registering clerk will listen to your complaints and examine you.
5. On the basis of the findings the nurse will administer you some
6. An incurable malady can develop into a slight ailment if you don’t
follow the doctor’s directions.
7. Everyone has to go to the district polyclinic to get the certificate of
health before entering university.
8. Different medical specialists have to check your kidneys, liver, stomach,
eyesight, and hearing to write you out the certificate of health.
IV. Match the medical specialists given in the brackets below with
their descriptions.
1. … specializes in pain prevention during surgery.
2. … is a heart specialist.
3. … is a tooth specialist.
4. … is a skin specialist.
5. … specializes in women’s needs.
6. … is a brain specialist.
7. … is a tumour specialist, including cancer.
8. … treats eye diseases.
9. … is a specialist for babies and children.
10. … is a specialist in mental health.
(Neurologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, oncologist, pediatrician, dentist,
gynaecologist, anesthesiologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist)
V. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Можна мені записатись на прийом до лікаря на 11год?
2. Я рекомендую вам зробити рентгенівський знімок і всі необхідні
3. Я погано себе почуваю, у мене сильно болить голова і горло.
4. На початку медичного огляду лікар вимірює пульс та прослуховує
серце і легені хворого. Потім лікар направляє хворого зробити
різні аналізи.
5. Всі, хто вступають у вищий навчальний заклад, повинні
пред’явити медичну довідку.
VI. Speak on the following items.
1. You are a doctor. You work at the polyclinic. Tell us how you examine
your patients.
2. Tell us how you got your certificate of health before entering medical

Grammar Exercises
 Plural of Nouns
Singular Plural Uses
day days The plural of a noun is usually made by adding -s to
street streets the singular.
match matches Nouns ending in -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, -x or -o form their
dish dishes plural by adding -es.
class classes
box boxes (But: words of foreign origin or abbreviated words
tomato tomatoes ending in -o add -s only: dynamos; kilos; solos, photos;
baby babies Nouns ending in -y following a consonant form their
boy boys plural by dropping the -y and adding -ies.
shelf shelves Nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the -f or -fe and add –
life lives ves. (But: beliefs, chiefs, roofs, safes, handkerchiefs).

 Remember some irregular plurals:

 man men  mouse mice
 woman women  louse lice
 foot feet  child children
 tooth teeth  ox oxen
 goose geese

 Some nouns have the same form for singular and plural.

 sheep sheep
 deer deer
 species species
 swine swine

Some nouns borrowed from other languages have foreign plurals.
 crisis crises
 criterion criteria
 datum data
 There are nouns which are used
- only in the singular: - money, hair, news, advice,
knowledge, information, progress,
success, furniture, courage,
physics, linguistics, measles;
- only in the plural: - police, clothes, scissors, trousers,
spectacles, pajamas, scales,
 The plural of compound nouns is - son-in-law – sons-in-law, group-
formed by adding -(e)s to the mate – group-mates
head-noun. If there is no noun in (but forget-me-not - forget-me-nots,
the compound, the plural ending merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds,
is added to the last word of the take-off - take-offs).
I. Give the plural of each of the following if it is possible.
Chair, engineer, bench, question, water, lunch, milk, box, freedom, wolf,
lamp, place, wish, foot, story, shelf, month, house, tooth, baby, child,
mouth, chief, ox, mouse, mother-in-law, lake, hobby, knowledge, step-
father, gentleman, roof, lady, bush, advice, day, thief, money, sheep, ship,
piano, tooth, watch, symptom, solo.
II. Choose the correct form of the noun.
1. English is my favourite (subject/subjects).
2. I have got good (mark/marks) in all (subjectes/subjects).
3. This year I hope to pass all my (examination/examinations) well.
4. Many (growns-up/grown-ups) and (childs/children) speak English.
5. I speak English with my (groupsmate/groupmates) and with my
(teacher/teachers) of English.
6. I have got a lot of English (book/books) at home.
7. “Oliver Twist” is one of my favourite (book/books).
8. There are (studentes/students) who speak English well.
III. Use is/are in the sentences below.
1. Economics … Tom’s favourite subject.
2. Their information … not correct.

3. The news … very interesting.

4. Some people … coming today.
5. Your money … not enough to buy this book.
6. The furniture in our classroom … of good quality.
7. The police … looking for the thief.
8. Your progress … amazing.
9. My mother’s hair … turning grey.
10. Measles … dangerous for grown-ups.
IV. Change the following sentences from plural into singular.
Model: The man and the woman went to the theatre. - The men and the
women went to the theatres.
1. This is a baby.
2. That is a bookshelf.
3. Is the window open?
4. Is the door closed?
5. That woman is my dentist.
6. This child is my son
7. That goose is big.
8. This child's foot is sore.
9. My tooth is white.
10.This key is made of steel.
11.This lady is that gentleman's wife.
12.There was a lady, a gentleman and a boy in the consulting room.
13.In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose.
14.Is this doctor an Englishman or a German? – He is a Frenchman.
15.There is a new hospital in our street.
16.He keeps his toy in a box.
17.The young man put his hand in his pocket.
18.Does your tooth still ache?
19.Is this student coming with us?
20.Is that woman a typist? – No, she isn't. – What is she? – She is a nurse.
V. Translate into English.
1. Ці історії дуже цікаві.
2. Я завжди записую нові англійські слова і вирази.
3. Книги і коробки на полицях.
4. Дахи будинків відремонтовані.
5. Студенти принесли викладачу букет незабудок.
6. У зоопарках ви можете бачити мишей, овець, свиней, оленів,
биків, гусей, лисиць, ослів, вовків і ведмедів.

Lesson 2
At the Hospital

Text: At the Hospital

Grammar: Possessive Case of Nouns
Active Vocabulary

injury пошкодження,поранення
trauma centre травматологічний пункт
rehabilitation реабілітація
military hospital військовий шпиталь
geriatric hospital геріатрична лікарня
to be affiliated (with) бути приєднаним (до)
emergency відділення невідкладної
department допомоги
wound рана, поранення
to monitor контролювати
injection ін’єкція, укол
to set up a drip ставити крапельницю
to respond реагувати, відповідати
ward палата
vital sign показник життєво
важливих функцій
to gain здобувати, одержувати
to supervise контролювати,
urine сеча
bacterium (pl bacteria) бактерія
protein білок
laboratory assistant лаборант, препаратор
sample зразок, проба
to penetrate проникати, пронизувати
bedside manner лікарський такт
recovery одужання

Read the following text and answer the questions
At the Hospital
Hospitals play an important role in the health care system. A hospital is
a health care institution providing treatment to the patients 24 hours per
day, 7
days per week.
The best-known type of hospital is the
general hospital, which is set up to deal with
different diseases and injuries. Types of
specialized hospitals include trauma centres,
rehabilitation hospitals, infection and military
hospitals, children’s hospitals, seniors'
(geriatric) hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, etc.
Some hospitals are affiliated with universities
for medical research and the training of
personnel such as physicians and nurses, often called teaching hospitals.
People need to go to the hospital for different reasons. Some patients
go to a hospital just for diagnosis, treatment, or therapy and then leave
without staying overnight (outpatients); while others are admitted and stay
overnight or for several days or weeks or months (inpatients). Some may
be admitted to the hospital through the emergency department for
problems that need immediate medical treatment. Others are scheduled to
have surgery, special medication, or other treatments prescribed by their
If you do need to stay in the hospital, you'll first go through an
admission process. The admission staff will take some information about
you and fill in your case history.
Nurses are often the first people you meet when you get to the
hospital. A nurse is a person who is trained to give care to people who are
sick or injured. Exact duties may vary depending on the role of the nurse
but usually include writing patient care plans, preparing patients for
operations, wound treatment and monitoring pulse, blood pressure and
temperature, observing and recording the condition of patients, checking
and administering drugs and injections, setting up drips and blood
transfusions, responding quickly to emergencies, educating patients about
their health, etc. A doctor will supervise the care patients receive while they

are in the hospital, working closely with other specialists.
When you arrive, a nurse will ask you questions about your medical
history and any symptoms you may be experiencing. He or she will get

settled into your hospital ward and take your vital signs, which include
your temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. Gaining the trust and
confidence of each patient is an important aspect of the job for nurses,
especially as they have more contact with patients than other members of the
medical team.
Working days at the in-patient department are very busy. Sometimes
cases are complicated. Work at the hospital requires deep knowledge of
medicine, quick thinking and a great sense of responsibility. A good
bedside manner is of great importance. There is no doubt that such an
attitude to the patients helps much in their recovery.
1. What is a hospital?
2. What types of hospitals do you know?
3. What does “a teaching hospital” mean?
4. Why do people need to go to the hospital?
5. What patients may be admitted to the hospital through the emergency
6. What is the difference between inpatients and outpatients?
7. What are the main duties of nurses at the hospital?
8. What does work at the hospital require?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Заклад охорони здоров’я; стаціонарне лікування; діагностика та
лікування; амбулаторні та стаціонарні пацієнти; відділення
невідкладної допомоги; лікарня загального профілю; історія хвороби;
життєво важливі функції; план догляду за пацієнтом; контролювати
пульс та кров’яний тиск; ставити крапельницю; медичний працівник;
рентген; лікарський такт.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. A hospital is a health care institution providing … .
2. The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which is set up
to deal with … .
3. Types of specialized hospitals include … .
4. Some patients go to a hospital just for … and then leave without …;
while others … .
5. Some may be admitted to the hospital through the … for problems that
need … .

6. Others are scheduled to have … prescribed by their doctors.

7. A nurse is a person who … .
8. The duties of a nurse usually include … .
9. Work at the hospital requires … .
III. Use the words in the box to complete the definitions of these
hospital departments.
1. Casualty is the place where they treat … .
2. Surgery is where surgeons carry out … . children
3. Medical staff in the Renal Unit specialize in … elderly
diseases. emergency cases
4. The Dermatology Department is where they deal with … exercises
. heart
5. Specialists in Geriatrics treat problems related to the …
6. Paediatrics is where they treat … . nervous system
7. Patients with … disease visit Cardiology. operations
8. The Radiology Department is where they take … . skin disorders
9. Disorders of the … are treated in the Neurology X-rays
10. In the Physiotherapy Department, patients learn special
… to help them to recover.
IV. Read the text for supplementary reading. Entitle it. Discuss it with
your fellow-students.
A person who is to go to hospital is first admitted to the reception ward.
On admission the patient’s history is taken as part of clinical case-taking.
Apart from the patient’s personal data (name, surname, address, age, place
of employment, occupation, etc), the case history should contain the date
of admission and discharge, complete physical examination and laboratory
studies, the systemic classification of the common symptoms and signs,
the diagnosis made by the doctor in charge as well as clinical notes. They
include the description of the course of the disease with any changes in the
symptoms and the condition of the patient, the medicines administered and
the effect of the treatment. All these findings will compose the history of
the present illness.
As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward
doctor fills in the patient’s case history. It must include the information
about the patient’s parents – if they are living or not. If they died, the
doctor must know at what age and of what causes they died. The doctor
must know if any of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has

had any mental or emotional impairment. This information composes the
family history.

The patient’s medical history must include the information about the
diseases the patient has suffered, about the operations he has undergone,
about any traumas he has had. The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity
to antibiotics must be determined and written down in the patient’s case
history. These findings compose the past history.

Grammar Exercises
Singular Noun
the nurse’s name
my baby’s teeth ‘s is used with singular nouns not ending in -s.
Tom’s doctor
Thomas’s/Thomas' car Names ending in -s take ‘s or the apostrophe
Carlos’s/Carlos' book alone.
my mother-in-law’s With compounds, the last word takes the ‘s.
Jack and Jill’s child After more than one noun we add ‘s to the last
Plural Noun
the nurses' duties 1. A simple apostrophe (') is used with plural
nouns ending in -s.
the men’s work 2. ‘s is used with plural nouns not ending in -s.
my children’s
 Besides the names of living beings the following nouns can be used in
the Possessive Case:
 nouns denoting time and distance
last Saturday’s newspaper
 names of countries and towns or cities
Italy’s largest city
 names of cosmic bodies
the moon’s light
 collective nouns like government, party, army, family, society, etc.
the government’s decision
 Otherwise (with things) we normally use … of …
the door of the room (not - the room’s door)

I. Change the following word-combinations using the Possessive Case
where possible.
Model: the door / the hall – the door of the hall
the mother / Ann – Ann’s mother
1. the birthday / Tom
2. the eyes / the cat
3. the top / the page
4. the newspaper / today
5. the toys / the children
6. the house / my aunt and uncle
7. the economic policy / the government
8. the walls / the room
9. the children / Don and Mary
10. the rays / the sun
II. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the
1. That store sells … (children) books.
2. Mary is a … (girl) name.
3. (Mary and Sue) … room is rather big.
4. Robert is staying at his … (uncle) house.
5. In this country teachers have … (two months) holiday.
6. Biographies are stories of … (people) lives.
7. … (students) lives are busy.
8. Do you know … (Mr. Richards) wife?
9. Have you seen my … (brothers) wives?
10. Her … (parents-in-law) house is in California.
III. Translate the following sentences into English using the Possessive
1. Знання цих студентів досить непогані.
2. Виступ науковця присвячений удосконаленню медичного персоналу.
3. В даний момент лікарі обговорюють захворювання цього пацієнта.
4. Робочий день лікаря починається з ранкового огляду пацієнтів.
5. Доповідь студента про обов’язки медсестри отримала схвальні

Lesson 3
Emergency Medical Care
Text: Emergency Medical System
Grammar: Adjective. Degrees of Comparison
Active Vocabulary

emergency служба екстреної медичної

medical service допомоги
aid допомога
assistance допомога, підтримка
acute гострий
rescue порятунок
road traffic дорожньо-транспортна
accident пригода
victim жертва
to be trapped потрапляти у пастку
traumatic травматичний
dispatcher диспетчер
to log in реєструвати
paramedic парамедик
skill вміння, навик
ambulance машина швидкої допомоги
stretcher носилки
initial початковий
assessment оцінка, визначення
on the spot на місці
heart attack серцевий напад
to discharge виписувати (пацієнта)
to elucidate пояснювати, роз'яснювати
to prevent запобігати
in-depth глибокий, всебічний

Read the text and answer the following questions

Emergency Medical System
If you get very sick or badly hurt and need help right away, you
should use emergency medical services (EMS). Emergency medicine is a
medical specialty in which physicians care for patients with acute illnesses

or injuries which require immediate medical attention. It involves
personnel trained in the rescue, stabilization, transportation, and advanced
treatment of traumatic or medical emergencies.
Emergency medical dispatchers take important
details about the patient's condition and the exact
location, logging them onto a computer system.
They decide on the type of response needed and,
if appropriate, dispatch the nearest ambulance.
Each ambulance is furnished with a full
medical kit, including the appropriate medical
equipment and medication, plus a stretcher. Skilled medical practitioners
work in teams of two per ambulance and provide quality care based on
their training.
EMS rescue technicians exist in many countries. They are trained to
provide prehospital emergency medical care on the scene of road traffic
accidents and natural disasters. Victims may be trapped and need to be
reached and stabilized as soon as possible, in order to prevent them from
further injuries or even to save their lives.
A paramedic is a medical professional who provides medical care in
the prehospital environment. This includes an initial assessment, a
diagnosis and a treatment plan to manage the patient's particular health
Emergency nurses quickly recognize life-threatening problems and are
trained to help solve them on the spot. As an emergency nurse, you’ll treat
a variety of conditions from sore throats to heart attacks for patients of all
ages and backgrounds.
The emergency physician’s role is to assess, treat, admit, or discharge
any patient that seeks medical attention at any time of day or night. It is his
job to take a full history, perform a physical exam, and obtain the tests that
will elucidate the cause of the patient’s complaint. He is able to handle not
only traumas, but also other acute and non-acute problems.
Critical care nurses make sure all critically ill patients get optimal
care for their illnesses and injuries. To do that, they use their specialized
skills as well as their in-depth knowledge of the human body and the latest
technology in the field. As a critical care nurse, you can specialize in
treating adults, children, or babies.
The practice of emergency medicine requires both a broad
knowledge base and a large range of skills; the ability to provide
immediate care is fundamental.

1. What is emergency medicine?
2. What are the duties of an emergency medical dispatcher?
3. Each ambulance is furnished with a full medical kit, isn’t it?
4. Who provides medical care in the prehospital environment?
5. What do emergency nurses do?
6. What is the emergency physician’s role?
7. Is a trained emergency physician able to handle only traumas?
8. What do critical care nurses use to make sure all critically ill patients get
optimal care?
9. What is fundamental in the practice of emergency medicine?
10.Does the practice of emergency medicine require only a broad
knowledge base?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. …- a device for transporting the ill, wounded, or dead;
2. …- a set of materials and tools used for giving first aid;
3. …- any sudden disruption of heart function;
4. …- physical damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an
5. … - a specially equipped vehicle used to transport the sick or injured;
6. … - this professional is the first to get a call whenever there is a
medical emergency;
7. … - a person who is trained to do medical work, especially
emergency first aid, but is not a fully qualified doctor;
8. … - a special medical service that provides out-of-hospital medical
care and transportation of patients with acute illnesses and
injuries to hospitals.

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. If you get very sick or badly hurt and need help right away, you should
use … .
2. Emergency medicine is a medical specialty in which physicians care for
patients with … .
3. It involves personnel trained in the …, and advanced treatment of
traumatic or medical emergencies.

4. … quickly recognize life-threatening problems and are trained to help
solve them on … .
5. As an emergency nurse, you’ll treat a variety of conditions from … to
6. The practice of emergency medicine requires both …; the ability to
provide immediate care is … .

III. Choose the word or phrase from the list which has the
same meaning as the underlined words in sentences 1–6.
1. The patient is conscious – you can talk to her  awake and alert
2. Remove the pads from his chest.  critical
3. Make sure you keep his head still – you might  immobilize
injure his spine.
4. He needs treatment immediately.  take off
5. If the procedure is not successful, you may
have to do it again.
 right now
6. Her condition is serious, but not life-  repeat

IV. Read the text for supplementary reading and discuss each stage of
the pre-hospital care with your fellow-students.

Emergency medical services exist

to fulfill the basic principles of first
aid, which are to Preserve Life,
Prevent Further Injury, and Promote
Recovery. This common theme in
medicine is demonstrated by the
"star of life". The Star of Life is
shown here, where each of the 'arms'
to the star represents one of the 6
points. These 6 points are used to
represent the six stages of high
quality pre-hospital care.

Grammar Exercises

-ic historic -ent independent -ed tired
-al cultural -less cloudless -ive active
-able capable -ant brilliant -ish childish
-ible audible -ing interesting -ous famous
-ful wonderful -y rainy -ly friendly
I. Use given words to form adjectives in the sentences.
1. Julia is a … and responsible nurse. care
2. Your suspicions are …! ridicule
3. I’d like to watch a … comedy. fun
4. What a … dress you’re wearing today! love
5. I’d like to apologize for my … behavior. thought
6. Mum was really … at my progress at college. surprise
7. Brian didn’t expect the ward to be so … . comfort
8. I hope you understand how … for me it is. importance
9. The measures taken by police turned out to be … . effect
10. You’re 18 already, stop being so ... . boy

 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

We use –er, -est for: cheap-cheaper-the cheapest,
 short words (one syllable): small-smaller-the smallest
 two-syllable words ending in easy-easier-the easiest,
-y, -er, -le, -ow: narrow-narrower-the narrowest
 two-syllable words having the
polite-politer-the politest
stress on the second syllable:
modern- more modern –
We use more, the most for: the most modern,
serious – more serious –
 longer words the most serious,
(two syllables or more): comfortable – more comfortable –
the most comfortable.

 Spelling rules: hot –hotter – the hottest
nice – nicer – the nicest
happy – happier – the happiest
 Remember:
 good – better – the best
 bad – worse – the worst
 little – less – the least
 far – farther (further) – the farthest (furthest)
 old – older (elder) – the oldest (eldest)

My leg is as painful as it was yesterday.

Male patients’ hearts are bigger than female patients’ ones.
The patient’s condition was less severe than we had thought.

II. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following

Sad, interesting, bad, old, happy, intelligent, far, dry, big, shy, little,
polite, famous, heavy, small, long, fat, pretty, good, pleasant, noisy, low,
III. Use the adjectives in brackets either in the comparative or the
superlative degrees.
1. This ambulance is (good) … than others.
2. He is (tall) … than his father is.
3. The street our college is situated in is (beautiful) … in our town.
4. My sister is 5 years (young) … than yours.
5. Are you (old) … in the family?
6. Decision on the type of response needed is (important) … task of an
emergency medical dispatcher.
7. His condition is (serious) … than mine.
8. My nephew works in a hospital which is (modern) … than ours.
9. This is one of the (small) … windows in this ward.
10. Can we stop, please? The pain is getting (bad)… .
11. I think your movements are (slow) … after the medication.
12.Mary is (responsible) … nurse in the hospital.
13.She will get (thin) … when she gets (old)… .
14. The (long) … examination session is in summer.
15. My friend got a (high) … mark in anatomy examination than me.
16. This student speaks English (good) … of all.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Їхня палата більша, ніж твоя, але менш зручна.
2. Ці носилки важкі, але оті, що в кутку, – ще важчі.
3. Через біль у горлі я почуваю себе гірше, ніж учора.
4. Праця медсестри є такою ж важливою, як і праця лікаря.
5. Вони вирішили прийняти на роботу більш досвідченого
6. Стан пацієнта став набагато важчим, аніж очікували.
7. Вона отримає кращі знання, якщо більше часу приділятиме
8. Біологія – один з найважливіших предметів на першому курсі.

Lesson 4
Health Resorts and Sanatoria

Text: Health Resorts and Sanatoria

Grammar: Adverb. Degrees of Comparison
Active Vocabulary

health resort курорт

mud грязь
remission ремісія
peloid лікувальна грязь, пелоїд
spring джерело
arthritis артрит
inflammation запалення
tissue тканина
anesthetic ’ знеболюючий
musculoskeletal опорно-рухова система
purity чистота
marine морський
respiratory дихальний
metabolic порушення обміну
disorders речовин
cardiovascular серцево-судинна система
pleurisy плеврит
pulmonary легеневий
thalassotherapy морелікування
seaweeds морські водорості
trace element мікроелемент
multiple- терапія із кількома
approach підходами
therapy масаж
massage пансіонат
boarding house курорт з мінеральними
spa водами

Read the text and answer the following questions
Health Resorts and Sanatoria
Sanatoria are medical
establishments designed for curing
diseases primarily by natural means
(like the climate, mineral waters, muds),
as well as by physiotherapeutic means,
diets and special therapy regimen.
Health resort is the most natural
and physiological way of treatment. In
case of many diseases, especially during
the period of remission it is the most effective.
Before deciding what health resort or sanatorium to choose, you
should consult your doctor to know where you will be offered the
necessary medical program. The chief natural therapeutic factor of a
health resort determines the resort’s basic classification: balneological,
peloid, or climatic.
The principal therapeutic factor of the balneological health resorts
is the water of their mineral springs. It includes not only bathing but
drinking of mineral water. Balneotherapy may be recommended for wide
range of illnesses, including arthritis and skin conditions.
In the pelotherapy various special muds are used for therapeutic
purposes. The local effect of mud on inflammatory tissues is
characterized by anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory action. Mud therapy
is prescribed in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
The principal therapeutic agents at the climatic health resorts are
the special features of the climate and landscape. Characteristics of
seaside climatic health resorts are the purity and freshness of sea air.
Marine climate is indicated for treatment of respiratory diseases,
functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders, etc.
Mountain climate stimulates the metabolism and has a strong effect on
respiratory and cardiovascular system. The climate of the health resorts
in the forested plains and steppes is recommended for patients with
chronic bronchitis and pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Thalassotherapy is a treatment using different properties from the
sea, like fresh sea water, seaweeds, and marine trace elements combined
with heat, seawater baths, mud packs and massages. It is helpful in

treating circulatory diseases, respiratory diseases, post traumatic
disorders, skin problems and chronic inflammation.
Multiple-approach therapy is practised at health resorts. In
addition to the natural therapeutic factors, this includes physical therapy,
dietotherapy, therapeutic exercise, medication, and other forms of
Currently, in Ukraine, there are 3,245 sanatoria, boarding houses,
resort and rehabilitation facilities. The majority of resorts are situated in
Crimea. Another area with a large number of spas is the Zakarpattia
region, which is considered ‘a pearl of Ukraine’. The mountainous
districts of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk offer natural muds in addition to
treatment programs based on mineral water.
1. What is a sanatorium?
2. Do balneological health resorts include drinking of mineral water or
taking medicines?
3. What is pelotherapy?
4. In what case is mud therapy prescribed?
5. Is marine climate recommended for patients with chronic bronchitis?
6. What therapy is helpful in treating respiratory diseases?
7. What does multiple-approach therapy include?
8. Is Ukraine rich in sanatoria and health resorts?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Медична установа; природні та фізіотерапевтичні засоби; курорт;
тимчасове послаблення хвороби; пропонувати; мінеральне джерело;
артрит; грязетерапія; протизапальна дія; морський та гірський клімат;
хронічний бронхіт; захворювання кровообігу; усунення наслідків,
викликаних тяжкою хворобою або травмою.
II. Match the opposites.
- Natural, effective, high, currently, majority, south, mountain, to reduce,
outpatient, fresh, warm, chronic, dry, favourable, wide, helpful, to treat,
to use, many, complex.
- Simple, low, inpatient, narrow, fusty, few, artificial, to enhance, to
waste, formerly, acute, minority, helpless, north, ineffective, to harm,
valley, wet, unfavourable, cold.

III. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. Sanatoria and health resorts are health facilities for curing illnesses
primarily by natural means (like the climate, mineral waters, muds).
2. The main therapeutic feature of the balneological health resorts is the
water of their mineral springs.
3. In the pelotherapy different special muds are used for therapeutic
4. The basic therapeutic means at the climatic health resorts are the
special features of the climate and countryside.
5. Besides the natural therapeutic factors multiple-approach therapy
includes physiotherapy, dietotherapy, therapeutic exercise,
medication, and other forms of treatment.
6. Presently, in Ukraine, there are 3,245 resorts and sanatoria.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Morshyn Central Military Sanatorium
Morshyn Central Military Sanatorium is a specialized sanatorium
for …of digestive apparatus and… . It is located in “Morshyn” … .
Military sanatorium is a balneal and … health resort. The main resources
of health resort are mineral … . Their brine is used for treatment of such
diseases as … tract, liver and biliary excretion.
Every year more than 50000 people … their health in the health
resort. Morshyn mud is highly … peat mud. It is better than muds of
such famous health resorts as “Khmilnyk” or “Velykyj Luben”, because
it … more microelements. Mud applications activate … of the blood in
organs and …, improve the process of tissue metabolism, and … the
sensation of pain.

(Tissues, restore, treatment, minimize, contents, health resort,

mineralized, metabolism diseases, circulation, gastrointestinal,
drinking, springs)

Grammar Exercises
Adverbs are used to modify verbs. They tell us when, where, how, in what man
adverbs of manner – carefully, correctly, easily, fast, loudly, patiently, well;

somewhere, there;
 adverbs of degree – very, little, too, much, quite;
 adverbs of frequency – always, never, often, rarely, sometimes,
 adverbs of time – finally, again, now, recently, soon, then.
careful carefully Some adverbs have the same form as the
nice nicely adjective: early, fast, hard, high, late, near,
simple simply straight, wrong
easy easily lately (останнім часом);
electronic electronically hardly (ледве);
good well nearly (майже)
 Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs
 adverbs of one syllable – er, est: hard – harder – hardest;
 adverbs of two syllables or more quickly – more quickly –
– more, most: the most quickly;
 Remember:
 well – better – the best;
 badly – worse – the worst;
 much (many) –more – the most;
 little – less – the least;
 far – farther – the farthest.
I. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following
Fast, well, carefully, often, badly, hard, clearly, little, much, early,
carefully, happily, quietly.
II. Use the adverbs in brackets either in the comparative or the
superlative degrees.
1. I like this medicine (well) … than that.
2. He visits them (frequently) … than us.
3. Who can do it (fast) … than you?
4. Now I can see (clearly) … than before.
5. You ought to have told me (early) … about your headache.
6. Whose singing did you like (well) …, Mary's, Nina's or Helen's?
7. The patient recovered (quickly) … than we expected.
8. He speaks French (correctly) … of all in my class.

III. Choose the right word given in the brackets.

1. Nick’s answer sounded (correctly, correct).

2. This nurse adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the pressure (exact, exactly).
4. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in.
5. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful).
6. My mother is a very (sensibly, sensible) person.
7. Andrea knows the material very (good, well).
8. She works (careful, carefully) with every sick child.
9. I find this lesson very (interesting, interestingly).
IV. Transform the following sentences using adverbs instead of the
given adjectives.
1. Her English is fluent. - She speaks English fluently.
2. She is a good surgeon. She operates really … .
3. James is careful. He drives … .
4. This exercise is easy. You can do it … .
5. Our groupmate was angry. She spoke to us … .
6. This patient is slow. He walks … .
V. Complete the sentences with the words from the brackets forming
adverbs where necessary.
An old man was sitting … (quiet) in the doctor’s waiting room.
… (Sudden) the doctor called his name. He … (gentle) got up, took his
walking stick, and hunching over, he … (slow) walked into the examining
room. A few minutes later he walked out of the room, walking … (perfect)
upright. A … (nervous) patient, who had watched him hobble into the
room, was shocked. 'Wow, he must be a miracle doctor,' he said …
(nervous). 'What did he do?' he asked … (excited). The … (honest) old
man answered … (calm), 'Well, he looked me up and down … (careful),
analysed the situation, and then gave me a walking stick ten centimetres
longer than my other one!'

Lesson 5
At the Chemist’s
Text: At the Chemist’s
Grammar: Cardinal Numerals
Active Vocabulary
chemist’s аптека
pharmacy аптека
prescription рецепт (лікаря)
pain reliever знеболюючий засіб
cold remedy ліки проти застуди
ointment мазь
supplement добавка
internal внутрішній
external зовнішній
humidity вологість
sanitation санітарія
to maintain підтримувати, зберігати
parcel пакет, згорток
powder порошок
ampoule ампула
pill пілюля, пігулка
label ярлик, етикетка, наклейка
application прикладання; нанесення
expiration date термін зберігання
cough кашель
to dispense відпускати (ліки)
side effect побічна дія

Read the text and answer the following questions

At the Chemist’s
A chemist’s or pharmacy is often the
only place where you can buy most kinds of
medicines and health care products.
Only a doctor can prescribe certain
medications, and prescription medications
must follow strict regulations as to how they

are sold and who sells them. Pharmacies have specially trained and
qualified staff who are legally able to sell the medications.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications don’t require a prescription
from a medical professional. They include pain relievers, cold remedies,
low- strength antibiotic ointments, herbal supplements, diet pills and
At the chemist’s all medications are stored as directed. Most of them
require a cool dry storage area. Some medications need refrigeration or
dark containers. Products for internal use are stored separately from
products for external use. The proper environmental control (temperature,
light, humidity, sanitation and ventilation) is always maintained. Direct sun
light destroys the activity of drugs.
You can see drugs of all kinds there: boxes and parcels of different
powders, ampoules of glucose, tubes of ointments, different pills and
tablets and so on. Every small bottle or box has a label with the name of
the medicine stuck on it. There are labels of four colours:
 labels of green colour indicate medicines for internal use,
 blue labels indicate drugs used for injections,
 yellow labels are on drugs for external application,
 labels of pink colour are on drugs used for treatment of eye diseases.
Medications bearing an expiration date are not dispensed or
distributed beyond this date. At the chemist’s medicines are kept according
to their therapeutic effect: drugs for cough, cardiac medicines, drugs for
headache, etc.
There are two types of chemist’s in Ukraine:
- those that are legally able to produce various medications. Their staff
consist at least of one certified pharmacist and qualified pharmacy
technicians. They are specifically trained in pharmacology, drug
interactions and side effects. Their job is to fill prescriptions, ensure proper
dosage amounts, educate customers on the medication’s use and side
effects and prevent inappropriate drug interactions with the customer’s
other medications. They specifically sell prescription medications;
- those that are legally able only to sell various medications. Their
personnel are not required to hold any certifications. Their job is to help
customers to find what they are looking for. They often sell a variety of
OTC medications, supplements, vitamins and personal care items such
as hair-care products, first aid supplies, makeup, and skin-care products.
1. Where can people buy medicines?
2. Who can prescribe medications?
3. What are over-the-counter medications? What do they include?

4. Are products for internal and external use stored separately or together?
5. What colours are labels stuck on medicines? What do they indicate?
6. How are medicines kept at the chemist’s?
7. What types of chemist’s in Ukraine do you know?
8. What personal care items can you buy at the chemist’s?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. … - a store in which drugs and medicines are prepared and sold;
2. … - a written message from a doctor that officially tells someone
to use a medicine, therapy, etc.;
3. … - a type of drug that stops you from feeling pain;
4. … - a smooth substance that is rubbed on the skin to help heal a
wound or to reduce pain or discomfort;
5. … - a small, usually glass, container for a single measured amount
of medicine, especially for an injection;
6. … - a small, rounded object that you swallow and that contains
medicine, vitamins, etc.;
7. … - the last day on which a product can be used;
8. … - an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the
main effect;
II. Match the synonyms.
- Chemist’s, medicine, doctor, pain reliever, cold medications, to store,
refrigeration, legally, to require, rapidly, qualified, interaction,
- Cold remedies, cooperation, pharmacy, drug, use, to keep, lawfully,
competent, cooling, medical professional, to need, analgesic, quickly.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. A chemist’s or pharmacy is often the only place where you can buy
most kinds of clothes and furniture.
2. Over-the-Counter medications do not require a prescription from a
medical professional.
3. Herbal supplements and vitamins are are sold following the doctor’s
4. Products for internal use are stored together with products for external use.
5. There are labels of three colours: green, blue, and pink.
6. Labels of pink colour are on drugs used for treatment of cardiac
7. Medications bearing an expiration date are not dispensed beyond this
8. At the chemist’s medicines are distributed according to their
psychological effect.

IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. A chemist’s or … is often the only place where you can buy most kinds
of …, including … .
2. … medications don’t require a prescription from … .
3. They include pain …, cold …, low-strength antibiotic …, herbal …,
diet pills and vitamins.
4. At the chemist’s all … are stored as directed.
5. Medicines are kept according to their …: drugs for cough, cardiac
medicines, drugs for headache, etc.
6. The proper … control is always maintained.

V. Read and dramatize the dialogues.

Customer: Hello. I wonder if you can help me. I’ve got a bad cold and
sore throat. Can you give me something for it?
Pharmacist: Yes, of course. Are you allergic to aspirin?
Customer: No, I am not.
Pharmacist: Ok, you can take it three times a day.
Customer: Thank you. Could I have some tissues as well?
Pharmacist: Sure. Anything else?
Customer: No, that’s all. Thanks.

Customer: Good Morning, Sir. I have a prescription from my doctor.
Pharmacist: Would you rather have this medicine in tablets or in syrup?
Customer: I find it easier to swallow syrup.
Pharmacist: Please mind the precise dosage: 1 coffee spoon 3 times a day
just before eating.
Customer: Are there any contraindications?
Pharmacist: You might be sleepy so please be careful in case you drive.

Grammar Exercises

 Cardinal Numerals (How many?)

1 one 11 eleven 10 ten
2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety
21 twenty-one
39 thirty-nine
100 a hundred
148 a/one hundred and forty-eight
400 four hundred But: hundreds of people
1,000 a thousand thousands of years
1,006 a/one thousand and six
5,000 five thousand
260,192 two hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and ninety-
1,000,000 two a million
3664705 - three double six four seven oh five

I. Read and write the following cardinal numerals.

16; 3; 11; 4; 18; 10; 15; 35; 20; 8; 76; 14; 96; 82; 440; 601; 213; 5,624; 1,
306, 009; 54,890,001;
II. Say what time it is.
10.00 – It is ten o'clock (a.m.).
22.00 – It’s ten o'clock (p.m.).
14.10 – It’s ten minutes past two.
15.15 – It’s quarter past three.
16.30 – It’s half past four.
17.40 – It’s twenty to six.
21.45 – It is quarter to ten.

8.30; 20.55; 15.15; 12.45; 17.05; 8.40; 11.20; 16.00; 4.00; 12.35.
III. Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions with your partner.
1. What time is it now?
2. What time do you get up in the morning?
3. What time do you usually go to bed?
4. What time do you start your classes every day?
5. What time do your classes finish?
6. What is your phone number?
IV. Translate into English.
1. В Івано-Франківську налічується 191 аптека.
2. Кожного ранку о 8.30 я п’ю вітаміни.
3. На відкритій поличці лежали 3 ампули, 21 пігулка, та 12 коробочок
із різноманітними порошками.
4. Ви повинні приймати ці ліки 4 рази на день: о 9.45, 12.30, 16.25 та
о 21.15.
5. Вчора сотні людей нашого містечка не змогли придбати аспірин,
оскільки вийшов термін його зберігання.
V. Read and then complete the sentences with the time.
Mark gets up at 7 o’clock. It takes him five minutes to get dressed.
Then he cleans his teeth and has a wash. That takes him five minutes. Next
he eats his breakfast. That takes him fifteen minutes. He watches TV for
ten minutes. Then he puts on his coat, but he can’t find his shoes. It takes
him five minutes to find them. Finally, Mark leaves his house and walks
slowly to college. It takes him twenty minutes.
He gets up at seven. He puts on his coat at ….
He cleans his teeth at …. He finds his shoes at ….
He has breakfast at …. He arrives at college at ….

Lesson 6
Types of Drugs
Text: Types of Drugs
Grammar: Ordinal Numerals
Active Vocabulary

compound суміш, сполука

to halt зупиняти, затримувати
liquid рідина
to swallow ковтати
drops краплі
to rub терти, втирати
inhalant інгалятор
asthma астма
patch пластир
transdermal такий, що всмоктується
через шкіру
shot укол
intravenous внутрішньовенний
stomach upset розлад шлунка
acid кислота
benefit користь
to crush подрібнювати, роздавлювати
to chew жувати, пережовувати (їжу)
suppository свічка, супозиторій
rectum пряма кишка
to vomit нудити, рвати
pessary вагінальний супозиторій
to invade захоплювати, окупувати
germ бактерія, мікроб
lozenge пастилка, льодяник
to soothe заспокоювати
nasty небезпечний, загрозливий
analgesics болезаспокійливий засіб
to get rid of позбутися
immunization імунізація, щеплення
measles кір
convenience зручність

Read the text and answer the following questions
Types of Drugs
Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to cure, halt, or prevent
disease, ease symptoms or help in the diagnosis of certain illnesses.
Advances in medications have enabled doctors to cure many diseases and
save lives.
When we think about taking medications, we
often think of pills. The truth is, there are many ways
in which medications can be delivered, such as:
- tablets (they can be swallowed or chewed, dissolved
in water or juice, placed under the tongue, or mixed
with a small amount of food);
- liquids that are swallowed (like cough syrup);
- inhalants (like nasal sprays or asthma inhalants);
- patches that are stuck to skin (transdermal patches);
- drops that are put into ears or eyes;
- creams, gels, or ointments that are rubbed onto the skin;
- injections (shots) or intravenous (inserted into a vein) medications.
Tablets and capsules can be coated with special materials designed to
begin releasing their ingredients once the medicine has passed through the
stomach. This helps to avoid stomach upset, and protects the drug from the
acid in your stomach, which might render the drug useless. Coated tablets
and capsules must be swallowed whole; if you crush or chew these tablets
the coating is destroyed and the benefit will be lost.
Some medicines are available in suppository form for insertion into
the rectum, which is good for people who cannot swallow medicines or
when they are vomiting. There are also vaginal preparations (pessary).
There are two main types of inhaled devices: those that deliver
medicines to the nasal passages (nasal sprays) and those that deliver
medicines to the lungs (inhalants).
When using patches, it is very important not to cut the patch in half as
this may cause a breakdown in the release mechanism of the patch.
Medicines act in a variety of ways. Some can cure an illness by killing
or halting the spread of germs, such as bacteria and viruses. Some
medicines treat symptoms but can't cure the illness that causes the
symptoms. So taking a lozenge may soothe a sore throat, but it won't kill that
nasty strep bacteria.
Certain medicines are designed to relieve pain. If you pull a muscle,

your doctor might tell you to take some pain relievers, or analgesics, they
don't get rid of the source of the pain — your muscle will still be pulled.

Among the most important medicines are immunizations (or vaccines).
These keep people from getting sick in the first place by immunizing, or
protecting the body against certain infectious diseases. Most immunizations
that prevent you from catching diseases like measles and chickenpox are
given by injection.
Medicines are the most effective treatments available for many
illnesses. The benefits of medicines can be achieved only if they are taken
properly. Medications are created in various forms to provide convenience to
1. What are medicines?
2. What types of drugs are available today?
3. Tablets can be coated with special materials to release their ingredients
when passing through the stomach, cannot they?
4. Is it advisable to chew capsules before swallowing? Why?
5. Are tablets and capsules the only way of getting medicines into your body?
6. What types of inhaler devices are there?
7. Does a lozenge treat symptoms or cure the illness?
8. What is immunization? What diseases can it prevent you from?
9. When can the benefit of medicine be achieved?
10. What is the purpose of medication producing in various forms?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Лікувати, призупиняти чи запобігати захворюванню; полегшити
симптоми; рятувати життя; приймати ліки; ковтати пігулки;
розчиняти у воді; ставити під язик; втирати в шкіру; розлад шлунку;
пережовувати таблетки; носові ходи; полегшити біль; розтягнути
м’яз; вітряна віспа; забезпечувати.
II. Match the opposites.
- Health, to ease, liquid, to swallow, to avoid, effective, benefit, whole,
uniformity, old, high, important, fast, long.
- Young, short, to spit out, slow, to worsen, solid, ineffective, disease,
part, low, nonessential, to face, disadvantage, variety.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to cure, halt, or prevent


2. Creams, gels, or ointments are usually stuck to skin and patches are
rubbed onto the skin.
3. Tablets and capsules must be swallowed whole.
4. Suppositories are medicines that are inserted into eyes or ears.
5. When using patches, it is advisable to cut the patch in half.
6. Analgesics are designed to relieve pain.
7. Most immunizations are given by injection.
8. The benefits of medicines can be achieved only if they are taken once a
IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to … or help in the
diagnosis of … .
2. Drugs are created in various forms to provide convenience to patients:
- … that are swallowed (like cough syrup);
- … that are put into ears or eyes;
- … that are rubbed onto the skin;
- … like nasal sprays;
- … that are stuck to skin;
- … that are placed under the tongue;
- … or intravenous medications.
3. Tablets and capsules can be coated with … once the medicine has
passed through the stomach.
4. Some medicines are available in … for insertion into the rectum, which
is good for people who cannot … .
5. … are designed to relieve pain.
6. Immunizations (or vaccines) keep people from … or protect the body
against … .
V. Match the term and its definition.
1. … a small round or oval mass that contains medicine and is swallowed.
2. … these are gelatinous containers containing powder or tiny pellets.
3. … the administration of a liquid into a part such as vein or subcutaneous
4. … concentrated solution of a sugar in water, with medication dissolved
in the liquid.
5. … a medicated tablet, that is allowed to dissolve in the mouth.
6. … a medication that is taken into the body through the nose or
respiratory system.

7. … semi-solid preparations, containing the medicinal substance, used
externally. They are applied directly onto the skin or into the eyes or ears.
8. … a medicine in the form of a large “tablet shape” to be inserted ano-
rectally, where the medication is rapidly absorbed.
(Injection; inhalant; pill/tablet; creams/ointments; lozenge;
capsules; suppository; liquid/syrup)

Grammar Exercises
 Cardinal Numerals  Ordinal Numerals (Which?)
(How many?)
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
20 twenty twentieth
31 thirty-one thirty-first
100 a hundred hundredth
March 10, 1998 – the tenth of March nineteen ninety-eight
or March the tenth nineteen ninety-eight
21.01.1996 – the twenty-first of January
nineteen ninety-six
19.10.2009 – the nineteenth of October
two thousand and nine
01.08.2010 – the first of August two thousand (and) ten
or twenty ten
Common Fractions: 1
 a half; 1
 a quarter;
2 4
Fractional 1
 one fifth; 3
 three fifths;
Numerals 1
5 5

1  one and a half; 3

 three and four fifths;
2 5

Decimal 0.1  (nought) point one;
Fractions: 10.92  ten point nine two;
28.04  twenty eight point zero four.
I. Form, read and write ordinal numerals from the following.
3; 5; 6; 1; 4; 2; 8; 11; 22; 39; 40; 55; 67; 78; 89; 91; 100; 330; 555; 1000;
II. Read and put into words the following common and decimal
1/2; 1/4; 7/15; 4/6; 4 12/24; 25 8/9;
0.5; 0.56; 1.845; 47.308; 0.0508; 209.003;
III. Answer these questions.
1. How much do you weigh?
2. What is the number of the flat or house where you live?
3. What is the approximate population of your town?
4. What is the approximate population of your country?
5. What is the normal temperature of a healthy person?
IV. Read and complete the sentences.
1. Beth’s birthday is on the … of … . 7/4
2. Tom’s birthday is on the … of_ . . . 31/7
3. My teacher’s birthday is on the … of … . 12/9
4. My birthday is on the … of … .
5. My friend’s birthday is on the … of … .
6. My mum’s birthday is on the … of … .
7. My dad’s birthday is on the … of … .
8. … is the third month of the year.
9. November is the … month of the year.

V. Translate into English.

1. 17 травня 2010 року я прийняв вакцину проти віспи.
2. Наша аптека, що знаходиться на 3 поверсі, відкрилась 12 червня
2005 року.
3. – Як довго ти приймаєш ці ліки? – Уже практично 2 місяці, 26
липня я почав втирати мазь, а із 4 серпня ковтаю ці пігулки.
4. Ви повинні приймати цей сироп по 0,5 чайної ложки 2 рази на день
до 16 січня включно.
5. Тобі слід розділити цю таблетку на 4 частини і приймати по 1\4
через день.

Lesson 1
The Cell
Text: Cell Structure and Functions
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense (to be, to have)
Active Vocabulary

cell клітина
plant рослина
chlorophyll хлорофіл
nucleus (pl nuclei) ядро
chromosome хромосома
nucleolus ядерце
(pl nucleoli)
cytoplasm цитоплазма
to encase огортати
to cushion захищати, пом’якшувати
organelle органела
mitochondrion (pl-a) мітохондрія
lysosome лізосома
endoplasmic ендоплазматична
reticulum сітка
ribosome рибосома
centriole центріоль
golgi body комплекс Ґольджі
respiration дихання
protein білок
bundle пучок, жмут
stack купа, безліч
sac мішок
containment утримання, зберігання

Read the text and answer the following questions
Cell Structure and Functions
All living things called organisms have something in common. All
organisms, from the smallest to the largest, are made of cells. A cell is the
basic unit of life. It is the smallest unit (or building block) of a living
organism that is capable of life. Within cells, there are structures that work
together to allow the cell to live. Some structures transport materials
throughout the cell. Other structures make food or release energy for the cell
to use.
Different organisms have
different kinds of cells. For example,
human cells are different from plant
cells. When you look at a plant, you
see that it is green. The reason is
because inside a plant cell, there is a
green chemical called chlorophyll.
This chemical enables plants to use
the Sun’s energy to make food for
themselves. It is found in the cell part
called the chloroplast. Human cells do not have chloroplasts.
Cell membranes are found in human cells whereas cell walls are
found in plant cells. Cell walls and membranes have similar functions. Cell
membranes surround the cell and have the ability to regulate entrance and
exit of substances, thereby maintaining internal balance. These membranes
also protect the inner cell from outside forces.
However, there are many characteristics that human cells and plant
cells share. This is because they have many of the same needs.
The nucleus is the control centre of the cells. It directs everything a
cell does. The nucleus contains two types of structures: chromosomes and
Cytoplasm is a semi-fluid substance found inside the cell. The
cytoplasm encases, cushions and protects the internal tiny structures
(organelles). These organelles are called mitochondria, lysosomes, the
endoplasmic reticulum, centrioles, and Golgi bodies.
Mitochondria are structures which produce the energy the cell needs
to live and to do its work. Mitochondria are responsible for cellular
Lysosomes are small round bodies containing different enzymes,
which can break down many substances. They help white blood cells to

break down harmful bacteria.

Endoplasmic reticulum is a series of canals within the cell. Some
canals contain bodies called ribosomes which help to make substances
(protein) for the cell. Centrioles look like two bundles of rods that lie near
the nucleus and are essential in cell reproduction. Golgi apparatus consists
of a stack of flat bag-like structures that store and release various products
from the cell.
Vacuoles and vesicles are membrane sacs that have a variety of
functions as containment units for anything in excess in the cell. They can
hold many substances from organic molecules to excess water.
Cells are different throughout the body to carry out their individual
1. What is the cell?
2. Are human cells different from plant cells?
3. What are functions of cell membranes?
4. What do we call the nucleus?
5. What is located in the cytoplasm?
6. Are vacuoles or mitochondria responsible for cellular respiration?
7. What helps white blood cells to break down harmful bacteria?
8. What is the function of vacuoles?
9. What is the function of Golgi apparatus?
10. What is essential in cell reproduction?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. … the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism;
2. … the green substance in plants, that allows them to use the
energy from the sun;
3. … the part of a cell that controls its growth;
4. … the part of a cell that contains the genes;
5. … the substance inside a cell that surrounds the cell's nucleus;
6. … an organelle that produces energy for the cell by breaking
down food;
7. … an organelle containing a number of digestive enzymes;
8. … a network of tubes that transports substances inside the cell
and is needed for the production of proteins;
II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.

1. A cell is the fundamental unit of life.

2. Inside cells, there are structures that work together to let the cell live.
3. Cell membranes surround the cell and can regulate entrance and exit of
substances, thereby keeping internal balance.
4. The nucleus controls everything a cell does.
5. The cytoplasm encloses, cushions and protects the inner organelles.
6. Mitochondria are responsible for cellular breathing.
7. Lisosomes help white blood cells to break down pathogenic bacteria.
8. Vacuoles and vesicles are membrane bags that have various functions
as containment units for anything in excess in the cell.
III. Read the text about the organization of an organism. Give an
example of each level of organization of a many-celled organism.

There are some organisms that are made of just one cell. For
example, some fungi and bacteria have only one cell. Other organisms are
made of many similar cells that benefit from cooperating with each other.
Hundreds of similar cells form colonies and move and find food together.
They are made of many different kinds of cells. Cells in a many-
celled organism work together to keep the organism alive. Each cell
contributes to the health and survival of the organism in its own way.
For example, skin cells are flat and wide to protect other cells that are
underneath them. Muscles are made of long, thread-like cells that let the
body move. Nerve cells transport messages from one part of the body to
another so they are very long.
When similar cells do the same job or function, they create a tissue.
Tissues of different kinds come together to make an organ. Finally, a
group of organs that work together to do a specific job is called an organ
system. Organ systems work together. They carry out life processes such as
breathing and digestion. These processes keep many-cell organisms healthy
and alive.

Grammar Exercises
 The Present Indefinite Tense
The Present Indefinite with
The Present Indefinite “to be” “to have”
(Simple) Tense expresses 1. I
am have
an action that happens in Singular 2. You
are have
the present. We usually 3. He /she
/it is has
use this tense for repeated
actions, habits and facts. 1. We are have
Plural 2. You are have
3. They are have
+He is a student.
- He isn´t a student.
? Is he a student? –
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

I. Answer the questions.

Model: Are you ready? — Yes, I am/No, I am not.
1. Are you a student?
2. Are you a second-year student?
3. Is your friend a student?
4. Is your name Taras?
5. Are you eighteen?
6. Are you from Kyiv?
7. Is your friend from Lviv?
8. Are your parents doctors?
9. Are they at home now?
10.Is it Sunday today?
11.Is it cold today?
12.Are you happy?
II. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.
1. You are a good student.
2. My grandfather is a chemist.
3. They are in the library.
4. My favourite writer is Jack London.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (to be, to have).
1. My brother and I … medical students.
2. My sisters … nurses.
3. We … many lessons today.
4. Every cell … a nucleus.
5. All cells … different.
6. Catabolism … the process of energy production.
7. The cell … two main parts.
8. I … a headache.
9. My father … a doctor.
10.She … a great Biology teacher.
11.I … many interesting textbooks in English.
12.Anatomy … a difficult subject.
13.Taras … a student. Who … a student? Taras … .
14.Where … your friend? He … in the library.
15.Where … the students? They … in the classroom.
IV. Complete the sentences with the verb to be.
1. (his shoes very dirty) His shoes are very dirty.
2. (my bed very comfortable)
3. (your glasses in your bag)
4. (I not very happy today)
5. (this medicine very expensive)
6. (the polyclinic not open today)
7. (Mr. Kelly’s daughter six years old)
8. (the houses in this street very old)
9. (the test not difficult)
10.(those flowers very beautiful)
V. Reorder the elements.
1. in this / operating / department/ a large / there is / room.
2. Here / ambulances / are / there / four.
3. There / clinic / a modern / in the city / centre / is.
4. a nucleus / are / of structures / two types / in / there.
5. 25 students / there / in my group / are.
VI. Fill in the gaps using There is, There are, Are there or Is there.
1. … a teacher and fifteen students in the room.
2. … fifteen students and a teacher in the room.
3. … two lungs and a heart in the chest.
4. … a heart and two lungs in the chest.
5. … many departments in our regional hospital?
6. … different organelles in the cytoplasm.
7. … a green chemical inside a plant cell?
8. … a great number of organisms harmful to the human being?
9. How many students … in your group?
10.How many cells … in the human body?
VII. Translate into English.
1. Катаболізм – це складний процес.
2. Клітина має дві основні частини.
3. В аудиторії є багато студентів.
4. В аудиторії немає викладача.
5. Мої подружки є старанними медсестрами.
6. Цитоплазма – це напіврідка речовина.
7. У клітині є велика кількість органел.
8. Клітина має власний катаболізм.
9. У клітині людини є хлорофіл?
10. Твоя сестра медсестра? – Ні, вона студент медичного
11. Чи є цiкавi статтi в цьому журналi? — Так, у цьому журналi є
цiкавi статтi з мікробіології.
12. Скiльки студентiв у вашiй групi? — У нашiй групi п’ятнадцять
студентiв. — Чи є дiвчата у вашiй групi? — Так, у нашiй групi
п’ять дiвчат i десять хлопцiв. Вони дуже дружнi.

Lesson 2
Tissues of the Human Body
Text: Tissues of the Human Body
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense
Active Vocabulary

similar схожий, аналогічний

epithelium епітелій
moisture волога
outermost зовнішній
layer шар
to secrete виділяти
stomach acid шлункова кислота
sweat піт
saliva слина
loose connective пухка сполучна
tissue тканина
lymph node лімфовузол
bone marrow кістковий мозок
fibrous волокнистий
rigid жорсткий
ligament зв’язка
tendon сухожилля
cartilage хрящ
fiber волокно
dendrite дендрит
axon аксон
neuron нейрон
neuroglia нейроглія
to anchor прикріплювати
insulation ізоляція
smooth muscle гладкий м’яз

Read the text and answer the following questions

Tissues of the Human Body
Tissues are groups of similar cells that perform a common function.
There are four categories of tissues in the human body: epithelial,
connective, nervous and muscle.

Epithelial tissue protects your body
from moisture loss, bacteria and internal
injury. There are two kinds of epithelial
 covering and lining epithelium lines
almost all of your internal and external body
surfaces; for example, the outermost layer of
your skin and other organs, and the internal
surface lining of your lymph vessels and
digestive tract;
 glandular epithelium secretes hormones or other products such as
stomach acid, sweat, saliva, and milk.
Connective tissue generally provides structure and support to the body.
There are two types of connective tissue:
 loose connective tissue holds structures together. For example, it holds
the outer layer of skin to the underlying muscle tissue. This tissue is also
found in your fat layers, lymph nodes, and red bone marrow;
 fibrous connective tissue also holds body parts together, but its structure
is a bit more rigid than loose connective tissue. Fibrous connective tissue
is found in ligaments, tendons, cartilages, and bones.
Nervous tissue forms the nervous system, which is responsible for
coordinating the activities and movements of your body through its
network of nerves. Parts of the nervous system include the brain, spinal
cord, and nerves that branch off of those two key parts. Nervous tissue
consists of two kinds of nerve cells:
o neurons are the basic structural units of the nervous system. Each cell
consists of the cell body, dendrites and an axon;
o neuroglia provides support functions for the neurons, such as anchoring
neurons to blood vessels or insulation.
Muscle tissue differs from other tissue types in that it contracts.
Muscle tissue comes in three types:
o skeletal muscle is attached to bones and causes movements of the body;
o cardiac muscle is found in the heart;
o smooth muscle lines the walls of blood vessels and certain organs such
as the digestive and urogenital tracts.
1. What are tissues?
2. How many groups of tissues are there in the human body?
3. What does epithelial tissue do?
4. How many kinds of epithelial tissues are there?
5. What are their functions?

6. What does connective tissue provide?
7. What types of connective tissue are there?
8. Where can we find fibrous connective tissue?
9. What are the basic structural units of the nervous system?
10.What types of muscle tissue do you know?

I. Give and
the English Speech Exercises
equivalents of the following from the text.
Виконувати спільну функцію; людське тіло; втрата вологи; бактерії;
пошкодження внутрішніх органів; покривати поверхні тіла;
лімфатичні вузли; жировий шар; нести відповідальність; мережа
нервів; основні частини; основна структурна одиниця; м'язові
волокна; скорочуватись; м'язові тканини; серце; стінки кровоносних

II. Fill in the gaps with the correct type of tissue.

1. … - receives stimuli and conducts impulses.
2. … - produces movement.
3. … - protects, supports, and binds together.
4. … - lines and covers surfaces.

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Tissues are groups of different cells that perform a different function.
2. There are three kinds of epithelial tissues.
3. Glandular epithelium secretes only hormones.
4. Connective tissue generally provides structure and support to the body.
5. Fibrous connective tissue holds structures together.
6. Parts of the nervous system include the brain and muscles.
7. Muscle tissue comes in three types: cardiac, smooth, and nervous.
8. Neuroglia provides anchoring neurons to blood vessels.
9. Skeletal muscle is attached to bones and causes stillness of the body.
10. Smooth muscle lines the walls of blood vessels and certain organs
such as the chest and urogenital tracts.

IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Tissues are groups of similar cells that … .
2. There are four categories of tissues in the human body: … .
3. … protects your body from moisture loss, bacteria and internal injury.

4. Connective tissue generally provides … .
5. Nervous tissue forms the nervous system, which is responsible for …
through its network of nerves.
6. … differs from other tissue types in that it contracts.
V. Read and translate the text for supplementary reading.
Histology is the branch of biology that studies the microscopic
structures of animal and plant tissues. (Histo, meaning web or tissue, +
logos, meaning study). Each tissue is formed by different kinds of cells and
typically by specific associations of cells and extracellular matrix. The
precise combination of these tissues allows the functionality of each organ
and of organism as a whole. The small size of cells and matrix components
makes histology dependent on the use of microscopes. Advances in
chemistry, physiology, immunology, and pathology – and the interactions
among these fields – are essential for a better knowledge of tissue biology.

Grammar Exercises
 The Present Indefinite Tense is used to express:
 facts and universal Water boils at 1000 C.
truths The Earth goes around the Sun.
 habits and routines Susan often meets with her friends after
They usually work in the lab on Sundays.
 permanent situations I live in Ivano-Frankivsk.
She works as a nurse.
 planned future actions I leave Ivano-Frankivsk tomorrow.
 narrations, "A man goes to visit a friend and is amazed
instructions or to see him playing chess with his dog…"
 Spelling Rules:
 study – studies; but: play – plays;
 go –goes; do-does;
 catch –catches; wash – washes; kiss – kisses; fix – fixes
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the required form.
1. I usually … (to go) to the university by bus.
2. They often … (to visit) us.
3. You … (to have) Chemistry once a week.
4. Tom … (to work) every day.

5. He often … (to tell) us funny stories.

6. She never … (to help) me in the lab.
7. In winter my brother often… (to catch) a cold.
8. Linda always … (to take care) of her sister.
9. We … (to live) in the hostel during the academic year.
10.John rarely … (to miss) his classes.
11.I … (to teach) this class twice a month.
12.Martha and Kevin … (to study) together twice a week.
II. Make up sentences as in the model.
1. I work in a hospital. — And Jane? She works in a hospital, too.
2. I am a nurse. — And John?
3. I work in a surgical ward. — And Mary?
4. I go to work by bus. — And John?
5. I often help my sister. — And Jane?
6. I start at 7 a.m. — And the doctor?
7. I usually finish at 12 o’clock. — And Jane?
8. I always study hard. — And Peter?
9. I attend lectures every day. — And John?
10. I go home after the classes. — And Mary?
11.I work in the X-ray department. — And Mrs. Smith?
III. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Епітеліальна тканина захищає наше тіло від бактерій та
2. Ти неуважний, тому часто отримуєш погані оцінки.
3. Групи клітин формують різні тканини.
4. Нервова тканина складається з двох типів нервових клітин.
5. Цей лікар завжди працює по суботах.
6. Сполучна тканина підтримує все тіло.
7. Нервова система включає головний та спинний мозок.
8. Гістологія – один з найважливіших теоретичних предметів.
9. Людське тіло складається з чотирьох основних типів тканин.
10.У мене є друг. Мiй друг i я — студенти. Ми зустрiчаємось щодня.
Мiй друг добре знає англiйську мову. Ми часто виконуємо
домашнє завдання разом. Ми читаємо цiкавi книжки. Ми беремо їх
у бiблiотецi. Сестра мого друга — викладачка. Вона працює в
нашому унiверситетi. Вона викладає англiйську мову. Студентам
подобаються її заняття. Вони завжди радi бачити її.

Lesson 3
Systems of the Human Body

Text: Systems of the Human Body

Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense (Questions)
Active Vocabulary

to view розглядати, дивитися

framework основа
autonomous автономний
esophagus стравохід
duodenum дванадцятипала кишка
small (large) тонкий (товстий)
intestine кишечник
rectum пряма кишка
passage прохід
to lead вести
pharynx глотка
larynx гортань
trachea трахея
invasion втручання, вторгнення
kidney нирка
ureter сечовід
urethra сечівник, уретра
gland залоза

Read the text and answer the following questions

Systems of the Human Body
Although viewed as whole, the human body is actually made up of
different systems. Each of these systems plays a vital part in the health
and well-being of the entire body.
The skeletal system is the framework of the body. It is what gives the
body its basic shape, while protecting the delicate internal tissues and
organs. The skeletal system is as a storage area for calcium in case there
is an inadequate amount available in the diet. A vital role of this system
is also the production of red blood cells.

The muscular system is an organ
system consisting of skeletal, smooth and
cardiac muscles. It permits movement of
the body, maintains posture, and
circulates blood throughout the body.
The digestive system is comprised of
all the organs that help to break down
food so it can be used as energy. It
includes the mouth, teeth, tongue,
esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small
and large intestines, and rectum. It will
also include accessory organs like the salivary glands, liver, gallbladder,
pancreas and spleen.
The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels,
including arteries, veins, and capillaries. It is a closed system whose
main function is to carry blood to all parts of the body.
The respiratory system is the system in the human body that enables
us to breathe. It is comprised of the lungs and the passages that lead to
and from them. This system begins at the nostrils and includes the nasal
cavities, sinuses, pharynx, larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe).
The skin system is the largest of all systems. It is comprised of the
skin, hair, nails as well as the sweat and oil glands. It functions as a
protective covering for the underlying tissues against drying and
invasion by toxins or pathogenic organisms.
The nervous system is a very complex system by which all parts of
the body are controlled. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord and
nerves. It also includes special sense organs such as the eyes, ears and
taste buds.
The urinary system is mainly comprised of the kidneys, the ureters,
the bladder and the urethra. It is the urinary system that filters out toxins
and certain waste products that blood has taken from the cells.
The reproductive system includes the external and internal
reproductive organs as well as related inner structures that are required
for the reproduction of another human being.
The endocrine system is made up of organs called endocrine glands
that produce hormones. These hormones regulate growth, use of food
within the cells and reproduction.
All these specialized systems work together to maintain every
aspect of life. If any one of these systems fails, the entire body suffers.

1. The human body is made up of different systems, isn’t it?
2. What system is the framework of the body?
3. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
4. What does the muscular system consist of? Name the functions of this
5. What does the digestive system include?
6. What is the main function of the circulatory system?
7. What is the respiratory system comprised of?
8. What system is the largest of all systems?
9. What does the urinary system do?
10.What is the endocrine system made up of?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Людське тіло; внутрішні тканини та органи; місце зберігання;
недостатня кількість; раціон; розщеплювати їжу; рот, зуби, стравохід;
допоміжні органи; слинні залози; переносити кров до всіх частин
тіла; шкіра, волосся, нігті; захисне покриття; висихання; внутрішні
структури; виробляти гормони; регулювати ріст; підтримувати кожен
аспект життя.

II. Match the parts of the body with the systems in which they are
1. Glands a) cardiovascular system
2. heart, arteries, veins b) urinary system
3. bones, muscles c) digestive system
4. bladder, kidneys d) endocrine system
5. brain, spinal cord e) respiratory system
6. stomach, intestines f) nervous system
7. bronchi, trachea g) musculoskeletal system
8. hair and nails h) skin system
III. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. Each of the systems plays a major part in the health and well-being of
the whole body.
2. The muscular system allows movement of the body, maintains posture,
and circulates blood throughout the body.

3. The digestive system consists of all the organs that help break down
4. Skin system functions as a defensive covering for the underlying tissues.
5. Endocrine system is comprised of organs called endocrine glands that
create hormones.
IV. Match the name of the system with the functions it performs.
1. … - allows the body to reproduce.
2. … - breaks down consumed food and absorbs it for use as energy.
3. … - controls the amount of water in your body and releases waste.
4. … - covers and protects the body, regulates body temperature and
produces vitamin D.
5. … - excretes chemicals called hormones that regulate cell activity or
6. … - interprets information from sensory units and controls body
functions & systems.
7. … - is responsible for oxygenating the entire body as well as the removal
of carbon dioxide.
8. … - protect internally from disease and keep tissue fluid free of pathogens.
9. … - provides internal support and protection, maintains posture and
produces body movements.
10. … - transports gases, nutrients, and wastes throughout the body.
(Respiratory system; musculoskeletal system; urinary system; nervous
system; cardiovascular system; endocrine system; reproductive system;
skin (integumentary) system; digestive system; lymphatic and immune

Grammar Exercises

 We use do/does to make questions and negatives in the Present

Indefinite Tense:
+ You study at medical college. + My sister works in the hospital.
? Do you study at medical ? Does my sister work in the
college? hospital?
- You do not (don’t) study - My sister does not (doesn’t) work
at medical college. in the hospital.

I/We/You/They  Short answers:
speak .
He/She/It works Yes, I/we/you/they do.
speaks Yes, he/she/it does.
Do I/we/you/they work
? No, I/we/you/they don’t.
Does he/she/it speak_ No, he/she/it doesn’t.
do I/we/you/they work
When ?
does he/she/it speak_
I. Give short and full answers.
1. Do you remember your first teacher?
2. Do you speak English with your friends?
3. Does your friend live in the hostel?
4. Does your father smoke?
5. Do your groupmates like all the subjects they study?
6. Does the skeletal system protect the internal tissues and organs?
7. Does cartilage rot faster than bone?
8. Do we get three sets of teeth?
II. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
Model: His parents live in Kyiv.
Do his parents live in Kyiv? His parents don’t live in Kyiv.
1. Your friend lives in the hostel.
2. The students make a lot of mistakes in their dictations.
3. My cousin wants to become a nurse.
4. His parents work at the biggest hospital in our city.
5. You know the answer.
6. They realize the danger.
III. Make up questions to the following sentences. Use Do/Does…..?
1. The skeletal system gives the body its basic shape.
2. The muscular system permits movement of the body.
3. The circulatory system carries blood to all parts of the body.
4. All the organs of the digestive system help to break down food.
5. The urinary system filters out toxins and certain waste products.
6. The reproductive system includes organs required for the reproduction.
7. The hormones produced by the endocrine glands regulate growth.
8. Body systems allow us to maintain every aspect of life.

IV. Say that you (or your friend) do not (does not) do it.
Model: – I study at the Medical University.
– My friend does not study at the Medical University.
1. I like such hot weather.
2. My mother works in this hospital.
3. I know musculoskeletal system very well.
4. My cousin lives in this street.
5. Nick jogs in the morning.
6. My sister learns German.
7. My father teaches Anatomy at our college.
8. I read medical articles every day.
V. Translate into English.
1. Ти вивчаєш анатомію людини?
2. Ти завжди виконуєш домашнє завдання?
3. Коли ти зазвичай виконуєш домашнє завдання: після занять чи
4. Чи знаєш ти цього викладача?
5. Ендокринна система виробляє гормони?
6. Яка система включає такі органи, як слинні залози та печінка?
7. Чи страждає тіло, коли якась з його систем виходить з ладу?
8. Твій брат хоче вступати до університету?

Lesson 4
Musculoskeletal System
Text: Musculoskeletal System
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense (Review)
Active Vocabulary

cartilage хрящ
muscle м'яз
joint суглоб
tendon сухожилля
ligament зв'язка
deliberate навмисний,
controversial суперечливий
to fuse зливатися, зростатися
humerus плечова кістка
femur стегнова кістка
vertebra (pl vertebrae) хребець
erythrocyte червоне кров’яне
тільце, еритроцит
life-threatening небезпечний
для життя
hypoperfusion зменшення
dense ə щільний
voluntary muscles довільні м'язи
involuntary muscles ə мимовільні м'язи
to contract скорочуватися
to articulate з’єднувати
to permit дозволяти
specific конкретний, певний
adversely негативно

Read the text and answer the following questions

Musculoskeletal System
All of the bones, cartilages, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments in
a person’s body compose what is known as the musculoskeletal system.
Bones provide the body with a framework, giving it shape and support;

they also

serve as protection for internal
organs such as the lungs and
liver. Muscles are fibres that
help to make deliberate
movement of a body part or
involuntary movement within
an internal organ possible.
The number of bones in
the human skeletal system is a
controversial topic. Humans
are born with over 300 bones;
however, many bones fuse
together between birth and
maturity. As a result an
adult skeleton consists of 206 bones. The bones of the musculoskeletal
system are categorized according to their appearance or shape — short,
long, flat and irregular. For example, the humerus, or bone of the upper
arm, and the femur, or thigh bone, are long. The vertebrae, which protect
the spinal cord, are irregularly shaped.
Bones store salts and metabolic materials and serve as a site for the
body’s production of erythrocytes, or red blood cells. Although many
people think of them as hard structures that don't really present life-
threatening situations when fractured or broken, bones are living tissues
that, if fractured, can cause the loss of enough blood to bring on
hypoperfusion, also known as shock.
Muscles make up more than half of the weight of the human body,
and people who do heavy weight training often gain weight because
muscle is about three times as dense as fat. There are three categories of
muscles: voluntary, involuntary and cardiac. Voluntary muscles are fibres
that allow for conscious movement of body parts; when a person walks,
voluntary muscles are at work. Involuntary muscles are located within
certain internal organs such as the esophagus, in which muscles contract to
help move food downward. Cardiac muscles are found within the heart, an
organ whose movement is a constant pumping action.
Joints, as well as voluntary muscles, are involved in a person’s ability
to move a body part deliberately. They are the places where bones
articulate, such as the elbow or knee. Cartilage is a strong and tough tissue
that covers joint ends, and it helps to form some parts of the body, such as

the outer ear.

Tendons are pieces of tissue that connect muscles to bones, and
ligaments connect one bone end to another. This connective part of the
musculoskeletal system not only allows for the power of movement but
also permits a person to have a specific range of motion.
There are diseases and disorders that may adversely affect the
function and overall effectiveness of the system. Complex issues and
injuries involving the musculoskeletal system are usually handled by a
physiatrist or an orthopaedic surgeon.
1. What is known as the musculoskeletal system?
2. What do bones provide?
3. What are muscles?
4. How many bones does an average adult skeleton consist of?
5. How are the bones of the musculoskeletal system categorized?
6. What are the main functions of the bones?
7. How many categories of muscles are there?
8. What are the joints involved in?
9. What is a cartilage?
10.Are pieces of tissue that connect muscles to bones called tendons or

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. … any one of the hard pieces that form the frame (called a
2. … point where two bones meet in the body;
3. … a body tissue that can contract and produce movement;
4. … a type of strong tissue found in humans in the joints and
other places such as the nose, throat, and ears;
5. … a strong piece of tissue in the body connecting a muscle to a
6. … flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two bones
or cartilages or holds together a joint;
7. … a red blood cell that carry oxygen around the body;
8. … one of the small bones that are linked together to form the
9. … capable of causing someone's death.

II. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. Muscles are fibers that help to make conscious movement of a body
2. The number of bones in the human skeletal system is a disputable
3. An average adult skeleton has 206 bones.
4. Bones accumulate salts and metabolic materials and serve as a site for
the body’s production of erythrocytes.
5. Muscles compose more than half of the weight of the human body.
6. There are three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
7. Involuntary muscles are located within certain internal organs such as
the gullet.
8. Tendons are pieces of tissue that join muscles to bones.

III. Complete the following sentences choosing the necessary word-

combinations from the text.
1. All of the … in a person’s body compose the musculoskeletal system.
2. An average adult … consists of 206 bones.
3. Bones store salts and metabolic materials and serve as a site for the … .
4. Muscles are … that help to make deliberate movement of a body part.
5. There are … categories of muscles: … .
6. Joints are the places where bones articulate, such as … .
7. … is a strong and tough tissue that covers joint ends.
8. … are pieces of tissue that connect muscles to bones, and … connect
one bone end to another.

IV. Read and translate some interesting facts about the human body.
 Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the
 The human head is a quarter of our total length at birth, but only a
seventh of our total length by the time we reach adulthood.
 Your eyes remain the same size after birth but your nose and ears
never stop growing.
 Compared to its size, your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body.
 Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.
 There are about 60 muscles in the face. Smiling is easier than
frowning. It takes 20 muscles to smile and over 40 to frown.

Grammar Exercises
I. Make up general questions to the following sentences. Use Do…?
1. Bones, cartilage, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments compose the
musculoskeletal system.
2. The bones provide the body with a framework.
3. Muscles help to make deliberate movement of a body part.
4. An average adult skeleton consists of 206 bones.
5. The vertebrae protect the spinal cord.
6. Muscles make up more than half of the weight of the human body.
7. Cartilage covers joint ends.
8. Tendons connect muscles to bones.
II. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
1. The muscular system (to be) … responsible for the movement of the
human body.
2. The musculoskeletal system (to consist) … of the skeletal system and
the skeletal muscle system.
3. Each muscle (to have) … its own special name.
4. The musculoskeletal system (to provide) … our bodies with shape.
5. A tendon (to be) … a tough, flexible band of fibrous connective tissue
that (to connect) … muscles to bones.
6. Bursa (to provide) … a cushion between bones and tendons and/or
muscles around a joint.
7. Most ligaments (to limit) … dislocation, or (to prevent) … certain
movements that may cause breaks.
8. Primary muscular dysfunctions usually (to cause) … complete
III. Translate into English.
Я студент першого курсу. Я вивчаю англiйську мову. У нас
заняття з англiйської мови двічі на тиждень. Як правило, на заняттях
ми дуже багато читаємо, перекладаємо тексти, виконуємо рiзнi
вправи i розмовляємо англiйською мовою.
Мiй друг не вивчає англiйської мови. Вiн вивчає французьку. Вiн
любить читати книжки французьких авторiв у оригiналi. Мiй друг
нiколи не пропускає заняття. Пiсля занять вiн не йде додому. Вiн iде в
бiблiотеку. Вiн працює дуже наполегливо i хоче стати лікарем.

Lesson 5
Nervous System
Text: General Structure of the Nervous System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (to be)
Active Vocabulary

conscious свідомий
distinct окремий
to promote сприяти
brain мозок
spinal cord спинний мозок
cranial черепний
dendrite дендрит
projecting виступаючий
axon аксон
bundle пучок
to process обробляти
to cause викликати
to obtain отримувати
to generate створювати, викликати
reflex рефлекс
cerebrum головний мозок
concept поняття, концепція

Read the text and answer the following questions

General Structure of the Nervous System
The nervous system is the chief
controlling and coordinating system
of the body. It is one of the smallest
and yet the most complex of the body
systems. The nervous system
regulates both voluntary activities,
such as walking and talking, and
involuntary activities, such as
breathing, which you make no
conscious decisions about.

The nervous system has two distinct parts: the central nervous system
and the peripheral nervous system. PNS is further divided into the Somatic
Nervous System (connects to skeletal muscles) and Autonomic Nervous
System (connects to smooth (involuntary) muscles). The Autonomic
Nervous System is further divided into the Sympathetic Nervous System
(usually causes effects associated with emergency situations) and the
Parasympathetic Nervous System (promotes activities associated with a
normal state).
The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral
nervous system consists of nerves. These include 12 pairs of nerves that
branch from the brain (cranial nerves) and 31 pairs that branch from the
spinal cord (spinal nerves).
The nervous system contains billions of neurons (nerve cells). A
neuron has a cell body, arms called dendrites, and a long projecting fiber,
the axon. Electrical signals – up to 2,500 per second – can pass along
axons. Nerves are made up of bundles of the axons of nerve cells. Some of
these carry information picked up by sensory receptors around the body to
the CNS for processing. Other axons carry messages from the CNS to
muscles, causing movement, or to the body’s glands, causing the release of
The CNS has two main tasks. It has to process information, both
about the outside world (obtained by organs such as the eyes) and about
the inside of the body (obtained by internal receptors). It also has to
generate responses such as movement that will protect and maintain the
body. Some activity within the CNS is quite simple reflex (automatic)
activity. But much of its activity, particularly in the brain’s cerebrum, is
complex and conscious. The spinal cord’s main function is to transmit
information between the brain and spinal nerves. It is also involved in
some reflex activity.
The nervous system coordinates each body system. Without a
controlling system, there is no concept of life because in such case there
will be no coordination between different body functions and they will all
act separately.
1. The nervous system is the chief controlling system of the body, isn’t it?
2. Does it regulate only voluntary activities?
3. What are two distinct parts of the nervous system?
4. What are parts of the CNS?
5. What does the peripheral nervous system include?
6. What does a neuron consist of?
7. What can pass along axons?
8. Do axons carry information only to the CNS?
9. What are the main tasks of the CNS?
10.Why does the human body need a controlling system?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Найскладніша система; свідоме рішення; надзвичайні ситуації;
центральна нервова система; черепно-мозкові нерви; мільярди
нейронів; вивільнення гормонів; захищати і підтримувати організм;
обробляти інформацію; внутрішні рецептори; передавати
інформацію; діяти окремо.
II. Fill in the table.
The Divisions of the Nervous System

o somatic nerves o brain o spinal cord o parasympathetic

o sympathetic o sensory o motor o nervous system
o peripheral o central nervous o autonomic
nervous system system nerves
III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. … is the chief controlling and coordinating system of the body.
2. The nervous system regulates both …, such as walking and talking, and
…, such as breathing.
3. The nervous system has two distinct parts: … .
4. PNS is further divided into … .
5. The CNS consists of … .
6. The rest of the nervous system, called …, consists of nerves.

7. There are … that branch from the brain and … that branch from the
spinal cord.

IV. Read and translate the text for supplementary reading. Put the
verbs in brackets into the required form.
Inside your head there … (to be) a remarkable organ, the brain. You
… (to use) it to understand and remember things around you. The brain …
(to be) soft and spongy. It is made up of billions of tiny parts called cells.
Three coats or membranes … (to cover) the brain.
The brain … (to control) your body functions and … (to keep) all
parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages from all parts
of the body are being sent to and from the brain. Sensory nerves … (to
carry) messages to the brain. Special places, or centres, on the brain … (to
receive) sensory messages from all part of the body. When messages are
received by centres, the brain … (to interpret) them.
All day long your muscles and your brain are working. By the end of
the day they … (to be) tired. Then your brain and your muscles … (to
start) to relax. As you sleep, the big muscles in your body … (to relax).

V. Compare the hemispheres of the brain and discuss their differences

with your groupmates.
The Left Hemisphere The Right Hemisphere
The “logical side” The “intuitive side”
• speaks • creates images
• processes data • processes senses
• evaluates • symbolizes
• analyses differences • seeks similarities
• “speaks but cannot know” • “knows but cannot speak”
You use the LEFT side of the You use the RIGHT side of
brain when you know what you’re the brain when you “know it
looking for when you see it”
• talking • feeling
• setting goals • speculating
• planning • visualizing
• measuring • empathizing
• seeing differences • sensing similarities

VII. Read some amazing facts about the human body.
 The brain is about 75-80% water.
 The human brain can read up to 1,000 words per minute.
 People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to
 The human brain has the capacity to store as much information as 5
Encyclopedia Britannicas.
Grammar Exercises

 The Past Indefinite Tense

expresses a completed action in the past.
The Past Indefinite with “to be”
1. I was
Singular 2. You were
3. He /she /it was
1. We
Plural 2. You were
3. They
+He was at college yesterday.
- He wasn´t at college yesterday.
? Was he at college yesterday? –
Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

I. Answer the questions.

1. Were you at home yesterday?
2. Was your grandfather a doctor?
3. Was your grandmother a nurse?
4. Were you at hospital last month?
5. When were you at the polyclinic last?
6. Were you at the library last week?
II. Put these sentences into the past. Use past form of the verb “to be”.
Example: I’m at home. I was at home.
1. I’m fine.
2. Jane and Michael are tired.

3. She’s in the laboratory.
4. They aren’t ill.
5. Everyone is in the classroom.
6. You aren’t at the hospital.
III. Fill in the blanks using was (not) / were (not).
1. I’m here today but I wasn’t here yesterday.
2. Jennifer is tall now but she … tall two years ago.
3. It is rainy today but it … yesterday.
4. The students are in class today but they … last week.
5. It isn’t sunny now but it … an hour ago.
6. We aren’t hungry now but we … twenty minutes ago.
IV. Find and correct mistakes.
1. They aren’t sick yesterday.
2. I not right last time.
3. Where was they last night?
4. We wasn’t in the ward.
5. I weren’t late for the first lesson yesterday.
6. The students were at the meeting last Friday?
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be.
1. It … a nice day today.
2. I … at home yesterday.
3. Where … you yesterday?
4. The doctor … in the ward two minutes ago.
5. Anna and I … busy today.
6. Last week Tom and Susan … ill but they … fine now.
7. Esra … a teacher now. She … a student 10 years ago.
8. My English … terrible when I … a teenager. It … quite good now.
9. No, my friends … at college yesterday, it … Sunday!!!
10.The patient … better today. His condition … very poor yesterday.
VI. Translate into English.
Де ти був учора ввечері? Тебе не було вдома. — Я був у
поліклініці. - З ким ти був у поліклініці? — Я був там зi своїм другом.
Я був дуже хворий. В мене був сильний головний біль. Там було
дуже багато людей. А коли ти був у поліклініці востаннє? — Я не
пам’ятаю. Це було дуже давно. Я стараюся дотримуватися здорового
способу життя, тому в мене рідко проблеми зі здоров’ям.

Lesson 6
Cardiovascular System
Text: Organization of the Cardiovascular System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Regular Verbs)
Active Vocabulary

to circulate циркулювати
nutrients поживні речовини
carbon dioxide вуглекислий газ
to excrete виділяти
to pump качати
medial середній
thoracic грудний
apex верхівка
artery артерія
capillary капіляр
vein вена
pressure тиск
force сила
arteriole артеріола
venule венула
counterpart копія, аналог
flexible гнучкий
to facilitate полегшувати
valve клапан
circuit кругообіг
ventricle шлуночок (серця)
atrium (pl atria) передсердя
myocardium серцевий м’яз, міокард
Read the text and answer the following questions

Organization of the Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system (also known as the circulatory system)
consists of the heart, blood vessels, and approximately 5 litres of blood. As
blood circulates around the body, it picks up oxygen from the lungs,
nutrients from the small intestine, and hormones from the endocrine
glands, and delivers these to the cells. Blood then picks up carbon dioxide

and cellular wastes from cells and delivers these to the lungs and kidneys,
where they are excreted.
The cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working
organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. The heart
is a muscular pumping organ located medial to the lungs along the body’s
midline in the thoracic region. The bottom tip of the heart, known as its
apex, is turned to the left, so that about 2/3 of the heart is located on the
body’s left side with the other 1/3 on right.
The blood vessels of the body (arteries, capillaries, and veins) make
up a closed system of tubes that carry blood from the heart to tissues all
over the body and then back to the heart. Arteries carry blood away from
the heart, while veins carry blood toward the heart. Arteries face high
levels of blood pressure as they carry blood being pushed from the heart
under great force. To withstand this pressure, the walls of the arteries are
thicker, more elastic, and more muscular than those of other vessels.
Arterioles are narrower arteries that branch off from the ends of arteries
and carry blood to capillaries.
Capillaries are the smallest and thinnest of the blood vessels in the
body and connect to arterioles on one end and venules on the other.
Capillaries carry blood very close to the cells of the tissues of the body in
order to exchange gases, nutrients, and waste products.
Veins act as the blood return counterparts of arteries. The walls of
veins are more flexible than artery walls. To facilitate the movement of
blood, some veins contain many one-way valves that prevent blood from
flowing away from the heart. Venules are similar to arterioles. Venules
pick up blood from many capillaries and deposit it
into larger veins for transport back to the heart.
The blood vessels of the body are functionally
divided into two distinctive circuits: the pulmonary
circuit and systemic circuit. Pulmonary circulation
transports deoxygenated blood from the right
ventricle to the lungs where blood picks up a new
blood supply. Then it returns the oxygen-rich blood
to the left atrium. The systemic circulation carries
oxygen and nutrients to the cells and picks up
carbon dioxide and waste products. Besides the
heart has its own set of blood vessels (coronary
circulation) that provide the myocardium with the
oxygen and nutrients necessary to pump blood throughout the body.

1. What does the cardiovascular system include?
2. What does blood deliver to the cells?
3. Where is the heart located?
4. Do arteries carry blood toward the heart or away from the heart?
5. What are the smallest and the thinnest blood vessels in the body?
6. Why do some veins contain many one-way valves?
7. What two distinctive circuits are the blood vessels of the body
functionally divided into?
8. Which circuit carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells?
9. What do we call the coronary circulation?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
To pick up pressure
cellular wastes
hardest-working organ
bottom oxygen
away from blood
to withstand circuits
the smallest and thinnest the heart
to facilitate blood vessels
two distinctive tip
the oxygen-rich the movement of blood

II. Substitute the words in bold type by the words from the text.
1. The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
2. The cardiovascular system is powered by the muscular pumping
organ located in the thoracic region.
3. The bottom tip of the heart is turned to the left, so that about 2/3 of
the heart is located on the body’s left side with the other 1/3 on right.
4. Narrower arteries carry blood to capillaries.
5. The thinnest of the blood vessels in the body carry blood very close to
the cells of the tissues of the body in order to exchange gases, nutrients,
and waste products.
6. Pulmonary circulate transports deoxygenated blood from the right
ventricle to the lungs.

III. Match the term with its definition.
 artery  cardiovascular system
 atrium  heart
 blood pressure  vein
 capillary  ventricle
a) a collection of organs that transport blood throughout the body
(consists of heart and blood vessels);
b) organ made of cardiac muscle with four chambers; responsible for
pumping blood;
c) chamber of the heart in the upper section;
d) lower chamber of the heart;
e) the force with which blood is pumped through the arteries;
f) a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body’s organs;
g) the smallest type of blood vessel that carries blood to and from
individual cells in the body;
h) a blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart.
IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. The cardiovascular system consists of … .
2. Blood picks up … from the lungs, … from the small intestine, and …
from the endocrine glands, and delivers these to the … .
3. Then blood picks up … from cells and delivers these to the …, where
they are excreted.
4. The … is a muscular pumping organ.
5. The blood vessels of the body include … .
6. … carry blood away from the heart, while … carry blood toward the
V. Read and complete the information about the function of the heart.
Use the words below.
The heart is a muscle that … blood around the body.
The blood … through to the other organs and takes food and
oxygen to them. The blood then … to the heart via the veins.
Inside the heart there are four chambers. The two upper
chambers are called the …. They receive and collect blood.
The two lower chambers of the heart are called the … . They pump blood
out of the heart into the … to other parts of the body.
(Atria, circulatory system, ventricles, circulates, pumps, returns)

VI. Read and translate some interesting facts about the human body.
 Stress, eating high fat foods, obesity, tobacco and alcohol use are just
some risk factors of developing heart disease.
 For every pound of fat or muscle gained, your body creates seven
miles of new blood vessels.
 The length of all your blood vessels lined up is about 60,000 miles
long! So your blood vessels would go twice around the world and still
have some to spare!
 In one day, your blood travels 12,000 miles around your body. That’s
four times the distance across the US from coast-to-coast.
 The cornea is the only living tissue in the human body that does not
contain any blood vessels.
 Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.

Grammar Exercises
 We use the Past Indefinite Tense
 to talk about actions or - The district doctor received 15
situations in the past (that are patients yesterday.
 to say that one thing happened - First the nurse disinfected the
after another: wound and then dressed it.
 to tell a story and to talk about - Roentgen discovered X-rays.
historical events:
 Regular verbs
Most verbs are known as regular verbs. Their past forms are made by
adding -ed to the present form:
listen > listened [d] talk > talked [t] visit > visited[id]
 Spelling rules

 live > lived, practice > practiced;

 cry > cried, study > studied;
but: play > played
 plan > planned; regret > regretted;
 picnic > picnicked; panic >panicked.

I. Give the forms of the Past Indefinite and divide them into 3
to regulate, to smile, to hope, to translate, to stop, to plan, to talk, to visit, to
work, to prefer, to study, to enjoy, to attend, to panic, to play, to cry, to land;
[d] [t] [id]
II. Change the following into the Past Indefinite Tense using the given
Model: I study English at college. – I studied English at school.
1. He usually works from 9 to 5. (last month)
2. They always investigate the disease.(two weeks ago)
3. The nurse fills in the case history with the general information about the
patient. (some time ago)
4. The students study Chemistry this year. (last year)
5. The pharmacist mixes the chemicals in the bottle. (a minute ago)
6. The nurse prepares surgical instruments before the operation. (before the
last operation)
III. Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in the
1. They … (to study) the cardiovascular system last week.
2. The cardiovascular system … (to consist) of the heart, blood vessels
and blood.
3. Arteries have a thick wall that … (to consist) of three layers.
4. She … (to work) hard last year and … (to pass) the exam.
5. Veins … (to carry) blood to the heart.
6. We … (to jog) in the park yesterday.
7. I always … (to listen) carefully to the teacher.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Я чистив зуби три рази вчора.
2. Цей чоловік відвідував пацієнта із важким захворюванням серця.
3. Кардіолог відповів на всі запитання родичів пацієнта.
4. Цей профессор присвятив своє життя науці.
5. Потім її стан покращився і ми зменшили дозу.
6. Я переклала всі речення без словника годину тому.

Lesson 7
Digestive System
Text: Human Digestive System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Irregular Verbs)
Active Vocabulary

growth ріст
maintenance підтримка
overall загальний
to absorb поглинати
alimentary canal травний тракт
accessory додатковий, допоміжний
salivary слинний
liver печінка
gallbladder жовчний міхур
pancreas підшлункова залоза
enzyme фермент
starch крохмаль
taste buds смакові рецептори
sour кислий
bitter гіркий
pharynx глотка
peristalsis перистальтика
to churn змішувати, збивати
gastric acid шлункова кислота
chyme хімус
bile ə жовч
droplet крапелька
solid твердий
rectum пряма кишка

Read the text and answer the following questions

Human Digestive System
Human body needs food for two primary purposes: growth and
maintenance. The overall functions of the digestive system are to digest
food and absorb it into our body. The human digestive system is a complex
series of organs and glands processing food.

The digestive system can be divided into two major parts: the
alimentary canal (gastrointestinal, or digestive tract) and – the accessory
organs. The accessory organs include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands,
liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
The first division of the digestive
tract is the mouth, or oral cavity.
Digestion begins when the person
chews the food. The food is broken
into smaller pieces by the teeth and is
mixed with saliva secreted by the
salivary glands. Saliva contains
chemicals called enzymes, which
break down the starches in the food.
Tongue is a muscle that works with the
food and saliva to form a "ball" that
can be swallowed. Of course, the
tongue also contains taste buds that
help us to tell the difference between
salty, sour, sweet, and bitter foods.
After being chewed and
swallowed, the food passes through the
pharynx to the esophagus. The
esophagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses
rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food
from the throat into the stomach.
The stomach is a large, sack-like organ that churns the food and
bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric juice). The food is moved around in
the stomach and mixed with the chemicals for 3-4 hours. When the
stomach is finished with it, the food is a creamlike liquid called chyme.
This substance is still not small enough to get into our blood stream, and it
has not yet provided the body with anything useful.
The liver is the second largest organ in the human body (the skin is
the largest). Tissue of the liver is divided among four lobes. The primary
digestive function of the liver is the production of bile. When the
gallbladder mixes bile with our food, it does an important job breaking
down the fat into tiny droplets. The pancreas also adds a digestive
chemical as the food leaves the stomach.
After being in the stomach, food enters the small intestine. The small
intestine is a thin-walled tube approximately 6.5 meters long. In the small

intestine, bile, pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes help in the
breakdown of food. The main job of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients
from the food and bring the nutrients to the blood where they can be
circulated throughout the body. The wastes that are left then pass to the
large intestine.
In the large intestine, some of the water and electrolytes are removed
from the food. Many microbes in the large intestine help in the digestion
process. Solid wastes are then stored in the rectum until they are excreted.
1. What are the overall functions of the digestive system?
2. What are two major parts of the digestive system?
3. Is the mouth the first division of the digestive tract?
4. What helps to break down the starches in the food?
5. What is gastric acid?
6. What is the primary digestive function of the liver?
7. Where does food go from the stomach?
8. What is the main job of the small intestine?
9. Where are solid wastes stored until they are excreted?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Label the diagram using the following terms from the box.

1. liver
2. pancreas
3. stomach
4. gallbladder
5. esophagus
6. duodenum
7. small intestine

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. The digestive system can be divided into two major parts: … .
2. … include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and
3. After being chewed in the oral cavity the food passes … .

4. The stomach is a … where food is mixed with the chemicals for 3-4
5. The primary digestive function of the liver is the … .
6. The main job of … is to absorb nutrients from the food and bring the
nutrients to the blood.
7. The wastes that are left then pass to … .

III. Find the word in the box that matches the definition.
1. … - lobed organ that produces bile.
2. … - liquid produced by the liver that helps to digest fat. bile
3. … - a process by which the body changes food so it can digestion
be used to supply energy.
4. … - a muscular tube which connects the throat to the
stomach. esophagus
5. … - a muscular sack that stores food and helps to digest it. gallbladder
6. … - fluid containing water, protein, salts. large
7. … - an organ where bile is stored. intestine
8. … - a short, wide tube in which water is absorbed from liver
undigested food.
9. … - chemicals that break down food.
10. … - an opening through which food passes into the rectum
body. saliva
11. … - a part of the body at the end of the large intestine small
where solid wastes are stored until they leave the body. intestine
12. … - a long tube in which food is digested and absorbed. stomach

IV. Read the following sentences and insert the words that best fill
each blank.
The human digestive system is a group of organs that break down
food into … to be used as fuel by the body. Digestive juices, which are
mostly …, speed up this breakdown.
Digestion begins in the mouth, where food is ground into smaller
particles, and an enzyme breaks down some of the …. In the stomach, …
such as hydrochloric acid begin the breakdown of protein. Fats and
starches move on to the …, where most of the digestive process takes
place. Fluid secreted by the … and …, which is made in the liver, help to
digest fat.
(Starches, gastric juices, small intestine, molecules, bile, pancreas, enzymes)

V. Read and translate some interesting facts about the human body.
 An average person eats 50 tonnes of food and drinks 50,000 litres of
liquid during his life.
 Unless food is mixed with saliva you cannot taste it.
 1.5 litres of saliva are produced each day. During lifetime, a person
produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.
 The acids present in our stomach are strong enough to digest zinc.

Grammar Exercises

 The Past Indefinite Tense (Irregular Verbs)

Not all verbs are regular. Irregular verbs have special Past Indefinite
forms, we don’t add “ed” to irregular verbs. Instead, we look at the list
of irregular verbs and take the form in the second column. The best thing
to do is to try and memorize them.
 For some irregular English verbs, the past to put – put;
indefinite form is identical to the base form: to cut – cut.
 Other irregular English verbs experience a to write –
change from the base form to the past indefinite wrote; to buy –
form: bought; to
catch –
 The past indefinite forms of the verbs to go and to go – went;
to be are formed from different roots: to be – was, were.

I. Change the following into the Past Indefinite Tense using the given
1. A lot of people catch cold in winter.(last winter)
2. Patients make appointments in the registry.(an hour ago)
3. Different specialists give medical consultations to patients at the
polyclinic. (yesterday)
4. A physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well. (last year)
5. During his reception hours a physician sees 15 or even more patients.
(on Thursday)
6. The doctor usually begins his examination with questioning the patient
carefully. (some time ago)

7. A nurse comes to the patient’s house to make him the administered
injections. (the other day)
8. Peter and Mary are absent because they are ill. (the day before
II. Fill in Past Indefinite of the following verbs into the text below.
To arrive to direct to recommend
to ask to feel to take
to be to find to tell
to begin to give not to think
to call not to have to write
to examine to invite to listen
Yesterday I called to the registry to make an appointment with my
district doctor. When I … at the polyclinic, the registering clerk … my
patient’s card and … me to consulting room 5.
I … to wait long. Soon the nurse … me to come in. She … me a
thermometre to keep it in the armpit for several minutes. The doctor … me
what … wrong with me. I … her my complaints, namely dry cough and a
bad headache. After that she … to examine me.
First she … my pulse and … my blood pressure. Then she … my
throat and … to my lungs. The doctor … there was anything wrong with
me, just a common cold. So she … out a prescription for some
medicine which she said would make me feel better. She also … me
to stay in bed for several days.

III. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite or Past
1. The teacher (to come) … into the room a minute ago.
2. The district doctor always (to examine) … his patients carefully.
3. He (to enter) … the Medical University last year.
4. Physicians usually (to receive) … patients in their consulting rooms.
5. We (to make) … different investigations last term.
6. The nurse always (to prepare) … the apparatus for blood transfusion
7. He (to read) … the article "Hepatic Diseases" the other day.
8. The liver (to stop) … aching two hours ago.

IІI. Solve the following crossword puzzle with the 2nd form of irregular
verbs. 1 5

Across: Down:
2. співати 1. приносити
4. знаходити 3. казати 4 13 16

6. годувати 4. забувати 12

7. вчити 5. тримати 3 8 9
8. мати 6. падати 2 18
11. продавати 9. пити 14
12. вибирати 10. читати
19 22
14. їсти 12. приходити 6

17. дозволяти 13. боротися

18. рости 15. розказати 7 10 15 21

19. брати 16. бути

20. сидіти 21. зустрічати 17 20

21. робити 22. знати 11

IV. Translate into English.

1. Кілька років тому у моєї сестри був гастрит.
2. Спочатку лікар розпитував хворого про скарги, а потім провів
3. У дитинстві ми хотіли стати лікарями, щоб допомагати людям.
4. Моя бабуся працювала медсестрою у цій лікарні багато років тому.
5. В понеділок чергова медсестра робила хворим багато різних
6. Кілька днів тому лікар призначив цьому хворому ліки від
головного болю.

Lesson 8
Respiratory System
Text: Respiratory System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Questions)
Active Vocabulary

stream потік
to expel виштовхувати
passage прохід
cavity порожнина
larynx гортань
trachea трахея
windpipe дихальне горло
bronchus (pl -i) бронх
bronchiole бронхіола
to irritate подразнювати
flap клапоть (шкіри)
epiglottis надгортанник,
надгортанний хрящ
to swallow ковтати
cilia ворсинки
mucus слиз, мокротиння
sternum грудина
alveolus (pl -i) альвеола
lobe доля

Read the text and answer the following questions

Respiratory System
The cells of the human body require a constant stream of oxygen to
stay alive. The respiratory system is a group of organs responsible for
carrying oxygen from the air to the blood stream and expelling the waste
product carbon dioxide. The main parts of this system are the airways,
the lungs and linked blood vessels, and the muscles that enable
The airways are passages that carry oxygen-rich air to the lungs
and carbon dioxide out of the lungs. The airways include the nose and
linked air passages called nasal cavities, mouth, larynx, or voice box,
trachea, or windpipe, tubes called bronchial tubes or bronchi, and their
branches, called bronchioles.
Air first enters the body through the
nose or mouth, which wets and warms
the air (cold, dry air can irritate the
lungs). The air then travels through the
larynx and down the trachea. The
trachea divides into two bronchi that
enter the lungs. A thin flap of tissue,
called the epiglottis, covers the trachea
when a person swallows. This prevents
food or drink from entering the air
passages that lead to the lungs.
Except for the mouth and some parts
of the nose, all of the airways have
special hairs, called cilia that are coated with sticky mucus. The cilia
trap germs and other particles that enter the airways when a person
breathes in air.
The lungs are the principal organs of the respiration and one of the
largest organs of the body. The lungs lie on either side of the sternum
(breastbone) and fill the inside of the chest cavity. The left lung is
slightly smaller than the right lung to allow room for the heart.
Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into thousands of smaller,
thinner tubes called bronchioles. These tubes end in bunches of tiny
round air sacs called alveoli. Each of these air sacs is covered in
capillaries. The capillaries connect to a network of arteries and veins
that move blood through the body.
The pulmonary artery and its branches deliver blood rich in carbon
dioxide to the capillaries that surround the alveoli. Inside the alveoli,
carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the air. Oxygen moves from
the air into the blood in the lungs.
The oxygen-rich blood then travels to the heart through the
pulmonary vein and its branches. The heart pumps the oxygen-rich
blood out to the body.
The lungs are divided into five main sections called lobes. Some
people need to have a diseased lung lobe removed. However, they can
still breathe well using the rest of their lung lobes.

1. What is the respiratory system responsible for?
2. What does the respiratory system consist of?
3. The airways carry carbon dioxide to the lungs, don’t they?
4. Where does air enter the body?
5. What prevents food or drink from entering the air passages that lead
to the lungs?
6. Do the cilia trap germs and other particles that enter the airways?
7. The lungs are the principal organs of the respiration, aren’t they?
8. Where do the lungs lie?
9. What is the difference between right and left lungs?
10. How many lobes are the lungs divided into?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match key terms with their definitions.

1. alveoli a) a collection of organs whose main job is to take in

oxygen and expel carbon dioxide;
2. bronchus
b) the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between
3. diaphragm living cells and their environment;
c) the passage from the mouth to the larynx and
4. larynx
5. pharynx d) the area of the throat that contains the vocal cords
and produces vocal sounds;
6. respiratory
e) the tube that connects the larynx to the lungs;
f) one of the two tubes that connect the lungs with the
7. respiration
g) tiny air sacs of the lungs where oxygen and carbon
8. trachea dioxide are exchanged;
h) dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs; muscle that
contracts to start the breathing process;

II. Label the diagram with the terms from the box.
nasal cavity
f g diaphragm
right bronchus

left bronchus

III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx,
larynx, …, bronchi, and lungs. The respiratory system and the
cardiovascular system transport oxygen to … cells. Respiration is the …
of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and body cells.
Air enters the … cavity. Then the air passes the … and larynx.
After that the air passes the trachea and … . The trachea connects the
larynx to the primary bronchi. The lungs are the principal organs of the
… . The right … is larger than the left.
(Respiration, lung, individual, bronchi, nasal, pharynx, exchange,
IV. Read and translate some interesting facts about the human body.
 At rest, the adult body takes in and breathes out about 6 litres of air
each minute.
 From all the oxygen that a human breathes, twenty percent goes to the
 We lose half a litre of water a day through breathing. This is the water
vapour we see when we breathe onto glass.
 The need to breathe so much is due to carbon dioxide buildup more
than the need for oxygen. If there was a different way to get rid of
carbon dioxide from the blood, we would only need to breathe at a
rate of about once per minute.
 The breathing rate is faster in children and women than in men.

 People that smoke have 10 times as many wrinkles as a person that
does not smoke.
V. Translate into English.
1. Дихальна система забезпечує насичення організму киснем,
виділення вуглекислого газу і води.
2. Система органів дихання складається із повітроносних шляхів
(порожнини носа, глотка, гортань, трахея, бронхи) та дихальної
3. Трахея має форму трубки та виконує дихальну функцію.
4. Легеня – це парний орган, який міститься в грудній порожнині.
5. Основна функція легенів – дихальна (газообмін).

Grammar Exercises
 We use did to make questions and negatives in the Past
Indefinite Tense:
+ She worked in the polyclinic last year.
? Did she work in the polyclinic last year?
- She didn’t work in the polyclinic last year.

I /You worked  Short answers:

He/She/It spoke .
We/They Yes, I/he/she/it/we/you/they
I/ you did.
he/she/it ?
Did speak No, I/he/she/it/we/you/they
I/ you
When did he/she/it ?
I. Answer the questions.
1. Did you wake up early yesterday?
2. What time did you get up this morning?
3. Did you drink coffee before classes?
4. What did you have for breakfast?
5. Did you catch a bus this morning?
6. When did you begin to learn English?
7. What did you do at your last English lesson?
8. Did your parents learn English when they were schoolchildren?

II. Make the following sentences interrogative.
1. This doctor received many patients the day before yesterday.
2. The nurse filled in the case history with the general information about
the patient.
3. The district physician visited this man suffering from bronchitis at
4. The ward doctor asked the nurse to make an injection.
5. On admission to the hospital the nurse took the patient to the reception
6. The patient was glad to hear such good news.
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
Model: He didn’t leave at 10 yesterday. He left at 11.
1. This morning we didn´t have enough coffee, so I … some more.
2. When she was a student, she didn’t go to Oxford, she … to Cambridge.
3. I didn´t get the job I wanted. I … a better one!
4. While I was there, I … the nurse but I didn´t see the doctor.
5. The operation didn´t take very long. It only … half an hour.
6. She gave me the address of the doctor but she … me his phone number.
IV. Say that you (your brother) didn't do it. Develop the situation as in
the model.
Model: – My brother entered the Medical university last year.
– My brother didn’t enter the Medical university last year.
He was only ten.
1. She came home late yesterday.
2. Father helped me with my English.
3. I liked Biology very much at school.
4. I made many mistakes in my last dictation.
5. I saw Mary in the library yesterday.
6. I found many interesting articles in this magazine.
V. Make up questions to the following sentences. Start with the words
in brackets.
1. Before entering University I went to the district polyclinic to get the
certificate of health. (Why)
2. Different medical specialists including a therapeutist, a neurologist, a
surgeon, an eye-doctor, and others examined me. (Who)

3. They checked my kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing as well.
4. I had to go to the laboratory for blood and urine tests and to the X-ray
room for the chest examination. (Where)
5. When the examination was over the doctor filled in my patient’s card
and wrote out my certificate of health. (What)
VI. Translate into English.
— О котрій годині ти зазвичай встаєш? — Я встаю о сьомій годині.
— О котрій годині ти встав учора? — Учора я встав о восьмій. Я
завжди встаю о восьмій у неділю. — Чому ти мені не зателефонував?
— Учора я був дуже зайнятий. Спочатку я виконував домашнє
завдання. Потім я читав i перекладав текст про захворювання верхніх
дихальних шляхів. Я перекладав його без словника, оскільки він не
був дуже важким. Після цього я перекладав речення з української
мови на англійську. — Скільки часу ти витратив на те, щоб виконати
домашнє завдання? — Близько трьох годин. Після обіду я пішов
прогулятися. Погода була гарна, i на вулиці було багато людей.

Lesson 9
Reproductive System
Text: Female and Male Reproductive System
Grammar: Present Indefinite and Past Indefinite (Review)
Active Vocabulary

female жіноча стать

male чоловіча стать
ovum яйцеклітина
sex стать
ovary яєчник
almond мигдальний горіх
pelvic cavity тазова порожнина
lateral бічний
gamete зріла статева клітина
hollow порожнина, впадина
womb матка, утроба
fetus плід
pregnancy вагітність
cervix шийка матки
mammary glands молочні залози
adipose tissue жирова тканина
scrotum калитка
duct протока
penis пеніс, чоловічий
статевий орган
gonad статева залоза
ejaculatory duct сім'явипорскувальна
urethra сечовипускний канал
umbilicus пупок
superior розташований зверху
inferior розташований знизу

Read the text and answer the following questions

Female and Male Reproductive System
The reproductive system is a system of sex organs within an
organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction. In the

human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes, are
involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or
ovum, meet in the female’s reproductive system to create a new individual.
The female reproductive system includes the ovaries, fallopian
tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, mammary glands and breasts. The ovaries are
a pair of small glands about the size and shape of almonds, located on the
left and right sides of the pelvic body cavity lateral to the superior portion
of the uterus. Ovaries produce female sex hormones such as estrogen and
progesterone as well as ova (commonly called "eggs"), the female
gametes. The fallopian tubes are a pair of muscular tubes that extend from
the left and right superior corners of the uterus to the edge of the ovaries.
The uterus is a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped
organ. The uterus is also known as the womb,
as it surrounds and supports the developing
fetus during pregnancy. The vagina is an
elastic, muscular tube that connects the cervix
of the uterus to the exterior of the body. The
vulva is the collective name for the external
female genitalia located in the pubic region of
the body. The breasts are specialized organs of
the female body that contain mammary glands, milk ducts, and adipose
tissue. The mammary glands are a special type of glands that have been
modified to produce milk to feed infants.
The male reproductive system includes the scrotum, testes,
spermatic ducts, sex glands, and penis. The scrotum is a sac-like organ
made of skin and muscles that houses the testes. The 2 testes, also known
as testicles, are the male gonads responsible for the production of sperm
and testosterone. Semen is the fluid produced by males for sexual
reproduction and it contains sperm, the male reproductive gametes. Semen
passes from the ejaculatory duct to the exterior of the body via the urethra,
a long muscular tube. The penis is the male external sexual organ located
superior to the scrotum and inferior to the umbilicus. The penis contains
the urethra and the external opening of the urethra. The function of the
penis is to deliver semen into the vagina during sexual intercourse.
1. Is the reproductive system a system of sex organs within an organism
which works together for the purpose of reproduction?
2. What cells are involved in the human reproductive process?
3. The female reproductive system includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes,
uterus, vagina, vulva, mammary glands and breasts, doesn’t it?
4. What are the functions of the ovaries?
5. What do breasts contain?
6. What glands have been modified to produce milk to feed infants?
7. What does the male reproductive system consist of?
8. What organ houses the testes?
9. What are the female and male sex hormones?
10.What is the main purpose of reproductive system?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the Ukrainian equivalents of the following from the text.
A system of sex organs; two kinds of sex cells; female/ male gamete; to
create a new individual; mammary glands; the size and shape of almonds;
pelvic body cavity; a pair of muscular tubes; pear-shaped organ; the
collective name; specialized organ; to feed infants; a sac-like organ;
ejaculatory duct.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. In the human reproductive process, two kinds of gametes are involved.
2. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum,
meet in the male’s reproductive system.
3. Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, mammary glands and
breasts are the organs of male reproductive system.
4. Fallopian tubes produce female sex hormones such as estrogen and
5. The uterus is also known as the womb.
6. Breasts do not contain mammary glands, milk ducts, and adipose
7. The two testes are the male gonads responsible for the production of
sperm and testosterone.
8. Sperm is the fluid produced by males for sexual reproduction and it
contains semen, the male reproductive gametes.
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
The … system uses the process of producing a new generation to
continue the existence of the species by the fusion of one … and one … .
This fusion is called "fertilization" and is achieved by … between a male
and female. The creation of human life is a … to behold as two tiny cells -
the sperm and the ovum - fuse to form a new cell which, after fertilization,

resides in the female … . Nine months later, a fully- formed, breathing,
living … in tiny replica is born. The biological symbol for … comes from
the representation of the hand mirror of Venus, the Roman … of love and
fertility. The … for the male comes from a symbol of the shield and spear
of Mars, the Roman god of war and aggression.
(Sexual intercourse, goddess, miracle, reproductive; womb, human being,
sperm, ovum, the female, biological symbol)
IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
Pregnancy is when a female mammal has an unborn baby inside/of
her. Pregnancy usually starts when a woman has sexual intercourse with/of
a man. Her ovum and his sperm come together and form a zygote
(fertilized egg) inside/above her. The zygote grows into an embryo, which
grows into/under a fetus.
Pregnancy is divided into/on three parts called trimesters. Each
trimester is about/off three months long. During/On the first trimester, the
woman often feels sick in/at her stomach. During/On the second trimester,
the woman’s body starts to look pregnant, and her belly starts to stick out.
During/On the third trimester, her belly sticks out even more, and the
woman becomes even heavier. Many other things happen to the woman
during/at pregnancy. At/In the end of a full pregnancy, the woman body
lets the baby come out. This is called delivering a baby or giving birth.
V. Read and translate some interesting facts about the human body
 The largest cell in the body is the female egg and the smallest is the
male sperm.
 A man’s testicles manufacture 10 million new sperm cells each day –
enough that he could repopulate the entire planet in only 6 months!
 The female ovaries contain nearly half-a-million egg cells, yet only
400 or so will ever get the opportunity to create a new life.

Grammar Exercises
I. Open
the brackets using the verbs in the Present Indefinite Tense.
The human female reproductive system … (to contain) two main
parts: the uterus and the ovaries. The uterus … ( to house) the developing
fetus and the ovaries … (to produce) the female’s egg cells. At certain
intervals, the ovaries … (to release) an ovum, which … (to pass) through
the fallopian tube into the uterus. If, in this transit, it … (to meet) with
sperm, the sperm penetrate and merge with the egg, fertilizing it. During
the reproductive process, the egg … (to release) certain molecules that …
(to be) essential to guiding the sperm and these allow the surface of the
egg to attach to the sperm’s surface. The fertilization usually … (to occur)
in the oviducts, but can happen in the uterus itself.
II. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense.
1. My aunt … (to be) pregnant when she moved abroad.
2. We … (to be) late for the lecture on Obstetrics yesterday.
3. … (you/watch) the film about early pregnancy last week?
4. During the first trimester, Mrs. Grane … (to feel) sick, she … (not to
eat) well.
5. Students … (to read) a lot about the reproductive system at the previous
6. In 1983 she … (to deliver) twins. They … (to be) as like as two peas.
7. Two months ago our Anatomy professor … (to participate) in the
8. He … (to write) many articles on reproductive system last year.
III. Translate into English.
1. Репродуктивна система людини – це складна система статевих
2. Вагітність триває, як правило, 9 місяців і умовно складається з
трьох триместрів.
3. Запліднення – це складний процес, що відбувається в жіночому
4. Спортсмени застосовували тестостерон під час змагань незаконно.
5. Під час вагітності моя сестра змінила свої смаки та уподобання,
вона була дуже вразливою в цей період.
6. Плід знаходиться в утробі матері і живиться через її організм.
7. Ця клініка займалася лікуванням захворювань репродуктивної
системи людини.
8. Минулого року вона народила чудового хлопчика. Лікарі вважали
це дивом.

Lesson 1
Nursing in Antiquity
Text: Nursing in Antiquity
Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense
Active Vocabulary
antiquity стародавній світ; античність
to span охоплювати, простягатися
to assign призначати, доручати
to assume припускати
nurture виховання
to designate призначати
spiritual guide духовний наставник
to ill-treat погано ставитись
to starve морити голодом; голодувати
nauseous нудотний, огидний
rite обряд
fright сильний раптовий переляк
fomentation лікування сухим або вологим
trepanation трепанація
trial and error метод спроб і помилок
to offend ображати
deaconess диякониса
bishop єпископ
to decline занепадати

Read the text and answer the following questions

Nursing in Antiquity
The history of nursing spans from the history of humankind. For as
long as there has been life, there has been the need to provide care and
comfort to those suffering from illness and injury. Nursing has been called
the oldest of the arts and the youngest of the profession. It has come a long

way since its

early days, when nurses were untrained and
looked down upon by the rest of society. Today’s
nurses are well educated and have earned the trust
and respect of the public.
In some early cultures, the provision of
nursing care was assigned to females, because
women provided nurturing to their infants and it
was assumed that they could provide the same
type of care to the sick and injured. In other
ancient societies, however, men were designated
to care for the sick, because they were considered
spiritual guides or “medicine men”.
In the pre-historic era, it was believed that illness was caused by evil
spirits within the body. In order to get rid of the evil spirit, the body had to
be ill-treated. This was done by starving, beating, and administering
nauseous medicines, beating of drums, magic rites and ceremonies and by
causing sudden fright. Besides this, there were also many other ways of
treating illness. Primitive man’s skill in fighting disease has given us many
medical and surgical treatments such as massage, fomentation, trepanation,
bone setting, hot and cold baths, etc.
There was no formal education available in primitive societies, so the
earliest nurses learned the tricks of the trade via oral traditions that were
passed down from one generation to the next. They also learned how to
nurse patients back to health through trial and error and by observing
others who cared for the sick. The earliest nurses used plants and herbs to
heal and believed that evil spirits and magic could affect one’s health.
Illness was often viewed as a sign that something was done to offend the
priests or gods.
The Egyptian healthcare system was the first to maintain medical
records starting at around 3000 B.C. Egyptian society was also the first to
classify medications and develop plans to maintain people’s health. In
ancient Rome, during the early Christian era, deaconesses were selected by
the church’s bishops to provide care for the sick. Deaconesses had some
education and had to visit and care for the sick in their homes. The
deaconess Phoebe is considered to be the first “visiting nurse” who
provided expert home nursing care.
In the 12th and 13th centuries nursing became differentiated from
medicine and surgery. Medicine went into a period of advancement while

nursing declined.
1. The history of nursing spans from the history of human kind, doesn’t it?

2. Have today’s nurses earned the trust and respect of the public?
3. Whom was the provision of nursing care assigned in many societies to?
4. Why did people in the pre-historic era starve, take nauseous medicines,
and perform magic rites and ceremonies?
5. In what way did the earliest nurses learn their art?
6. What did the earliest nurses believe?
7. Who is considered to be the first “visiting nurse”?
8. When did nursing become differentiated from medicine and surgery?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following from the text.
Humankind; to provide care and comfort; to earn the trust and respect;
early cultures; to provide nurturing; to care for the sick; through trial and
error; to get rid of; to cause sudden fright; to fight disease; hot and cold
baths; to nurse patients; to use herbs to heal; healthcare system; to
maintain people’s health; period of advancement; to decline.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Nursing has been called the youngest of the arts and the oldest of the
2. Today’s nurses aren’t respected by the public.
3. In some ancient societies, men were designated to care for the sick.
4. In the pre-historic era, it was believed that illness was caused by
pathogens within the body.
5. The earliest nurses learned their art from the scientific books.
6. Many nurses used plants and herbs to heal.
7. Deaconesses were women with no educational background.
8. In the 12th and 13th centuries nursing went into a period of advancement
while medicine declined.
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Who was Phoebe?
Phoebe, a deaconess of the early Church, has been described by
nurse historians as the first … and also as “the first district nurse”. Phoebe
probably was a wealthy widow living near Corinth, who could travel due
to her … . Historians argue that her work as an early woman deacon of the
church must have … visiting and nursing the sick in their …, as this was a
key activity for … deacons of the time. It is believed that Phoebe spent a
significant amount of time in nursing the sick poor who were … to leave

their homes. She was a woman well … because of her faith, … , wealth,
and position. Following a Christian example, Phoebe served the church
through … acts of mercy.
(Regarded, education, “visiting nurse”, homes, female, financial
independence, unable, compassionate, included)

Grammar Exercises
 The Future Indefinite Tense
will + V1
+ You will work at various medical institutions in 3 years.
? Will you work at various medical institutions in 3 years?
- You will not work at various medical institutions
in 3 years.
 The Future Indefinite Tense is used to express
 a statement of future fact: We will have practice
at the polyclinic next year.
 spontaneous decision: Tomorrow I will sort the files.
 opinion, hope, uncertainty, or You won’t finish it
supposition regarding the future: in just one day.
 promise: I promise that I will do it
 if-clause type I: If I need help, I will tell you.
NOTE: Shall is not used very often now. We generally use it only as a
first person question (with I or we) to make suggestions and offers:
Shall I carry your bag for you?
Shall we go to the chemist’s?
In spoken English we normally use the short forms:
- we will = we’ll We’ll talk tomorrow.
- will not = won’t We won’t talk tomorrow.
I. Answer the following questions.
1. At what time will you get up tomorrow?
2. Who will wake you up tomorrow?
3. What will you do tomorrow morning?
4. When will you take your examinations?

5. When will you do your homework?
6. At what time will you go to bed?
II. Put the verbs into the correct form (The Future Indefinite Tense).
1. I … (to do) this later.
2. The doctor … (to examine) you in two days.
3. That nurse … (to instil) eye drops into your eyes tomorrow.
4. These drugs … (to be) at the chemist’s tomorrow.
5. It … (not to rain) tomorrow.
6. The surgeon … (not to start) to operate the patient without the nurse.
7. The patient … (not to believe) us.
8. What subjects…they … (to learn) next year?
9. When …you … (to return) to your ward?
10. You have missed two visits to your doctor! What … he … (to say)?!
III. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite.
1. If I … (to stay) some more days in your town, I … (to call) on you and
we … (to have) a good talk.
2. He … (to ring) me up when he … (to return) home.
3. I… (not to speak) to him until he … (to apologize).
4. If you … (to ask) me a difficult question, I … (to be) nervous. If I …
(to be) nervous, I … (to make) a mistake. If I … (to make) a mistake,
the other students … (to laugh) at me. If the other students … (to laugh)
at me, I … (to be) embarrassed. And if I … (to be) embarrassed, I … (to
cry). So please don’t ask me a difficult question!
IV. Translate into English.
1. Я думаю, Діана не здасть кров завтра, оскільки вона записалась на
прийом до кардіолога.
2. Через три роки я стану висококваліфікованою медсестрою.
3. Медсестра поставить мені сьогодні крапельницю?
4. О котрiй годинi ти встанеш завтра? — Я встану о сьомiй годинi. —
Що ти робитимеш завтра вранцi? — Я поснiдаю, потiм
зателефоную своєму друговi. Якщо буде гарна погода, ми пiдемо
на прогулянку. Якщо буде дощ, ми будемо вдома вчити історію
медсестринства. — Чи будеш ти зайнятий завтра ввечерi? — Так, я
буду вчити новий текст. У понедiлок у нас буде диктант. Але я
сподіваюсь, що все буде гаразд i я напишу його без помилок.

Lesson 2
Nursing in Early Modern Europe
Text: Nursing in Early Modern Europe
Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense and to be going to
Active Vocabulary

hospice госпіс (медична установа)

nurturing харчування
palliative паліативний (тимчасово
полегшує прояв хвороби)
connotation (прихований) зміст, підтекст
to seize захоплювати, конфісковувати
to warehouse поміщати
to oversee наглядати
to advocate пропагувати, виступати
на захист
Quaker квакер (послідовник
протестантської релігійної течії)
charity милосердя
rudimentary елементарний
salary платня
prayer молитва
philanthropist філантроп (людина, що
займається благодійною

Read the text and answer the following questions

Nursing in Early Modern
Throughout the history of
the nursing profession, nursing
care provided in patients’ homes
was preferable. Only people who
didn’t have family nearby sought
nursing care at hospitals.
Religious communities founded
the earliest hospitals during the
Middle Ages. Nuns and monks
provided care for the sick poor in

hospices, which were facilities located near churches or monasteries that
provided nurturing and palliative care. The Christian faith stressed
personal responsibility for one’s health and for others, which was reflected
in the care of the sick.
During the Renaissance period from 1500 to 1700, a growing interest
in science and technology led to advances in medicine and public health.
At the time, the rich paid for their sick to be cared for at home while the
poor were cared for in hospitals. By the time many poor people arrived at
hospitals, they had been already ill, so they often died in the hospitals.
Being hospitalized had negative connotations for most people, as hospitals
were considered places where people went to die.
Following the Protestant Reformation, monasteries were closed and
the lands were seized. “Common” women who were too old or ill to find
other jobs started caring for the sick. Although there were a few hospitals
in Protestant Europe, there was no regular system of nursing. Female
practitioners cared for neighbours and family, but their work was unpaid
and unrecognized. Sick people who did not have family members to take
care of them were warehoused in hospitals overseen by attendants who had
no knowledge of nursing care. In Catholic areas, however, the tradition of
nursing nuns continued uninterrupted.
Modern nursing began in the 19th century in Germany and Britain.
The practice had spread worldwide by about 1900. British social reformers
advocated for the formation of religious women’s groups to staff existing
hospitals in the first half of the 19th century. Two influential women in the
field of nursing during this time period were Elizabeth Fry and Florence
The Quaker Elizabeth Fry founded the Protestant Sisters of Charity
in 1840. Members of this sisterhood received a rudimentary education in
nursing and observed patients at two London hospitals. In 1848, the
English Protestant sisterhood St. John’s House was founded. These sisters
lived together as a community and participated in a two-year long nursing
education program. They were required to work for St. John’s House for
five years in return for room and board plus a small salary. They nursed
for a few hours each day and spent the rest of the time in prayer and
religious instruction. Impressed with the work of Elizabeth Fry, the
German Lutheran pastor Theodor Fliedner established a Deaconess Home
and Hospital in Kaiserswerth, Germany.
Florence Nightingale was a philanthropist from a wealthy English
family who studied nursing under the direction of Pastor Fliedner in

Germany. Nightingale forever changed the practice of nursing. She
established the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas’s Hospital in
London, offering education for professional nurses. Unlike previous
nursing education programs, Nightingale’s school combined classes in
nursing theory with clinical experiences at hospital wards.
1. Who sought nursing care at hospitals?
2. Were the rich or the poor treated in hospitals during the Renaissance
3. Hospitalization had negative connotations for most people, didn’t it?
4. Who provided care to those suffering from illness and injury after the
Protestant Reformation?
5. When and where did modern nursing begin?
6. What do you know about the Quaker Elizabeth Fry?
7. What education did nurses in St. John’s House get?
8. Who changed the practice of nursing?
10. What was the difference between Nightingale’s school and previous
nursing schools?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Релігійні спільноти; монахині і монахи; досягнення в медицині;
негативний підтекст; турбуватись про сусідів та членів родини;
продовжувати безперервно; поширюватись всім світом; Сестри
Милосердя; спостерігати; пропонувати освіту професійних
медсестер; практичний досвід; лікарняна палата.
II. Give opposites of the following from the text.
Healthy people; poor; to be born; positive connotations; open monastery;
too young; many hospitals; male practitioner; recognized work; ancient
nursing; brotherhood.
III. Substitute the words in bold type by the words from the text.
1. Monkery established care for the ill needy people in hospices, which
were establishments located near churches or cloisters that provided
nourishment and palliative care.
2. Being taken to hospital had negative implication for most people, as
hospitals were thought places where people went to perish.

3. Feminine practitioners looked after neighbours and family, but their
work was gratuitous and unrecognized.
4. Contemporary nursing had spread throughout the world by about
5. These sisters lived together as a society and took part in a two-year
lasting nursing education program.
6. Florence Nightingale was a person who gave money or gifts to
charities and helped needy people in other ways from a rich English
family who studied nursing under the direction of Pastor Fliedner in
IV. Choose appropriate prepositions from the brackets.
The Discrimination against Male Nurses
Nursing began (in/at) ancient Rome as a male
profession. During this time, groups (of/from) men
were organized to give medical treatment to citizens
who were suffering (of/from) diseases. Through the
years (of/from) antiquity (to/into) the modern era, male
nurses worked primarily (on/at) battlefields. Women
were an anomaly (in/on) the battlefield. Thus, they
were viewed as brave just (to/for) being present.
During this time period, the nursing stereotypes (of/for) nurses (as/like)
women began to form. Nurses were expected to be patient and caring
whereas men where assumed to be quick thinking, decisive and strict.
When a man decides to become a nurse, he will likely face
discrimination (of/from) the moment he announces his decision. Once the
man begins to study nursing, he will find discrimination against male
nurses (in/on) his textbooks. They will normally make reference (into/to)
all nurses as female. Once the man begins his professional career he will
continue to face discrimination against male nurses. For instance, labour
and maternity wards routinely do not allow male nurses. However, in spite
(of/from) discrimination against male nurses, men are joining the field
(at/in) record rates.
V. Read the text for supplementary reading.
History of Hospitals
The need for care of the weak and sick exists ever since the earliest
days of human society. However, people much later came to the idea to set
up a hospital.

Old Greeks, for example, didn't have any public institution for the
care of the sick. Some doctors had their rooms for operation but they were
so small that they could accommodate only one patient. Romans at the
time of the wars founded hospitals in which they treated the wounded and
sick soldiers. With the rise of Christianity, the church took care of patients,
so that the priests and nuns cared for the patients.
Custom traveling to pilgrimage also helped the establishment of
hospitals. The pilgrims had rest in small guestrooms (inns) on the roads.
These inns were associated with monasteries and took over the care of the
sick and weary travelers.
The hospitals of the Middle Ages were dirty and disorganized. Many
hospitals were overcrowded, so it happened that more than one patient lied
in one bed. In the 17th century general living conditions improved and the
people felt that the state was obligated to take care of its ill residents. But
only in the 18th century, general public hospitals began to open in the
larger European cities.

Grammar Exercises
 In the modern English the Future Indefinite competes with
the expression to be going to + infinitive.
will to be going to
To express promise: To speak about somebody’s plans:
I will give you this money. We are going to discuss this
question on Monday.
When we decide to do something If an action is previously arranged:
at the time of speaking:
Are you cold? I'll switch on the You are going to have your exam
heater. on Friday.
To express supposition (the To express supposition (the
speaker is not sure): speaker feels sure):
Take your umbrella, I think it will It’s very frosty today. You are
rain. going to get cold in this thin coat.

I. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use to be going to.
1. Look at the clouds. It … (to rain).
2. They … (to fill in) case histories.
3. I … (to wear) my white gown tonight.
4. Jack … (not to come back) to the hospital.

5. … they … (to leave) the waiting room?
6. … she … (to take part) in the conference?
II. Complete the sentences. Use to be going to + one of the verbs:
to drink, to give, to wash, to watch, to take, to do, to sleep
Model: My hands are dirty. I am going to wash them.
1. I can’t walk to the polyclinic, I broke my leg. I … a cab.
2. I have a sore throat. I … this syrup.
3. It is Sharon’s discharge from the hospital next week. We … her a
4. Sue says she feels very tired. She … for an hour.
5. There is a very interesting scientific program on TV this evening. …
you … it?
6. What … Rachel … when she leaves college?
III. Choose the proper form of the verb (will + infinitive or to be going to).
1. John: Did you remember to bring that book I had lent you?
Paul: Oh, sorry. I … (to bring) it tomorrow.
2. Martina: Do you know what to buy your sister for her birthday?
Tom: Yes. I … (to buy) her a book on nursing.
3. I don't feel like going out this evening. I … (to stay) at home and watch TV.
4. Elizabeth: There’s someone at the door.
Mark: I … (to go) and see who it is.
5. David: Do you know that Mark … (to open) a chemist’s in the centre of
his town?
Jana: Really? What type of chemist’s?
6. I've decided that I … (to look) for a new job.
9. When she gets her license, she … (to drive) an ambulance.
10. When I'm older, I … (to build) a big house.
IV. What are you going to do after the classes today? Write
5 sentences.

Lesson 3-4
Florence Nightingale and the Origin of Professional Nursing
Text: Florence Nightingale and the Origin of Professional Nursing
Grammar: The Indefinite Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

to afford дозволяти собі що-н.

genuinely щиро, непідробно
to volunteer працювати на громадських
lantern ліхтар
wounded поранений
to be in demand користуватись попитом
to bestow (on) нагороджувати
Order of Merit орден "За заслуги"
pledge обітниця
solemnly урочисто
assembly зібрання
to abstain утримуватись
deleterious шкідливий, небезпечний
mischievous зловмисний
to elevate покращувати
to commit довіряти, доручати
calling покликання
loyalty відданість
to endeavour докладати зусиль
welfare добробут, благополуччя

Read the text and answer the following questions

Florence Nightingale and the Origin of Professional Nursing
Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 and was named
after the city of her birth, Florence, Italy. She was the second daughter
of wealthy parents from England. Florence and her sister, Parthenope,
were educated by their father, William Nightingale, and private teachers.
She excelled in her studies, especially math. She loved to read books
from her father’s library and she also loved to write. Florence was
always scribbling notes, writing letters or writing in her diary.

Florence was a wealthy woman in the early 1800s. During this
time period, her "class" of women was expected to get married, have
children and throw parties for the other wealthy families of England.
Florence was not happy with the way her life was supposed to be, and
she knew she could make a difference in the lives of people, if she
could serve.
In 1844, Florence decided to go into the nursing profession. This
decision greatly upset her family. Her parents refused to let Florence
become a nurse. Nurses in England had a reputation for being drunken,
untrained and uneducated. Nurses were people who cooked for the sick
and sometimes bathed them. Hospitals were dirty, smelly, overcrowded
places that were full of diseases. The only people in the hospitals were
poor people who could not afford a private doctor. Florence fell into
depression. Her parents finally approved and Florence began caring for
the sick. She started by visiting them, bringing them clean clothes,
good food and medicine. Her focus was on the patients' health. She
realized that once the patients were clean and genuinely cared for, their
health improved.
Florence learned basic nursing skills while volunteering in
hospitals around Germany and France. After receiving formal training
in Alexandria, Egypt, she became the head nurse at a hospital in
London. She made sure that the conditions of the hospitals were very
clean. Everything was washed. This helped to keep disease from
spreading and the patient’s health improved faster. The number of
deaths in hospitals went down from 40% to 2%.
Sidney Herbert, who sent British
soldiers to fight against Russia in the
Crimean War, heard of Florence
Nightingale and admired her work. He
sent for Florence and her nurses to help.
Florence came at once with a team of
trained nurses. There was no access to
water and no medical equipment.
Florence organized a kitchen and a
laundry and worked very hard to
improve the terrible conditions. She
worked up to 20 hours a day. At night
she would carry a lantern to the
bedsides of the wounded to check on

them. The soldiers began to call Florence "The Lady with the Lamp".
Thousands of soldiers were saved because of the work of Florence and
her nurses.
In 1856, after the war, Florence returned to London a national
heroine. In 1859, Florence wrote two books that were published:
“Notes on Nursing” and “Notes on Hospitals”. In 1860 she opened the
Nightingale Training School. "Nightingales" were in great demand and
came highly recommended. In 1907 Britain’s King Edward VII
bestowed the Order of Merit on Florence Nightingale. She was the first
woman to receive this award.
Florence Nightingale died in her sleep on 13 August 1910.
Florence Nightingale will always be remembered for her endless
work to help the poor and especially the sick. She could have lived an
aristocratic lifestyle with no worries, but she chose a different path. She
saw a need for someone who cared, and did everything in her power to
make a change. Florence is the mother of modern nursing and was the
driving force that reformed military medicine.
1. When and where was Florence Nightingale born?
2. What can you say about her childhood?
3. Was Florence a wealthy or a needy woman in the early 1800s?
4. Florence Nightingale had a great desire to get married, didn’t she?
5. What reputation did nurses have in England?
6. What people were treated in hospitals?
7. What did Florence focus on while visiting patients?
8. What did you learn about Florence Nightingale’s nursing education?
9. What did she do to provide care for the wounded during the Crimean
10.How was Florence called during the Crimean War? Why?
11.What books did she write?
12.What order was she offered in recognition of her help to mankind?
13.What was her contribution to nursing education?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Fill
in the missing words.
1. … Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820.
2. When she was seventeen she received a calling from … asking her to do

his work.

3. She became a … .
4. During the Crimean … Florence went to Turkey to help injured soldiers.
5. She worked at Scutari military … .
6. She … letters for the soldiers to send home to their families.
7. The hospital was … and unhygienic.
8. Florence helped to make military hospitals… .
9. When she returned to … she helped to set up training schools for nurses.
10. She became known as “the … with the …”
(Lamp, England, dirty, Florence, God, hospital, Lady, nurse, War, wrote,
II. Make up word combinations and use them in your sentences.
to excel place
overcrowded for the sick
to afford trained nurses
to provide care in study
to improve the wounded
a team of a private doctor
no access health
to check on to make a change
to do everything in someone’s power to medical equipment

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Nightingale was born in 1801 and was named after the city of her birth,
Paris, France.
2. Florence was very happy with the way her life was supposed to be, and
she wanted to get married, have children and throw parties for the other
wealthy families of England.
3. The decision to go into the nursing profession greatly upset Florence’s
4. Hospitals in England were clean and provided safe environments for all
5. Florence learned rudimentary nursing skills while volunteering in
hospitals in Alexandria, Egypt.
6. Florence organized a kitchen and a laundry and worked very hard to
improve the terrible conditions during the Crimean War.
7. No soldiers were saved because of the work of Florence and her nurses.
8. Florence is the mother of modern surgery.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
The Nightingale School
The nursing course was 1 year … and included both classroom and …
experience, a major innovation at that time. Some principles of the
Nightingale School for Nurses are still ... today:
- The sick person is an … with individual needs.
- Nursing is an … and a science.
-… is better than cure.
- The nurse must work as a member of a … .
- Self-discipline and … are important.
- The nurse should be healthy in … and body.
- A nurse does not graduate but … to learn throughout his or her career.
(Prevention, in length, taught, art, mind, team, clinical, continues,
individual, self-evaluation)
V. Read and translate some interesting facts about Florence
 On 7th February 1837, when she was 16 years old, Florence was
convinced that she had heard the voice of God calling to her. She
believed that God wanted her to carry out some special work.
 Florence kept lots of pets, one of which was an owl called “Athena”.
 Florence was seasick during the entire boat journey to the Crimea.
 Florence made all of her nurses wear a sash over their uniforms to
distinguish them from the other women at the hospital in Scutari and to
encourage the soldiers to treat them with respect.
 During her lifetime, Florence became a national icon and people could
buy ceramic figurines of her to decorate their houses.
 Nightingale’s own aunt worked under her during the Crimean War
helping her tend to the wounded, along with 37 other women.
 When Florence returned home in 1856, she was greeted as a hero! She
even got letters from people just to say thanks for her hard work!
 Florence was even invited by Queen Victoria to talk about how military
hospitals could be improved. This was a huge honour.
 Florence wrote around 200 publications and 13,000 letters.
 Nightingale was a proponent of medical tourism. She advised patients
on smaller incomes to travel to places like Turkey, where they could
have access to spas, medical treatment and good nutrition at a much
lower cost.

 She never got married, nor did she have any children.
 Florence is buried at St. Margaret’s in East Wellow. She was offered a
place of burial in Westminster Abbey. This honour isn't handed out
lightly and is usually reserved for royals, cultural elites and religious
 International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday.
VI. Read, translate and discuss the Pledge with your groupmates.
What is your attitude to Nightingale Pledge?
The Florence Nightingale Pledge
The pledge is taken by all the nurses who have completed the
training program before entering to their practice.
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass

VII. Solve the clues to complete the puzzle.

2. The war which Florence worked 1. Surname of the Lady with the
through. Lamp.
6. Florence set up some of these for 3. This was Florence’s job.
nurses in England. 4. The country in which Florence
7. Florence worked in … military worked during the Crimean war.
hospital. 5. Florence carried this to the
8. The hospital in which Florence bedsides of the wounded.
worked was this. 6. Florence helped them if they
9. First name of the Lady with the were injured.


Grammar Exercises
I. Put
the verbs into the correct form using the Present Indefinite Tense.
1. … he … (to take) temperature every day?
2. They … (to visit) their cardiologist every Wednesday.
3. … she (to be) a nurse?
4. I … (to be) in the doctor’s office now.
5. I … (not to make appointments) with my dentist very often.
6. It … (not to be) cold today.
7. Where … Harry (to study)? He … (to study) at the medical college.
8. We … (not to be) late.
II. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets using the Past
Indefinite Tense.
- Why … you … (not to answer) my calls yesterday?
- I am sorry. I … (to be) very busy yesterday.
- What … you … (to do)?
- In the morning I … (to go) to university and I … (to have) three
interesting lessons about the origin of professional nursing there and a very
hard test. Then I … (to write) several emails to my mother and some of my
friends and … (to come) back home.
- OK, what … you … (to do) next?

- All right, then I … (to be) ready to do my homework but Mark … (to
call) and … (to invite) me to go to the cinema to watch a documentary film
with him and his friend Peter. So, I … (to go) to the movies.
- I see. What film … you … (to watch)?
- It … (to be) “Florence Nightingale”. It … (to be) interesting for me.
- Yeah, I … (to like) it too. So, when … you … (to come) back?
- I … (to get) home at about two o'clock and of course I … (not to have)
time to do my homework. I … (to go) to bed straight away. And now I
have so much to do.
- OK, I understand. I'll talk to you later.
- Thanks for understanding. OK, I must get back to work. Talk to you
soon. Bye.
- Bye.
III. Restore the following dialogue using the Indefinite Tenses.
- Hi. How are you?
- Привіт, все добре, дякую. А у тебе?
- Oh, I’m great, thanks. So, have you decided where you would like to go
on your next holiday?
- Ще ні. Можливо, я поїду до Італії.
- To Italy? What will you do there?
- Якщо погода буде хорошою, я весь час купатимусь у морі. І ще я
думаю, що відвідаю кілька екскурсій. Це батьківщина Флоренс
Найтінгейл, а я хочу дізнатись про неї більше.
- Will you take your notebook computer with you?
- Ні, не буду. Тоді я не відпочину зовсім. Я буду сидіти в Інтернеті і
писати своїм друзям, а ще буду намагатись працювати. Це буде
відпустка моєї мрії.
- Oh yes, I see.
IV. Translate the following sentences using the Indefinite Tenses.
1. Борис переклав всі речення без словника. Вони були досить легкі.
2. Коли він перекладатиме текст, він випише всі нові слова.
3. Що ти робитимеш завтра? – Якщо Петро прийде, ми будемо
робити презентацію про Флорннс Найтінгейл.
4. Ми обговоримо це питання на зборах, коли повернеться наш
5. Тарас не любить вставати рано, але вчора він встав о 7 годині.
6. Микола зробив дуже хорошу доповідь минулого тижня. Вона була
про історію медсестринства.

7. Коли я вступив в коледж, я не знав багатьох англійських слів.
Зараз я читаю і говорю англійською мовою.
8. Вони поїдуть на конференцію, коли отримають усі документи.
9. – Чому ти хочеш бути медсестрою? Хіба ти не знаєш, що це дуже
важка професія?
10.Коли ти взяв цю книжку в бібліотеці? – Тиждень тому.
11.– Хто у вашому коледжі викладає фізіологію? – Я ще не вивчаю
цей предмет.
12.– Чому ти був учора вдома, а не в коледжі? – У нас був вихідний

Lesson 1
Qualities of a Professional Nurse
Text: Qualities of a Professional Nurse
Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense
Active Vocabulary

quality якість
concern проблема, турбота
empathy співпереживання
to comfort заспокоювати
to offer запропонувати
profound глибокий, ґрунтовний
to appreciate цінувати
compassion співчуття
vigilant пильний
alert насторожений
to exhibit показувати
proficient професійний,
shift робоча зміна
extremely надзвичайно
demanding вимогливий
mentally розумово
to deal with мати справу
on-call duty чергування
intuitive інтуїтивний
dedicated вірний, відданий
to possess володіти
sincere щирий
attitude ставлення
constant постійний
urge сильне бажання
observant спостережливий

Read the text and answer the following questions
Qualities of a Professional Nurse
Holding a patient’s hand
before a procedure. Listening to a
patient’s concerns with empathy.
Comforting a child. What do these
things have in common? They're all
part of being a nurse. No other
profession offers the opportunity to
make such a profound difference on
the lives of people who truly need
and appreciate it. Good nurses
greatly contribute to the success and
stability of healthcare institutions
and to the mental and physical
wellbeing of their patients.
The nursing profession is as much about kindness and caring for the
whole person as it is about medical and technical knowledge. Nursing
combines science and technology with people skills like: communication,
problem solving, teaching and compassion.
Nurses give not only their book knowledge, but a piece of their heart
to every patient they care for. Whatever they do whether it is a diagnostic
service, health assessment tests, medication, they are supposed to be
extremely vigilant and alert. Professional nurses should be able to exhibit
all the standards and practices of nursing care. They must be proficient and
well experienced in all the aspects of patient care. This profession is
extremely demanding, both physically and mentally. Nurses must work
long shifts and deal with many different issues on a daily basis. Physical
pressures also include dealing with emergency cases, on-call duties,
extended working hours, and so on. Mentally, you will need to deal with
the emotional situations of the patients and their families.
So, a professional nurse should be communicative, intuitive, detail
oriented, emotionally stable, physically strong, patient and dedicated. The
following characteristics will make you successful in the nursing
o Possessing intellectual potential. Professional nurses must be equipped
with knowledge in nursing science and other related fields.
o Capable of providing quality health care to patients.

o Possessing excellent communication skills.
o Possessing good morals and ethics, both personally and professionally.
o Being an honest and sincere person who is emotionally stable and free
from discrimination.
o Possessing qualities of leadership as well as being a good team member.
o Having a good attitude toward oneself and the nursing profession.
o Having a constant urge to learn to update and adapt themselves
continuously with the development in healthcare technology.
1. What do good nurses greatly contribute to?
2. What does nursing combine?
3. What do nurses give to every patient they care for?
4. Professional nurses should be proficient in all the aspects of patient
care, shouldn’t they?
5. Is nursing a demanding profession?
6. What do physical pressures include?
7. Will you need to deal with the emotional situations of the patients and
their families?
8. Should professional nurses be equipped with knowledge not only in
nursing science but other related fields?
9. A nurse doesn’t need to have excellent communication skills, does she?
10. Why do healthcare professionals need to update themselves

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.

To hold a profound difference;

to listen a child;
to comfort to the success;
to make a patient’s hand;
to contribute vigilant and alert;
to be extremely long shifts;
to be well experienced with empathy;
to work with knowledge;
to deal in all the aspects of patient care;
to be equipped with different issues;
to have a constant urge to learn;

to possess excellent from discrimination;
to provide communication skills;
to be free quality health care.
II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. No other job offers the chance to make such a great difference on the
lives of people who truly need and appreciate it.
2. Good nurses significantly contribute to the success and stability of
healthcare institutions and to the mental and physical health of their
3. Whatever they do whether it is a diagnostic service, health assessment
analyses, medication, they are supposed to be highly vigilant and alert.
4. Qualified nurses should be able to exhibit all the principles and
practices of nursing care.
5. Nurses must work extended shifts and deal with many different issues
on everyday basis.
6. Physical stress includes dealing with emergencies, on-call duties,
extended working hours, and so on.
7. Emotionally, you will need to deal with the emotional circumstances
of the patients and their families.
8. Professional nurses must be provided with knowledge in nursing
science and other related areas.
III. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. Good nurses greatly contribute to … .
2. Nursing combines … with people skills like: ...
3. Nurses give a piece of their heart … .
4. … must be proficient in all the aspects of … .
5. This profession is extremely … .
6. So a professional nurse should be … .

IV. Read the following text for supplementary reading.

Much of the literature claims that a key characteristic of a good
nurse is being knowledgeable in nursing. Knowledge is of great
importance, but nurses need to possess specialized knowledge in the
area in which they practice in order to develop their clinical practice.
Moreover, comprehensive knowledge of the individual’s needs,
personality, and situation would be an asset for the nurse caring for the

patients. Knowledge should also be shared with colleagues, patients, and
the patient’s significant other.
It is important to be knowledgeable not only in the area in which the
nurse works, the good nurse seeks professional growth by being open to
new knowledge and new ideas. This professional
growth can be achieved by listening, opening the
nurse’s eyes and looking more carefully at work,
as well as learning from others such as
colleagues, other professionals, and patients.
New knowledge can also be obtained through
continuing education such as reading, attending
workshops, conferences, and courses, or by
practicing evidence based nursing.

Grammar Exercises
 The Present ContinuousTense
be (am, is, are) + V1+ing
+ Susan is studying for her exams.
? Is Susan studying for her exams?
- Susan isn’t studying for her exams.
 The Present Continuous Tense is used:
 for an action in progress now It is raining. Take your umbrella.
 for changes happening around The population of the world is
us rising very fast.
 for fixed arrangements in the We are spending Christmas in
near future the Carpathians.
I am not working tomorrow.
 for habitual actions (usually Paulo is always misplacing
negative) using adverbs always things.
or constantly. She is constantly losing things.
 Spelling Rules:
 make - making; but: see- seeing
 sit – sitting;
 try – trying;
 die – dying;
 panic – panicking.

 We don't usually use the following verbs in the Continuous
likes and dislikes: love, like, hate, care, prefer;
wants and needs: want, wish, desire, need, lack;
senses: see, hear, feel, notice, smell, taste;
knowledge: know, understand, remember, forget, realize;
opinion: believe, recognize, appear, think, seem;
possession: have, possess, contain, consist of, include;
existence: be, exist.

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Are you writing now?
2. What are you doing now?
3. What is your friend wearing?
4. Is your friend always talking at the lessons?
5. Is the sun shining?
6. Are you doing anything this evening?

II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable word combinations from the
box. Use the correct form of the verb.
Mode l : The nurse is in the laboratory. She is mixing a solution.
To examine the patient, to listen to the lecture,
to take the temperature, to discuss the main ethical principles,
to make a presentation, to write a grammar test,
to do his homework, to write a report.
to mix a solution,
1. William and Robert are at the conference. They … .
2. The nurses are in the lecture hall. They … .
3. The nurse is in the ward. She … .
4. They are in the classroom. They … .
5. Dan is in the library. He … .
6. The students are in the classroom. They … .
7. Mary is in bed. She … .
8. Tom is at home. He … .

III. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Indefinite or Present

1. I always … (to follow) the prescribed treatment.

2. My friend … (to be) in good health as he regularly… (to go) in for
3. Jack and John … (to work) at the hospital today.
4. Where … (to be) Dr. White at the moment? – He … (to admit) a
5. This medicine usually … (to give) an instant relief.
6. … (you to work) on any special project at present?
IV. Translate into English.
1. Де медсестра? – Вона робить ін’єкції.
2. В даний момент медсестра допомагає важкохворому пацієнтові.
3. Я збираюся старанно вчитися, щоб стати хорошим професіоналом.
4. – Що вона робить? – Пояснює пацієнтові, як вживати ці ліки.
5. Слухайте! Лектор підсумовує матеріал усієї лекції.
6. Мері поступає в медичний коледж наступного семестру.
7. – Що роблять студенти? — Вони готуються до семінару. Вони
завжди готуються до семінару в читальному залi.
8. Де Петро зараз? -— Вiн в аудиторiї. — Що вiн там робить? — Вiн
читає англiйську книжку. Петро дуже любить читати.

Lesson 2
Role and Functions of a Nurse
Text: Role and Functions of a Nurse
Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense
Active Vocabulary

to assume набувати
to collaborate співпрацювати
to relieve полегшувати
to detect виявляти
bed rest постільний режим
complication ускладнення
vulnerable вразливий
dignity гідність
hygiene гігієна
on behalf від імені
to intercede клопотати

Read the text and answer the following questions

Role and Functions of a Nurse
Nurses practice in a wide
variety of settings and assume
various roles. Here are some of
them: clinician, collaborator,
manager, educator, and leader.
 Working with the doctor to
cure the patient.
When a person becomes ill or
is injured, generally the doctor
assesses the patient, diagnoses the
patient's problem and decides on the treatment needed to cure the
problem or relieve the patient's symptoms. However, nurses play a large
role in evaluating patients and detecting problems.
In every hospital nurses carry out many of the treatments prescribed
for the patient. For example, the doctor may prescribe surgery or bed rest
or a certain therapy. The doctor will perform some of these treatments,
such as surgery. It is the nurse who gives most of the treatments. The
nurse gives
medication for pain. A lot of physicians order medications for pain "to be
given as needed". They let the nurse decide when to give the medication.
The nurse also monitors the patient's progress to make sure that the
recovery has no complications. Because nurses have more frequent
contact with patients than other staff, they often find problems before
anyone else.
 Coordinating the care of the patient.
In taking care of patients, the nurse collaborates with other members
of the health care team. The nurse is the person who coordinates the
work of all the team members making sure that the plan is carried out.
The nurse also plans and supervises the care given by nursing
assistants, and ensures that the patient gets enough healthy food.
 Protecting the patient.
When a person is ill and weak, he or she is more vulnerable to
infection and injury. One of the major responsibilities of the nurse is to
protect the patient by ensuring that the environment is safe and healthy.
The nurse also protects the patient’s dignity and tries to ensure the
patient’s privacy.
 Teaching the patient and family.
Teaching is a major role of the nurse in restoring health, promoting
health and preventing illness. Nurses teach both patients and their
families about proper diet and nutrition, cleanliness and hygiene,
exercise, sleep and rest and all the other aspects of a healthy life.
 Advocating for the patient.
Nurses are with people during the most critical times of their lives.
They are there when patients cannot sleep because of pain or fear or
loneliness. They are there to feed patients, bathe them, and to support
them. That’s what advocacy is about: supporting the patient, speaking on
that person’s behalf, and interceding when necessary.
1. Where do nurses practice?
2. What are main nursing roles?
3. Who usually diagnoses the patient's problem and decides on the
4. Can a nurse decide when to give the medication?
5. Why do nurses often find patients’ problems before anyone else?
6. Who do nurses collaborate with?
7. What is one of the major responsibilities of a nurse?
8. What do nurses teach patients and their families?
9. What is advocacy?
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Match the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
To diagnose the patient
to decide bed rest
to assess the work
to prescribe the problem
to give the patient’s dignity
to collaborate on the treatment
to coordinate with the health care team
to protect medication.
II. Match the synonyms.
 To aid, to reach, to require, wellness, goal, to assess, necessary, to
educate, to motivate, to collaborate, appropriate.
 To help, to teach, to inspire, proper, to cooperate, wellbeing, aim, to
estimate, essential, to need, to achieve.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Nurses have to perform just one role in health care institutions.
2. When a person becomes ill or is injured, generally the nurse decides on
the treatment needed to cure the problem.
3. A lot of physicians let the nurse decide when to give the medication for
4. One of the major responsibilities of the nurse is to protect other
members of the health care team by ensuring that the environment is
safe and healthy.
5. Only a doctor can give health education to the patients, families and
6. Advocacy is about working with the doctor to cure the patient.
IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Nurses practice in … and assume various roles: ….
2. In every hospital nurses carry out treatment … .
3. The nurse is the person who coordinates the work of … making sure that ….
4. The nurse also plans and supervises the care ..., and ensures that the patient ... .
5. One of the major responsibilities of the nurse is to protect the patient by … .
6. Nurses teach both patients and their families about … .

V. Fill in the appropriate role of a nurse from the brackets.
It involves a full care to a completely dependent patient,
partial care for the partially dependent patient in order to
attain the highest possible level of health and wellness.
A nurse provides emotional, intellectual and
psychological support.
It is the nurse’s duty to give health education to the
patients, families and community.
It includes confidence, initiative and ability to innovate
changes and motivate others.
A nurse has the authority, power, and responsibility for
planning, organizing, coordinating and directing work of
It is vital to establish nurse-patient relationship. Nurses
get better information about the patient’s problem either
from the patient or from his family.
(Caregiver, communicator, teacher, counsellor, leader, manager)

Grammar Exercises
 The Past Continuous Tense
to be (was, were) + V1+ing
+ We were discussing the role of a nurse
the whole lesson.
? Were you discussing the role of a nurse
the whole lesson?
- We were not discussing the role of a nurse
the whole lesson.
 The Past Continuous Tense is used for:
 an action at a particular I was working the whole morning
moment in the past yesterday.
 a past action in progress What were you doing when he arrived?
when another action (Past She was writing report conclusions
Indefinite) interrupted when I telephoned her.
 two actions happening at While the doctor was examining the
the same time in the past patient, the nurse was putting down
general information into the patient’s

I. Answer the following questions.
1. Were you sleeping at midnight on Sunday?
2. Were you working hard at your English while you were at school?
3. Were you having a rest at noon yesterday?
4. Was your friend waiting for you at ten?
5. Was it snowing all day yesterday?
6. Was your mother cooking the whole morning?
7. What were you doing when I entered the classroom?
8. What were your parents/friends doing when you came home yesterday?

II. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. I was watching a film on TV when my mother came.
2. He was helping Mary at 6 p. m. yesterday.
3. Mary was working in the laboratory from 5 till 6 p.m. yesterday.
4. They were discussing the role of a nurse when the teacher entered the
5. I was going to the doctor when I met my English teacher.

III. Yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an

action. Write positive sentences in the Past Continuous Tense.
1. You / play / the piano.
2. Alice / walk / around the park.
3. Caron / listen / to the lecture.
4. We / read / a book about the history of nursing.
5. Linda / look for / her books.
6. Fiona and Sam / visit / their ill group mate.
7. Ben / wash / medical instruments.
8. Kim and I / learn / how to properly communicate with patients.
9. The nurse / feed / the patient.
10.I / organize / my working place.

IV. Complete the following sentences with Past Indefinite or Past

Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mary… (to see) an accident while she … (to wait) for the bus.
2. I … (to read) a book when the telephone … (to ring).
3. John … (to lie) in hospital when his parents … (to arrive).
4. Mr. Smith … (to sign) the papers while Mrs. Smith … (to talk) to the
5. Jane (to meet) … John while she … (to train) at St. Peter’s.

6. When the staff nurse … (to come) on duty, Jane … (to give) Mr. Brown
a bed-bath.
7. When the doctor … (to enter) the consulting room, the nurse … (to
give) the patient an injection.
8. Last night when I … (to sleep) I … (to feel) a sharp pain in the right
9. When I … (to arrive) the lecture had already started and the professor
… (to write) something on the board.
10. When I … (to read) a book, I … (to hear) a knock. I … (to go) to the
door and … (to open) it, but I … (not recognize) my doctor at first
because I … (not to wear) my glasses.
V. Translate into English.
1. З ким ти вчора розмовляв, коли я зустрів тебе на вулиці? — Із
другом. Він приїхав з Одеси два дні тому. Він поспішав до
університету, коли я його зустрів.
2. Де ти був о третій годині? Я телефонував тобі, але ніхто не
відповів. — Я був у бібліотеці. Я готувався до семінару в цей час.
3. Я повертався додому пізно. Дощу не було, але дув сильний вітер.
Коли я прийшов додому, мій брат спав, мама готувала вечерю, а
батько дивився телевізор.
4. Коли він прокинувся, медсестра сиділа біля вікна і щось читала.
5. Що ви обговорювали, коли ми прийшли?

Lesson 3
Person-Centred Nursing Care
Text: Person-Centred Nursing Care
Grammar: The Future Continuous Tense
Active Vocabulary

equal рівний
approach підхід
desire бажання
value цінність
circumstances обставини
appropriate належний
compassionate співчутливий
key основний, ключовий
dimension вимір, аспект
to engage залучати, взаємодіяти
to emphasize наголошувати
crucial дуже важливий, вирішальний
frequent частий, поширений

Read the text and answer the following questions

Person-Centred Nursing Care
Person-centred care is the consideration of
the patients’ desires, values, family situations,
social circumstances and lifestyles and taking
into account their decision on meeting their
goals. It is a way of thinking and doing things
that sees people as equal partners in planning,
developing and monitoring care. Instead of
treating the person as a collection of symptoms
and behaviours to be
controlled, this approach considers the whole person. Person-centred care
is not just about giving people whatever they want or providing information.
It is about working together to develop appropriate solutions.
Being compassionate, thinking about things from the person’s point of
view and being respectful are all important. The underlying philosophy is
about doing things with people, rather than ‘to’ them.

Engaging people in their care is now recognised as the key
component of developing healthcare of the highest quality. Six dimensions
of person- centredness are crucial to providing quality healthcare:
 being respectful to patients’ values and preferences;
 being coordinated and integrated;
 providing information, communication and education;
 ensuring physical comfort;
 providing emotional support;
 involving family and friends.
To engage successfully with their patients, nurses need to listen
carefully to them. What is important to one person in health care may be
unnecessary, or even undesirable, to another. Getting to know the person
behind the patient is the main goal of person-centred nursing care.
Research has found that person-centred approach can have a big
impact on the quality of care. It can:
o improve the experience of care people have and help them to feel more
o encourage people to lead a more healthy lifestyle, such as exercising or
eating healthily;
o encourage people to be more involved in decisions about their care so
they get services and support that are appropriate for their needs;
o impact on people’s health outcomes.
There is much work to be done to help health services to be more person-
centred and this has become more of a high priority over the past decades.
This model of nursing care contrasts with a more frequent approach
called “patient-centred” nursing which focuses on the person as a patient,
emphasizing medical diagnosis and the identification of nursing problems.
1. What is person-centred care?
2. Person-centred care gives people whatever they want, doesn’t it?
3. What is the key component of developing healthcare of the highest
4. What dimensions of patient-centredness are crucial to providing quality
5. What do nurses need to do to engage successfully with their patients?
6. What is the main goal of person-centred nursing care?
7. Can a person-centred approach impact on people’s health outcomes?
8. What is the difference between a person-centred approach and patient-
centred one?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Особистісно-орієнтована допомога; рівноправні партнери; бажання,
цінності, сімейні ситуації; соціальні умови і спосіб життя; відповідні
рішення; уважно слухати; ключовий компонент; емоційна підтримка;
здоровий спосіб життя; наслідки для здоров'я; висока якість;
медичний діагноз.

II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of

words from the text.
1. Person-centred care is about considering people’s wishes, values,
family situations, social circumstances and lifestyles.
2. Being compassionate, thinking about things from the person’s opinion
and being respectful are all significant.
3. Engaging people in their care is now recognised as the main component
of developing healthcare of the best quality.
4. Getting to know the person behind the patient is the main objective of
person-centred nursing care.
5. Research has found that person-centred care can have a big influence
on the quality of care.
6. This model of nursing care contrasts with a more common approach
called “patient-centred” nursing.

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. To engage successfully with their patients, nurses need to get to know
their patients as people.
2. A person-centred approach treats the person as a collection of
symptoms and behaviours to be controlled.
3. The underlying philosophy of person-centredness is doing things to
4. What is important to one person in health care is always necessary to
5. Person-centred approach is not used nowadays.
6. A person-centred model of nursing care is similar to a more frequent
approach called “patient-centred nursing”.

IV. Complete the following sentences choosing the necessary word-
combinations from those given below.
What can I do to become more person-centred in my practice?
Culture change requires a long-term effort. It starts with analyzing
individual, team or … practices to identify areas requiring development.
For this reason, the recommended … allow each individual, team and
organization to identify and improve in … that are uniquely important.
The health care decision-making process can be a positive example of
promoting truly … . For example, person-centred treatment, decision
making and care planning helps … that people:
o are able … their wishes, including consent or refusal of treatment, even
in advance, if they want to;
o can participate in the … to the extent they wish to, and are able to
include whoever is important to them in this process;
o can appoint a substitute decision maker if they wish to;
o receive treatment that accords with their values, … ;
o do not receive … treatment;
o have their wishes … treatment known across the health and broader
community sectors.
(Tools, to express, decision-making process, ensure, goals and beliefs,
person-centred care, unwanted, areas, for future, organizational).

Grammar Exercises

 The Future Continuous Tense

to be (will be) + V1+ing
+ He will be taking his exam in Anatomy
at this time tomorrow.
? Will he be taking his exam in Anatomy
at this time tomorrow?
- He will not be taking his exam in Anatomy
at this time tomorrow.
 The Future Continuous Tense is used:
 to express an action going on I'll be sleeping when you come back.
at a definite moment or Will you be working at noon
during a definite period of tomorrow?
time in the future.

I. Answer the following questions.
1. Will you be working late this evening?
2. Will you be washing up after supper?
3. Will you be working all day on Saturday?
4. Who will be waiting for you after classes?
5. Will you be waiting for me at this time tomorrow?
6. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
II. Change the following sentences into Future Continuous using the
given suggestions.
1. The nurse on duty is giving medicines to the patient at the moment.
(this time tomorrow)
2. The doctor will tell the patient about the proper hygiene later. (from 4
till 5 o’clock in the afternoon)
3. I improve my reading skills every day. (at 3 o’clock next Thursday)
4. We administered the drugs to the patient 5 minutes ago. (at 3 o’clock
5. They were discussing the benefits of the person-centred nursing care the
whole lesson. (this time next week)
III. Substitute the verbs in the brackets by the Future Continuous
1. What … (you/to do) the whole evening tomorrow?
2. Tom … (to pass) his exam in Anatomy at this time next week.
3. The nurse … (to get) everything ready for the operation the whole
evening next Monday.
4. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. I … (to write) the report about the duties of a
5. The whole week this patient suffering from severe illness … (to follow)
the bed regimen.
6. Our students … (to carry out) the experiment at 5 p.m. tomorrow.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Indefinite or Future
1. The doctor … (to make) his daily round at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
2. I hope the X-ray examination … (not to reveal) any changes.
3. My mother … (to undergo) the course of physiotherapy for two weeks.
4. The nurse … (to come) twice a day to give you injections.
5. (To examine) … you the patients at 12?
6. What do you think the doctor … (to prescribe) to you?

7. You … (to follow) the diet for the whole month until the pain goes
away completely.
8. (To become) … you a surgeon after graduating from University?
9. Take the medicine. I am sure it … (to keep) the fever down.
10. Tomorrow I … (to be) on duty at the in-patient department.
V. Translate into English.
1. Ці студенти будуть обговорювати переваги новітнього підходу по
догляду за пацієнтами всю пару наступного тижня.
2. Я намагатимуся запам’ятати імена всіх нових пацієнтів весь ранок
3. Вона розповідатиме пацієнтові про можливі ускладнення його
хвороби в цей час завтра.
4. Ми будемо обговорювати важливість особистих потреб пацієнтів у
цей час наступного тижня.
5. Ця досвідчена медсестра буде ділитися своїми знаннями з
молодшими колегами з 5 до 6 години в понеділок.
6. Вона буде слухати лекцію про запобігання емоційного
дискомфорту у пацієнтів цілу годину наступного вівторка.

Lesson 4
Ethics in Nursing
Text: Ethics in Nursing
Grammar: The Continuous Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

code збірник правил, кодекс

associate колега, партнер
guideline вказівка, директива
to adopt приймати
dignity гідність
irrespective незалежно від
attribute якість, риса
threefold потрійний
to conserve зберігати
to alleviate полегшувати
consistently відповідно, послідовно
limitation обмеження
to submit подавати, представляти
heading заголовок, рубрика
confidence довіра, секретність
to entrust доручати, довіряти
quadrennial такий, що відбувається
раз в 4 роки
desirable бажаний

Read the text and answer the following questions

Ethics in Nursing
Like laws, ethics guides our behaviour in
the workplace. It helps us to determine the
difference between right and wrong when
there is no clear law or policy to tell us what to
do. Each profession has a code of ethics. In
addition, each person has a code of ethics that
is derived from that person’s values.
Ethics in nursing is a particular code of
behaviours and relationships unique only to
the nursing personnel. Nursing ethics is “a
system of principles governing the conduct of a nurse, her relationship to
the patient and his family, her associates and society at large”.
The Grand Council of the International Council of Nurses held at Sao
Paulo, Brazil on July 10, 1953, adopted, viewed and revised in 1964
“Code of Ethics as applied to nursing”.
o The nurse provides services with respect for
human dignity irrespective of social or
economic status, personal attributes, or the
nature of health problems.
o The fundamental responsibility of the nurse
is threefold: to conserve life, to alleviate
suffering and to promote health.
o The nurse shall maintain at all time the
highest standards of nursing care and professional conduct.
o The nurse must not only be well prepared to practice but shall maintain
knowledge and skills at a consistently high level.
o Nurses hold in confidence all personal information entrusted to them.
o Nurses recognise not only the responsibilities but the limitations of their
professional functions not to recommend or give medical treatment
without medical orders except in emergencies, and report such action to
a physician as soon as possible, etc.
The final revised code was submitted to the Council of National
Representatives in Mexico in May 1973 at the 15th Quadrennial congress.
According to the Code nurse’s responsibility is to those people who
require nursing care. The nurse is responsible for giving the best care
possible at all times and under all circumstances and maintaining a high
standard of practice. A person’s values, customs and religious beliefs must
be respected.
The Code states the responsibility of the nurse for positive promotion
of the society health by initiating and supporting actions to meet the health
and social needs. Nurses are expected to cooperate with nursing colleagues
and other members of the health team.
The Code points out very clearly the role of the nurse as a leader and
an active participator in professional activities by setting up and carrying
out desirable standards of nursing practice and education.
1. What guides our behaviour in the workplace?
2. When does ethics help us to determine the difference between right and
3. What is nursing ethics?

4. When and where was the Grand Council of the International Council of
Nurses held?
5. Does the nurse provide services according to the patient’s economic
6. What is the fundamental responsibility of the nurse?
7. What do nurses hold in confidence?
8. When was the final revised code of ethics submitted?
9. Who do nurses cooperate with?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words and word-combinations with their translations. Use them
in the sentences of your own.
1. Nursing personnel; a) полегшувати страждання;
2. to provide services; b) особиста інформація;
3. human dignity; c) сестринський персонал;
4. economic status; d) зберегти життя
5. the nature of health e) найвищі стандарти сестринського
problems; догляду;
6. to conserve life; f) людська гідність;
7. to alleviate suffering; g) надавати послуги;
8. to promote health; h) зміцнювати здоров'я;
9. the highest standards of i) відповідати потребам в галузі
nursing care; охорони здоров'я;
10. to be well-prepared; j) повідомляти лікаря;
11. personal information; k) бути добре підготовленим;
12. to report to a physician; l) релігійні переконання;
13. religious beliefs; m)сестринська освіта.
14. to meet the health needs; n) економічний стан;
15. nursing education. o) суть проблем зі здоров'ям;

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. Ethics helps us to determine the difference between … when there is no
clear … .
2. Each profession has … .
3. Nursing ethics is … .
4. The nurse provides services with respect for … irrespective of … .
5. The fundamental responsibility of the nurse is threefold: … .
6. The nurse shall maintain at all time the highest standards of … .

III. Read and translate the preamble to the Nursing Code of Ethics.

Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to
prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. The need for
nursing is universal. Inherent in nursing is a respect for human rights,
including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity and to be
treated with respect. Nursing care is respectful of and unrestricted by
considerations of age, colour, creed, culture, disability or illness, gender,
sexual orientation, nationality, politics, race or social status. Nurses render
health services to the individual, the family and the community and
coordinate their services with those of related groups.
IV. Read some rules for nurses. Make up your own rules of effective
1. Read the order of the doctor before you give medicines.
2. If you make a mistake in your work, you must tell the doctor about it.
3. Do not be rude when you speak with patients.
4. Learn to control your feelings. When you are angry – count up to hundred.
5. Don't gossip about your patients.
6. Never say the word "incurable".

Grammar Exercises
I. Put
the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous Tense.
1. Listen! Somebody … (to sing).
2. Please, be quiet! I … (to learn) new words.
3. She … (to talk) to the patient’s relatives right now.
4. They … (to wait) for the lecture to start.
5. … (it to rain) now?
6. … the patient … (to recover)?
7. Who … you (to wait) … for?
8. What … (you to do) tonight?

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Mode l : – The nurse … herself when she … the medical instruments. (to
cut/to clean)
– The nurse cut herself when she was cleaning medical instruments.
1. John and Mary … a medical programme on TV when the doorbell … .
(to watch/to ring)
2. When Nancy … an injection the doctor … the ward. (to make/to enter)
3. Susan … the temperature when the phone … . (to take/to ring)

4. They … ethical issues when the teacher … . (to discuss/to come)
5. When I … Allan in the hospital last Monday he … the patients. (to
see/to examine)
6. When I … the teacher … about ethics in nursing. (to come/to talk)
III. Translate into English.
1. Вони читали текст про етичну поведінку на роботі цілий урок.
2. Він працюватиме в бібліотеці з 9 до 11 ранку.
3. Зараз лікар розповідає пацієнтові про можливі ускладнення його
4. Олег шукав інформацію про принципи етики, коли задзвонив
5. Що ти робила вчора в цей час? – Я писала доповідь про теорії етики.
6. У цей час в п’ятницю лікар зі Львова читатиме лекцію для
студентів нашого факультету.
7. Не галасуйте і не заходьте до тiєї аудиторiї. Там студенти
складають іспит з анатомії. Студенти складають іспити два рази на

Lesson 5
Professional Organizations
Text: Professional Nursing Organizations
Grammar: Indefinite and Continuous Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

professional професійне
networking співробітництво
to offer пропонувати
up-to-date сучасний
united єдиний
advocacy захист
to share ділитись
to cater for обслуговувати
access доступ
extensive великий, обширний
crescent півмісяць
to alleviate полегшувати
to uphold відстоювати
armed conflict збройний конфлікт
midwifery акушерство

Read the text and answer the following questions

Professional Nursing Organizations
As in any career field,
professional networking is important
for continued learning and career
development for nurses. One way to
maintain professional connections
and stay involved in the nurse
practitioner community is by joining
professional organizations.
Professional organizations and associations for nurses:
o are an excellent resource for education by offering conferences,
webinars, and online courses for members;
o help to maintain professional knowledge up-to-date;
o present a united voice of advocacy in the community;

o provide an opportunity to create communities of interest among nurses
to share current information.
There are numerous associations for the nursing professionals. Some
of them are unspecific and cater for all types of nurses, while others are
more specific to those who practice in specialty areas.
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a
federation of more than 130 national nurses associations
(NNAs), representing the more than 16 million nurses
worldwide. Founded in 1899, ICN is the world’s first and
widest international organization for health professionals.
ICN works to ensure quality nursing care for all, the advancement of
nursing knowledge, and the presence worldwide of a respected nursing
The American Association of Critical Care Nurses
(AACN) is one of the largest nursing organizations in the world,
representing nurses who are focused on caring for critically ill
patients. AACN is dedicated to providing its members with the
knowledge and resources needed to provide optimal care to
critically ill patients. Seminars, live chat and supported research are some
of the educational opportunities provided for its members.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the world’s
leading organization devoted to the improvement of the
health of the world’s nearly seven billion people.
Thousands of health experts around the world coordinate
many programs to ensure that more people have access to
health care. The World Health Organization now gives extensive
support to doctors' training, nursing education and health laboratories.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement is the largest humanitarian network in the world.
Its mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect life and
health, and uphold human dignity especially during armed
conflicts and other emergencies. It is present in every country and
supported by millions of volunteers.
Ukrainian Council of Nursing and Midwifery deals with
protection of legal, social, economic, national and cultural
interests of the members of the organization. Its main function
is establishment and introduction of European standards in the
field of health care into the health care standards in Ukraine.
1. What are professional organizations important for?
2. When was the International Council of Nurses founded?
3. What are the main objectives of the ICN?
4. What is the American Association of Critical Care Nurses dedicated to?
5. What educational opportunities do they provide for AACN members?
6. What is WHO?
7. What are the main activities of WHO?
8. What is the largest humanitarian network in the world?
9. What is its mission?
10. What is the main function of Ukrainian Council of Nursing and

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
Professional organization;
career voice;
up-to-date development;
a united networking;
current ill patients
international knowledge;
health information;
critically; life;
educational support;
extensive standards;
to protect professionals;
armed interests;
national and cultural opportunities;
European conflicts.
II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
5. One way to keep professional connections and stay involved in the
nurse practitioner community is by joining professional associations.
6. Professional organizations for nurses are an excellent source of
education by proposing conferences, webinars, and online courses for
7. Some organizations are general and cater for all types of nurses, while
others are more specific to those who work in specialty areas.
8. ICN works to guarantee quality nursing care for all.
9. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) represents
nurses who are dedicated to caring for acutely ill patients.
10. Thousands of health professionals around the world manage many
programs to ensure that more people have access to health care.
11. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is present in
each country and maintained by millions of volunteers.
12. Ukrainian Council of Nursing and Midwifery deals with protection of
lawful, social, financial, national and cultural interests of the members
of organization.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Organizations and associations give nurses professional up-to-date
2. Professional organizations help nurses to share current information.
3. There are five organizations for the nursing professionals in the world.
4. The International Council of Nurses was established in 1899.
5. AACN is the world’s first international organization for health
6. The World Health Organization is the world’s leading organization
devoted to the improvement of the health of the world’s nearly 17
billion people.
7. The mission of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement is to protect life and health especially during armed
8. Ukrainian Council of Nursing and Midwifery is responsible for
establishment and introduction of American standards into the health
care standards in Ukraine.
IV. Read and translate the following additional text.
Ukrainian Red Cross Society
The Red Cross has 2 surgical and 5 anti-epidemic
hospitals in Kyiv, field hospitals in Berdychiv, Sumy,
Rivne, Radyvyliv, Proskuriv, Volochysk, Cherkasy,
Korosten, Zhmerynka, Koziatyn, Yarmolyntsi, two anti-epidemic hospitals
in Konotop and evacuation hospital in Odesa.
In peaceful time the activists of the Red Cross initiated building of
public baths and laundries, establishment and equipment of medical
assistance points, pharmacies and sanitary-hygienic shops.

The Great Patriotic War became the test for mercy for the Ukrainian
Red Cross Society personnel. The Society trained and sent to the battle
fields over 100 thousand nurses. They fulfilled their duty not only as
medical workers, but also showed a mercy to the enemy.
The feat of thirteen Ukrainian nurses, operation participants, was
commemorated by Florence Nightingale medal - a real feat for life, which
often ended in operations.
The new test for Ukrainian Red Cross Society in capacity and mercy
was the Chornobyl Accident on April 26, 1986. 213 Red Cross nurses
were allocated to serve the residents of contaminated areas. In 1990 the
Ukrainian Red Cross initiated the creation of complex Chornobyl program,
in the framework of which more than 240 000 dosimeter surveys in 70
settlements were conducted.
The mobile diagnostic laboratories of the Ukrainian Red Cross
Societies are successfully operating in the Zhytomyr and Rivne regions
where approximately 30 thousand of contaminated areas are examined.

I. PutGrammar
the verbsExercises
into the correct tense form
(Present Indefinite or Present Continuous).
1. Look! He … (to leave) the hospital.
2. Quiet, please! I … (to write) a test.
3. She usually … (to walk) to work.
4. Every Monday we … (to study) at the teaching hospital.
5. He often … (to go) to the laboratory.
6. I … (not to do) anything at the moment.
7. She usually … (to wear) glasses, but now she … (to wear) contact
8. What … (they/to do) at the moment?
II. Put the verbs into the correct tense form (Indefinite or Continuous
1. The ICN … (to promote) the development of the strong national nurses
2. Ukrainian Red Cross … (to train) volunteers now.
3. The nurse … (to clean) the ward, when the doctor (to enter) … .
4. I … (to read) the principles and values of the Red Cross at 2 p.m.
5. They … (to go) to the hospital when I met them.

6. Every day nurses … (to make) beds, … (to clean) and … (to air)
wards. But today they only … (to change) sheets the whole morning.
7. The WHO … (to promote) public health in many ways around the
8. I … (to become) a member of the Red Cross last year.
9. He … (to spend) two days in the hospital. He … (to have) pneumonia.
10. We … (to write) a test on professional organizations from 2 to 3 p.m.
11. The Red Cross … (to help) the wounded during protests in Kyiv last
12. The doctor … (to discharge) her home from the hospital next week.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper tense form.
Peter: Hello, Nick! Where … (you to hurry)?
Nick: Hi! I … (to run) to the polyclinic to call in a doctor.
Peter: What … (to be) the matter?
Nick: My room-mate … (to catch) a cold when he … (to skate) yesterday.
He … (to run) a high temperature and … (to complain) of a sore throat.
The medicine I … (to give) him yesterday … (not to relieve) the pain and
… (not to keep) the fever down. So we … (to decide) to call in a doctor.
Peter: I … (not to take) up your time any more. Say my hello to your
friend. I hope he … (to be) well again in no time. Bye, Nick.

Lesson 1
Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Ukraine
Text: Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Ukraine.
Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.
Active Vocabulary

career кар’єра
substantially суттєво
to identify визначати
drawback недолік
applicant абітурієнт
experienced досвідчений
senior старший
to improve вдосконалювати
to expand розширюватись
criterion (pl. criteria) критерій
quality якість
to line up ставати в чергу
to be in full swing бути у повному
to promote сприяти, просуватися

Read the text and answer the following questions

Requirements of Nurses’ Education in
Over the course of a lifetime, we are
faced with a number of difficult decisions
— one of which includes choosing a
professional career. Nursing has
substantially grown in popularity over the
past several years. Identifying the benefits
and drawbacks of being a nurse, learning
about different career options, and
discovering methods of preparing for

transitioning to a nursing job are all important steps for those
considering a career in healthcare. The number of medical personnel in
Ukraine is relatively large compared with Western countries. On average
there are two nurses for every physician in Ukraine.
At medical colleges students enter nursing programs after the 11th
form for 3 years or after the 9th form for 4 years. If you want to become
a doctor’s assistant 4 years are required after the 9th form. A doctor’s
assistant is a highly-trained specialist who works independently in the
polyclinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals. Admission is
performed on the basis of exams in the Ukrainian language and Biology
for applicants with basic education. Applicants with complete education
must receive a certificate of Standardized External Testing in Ukrainian
Language and Literature and Biology.
Nursing education consists of the theoretical and practical training
provided to students with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as
nursing care professionals. This education is provided to students by
experienced nurses and other medical experts. Students gain knowledge
and skills that are required to take care of people who are in need of
attention. First-year students study fundamental medical and biological
disciplines. Then they study clinical subjects and nursing in different
situations. At the end of each term the students take credit tests and
exams. Much time is devoted to the work in Anatomy classes and
laboratories. With the knowledge acquired from books and laboratory
work, senior students develop their professional skills in different
hospital wards.
Wide international cooperation helps to raise the organizational
standards and improve the educational process in Ukraine. There are
more than hundred nursing schools and colleges in Ukraine, where one
can expand and develop skills in nursing. Nursing jobs in Ukraine are
meeting international criteria in terms of quality. With a number of
hospitals and private clinics already established and many more lined
up, nursing jobs in Ukraine are in full swing. Nursing in Ukraine is
promoting, restoring and maintaining health system of the country.
1. Nursing has substantially lost its popularity recently, hasn’t it?
2. Was choosing a professional career a difficult decision for you?
3. Admission to a medical college is performed on the basis of exams in
the English language and Biology, isn’t it?
4. What does nurse’s education consist of?
5. Who provides education to nursing students?
6.What disciplines do nursing students study at the University?
7.When do the students take credit tests and exams?
8.Where can senior students develop their professional skills?
9.What helps to raise the organizational standards and improve the
educational process in Ukraine?
10. How many nursing schools and colleges are there in Ukraine?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
Difficult assistant;
important nurses;
doctor’s decision;
theoretical skills;
experienced training;
biological step;
professional cooperation;
credit process;
international test;
educational professional;
nursing care disciplines;

II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Nursing has substantially lost its popularity over the past several
2. If you consider a career in healthcare you have to identify the benefits
and drawbacks of this job.
3. On average there are three nurses for every physician in Ukraine.
4. Students can enter nursing programs only after the 11th form.
5. At medical colleges nursing students get only theoretical training.
6. At first students develop their professional skills in different hospital
III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. At medical colleges students enter nursing programs … .
2. If you want to become a doctor’s assistant … .
3. A doctor’s assistant is a highly-trained specialist who … .

4. Admission is performed on the basis of exams in … for applicants with
basic education.
5. Applicants with complete education must receive …in … .
6. Nursing education consists of …. provided to students with the purpose … .
IV. Choose the correct prepositions in the following sentences.
Since/From online distance learning is becoming a widely accepted
path for/at higher education, it opens for/up a lot of possibilities about/for
nursing students. Taking the online path to earning a nursing degree on/in
the Internet makes sense for/ from a lot of people who want to further
their education or perhaps change careers.
There are several online universities abroad that offer a Bachelor of
Science degree at/in Nursing and even opportunities to earn a Master’s
degree too. Most programs generally follow a typical college semester,
just as if/while you were attending an ordinary school. However, when/as
earning an online nursing degree, you can study and complete
assignments for/on your own time clock. You have the power of/from
structuring your schedule, fitting in/for your studies around/with other
responsibilities like jobs and children.
V. Read the personal profile and write a similar one about yourself,
• why you decided to become a nurse;
• what you are doing now;
• your career plans.
When I was a child I wanted to be an accountant because
mathematics was my favourite subject at school. I was no good at science
and not very good with people, so I thought that nursing was not for me.
But when I was sixteen my grandmother got very ill. I watched the nurses
care for her as she slowly died, and I realized that I wanted to be like
When I left school I applied to train as a nurse. A training college
accepted me and I started the course two years ago. I am still training and
getting experience. I know that nursing is not right for everyone, but
personally I love it.
For the past two months I have been working in a children’s ward.
It’s a wonderful experience and I’m going to specialize in paediatrics as
soon as I can. I’m ambitious and I want to go as high in my chosen career
as possible.

Grammar Exercises

 The Present Perfect Tense

have/has + V3
+ They have already passed their exams.
? Have they already passed their exams?
- They have not passed their exams yet.
 The Present Perfect Tense is used:
 to talk about the present He has broken his leg
result of a past action and he is in the hospital now.
I can't come in because I've lost my
 to give news or talk about She’s had a baby girl.
recent events
 to talk about a period of I've had three cups of coffee today.
time not finished at the Have you been at the hospital this
time of speaking week?
 to talk about how long a I've lived in Spain for 10 years.
present situation has lasted
 NOTE: The Present Perfect Tense connects the present to the past.
It describes an action that happened in the past but the time of
occurrence of the action is not mentioned. Usually, the time is not
important or is not necessary to know. It is the result of the action that
I. Answer the questions.
1. Where do you live? How long have you lived there?
2. How many classes have you had today?
3. How many classes have you missed since the beginning of the term?
4. Have you ever given an interview?
5. Have you ever broken your promise?
6. How many questions have you answered?
II. Say you have done what you are told.
Model: Open your book, please. — I have already opened my book.
1. Read this article, please.
2. Close your book, please.
3. Open the window, please.
4. Give me your book, please.

5. Answer my question, please.
6. Do this exercise, please.
7. Please turn on the light.
8. Please say it again.
9. Show me your composition, please.
10.Don’t forget to make a report.
III. Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.
1. We/to return/from the polyclinic/just.
2. I/to see/my doctor/today.
3. Helen/to decorate/her room/already.
4. My cousin/to be/to the hospital/never.
5. Max/to buy/a medical journal/today.
6. You/to spend/a lot of money/this month.
7. Dan and Peter/to repair/the radio/already.
8. We/to get/some letters/this week.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.
1. The doctor … (to make) his daily round two hours ago.
2. (To have) … you ever … measles? — Yes, I … . — When … (to have)
you …it? — I … (to have) it last winter.
3. You … (to cut) your finger. When … (to happen) it …?
4. … Jane … (to recover) yet? — No, she’s still in hospital.
5. Mr. Wood … (not to feel) well lately. He … (to faint) last week.
6. The pain … (not to subside) yet.
7. A thorough examination … (to confirm) the diagnosis.
8. What … the examination … (to reveal)?
V. Translate into English.
1. — Ти вже вивчив текст? — Так. Я щойно вивчив текст і зараз
повторюю слова.
2. — Де Микола? Я ще не бачив його сьогоднi. Що з ним сталося?
Чому вiн не прийшов до унiверситету? Вiн нiколи не пропускає
занять. Боюся, що вiн захворiв. — Ви помиляєтеся. Микола тут.
Вiн щойно прийшов. Вiн на лекцiї. Але ви не можете з ним
говорити, оскiльки лекцiя вже почалася. Лекцiї завжди
починаються вчасно.
3. — Я знаю цього професора дуже давно. Вiн викладає в
унiверситетi з 1990 року. Вiн щойно повернувся iз Сполучених
Штатiв. Вiн був там два роки. Вiн уже написав книжку про цю
країну. На жаль, я ще її не читав.
Lesson 2
Requirements of Nurses’ Education
in Great Britain and the USA
Text: Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Great Britain and the USA
Grammar: The Present Perfect and Past Indefinite Tenses
Active Vocabulary

to excel мати успіх, відмінно

to volunteer добровільно працювати
to attend відвідувати
awareness обізнаність
scholarship () стипендія
lawfully законно
midwifery акушерство
split поділ
disability недієздатність
graduate () випускник
bachelor бакалавр
entry вступ
valid діючий, дійсний
to obtain здобувати
licensure патент, ліцензія
completion завершення

Read the text and answer the following questions

Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Great Britain and the USA
It is never too early to begin
preparing for a career in nursing.
Excelling in school, volunteering
with local hospitals, attending
nursing camps or public health
agencies may help students who
hope to become future nurses to
increase awareness, gain
experience and open up
scholarship opportunities, thus decreasing the costs of attending a
nursing program.
To practice lawfully as a registered nurse in the United Kingdom, the
practitioner must hold a current and valid registration with the Nursing and
Midwifery Council.
In order to become a registered nurse, and work as such, one must
complete a program in the chosen branch specialty, leading to professional
registration as a 1st level registered nurse. Such a course is a 50/50 split of
learning in university and practice. These courses are three-four years
long. The first year is known as the common foundation program (CFP),
and teaches the basic knowledge and skills required of all nurses. The
remainder of the programme consists of training specific to the student's
chosen branch of nursing. These are adult nursing, child nursing, mental
health nursing, learning disabilities nursing.
There are several types of nurses in the US, such as Licensed
Practical Nurses (LPN), Registered Nurses (RN) and Advanced Practice
Nurses (APN) that have different programs of study and can take different
professional paths.
An LPN program involves 12 months of training at a state approved
vocational/technical school or community college. Licensed nurses are
usually employed in a hospital, providing basic bedside care under the
supervision of physicians and registered nurses. Their responsibilities are,
however, more limited than the RN’s. Licensed Practical Nurses obtain
their nursing education also through high schools, hospitals or universities.
The practical nursing programs include both classroom study and
supervised clinical practice (usually in hospital).
There are three types of training programs available for those
wanting to be an RN. All successful graduates are prepared to begin
general nursing duties in hospitals, clinics, etc. Registered Nurses obtain
their nursing education through the four-year Bachelor of Science degree
in nursing (BSN), a two-year Associate degree in nursing or a three-year
hospital training diploma. Although all three educational paths meet entry
requirements for nurse registration and licensure, the primary path to
professional nursing is the BSN.
Upon completion of a training program before becoming licensed
and practicing as a nurse, one must pass the National Council Licensure
Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), or for Practical Nurses
1. What may help students to open up scholarship opportunities?

2. What is required to practice lawfully as a registered nurse in the United
3. What must one do in order to become a registered nurse?
4. How long are courses for nurses?
5. What do students get during the common foundation program?
6. Are there several types of nurses in the US? Do they have different
programs of study?
7. What do you know about an LPN program?
8. Where are licensed nurses usually employed?
9. How many training programs are there available for those wanting to be
an RN?
10.What must one do upon completion of a training program before
becoming licensed and practicing nurse?

I. Give and
the English Speech Exercises
equivalents of the following from the text.
Волонтерська праця в місцевих клініках; здобувати досвід; стипендія;
проводити реєстрацію; професійно-технічні училища; основний
догляд за хворими; молодша медсестра; дипломована медсестра;
висококваліфікована медсестра; обов’язки медсестри; відповідати
певним вимогам; ступінь бакалавра; ліцензія.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. In order to become a registered nurse one must complete a program in
the chosen branch specialty.
2. The second year of study is known as the common foundation program
3. An LPN program involves 16 months of training at a state approved
vocational/technical school or community college.
4. Registered nurses are usually employed in a hospital, providing basic
bedside care under the supervision of physicians and licensed nurses.
5. Before practicing as a registered nurse, one must pass NCLEX-PN.
6. There are several types of nurses in the US such as LPN, RN and APN.
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
If you're going into … because you think it’s profitable, you're
probably not cut out for the job. Nursing is a … – you have to want to help
people, not just do the job for … gain. The training is not just for 3 years,

it’s a … learning curve and once qualified you have … that you are
keeping up to date with your education and …, or face being struck off the
register. If you're prepared to study for the rest of your working life, work
extremely … hours including night shift, …, X-mas etc. then go for it!!!
(Weekends, vocation, to prove, unsocial, nursing, financial, lifelong,
IV. Choose the correct prepositions in the following sentences.
In /on order to work as/of a qualified nurse in/at the USA, you must
have a license to/ for practice there as a nurse and a visa that permits you
to work. Salaries and conditions in the USA vary from/in state to/for state
and in/ for general there are no national agreements. The cost of/for living
in/on different states varies too and this should be considered carefully,
especially regarding accommodation and transport. A car may be essential
in/from certain areas as/ for many hospitals tend to be on/at the outer
fringes with/of cities. Health insurance is normally included while/in the
employment package, but check carefully if/ when this is the case and the
type with/of cover offered. Your holiday entitlement in the USA can vary,
and is usually quite limited, somewhere between 2 to 4 weeks a year is the

Grammar Exercises

yesterday already
2 days ago yet
last week since
in l991 this week
in the past recently/lately

V2 (ed)
has V3

I. Choose the proper tense form.

1. We have discussed/discussed the functions of a nurse this month.
2. The Congress has started/ started its work recently and the results are
very promising.
3. Last year my cousin entered/has entered our college.

4. Lately I have read/read an interesting article on nursing in a popular
scientific journal.
5. Mary already bought/has already bought some medicines at the
6. The doctor made/has made the patient’s examination half an hour ago.
7. The nurse gave/has given an injection to this patient today.
8. The doctor hasn’t examined/ didn’t examine the patient’s back yet.
II. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.
1. We are late. I think the examination … (to start) already.
2. The patient’s condition … (to improve) greatly.
3. She … (to enter) a medical college two years ago.
4. Harry is ill. He … (to have) an accident. He … (to break) his leg.
5. The doctor… (to question) the patient thoroughly, … (to listen) to his
lungs and … (to direct) him to be X-rayed.
6. Wait a little. The doctor … (not to come) yet.
III. Complete each sentence using one of the verbs below. Use Present
Perfect or Past Indefinite.

1. Go
We … seethe assessment.
study be You'll
have get
the write finish reply
report tomorrow.
2. The doctor … the patient three times today.
3. I … working here a year ago.
4. I … three letters to the consultant, but he … yet.
5. We … Biology last year.
6. The patient … in hospital for a week now.
7. … you ever … a general anaesthetic?

Lesson 3
Nurses’ Specialties
Text: Nurses’
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense
Active Vocabulary

facet аспект
countless незліченний
to advance просуватися,
urgent терміновий
severity важкість
valuable цінний
loss втрата
expectant mother майбутня мама
premature baby недоношена дитина
adolescent підліток

Read the text and answer the following questions

Nurses’ Specialties
Nurses work in every facet of health
care and in practically all types of health
care facilities. As a result, there are
countless types of nursing specialties.
When choosing a specialty, it’s important
to ask yourself some questions. What age
group do you prefer to work with? What
types of facility do you want to work in?
Most specialties allow nurses to keep
moving forward in their career paths after becoming specialized, and this
ensures that nurses will continue to grow, learn and advance within the
nursing field.
Emergency Room Nurse. An emergency room or ER nurse is one who
cares for patients with urgent medical concerns. This professional helps
physicians assess the severity of a patient's injury or illness, prepares
diagnostic equipment, and provides post-treatment care and counseling.

Critical Care Nurse. Also known as ICU nurses, these specialists deal
with trauma and life-threatening illnesses. This work is intense but very
rewarding. It also may require helping family members to deal with the
loss of a loved one.
Oncology Nurse. An oncology nurse provides many valuable services
to cancer patients and their families. He or she might be responsible for
cancer screening, assisting doctors in treatment sessions, discussing care
options with patients, counseling friends and family members, or
providing educational information to the public.
Obstetrical Nurse. These types of nurses help expectant mothers to
deliver their babies naturally. They provide the most natural birth possible
for mother and child.
Neonatal Nurse. Neonatal nurses care for sick and/or premature
newborn babies. As in other nursing specialties, a neonatal nurse is
responsible for providing immediate care for patients and aiding doctors in
diagnostic and treatment procedures.
Paediatric Nurse. If you like working with children and young adults,
this might be the specialty career for you. Paediatric nurses work with
children of all ages, from 28 days old to 18 years old. They deal with
anything from a common cold to broken bones. Providing care to infants,
young children, and adolescents is one of the most challenging jobs a
nurse could experience.
Psychiatric Nurse. These nurses work with patients who are
experiencing some sort of mental illness, psychological disorders, and
emotional distress. They work with both inpatients and outpatients to
provide quality care.
Being a nurse is not an easy job since it takes a lot of patience and
understanding. Whatever specialty you choose you should prepare yourself
to work overtime, be motivated, active and energetic.
1. Are there a lot of nurses’ specialties?
2. What does an emergency room nurse do?
3. What specialists deal with trauma and life-threatening illnesses?
4. What valuable services does an oncology nurse provide to cancer
patients and their families?
5. Do neonatal nurses provide the most natural birth for mother and child?
6. What are the duties of neonatal nurses?
7. Paediatric nurses work with children from 28 days old to 16 years old,
don’t they?
8. Whom do psychiatric nurses work with?
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following word-combinations
from the text.
Спеціальність медсестри; вікова група; кар'єрний шлях; важкість
травми; цінні послуги; варіанти догляду; загрозливі для життя
захворювання; відділення інтенсивної терапії; застуда; майбутня
мама; недоношені новонароджені; підлітки; психологічні розлади;
якісна допомога; терпіння і розуміння; працювати понаднормово;
бути вмотивованим.
II. Give short explanation of the following nurses’ specialties.
An ambulatory care nurse –
a cardiac nurse –
a surgical nurse –
a geriatric nurse –
a dental nurse –
III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Nurses work in practically all types of … .
2. An emergency room or ER nurse is one who cares for patients with … .
3. … deal with trauma and life-threatening illnesses.
4. An oncology nurse provides … to cancer patients and their families.
5. … help expectant mothers to deliver their babies naturally.
6. Neonatal nurses care for … .
7. Paediatric nurses work with children of all ages, … .
8. Psychiatric nurses work with patients who are experiencing some sort of
… or … distress.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Pediatric nurses are nurses who have specialized training in caring
for … . In addition to performing traditional nursing tasks, such as
measuring the child’s vital signs and running … tests, pediatric nurses
are trained to … with little ones who may be … or not know how to tell
"where it hurts." There is no additional specific … or education beyond
state … required for a registered nurse to work as a pediatric nurse,
although additional training and certification might … a nurse’s
employment opportunities and pay rate. The
… places the average … salary range for pediatric nurses at between
$48,000 to $68,000. Registered nurses who hold professional
certification in pediatrics typically earned more than non-certified RNs

who worked in …, according to the 2011 Advance for Nurses Specialty
& Certification … survey.
(Licencure, increase, pediatrics, salary, frightened, annual, website,
certification, communicate, children, diagnostic)
V. Choose the correct prepositions in the following text for
supplementary reading.
My name is Karen Higgins. I have been a critical care nurse working
in/at intensive care units for/from almost 28 years. I graduated from/in
nursing school when I was 21. At/for first I worked on/for a regular
hospital floor. Three years later I came at/to the ICU and never left. I was
attracted while/to critical care nursing because from/of the challenges and
rewards of/in taking care of/with very sick patients in/for a fast paced
For/at me this experience is a prime example with/of what nursing is
all about/for. I love being a nurse and love using my years of/in experience
and skill to care for/from patients and their families at perhaps the most
difficult time in/of their lives. But I cannot be in/on two places at/for once
– and as patient’s medical needs become more complex, I worry that I will
not be there at/for a critical moment to access a patient in need. For/during
the last twenty-eight years I have been my patient’s last line of defense and
will continue to be there until I can no longer provide safe care.

 The Exercises
Past Perfect Tense
had + V3
+ The patient had taken his medicine
by 10 a.m.
? Had the patient taken his medicine
by 10 a.m.?
- The patient had not taken his medicine by 10 a.m.
 The Past Perfect Tense is used for:
 an action which took place The surgeons had performed the
before a definite moment in operation by 2 o'clock.
the past
 an action which took place She had passed the exams
before another past action successfully before she became a
registered nurse.

I. Answer the following questions.
1. Where had you studied before you entered a medical college?
2. What exams had you passed before entering a medical college?
3. What had you done before I came into the classroom?
4. What tenses had you studied before you began to study the Past Perfect
5. What interesting books had you read by the beginning of this term?
6. Had you eaten your breakfast before you went to college?
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.
Yesterday when I arrived home, I couldn’t believe my eyes:
1. Someone … (to break) into my house.
2. They … (to break) the door and the window.
3. They … (to steal) all my money.
4. They … (to take) my TV and my computer.
5. They … (to read) my letters.
6. They … (to eat) the food in the fridge.
III. Join the following pairs of sentences by making one of them clause
with the verb in the Past Perfect Tense as in the model.
Model: The nurse went home. She finished her work (after). –
The nurse went home after she had finished her work.
1. Students didn't understand the problem. The teacher explained it. (until)
2. She read the article about nurses’ shortage in the USA. She went home.
3. She moved to Odessa. She worked as a cardiac nurse. (by the time)
4. The pediatric nurse read the message carefully. She wrote the reply.
5. The doctor left the ward. The patient turned on the radio. (as soon as)
6. The nurse consultant had dinner. He went to the laboratory. (after)
7. The patient didn't leave. He didn't receive a definite answer from a
psychiatric nurse. (till)
8. We didn't disturb the professor. He finished his report on nurses’
specialties. (until)
IV. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.
1. When he … (to enter) the operation room, the surgeon … (to finish) the
2. I … (to return) from the hospital by 6 o’clock.
3. The ambulance … (to arrive) when we … (to help) already him.

4. Yesterday we … (to discuss) the text which we … (to read) some days
5. I was late. The teacher … (to give) already a quiz when I … (to get) to
6. The patient … (to feel) a little better after he … (to take) the pills.
7. A woman … (to come) into the consulting room and … (to say)
that her baby just … (to swallow) a piece of chalk.
8. We … (to get acquainted) before he … (to enter) University.

V. Translate into English.

1. Вона написала статтю до кінця семестру.
2. Студенти склали всі заліки до 6 червня.
3. Я знала, що вона розмовляла з лікарем.
4. Пацієнтка подякувала мені за те, що я для неї зробила.
5. Учора я закінчила всю роботу до 12 години.
6. Вона сказала, що одержала стипендію.
7. Я вивчила всі слова до того, як прийшли друзі.
8. Раптом вона згадала, що забула вимкнути світло.
9. Вони збудували новий гуртожиток для студентів до початку
навчального року.
10.Медсестра була певна, що бачила цю жінку раніше, але не могла
пригадати, де вона її бачила.

Lesson 4
A Working Day of a Nurse
Text: A Working Day of a Nurse
Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense
Active Vocabulary

undergo витримувати, проходити

trait риса, властивість
flexibility гнучкість
shift зміна (робочий день)
previous попередній
to review переглядати
portion частина
to compile укладати, збирати
smoothly плавно
influx приплив, надходження
hectic неспокійний

Read the text and answer the following questions

A Working Day of a Nurse
A nurse is qualified to provide
nursing care for patients, most
frequently in a hospital but also
potentially in a doctor's office or a
nursing home. Nurses are trained to
assess patients, deliver treatment,
monitor the condition of patients and
provide help and care for the families
of those undergoing treatment.
A nurse’s working day varies
from facility to facility, but in general, many of the same traits are shared.
A typical nurse's day is eight hours long and it has elements of both
routine and flexibility. They might work a day, night or evening shift,
though this may depend on where they work; for example, a practice may
only be open during certain hours.
When nurses arrive at work, one of their first responsibilities is to
either speak with the previous night nurse or review outpatient records to

get an idea of which and how many patients they’ll be dealing with. Once
this has been completed, other preparations are made which include
looking over patients tests that will be administered throughout that day,
coordinating schedules with doctors, and checking email.
Each nurse will have a number of patients; the time spent with each
will vary, but, in general, it will be around 30 to 40 minutes for nurses in a
hospital and a little less for nurses in a doctor's office. In this time, a
nurse's tasks will include checking the patient's vital signs, administering
necessary drugs or other medical products and changing dressings as
appropriate. Nurses will send off for blood tests or check the results of
these tests, too.
At least some portion of a nurse's day will be spent in the office or
handling paperwork elsewhere. This is necessary as there are patient case
histories that will need compiling. The nurse must make sure that the
appropriate paperwork has been completed in order to help keep the
department running smoothly.
A nurse's ability to communicate is tested considerably during her
typical day. Nurses must connect frequently with other nurses in order to
be kept updated as to the condition of patients. Meanwhile, they will
communicate often with doctors, letting them know if the patient's vital
signs change, for example. In addition, a key part of a nurse's role is to talk
to patients' families, informing them of
the situation, comforting them and
attaining from them information
regarding a patient's history.
A nurse might have to deal with an
influx of patients in the event of an
emergency. A day in the life of a nurse
can be hectic, and any nurse will tell you
that no two days are alike.

1. What are nurses trained to do?

2. A nurse's day isn’t flexible, is it?
3. What are the nurses' responsibilities when they arrive at work?
4. How much time do nurses spend with each patient?
5. Do nurses check the results of blood tests?
6. Why is it necessary to complete the appropriate paperwork?
7. Who does a nurse usually communicate with?
8. When should a nurse deal with an influx of patients?
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following word-combinations
from the text.
Кабінет лікаря; будинок для людей похилого віку; надавати
лікування; нічна зміна; переглядати амбулаторні записи; перевіряти
електронну пошту; життєво важливі показники пацієнта; змінювати
пов'язки; аналізи крові; опрацювання документів; історія пацієнта; у
разі виникнення надзвичайної ситуації.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Nurses are trained to assess …, deliver …, monitor … and provide …
for the families of … .
2. A typical nurse's day is … long.
3. They might work a … shift.
4. Each nurse will have a number of … .
5. A nurse's tasks will include checking …, administering … and changing … .
6. Some portion of a nurse's day will be spent … .
7. Nurses must communicate frequently with … .
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
International Nurses Day (IND) is … around the world on 12 May of
each year, to mark the … nurses make to society. The International
Council of Nurses (ICN) has celebrated this day … 1965. In January 1974,
12 May was chosen to celebrate the day as it is the … of the birth of
Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered to be the … of modern
nursing. Each year, ICN prepares and distributes the … Nurses' Day Kit.
The kit contains
… and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere. As of
2003, the Wednesday within National Nurses Week, between 6 and 12
May, is National School Nurse Day. At St. Margaret’s Church at East
Wellow in Hampshire, where Florence Nightingale is …, a service is held
on the Sunday after her … .
(Buried, founder, International, birthday, educational, since,
contributions, anniversary, celebrated)
IV. Read the interview with a practice nurse Reena and underline the
correct verb forms.
‘I’m Reena. I work/’m working as a practice nurse in a big doctor’s
surgery. This is my first job since graduation. I like/am liking the fact that

every day is different. Practice nurses carry out/are carrying out a lot of

routine procedures; they change/are changing dressings
and treat/are treating wounds, etc. I am/am being also
responsible for advising patients; I give/am giving them
advice on healthy eating, for example, and on health
conditions. At the moment, with a colleague, we
run/are running a clinic for patients with diabetes. It’s
very interesting, and I learn/am learning a lot about
how to deal with this condition. Like most nurses, I
don't have/am not having a lot of free time, but I
like/am liking going to the cinema when I can.’
V. Read the following quotation by a Nightingale of Modern Nursing
Virginia A. Henderson and discuss it with your groupmates.
"The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love
of life for the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind,
a means of locomotion for the infant, the knowledge and confidence of the
young mother, and a voice for those too weak to speak."

Grammar Exercises
 The Future Perfect Tense
will have + V3
+ The doctor will have discharged you
from the hospital by Friday.
? Will the doctor have discharged you
from the hospital by Friday?
- The doctor will not have discharged you from the hospital by Friday.
 The Future Perfect Tense is used for:
 an action completed before a The patient will have fully
definite future moment recovered by the beginning of the
next month.
 an action completed before the The nurse will have aired the ward
beginning of another future before the doctor comes.
I. Open the brackets using the Future Perfect Tense.
1. By 7 p.m. Meg … (to finish) the translation.
2. By that time, I … (to go) to the library.
3. By next year, Ray … (to finish) the mental health nursing course.

4. By the time my sister gets home, I … (to cook) dinner.
5. The teacher … (to give) us some reference materials by tomorrow
6. Ted and Joe … (to graduate) from Medical College by July.
II. Complete the questions using the Future Perfect Tense.
1. … the students … (to prepare) for the entrance exams by June?
2. … the scientist … (to begin) her new investigation by February?
3. … the delegation … (to go) to the conference to Spain by June?
4. … the teacher … (to know) the names of all her students by October?
5. … you … (to send) the reports before the beginning of the conference?
III. Change the following sentences into the Future Perfect Tense using
the given suggestions.
1. They learnt all the words (by seven o’clock).
2. The operation will finish soon (before I come).
3. She has prepared a new report last week (by the end of the week).
4. The students pass their credit-tests every year (by the sixth of June).
5. They prepared everything in the morning (by the end of the day).
6. The dean is signing the documents at the moment (by that time).
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Perfect or Future/Present
1. The nurse … (to take) the patients’ temperature by the time the doctor
in charge … (to begin) the morning round.
2. The doctor … (to discharge) your son from hospital by the end of the
3. The doctor … (to start) examining the patients as soon as he … (to be)
4. We are late. I think the operation … (to start) already by the time we …
(to get) to the polyclinic.
5. By the time you have your blood pressure measured, the nurse … (to fill in)
your case history.
6. Wait a little. The doctor … (to come) soon.
7. By the end of the week he … (to stay) in hospital for 20 days. I hope his
condition … (to improve) by that time.

Lesson 5
My Future Profession (Self-Reliant Work)
Text: My Future Nursing Profession
Grammar: The Imperative. Perfect Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

to dedicate присвячувати
despite незважаючи на
lifetime все життя
enthusiastic захоплений, сповнений
to contribute робити внесок
satisfaction задоволення
tough важкий, жорсткий
aspiration прагнення
caring турботливий

Read the text and get ready to speak on the topic

“My Future Nursing Profession”
My Future Nursing Profession
“When you are a nurse you know that
every day you will touch a
A common question asked by people who
enter into any field is why they have chosen that
certain field. The number one reason to choose
any career is because you love the work.
If you know your interests, talents, and
attitude are a good fit for jobs in healthcare,
nursing is a wise choice to make, especially
What can be the best and most noble profession
other than helping people at the time when they need it the most?
When I decided to become a nurse I made the most important
decision of my life. I decided to dedicate my life to the care of others. I’m
ready to put my own health at risk to help the sick to become better. I like
to work directly with people, despite the many challenges a job like this
can present. Nursing is a career for a lifetime.
It is said that doctors are life-savers. Nursing is not exactly the same
profession as a doctor, but certainly nurses play a supportive role in saving

lives. The most important thing which makes me enthusiastic about
working as a nurse is that nursing not only helps in saving lives but also
gives a chance to contribute to the development of the society. Helping
those people, who are in pain, gives the spiritual satisfaction.
Nursing is a challenge but as a nurse you have to remember that each
day you are helping someone and one kind word can brighten a patient’s
As far my strengths are concerned, the most important strength of
mine is that I am soft-hearted and I can feel the pain of others. I am also
capable of remaining cool and calm in tough situations, for example,
during surgery operations and any sudden health care problems like heart
attack etc.
My career aspiration is to become a successful nurse. When I say
successful, I do not mean it in monetary terms but in terms of a caring
nurse playing a positive role in the society.
I believe that the study at the medical college will help me to gain
professional knowledge so that along with my professional skills and with
my passion to help people, I will become a very good nurse.
1. Was it easy for you to choose your future profession?
2. Why have you decided to become a nurse?
3. Who advised you to make this choice?
4. Are there any medical workers in your family?
5. What does the nurse’s profession require?
6. What are your strengths which can help in your future job?
7. Where would you like to work?
8. What must you do now to become a good and qualified specialist
in future?

I. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

Finish the sentences.
1. The profession of the nurse is .. . .
2. A nurse must be .. . .
3. A nurse makes .. ..
4. A nurse gives . .. .
5. A nurse takes care of... .
6. A nurse is responsible for .. . .
7. A nurse must have . .. .

Grammar Exercises 18
The Imperative
We use imperatives to give clear, simple Take your time.
instructions to a patient. Don't lie down.
We can use staging words, e.g. first, then, next, First, breathe out.
finally followed by a short pause to make it Then, blow into the
easier for the patient to understand the mouthpiece.
I. Translate into English.
1. Приймайте ці ліки кожен день.
2. Робіть більше фізичних вправ.
3. Будьте обережні!
4. Закрийте вікно, будь ласка.
5. Будь ласка, не шуміть!
6. Посидіть тут п'ять хвилин.
7. Не забудьте купити термометр, Джейн.
8. Зачекайте тут, будь ласка.
9. Не бійтеся.
10. Спочатку сядьте, заспокойтесь, а потім розкажіть про свої

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Indefinite
1. We … (to know) each other for a long time.
2. The students … (to work) very hard last month.
3. You … (to get) the wrong number.
4. He … (not to smoke) today. He is trying to give it up.
5. She … (to be) in hospital two weeks ago.
6. I can’t go out because I … (not to finish) my work.
III. Open the brackets using the Past Perfect or Past Continuous Tense.
1. It … (to snow) very heavily before the weather changed.
2. Betty and Jane … (to argue) when their parents returned home.
3. Jean … (not to see) her doctor by that time.
4. Kevin explained that he … (to help) the doctor in charge with the
5. She … (to speak) to some patients when I entered the laboratory.
6. I was really happy that Ron … (to win) that competition.
IV. Make up the sentences using the Future Perfect Tense.
1. By 8 o'clock/we/ to find the information in the the Internet.

2. Jack and Alison/to build/their house/ by Easter.
3. My parents/ to come/from the hospital/by next week.
4. By 4 o'clock/ she/to fill in the case histories.
5. By 3 о'clock/the students/to write/the test.
6. By next Friday/ Henry /to prepare/for the conference.
V. Open the brackets using Perfect Tenses.
1. The students … (to translate) the article before the teacher enters the
2. The doctors … (not to discuss) this problem yet.
3. Henry … (to receive) three patients before he saw his girlfriend sitting
in the reception ward.
4. My sister … (to pass) the entrance exams before she goes to the sea.
5. Polly … (to study) medicine and this year she is going to enter the
medical university.
6. The nurse … (to ask) David about his general condition before she
administered injections.

Lesson 1
Nursing Care Records
Text: Nursing Care
Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Active Vocabulary

record запис, облік

to record записувати, реєструвати
chart картка пацієнта
evidence підстава, доказ
permanent постійний
accurate точний
measure захід, міра
to promote сприяти
response відповідь
baseline data вихідні дані
to confuse переплутати
to carry out здійснювати
to assess оцінювати

Read the text and answer the following questions

Nursing Care Records
The effective communication between the
professionals of the health system is of vital importance
for the quality of care which is provided to the patient.
The patient's record is how different members of the
health care team communicate with each other. The
chart is a legal document that serves as evidence of
care provided. Since the maintenance of records is a
legal responsibility, the charts have to meet certain

standards, e.g. records must be permanent, accurate, complete, and
kept for years after the care was given.

After checking how the patient is (the status), plan the care you will
give this day. The plan of care will include procedures ordered by the
doctor and nursing measures to provide comfort and promote recovery.
Recording or noting information is an essential part of nursing care.
After you have checked the patient and provided care, you need to note
three types of information:
o important information about the status of the patient;
o the care you gave the patient;
o the patient's response to your care.
The main reason for writing down information about the patient is so
that the caregiver who follows you knows what has been happening. The
next caregiver needs to know how the patient was before, to see if anything
has changed. For example, you take vital signs not only to decide whether the
patient has a problem needing your immediate attention, but also to provide
baseline data for the nurse who follows you. Then when that nurse takes vital
signs, he or she can quickly see whether they are stable or whether there are
changes that need to be watched or which need to be dealt with immediately.
Write a nurse's note only about what you think is important. It is very
important to write your notes as soon as you leave the patient. If you wait
until later, you will forget what you have seen or done or you will confuse
what you saw in this patient with what you saw in others. Never wait to
After caring for the patient, always go back to see if your nursing
care has been effective. For example, if you give the patient medication for
pain, go back to see if the patient is feeling more comfortable. If your
nursing measures have not been effective, you may need to plan and carry
out other measures to help the patient.
The patient's status should be assessed every time the nurse gives
care. Your observations and the information you gather from the patient
help you to decide whether the patient is getting better or is experiencing
problems that need attention.
1. How do different members of the health care team communicate with
each other?
2. What is the chart?
3. What standards must the charts meet?
4. What information needs to be noted by the nurse?
5. What is the main reason for writing down information about the patient?
6. When should the notes be written? Why?
7. What should the nurse do if the nursing measures have not been effective?
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Величезне значення; якість медичної допомоги; команда охорони
здоров'я; юридичний документ; правова відповідальність;
відповідати певним стандартам; забезпечувати комфорт; сприяти
відновленню; невід'ємна частина; негайна увага; вихідні дані; ліки
від болю; оцінювати стан пацієнта.

II. Find in the text opposites to the following.

Ineffective; similar; temporary; partial; unnecessary; previous; earlier;
illegal; to take; to remember; unstable; to get worse.

III. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. The patient's record is … .
2. … is a legal document that serves as evidence of care provided.
3. Records must be … after the care was given.
4. The nurse needs to note three types of information: … .
5. If your nursing measures … , you may need … to help the patient.
6. … help you to decide whether the patient … .

IV. Read the guidelines of quality documentation and reporting.

The patient’s chart should describe his current situation and reflect the
entire nursing process.
… - The initial estimation of the situation of the patient is taking place
during his entry to the nursing unit and is called initial data base.
… - The clinical documentation should include the nursing diagnosis,
the nursing interventions, the results that the patients showed and the elements
of a current nursing care plan.
… - They provide information regarding the progress of a patient
towards the establishment of the desirable results.
… - Its purpose is to provide constant care to the patients, giving a brief
summary of the needs of the patients and instructions for their care.
… - It is completed when the patient is transferred to another health
organization or to his home.

(Nursing care plan, progress notes, nursing discharge card, report of the shift
change, nursing evaluation during the entry)

V. Match the elements of the patient’s chart with their explanation.
Factual A record must contain descriptive, objective information
about what a nurse sees, hears, feels, and smells. The use of
vague terms, such as appears and seems is not acceptable
because these words suggest that the nurse is stating an
Accurate The use of exact measurements establishes accuracy.
Documentation of concise data is clear and easy to
Complete The information within a recorded entry or a report needs to
be complete, containing appropriate and essential
Current Timely entries are essential in the patient’s ongoing care.
Organized The nurse communicates information in a logical order.
Grammar Exercises
 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
have/has been + Ving
+ She has been working as a nurse
for five years.
? Has she been working as a nurse
for five years?
- She has not been working as a nurse for five years.
 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used:
 for an action that started in I have been working here since
the past and is still going on 2001.
 for a finished action that I’m tired. I have been working all
influences the present afternoon.
 NOTE: The Present Perfect Continuous is a combination of past and present
where actions in the past have something to do with the present. The focus is not
on the result (this is the Present Perfect) but on the action itself.
I. Answer the following questions.
1. Have you been studying at college for five years?
2. How long have you been studying here?
3. Have you been studying hard since the beginning of the term?
4. How long have you been learning English?
5. Have you been wearing glasses since you were at school?

II. Ask how long the action has been taking place.
Model: It is raining. How long has it been raining?
1. Ann is looking for a job of a nurse.
2. Alice is washing the windows.
3. The nurse is airing the ward.
4. His foot is hurting.
5. George smokes.
6. She is talking to her doctor.
III. Put the verbs into Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I'm tired. I … (to work) all day.
2. How long … (you/to wait) here?
3. That patient … (to stand) there since 6 o'clock.
4. You're out of breath. … (you/to run)?
5. Cathy … (to attend) a nursing course since March.
6. How long …. (the patient/to sleep)?
IV. Complete the sentences with Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Continuous verbs.
1. My parents are surgeons. They … (to operate) on people for 20 years.
They … (to operate) on 3 thousand patients.
2. Bill is a dentist. He … (to help) people for 9 years. In his career, he … (to
extract) 32,755 teeth.
3. Rita is a nurse. She … (to take) care of patients and wards for 15 years. She
… (to clean) about 13,000 wards.
V. Translate into English.
1. Що ти тут робиш? — Чекаю на лікаря. — Скільки часу ти чекаєш на
нього? — Я чекаю на нього вже десять хвилин.
2. Моя сестра закінчила коледж три роки тому. Відтоді вона працює
медсестрою у міській лікарні.
3. Що тут відбувається? Чому ви такі схвильовані? — Ми сперечалися.
4. Що ви робитимете після обіду? — Ми будемо пити каву, як завжди.
— Ви п’єте надто багато кави останнім часом.

Lesson 2
Electronic Health Records
Text: Electronic Health Records
Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Vocabulary

digital [ ] цифровий
securely [ ] безпечно
multiple [ ] численний
allergy [ ] алергія
insurance [ ] страхування
to archive [ ] архівувати
fraction [ ] частка
remote [ ] дистанційний, віддалений
to retrieve [ ] вилучати
to assemble [ ] збирати
clerical [ ] канцелярський

Read the text and answer the following questions

Digital technologies have transformed our
daily lives and the way we communicate.
Sometimes referred to as digital health
records, Electronic Health Records (EHR) are
copies of an individual’s medical history that is
stored as electronic data. The medical records can
cover a wide range of aspects of the patient’s
health while stored in a format that is easily
between health providers. The use of electronic health records has generally
met with a great deal of support, as it is possible to securely transfer the data
files within minutes in the event of an emergency.
An electronic health record is an official health record for an individual
that is shared among multiple facilities and agencies, such as laboratories,
specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and
school and workplace clinics.

An electronic medical record might include:
 Contact information.  Laboratory test results.
 Medical history, examination and  Radiology images (X-rays, CTs,
progress reports of health and MRIs, etc.)
illnesses.  Medication information, including
 Family history. side-effects and interactions.
 Immunization status.  Records of hospitalization.
 Allergies.  Insurance information.
There are several advantages to the use of electronic health records,
or EHR. First, there is the matter of storage. Health records for patients can
easily be stored in on system hard drives, as well as archived on some type
of storage device that takes up a fraction of the room required by
traditional paper documents.
Electronic health records can also be archived on remote servers.
This means that even if some natural disaster destroys the facility where
the hard copies of patient records are kept, the electronic versions can be
retrieved and a new hard copy file assembled.
Third, electronic health records can quickly be sent to an attending
physician when the patient is traveling and needs medical attention.
EHRs are a great idea – in theory. However, most clinics are still
using paper for a reason: doctors and nurses are healthcare professionals, not
IT people.
Over time, it is generally thought that the use of electronic health
records can save time, cut down on clerical errors, and in general be
helpful for all parties concerned. With EHRs, information is available
whenever and wherever it is needed.
1. What has radically transformed our world?
2. What is an Electronic Health Record?
3. What facilities and agencies can official health records be shared among?
4. What information do EHRs typically include?
5. Why can Electronic health records be archived on remote servers?
6. Why are many doctors and clinics still using paper?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Електронні медичні записи; повсякденне життя; цифрові технології;
в разі виникнення надзвичайної ситуації; побічні дії; результати
лабораторних аналізів; жорсткий диск; запам’ятовуючий пристрій;
стихійне лихо; безпека інформаційних технологій; технічні

II. Find the words in the text according to their definitions.
a) A record of a past medical problems and treatments that a person has had;
b) electronic medical history;
c) a small portable computer that accepts input directly on to its screen
rather than via a keyboard or mouse;
d) an individual who provides health care services in a systematic way;
e) something dangerous or serious, such as an accident, that happens
suddenly or unexpectedly and needs fast action in order to avoid
harmful results;
f) a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific
experiments and tests;
g) a type of radiation that is used for looking inside things, for example
your body;
h) a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating,
touching, or breathing something that is harmless to most people;
i) a piece of computer equipment on which information can be stored.

III. Complete the table with advantages and disadvantages of using

Electronic Health Records.
1. A frozen computer could steal minutes or more from patient care for
that day.
2. Enabling quick access to patient records for more coordinated, efficient care.
3. Hackers may ultimately be able to penetrate EHRs despite
security precautions, and they may then release confidential information to
4. If the hospital uses a different EHR system than your primary care
physician, health records may not be available to the hospital or vice versa.
5. Providing accurate, up-to-date, and complete information about patients
at the point of care.
6. Sharing electronic information with patients and other clinicians.
7. Start up costs are enormous.
8. Unfamiliarity with technology can significantly detract time from patients
as the doctor or nurse struggles with unfamiliar equipment.

Advantages Disadvantages
- -
- -
- -

Grammar Exercises

 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been + Ving
+ He had been working as a nurse for 5
before he entered the university.
? Had he been working as a nurse for 5 years
before he entered the university?
- He had not been working as a nurse
for 5 years before he entered the university.
 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used for:
 an action in progress before a I had been cleaning the ward for
definite moment in the past and about half an hour when he
which was still going on at that came.
 an action which was no longer She was tired. She had been
going on at a definite moment in changing beds.
the past, but which had been in
progress not long before.
I. Fill in the following sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.
1. She was tired because she … (to make) patients’ beds all morning.
2. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She … (to run).
3. She was too fat because she … (not / to follow) her doctor’s advice.
4. He got bad marks because he … (not / to study) hard the whole term.
5. He … (to study) English very hard before going to the international
6. I … (to clean) the wards with a vacuum cleaner for an hour when the
electricity went off.

II. Put the verbs into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Model: He was short of breath (to run all the way).
– He was short of breath because he had been running all the way.
1. His hands were dirty (to work in the garden).
2. Her eyes were red (to cry).
3. He was behind the class (not to study properly).
4. She passed all her exams very well (to work hard throughout the

5. He spoke English well when he visited Canada (to study English for 5
6. I was very tired. (to type for a long time).

III. Put the verb into the most suitable form: Past Continuous, Past
Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbors … (to have) a party.
2. Betty ... (to stare) at her doctor for a few minutes before she
understood the meaning of his words.
3. John and I went for a walk. It was difficult to keep up with him
because he … (to walk) so fast.
7. The doctor was very angry with the nurse because she … (to come) to
work very late.
4. When he came, everybody was sitting round the table with their
mouths full. They … (to eat).
5. Simon ... (to surf) the Internet for six hours before he found the
necessary information.
6. When I arrived, Kate … (to wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with
me because I was late and she … (to wait) for a very long time.

IV. Translate into English.

1. Мій брат два роки працював медбратом, перш ніж зміг вступити
до університету.
2. Вона сказала, що її батько працює в цій лікарні з 1995 року.
3. Учені працювали над цією проблемою три роки до того, як
поїхали на міжнародну конференцію.
4. Вчора лаборант приніс результати аналізів. Я чекав на них три
5. Коли Ольга закінчила коледж, її сестра вже 5 років працювала
6. Я шукав свій зошит півгодини, перш ніж знайшов його під

Lesson 3
Infection Prevention
Text: Infection
Grammar: Perfect Continuous Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

contaminated забруднений
dust пил
droplet крапелька
sterile стерильний
asepsis асептика, дезінфекція
precaution запобіжний захід
to isolate ізолювати
contagious заразний
resistant стійкий
restriction обмеження

Read the text and answer the following questions

Infection Prevention
An important responsibility of the
nurse is to prevent the spread of infection
in hospitals. Many people in hospital
carry infections. Patients can be infected
by these germs. They are carried by staff
who have not properly washed their hands
or whose uniforms are contaminated, by
dust or droplets of air carrying infection,
by visitors with disease, by other patients
with disease, or by equipment or
materials that are not
sterile. Because they are already sick or have recently had surgery, patients
can become infected very easily. Preventing the spread of infections is
extremely important in hospitals.
The easiest way to prevent the spread of infection is to destroy the
germs when they are on hands, equipment and furniture, such as patient
beds. To prevent the spread of infection in hospitals, nurses and other

health care providers follow the practices of medical and surgical asepsis.
Clean technique (medical asepsis) reduces the number of germs present
and prevents them

from being passed on to patients. Surgical technique (surgical asepsis)
involves keeping objects and areas free of germs to make sure that
procedures are sterile.
Follow the universal precautions with all patients. The most
important universal precaution is hand-washing. Immediately wash your
hands and any other skin surfaces that are contaminated with blood, body
fluids containing blood, or other potentially infectious body fluids.
You may sometimes need to isolate a patient to prevent the spread of
infection. This can happen when a patient has a disease which is easily
caught by others (a highly contagious or highly virulent disease) or an
infection that is resistant to standard antibiotics. The aim of isolation is to
protect other patients in the hospital, visitors and staff, while also giving the
right care to the infected patient.
Do not avoid the patient who is in isolation.
Give the patient who has a contagious disease the
same kind, respectful treatment that is given to
other patients. Carefully explain to the patient and
family why restrictions are necessary. Make sure
that the person does not feel emotionally isolated.
1. Whose responsibility is to prevent the spread of infection in hospitals?
2. Who can carry infections in hospitals?
3. Why can patients become infected very easily?
4. What is the easiest way to prevent the spread of infection?
5. Does medical or surgical asepsis involve keeping objects and areas free
of germs to make sure that procedures are sterile?
6. What is the most important universal precaution?
7. When can a patient be isolated?
8. The patients with contagious diseases should be given respectful
treatment, shouldn’t they?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Переносити інфекції; забруднена форма; краплі повітря; стерильне
обладнання; поширення інфекції; знищувати мікроби; медична
асептика; хірургічна асептика; універсальні запобіжні заходи;
ізолювати пацієнта; стандартні антибіотики; інфікований пацієнт;
заразна хвороба.
II. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. Preventing … is extremely important in hospitals.
2. Germs are carried by staff who … or whose uniforms … .
3. The easiest way to prevent the spread of infection is … .
4. Nurses and other health care providers follow the practices … .
5. … reduces the number of germs present and prevents them from being
passed on to patients and … destroys all the germs to make sure that
procedures are sterile.
6. The most important universal precaution is ….
III. Match the term with its definition.
1. … dry fine powdery material, such as particles of dirt, earth or pollen.
2. … a microorganism, especially one that produces disease in animals or
3. … a device composed of bristles typically set into a handle and used
especially for smoothing, scrubbing, or painting.
4. … an electrical household appliance used for cleaning floors, carpets,
furniture by suction.
5. … an agent that destroys or inhibits the activity of microorganisms that
cause disease.
(Brush, disinfectant, dust, germ, vacuum cleaner).
IV. Read and remember the Principles of Infection Prevention.
• Every person (patient or personnel) must be considered to be potentially
• Hand washing is the most practical procedure to prevent cross-over
• Putting on gloves before touching wounded skin, blood or other liquids.
• Using barriers (protective glasses, mask or apron) if one anticipates flow
of any organic liquid (secretion or excretion).
• Good working practice, e.g.: the correct treatment of instruments and
the evacuation of medical waste.

I. FillGrammar Exercises
in the blanks with Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
1. The ward is in a mess! What … (you/to do) all day?
2. She … (to clean) the windows for two hours and she … (not/to finish)

3. The teacher was late. When he arrived, the students said “We … (to
wait) for you for half an hour, teacher!”
4. This old man … (to lose) his spectacles. We … (to look for) them
everywhere for an hour, but we can't find them.
5. The students … (to work) hard this term. I hope they will pass all their
exams successfully.
6. The patients … (to sleep) since nine o'clock. It’s time for them to wake
up. - I … (to try) to wake them up for half an hour already.
7. The students … (to translate) the article for 20 minutes but they … (not
to finish) it yet.
8. Jane … (to suffer) from headache since last week. She … (to go) to the
doctor twice, but nothing … (to help) her yet.
II. Put the verbs into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. They were hungry because they… (not / to eat) anything the whole day.
2. The operation … (not/to start) by the time he came in.
3. Her throat was sore because she … (to shout) for a long time.
4. They ... (to discuss) the news before the doctor came to the office.
5. Were you afraid after the plane … (to take) off?
6. How long ... you ... (to sleep) before the nurse entered the ward?
III. Choose the most suitable verb tense.
1. He moved because he … a job in another place.
a) had been getting b) had got
2. They … for over an hour before she entered the ward.
a) had been talking b) have been talking
3. I … English very long before I moved to London.
a) hadn't studying b) had not been studying
4. Betty… the final test because she … hard.
a) had been failing, didn't work b) failed, had not been working
5. My father … at our college for more than a year before he … the job.
a) had been teaching, changed b) teaching , had changing
6. He … the whole week.
a)has been practicing b) had been practice

IV. Open the brackets using the Perfect Continuous Tenses.

1. The students … (to write) a test for two hours.
2. He … (to operate) all day, so he was very tired when he came home.
3. For the past few minutes I … (to try) to explain to you that you can’t
make me go there.

4. The patient … (to sleep) for an hour before the nurse came to change
bed linen.
5. Suddenly she understood that she … (to speak) for a long time and it
was time to stop.
6. He … (to work) since five o’clock.
7. She … (to look) through the medical history for half an hour when the
phone rang.
8. What you … (to do) the whole day?
V. Translate into English.
1. Лікар оглядає всіх своїх пацієнтів вже кілька годин.
2. Лікар оглядав своїх пацієнтів кілька годин, перш ніж пішов в
3. Медсестра провітрює палату вже дві години.
4. Він проводив операцію дуже довго перед оглядом хворих.
5. Мій друг лежить у ліжку вже кілька днів. У нього висока
6. Він приймає ці ліки від головного болю кілька місяців.
7. Коли ви почали читати цей довідник? Як довго ви його читаєте?
8. Ми й 10 хвилин не чекали викладача, який прийшов читати

Lesson 4
Daily Care of the Patient
Text: Care of the Patient’s Body
Grammar: Types of Questions
Active Vocabulary

gums ясна
to rinse out промивати
smell запах
denture зубний протез
dandruff лупа
pediculosis педикульоз
eyelash вія
eyelid повіка
to wipe away витирати
discharge виділення
saline solution фізрозчин
build-up нагромадження
earwax вушна сірка
gangrene гангрена
ulcer виразка
decubitus ulcer пролежень
pressure sore пролежень
callus мозоль
plantar wart бородавка на підошві
athlete’s foot грибкове захворювання ніг,
paronychia періоніхія (запалення
навколо нігтьових тканин)

Read the text and answer the following questions

Care of the Patient’s Body
The basic activities of daily life are
eating, dressing, bathing, going to the toilet,
sleeping and resting, walking and
communicating with others.

It is important to help the patient to stay clean and to take care of the
skin, mouth, hair, eyes, ears, and nails. When a person is ill, it is hard to
think about bathing, brushing the teeth or cleaning the nails; breathing or
coping with pain seem a lot more important. Therefore, the nurse needs to
look at whether the patients can clean themselves and help them when
Healthy smooth skin is important. It protects the tissues from injury
by preventing germs from entering the body. It is therefore important
always to check the patient’s skin. Patients may be bathed every day in the
hospital. The nurse may need to help the patient walk to the shower and to
go back. Have a chair ready at the shower, in case the patient needs to sit
and rest. Sometimes patients cannot wash themselves and the nurse or
family member washes them in bed.
Good mouth care requires daily toothbrushing, massage of the gums
and rinsing out the mouth. However, sometimes a patient is too ill to take
care of his or her mouth; as a result, it can become dry or irritated or
develop a bad smell. The nurse needs to check the patient’s mouth every
day and either help the person to care for it or do the mouth care for him or
her. Even helping people to rinse out their mouth with salt solution or
clean water will help to prevent dryness and infection and make them feel
more comfortable. If the patient has dentures, care should be taken to keep
the dentures clean.
Care of the hair is a part of daily hygiene. A person’s appearance and
a feeling of well-being depend on the way the hair looks and feels.
Hormonal changes, emotional and physical stress, aging, infection, disease
conditions and taking chemo therapeutic drugs affect the character of hair.
Dandruff and pediculosis are the common hair and scalp problems.
Usually a person’s eyes do not require any special care since they are
continually cleaned by the fluid in the eyes, and the eyelashes and eyelids
stop particles from getting into the eyes. However, a patient who has had
an eye injury or surgery, a patient who has an eye infection, or an
unconscious patient may need special care of the eyes. Soften and wipe
away any discharge that has dried on the eyelids or lashes, using a sterile
cotton ball moistened with water or saline solution. When you are caring
for the patient, check the patient’s ears for build-up of earwax or
Some patients may need help in cleaning or cutting fingernails and
toe nails. Always check the patient's lower legs and feet, especially if the
patient is elderly or has diabetes or circulatory problems. Danger signs
showing circulatory loss, severe infection or gangrene must be reported

immediately to the doctor. If there is a sore or ulcer, get an order for
treatment. Tell the

patient how to care for any deformities, sores, ulcers, poor circulation or
sensation in the feet and legs.
1. What are the basic activities of daily life?
2. What seems more important than bathing or brushing the teeth when a
person is ill?
3. What is the function of the skin?
4. How often may patients be bathed in the hospital?
5. What does good mouth care require?
6. What should the nurse do if the patient has dentures?
7. What may affect the character of hair?
8. Is any special care required for the eyes?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Рот, волосся, очі, вуха, нігті; впоратися з болем; здорова шкіра;
хороший догляд за порожниною рота; чищення зубів; масаж ясен;
промивання рота; поганий запах; сольовий розчин; протези; гігієна;
зовнішній вигляд людини; старіння; вії і повіки; пацієнт без
свідомості; накопичення вушної сірки.
II. Match the opposites.
- Active, smooth, dry, warm, clean, pain, unconscious, entrance,
increased, common, moisture, able, ill, special.
- Cold, normal, dryness, well-being, dirty, healthy, passive, decreased,
rough, unable, wet, conscious, exit, rare.

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. The doctor should help the patient to stay clean.
2. When patients cannot wash themselves the nurse or family member
washes them in bed.
3. If the patient has dentures, care should be taken to keep them clean.
4. A feeling of well-being depends on the way the hair looks.
5. Normally the eyelids and the lashes prevent the entrance of foreign
particles into the eyes.
6. The feet and nails don’t require any special attention to prevent
infection and odours.

IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. The basic activities of daily life are … .
2. It is important to help the patient to stay clean and to take care of … .
3. Good mouth care requires daily …, massage of … and rinsing out … .
4. … is a part of daily hygiene.
5. Some patients may need … of the eyes.
6. It is important to check … for build-up of earwax or inflammation.
7. Patients may also need help in … fingernails and toe nails.
V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Prevention of decubitus ulcers
Prevention of decubitus ulcers in their patients who are bedridden is
a major … of nurses working in a hospital. When we walk or stand on our
two …, the weight of our body is born by our feet. But when an … is
confined to bed, the weight of his body has to be born by his … or sides.
The skin of the soles of our feet is very …and thick and it does not break
… in spite of the entire weight of the body being supported by it. When
there is … on the skin of the back because of the weight of the body, the
skin breaks and an … develops. To … pressure you should establish a
turning schedule for … . You should have a firm cot and foam … for
bedridden patients and use extra …, pads and air rings to … pressure.
(Reduce, easily, bedridden patients, responsibility, ulcer, back, pillows,
individual, feet, pressure, mattress, prevent, tough)
VI. Match the term with its definition.
1. … is a thickened portion of epidermis caused by local friction or pressure.
2. … is caused by friction and pressure from shoes. It is seem mainly on
toes, over bony prominence.
3. … are fungating lesions, appearing on sole of foot and is caused by
Papilloma virus.
4. … is the fungal infection of foot mainly induced by wearing of
constricting footwear.
5. … are toenails or finger nails grow inward into soft tissue around nail
resulting from improper nail trimming.
7. … is the inflammation of tissue surrounding nails following an injury. It
is common among diabetic patients.
8. … is a result of excessive perspiration promoting microorganism growth.
(Plantar warts, callus, foot odour, ingrown hails, corn, athlete’s foot,

Grammar Exercises
Types of Questions
My parents are in the Ann’s sister worked at the hospital
polyclinic now. last year.
General questions
(also called Yes/ No questions, are pronounced with rising intonation.)
Are your parents in the polyclinic Did Ann’s sister work at the
now? hospital last year?
Alternative questions
(you need to make a choice)
Are your parents in the Did Ann’s sister work at the
polyclinic or hospital now? hospital or dispensary last year?
Disjunctive questions (Tag-questions)
(consist of two parts. The first part is a statement, the second part is a
short general question.)
My parents are in the polyclinic Ann’s sister worked at the
now, aren’t they? hospital last year, didn’t she?
Tag-questions (Important points)
 If the statement is negative, the tag is affirmative.
He isn't here now, is he?
 We use a positive tag question after a sentence containing a
negative word such as never, nobody.
You've never liked me, have you?
 When the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one,
someone, or everyone, we use “they” in the tag question.
Everybody asked for me, didn’t they?
 The negative tag for I am is aren´t
I´m late, aren´t I?
 With “let’s”, the tag question is “shall we”.
Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
 With an imperative, the tag question is “will you”.
Close the window, will you?
I. Ask general and alternative questions to the sentences.
1. Washing hands is an effective infection control.
2. Students practise every day to improve their communication skills.

3. She is responsible for the new staff.
4. The doctor examined the patient very carefully.
II. Correct the mistakes in the following nurse’s questions.
1. You need help to walk to the bathroom?
Do you need help to walk to the bathroom?
2. You’ve got dentures?
3. I can look at your ears, please?
4. You can tell me your full name, please?
5. You have any allergies?
6. Your daughter has eight years?
7. You will show me your arm, please?
8. You ready to see the doctor?
III. Put the words in the correct order to make questions a patient
might ask a nurse.
1. normal / my / are / analyses Are my analyses normal?
2. all / pulse / is / my / right
3. to / need / have / an / do / injection / I
4. much / I / weigh / do
5. drink / can / I / coffee
6. doctor / back / has / come / the
IV. Put in the correct question tags.
1. The syringe is sterile, … ?
2. You have given her a bedpan, … ?
3. There are some tablets left, … ?
4. Your wife will be visiting you tonight, … ?
5. You haven’t got any privacy in this ward, … ?
6. John and Max like to work in the hospital, … ?
7. You helped them to carry a patient some time ago, … ?
8. You didn’t feel that, … ?
9. It doesn’t hurt, … ?
10.I’m on duty, … ?
11.Read the text, … ?
12.Don’t be late, … ?
13.Let’s go, … ?
14.Everybody can do it, …?

Lesson 5
Patients with Limited Mobility
Text: Care for the Patient with Limited Mobility
Grammar: Types of Questions
Active Vocabulary

lack відсутність
to avoid уникати
light-headedness запаморочення
constipation закреп
blood clot згусток крові, тромб
thrombophlebitis тромбофлебіт
to encourage заохочувати
to assist ə допомагати
aggravation загострення, погіршення
to shift пересувати
to startle налякати, стривожити
to grasp схоплювати, стискати
to pinch вщипнути, прищемити
jerk ривок

Read the text and answer the following questions

Care for the Patient with Limited Mobility
Human beings need to be able to move. When people can stand up
and move about, they are healthier. They are better at digesting food
completely. They have good bowel movements, their kidneys function
better and their bones and muscles are healthier. When people are ill, they
are often unable to move or can move only a little.
Sometimes bed rest or no movement at all is needed to treat a health
problem. The rest promotes healing and reduces pain. However long-
lasting bed rest or lack of movement can cause serious problems.
It is the responsibility of the nurse to:
 help the patient to move as much as possible;
 prevent the problems which come from not moving;
 help the patient to avoid injuries from falling;
 help the patient to be able to move
independently again, if possible.
To prevent light-headedness when the patient stands teach the patient to

do leg exercises and other exercises while in bed and get the patient out of
bed as soon as possible. Assist the patient if necessary.
To prevent lung infections teach the patient to do deep breathing and
coughing exercises, change the patient's position every two hours and
make sure that the patient drinks enough fluids.
Make sure the patient takes in enough nutrients, especially fruit and
vegetables to prevent constipation.
To prevent blood clots (thrombosis) or inflammation of the leg veins
(thrombophlebitis) encourage the patient to get out of bed and walk as
soon as possible.
Caring for people often necessitates lifting or helping them to move.
Some patients can have medical, psychological or other conditions that can
complicate lifting or moving them. If the patient is unable to move himself,
he must be repositioned at least every two hours, day and night. If the
patient can move himself, he must be encouraged to do so; also, check to see
if his posture is good.
When lifting or moving patients, there are several factors which can
lead to the development or aggravation of back injuries. By an imperfect
shifting way, a patient can be injured and get pain for a long time.
Whenever a patient must be turned, lifted, carried, or moved in any
way, let him know beforehand just what you intend to do so that he may
not be startled, and also that he may cooperate if possible. When shifting
the patient, always be careful about the patient’s current situation. Grasp
him firmly but gently, avoid pinching the skin, and move him smoothly,
without jerks.
1. Are people healthier when they can move?
2. Can lack of movement cause serious problems?
3. What should the patient do to prevent light-headedness?
4. What do deep breathing and coughing exercises help to prevent?
5. Why should the patient get out of bed and walk as soon as possible?
6. Is moving human beings complicated and risky? Why?
7. What can an imperfect shifting way lead to?
8. What should you be careful about when shifting the patients?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following from the text.
Human being; bowel movements; to reduce pain; light-headedness;
constipation; psychological condition; back injury; to know beforehand; to
shift the patient; current situation; firmly but gently; to pinch the skin; jerks.

II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. When people can move about, they are better at consuming food, they
have good dejection, their kidneys work better.
2. Sometimes bed regimen or no movement at all is required to treat a disease.
3. Long-term bed rest or absence of movement can lead to serious problems.
4. To prevent constipation ensure the patient consumes enough fluids and
other nutrients, especially fruits and vegetables.
5. To prevent blood clots or inflammation of the leg veins encourage the
patient to get out of bed and walk as quickly as possible.
6. Caring for people often requires lifting or assisting them to move.
7. Some patients can have other disorders that can make difficulties for
lifting or moving them.
8. When lifting or moving patients, there are several factors which can
cause the development or aggravation of back damages.
9. By an inadequate shifting way, a patient can get a pain for long.
III. Read how to get a patient up in a chair. Choose the correct
Place a chair in/at right angles from/with the bed; make it comfortable
by/of placing one pillow up/in the seat and another at/in the back. Put a
blanket cornerwise in/over the pillow, lift the patient, in/at the manner
already described, into/for the chair. Wrap the blanket about him leaving it
rather loose around the arms but tucking it in/of snugly around the feet and
legs and pin with/from a large safety pin. Count the pulse as soon as he is
up, and again shortly afterward.
After an illness to/of any severity a patient should seldom remain
up/down longer than twenty or thirty minutes the first day, and even a
shorter time if the pulse changes.
II. Put the words in the correct order to get Guidelines for Carrying
 that /move patients / on devices /rolled /Whenever possible /can be.
 to carry /Minimize /needed /patients / the distance.
 carried /the weight /Know /to be.
 in /your partner /Work /with /a coordinated manner.
 the weight / as possible / to your body /Keep /as close.
 your back /from twisting /and /Keep /in a locked-in position /refrain.
 at the knees /at the hips /Flex /and /bend /not the waist.
 with a partner /height and strength /Try /that has /similar / to lift.

IV. Read some moving and handling rules.

Grammar Exercises
Types of Questions
My parents are in the polyclinic Ann’s sister worked at the hospital
now. last year.
Special questions to the subject or its attribute
(have the word order of an affirmative sentence, the interrogative word
"who" or "what" is the subject in the question)
Whose sister worked at the
Who is in the polyclinic now?
hospital last year?
Special questions
(also called Wh-questions, ask for details)
When did Ann’s sister work at the
Where are your parents now?
I. Fill in the gaps to form meaningful questions.
1. ____ is the weather like today?
2. ____ do you like your tea?
3. ____ don't you like apple juice?
4. ____ about a walk?
5. does it hurt?
6. long does the pain last?
7. did it start?
8. ____ are your medicines?
9. ____ do you usually take medicines?
10. ____ bed is yours, the left one or the right one?

II. All these questions are wrong. Write the correct questions.
1. What your problem? - What is your problem?
2. What can I for you do?
3. Where live you?
4. What did you last night?
5. Where did Peter went?
6. Why wrote you this letter?
7. What her name is?
8. Understand you the question?
III. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.
1. The patient rubbed in the healing ointment.
2. You must take the prescribed drug after meals.
3. The doctor marked some changes in the patient’s blood pressure.
4. This drug must be shaken before using.
5. The patients had cereal for breakfast.
6. Sue was talking to her doctor.
7. My sister always complains of a terrible headache.
8. It took me two hours to get my certificate of health.
IV. Ask questions.
You need to know … How would you ask?
when the patient was admitted; When were you admitted
to the hospital?
who his general practitioner is;
if he has been in hospital
before; where the pain is;
when the pain started;
if he has taken his medicine;
his wife’s contact telephone number.
V. Ask all possible questions to the following sentence.
1. The bed rest will reduce your pain.
2. Nurses provide valuable services to their patients.

Lesson 6
Morning Rounds
Text: Morning Rounds
Grammar: Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Tenses (Review)
Active Vocabulary

essential істотний
to review оглядати
to swell збільшуватися, наростати
promptly швидко
to relieve полегшувати
measurement вимірювання
tape стрічка
tongue depressor шпатель, язикотримач
to resume відновити
presentable презентабельний,
anxiety тривога
satisfactorily задовільно

Read the text and answer the following questions

Morning Rounds
The ward round is one area
where teamwork is essential. It is
the time when patients are
reviewed by as many as possible
of the professionals involved in
the care and treatment of the
patient. The size of the team soon
swells as nurses and other team
members join the group.
In most of hospitals, doctors
make their rounds about 9 a.m. Before that hour patients must have had
their breakfast, the beds must have been made, the patients’ daily
records written up, the dust removed from floor, beds, and furniture, and
the ward put in perfect order. All the nurses should then be ready; not

only because their help may be needed, but because a ward round is one
of the opportunities for receiving clinical instructions. There should
never be laughing or unnecessary talking at the bedside during the
morning rounds. Each nurse should be ready to attend to her duty
During the daily round doctors examine all the patients. They go to
every bed. They ask about patients’ difficulties, improvements and then
prescribe the treatment. After the medical examination, the patients are
administered different diagnostic procedures: electrocardiograms are
taken, laboratory analyses of blood, urine and gastric juice are made.
Some patients are administered bed regimen, others are allowed to walk.
Many patients should keep to a strict diet to relieve stomachache.
It is generally the nurse’s work to prepare the patients needed for
examination. As the doctor often wishes to make some measurements, or
examine the throat, the head nurse or one of her assistants should carry a
measuring tape, a mirror, a hand towel and a tongue depressor. It is also
the duty of one of the nurses to put things in order after the doctor is
through with the examination, that the ward may resume a presentable
The hospital ward round is the only regular chance for
conversation between the inpatient and the doctor. There are major
differences between the team requirements and patient needs that should
theoretically be solved satisfactorily by the contact. During the round,
the needs of the patient include those of information, verbalization of
emotional experiences, anxieties, general questions and the immediate
aspects of how the disease will be treated.
The needs of the team however are concerned with a totally
different area; checking diagnoses and results of therapy, consultation
between the doctors, arranging the timing of investigations and
treatment, as well as giving advice.
1. What is a “ward round”?
2. What must be done before the round?
3. What do doctors do during their rounds?
4. What diagnostic procedures are patients usually administered?
5. Whose work is it to prepare the patients needed for examination?
6. The hospital ward round is the only regular chance for conversation
between the inpatient and the doctor, isn’t it?
7. What do the needs of the patient include?
8. What are the needs of the doctors concerned with?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Match the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
ward daily records;
the patients’ needs;
unnecessary round;
diagnostic analyses;
laboratory condition;
bed talking;
a strict procedures;
a presentable diet;
the team regimen;
patient requirements.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. … is the time when patients are reviewed by as many as possible of
the professionals.
2. In the majority of hospitals, doctors make their rounds about … .
3. During the daily round doctors examine … .
4. They ask about patients’ … and then prescribe … .
5. It is generally the nurse’s work to … .
6. After the medical examination the patients are administered different
diagnostic procedures: … .
7. The hospital ward round is the only regular chance for … .
III. Match the term with its definition.
1. … – a person staying in a hospital or medical facility;
2. … – the state of being physically or mentally ill;
3. … – harm done to the body, for example in an accident;
4. … – to define what an illness or the cause of a problem is;
5. … – to make somebody healthy again after an illness; make an illness
go away;
6. … – the measurement of how hot your body is;
7. … – a medical condition in which someone has a temperature that is
higher than normal; a particular type of disease with high temperature;
8. … – to discharge stomach contents through the mouth;
9. … – the rate at which blood flows through the body;
10.… – the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body;
11.… – the a photograph of a somebody’s bones and organs.

(Blood pressure, cure, fever, diagnose, illness, injury, patient, pulse,
temperature, vomit, x-ray)
IV. Where can you find these patients? Match the patient with the
correct ward or department.
a) Mary with her baby three months old;  Emergency Department
b) Peter with a broken leg;  Intensive Care Unit
c) Grandfather who is suffering from  Pediatric Ward
d) Paul who will have his appendix  Gynaecology Ward
e) Mary’s mother suffering from women’s  Orthopaedic Ward
f) Her father who will be operated on for an  Surgical Ward
eye cataract;
g) Samuel who is unconscious;  Geriatric Ward
h) John who has just had an accident;  Ophthalmic Ward
V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Guide-lines for ward round discussions
1. The round must be … ;
2. Conversation should be a … ;
3. The needs of patient and team are …, and should both be taken into
4. The … needs of the patient must be taken into account;
5. The patient must be … to pose questions;
6. … the need for implicit information;
7. No avoidance … (putting off, dismissal, ignoring etc.)
(Avoid, communication, patient-orientated, equal, techniques, dialogue,

Grammar Exercises
I. Complete
the sentences for situations in the present using the proper tense form
of the verbs in the brackets.
1. Ms Smith … (to work) as a private nurse.
2. In her job, she … (to drive) around a lot to meet her patients all over the
3. Today she … (to travel) 500 km to meet a patient.
4. She … (to be) surely tired now.

5. At the moment, Ms Smith … (to stand) in her hotel room.
6. She … (to arrive) just.
7. They … (to wait) probably for her phone call already.
II. Complete the sentences for situations in the past using the proper
tense form of the verbs in the bracket.
Yesterday, a nurse … (to come) to our house. She … (to want) to
give an injection of painkiller to my brother who … (to break) his leg a
few days before. Before she … (to ring) at my door, she … (to look) for a
parking space. Suddenly, I … (to realize) that they … (to show) our street
on TV. The reporter … (to say) that a car … (to crash) into a stop sign just
before reaching the crossroads. While I … (to listen) carefully to what …
(to happen), someone … (to knock) at my door. I … (to open) the door and
… (to see) a police officer standing there. He … (to ask) for the nurse. As
it … (to turn) out, it … (to be) our nurse’s car that … (to roll) down the
street. In her haste, the nurse … (to forget) to set the handbrake.
III. Complete the sentences in the future using the proper tense form
of the verbs in the bracket.
1. I promise I … (not to be) late.
2. At this time tomorrow, we … (to fly) to New York’s hospital.
3. Mr. Potts … (to sell) his office.
4. When … you (to come) home?
5. Where … you (to stay) when you’re in Dublin?
6. She … (to work) at this article by Friday.
IV. Ask all possible questions to the following sentence.
1. This cardiologist won’t receive patients tomorrow.
2. In most of hospitals, doctors make their rounds about 9 a.m.
V. Translate into English.
1. Медсестра щойно поміряла пульс і тиск у цього хворого.
2. Ви коли-небудь відвідували цього лікаря?
3. Вони підуть в лікарню, а я залишуся вдома.
4. Лікар приймає хворих уже дві години.
5. Ти вже прийняв ліки і прополоскав горло?
6. Ти чекатимеш мене весь вечір?
7. Він сьогодні вже оглянув усіх своїх пацієнтів.
8. Коли ми зайшли в палату, лікар оглядав його.
9. Я побачуся з друзями, якщо в мене буде час.
10.Він приймає ці ліки від головного болю кілька місяців.

Lesson 1
Temperature and Pulse
Text: Temperature and Pulse
Grammar: Modal Verbs (can, may)
Active Vocabulary

significant істотний, показовий

to get rid of ɪ позбуватися
measure міра, ступінь
to generate виробляти
to expand розширюватися
excess надлишковий
to sweat пітніти
to evaporate випаровуватися
to conserve зберігати
armpit пахва
forehead лоб, чоло
to ascertain () встановлювати
average () середній
deviation () відхилення
digestion () травлення
indigestion () розлад шлунка
constipation закреп
distention розширення
temporal artery скронева артерія
carotid artery сонна артерія
radial artery променева артерія
femoral artery стегнова артерія
anterior tibial передня велико-
artery гомілкова артерія
dorsal artery of foot тильна артерія стопи
rate частота

Read the text and answer the following questions
Temperature and Pulse
No symptoms are more significant than those that have to do with
temperature, pulse and respiration.
Body temperature is a measure of the
body’s ability to generate and get rid of
heat. When you are too hot, the blood vessels in
your skin expand to carry the excess heat to
your skin’s surface. You may begin to sweat,
and as the sweat evaporates, it helps to cool
your body. When you are too cold, your
vessels narrow so that blood flow to your skin is reduced to conserve body
Human body temperature can be measured in many locations on the
body. The mouth, ear, armpit, and rectum are the most commonly used
places. Temperature can also be measured on your forehead. The clinical
thermometer is the instrument used for ascertaining the body temperature.
Normal human body temperature depends upon the place in the body at
which the measurement is made, and level of activity of the person. The
normal temperature of the human adult body is 98.6° F (37°C), but it may
change throughout the day. In children and infants average temperature is
generally somewhat higher than in adults, while in old people it is somewhat
Certain conditions will also produce some deviations of the
temperature. The process of digestion, excessive exercise, excitement,
constipation, indigestion, diseases (e.g. fever) may cause the temperature to
rise or low.
The pulse is the distention of the arteries by a
wave of blood forced through them by the contractive
action of the heart. The arteries in which pulse can be
felt are the temporal, carotid, radial, femoral, anterior
tibial (near the ankle joint) and dorsal artery of foot
(dorsalis pedis). The pulse is generally taken at the
radial artery, just above the wrist.
A healthy adult’s resting pulse rate can range from 60 to 100 beats per
minute (BPM). Pulse rates are usually higher in infants and young children.
A person’s pulse rate is not constant. During sleep, the pulse rate can drop

to as low as 40 BPM. Food, exercise, excitement and sudden emotion may
all increase the pulse rate.

1. What is body temperature?
2. Where can human body temperature be measured?
3. What instrument is used for ascertaining the body temperature?
4. What is normal human adult body temperature?
5. Is the children’s average temperature higher or lower than in adults?
6. What conditions may produce deviations of the temperature?
7. What is the pulse?
8. The pulse is generally taken at the temporal artery, isn’t it?

I. Give and
the English Speech Exercises
equivalents of the following from the text.
Температура тіла; надлишок тепла; поверхня шкіри; зберігати тепло
організму; пітніти; встановити температуру тіла; залежати від чогось;
рівень активності людини; середня температура; відхилення
температури; розширення артерій; скорочення серця; променева
артерія; частота пульсу.
II. Match the opposites.
- Significant, ability, hot, excess, to narrow, adult, active, old,
excitement, disease, to rise, above, constant, higher, to increase.
- Lack, cold, to low, below, child, to decrease, tenuous, lower, disability,
unstable, to expand, passive, apathy, health, young.
III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. … is a measure of the body’s ability to generate and get rid of heat.
2. Human body temperature can be measured in many locations on the
body: … .
3. The normal temperature of the human adult body …, but it … .
4. … is the distention of the arteries by a wave of blood forced through
them by … .
5. The pulse is generally taken at … .
6. A healthy adult’s resting pulse rate can range from … .
IV. Match the term with its definition.
1. … is the medical word for an abnormally fast heartbeat.
2. … is an abnormally slow heartbeat rate.
3. … is any abnormality in a person’s heartbeat rate.
4. … is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart.
(Tachycardia, arrhythmia, electrocardiogram, bradycardia).

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Pulse Rate
The association of pulse with the action of the … was recognized by
the ancient …, and it remains a valuable indicator of cardiac function in
modern … . Pulse …, strength, and rhythm all provide valuable diagnostic
information; for example, the regular changes between strong and weak
pulses can indicate heart … . A rapid pulse may indicate serious …
disease; a … pulse may be a result of head injury, but it is also normal in
highly trained … with exceptional heart function.
(Egyptians, medicine, failure, heart, athletes, rate, slow, cardiac).

Grammar Exercises
 Modal Verbs
Modal verbs have some peculiarities:
 they have no infinitive, no gerund, no participle;
 they are followed by the infinitive without the particle to;
 they have no ending –(e)s in the third person singular of the Present
Indefinite Tense.
 Can (could, to be able to)
Present Past Future
I can help you. I could help you.
(I am able to help you.) I was able to help I will be able to help you.
 ability, capability I can speak English.
 polite request Could I take your pen?
Could you help me?
 impossibility (negative only) That can’t be true!
 doubt, astonishment Can she know Japanese?
І. Give short and full answers.
1. Can you help me?
2. Will you be able to help me tomorrow?
3. What languages can you speak?
4. Can you write with your left hand?
5. How can you get to your college?
6. Could you give me this dictionary, please?

II. Paraphrase sentences referring them to the past and to the future.
Model: I can speak English. – I could speak English. (I was able to speak
English.) – I will be able to speak English.
1. I can remember this.
2. You can help me.
3. He can take the patient’s pulse.
4. She can measure the patient’s temperature.
5. I can fill in the patient’s card.
III. Put in the modal verbs can (not) or its equivalents in the proper tense.
1. I had no key so I ... lock the door.
2. When I first went to the USA I ... read English but I ... speak it.
3. I ... go to the lecture today because I feel bad.
4. When I was a child I ... understand adults, and now when I am an adult I
... understand children.
5. ... you tell me the time, please? I’m afraid I......I haven’t got a watch.
 May (might, to be allowed to, to be permitted to)
Present Past Future
You may
use a dictionary. You were allowed to You will be allowed to
You are allowed to use a dictionary. use a dictionary.
use a dictionary.
 formal permission You may leave the room.
May I borrow your pen?
 polite request
Might I speak a word to you?
— Where is Ann?
 supposition (less than 50%
She may be at the library.
She might be at the library.
 reproach, disapproval You might be more attentive!
ІV. Paraphrase sentences referring them to the past and to the future.
Model: You may use your dictionary. – You were allowed to use your
dictionary. – You will be allowed to use your dictionary.
1. She may take my book.
2. We may go home.
3. You may talk to him.
4. You may open the window.
5. He may stay here.

V. Insert the missing modal verbs or their equivalents.
1. … you swim?
2. You … take this book: I don’t need it.
3. ... I borrow your dictionary?
4. They… to come home late.
5. It ... rain, you’d better take a coat.
6. Ann … be at college now.
7. … I use your phone?
8. The doctor … come very soon: be ready.
9. You ... be more attentive in class.
10.She … be in England now. I saw her in the hospital yesterday.
VI. Translate into English.
1. Ти зможеш піти зі мною до поліклініки завтра?
2. Анні не дозволили виходити з палати.
3. Минулого року я не вмів правильно вимірювати пульс, а зараз
4. Не може бути, щоб вони зараз чекали на нас.
5. Ти міг би написати тест краще.
6. Може закреп спричинити високу температуру?
7. Вони не змогли знайти аптеку.
8. Ти можеш спітніти.

Lesson 2
Respiration. Difficulties in Breathing
Text: Respiration. Difficulties in Breathing
Grammar: Modal Verbs (must)

Active Vocabulary

carbon dioxide вуглекислий газ

inspiration () вдих
expiration () видих
to inhale вдихати
to exhale видихати
trachea трахея
bronchial tube бронхіола
alveolus (pl. alveoli) альвеола
to pump перекачувати
exact точний
expenditure витрата
to interfere with заважати
crackles вологі хрипи
pneumonia пневмонія
pulmonary edema набряк легенів
bronchitis бронхіт
dyspnea задуха
stridor стридор, хрип
high-pitched високий, пронизливий
(про звук)
tonsil () мигдалина
wheezing сопіння, свистяче
bradypnea сповільнене дихання
tachypnea часте дихання

Read the text and answer the following questions
Respiration. Difficulties in Breathing
Respiration is the transport of oxygen
from the clean air to the tissue cells and the
transport of carbon dioxide in the opposite
direction. Every respiration consists of two
parts: inspiration, in the course of which the
chest expands and pure air is inhaled into
the lungs; and expiration, in the course of
which the chest contracts and air is exhaled.
You inhale air into your nose or mouth,
and it travels down the back of your throat into trachea which divides into
air passages called bronchial tubes. Oxygen from the inhaled air passes
through the alveoli walls into the blood and is carried to your heart. Your
heart then pumps it through your body to provide oxygen to the cells of
your tissues and organs. As the cells use the oxygen, carbon dioxide is
produced and removed from the body when you exhale.
Not all of the oxygen breathed in is replaced by carbon dioxide;
around 15% to 18% of what we breathe out is still oxygen. The exact
amount of exhaled oxygen and carbon dioxide varies according to the
fitness, energy expenditure and diet of that particular person.
Difficulties in breathing are symptoms of a variety of disorders,
diseases and conditions that interfere with normal respiration and
breathing. They can be caused by infection, inflammation, trauma and
other abnormal processes. Common breathing difficulties include:
o crackles, a bubbling or crackling sound made in the lower airways of
the lungs. Crackles can be caused by pneumonia, pulmonary edema,
pulmonary fibrosis, and acute bronchitis;
o shortness of breath or dyspnea is an unpleasant feeling of
uncomfortable, rapid or difficult breathing;
o stridor, a high-pitched sound made during breathing, is often caused by
some kind of blockage in the throat. It can be caused by epiglottitis,
smoke inhalation, swelling of the throat, tonsils or adenoids, etc.;
o wheezing, a whistling sound made by narrowing of the air passages in
the lungs. It can be caused by asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, acute bronchitis, heart failure, or pneumonia;
o bradypnea is slow breathing rate;
o tachypnea is fast breathing rate.

If you have any problems with your respiratory system, you should
immediately consult your doctor.
1. What is respiration?
2. What does respiration consist of?
3. Do we exhale carbon dioxide or oxygen?
4. Difficulties in breathing are symptoms of different conditions that
interfere with normal respiration and breathing, aren’t they?
5. What can cause difficulties in breathing?
6. What are the most common breathing difficulties?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
Respiratory passages;
carbon edema;
air amount
energy system;
pulmonary bronchitis;
heart dioxide;
bronchial feeling;
exact failure;
abnormal expenditure;
acute rate;
unpleasant tubes;
breathing process.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. In the course of expiration the chest expands and pure air is inhaled into
the lungs.
2. Carbon dioxide is produced and removed from the body when you
3. Difficulties in breathing are symptoms of different disorders and
4. All the oxygen breathed in is replaced by carbon dioxide.
5. Common breathing difficulties include crackles, dyspnea, stridor,
wheezing, bradypnea, tachypnea.

III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Respiration is the transport of oxygen from … and the transport of
carbon dioxide … .
2. Every respiration consists of two parts: … .
3. Difficulties in breathing are symptoms of … that interfere with normal
respiration and breathing.
4. They can be caused by … .
5. Common breathing difficulties include: … .

IV. Match the term with its definition.

a) Crackles 1) fast breathing rate.
2) slow breathing rate.
b) Dyspnea
3) an unpleasant feeling of uncomfortable, rapid or
c) Stridor difficult breathing.
4) a bubbling or crackling sound made in the lower
d) Wheezing
airways of the lungs.
e) Bradypnea 5) a high-pitched sound made during breathing, often
caused by some kind of blockage in the throat.
f) Tachypnea
6) a whistling sound made by narrowing of the air
passages in the lungs.
V. Choose appropriate prepositions from the brackets.
Nasal breathing
Nasal breathing is breathing (through/in) the nose. The importance
(of/at) breathing through the nose rather than the mouth was recognized
(in/on) the 19th century. Hendrik Zwaardemaker invented a device to
measure the amount (of/from) airflow through each nostril.
Nasal breathing is often considered superior (to/at) mouth breathing
(for/with) several reasons. Air travels to and from the lungs (through/in)
the sinuses that do a better job (of/with) filtering the air as it enters the
lungs. The smaller diameter (of/for) the sinuses creates pressure (in/at)
the lungs during exhalation, allowing the lungs to have
more time to extract oxygen (from/with) them. If carbon
dioxide is lost too quickly, as in mouth breathing,
oxygen absorption decreases.
Nasal breathing is especially important in certain
situations such as dehydration, cold weather, laryngitis,
and a sore or dry throat.

Grammar Exercises

 Must (to have to)

Present Past Future
We must get up early. We will have to get up
We had to get up early.
We have to get up early.
 obligation, duty, strong It is 10 o’clock, I must go now.
necessity You must improve your spelling.
 order or advice You must go there at once.
 prohibition (negative) You must not open that door.
Mary isn't in class. She must be
 supposition (90% certainty)
sick. (present only)
NOTE: Must is used when the obligation comes from the speaker.
When the obligation comes from somewhere else, have to is often used.
I must be on a diet. (It is my own idea.)
I have to be on a diet. (The doctor has told me to be on a diet.)

I. Paraphrase sentences using the modal verb must.

Tom is ill. The doctor tells Tom what he must do and what he mustn’t do.
1. Don’t go to college. You mustn’t go to college.
2. Stay in bed.
3. Don’t watch TV too much.
4. Take your temperature every morning.
5. Take your medicine every day.
6. Come to my office again on Monday at 10 o’clock.

II. Insert the present, future, or past form of have to.

1. You ... read this book. It’s really excellent.
2. Tomorrow you ... come to work earlier.
3. He sees very badly and he ... wear glasses all the time.
4. Tell her that she ... be here by six.
5. She felt ill and ... leave early.
6. These tests ... be done at once.

III. Paraphrase sentences referring them to the past and to the future.
Model: I must help my mother. – I had to help my mother. – I’ll have to
help my mother.
1. I must write a report on difficulties in breathing.
2. Students must know everything about the process of respiration.
3. Children must eat properly.
4. She must learn the text by heart.
5. We must study hard.
6. They must be at college at 8.30.

IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using must.

Model: Of course, he is somewhere here. – He must be somewhere here. I’m
sure the information is wrong. – The information must be wrong.
1. Of course, she is upset because of her bad mark.
2. I’m sure he will come in time.
3. I’m sure the topic “Respiration” is very interesting.
4. Of course, we will learn everything about human body.
5. I’m sure she is waiting for me outside.
6. I’m sure she is fond of Biology.

IV. Put in the modal verbs can, may, must or their equivalents in the
proper tense.
1. If you have a bad headache you . . . take some medicine.
2. The doctor . . . have your blood analysis to be sure of the diagnosis.
3. What time . . . I have an appointment with Dr. Brown for?
4. . . . you . . . to go for your blood analysis after the doctor examined you?
5. As my sister has caught a bad cold she . . . stay in bed.
6. You . . . follow the doctor’s treatment if you want to be well again soon.
7. . . . you cope with the task which the teacher gave you some days ago?
8. . . . you tell me what subjects the first-year curriculum includes?
9. What . . . I take to keep the fever down?
10.. . . the students take notes of every lecture?
11.. . . I feel your pulse?
12. What ... cause serious complications after the flu?

Lesson 3
Laboratory Tests

Text: Laboratory Tests

Grammar: Modal Verbs (should, ought to)

Active Vocabulary

urine сеча
to reveal виявляти
to interpret трактувати
to eliminate усувати
urinalysis аналіз сечі
rapid швидкий
to dip занурювати
sample зразок
glucose глюкоза
stool стілець
pus гній
typhoid fever черевний тиф
hepatitis гепатит
complete blood загальний аналіз
count крові
platelet тромбоцит
antibody антитіло
invading чужорідний
clue підказка, ключ
bone scan сканування кісток
magnetic resonance магнітно-резонансна
imaging томографія (МРТ)
ultrasound ультразвукова
діагностика (УЗД)
echocardiogram ехокардіограма (ЕКГ)

Read the text and answer the following questions
Laboratory Tests
Before doctors can treat someone, they must
understand what is causing the illness. Talking
with the patient, examining the patient, and, when
necessary, ordering tests (often called laboratory
tests), a doctor is able to determine the illness.
Thousands of possible tests exist, ranging from
simple, inexpensive tests, such as looking at the
colour of urine, to much more complicated and
expensive ones, such as certain types of X-rays.
Through training and experience, doctors learn when to order laboratory
tests, which ones to order, and how to interpret the results.
Sometimes a test reveals the specific organism or cause and the
diagnosis will be made relatively easily. Sometimes it will only suggest the
possibility of a specific cause and making the diagnosis will require much
more judgment. A test also can eliminate a suspected cause, shortening the
list of diagnoses to be considered.
Here are the most common types of laboratory tests.
Urinalysis, or urine test, is used for the rapid analysis of the urine.
Special strips react by turning colours when dipped into a urine sample
testing for blood, glucose (sugar), and other substances that may indicate
urine infection as well as other diseases such as diabetes and problems
with the kidneys.
Stool tests. Doctors can test stool for the presence of illness-causing
bacteria, pus, blood, or unusual chemicals. Stool can be cultured for the
bacteria that may cause diseases such as typhoid fever. The colour of the
stool may indicate the cause of the problem. For example, very light stools
could suggest a type of hepatitis.
Blood tests may be used to look for general signs of infection or
diagnose a specific infection. A complete blood count (CBC) measures the
various parts that make up blood, including the numbers of red blood cells,
white blood cells, and platelets; the total amount of hemoglobin in the
blood; and even the size of red blood cells.
Antibody tests are commonly used to diagnose many infectious
diseases. These tests measure the body’s response to an infectious disease.
Antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to antigens
found on the surface of the invading organism.

Unlike antibody tests (which indirectly measure the body’s response
to an infection), antigen tests directly detect the presence of the organism
by identifying the specific proteins that the infectious organism has on its
surface. The presence of antigens most likely means the infection is
present at that moment.
There are many imaging tests (функціональні методи дослідження)
which let physicians look inside your body for clues about a medical
condition. A variety of machines and techniques can create pictures of the
structures and activities inside your body. The type of imaging your doctor
uses depends on your symptoms and the part of your body being
examined. Imaging tests include X-rays, bone scans, computerized
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and
1. What do doctors do to determine the illness?
2. Are all tests simple and inexpensive?
3. Is it always easy to make a diagnosis on the base of laboratory tests?
4. What is urinalysis?
5. What can doctors test stool for?
6. What does a complete blood count (CBC) measure?
7. What do antibody tests measure?
8. Which tests can detect the presence of the infectious organism?
9. When can imaging tests be helpful?
10.What are common imaging tests?

I. Give and
the English Speech Exercises
equivalents of the following from the text.
Лабораторні аналізи; трактувати результати; усувати можливу
причину; аналіз сечі; зразок; вказувати на наявність інфекції в сечі;
черевний тиф; загальний аналіз крові; еритроцити, лейкоцити і
тромбоцити; імунна система; комп’ютерна томографія; магнітно-
резонансна томографія; ультразвукова діагностика.
II. Match the synonyms.
- To treat, doctor, inexpensive, to reveal, urinalysis, disease, red blood
cell, white blood cell, response, rapid, sample.
- To detect, specimen, physician, erythrocyte, cheap, to cure, illness,
answer, fast, leucocyte, urine test.

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Doctors talk with the patient, examine the patient, and order laboratory
tests to determine the illness.
2. There exist only complicated and expensive tests.
3. Sometimes a test reveals the specific organism or cause and it is easy to
make a diagnosis.
4. Urinalysis is used for the rapid analysis of the urine.
5. A complete blood count measures the numbers of erythrocytes,
leukocytes and thrombocytes.
6. There are many imaging tests which let physicians examine the surface
of your body for clues about a medical condition.
IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Laboratory tests help a doctor to … .
2. Urinalysis may indicate urine infection as well as … .
3. Doctors can test stool for the presence of … .
4. Blood tests may be used to look for … or diagnose … .
5. … measures the different parts that make up blood, the total amount of
hemoglobin in the blood; and … .
6. There are many imaging tests which let physicians look inside your
body: … .
V. Read and translate some information about the imaging tests.
1. X-rays. The use of X-rays helps physicians to “see” into the body
without opening it. In general, X-rays involve aiming a controlled
amount of radiation at a specific area of the body.
2. A bone scan is a type of X-ray that helps doctors to locate areas of
infection or cancer deep within the bone. It does this by revealing spots
of increased or decreased bone cell activity.
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a super-strong magnetic field
to help to create images. The magnetic field causes the protons in the
body’s water to vibrate a certain way, and the MRI machine records
those vibrations and develops images based on them.
4. Ultrasound is part of regular prenatal care, when ultrasound is used to
look at a baby in the womb to make sure it is developing normally.
Ultrasound can be used to check specific organs, such as the liver or
kidneys, to look for abnormal size or density. An ultrasound image
may appear as a single image, like a photograph, or as a moving
image, like a video or movie.

5. An echocardiogram is a specific type of ultrasound that sends sound
waves into the chest to “paint a picture” of the heart’s structure. This
test can be used to see the size of the heart’s valves and chambers, how
well they move, and other qualities that a physician would need to know.

Grammar Exercises
 Should/Ought to
The verbs should and ought to have almost the same modal
meaning. They express moral obligation, advisability or desirability
from the point of view of the speaker.
You should visit a doctor.
You ought to be more attentive at the lesson.
The verb should is used in rhetorical questions beginning with
why to express astonishment.
Why should I stay in hospital?
I. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use of
the modal verbs should and ought to.
1. I have problems with my kidneys. I think I should see my doctor.
2. You should have chosen a better way to tell me that news.
3. We ought to listen to the teacher during the lecture.
4. It’s raining. We ought to take our umbrellas.
5. Mary’s feeling sick. She should go home and have some rest.
6. She is a very experienced doctor. You should consult her.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verbs should and
ought to.
Model: I advise you to follow the doctor’s advice. – You should follow the
doctor’s advice.
I think she mustn’t go there alone. – She shouldn’t go there alone.
1. I advise you to stay in bed.
2. I advise you to consult a doctor.
3. I think you must wait for the doctor near his office.
4. I think you must read the text about laboratory tests very carefully.
5. I don’t advise you to make any marks in the book.
6. I advise you to help your sister with her homework.
7. I think you mustn’t be late for work.

8. I advise you to make laboratory tests on Monday.
9. I advise you to read this book in the original.
10.I don’t advise them to make a decision in a hurry.
III. Translate into English using modal verbs should and ought to.
1. Тобі слід зробити ехокардіограму наступного разу.
2. Їй не слід відмовлятись від обстеження.
3. Вам слід підготувати доповідь про аналіз крові та сечі.
4. Йому не слід так розмовляти зі своєю матір’ю.
5. Тобі не слід розповідати йому усю правду.
6. Йому не слід так нехтувати результатами лабораторних аналізів.
7. Вам слід складати іспити разом з іншими студентами.
8. У вас стомлений вигляд. Вам слід звернутися до лікаря.
9. Вам слід розповісти йому можливі ускладнення.
10. Вона в лікарні. Ти б провідала її.

Lesson 4
Urine and Blood Analyses
Text: Urine and Blood Analyses
Grammar: Modal Verbs (to be to)
Active Vocabulary

mucus слиз
cloudy мутний
specific gravity питома вага
substance речовина
acidic кислотний
alkaline лужний
leukocyte лейкоцит
erythrocyte еритроцит
urinary bladder сечовий міхур
tumour пухлина
to contaminate забруднювати
yeast дріжджі
finger prick проколювання пальця
electrolyte електроліт
liver [ ] печінка
enzyme фермент
creatine kinase test креатинфосфокіназа
clot згорток, тромб
bleeding кровотеча

Read the text and answer the following questions

Urine and Blood Analyses
Urine and blood analyses have
become routine patient tests, but
everyone should be reminded of their
A urine analysis checks different
components of urine, a waste product
made by the kidneys. This test can give
information about your health and
problems you may have. What you eat
and drink, how much you exercise, and


well your kidneys work can affect what is in your urine. More than 100
different tests can be done on urine. A regular urinalysis often includes the
following tests:
 Colour. Many things affect urine colour, including fluid balance, diet,
medicines, and diseases. How dark or light the colour is tells you how
much water is in it.
 Clarity. Urine is normally clear. Bacteria, blood, crystals, or mucus can
make urine look cloudy.
 Specific gravity checks the amount of substances in urine. It also shows
how well the kidneys balance the amount of water in urine.
 The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the urine is. A urine pH
of 4 is strongly acidic, 7 is neutral and 9 is strongly alkaline.
 Microscopic analysis. Several drops of the urine are examined with a
microscope. If any of the following are observed in above-average levels,
additional testing may be necessary:
- white blood cells (leukocytes) may be a sign of an infection;
- red blood cells (erythrocytes) may be a sign of kidney disease, a blood
disorder or another underlying medical condition, such as bladder cancer;
- epithelial cells in your urine may be a sign of a tumour, but more often
they indicate that the urine sample was contaminated during the test, and
a new sample is needed;
- bacteria or yeasts may indicate an infection;
- crystals that are formed from chemicals in urine may be a sign of
kidney stones.
A blood test is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that
is usually extracted from a vein in the arm using a needle, or via finger
 A Complete Blood Count (CBC) gives important information about
the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, in particular white and red
blood cell count, white blood cell types, hematocrit, hemoglobin (Hgb),
platelet count. A CBC helps the doctor to check any symptoms and
diagnose conditions, such as anemia, infection, and many other disorders.
 Blood Chemistry Tests measure different chemicals in the blood. They
include blood glucose, calcium, electrolyte, and kidney function tests.
Blood chemistry tests can give doctors information about your muscles
(including the heart), bones, and organs (such as the kidneys and liver).
 Blood Enzyme Tests are used to help diagnose a heart attack. These
tests include troponin and creatine kinase (CK) tests.

 Blood Clotting Tests check proteins in your blood that affect the blood
clotting process. Abnormal test results might suggest that you're at risk of
bleeding or developing clots in your blood vessels.
Urine and blood analyses alone usually don't provide a definite
diagnosis. Additional tests may be necessary to determine next steps.
1. What does a urine analysis check?
2. What information can urine analysis give us?
3. What affects urine colour?
4. What can make urine look cloudy?
5. What does specific gravity check?
6. What are the most common blood tests?
7. What information does a complete blood count give?
8. Does blood chemistry test measure different chemicals in the blood?
9. What are blood enzyme tests used for?
10. Do blood clotting tests check erythrocytes in your blood?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Аналізи сечі і крові; впливати на колір сечі; питома вага;
збалансовувати кількість води; кисла або лужна; мікроскопічний
аналіз; рак сечового міхура; епітеліальні клітини; вказувати на
наявність інфекції; камені в нирках; зразок крові; проколювання
пальця; загальний аналіз крові; хімічний аналіз крові; аналіз крові на
ферменти; процес згортання крові; згусток; діагностувати інфаркт;
глюкоза крові; пухлина.
II. Match the term with its definition.
1. … checks the amount of substances in the urine.
2. … is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually
extracted from a vein in the arm using a needle, or via finger prick.
3. … check proteins in your blood that affect the blood clotting process.
4. … measure different chemicals in the blood.
5. … is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the urine is.
6. … gives important information about white and red blood cell count,
white blood cell types, hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelet count in the
7. … are used to help diagnose a heart attack, include troponin and
creatine kinase (CK) tests.
(Blood test, pH, complete blood count, blood clotting tests, blood

chemistry tests, blood enzyme tests, specific gravity)

III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. A urine analysis can give information about … .
2. A regular urinalysis often includes the following tests: … .
3. A blood test is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is
usually … .
4. A complete blood count gives important information about … .
5. Blood chemistry tests measure … .
6. There are many … which are used to help diagnose a heart attack.
7. Blood clotting tests check proteins in your blood that … .
V. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
Rapid Urine Test
A rapid urine test is the quickest way of
examining urine. A test strip that has small
square colour fields is dipped (into/at) the
urine for a few seconds. After that you will
have to wait a little (for/with) the result.
Depending (on/in) the concentration of the
particular substance, the fields (on/in) the test
strip change colour. Then the resulting colour (of/at) the fields is
compared (with/for) a colour table. The colour table is printed (on/in) the
urine test package. It shows which colours indicate normal and deviating
values. A rapid urine test is usually done as part (of/in) a routine
examination – for example at a doctor’s office, at an antenatal visit, when
being admitted (to/for) the hospital, or before surgery.

Grammar Exercises  To be to
To be to as a modal verb is used in two tenses: Present
Indefinite and Past Indefinite.
 obligation resulting from a previous
We were to meet at nine.
agreement, plan, time-table etc.
Visitors are not to touch
 order or instruction the exhibits.
I. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the modal verb to be
to. Model: He … (to become) a good doctor. – He is to become a good
1. Tomorrow I have an exam. I … (to prepare) attentively.

2. We … (to do) urine analyses yesterday.
3. She … (to graduate) from the medical university next year.
4. He … (to call) his doctor tomorrow morning.
5. We … (to visit) our friend at the hospital last week.
6. Ann … (to do) blood clotting test today.
II. Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verb to be to.
Model: The doctor is supposed to come at 8. – The doctor is to come at 8.
1. The urine tests results were supposed to be ready in the morning.
2. It was arranged that I should consult the doctor next Monday.
3. We agreed to watch the film about nursing.
4. The conference is supposed to start at 10.
5. It was agreed that he should take his medicine in time.
6. It is expected that they will open a new hospital soon.

III. Insert modal verbs to be to or to have to. Translate the sentences.

6. She … send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter.
7. They decided that she … send them a telegram every tenth day.
8. You … learn all the new words for the next lesson.
9. Do you know this man? – He … be our new teacher.
5. Who … go to the library to get the new books? – I was, but I couldn’t.
6. It is raining. You … put on your raincoat.
7. I told her she … open the window for a while every day.
8. I … wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak.
9. You … learn this poem by heart.
10.She … tell him the truth.

IV. Translate sentences into English.

1. Цього тижня ми повинні навчитися проводити різні аналізи крові.
2. Вони повинні були закінчити операцію годину тому.
3. Він повинен зробити повний аналіз крові завтра вранці.
4. Студенти не повинні шуміти під час заняття.
5. Ви можете знайти інформацію про різні види аналізів крові та сечі
в Інтернеті.

Lesson 5
Text: Faeces
Grammar: Modal Verbs (Review)
Active Vocabulary

faeces (feces) фекалії, кал

defecation випорожнення
semisolid напівтвердий
bile жовч
bismuth вісмут
dejection випорожнення
gallstone жовчний камінь
cirrhosis цироз печінки
undue надмірний
to curd зсідатися
defective недостатній
gland залоза
enteritis ентерит (запалення
тонкої кишки)
abscess абсцес
constipation закреп
hue відтінок, колір
colon товста кишка
odour запах
fetid смердючий
decomposition гниття, розкладання
pinworm гострик

Read the text and answer the following questions

Human faeces, also known as stool, is the waste product of
the digestive system including bacteria. In humans, defecation may occur
(depending on the individual and the circumstances) from once every two
or three days to several times a day.

Human fecal matter varies significantly in
appearance, according to the state of the digestive
system, diet and overall health. Normally it is
semisolid, with a mucus coating. Its brown
colouration comes from a combination
of bile and bilirubin, which comes from dead red
blood cells. Black stools may mean the presence of
digested blood, or may be due to certain medicines
such as iron or bismuth. Greyish dejections indicate
the absence of bile due to conditions such as gallstones, hepatitis,
chronic pancreatitis, or cirrhosis. Greenish dejections indicate the presence
of bile in undue proportions. Excessive sugar consumption may cause
green stools. Greenish-yellow liquid evacuations point to typhoid. Curds
of milk in stool indicate imperfect fermentation in the stomach. Oil in the
dejections is probably caused by defective action of the liver, pancreas or
intestinal glands.
Mucus may indicate enteritis, and pus – opened abscess. Watery stools
are associated with diarrhea. Extensive hardening of the faeces may cause
prolonged interruption in the routine and is called constipation.
Common undigested foods found in human faeces are seeds, nuts,
corn and beans, mainly because of their high dietary fiber content. Beets
may turn faeces different hues of red. Artificial food colouring in some
processed foods can also cause unusual faeces colouring if eaten in
sufficient quantities.
Human faeces may have different forms. The form of the stool
depends on the time it spends in the colon. The Bristol stool scale was
designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories.
Human fecal matter possesses physiological odour, which can vary
according to diet and health status. It is also very important. A very fetid
odour denotes extreme decomposition within the body. This
decomposition is frequently due to lack of bile, the great natural
disinfectant of the system.
Clinical laboratory examination of faeces (stool examination or stool
test) is made for the sake of diagnosis, for example, to detect presence of
parasites such as pinworms and/or their eggs or disease spreading bacteria.
1. What are human faeces?
2. How often may defecation in humans occur? What does it depend on?
3. Does human fecal matter vary?
4. Where does stool brown colouration come from?

5. Black stool means the presence of digested blood, doesn’t it?
6. What is oil in the dejections caused by?
7. How can food influence the appearance of feaces?
8. What does the form of the stool depend on?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Фекалії; слизовий покрив; жовч і білірубін; жовчні камені; вказувати
на черевний тиф; недостатня робота печінки, підшлункової залози та
залоз шлунково-кишкового тракту; абсцес; викликати закреп; товста
кишка; Брістольська шкала форми випорожнень; смердючий запах;
виявити наявність паразитів; гострики.
II. Match the opposites.
- Semisolid, significantly, dead, hardening, excessive, defective, different,
artificial, important, presence, high.
- Low, absence, unimportant, natural, alive, stiff, similar, normal,
insufficient, softening, insignificantly.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Defecation may occur from once every two or three weeks to several
times a week.
2. The appearance of human fecal matter depends on the state of
the digestive system, diet and general health.
3. Black stools may be due to certain medicines such as iron or bismuth.
4. Greyish dejections indicate the presence of bile due to conditions such
as gallstones, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, or cirrhosis.
5. Mucus may indicate opened abscess, and pus – enteritis.
6. The Bristol stool scale was designed to classify the form of human
faeces into five categories.
7. Human fecal matter possesses physiological odour, which can vary
according to diet and health status.
IV. Guess the word using the first letter as a prompt.
1. The smell of faeces. – O
2. Normal state of faeces. – S
3. Human faeces may have different … – F
4. Brown colouration of faeces comes from its combination with bilirubin.

5. Pus in faeces may indicate it. – A
6. Extensive hardening of the faeces may cause prolonged interruption in
the routine called … C
7. Greenish-yellow liquid evacuations point to it. – T
8. The form of the stool depends on the time it spends in … – C
9. Kind of parasite which can be detected by stool test. – P

Grammar Exercises
I. Choose the most appropriate modal verb from those in the brackets.
1. (Could, might, must) I borrow your pencil?
2. You (should, can, are to) see your doctor if you feel so bad.
3. Students (can, must, may) follow the university rules.
4. She (can’t, mustn’t, may not) be 40, she looks so young.
5. He (must, ought to, is to) be more careful.
6. We (should, were to, must) meet at 10 o’clock yesterday.
7. You (might, may, can) leave your coat here.
8. Tom (may not, cannot, should not) remember my phone number.
II. Paraphrase the sentences using the words given in brackets.
Model: I advise him to be more attentive. (should) – He should be more
1. I advise him to visit his doctor regularly. (should)
2. It is possible that Jane will visit a dentist. (may)
3. I think that is Ann’s dictionary. (must)
4. I don’t think he is the doctor I saw yesterday.(can’t)
5. I advise you to write a report on faeces. (ought to)
6. We agreed to go to the polyclinic at 9. (to be to)
7. Maybe the doctor was in his office. (might)
8. You are not allowed to talk on the phone during the lesson. (mustn’t)
III. Put “to” where necessary.
1. He was able … explain.
2. He should … be ready by now.
3. May I … ask you a question?
4. You are not … mention this to anyone.
5. The doctor said that I ought … give up smoking.
6. It might … kill somebody.
7. He has … do it himself.
8. You ought … have finished it last night.

9. We didn’t have … pay anything.
10.She ought … accept the offer.
11.You could … see the park from the hospital.
12.They ought … warn people about the dangerous currents.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Чи можу я вам допомогти?
2. Можливо, результати аналізів уже готові.
3. Лікар повинен був оглянути пацієнта вранці.
4. Я не могла згадати точну адресу лікарні.
5. Очевидно, він уже в лікарні.
6. Цьому пацієнту заборонено ходити.
7. Не може бути, щоб він зараз працював.
8. Нам дозволять користуватися словником?

Lesson 1
Perioperative Nursing
Text: Perioperative Nursing
Grammar: The Indefinite Article
Active Vocabulary

perioperative периопераційний
regimen режим
anxiety тривога
cathartic проносне
enema клізма
nausea нудота
residue залишок
to void випорожняти
to scrub чистити
cotton ball ватний тампон
circulating nurse чергова медсестра
scrub nurse операційна медсестра
to account for нести відповідальність
strain напруження
stitch шов
lubricating мастильна рідина для
mouthwash полоскання рота
empathy співпереживання
anxious стривожений

Read the text and answer the following questions

Perioperative Nursing
Perioperative nursing is a nursing specialty that deals with patients who
are having operative or other invasive procedures. Perioperative care
includes three periods: preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative, i.e.

care given before, during and after the operation. The perioperative nurse
performs a wide range of activities during all three phases.
The preoperative phase is the period that
is used for physical and psychological
preparation of the patient for the operation. It
is used to perform tests and to
attempt to limit preoperational anxiety. The
perioperative nurse helps to follow all medical
regimens during this period. A thorough bath
is generally given the preceding day. A strong
cathartic is usually given the morning or
afternoon of the day before the operation to
empty the intestine.
An enema is given about six hours before the operation if the intestine
doesn’t seem well emptied. To lessen the chances of nausea and the
presence of much residue in the intestine, only light, easily digested food is
given the day before operation, and no solids after the evening meal.
Liquids are generally allowed until six hours before the operation. Shortly
before the operation the patient must void the urine. Before the patient
leaves the ward the nurse must make sure that he or she has no false teeth.
The nurse also prepares the field for operation shaving it and scrubbing it
for 5 minutes with green soap using a sterile cotton ball.
The intraoperative phase begins when the patient is transferred to
the operating room and ends with the transfer of a patient to the
department where postoperation recovery care is given. During this period
the perioperative nurse may serve as a circulating nurse or as a scrub
nurse. A circulating nurse makes preparations for an operation and
continually monitors the patient and the personnel during its course, works
in the operating room outside the sterile field in which the operation takes
place, and accounts for the instruments. A scrub nurse assists the surgeon
within the sterile field in the operating room.
The postoperative phase begins with the patient’s transfer to the
recovery room. After an operation of any extent, there is some shock.
Therefore a bed and blankets must be warmed. The nurse should never
leave the patient alone immediately after the operation. There is always
danger of his becoming restless or of the tongue falling back of the
trachea. If the patient is vomiting, the nurse must help him to avoid strain
on the stitches. The patients generally suffer intensely from thirst for some
hours after the operation. It is impossible to give much to drink, but the
nurse can wash the mouth with some lubricating mouthwash. It is also
important to measure the

urine. If the patient doesn’t void the urine within 12 hours after the
operation, this fact should be reported.
Perioperative nurses need excellent interpersonal and communication
skills. Compassion and empathy are necessary to help anxious and
suffering patients and to support their families.
1. What is perioperative nursing?
2. What periods does perioperative care include?
3. The preoperative phase is the period that is used for physical and
psychological preparation of the patient for the operation, isn’t it?
4. What are the functions of a perioperative nurse?
5. What is usually given to empty the intestine?
6. Liquids are generally allowed shortly before the operation, aren’t they?
7. How does a nurse prepare the field for operation?
8. When does the intraoperative phase begin and end?
9. What do circulating and scrub nurses do?
10. What must the nurse do if the patient is vomiting after the operation?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Догляд за хірургічними хворими; передопераційний, операційний і
післяопераційний; дотримуватися схеми лікування; сильне проносне;
клізма; зменшити ймовірність нудоти; випускати сечу; вставні зуби;
операційна медсестра; чергова медсестра; післяопераційне одужання;
післяопераційна палата; стерильне поле; відповідати за інструменти;
страждати від спраги; рідина для полоскання рота; вимірювати сечу;
співчуття і співпереживання.
II. Match the synonyms.
- Period, operation, anxiety, liquid, to monitor, thorough, personnel, to
account for, compassion, enema, cathartic.
- Fluid, to control, rigorous, purgative, staff, phase, surgery, clyster, to be
responsible for, worry, sympathy.
III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Perioperative nursing is a nursing specialty that deals with … .
2. Perioperative care includes three periods: … .
3. The preoperative phase is the period that is used for … .
4. The perioperative nurse helps to follow … .

5. The intraoperative phase begins when … and ends with … .
6. During this period … makes preparations for an operation and
continually monitors the patient during its course and … assists the
surgeon within the sterile field in the operating room.
7. The postoperative phase begins with … .

IV. Match the term with its definition.

1. a room in a hospital where people first wake up after the operation.
2. the act of moving an organ from one body to another.
3. ……. – a liquid that is put into someone’s rectum to make their intestine
4. …….. – a medical specialty that involves the use of manual and
instrumental techniques to treat a disease or injury.
5. a medical method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain.
6. a stitch used to hold tissue together.
7. a very sharp knife used to make incisions and other cuts.
8. …….. – the period that is used for physical and psychological
preparation of the patient for the operation.
9. …….. – the nurse that makes preparations for an operation, works in the
operating room outside the sterile field in which the operation takes
place, accounts for the instruments.
10.…….. – a nursing specialty that deals with patients who are having
operative or other invasive procedures.
11.…….. – begins when the patient is transferred to the operating room and
ends with the transfer of a patient to the department where postoperation
recovery care is given.
12. assists the surgeon within the sterile field in the operating room.
13. begins with the patient’s transfer to the recovery room.
(Enema, postoperative period, perioperative nursing, scalpel, suture,
scrub nurse, transplant, recovery room, preoperative phase, circulating
nurse, intraoperative period, surgery, anesthesia)

V. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.

1. surgeon / anesthesiologist
a) The … will make sure you are unconscious during the operation.
b) This … has performed hundreds of resections.
2. pre-op / post-op
a) An important … guideline is not to eat for 12 hours before surgery.
b) In the recovery room a nurse will give you medications to take … .

3. recovery room / operating room
a) Visitors can see patients in the … after surgery.
b) Please prepare the … for the next procedure.
4. resection / operation
a) The … of this tumour should save the rest of the patient’s lung.
b) Please be here at 6:30 in the morning for the … .

VI. Translate into English.

1. Периоперативна медсестра забезпечує догляд пацієнта до та після
2. Для чого перед операцією пацієнту дають сильне проносне?
3. Чергова медсестра в операційній відповідальна за інструменти, чи
не так?
4. Післяопераційний період починається, коли пацієнта переводять
до післяопераційної палати.
5. Медсестри повинні бути комунікабельними, щоб підтримувати
пацієнта та його родичів.
6. За 6 годин до операції пацієнту роблять клізму, щоб спорожнити

Grammar Exercises
There are two types of articles in modern English: the indefinite
(a/an) and the definite article (the).
The indefinite article has two forms:
o a – used before words beginning with a consonant: e.g. a
doctor, a nurse
o an – used before words beginning with a vowel: e.g. an
injection, an enema
"A" (or "an") is used to talk about things which are not specific.
These are usually things that haven't been mentioned before.
Use Examples
 Before a singular countable
I saw a doctor going down the hall.
noun, when it is mentioned for
The doctor was going to the
the first time (after this first
operation room.
mention we use the):

 after set expression there is There is a patient in the reception
(there was, there will be): ward waiting for the doctor.
 after the verb to be to denote a
My friend is a doctor.
 when the noun is used in
general sense and has the A nurse must take care of a patient.
meaning of “every”:
 after the word what in What a nice evening!
exclamatory sentences and after She is such an attentive nurse.
the words such, quite, rather: It is rather a difficult problem.
 In a number of set expressions:
a lot of; to tell a lie;
a great number to be in a hurry;
of; to make a to have a good time;
living; all of a to have a look;
sudden; it’s a to have a headache;
pity; to take a sit;
for a short (long) time; to catch a cold;
as a result of; to do a favour;
as a matter of fact; to go for a
in a loud (low) walk.
I. What are these people? Write their jobs using articles and the
words from the box.

1. Anaesthesiologist
Dr. White looks -after
vet -illmedical
animals. – He-isscrub
student a vet.nurse - dentist -
2. Dr. John performs operations.
3. She helps a surgeon in the operating room.
4. She treats people’s teeth.
5. She is training to be a doctor.
6. He gives an anesthetic to a patient before the operation.
II. Choose the correct article.
1. A/an patient is never left alone after the operation.
2. The doctor has just bought a/an new gown.
3. Dr. Smith is a/an outstanding cardiologist.
4. Yesterday I caught a/- cold and had to call the doctor.
5. My father had a/an terrible headache and took some pills.
6. Patients are transferred to a/- recovery rooms after operations.

III. Fill in ‘a/an’ or ‘some’ in the gaps.
1. That's … interesting job!
2. He is having … test.
3. She has got … lot of injuries.
4. Would you like … coffee?
5. Do you have … white gown?
6. He had … bad toothache.
7. They had … exciting journey.
8. They had … interesting Anatomy lesson.
9. I need … money.
10.I’ll give her … apple and … orange juice.
11.I have … good idea. Let’s talk it over.
12.He always likes … piece of chocolate.
13.This is … interesting story.
14.Do you have … mobile phone?
15.She is … nice teacher.
16. Your doctor will come in … minute. Just wait … little.
17.Can you give me … information, please?
18.I’ve given your wife … injection and she’ll soon fall asleep.
19.If you want to write … letter, there is … paper and … pens over there.
20.I don’t believe … word of it, he was always … liar.
IV. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. As rule a nurses always help a patients.
2. He is such an qualified doctor.
3. Tomorrow I will write an report on perioperative nursing.
4. Doctor must never tell lie.
5. I saw an nurse in the reception ward. A nurse was writing something.
6. What nice lecture on an operative procedures!

Lesson 2
Intensive Care Nursing
Text: Intensive Care Nursing
Grammar: The Definite Article
Active Vocabulary

intensive care реанімаційне

unit відділення
subtle незначний
to warrant гарантувати, служити
intervention втручання
equipment обладнання, інвентар
responsibility обов’язок
vital signs життєво важливі
sore рана
to moisten зволожувати
to convey повідомляти
attached прикріплений

Read the text and answer the following questions

Intensive Care Nursing
There are several important units in a
hospital, and they are divided on the basis of
the type of treatment that takes place in those
units. One of the most important units of a
hospital is ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Those
patients, whose medical condition is critical
and life-threatening, are admitted to these
units. They require constant, close invasive
monitoring and support from special
equipment and medication in order to ensure
normal bodily functions Among medical professionals present in a
hospital, an ICU nurse plays an important role in taking care of the patients
admitted to the intensive care unit.

The job of an ICU nurse differs from the job of a general nurse. She is
responsible for continuous monitoring the health condition of a patient.
Any subtle change in a patient’s condition that may warrant more medical
intervention must be quickly noted. It is possible that the condition of the
patient would become severe, if not attended properly. Therefore, these
nurses need to have critical thinking, to be quick, decision-making and
able to react in the life-threatening situation of a patient.
The ICU nurse’s job is highly responsible. When a patient is admitted
to the ICU, the nurse must make sure that the bed is prepared, that all
necessary equipment is in place, sterile and ready with any medication that
has already been prescribed.
The main responsibilities of the intensive care nurse are as follows:
o assessing the patient’s condition;
o treating wounds and providing advanced life support;
o observing and recording patient’s vital signs;
o taking blood tests regularly;
o administering intravenous fluids and medication as prescribed;
o recording a patient’s blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels;
o turning the patient in his or her bed every few hours to prevent sores on
the skin;
o moistening the patient’s mouth with a wet sponge;
o making sure ventilators, monitors and other equipment attached to the
patient function properly;
o assisting the doctor with any procedures, etc.
ICU nurses are also often responsible for conveying the patients’
condition to their family. They must be attentive and available all the time
as their main duty is to provide the highest standard of critical care
throughout the patient’s stay in the ICU.
The ICU nursing job can be one with potential high stress for nurses,
because of the critical situations they may face. Nurses must be ready for
this high risk job. However, it is not without its rewards, as ICU nurses are
extending the life and health of those who truly need it most.
1. What is ICU?
2. What patients are admitted to intensive care units?
3. Does the job of an ICU nurse differ from the job of a general nurse?
4. What are the ICU nurses responsible for?
5. These nurses need to be critical thinking and decision-making, don’t
6. What must a nurse do when a patient is admitted to the ICU?

7. Do ICU nurses communicate with the family of a patient?
8. Why is ICU nursing job the one with potential high stress for nurses?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text. Реанімаційне
відділення; потребувати постійного контролю; спеціальне
обладнання; медичне втручання; мати критичне мислення;
забезпечувати нормальне функціонування організму;
записувати життєво-важливі показники пацієнта; вентилятори,
монітори та інше обладнання.

II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. One of the most important units of a hospital is … .
2. Those patients, whose … are admitted to these units.
3. An ICU nurse is responsible for … .
4. It is important to have …, to be quick, decision-making and able to
react in … .
5. The ICU nursing job can be one with potential high stress for nurses,
because of … .
III. Match the opposites.
- Important; critical; responsible; quick; decision-making; sterile;
attentive; high stress job; to moisten.
- To dry; low stress job; hesitant; irresponsible; uncritical; slow;
unimportant; nonsterile; absent-minded.
IV. Describe the working day of an ICU nurse using the words and
word-combinations from the box.
 High-stress job;  to administer medication as
 to be responsible; prescribed;
 support;  to assist the doctor with
 to prepare a bed; procedures;
 to check the equipment  to take blood tests;
attached to the patient;  to record a patient’s blood
 to assess the patient’s pressure;
condition;  to communicate with families.
 to observe patient’s vital

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
I Am an ICU Nurse
Hello! My name is Alice. I would like to tell
you about my job. I work in …. and have many …. .
We look at the entire picture to plan the best outcome
for the …. . We determine whether the …. needs to
be called for abnormal values. If a patient’s …. is
getting worse, we look at the big monitor to find out
what is going on and support the patient until the ….
can be solved. We can order …. to determine
problems on what we see. We use different …. to
assist us in our care. On top of all that, we do basic care for the patient,
keep them as …. as we can, take care of their emotional and spiritual needs
and we support ….. We are the ones talking to the families to find out ….
of the patient (if the patient is unable to speak for himself/herself).
It is a great job, although very difficult and ….!
(Responsible; the family; doctor; laboratory tests; problem; duties; patient;
comfortable; condition; technology; ICU (intensive care unit); the needs)
VI. Fill in the blanks with at, on or in.
1. He never works … night.
2. She was bom … 1928.
3. My birthday is … January.
4. I have holidays … Christmas, … Easter and … summer.
5. The patient woke up several times … night.
6. … Mondays, I go on duty … six o’clock … the morning and come off
duty … two o’clock … the afternoon.

Grammar Exercises
"The" is used to talk about specific or known things.
 with a noun if it is clear from “How did the operation last?” the
the context or situation what patient’s friend asked the doctor who
particular object is meant: was coming out of the operating
 with a noun modified by an She is the best nurse in this hospital!
adjective in the superlative This was the first doctor
degree or by ordinal numerals: that

performed such difficult procedures.

 with nouns modified by a
This is the hospital I told you about.
limiting attribute:
 with nouns denoting unique
things (the Sun, the Moon, the
There are no clouds in the sky.
Earth, the Universe, the sky,
 Before a noun that represents
The pine is an evergreen tree.
a class of animals/plants:
 In a number of set expressions:
to go to the theatre; the other day;
to play the piano/ guitar/ violin; by the way;
to tell the truth; in the beginning;
to tell the time; in the middle;
to be on the safe side; in the
in the east/west etc.; morning/afternoon/evening;
on the left; on the right; on the telephone;
at the same time; on the way;
on the whole; What’s the difference?
on the one hand/on the other What’s the matter?
hand; What’s the point?
I. Choose the necessary article.
1. His wife is a/the nurse.
2. This is a/the nurse that helped me yesterday.
3. An/The other day I saw my dentist in the supermarket.
4. To tell a/the truth, I am afraid of hospitals.
5. I have never seen such the/a big hospital.
6. Yesterday Kate had the/a headache and couldn’t go to the family dinner.
II. Fill each gap with a/an, the or no article.
1. … French are famous for their love of food and wine.
2. I've got … terrible sore throat.
3. If you drive along … coast, you'll see some beautiful scenery.
4. Paris is … most beautiful city I have ever visited.
5. My mother has to take pills 2 times … day for the rest of her life.
6. This is … documentary film about ICU we discussed yesterday.
III. Complete the text using the correct article (a/an/the).
Tom has got .a. new bicycle. He bought … bicycle yesterday. But he
had … accident on … way home. Tom fell from … bicycle and twisted his

ankle. He had to go to … nearest hospital, where … doctor could help him.
… doctor examined Tom and prescribed him some medicine to relieve
pain. On … whole Tom felt well and soon went home. He decided to tell
his mother … truth. He didn’t like to tell her … lie. Tom also thought he
should be more attentive when driving … bicycle.
IV. Put in articles where necessary.
1. ... chemist’s shop in ... Zelena Street is ... largest in ... city.
2. ... last week my brother caught ... cold. We called in ... district doctor.
When ... doctor examined my brother, he prescribed my brother ... home
treatment and ... medicine for ... headache and cough.
3. I made ... appointment with ... district doctor for 12 o’clock. When ...
doctor examined me, he wrote out ... prescription for ... medicine. I
ordered it, ... chemist gave me ... bottle of mixture and said that I had to
keep it in .. . cool place.
4. On ... 10th of August my brother was operated on for ... appendicitis. ...
postoperative course was uneventful and on ... 14th postoperative day
he was discharged from hospital.
5. During ... operation ... 500 ml of ... antibiotics were introduced into ...
abdominal cavity and ... patient was transfused ... preserved blood.
6. Before ... operation ... patient Smirnov was given intratracheal
7. When I recovered my consciousness, I felt ... unbearable pain in ...
lower part of stomach.
8. ... muscular tension is ... symptom of ... bad pain in....stomach.
9. ... scalpel and ... clamps are ... most necessary surgical instruments.
10. I’ll put you on ... sick leave till ... end of.....week.

Lesson 3
Rehabilitative Nursing
Text: Rehabilitative Nursing
Grammar: Use of the Article with the Proper Names
Active Vocabulary

rehabilitative реабілітаційний
life span тривалість життя
affliction фізична вада
stroke інсульт
deconditioning погіршення фіз. стану
hysterectomy видалення матки
coronary artery коронарне
bypass graft шунтування
colectomy колектомія
laryngectomy ларингектомія
morbid obesity ожиріння
exacerbation загострення
congestive heart застійна серцева
failure недостатність
cardiopulmonary серцево-легенева
resuscitation реанімація
to impair погіршувати
substance abuse токсикоманія
consigned прикутий
to a wheelchair до інвалідної коляски
to get accustomed звикати
prosthetic протезний
to encounter стикатися
setback невдача

Read the text and answer the following questions

Rehabilitative Nursing
Rehabilitative nursing is a branch of the nursing field which is focused
on providing care to patients with short-term, progressive, or long-term
disabilities. Rehabilitation or rehab nurses manage the care of patients,

perform a lot of nursing skills, respond to
changes in condition, and
psychologically support patients and
their families.
In most rehabilitation facilities, the
rehab nurse cooperates with physicians,
physical therapists, dieticians, social
workers, pharmacists, respiratory
therapists and other members of the team
to help patients to deal with limitations,
reach their full potential, restore their previous level of function.
Rehab nurses provide care to patients with numerous afflictions and
diagnoses across the life span. Patients who are recovering from strokes,
heart attacks, pneumonia, multiple trauma, fractures, spinal cord injuries,
traumatic brain injuries, and general deconditioning often are admitted to
rehabilitation units.
Rehab nurses also care for patients who need extended recovery after
surgical procedures such as knee replacements, hip replacements, limb
amputations, hysterectomies, back surgeries, coronary artery bypass grafts,
colectomies, and laryngectomies. Patients who have chronic disease
processes such as uncontrolled diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, Parkinson’s disease, morbid obesity, and exacerbation of
congestive heart failure frequently receive care provided by rehab nurses.
Depending on the type of facility, rehab nurses may perform many
tasks such as vital sign checks, intravenous therapy, wound care,
respiratory therapy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and medication
administration. These nurses might help a patient to learn to walk, eat, talk,
write, or perform other tasks after an injury or illness which has impaired
these skills. They can also work with patients who are struggling
with substance abuse and mental illness.
Rehabilitation nursing also includes patient education. If a patient
appears to be permanently consigned to a wheelchair after an accident, for
example, a rehabilitation nurse will help the patient learn to use the
wheelchair, and provide the patient with education which helps him or her
to live as independently as possible. Rehab nurses also assist patients as
they get accustomed to prosthetic limbs, ventilators, and other assistive
devices which may be required.
Rehabilitation nursing is a rewarding specialty that requires scientific
knowledge, quick thinking and a passion for helping people to maintain or

recover their independence. The rehab nurse is a professional who
encounters multiple challenges, triumphs, setbacks, and successes during
the course of a routine shift.
1. What is rehabilitative nursing?
2. Does the rehab nurse cooperate only with physicians?
3. What patients are admitted to rehabilitation units?
4. Patients who have Parkinson’s disease don’t receive care provided by
rehab nurses, do they?
5. What tasks do the rehab nurses perform?
6. What might rehabilitative nurses help patients to do after an injury?
7. Does rehabilitation nursing include education of patients?
8. What qualities does rehabilitation nursing require?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match
the words to make up word combinations and give their
Ukrainian equivalents.
Rehabilitative replacement;
general bypass grafts;
knee obesity;
back nursing;
across the life deconditioning;
coronary artery to assistive devices;
morbid to a wheelchair;
exacerbation of congestive limbs;
to be consigned surgery;
to get accustomed span;
prosthetic challenges;
to encounter multiple heart failure.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Rehabilitative nursing is a branch of the nursing field which is focused
on … .
2. Rehabilitation or rehab nurses manage …, perform …, respond to …,
and psychologically support … .
3. Patients who are recovering from … often are admitted to rehabilitation
4. Depending on the type of facility, rehab nurses may perform many tasks
such as … .

5. These nurses might help a patient to learn … after an injury or illness.
6. Rehabilitation nursing also includes patient … .
III. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of
words from the text.
1. Rehabilitative nursing deals with providing care to patients with short-
term, progressive, or long-term inabilities.
2. The rehab nurse collaborates with physicians, physical therapists,
nutritionists and other members of the team.
3. Rehab nurses take care of patients during the lifetime with numerous
handicaps and diagnoses.
4. Patients who have long-term disease processes such as uncontrolled
diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s disease,
adiposity often receive care taken by rehab nurses.
5. Rehab nurses can also deal with patients who suffer from substance
abuse and mental illness.
6. Rehabilitation nursing also encompasses patient teaching.
7. The rehab nurse is a well-skilled practitioner who faces multiple
challenges, triumphs, difficulties, and successes during the course of a
routine shift.
IV. Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Patients who are recovering from strokes, heart attacks, multiple

trauma, and general … often are admitted to rehabilitation units.
2. Rehabilitation nursing also includes patient … .
3. … nurse is a nurse that works in the rehabilitative unit.
4. Rehab nurses also care for patients who need extended recovery after …
5. A chair with wheels used by people who cannot walk.
6. An assisting device that pumps air into and out of someone’s lungs.
7. What does a rehab nurse usually encounter?

V. Choose the necessary preposition.
Rehabilitation, as an interdisciplinary health care specialty, grew out
(of/from) the wars (of/for) the 20th century. Military hospitals established
rehabilitation units that were focused (on/in) returning injured and
seriously disabled soldiers back (into/from) society. Civilian rehabilitation
units and hospitals began to emerge (by/at) the mid-1940s.
Nowadays rehabilitation is a philosophy (of/for) care that can be
practiced (in/on) every facility and it is constantly developing. Let’s look
(into/in) the future. The integration (of/at) information technology and
telemedicine (into/out of) the practice (of/in) rehabilitative nursing will
help to link health care providers (with/at) patients (across/along) a great
distance. Electronic medical records will become the standard (of/for)
practice (in/on) all facilities. Research will provide new ideas to improve
the practice (of/in) nursing.

Grammar Exercises
 Use of the Article with the Proper Names
 Names of people and animals are used
without any article. The definite  Tom, Anna
article is used with a name in plural, but: the Browns
which denotes the whole family:
 Names of villages, towns, cities,
 Ukraine, England
countries, continents are used without
but: the Netherlands, the
any article. They are used with the
USA, the UK
definite article when modified by a
the Italy of Middle Ages
limiting attribute:
 Names of oceans, seas, gulfs, straits,  the Pacific Ocean, the
channels, rivers are used with the Black Sea, the Amazon
definite article: River
 Names of lakes are used with the
definite article. If the word lake is  the Ontario,
before the proper noun, it is used but: Lake Ontario
without an article:
 Names of mountain ranges are used
with the definite article, but names of  the Carpathians, the Alps
separate mountains are used without but: Everest, Elbrus
any article:

 Names of groups of islands are used
with the definite article, but names of  the Bahamas
individual islands are used without but: Madagascar
any article:
 Names of deserts are used with the
 the Sahara
definite article:
 Names of concert halls, theatres,
cinemas, museums, picture galleries,  the Globe, the British
clubs are used with the definite Museum, the Tate Gallery
 Names of newspapers and periodicals
 the Times, the Guardian
are used with the definite article:
 Names of  the Tory, the House of
organizations and parties are used Parliament, the United
with the definite article: Nations
 the Renaissance,
 Historical references/events are used
the First World War
with the definite article:
but: World War I
 Victoria Station,
 Names of stations, airports, parks,
Heathrow, Hyde Park,
streets and squares are used without
Oxford Street, Trafalgar
any article:
I. Write the names of the places in two columns (A – those used with
article the; B – those used without any article).
River Thames, Netherlands, India, USA, Alps, Europe, Middle Ages,
Khreshchatyk Street, Sea of Azov, Simpsons, Baikal, British Isles,
Barcelona, Liberal Party, Lake Synevir, Hoverla, Mississippi, Gobi Desert,
China, Nile, Rocky Mountains, Crimea, Atlantic Ocean, Madagascar,
Washington Post, St. James’s Park.
II. Insert articles where necessary.
1. … most famous nurse is …Florence Nightingale.
2. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland.
3. This doctor always wanted to see … Grand Canyon in … Arizona.
4. Dr. Smith comes from … USA, but he lives in … Netherlands.
5. … Chicago is on … Lake Michigan.
6. … New York Times is … most popular newspaper in … New York.
7. Are there many hospitals in … London?
8. Yesterday … Ann visited … famous doctor … Tom Johnson.

9. Rehabilitative nursing is highly developed in … Spain, especially in …
10. … Ivanenkos are … family of doctors.
11.There is … cinema in … Regent Street called … Odeon.
12. This nurse is fond of history. She has already visited … British
Museum of Natural History, … National Gallery, … Hermitage and …
Tate Gallery. Now she wants to visit … Science Museum and …
Imperial war Museum in … London.
13. “Go down … Oxford Street, turn left to … Bread Street, then turn right
and you will see … hospital you need”.
14. … highest peak of … Carpathian Mountains is … Hoverla.
15. A famous doctor from … Malta will come tomorrow for … conference
on rehabilitation.
III. Translate into English using articles where necessary.
1. Сміти — гарна та дружня сім’я.
2. Карпати знаходяться на заході України.
3. Минулого року моя вони відпочивали на Багамах.
4. Пацієнтам дозволяють гуляти в Гайд Парку.
5. Байкал – найглибше озеро у світі.
6. Івано-Франківськ розташований на річці Бистриця.
7. Організація Об’єднаних Націй – одна з найбільших організацій у
8. Флоренс Найтінгейл – найвідоміша медсестра у світі. Вона
народилася у Флоренції, в Італії.

Lesson 4
Infant Nursing
Text: Infant Nursing
Grammar: The Zero Article
Active Vocabulary

infant немовля
neonatal неонатальний
newborn новонароджений
gestational гестаційний (відноситься
до вагітності)
premature передчасний
to thrive добре розвиватися
to mature повністю дозріти
well-honed відточений
crucial вирішальний
simultaneously одночасно
neglect недогляд

Read the text and answer the following questions

Infant Nursing
There are many types of
professionals who work with
infants, i.e. many physicians,
neonatal nurses, pediatric nurses,
visiting nurses, etc.
Neonatal nurses play the most
important role in the infant nursing
as the first few weeks of an infant’s
life are a time of changes,
transitions and challenges unique to
this stage of existence. Neonatal
nurses are the experts who care for
newborns in a nursery setting
throughout the first 28 days of their lives. The care that they provide
depends upon the baby’s gestational age, method of delivery and overall

health, and ranges from intensive care of critically ill neonates to care for
infants who are entirely well.
Over the past 50 years, advances in medical technology have made it
possible for more ill and premature babies to survive and thrive. This has
expanded the range of responsibilities for neonatal nurses and the spectrum
of care they provide.
There are three different levels of neonatal nursery where a neonatal
nurse can work:
Level I nursery is a healthy newborn nursery. At this level neonatal
nurses look after the babies who are fully fit and healthy. They weigh and
measure infants, bathe them and monitor their health. However, the
demand for this level of neonatal nursing is decreasing because mothers
and newborn babies are now more likely to stay in the same room together
after birth.
Level II nurses provide special or intermediate care for ill or
premature newborn babies. They provide supplemental oxygen and
intravenous therapy such as fluids and antibiotics. There may also be need
to supply specialized feedings through a tube that is inserted into the nose
or down into the stomach. These feedings will give the baby the nutrition it
needs to be able to mature enough to be taken home.
Level III nurses have the most intensive responsibilities as they work
in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). They monitor seriously ill or
premature infants around the clock. They check ventilators and incubators,
make sure babies are responding well, and teach parents how to care for
their infants properly. Nurses who work in the NICU are specially trained
to work with high tech equipment that is critical to keep the infants alive.
Neonatal nurses must have well-honed critical thinking skills to keep
up with the rapidly changing health status of a typical NICU patient.
Attention to detail is crucial in order to simultaneously manage multiple
high technologies. Neonatal nurses need to have patience, compassion and
the ability to teach infant care skills to parents from all backgrounds. They
have to maintain emotional objectivity when faced with ethically charged
situations such as neglect or a patient’s death. Neonatal nurses must also
be able to work effectively with a large interdisciplinary healthcare team.
Neonatal nurses are very important for the healthy development of
infants as the first days of infants’ lives can determine the path of their
lives forever.
1. Who plays the most important role in the infant nursing? Why?

2. Do neonatal nurses care for newborns in a nursery setting throughout
the first 3 days of their lives?
3. What does the care the neonatal nurses provide depend upon?
4. How many levels of neonatal nursery are there?
5. What do level I neonatal nurses do?
6. Do level II nurses provide care only for premature newborn babies?
7. How do level II nurses supply specialized feedings?
8. Level III nurses have the most intensive responsibilities, don’t they?
9. What do NICU nurses do?
10. What qualities should a neonatal nurse have?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match the words and word-combinations with their translations.
Use them in the sentences of your own.
1. infant; a. відділення реанімації
2. to care for newborns; новонароджених;
3. baby’s gestational age; b. навички догляду за немовлятами;
4. ill and premature babies; c. немовля;
5. to survive and thrive; d. хворі та недоношені діти;
6. supplemental oxygen; e. додатковий кисень;
7. neonatal intensive care unit; f. вижити та розвиватись;
8. around the clock; g. доглядати за новонародженими;
9. high tech equipment; h. цілодобово;
10. infant care skills; i. гестаційний вік дитини;
j. високотехнологічне обладнання.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Neonatal nurses are the experts who care for newborns in a nursery
setting throughout the first 72 hours of their lives.
2. The care that neonatal nurses provide depends upon the baby’s
gestational age, method of delivery and overall health.
3. Advances in medical technology have expanded the range of
responsibilities for neonatal nurses.
4. There are five different levels of neonatal nursery.
5. At level I neonatal nurses look after ill or premature newborn babies.
6. Level III nurses work in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

7. Nurses who work in the NICU are not trained to work with high tech
8. Neonatal nurses need to have patience, compassion and the ability to
teach infant care skills to parents from all backgrounds.
III. Read, translate and remember some interesting facts about
1. Every three seconds, somewhere in the world, a baby is born.
2. At six months babies have usually doubled their birth weight and by the
end of the first year the baby’s weight will have tripled.
3. Babies are always born with blue eyes but within a few moments of
delivery their eye colour can change.
4. Most babies cry without tears until they are three to six weeks old.
5. At one year old the baby will have a foot half the size of their adult size.
6. Although they can’t speak, babies can still communicate
physically. The more physically they communicate, the better they will
verbally communicate.
7. Eating fish during pregnancy can boost baby’s brain power.

IV. Insert the missing words.

Neonatal nurses provide complete … for babies. They attend
deliveries, weigh and … infants, bathe them and monitor their health. They
also teach new … about newborn care and … . Neonatal nurses certainly
have their work cut out for them. Newborns today face some … –
addiction, HIV infection, premature birth. And it’s not just medical care
these … need. They need care and comfort to survive and thrive. Neonatal
nurses give them the care and … they deserve.
Neonatal nurses work with needles, feeding pumps, … and …,
thermometers, stethoscopes, baby warmers, cardiac monitors, etc. This
means neonatal nurses must keep current with the latest … and procedures.
(Ventilators, breastfeeding, care, infants, measure, instruments, parents,
challenges, compassion, incubators)

V. Translate into English.

1. Якщо ти хочеш бути медсестрою у неонатальному відділенні, то ти
повинна любити дітей.
2. Хворі та недоношені немовлята завжди потребують особливого
3. У відділенні реанімації новонароджених медсестри доглядають за
немовлятами цілодобово.

4. Медсестри у відділенні неонатології зважують та вимірюють дітей,
а також купають їх та навчають батьків, як це робити.
5. Медсестри неонатального відділення повинні бути терплячими та
уважними до усіх своїх пацієнтів.

Grammar Exercises
We use the term zero article when a noun is not preceded by a definite
or indefinite article.
Use Examples
 No article is used with a This _doctor makes his _morning
countable noun preceded by rounds every _day
 in the plural if the indefinite My parents are _doctors.
article is used in the singular;
 in the function of direct At what time may I visit my sister,
address; _nurse?
 Uncountable nouns expressing _Water is colourless.
abstract notions and names of _Love is all you need.
materials used in a general
sense have no article.
 names of meals normally do I'll have fruit for _lunch.
not take an article: Let’s go out for _dinner tonight.
 names of days, months,
on _Monday, in _March, in
seasons and holidays are
_summer, at _Christmas.
normally not preceded by an
but: in the summer of 2012
 certain parts of the day do not at _noon, at _night, at _midnight,
take an article (with the after _sunset, at _sunrise;
exception of in the but: in the morning/afternoon/
morning/afternoon/evening): evening.
 There is no article before a
The students have just read _section
noun followed by
C. She is staying in _ward 9.
a categorizing letter
or number:
 articles are often dropped in "Have you read '_Fundamentals of
the titles of books, movies, Nursing'?"
music and headlines. "_Stolen Painting Found by _Tree"

 In a number of set expressions:
at first go by bus/plane/train/ car;
at first sight; go to school/college /work;
at home; have fun;
at work; in advance;
at present (but: at the present in detail;
time); on duty;
by chance; on purpose;
by heart; on sale;
by mistake; play football/tennis/chess;
day by day; day after day; take care of;
do homework; from morning to(till) night
face to face; from time to time
day by day from head to foot
bit by bit from beginning to end.

I. Insert articles where necessary.

1. No … mistake was made while writing the final test.
2. … mistake was made while diagnosing the patient with acute leukemia.
3. By … mistake this patient was made a diagnosis of appendicitis.
4. On … Mondays the hematologist receives patients in his consulting room.
5. When will you make me an injection, ... nurse?
6. There are … anesthetists in the scrub-up room.
7. Both my … sister and … her husband are … therapeutists.
8. He is … therapeutist who treated my … mother in … winter of 2014.
9. Am I to go to … Ward 10, … doctor?
II. Choose the necessary article.
1. (A/The/An) nurse speaking to the doctor is very attentive.
2. There is (a/the/an) premature baby in the neonatal unit. (The/an/ - )
baby was born two days ago.
3. We are expecting (an/the/a) doctor from ( - /the/a) Europe.
4. This woman is expecting (a/an/the) baby.
5. (An/-/the) interesting fact is that most babies cry without tears until they
are three to six (the/-/a) weeks old.
6. Do you know (the/an/a) nurse who came from (-/the/a) Italy yesterday?
7. This is (a/the/an) biggest newborn baby I have ever seen.
8. In (the/-/an) USA nurses earn (a/the/-) lot of money.

III. Insert the missing article if necessary.
1. Is … Nile or … Amazon … longest river in … world?
2. I need to go to … hospital which is situated in … Franko Street.
3. She remained … neonatal nurse all her life.
4. … Shevchenko Park is … biggest park in … Ivano-Frankivsk.
5. We waited for … hour for our … doctor.
6. … nurse that took care of … Tom came from … New York.
7. Her staying in … hospital was out of … question.
8. Nurses are always in … hurry, because they want to take … proper care
of each … patient.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Правду кажучи, я б хотіла працювати у неонатальному відділенні.
2. Моя подруга переїжджає до Львова, щоб працювати у місцевій
3. Про всяк випадок медсестра залишилась в палаті біля пацієнта.
4. Мати уважно оглянула сина з голови до ніг.
5. Ось лікар, який призначив мені ці таблетки.
6. Мері випадково виявила своє захворювання.
7. Лікарі радять більше ходити пішки.
8. Пацієнт з палати №7 хоче поїхати додому.
9. Ця медсестра вміє грати на гітарі.
10. Лікарі часто рекомендують пацієнтам відпочивати на Чорному
морі для покращення здоров’я.
11. Він сподобався мені з першого погляду.
12. Минулого тижня мій товариш здійснив тур Європою і відвідав
такі країни, як Італія, Франція, Німеччина, Польща, Угорщина та

Lesson 1
Sterilization and Cleansing of Instruments
Text: Sterilization and Cleansing of Instruments
Grammar: Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses)
Active Vocabulary

tools інструменти
equipment обладнання
to get rid of smth позбутися
body surface поверхня тіла
manually власноруч, вручну
option вибір, варіант
germ мікроб
to be aware of smth бути обізнаним
autoclave автоклав, паровий
technique технологія
to soak вимочувати
to deteriorate погіршувати
contamination забруднення
solution розчин
to reduce знижувати
costly дорогий, вартісний
to discard викидати
forceps хірургічні щипці
scissors ножиці
to deal with мати справу
precaution застереження

Read the text and answer the following questions

Sterilization and Cleansing of Instruments

There is one effective way to avoid all the
risks that are connected with infections in
hospitals. All tools and pieces of equipment
that are used in order to perform some
procedures have to be sterilized, because this
plays an important role in preventing different
infections from spreading. This way, it is possible to get rid of all kinds of
harmful and dangerous particles that can do a lot of harm for the health of
patients that have to stay in clinics and hospitals. All instruments that
come in direct contact with the body surface and tissues need to be
sterilized before use.
There are two possible ways to clean the equipment – using special
automatic machines or manually. The first option is more effective, when
it comes to killing a number of viruses, bacteria and germs. No wonder
that all the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel must be aware of
how to do that properly.
Sterilization can be achieved with steam, gas, heat and chemicals.
Autoclaving is one of the most basic and commonly used sterilization
techniques. Reusable instruments are cleaned and dried, then lined on
sterilization trays. The tray is covered with cloth and then placed in an
autoclave for steam to kill all the microorganisms.
Gas sterilization uses ethylene oxide to sterilize the equipments. This
method is used for instruments that are heat sensitive like those made of
plastic materials.
Cold sterilization is soaking instruments in chemical solutions. This
type is best for instruments called “sharps”, whose sharpness can be
deteriorated when subjected to extreme heat. Instruments to be soaked in
chemicals should still be thoroughly cleaned and dried before soaking.
Time of soaking the instruments depends on the instrument type, amount
of possible contamination and the type of soaking solution.
Sterilization also helps in reducing the possibility of cross
contamination. This is a risk when equipment used in one patient is reused
for another. There are lots of equipments that can be reused, and are too
costly and impractical to discard after a single use. Such items include
metal equipments like forceps and scissors.

When cleaning and sterilizing all instruments and other pieces of
equipment, it is very important to make certain that they are in good
condition. There are several important steps to be followed to ensure that
medical specialists perform this task properly. For example, it is needed to
wear all the necessary protective clothes (gloves, face masks and so on) to
avoid all kinds of injuries when dealing with medical equipment. There are
many other precautions and steps to be followed to guarantee that only
sterile instruments will be used in hospitals and clinics.
1. What is an effective way to avoid all the risks that are connected with
infections in hospitals?
2. All instruments that come in direct contact with the body surface and
tissues are sterilized before use, aren’t they?
3. What are the possible ways to clean the equipment?
4. How can sterilization be achieved?
5. What do you know about autoclaving?
6. Is gas sterilization used for instruments that are heat sensitive?
7. Can you describe cold sterilization?
8. What is cross contamination?

I. Give and
the English Speech Exercises
equivalents of the following from the text.
Інструменти та обладнання; виконувати процедури; позбутися
небезпечних бактерій та мікробів; здоров’я пацієнтів; прямий
контакт; перед використанням; медичний персонал; інструменти
багаторазового використання; замочувати в хімічних розчинах; щипці
таножиці;кілька важливих кроків; необхідний захисний одяг;
II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Not all the tools and pieces of equipment that are used in order to
perform some medical procedures have to be sterilized.
2. There are three possible ways to clean the equipment.
3. Autoclaving is one of the most commonly used sterilization techniques.
4. Gas sterilization is used for instruments made of plastic materials.
5. Cold sterilization is soaking instruments in chemical solutions.
6. Time of soaking the instruments depends on the nurse qualification.

7. Sterilization does not help in reducing the possibility of cross
8. When sterilizing all instruments, it is not so much important to make
certain that they are in good condition.

III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. There is one effective way to avoid … .
2. All tools and pieces of equipment that are used in order to perform
some procedures have to be …, because this plays an important role in
preventing … .
3. This way, it is possible to get rid of … that can do a lot of harm for … .
4. There are two possible ways to clean the equipment – … .
5. … can be achieved with steam, gas, heat and chemicals.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
Proper …, cleaning and sterilization of instruments – these are major
… which lay in dental surgery success. That’s why … is performed with
the help of instrument intended exceptionally for a … patient visit, after
that they are … . During treatment of every patient single-used goods are
used – these are gloves and … for doctor and assistant, shoe cover, breast
napkins for a patient. The quality of sterilization is … by computer and
indicators. Most instruments require special care. … are cleaned in an
ultrasonic cleaning … during 15 minutes, after that they are sterilized in an
… (steam method) at the degree 121/134 ºC. Then instruments are put in
the ice packs with … .
(Tools, autoclave, treatment, controlled, recycling, single, masks,
apparatus, disinfection, packing machine, factors)

Grammar Exercises
The Passive Voice
They are two different ways of saying the same thing, We use the
active form to say what the subject does and we use the passive form
to say what happens to people and things, what is done to them. Both
sentences are correct and mean the same.
 Doctors examine patients at hospitals. Patients are examined
by doctors at hospitals.
We prefer to use Active Passive
the passive when:

 we don't know Someone performed The first ultrasound
who does, or did the first ultrasound examination was
the action: examination at our performed at our
hospital in 1980. hospital in 1980.
 it is not The nurse always The vital signs of the
important to checks the vital signs of patient are always
mention who does, the patient before this checked before this
or did the action: procedure. procedure.
If we want to The vital signs of the
mention it, we use patient are always
the preposition by: checked before this
procedure by the
Note: Some 1. A new treatment
sentences have will be given to the
two objects, patient.
The doctor will give the
indirect and direct.
patient a new treatment. 2. The patient will be
So two passive
given a new
sentences can be
The Indefinite Tenses in the Passive Voice are composed of two
elements: the appropriate form of the verb 'to be' + the past
participle of the verb:
Past Indefinite Passive Present Indefinite Future Indefinite
Passive Passive
was am
V3(ed) is V3(ed) will be V3(ed)
were are
The text will be
The text was translated The text is translated translated

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is English spoken?
2. When was our University founded?
3. What foreign languages are taught at our college?
4. What subjects are taught at medical college?
5. What languages are spoken in Ukraine?

II. Read the sentences and decide if they are Active or Passive. Change
Active into Passive Voice.
1. The X-ray was not performed last week.
2. Gas sterilization uses ethylene oxide to sterilize the equipment.
3. Computers control the quality of sterilization.
4. The doctor checked up my kidneys thoroughly.
5. The operating-room will be prepared for operation tomorrow.
6. The doctor marked some changes in the patient’s blood pressure.
7. The nurse aired the ward yesterday.
8. The patient takes sedatives before going to bed.
9. The most common sterilization trays are made of stainless steel.
10.Professor Burke will deliver a lecture in Histology tomorrow.
III. Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.
1. These professors (are invited, invited, were invited) to the conference
last week.
2. He (born, was born, is born) in a family of a famous Ukrainian surgeon.
3. This reference book (is published, publish, was published) in 2006.
4. They (is informed, inform, were informed) of the accident by the
policeman the day before yesterday.
5. Reusable instruments (clean, will not be cleaned, are cleaned) usually
before sterilization.
6. A nurse (will be asked, is ask, was asked) by the doctor about the
precautions and rules of sterilization yesterday.

IV. Complete the sentences with the right Passive form of the verb.
1. Instruments … (to line up) along the trays during the sterilization
2. The student scientific conference … (to hold) next semester at our
3. He … (to administer) a complete blood analysis last week.
4. The prescription usually … (not to write out) by the nurse.
5. Instruments … (to prepare) for sterilization beforehand.
6. All kinds of harmful and dangerous particles … (to kill) during
7. The tools … (to soak) in chemical solutions tomorrow.
8. Six boys and five girls … (to bear) in this maternity home yesterday.

V. Change the following into the Passive Voice. Leave out the subject
of the action as in the model.
Model: Everyone looked at the patient. – The patient was looked at.
1. Someone washes the trolley with soap and water.
2. Someone then dries the trolleys.
3. Someone carries out most of these procedures in the ward.
4. Someone mops the trolley with an antiseptic.
5. The nurse will look after the children.
6. The students listened to this lecturer with great interest.
7. They will show us a new surgical department.
8. The nurse gave him her telephone number.
9. The child takes vitamins regularly.
10.The surgeon rinses his hands with an antiseptic.
VI. Use the Passive Voice according to the model.
Model: My friend gave me an interesting book.
An interesting book was given to me.
I was given an interesting book.
1. They gave us no explanation.
2. They will show us new instruments.
3. She will tell me her phone number later.
4. After graduation they offered him a good job.
5. Did you send him a telegram?
6. They can’t tell her the truth.
7. They gave the patient a bunch of flowers.

Lesson 2
Care of Wounds
Text: Types and Care of Wounds
Grammar: Passive Voice (Continuous Tenses)
Active Vocabulary

trauma травма
burn опік
pressure injury пролежень
consequence наслiдoк
prominence виступ
friction тертя, протирання
delay затримка
healing () загоєння
deterioration погіршення
to cope with справлятися
pus discharge гнійні виділення
odour запах
deliberately навмисно, свідомо
slough струп
reduction зменшення
recurrent повторний
to combat () побороти
hemostasis ( ) зупинка кровотечі
inflammation запалення
proliferation ( ) проліферація,
розростання тканини
maturation дозрівання, рубцювання
scar шрам, рубець

Read the text and answer the following questions

Types and Care of Wounds
The care of wounds depends on the type of wounds greatly. There
are some of them in medical practice: trauma wounds, burns, pressure
injuries, infected wounds, acute surgical wounds, chronic wounds, etc.

Trauma wounds are stressful events
caused by either a mechanical or a chemical
injury resulting in tissue damage. Depending on
its level, trauma can have serious short-term and
long-term consequences.
Injuries to tissues caused by heat, friction,
electricity, radiation, or chemicals are called
burns. Burns may be caused by heat greater than
120°F (49°C).
A pressure injury is a localised injury to
the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a
result of pressure, friction, or a combination of these factors.
Infected wounds are wounds in which bacteria or other
microorganisms have colonized, causing either a delay in wound healing
or deterioration of the wound. Infected wounds result when the body’s
immune system is weak and cannot cope with bacterial growth. An
infected wound may be characterized by increased pain, redness or
swelling, pus discharge, bad odour or non-healing of the wound.
An acute surgical wound is a clean cut with a sharp instrument which
cuts the skin deliberately during a surgical procedure. If an acute wound
fails to heal within six weeks, it can become a chronic wound. Their
clinical signs are: sloughs and/or necrosis; wound tissue may be pale,
greyish; no reduction in wound size over time; recurrent wound
The primary factor that needs to be addressed in wound infections is
proper wound care. A wound requires a moist (not wet) environment for
proper functioning of the cells responsible for wound healing. It is
recommended that dressings should be changed daily (or more often), and
that proper precautions (washing hands prior to dressing the wound,
sterilized equipment, etc.) during wound dressing be taken in order to
minimize the risk of further infection. The use of antibiotics, whether
applied directly to the wound or taken orally should only be given under
the direction of a physician. In some cases of severe infection,
intravenous antibiotics may be given to combat blood infection (sepsis).
Taking proper care of surgical wounds can lower the risk of infection
and help the wound to heal. The process by which surgical wounds heal is
complex but can be divided up into several steps:
 Hemostasis (blood clotting) – within the first few minutes of injury,
platelets in the blood begin to stick to the injured site. This makes a

clot that serves to plug the break in the blood vessel,
slowing/preventing further bleeding.
 Inflammation – this happens straight away and lasts for up to 10 days;
during this time the amount of blood flowing to the wound increases,
causing heat, redness, pain and loss of function.
 Proliferation (tissue growth) – this starts after a few days and can carry
on for several weeks. New blood vessels grow to bring nutrients to the
wound and new tissue starts to develop. The wound will become
smaller as it heals.
 Maturation (remodeling) – the final phase of healing, when scar tissue
is formed. The wound at this stage is still at risk and should be still
1. What does the care of wounds depend on?
2. What are stressful events caused by mechanical or chemical injuries?
3. Do electricity and radiation cause burns or pressure injuries?
4. How can an infected wound be characterized?
5. An acute surgical wound is a clean cut with a sharp instrument which
cuts the skin deliberately during a surgical procedure, isn’t it?
6. What are the clinical signs of chronic wounds?
7. A wound requires a wet environment for proper functioning of the cells
responsible for wound healing, doesn’t it?
8. Are intravenous antibiotics given to combat blood infection in all the
cases? Why?
9. What are steps of surgical wound healing?
10.What does the term “proliferation” mean?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match the word-combinations with their translations.
1) infected wounds a) вказівка лікаря;
2) clinical signs b) рецедивний перебіг рани;
3) tissue damage c) спричиняти затримку;
4) long-term consequences d) почервоніння та набряк;
5) recurrent wound breakdown e) інфекційні рани;
6) to cause a delay f) запобігти подальшій кровотечі;
7) redness and swelling g) клінічні ознаки;
8) to minimize the risk h) пошкодження тканини;
9) direction of a physician i) зводити ризик до мінімуму;
10) to prevent further bleeding j) тривалі наслідки.

II. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. A clean cut with a sharp instrument which cuts the skin deliberately
during a surgical procedure.
2. New skin cells develop to seal your wound and a scar forms.
3. A localized injury to the skin usually over a bony prominence, as a
result of pressure and friction.
4. New blood vessels grow to bring nutrients to the wound and new tissue
starts to develop.
5. Stressful events caused by either a mechanical or a chemical injury
resulting in tissue damage.
6. Wounds in which bacteria or other microorganisms cause either a delay
in wound healing or deterioration of the wound.

III. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. There are some types of … in medical practice.
2. … are stressful events caused by either … resulting in tissue damage.
3. Injuries to tissues caused by … are called burns.
4. A pressure injury is … usually over …, as a result of … .
5. Infected wounds result … and cannot cope with … .
6. … is a clean cut with a sharp instrument which cuts the skin … .
7. Wound healing can be divided up into several steps: … .

IV. Study the Factors Delaying Wound Healing. Discuss them with
your groupmates.
Holistic assessment of the patient is an important part of the wound care
process. A number of local and systemic factors can delay or impair
wound healing. These may include:
1. Malnutrition – inadequate supply of proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids,
and trace elements essential for all phases of wound healing.
2. Cardiovascular and autoimmune disorders.
3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids.
4. Chemotherapy – suppresses the immune system and inflammatory
5. Radiotherapy – increases production of free radical which damage cells.
6. Psychological stress and lack of sleep.
7. Obesity and immobility.
8. Alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Grammar Exercises

Present Continuous Passive:

am The wounds are being cleaned by
is being + V3 the nurse at the moment.
Past Continuous Passive:
The patient was being examined by
was the surgeon when the nurse came.
being + V3
NOTE:The Future Continuous Tense is not used in the Passive
Voice. (Present Indefinite Passive is used)
I. Answer the questions as in the model.
Model: – Are they still restoring the hospital?
– Yes, the hospital is still being restored.
1. Is the doctor still examining David?
2. Is Kate still sterilizing the dishes?
3. Is the physician still questioning the patient?
4. Are they still building a new polyclinic?
5. Is Ann still dressing John’s wound?
6. Are they still using this room as a library?
7. Is the nurse still polishing the floor?
8. Is the secretary still typing the documents?
II. Change the following sentences from the Active Voice into the
Passive Voice.
1. She is rubbing in healing ointment to relieve pain and skin irritation.
2. The nurse was giving me the injection of camphor when my friend
came in.
3. The students are taking notes of the lecture in Anatomy now.
4. I’m taking the patient’s blood pressure now.
5. The therapeutists were questioning their patients thoroughly.
6. The doctors were carefully treating me when I was at the in-patient
department last winter.
7. Our district doctor was making calls when I came to the polyclinic.
8. Now we are ordering the cough mixture at this chemist’s.
9. These patients were following a strict diet for two months last year.
10.The doctor is checking the patient’s eyesight now.

III. Open the brackets using Present Continuous Passive or Past
Continuous Passive.
1. The result of your blood test still … (to discuss) by the doctors.
2. The letters … (to post) at 5 o’clock yesterday.
3. The ward … (to clean) at the moment by the nurse on duty.
4. The dinner … (to cook) when I came home yesterday.
5. I cannot use my car at the moment. It … (to repair) now.
6. The child … (to examine) by this well-known professor at 10 o’clock
7. A new polyclinic … (to build) in our town now.
8. The Anatomy tests … (to write) at that time yesterday.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Не заходьте в палату! Вона зараз провітрюється.
2. Питання для обговорення на студентській конференції зараз
3. Студентам пояснювали тему «Типи ран», коли я зайшла в
4. Почекайте хвилинку! Інструменти стерилізуються.
5. Вчора в цей час медсестрі пояснювали застереження щодо

Lesson 3
Text: Injections
Grammar: Passive Voice (Perfect Tenses)
I.Active Vocabulary

syringe шприц
sufficient достатній, суттєвий
subcutaneous підшкірний
epidural епідуральний
inoculation укол, ін’єкція
to sanitize дезінфікувати
to prep готувати
beneath нижче
to tolerate терпіти, переносити
to expose піддавати, ставити під

Read the text and answer the following questions

In medical care, an injection (often referred
to as a "shot" in US English) is an infusion
method of putting fluid into the body, usually
with a syringe and a hollow needle which is
pierced through the skin to a sufficient depth
for the material to be administered into the
body. Injections are among the most common
health care procedures throughout the world.
95% of injections are administered in curative
care, 3% are for immunization, and the rest for other
purposes, such as blood transfusions. In some cases the term
injection is used synonymously with inoculation.
There are several methods of injection, including subcutaneous,
intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous, intracardiac, epidural and others.
Each type of injection is used for a specific purpose, but the procedures for
preparing the injections are the same. Obviously, washing hands is vital
before any medical procedure. Then the needle and syringe are prepared

for use and the medication is loaded up. Lastly, the injection site is
sanitized and prepped.
An intradermal injection is the technique used to inject fluids into the
top layer of the skin. It is most frequently used to test for certain health
problems, including many allergies and tuberculosis. This type of injection
is administered in an area of the skin that is soft. The fluid that is inserted
with an intradermal injection will lie just beneath the skin’s surface in
between the layers of skin. This sometimes causes the site of the injection
to swell.
Intramuscular injections are the best tolerated forms of injection, and
they are also the safest way of injecting medication into a patient.
Intramuscular shots are given in the muscles of buttocks, thighs and upper
arms. Generally, intramuscular injections are administered by a trained
medical professional; however, prescribed self-administered intramuscular
injections are becoming more common for patients who require these
injections routinely.
An intravenous injection is the introduction of drugs directly into the
bloodstream via a hollow needle inserted into a vein. Compared with other
routes of administration, the intravenous route is one of the fastest ways to
deliver fluids and medications throughout the body. Some medications, as
well as blood transfusions, can only be given intravenously.
Subcutaneous injections are used in cases where the medication
needs to be absorbed slowly. When administering a subcutaneous
injection, the needle has to go through the first 2 layers of skin – the
epidermis and dermis – and penetrate into the fatty layer of the skin,
known as the subcutaneous tissue. Insulin is one type of medicine that is
injected in this way, as are a number of immunizations.
It is of vital importance that injections are carried out safely, i.e. in a
way that does not harm the patient or expose the health care worker to
unnecessary risk. The use of sterile equipment for all injections is
1. What is an injection?
2. Injections are among the least common health care procedures, aren’t they?
3. Are there different methods of injections?
4. How can an intradermal injection be characterized?
5. When is it usually used?
6. Which forms of injection are best tolerated?
7. Are intramuscular shots given only in the muscles of buttocks?
8. What is one of the fastest ways to deliver medications throughout the body?

9. When are subcutaneous injections used?
10.What is essential for all injections?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations
from the text.
A syringe and a hollow needle; a sufficient depth; curative care; an
intradermal injection; an injection site; the top layer of the skin; directly
into the bloodstream; the safest way of injecting medication; self-
administered intramuscular injections; blood transfusions; the fatty layer of
the skin; subcutaneous tissue; sterile equipment.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. An injection is an infusion method of …, usually with … .
2. There are several methods of injection, including … .
3. An intradermal injection is the technique used to inject ... .
4. Intramuscular injections are …, and they are also the safest way of … .
5. An intravenous injection is the introduction of drugs … .
6. … are used in cases where the medication needs to be absorbed slowly.
III. Put the steps of giving an intramuscular injection in the correct
□ Inject medication slowly (around 10 seconds per
ml), remove needle quickly, and gently apply pressure
to site for 10 seconds.
□Discard the syringe. Never recap the needle
□ Spread the tissue taut with your non-dominant hand.
Have the patient relax and take a deep breath. As he
inhales, insert the needle at a 90 degree angle in a
quick dart-like motion.
□ Apply Band-Aid if needed.
□ Explain the procedure to the patient and choose an appropriate site.
□ Confirm the medication order, wash your hands and prepare the syringe.
□ Put off gloves and wash your hands.
□ Assess patient for response to the injection.
□ Put on gloves. Swab the injection site with an alcohol pad. Allow the
alcohol to dry.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets. Can you give
any advice for Anna?
"I want to be a nurse, but I'm terrified of giving injections.
How can I overcome my fear?"
“I’m about halfway through my first nursing … and absolutely loving
it. The only … is I’m terrified of … injections. I’ve wanted to be a nurse
all my life and I am passionate about … people but I’m embarrassed to
say, I don’t think I’ve got it in me to give injections. “So far, I’ve managed
… giving them but I know at some point I’m going to have to and just
thinking about this makes me … . “I know it sounds …, but I really don’t
think I can do it. Is it … to be a nurse and not give injections? I’m … to
think that if I can’t do something with this then maybe nursing isn’t the …
for me after all.”
(Career, problem, feel sick, possible, caring for, course, starting, silly, to
avoid, giving).

Grammar Exercises
Present Perfect Passive:
The ward has been cleaned by the
have been +
has V3 nurse twice.
Past Perfect Passive: The patient had been given an
had been + V3 injection before the morning round
Future Perfect Passive:
I will have been taught Passive Voice
(rarely used)
by the end of the term.
will have been + V3
I. Say that the action hasn't been done. Use the suggested words.
Model: – Let’s go to Mike’s birthday. (to invite)
– How can we? We haven't been invited.
1. Put on your new white gown. (to iron)
2. Can you give me an English dictionary? (to return)
3. Let’s look through today’s newspapers. (to deliver)
4. Why is Mary so sad? (to praise)
5. Does the patient feel better? (to operate on)
6. Can I take your bicycle? (to repair)
II. Open the brackets using Present Perfect Passive.
1. Injections … (to perform) already.

2. Intravenous antibiotics … (to give) to this patient recently.
3. A surgical wound … (to make) in the skin during the operation.
4. The syringe … (not to prepare) by the nurse yet.
5. This nice house … (to build) recently.
6. The child already … (to examine) by this well-known professor.
III. Open the brackets using the Present, Past or Future Perfect Passive
1. The tests … (to write) before the bell rings.
2. The drugs … (to sell) by the time I came.
3. His bike … (to steal) recently.
4. The hospital … (to build) by 2020.
5. I can use my car at the moment. It … (to repair) already.
6. This reference book … (to publish) by the end of next month.
IV. Change the following sentences from the Active Voice into the
Passive Voice.
1. Mary has lost her glasses.
2. We have looked for the nurse everywhere.
3. They went home after they had finished the work.
4. My little brother has broken his arm.
5. She has locked the door.
6. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.
7. The teacher has checked our dictations.
8. They had told him the news before he left.
V. Translate into English.
1. Вакцинацію буде проведено до кінця осені.
2. Студентську конференцію щойно проведено в нашому
3. Коли я зайшла в палату, хворого вже було оглянуто.
4. Студентам вже було продемонстровано нові прилади, коли вона
зайшла в аудиторію.
5. Викладач сказав, що роботи вже перевірено.
6. Лікар зателефонував нам і сказав, що діагноз уже підтверджено.
7. Медсестрам вже пояснено особливості внутрішньом’язових

Lesson 4

Text: Infusions
Grammar: Passive Voice (Review)
I.Active Vocabulary

infusion внутрішньовенне
вливання, інфузія
incision розріз, надріз
catheter катетер
efficient ефективний
alert пильний
antiviral противірусний засіб
cancer drugs ліки від раку
pain management усунення болю
to calculate обчислювати
irritating подразливий
adverse reaction несприятлива реакція
rash висип
dehydration зневоднення
swelling набряк
abnormality порушення норми
chart таблиця, карта

Read the text and answer the following questions


Infusion therapy is a type of

medical treatment in which medication
is delivered directly into the body
through intravenous incisions with the
help of a needle or a catheter. This type
of therapy is used when treating a
condition with oral medication is not an
option for a variety of reasons, ranging

from swallowing disorders to the use of medications that would be
destroyed in the stomach and must therefore be delivered directly.
Drugs are typically run using an intravenous drip method to ensure
that no air enters the bloodstream. This requires the medication to be
stored in a bag and slowly released into tubing which is attached to the
needle. IV therapy is typically much faster and more efficient than taking
medications orally, and allows more thorough distribution of drugs
throughout the body. The decision to prescribe additional fluids is always a
doctor's decision. However, as a nurse it is important to be alert to signs
that may indicate abnormalities and point them out to the ward doctor.
Medications, such as antibiotics, antivirals, and cancer drugs can be
delivered through infusion therapy. This type of therapy is also used in
pain management. In cases where patients need more fluids, this method
can be used for hydration, as is done after surgery for many patients, and
infusions can also be used to deliver nutrition to a patient who cannot eat.
You must take special care to avoid errors in calculating doses and in
preparing drugs, because intravenous drugs take effect immediately.
Double check the five "rights" of drug administration: right dose, right
drug, right patient, right route, right time.
You must also know the desired action and potential side effects of all
the intravenous drugs you give.
o Many drugs are very irritating or damaging to tissues outside the veins.
o You must carefully monitor all patients on IV therapy.
o Watch the patient for any signs of an adverse reaction, including a rash,
trouble with breathing, increased pulse rate, vomiting, and signs of
o Check the insertion site for swelling, redness, hardness or pain.
o Check the IV flow rate to make sure it is correct. The flow rate must be
monitored extremely carefully and frequently in infants, children, the
elderly, critically ill patients and patients with dehydration, heart and
kidney disease or diabetes.
Usually, this type of treatment takes place on an inpatient basis, with
the patient staying in the hospital and being monitored during the course of
the treatment. Today, it is often offered as an outpatient procedure.
Infusion teams typically include a doctor who writes a prescription
and develops a schedule for infusions, and infusion therapy nurses who
actually perform the treatments and monitor the patients while treatment is
ongoing. These nursing professionals are highly trained in therapy

1. What is infusion therapy?
2. When is it prescribed?
3. Is IV therapy typically slower or faster than taking medications orally?
4. Is it usually a nurse's decision to prescribe additional fluids?
5. What medications are usually delivered through infusion therapy?
6. Intravenous fluids aren’t used for pain management, are they?
7. What are the five "rights" of drug administration?
8. Does this type of treatment take place on an inpatient or outpatient
9. Whom does an infusion team typically include?

I. Give and Speech
English equivalents ofExercises
the following word-combinations.
Внутрішньовенний розріз; голка чи катетер; ряд різних причин;
кровотік; приймати ліки перорально; призначати; пильний; вказувати
на порушення; лікуючий лікар; антибіотики, противірусні і
протиракові препарати; усунення болю; уникати помилок;
обчислювати дозу; вступати в дію відразу; побічні ефекти;
збільшення частоти пульсу; ознаки зневоднення; амбулаторна
процедура; розробляти графік.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Infusion therapy is a type of medical treatment in which … .
2. This type of therapy is used when … .
3. Drugs are typically run using … to ensure that no air enters the … .
4. This requires the medication to be … into tubing which is attached to
the needle.
5. Medications, such as … can be delivered through infusion therapy.
6. Remember the five "rights" of drug administration: … .
III. Match the terms from the box with their definitions.
1. … - -an object
Infusion nurseorcannula
which hasward
been blood
invented to fulfill a particular
prescription device
purpose; a method which is used to produce a desired effect.
2. … - a set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing smth;
a medical operation.
3. … - a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the
medicine or drugs that someone needs.

4. … - one of the parts or large rooms into which a hospital is divided, for
treating people with a similar type of condition.
5. … - the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries
oxygen and important substances to organs and tissue, and removes
waste products.
6. … - a tube that can be inserted into the body, often for the delivery or
removal of fluid or for the gathering of data.
7. … - a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured,
especially in a hospital.
8. … - the introducing of a solution (as of glucose) especially into a vein.
ІV. Choose the correct preposition in the following text.
Intravenous (IV) cannulae are the most common in/at hospital use. A
venous cannula is inserted into/from a vein, primarily for/on the
administration of/by intravenous fluids, after/for obtaining blood samples
and by/for administering medicines. Complications may arise in/at the vein
as a result of the cannulation procedure, the four main groups of/for
complication are:
 hematoma: a collection of/from blood, which can result from/by failure
to puncture the vein when the cannula is inserted or when the cannula is
 infiltration: when infusate enters the subcutaneous tissue instead of
the vein. It is essential to fix the cannula in/by place firmly.
 embolism: this can be caused by/with air, a thrombus, or fragment
of/on a catheter breaking off/of and entering the venous system. Air
embolism can be avoided by/at making sure that there is no air in/for the
 phlebitis: an inflammation of/from the vein resulting from/on
mechanical or chemical irritation or at/from an infection.
V. Read the following text for supplementary reading. Discuss it with
your groupmates.
An infusion pump infuses fluids, medication or
nutrients into a patient's circulatory system. It is
generally used intravenously, although subcutaneous,
arterial and epidural infusions are occasionally used.
Infusion pumps can administer fluids in ways that
would be impractically expensive or unreliable if
performed manually by nursing staff. For example ,
they can administer as little as 0.1 mL per hour

injections (too small for a drip), injections every minute, injections with
repeated boluses requested by the patient, up to maximum number per
hour (e.g. inpatient-controlled analgesia), or fluids whose volumes vary by
the time of day. Because they can also produce quite high but
controlled pressures, they can inject controlled amounts of fluids
subcutaneously (beneath the skin), or epidurally (just within the surface of
the central nervous system – a very popular local spinal anesthesia for
Some pumps offer modes in which the amounts can be scaled or
controlled based on the time of day. This allows for circadian cycles which
may be required for certain types of medication.

Grammar Exercises
I. Translate the following into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the place of
prepositions in the sentences.
1. This infusion nurse was being spoken about at the meeting yesterday.
2. The patient is being looked at with great surprise.
3. This first year student is often laughed at.
4. The professor was waited for.
5. The lungs are being listened to by the doctor now.
6. The child is usually best cared for by mother.
II. Choose the most suitable tense form from the brackets.
1. The new hospital (hasn’t been finished/ wasn’t finished) yet.
2. Sue told us her baby (is born/ had been born) two weeks earlier than
3. When (were you told/ have you been told) about the conference?
4. I don’t think that you (will be asked/ are being asked) to show your
5. If there is too much work, the party (has been cancelled / will be
6. Infusion therapy (is prescribed / have been prescribed) when a patient’s
condition cannot be treated effectively by oral medications.

III. Open the brackets using the verb in appropriate tense and voice.
1. The ward … (to restore) at the moment.
2. No dogs … (to allow) in the hospital. Please leave them outside.
3. A new school … (to build) on that site next year.
4. Two patients … (to see) in the street yesterday morning.

5. The medications … (already/to prepare).
6. The patient’s relatives … (not to inform) of cannulation procedure yet.
IV. Change the following sentences from the active voice into the
passive voice.
1. She has broken her hand.
2. The teacher asks me at every lesson.
3. They will publish this book next week.
4. The students are listening to a teacher very carefully.
5. The doctor gave the patient a new treatment.
6. The nurse checked the blood pressure of the patient before
the operation.
7. They were carrying the injured person to the hospital.
8. The doctor has received ten patients this morning.
9. They had sent for the relatives before the operation started.
10. They prepared vaccine for influenza.
11. The nurse was giving a patient an injection of camphor at 8
p.m. yesterday.
12. The students are taking notes of the lecture now.
13. The therapeutists were questioning their patients thoroughly.
14. This doctor is seeing patients in Room 17.
15. We are ordering drugs for intravenous injections at this chemist’s.

Lesson 5
Text: Intubations
Grammar: Reported Speech
Active Vocabulary

intubation інтубація, зондування

to refer стосуватися, посилатися
to secure захищати
to guide скеровувати, направляти
laryngoscope ларингоскоп
to thread проходити крізь,
extubation екстубація, видалення
інтубаційної трубки
saline сіль, фізрозчин
contents вміст
esophageal wall стінка стравоходу
inflatable надувний
in conjunction у поєднанні
outcome результат

Read the text and answer the following questions

Intubation refers generally to
inserting a flexible tube anywhere in the
human body, but most people use it
specifically to refer to tracheal intubation,
which involves putting a tube down into
someone’s trachea to secure his or her
Intubation is often used in emergency
medicine when a patient is having difficulty
in breathing, and it is also used during surgery to keep the airway open for
the delivery of anaesthetic drugs and oxygen. In addition, patients on
mechanical ventilators will be intubated so that the ventilator can breathe
for them. Tracheal intubation is potentially a very dangerous invasive
procedure that requires a great deal of clinical experience to master. When


improperly, the associated complications may rapidly lead to the patient’s
Orotracheal intubation is one of the most commonly performed
procedures in hospitals worldwide. When a patient cannot breathe on his
or her own, physicians insert a plastic tube into the mouth and into the
trachea. The physician uses a medical device known as a laryngoscope to
pull down the patient’s jaw to better view the trachea. Advanced
laryngoscopes have cameras attached so a physician can see the tracheal
opening on a television monitor.
When a tube is threaded through the nose into the airway, it is called
nasotracheal intubation. In both cases, the doctor carefully listens to the
patient’s breath sounds to ensure that the tube is in the trachea, and that air
is being supplied to both lungs. When the tube is removed, the procedure is
known as extubation. Patients are extubated when they are feeling better,
or when a surgery is over and the patient is ready to breathe on his or her
Intubation procedures into the gastrointestinal tract can have one of
two purposes: to pump the stomach or feed a patient if he or she cannot eat.
In the first case, a patient is usually sedated before a narrow tube is guided
through the esophagus and into the stomach. A physician introduces a
small amount of saline before taking up an equal amount of stomach
contents; this process is repeated until no further stomach contents are
present in the returned fluid. For giving nutrients to a patient, the tube is
run through the nose and into the stomach. This feature allows for a patient
to breathe on his or her own while he or she receives food.
Gastrointestinal intubation procedures can also stop esophageal
bleeding. A tube includes an inflatable balloon that applies pressure to the
esophageal wall. Used in conjunction with medication, the device speeds
up the clotting process, leading to better patient outcomes.
1. What is intubation?
2. When is tracheal intubation used?
3. Tracheal intubation isn’t a dangerous procedure, is it?
4. What does the physician use to pull down the patient’s jaw to better
view the trachea?
5. What is nasotracheal intubation?
6. When are patients extubated?
7. What is the purpose of intubation procedures into the gastrointestinal tract?
8. What procedure can stop esophageal bleeding?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Гнучка трубка; невідкладна медична допомога; утруднення
дихання; анестетики; механічний вентилятор; небезпечна
інвазивна процедура; медичний пристрій; найсучасніший
ларингоскоп; телевізійний монітор; звуки дихання; через
стравохід; вміст шлунка; кровотеча стравоходу; надувна куля;
процес згортання; кращі результати.
II. Give the opposites of the following from the text.
Extubation, closed, safe, properly, slowly, rarely, inserted, worse, wide,
large, different, absent, to give, to start, to slow down.
III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the
false statements.
1. In medicine, intubation refers to the placement of a tube anywhere in
the human body.
2. In orotracheal intubation a tube is passed through the nose, larynx,
vocal cords, and trachea.
3. Intubation is often used in emergency medicine when a patient is
having difficulty in swallowing.
4. Tracheal intubation can provide mechanical ventilation.
5. The patient can die if intubation is performed improperly.
6. Intubation procedures into the gastrointestinal tract cannot help to
pump the stomach.
IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Intubation is … to secure … .
2. When the tube is removed, the procedure is known as … .
3. Intubation is often used in emergency medicine when …, and it is also
used during … .
4. In addition, patients on … will be intubated so that the ventilator can … .
5. Tracheal intubation is potentially a very dangerous … that requires … .
6. Intubation procedures into … can have one of two purposes: to pump …
or feed … .
V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
A number of different complications of intubation are … . The
tube itself can occasionally cause … to the patient undergoing this

procedure. Rarely, the tube can damage the … cords, leading to
problems with talking. The tube can also pass into the … instead of
into the trachea, leading to tears in the esophagus.
With … care of the intubated patients pneumonia can occur. This
type of infection develops because the lungs of … patients are less
protected as compared to people who are breathing normally because
air is pumped directly into the lungs.
(Harm, esophagus, possible, improper, vocal, intubated).

Grammar Exercises

We often use “reported speech” (also known as indirect speech)

when we want to reproduce what somebody says or said. When talking
about a conversation that happened in the past the tense usually goes one
step back into the past. Personal and possessive pronouns change
according to the meaning.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

The nurse said: The nurse said (that)
 Present Indefinite  Past Indefinite
“I work hard.” she worked hard.
 Present Continuous  Past Continuous
“I am listening to you.” she was listening to me.
 Past Indefinite
“I cleaned the ward an hour ago.”
 Present Perfect
 Past Perfect
“I have cleaned the ward today.”
she had cleaned the ward ….
 Past Perfect
“I had cleaned the ward by 8.”
 Past Continuous
“I was giving injections.”
 Present Perfect Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous
“I have been giving injections” she had been giving injections.
 Past Perfect Continuous
“I had been giving injections”
 Future Tenses  Future-in-the-Past
“I will do it later.” she would do it later.

 We do not need to change the tense if the reporting verb is in the
present, or if the original statement was about something that is still true:
- “Metals conduct electricity.”
The teacher explained (that) metals conduct electricity. (general truth)
 Other reporting verbs can be used.
- Decide, think, add, explain, answer, reply, announce,
claim, complain, deny, refuse, promise, admit.
I. Report the statements. What did Mary tell her Granny?
— I have just had dinner.
— I haven’t done my homework yet.
— I wasn’t at college because I felt badly.
— I had a horrible headache.
— Mother didn’t call the doctor.
— I’m going to the conference on Friday.
— We can buy the pills for you.
— Father will drive you back home in the evening.
— I’ll meet you at the bus station.
Mary told her Granny that …

II. Put the following statements into reported speech.

1. “I often ask my head nurse to help me”, Ann said.
2. “I´m very happy because I have just got my diploma”, I said.
3. “I can´t go to the concert. I’ve got a terrible headache”, Jim said.
4. “The doctor gets angry when nurses arrive late”, they said.
5. “He studied very hard and got an excellent mark”, his teacher said.
6. “There are three people waiting for the doctor”, she said.
7. Jack said, “I’m repairing the stethoscope”.
8. Andrew said, “I can’t remember the name of my patient”.
9. We said, “We returned home at five o’clock”.
10. Our teacher said, “I know about this fact”
11. Sally said, “We were discussing the plan of care at that time”.
12. Tony said, “I have just finished my report”.
13. Den said, “The doctor hasn’t come yet”.
14. Mark said, “I will be in time for the meeting”.
15. Sam said, “Athens is the capital of Greece”.
16. Jessica said, “I have just read a very interesting article, Vicky”.

III. The registered nurse told nursing students about her last
observation of the patient. Report her words.
- First, I weighed the patient and wrote the weight on the chart. Then I
took the patient’s temperature. I asked the patient to turn his or her head
and I had to wait for the beep. Next, I checked the patient’s blood pressure
and pulse. I counted the patient’s respirations, and noted them down on the
chart too.
I always follow the same procedure. I was very quick because I do the
same things every day.
The registered nurse said first she had weighed the patient and …
IV. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Медсестра сказала, що вона дасть ліки цьому хворому.
2. Медсестра сказала, що вона дає ліки цьому хворому кожного дня.
3. Медсестра сказала, що вона дала ліки цьому хворому раніше.
4. Він сказав, що лікар прокладає трубку через ніс пацієнта в
5. Він сказав, що лікар вже проклав трубку через ніс пацієнта в
6. Він сказав, що лікар прокладатиме трубку через ніс пацієнта в
шлунок о 9 год.
7. Пацієнт сказав, що прийме ці ліки.
8. Пацієнт сказав, що приймав ці ліки.
9. Пацієнт сказав, що приймає ці ліки вже тиждень.
10. У своїй лекції професор повідомив, що кровоносні судини
поділяються на артерії, вени і капіляри.

Lesson 6
Text: Enema
Grammar: Reported Speech
Active Vocabulary

enema клізма
barium sulphate сульфат барію
purpose ціль
faeces фекалії
constipation закреп
impacted ущільнений
to soften пом'якшувати
prior до
tap water водопровідна вода
imbalance дисбаланс
sigmoid colon сигмовидна кишка
to lubricate змазувати
force сила
upsetting неприємний,

Read the text and answer the following questions

An enema (enemata) is the
introduction of fluid into the rectum
via a tube. Warm saline or oil may be
used for the purpose of clearing the
faeces when there is serious
constipation. Enemas are also used for
the administration of drugs by this
route, and for the diagnostic use of
barium sulphate to visualize the colon
and rectum by X-ray.
Enemas may be given for the following purposes:
o to remove faeces when an individual is constipated;
o to infuse oil into the rectum to help soften faeces when the person is

o to remove faeces and cleanse the rectum in preparation for a surgical
procedure to prevent contamination of the surgical area;
o to administer drugs or anaesthetic agents.
The rectal tube used for infusion of the enema solution should be
smooth and flexible to decrease the possibility of damage to the mucous
membrane that lines the rectum. Tap water is commonly used for adults
but should not be used for infants because of the danger of electrolyte
Enemas should not be administered to individuals who have recently
had colon or rectal surgery, a heart attack, or who complain of
undiagnosed abdominal pain (which can be a ruptured appendix), or suffer
from an irregular heartbeat.
When the enema is administered, the individual is usually on the left
side-lying position, which places the sigmoid colon (lower portion of
bowel) below the rectum and facilitates infusion of fluid. Enemas can be
large or small depending on their purpose. The length of time it takes to
administer an enema depends on the amount of fluid to be infused. The
amount of fluid administered will vary depending on the age and size of
the person receiving the enema.
The rectal tube used for infusion of the solution, usually made of
rubber or plastic, has two or more openings at the end through which the
solution can flow into the bowel. The rectal tube is lubricated before
insertion with a water-soluble lubricant to ease insertion and decrease
irritation to the rectal tissues. The solution used in the procedure is
measured, mixed, and warmed before administration of the enema. The
higher the container of solution is placed, the greater the force with which
the fluid flows into the patient. Routinely, the container should be no
higher than 30 cm above the level of the bed.
Nurses are often responsible for either administering the enema or
assuring that the patients know how to administer it to themselves. Nurses
monitor the results of the enema to see if it has been effective in cleansing
the lower bowel. Nursing staff involved in the administration of enemas
need to be aware that this is an intrusive procedure that can be upsetting to
patients. Professionalism and understanding are essential. Nurses should
educate the patient about the procedure and should also be involved in
teaching patients about the importance of diet and exercise in the
prevention of chronic constipation.
1. What is an enema?
2. What may be used when there is serious constipation?

3. What are reasons for administering enema?
4. Can tap water be used for enemas?
5. What patients shouldn’t be given enema?
6. What is the patient’s position during this procedure?
7. What does the amount of fluid for enema depend on?
8. Why is the rectal tube lubricated before insertion?
9. The container of solution should be higher than 30 cm above the level of
the bed, shouldn’t it?
10. Is a doctor or a nurse responsible for educating the patient about the
enema procedure?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Make
up word combinations and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. To remove a) the rectum;
2. to infuse b) faeces;
3. to cleanse c) drugs;
4. to administer d) on the age and size;
5. to complain e) oil;
6. to depend f) insertion;
7. to be made g) the patient;
8. to ease h) of abdominal pain;
9. to decrease i) irritation; educate j) of rubber or plastic.

II. Substitute the words in bold type by the words from the text.
1. An enemata is the introduction of liquid into the rectum through a tube.
2. Enemas may be given to introduce oil into the rectum to help soften
stool when the person is constipated or impacted.
3. Piped water is usually used for grown-ups but should not be used for
children because of the risk of electrolyte imbalance.
4. When the enema is administered, the individual is usually lying on his
left side, which locates lower portion of bowel below the rectum and
helps infusion of fluid.
5. The quantity of fluid administered will differ depending on the age and
size of the person receiving the enema.
6. Nurses involved in the administration of enemas need to know that this
is an intrusive procedure that can be distressing to patients.

III. Match the kinds of enema and the purpose for which they are
1. … - given to destroy germs.
2. … - given to soothe irritation of the mucous membrane of the intestine.
3. … - given to afford nourishment when it cannot be the mouth.
4. … - given to increase peristalsis and wash out the intestine.
5. … - given as a sedative, either local or general.
6. … - given for general stimulation.
7. … - given to relieve thirst.
8. … - given to destroy worms.
(Antiseptic enema, anthelmintic enema, emollient enema, nutritive enema,
purgative enema, saline enema, sedative enema, stimulating enema.)
IV. Read the text and say if the statements given below are true or
false. Correct the false statements.
Barium enema
A barium enema, also known as a lower gastrointestinal exam, is a
diagnostic test using x-ray examination to view the large intestine (colon
and rectum). There are two types of this test: the single-contrast technique,
in which barium sulphate solution is injected into the rectum to gain a
profile view of the large intestine; and the double-contrast (or air contrast)
technique, in which air and barium sulphate are injected into the rectum.
The decision to perform a barium enema is based on the patient’s
history of altered bowel habits. These alterations may include diarrhoea,
constipation, lower abdominal pain, blood, mucus or pus in the stool. It is
also recommended to use this exam every five to 10 years beginning at age
50 to screen healthy people for colon cancer. Those who have a close
relative with colon cancer or who have had a precancerous polyp are
considered to be at an increased risk for the disease and should be screened
more frequently to detect abnormalities.
1. A barium enema is a diagnostic test using x-ray examination to view the
small intestine.
2. There are three types of this test: the single-contrast technique, the
double-contrast technique and the air contrast technique.
3. A barium enema should be performed in case of the patient’s bowel
habits alteration.
4. It is not recommended to use this exam to screen healthy people.
5. Those who have a close relative with colon cancer are at greater risk for
the disease.

Grammar Exercises

Direct speech Reported speech

now then, at that time
today that day
tomorrow the next day
next month the following month
in a few days a few days later
yesterday the day before
last year the year before
two weeks ago two weeks before
at the moment at that time
here there
this, these that, those
I. Change the following sentences from direct into reported speech.
1. She said, “I have many friends here.”
2. The nurse said, “Your mother is fine now.”
3. The teacher said, “You will write a test today.”
4. The doctor said, “I have a little spare time now.”
5. He said, “I will go there tomorrow.”
6. “Your brother came two minutes ago,” I said.
7. After the examination the doctor said, “It’s a pity you didn't come last
8. Ann said, “They hospitalized my mother because of heart attack last
9. The student said to the lecturer, “I have got most information about
giving enema from this book.”
10.He said, “We studied anatomy of the trunk two weeks ago.”
11.“I will discharge your father from the hospital tomorrow”, said the
doctor to me.
12.“Learning different types of enema today I’ve made some discoveries
for myself”, said my sister.

II. Translate into English.

1. Він сказав, що знає дві іноземні мови.
2. Медсестра сказала, що лікар прийде пізніше.
3. Мама сказала, що в дитинстві вона боялася уколів.
4. Він не казав, що хворий.

5. Моя молодша сестра сказала, що вона хоче стати медсестрою.
6. Пацієнт сказав лікарю, що у нього сильний головний біль.
7. Ніхто не розумів, чому цей пацієнт відмовився від операції.
8. Вона сказала, що підготує повідомлення про види клізм через
кілька днів.
9. Він сказав мені, що консультувався з лікарем кілька днів тому.
10. Медсестра повідомила пацієнта та його сім’ю, що операція
розпочнеться через годину.
11. Ми хотіли довідатись, о котрій годині прийде медсестра завтра.
12. Лікар сказав, що медсестра зробить клізму через 10 хвилин.

Lesson 7
Bandages and Their Types
Text: Types of Bandages
Grammar: Direct/Indirect Questions
Active Vocabulary

bandage бинт, перев’язка

strip смужка, стрічка
gauze марля
latex латекс
width ширина
porous пористий
edema набряк
fabric тканина
pad тампон, прокладка
roll рулон
abrasion садно, подряпина
strain розтягнення сухожилля
sprain розтягнення зв’язки
tightly туго
tape клейка стрічка
clip затискач, скріпка
tubular трубчастий
triangular трикутний
sling підтримуюча пов'язка
to elevate піднімати
awkward незручний
stretchable розтяжний

Read the text and answer the following questions

Bandages and Their Types

Bandages are narrow strips of
fabric, gauze, or elastic material used
on wounds to aid and promote the
healing process. Bandages are used for
a variety of reasons. A bandage can be
used to hold a dressing in place over
an open wound or to apply direct
pressure over a dressing to assist in controlling
bleeding. Bandages are also used to prevent or reduce swelling and they
can provide support for a joint or extremity. A bandage should be clean,
but it does not need to be sterile since it does not come in direct contact
with an open wound.
There are many types of bandages for injury. Some of these types are
elastic, some simple gauze, some are latex free while some are plastic.
Gauze bandages are readily available in a variety of widths, so the size of
the bandage can be chosen to correspond to the size of the wound and
body part involved. Another advantage of gauze is that it is porous, which
promotes healing by allowing the circulation of air. Elastic bandages have
the added advantage of applying more pressure because of their elastic
quality. Therefore, they are used more often to prevent edema on lower
extremities. Fabric bandages are not routinely used. Fabric bandages can
be made, however, from many available sources in emergency situations.
Every bandage type has its own specific feature, serving different
Gauze pads and rolls are available in different sizes, width and
lengths. Gauze bandages have the benefit to hold the wound which is
dressed. These bandages are convenient for abrasions and open wounds.
Roller bandages are long strips of material. An elastic roller bandage
is used to apply support to a strain or sprain and is wrapped around the
joint or limb many times. It should be applied firmly, but not too tightly.
Cotton or linen roller bandages are used to cover gauze dressings. They are
held in place with tape, clips or pins. They can also be used for wound
compression if necessary, as they are typically sterile.
Tubular bandages are used on fingers and toes because those areas
are difficult to bandage with gauze. They can also be used to keep
dressings in place on parts of the body with lots of movement, such as the
elbow or knee. Larger varieties support joints and can be used under a cast.
When opened up, triangular bandages make slings to support, elevate
or immobilize upper limbs. This may be necessary with a broken bone or a

strain, or to protect a limb after an operation. Folded narrowly, a triangular
bandage becomes a cold compress that can help to reduce swelling. It is
also used for applying pressure to a wound to control bleeding.
Which type of bandage to choose depends on not only the injuries
but also on where the injuries are on the body. For example, injuries in
awkward places may require stretchable, flexible, or specially shaped
1. What are the reasons for applying bandages?
2. A bandage should be clean and sterile, shouldn’t it?
3. What material are bandages made of?
4. What are the advantages of gauze bandages?
5. Are fabric bandages most commonly used?
6. What bandages are convenient for abrasions and open wounds?
7. What type of bandage is used to apply support to a strain or sprain?
8. Where are tubular bandages used?
9. Which bandages can be used as slings to support upper limbs?
10. What does the choice of bandage depend on?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give
the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Вузькі смужки тканини; сприяти процесу загоєння; тримати пов’язку
на місці; зупиняти кровотечу; надавати підтримку; марлева пов'язка;
циркуляція повітря; запобігти набряку; надзвичайна ситуація;
відкрита рана; занадто туго; перев'язати марлею; верхня кінцівка;
зламана кістка; холодний компрес.
II. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. Bandages are narrow strips of …. used on wounds for …. .
2. …. are readily available in a variety of widths, so the size of the
bandage can be chosen to correspond to …. .
3. An elastic roller bandage is used to apply support to …. and is wrapped
around …. many times.
4. Tubular bandages are used on …. because those areas are …. to
bandage with gauze.
5. …., a triangular bandage becomes …. that can help to reduce …. .
6. Which type of bandage to choose depends not only on the injuries but
…. .
III. Match a bandaging technique with its description.

The three most commonly used techniques of bandaging are:
1. spiral technique;
2. reverse spiral bandaging;
3. figure eight bandaging.
□ Although the turns are made in spiral direction in this technique, the
bandage is reversed on itself so that it stays firm on body parts with
varying perimeters. Once the bandage is secured, after a few spiral
binds, the bandage is rolled with the thumb being placed over the lower
border of the bandage on the outer side of the limb. Eventually the
bandage is reversed downwards, and after passing it over the fixed
thumb it is carried to the opposite side from under the limb, and rolled
above the preceding bandage wrap.
□ In this method, the bandage is alternately passed upwards and
downwards over and under the limb, roughly resembling the figure 8
with each double turn. This technique is most often used over the joints,
in case of problems such as joint sprains.
□ While rolling the bandage, in this method, the turns are done in spiral
method, wherein each turn covers the two-third part of the preceding
turn. Spiral technique of bandaging is most often used on body parts
with uniform circumference, such as leg or forearm.
Reported Questions
Grammar Exercises
Direct speech Reported speech
The doctor asked the patient, The doctor asked the patient
- “What is your name?” what his name was.
- “Where do you feel pain?” where he felt pain.
- “How often do you have
how often he had headaches.
- “Are you taking any pills or if (whether) he was taking some
medicines at the moment?” pills or medicines at that moment.
- “Do you feel tired?” if (whether) he felt tired.
I. Report the doctor’s questions to the patient.
1. What’s the problem today?
2. Was your mother also allergic to cats?
3. Does anyone else in your family have the same problem at the moment?
4. Have you ever had these complaints before?

5. What seems to bring this condition on?
6. When did you start feeling poorly ill?
7. Where is your pain?
8. Can you describe the pain?
9. Is it getting more or less severe?
10.Does it wake you up at night?
11.How long have you had this pain?
12.How long has it been bothering you?
13.Do you have it all the time or does it seem to come and go?
14.What makes the pain disappear?
15.Has the pain spread?
16.Is it constant or intermittent?
17.Did it happen suddenly or gradually?
18.When was the last time you were without pain?
19.Have you received any drugs for your pain?
20.Have you noticed any side-effects?
II. Rachel is applying for a new job. Report her interview.
Interviewer: Do you work at City Hospital?
Rachel: Yes, in the operating theatre.
I: Are you a fully-qualified scrub nurse?
R: Not yet. At the moment I’m doing a part-time course and working at
the same time. I’m preparing for the exams, which are next month. It’s
hard, especially when I'm working a night shift and going to lectures next
I: Can you tell us about your job? What do you do every day?
R: Well, I assist the surgeons. I prepare the instruments for surgery and I
help with the operations.
I: What do you like best about being a scrub nurse?
R: Well, I like watching operations, but it’s the contact with the patients
that’s most rewarding.
I: So, why are you applying for a new job?
R: Well, I’m very happy in my job, but I want more responsibility.

Lesson 8
Splinting and Casting
Text: Splinting and Casting
Grammar: Direct/Indirect Orders
Active Vocabulary

splint шина
cast гіпсова пов’язка
brace скоба, корсет
dislocated зміщений
to restrict обмежувати
motion рух
alignment вирівнювання
to subside спадати, зменшуватись
padding м’яка прокладка
fiberglass [ ] скловолокно
to wrap обгортати
shell оболонка
strap ремінь, смужка матерії
to loop робити петлю
sleeve рукав
crutches милиці
device пристрій

Read the text and answer the following questions

Splinting and Casting
Splints, casts, and braces support and
protect broken bones, dislocated joints, and
injured soft tissues. Immobilization restricts
motion to allow the injured area to heal. It
can help to reduce pain, swelling,
and muscle spasms. In some cases, splints
and casts are applied after surgical
procedures that repair bones, tendons, or
ligaments. This allows for protection and
proper alignment early in the healing process.

Splints are often the first type of treatment used when a doctor
determines that a person has a broken bone. Unlike a cast, which
completely surrounds a broken bone, a splint is hard only on one or two
sides. A splint provides support and stabilization around an injury, thus
decreasing pain. A splint also lowers the risk of further injury and
allows room for swelling, which a cast does not.
Splints are often applied in the emergency room and are worn until
a cast can be applied — usually a few days later or whenever the doctor
has decided the swelling has subsided enough. For some injuries, usually
those that are not fractures, a splint may be all that is necessary to
stabilize the area during the healing process.
Splints may consist of three or four layers. The first layer is cotton-
stocking material that is intended to protect the skin and make the splint
more comfortable. The second layer is a soft cotton material that provides
padding. The third layer is made of plaster or fiberglass. The final layer is
usually an elastic bandage, which is wrapped around the splint and keeps
everything in place.
Although some types of injuries can heal with just a splint, most
fractures will need a cast. A cast is essentially a big, hard bandage that
keeps a bone from moving during the healing process. It generally has
two layers — a soft layer of padding that rests against the skin and a
hard outer layer that protects the bone. The inner layer is almost always
made out of cotton, but occasionally a cast may have a special
waterproof lining. The hard outside shell is made of either fiberglass or
A cast is often applied by an orthopedist, a doctor who specializes
in the care of bones, after the swelling has gone down. However,
sometimes casts are applied by emergency room doctors, physician
assistants, orthopedic technicians, or nurse
If the cast or splint is on an arm, the patient is
given a sling to help support it. A sling is made of
cloth and a strap that loops around the back of the
neck and acts like a special sleeve to keep the arm
comfortable and in place. A person with a broken
leg will probably get crutches to make it a little
easier to get around. Sometimes a "walking cast" (a
foot or leg cast with a special device implanted in
the heel to allow walking) can be given.

1. What do splints, casts, and braces usually support and protect?
2. What can help to reduce pain, swelling and muscle spasms?
3. Does a splint completely surround a broken bone or is it hard only on
one or two sides?
4. What layers does a splint consist of?
5. The final layer is usually a soft cotton material, isn’t it?
6. Can all types of injuries heal with just a splint?
7. What is a cast?
8. Who is a cast usually applied by?
9. What is a sling made of?
10.What can help a person with a broken leg to get around?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Find the terms in the text according to their definitions.
1. a broken bone.
2. the process of making or becoming healthy again;
3. a painful and involuntary muscular contraction;
4. a long, flat object used to hold a broken bone in the
correct position while it heals;
5. a hard covering that is put on an arm or leg , so that a
broken bone can heal;
6. a device that supports a part of the body;
7. the state of being arranged in a line or in proper
8. an area on someone's body that is larger than normal
because of an illness or injury;
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Splints, casts, and braces support and protect … .
2. … restricts motion to allow the injured area … .
3. In some cases, splints and casts are applied after … .
4. A splint provides …, thus decreasing the movement of … .
5. A cast is essentially … that keeps a bone from ... .
6. If the cast or splint is on an arm, the patient is given … .
7. A person with a broken leg will probably get … .
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
When applying …, do not attempt to straighten the break. This will only
cause further … and more pain. Instead, simply apply the splint to the break

the way it is. Always use long enough pieces to reach … beyond the break.
For example, when splinting a forearm, the material should be long enough
to touch both … and the elbow. This helps keep … in place and prevents
too much pressure from being applied to the wound.
To splint the forearm, surround the break with rigid material and
bandage it to the arm with wide … . A newspaper or …, curled into a "U"
shape, works very well. Splint the wrist in the same way. The entire
forearm should be immobilized.
(The wrist, magazine, the material, injury, the joints, a splint, cloth strips)
IV. Match the two halves of the sentences.
1. To splint the elbow, use enough a. the torso to hold the top of the
rigid… splint in place.
2. Do not attempt to straighten b. to go from the knee to the
or… foot.
3. To splint the upper leg, use long c. bend the elbow; splint it in
pieces of rigid material that will position.
reach… d. padding, especially around the
4. Above the hips, tie long straps ankle.
around … e. material to go from the armpit
5. To splint the lower leg, use rigid to the hand.
material long enough … f. immobilized and unable to
6. The foot should be… turn.
7. Be sure to use lots of … g. from the ankle to the armpit.

Grammar Exercises
Reporting Orders and Requests
Direct Speech Reported Speech
The nurse said to the patient,
- “Take the pills before The nurse ordered the patient
meals.” to take the pills before meals.
- “Don’t move, please.” The nurse asked the patient
not to move.
Note also:
He said, “Thank you!” He thanked me.
He said, “Good luck!” He wished me luck.
“Shall I bring you some tea?” He offered to bring me some tea.
“Shall we meet at the theatre? He suggested meeting at the

I. Report the following nurse’s requests and orders.
1. “Be careful!”
2. “Take more exercise.”
3. “Don't be afraid.”
4. “Tell the truth, please.”
5. “It’s cold in here. Close the window, please.”
6. “Please, don’t make so much noise!”
7. “Take this medicine.”
8. “Don’t be late for dinner.”
9. “Don’t smoke here, it’s forbidden.”
10.“Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes.”
II. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given.
1. “Be quiet, children.” (the nurse told)
2. “You have to air the ward, Jane”, (she told)
3. “Remember to buy a thermometer, Ann” (she reminded)
4. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark”, (he advised)
5. “Keep all the windows closed, Mary” (they warned)
6. “Wait here till I come, please.” (she asked)
7. “Go to bed and don’t get up till you’re called.” (the nurse ordered)
8. “Give up smoking.” (the doctor advised)
III. Report these short dialogues between a nurse and a patient or
a hospital visitor.
Nurse: Where is the pain?
Patient: It’s just here, in my chest.
Visitor: How’s my sister feeling today?
Nurse: She’s a bit down at the moment.
Visitor: When can I come to see my father?
Nurse: Visiting hours are between 4 and 6 pm.
Visitor: Who is looking after Lucy today?
Nurse: Nurse Andrews.
Nurse: Does the pain worse when you walk?
Patient: It’s hard when I walk but not much worse.
Patient: May I have a walk?
Nurse: Yes, you may.

IV. Solve the crossword puzzle with reporting verbs.
7 8 9
1 11 agree
10 apologize



6 offer



1. ‘Do you think you could help me?’ I … Raul to help me.
2. ‘Well done Tina, you have passed the exam!’
I … Tina on passing her exam.
3. ‘Shall I carry your bag?’ said Rita.
Rita … to carry her patient’s bag.
4. ‘I wouldn't perform a surgery in this case if I were you.’
I … him not to perform a surgery in that case.
5. ‘Ok, I’ll give you a lift,’ said Jenny. Jenny … to give her a lift.
6. ‘Would you like to go to my laboratory, Pam?’
I … Pam to my laboratory.
7. ‘How about spending some time outdoors?’ said Carlos.
Carlos … spending some time outdoors.
8. ‘I'll have some soup, please’, said Jean. Jean … to have some soup.
9. ‘No, I didn't do it! I wasn't there,’ said Tom. Tom … doing it.
10. ‘I am really sorry for being late,’ said Maria. Maria … for being late.
11. ‘Don’t forget to take your medicine.’
I … Maggie to take her medicine.

Lesson 9
Mustard Plasters, Medical Cups, Compresses
Text: Mustard Plasters, Medical Cups, Compresses
Grammar: Reported Speech. Review
Active Vocabulary

mustard plaster гірчичник

cup банка
to evaporate випаровуватися
ethereal oil ефірна олія
to dilate розширювати(ся)
resorption розсмоктування
catarrhal простудний
angina pectoris стенокардія
subcutaneous підшкірний
subclavian підключичний
subscapular підлопатковий
interscapular міжлопатковий
vesicle пухирець
hemorrhoid геморой
contraindication протипоказання

Read the text and answer the following questions

Mustard Plasters, Medical Cups, Compresses
Various procedures are used to produce the desired effect on a
patient’s blood circulation. These procedures include cups, mustard
plasters, compresses, etc. They have their effect on both healthy and sick
individuals through thermal, mechanical or chemical stimulation. The
skin is the main site of application of these procedures.
The application of a mustard plaster is based
on the fact that evaporated ethereal oil causes an
irritation of skin receptors and results in dilating
the blood vessels to promote the increase of
blood flow to the surface of the skin. This warms
the affected area and removes any toxins from
that area causing the resorption of some inflammatory processes.

Standard mustard plasters are sheets of a dense paper covered with a
layer of the unoiled mustard powder. Mustard plasters are applied on
skin, previously moistened with 40 °C water, and are taken off after 10 –
15 minutes. If the skin turns red, the plaster should be removed
immediately. If the skin is very sensitive, mustard plasters should be
applied over a thin sheet of paper or gauze. Mustard plasters are applied
in treatment of neurologic diseases, catarrhal diseases, in angina
pectoris, headaches, neck pains, backaches, etc.
Cups dilate the vessels more than mustard
plasters and are applied widely to treat bronchitis,
pneumonia, neuralgias, neuritis and myositis. Cups
are glass vessels with a spherical bottom and
thickened edges of volume 30 – 70 ml. They are put
on the body with well-developed muscular and
subcutaneous fat, flattening bony formations
(subclavian, subscapular, interscapular areas).
Duration of a cup application is usually from 10 to 15 minutes. The
number of cups depends on the size of the surface to which they should
be applied. After the application the patient should be wrapped in
blankets and allowed to lie for 30-60 minutes. If the cups remain
attached for a longer time, dark red spots and even vesicles filled with
fluid may develop on the skin.
The application of a warming compress is
accompanied by local dilation of blood vessels and
enlargement of blood circulation in tissues that in
this area of inflammatory processes produces
painful action. The warming compresses are used
in treatment of various diseases of muscles and
joints, chronic inflammatory diseases.
The warming compress can be dry or moist. The dry warming
compress (usual cotton-gauze bandage) is more often intended for
protection of different sites of a body or head, for example neck or ear
from cold exposure. The contraindications for applying warming
compresses are various skin diseases and injuries.
There are also moist cold compresses which are used for the first
hours with nasal and hemorrhoid bleedings, high fever. As the moist
cold compress soon reaches the temperature of the body, it is necessary
to change it every 2-3 minutes.

1. What procedures have their effect through thermal, mechanical or
chemical stimulation?
2. What is the application of a mustard plaster based on?
3. When are mustard plasters applied?
4. Cups are represented glass vessels with a spherical bottom and
thickened edges of volume 30 – 70 ml, aren’t they?
5. What is the duration of a cup application?
6. What should the patient do after the application of cups?
7. When are warming compresses used?
8. What are the contraindications for applying warming compresses?
9. Are the warming compresses dry or cold?
10.What do you know about moist cold compresses?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Банки, гірчичники, компреси; хімічна стимуляція; спричиняти
подразнення шкірних рецепторів; розширювати судини; збільшення
потоку крові; виводити токсини з організму; запальний процес;
гірчичний порошок; неврологічні захворювання; пухирці, наповнені
рідиною; кровообіг; захворювання м’язів та суглобів; ватно-марлева
пов’язка; вплив холоду; вологий зігріваючий компрес; шкірні
захворювання; протипоказання до застосування.

II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. The skin is the main site of application of cups, mustard plasters and
2. Standard mustard plasters are sheets of a dense paper covered with a
layer of the unoiled mustard powder.
3. Mustard plasters are taken off after an hour.
4. Cups dilate the vessels less than mustard plasters.
5. Duration of a cup application is usually from 10 to 15 minutes.
6. The warming compress can be only dry.
7. There are no contraindications for applying warming compresses.
8. Moist cold compresses are used for the first hours with nasal
and hemorrhoid bleedings, high fever.

III. Find 11 hidden words related to the topic “Mustard Plasters,
Medical Cups, Compresses” and make the sentences of your own.

IV. Math the term with its definition.

1. … - are sheets of a dense paper covered with a layer of the unoiled
mustard powder.
2. … - are often intended for protection of different sites of a body or
head, for example neck or ear from cold exposure.
3. … - are represented glass vessels with a spherical bottom and thickened
edges of volume 30 – 70 ml.
4. … - are used for the first hours with nasal
and hemorrhoid bleedings, high fever.
5. … - a liquid-filled cavity under the epidermis that may appear after the
cup application.
(Cups, vesicle, mustard plasters, moist cold compresses, warming

V. Complete the text. Translate the endings of the sentences into

English. Retell the text.
The work of a nurse в лікарні дуже важка. The nurse must
виконувати всі вказівки лікаря.
She must доглядати хворих удень і вночі. In the morning the nurse
міряє температуру пацієнтам, дає необхідні ліки, робить ін’єкції.
She takes special care of лежачих хворих. She helps to wash їхнє
обличчя і руки губкою. When doctors come, the nurse розповідає їм
про стан пацієнтів. She helps the doctors to оглядати пацієнтів і
записує нові призначення лікаря.

During all day the nurse is busy, she змінює пов’язки, робить
ін’єкції, робить бинтові пов’язки, робить клізми, ставить банки,
компреси і гірчичники.
In the evening the nurse знову міряє температуру пацієнтів і
записує її, виконує всі вказівки лікарів. At work the nurse watches
over her patients’ health with great attention. She is responsible for їх

Grammar Exercises
I. Transform the following sentences into Indirect Speech.
1. The doctor asked the patient, “How do you feel after the operation?”
2. The nurse said to the patient, “I am going to give you some pills for
3. The lecturer said to the students, “Mustard plasters were widely
applied to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases”.
4. The nurse said to the patient, “Who has just visited you?”
5. The student said, “This was the most difficult test on types of
6. The doctor told the nurse, “You are the best assistant I’ve ever had”.
7. The editor said to the journalist, “Prepare the article about the effect
of medical cups”.
8. My mother said to me, “Don’t forget to do your homework”.

II. Read the most famous Hippocrates’s quotes about medicine.

Transform them into Indirect Speech.
1. Hippocrates, “Walking is man’s best medicine.”
2. Hippocrates, “Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the
3. Hippocrates, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a
matter of opportunity.”
4. Hippocrates, “Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme
5. Hippocrates, “Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food.”
6. Hippocrates, “Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do
no harm.”
7. Hippocrates, “To do nothing is also a good remedy.”
8. Hippocrates, “Keep a watch also on the faults of the patients, which
often make them lie about the taking of things prescribed.”

III. Report the following phrases using the verbs from the box.
promise admit congratulate apologize
advise invite offer thank
insist warn suggest remind

1. Wendy said to Mrs. Johnson, “Let me feed your son.”

2. Greg said to his brother, “Why don’t we go for a walk?”
3. David said to Andy, “Don’t talk to my sister any more, or you’ll regret it”
4. Val said to Laura, “Hey, come with us to the laboratory.”
5. The nurse said to Mr. Fandel, “I’m sorry, I have hurt you.”
6. Sam said to Mrs. Clarens, “Well, it’s me who took your medicines.”
7. Henry said to Nick, “We definitely must tell the truth.”
8. George said to Deborah, “You should apply mustard plasters.”
9. John said to Hugh, “It’s time to return the book to the library.”
10.The professor said to the student, “Thank you very much for such a
wonderful report.”
11.Finn said to Pete, “They say you got a university degree.
12.Susan said to her mother, “All right, I’ll be back home before eleven.”

Lesson 10
Text: Massage
Grammar: Review
Active Vocabulary

to rub терти
massage therapist масажист
to stroke вдаряти
sore spot болюче місце
tension напруження
forceful сильний
to target націлюватись
trigger point тригерна зона (ділянка на
шкірі, дотик до якої
викликає больовий напад)
knot вузол
overuse перенавантаження
to erase стирати, видаляти
lymph drainage лімфодренаж
edema набряк
complementary нетрадиційна медицина
anxiety неспокій, тривога, страх
contraindicated протипоказаний
osteoporosis остеопороз

Read the text and answer the following questions

Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating
your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically
use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their
forearms, elbows and even feet. It may range from light stroking to
deep pressure.

Use of massage has been dated back to
times of Hippocrates, the “father of
medicine”. Throughout the history, massage
has undergone much change. Nowadays
there are more than 80 different methods of
Swedish massage combines a variety of
techniques specifically designed to relax
muscles by applying pressure to them
against deeper muscles and bones, and
rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the
heart. It is used in the back massage to improve circulation and relieve
muscle tension. Deep-tissue massage uses slower, more forceful
strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue,
commonly to help with muscle damage from injuries. Neuromuscular
massage is a form of a deep massage that is applied to a specific
muscle. It is used to release sore spots, knots of muscle tension and the
tension placed on nerves. Trigger point massage focuses on areas of
tight muscle fibers that can form in your muscles after injuries or
overuse. Its goal is to erase these highly irritable spots in a muscle
which contribute to pain. Manual lymph drainage is application of light
strokes to improve the lymphatic flow in edemas or neuropathies.
Massage is generally considered to be a part of complementary
and alternative medicine. Studies of its benefits demonstrate that it is
an effective treatment for lowering heart rate and blood pressure,
improving concentration, strengthening the immune system, lowering
glucose levels in diabetics and reducing anxiety. Despite its benefits,
massage isn't meant as a replacement for regular medical care.
Massage therapy has few serious risks. Side effects of this therapy
may include temporary pain or discomfort, bruising, swelling, and a
sensitivity or allergy to massage oils. Massage may not be appropriate
in patients with bleeding disorders, burns, open or healing wounds,
deep vein thrombosis, fractures and severe osteoporosis.
In healthcare settings nurses are the ideal healthcare professionals
to provide massage. They are incorporating massage into their practice
in many different ways. Some give excellent massage with only the few
hours of training they received in nursing school, some take a
continuous education workshop to learn more, and some become
licensed massage therapists.

1. How can you explain the term massage?
2. Do massage therapists use only their hands for massage?
3. What methods of massage do you know?
4. Is Swedish massage designed to relax muscles by rubbing them in the
same or opposite direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart?
5. When is deep-tissue massage helpful?
6. Neuromuscular massage is used to release the tension placed on
nerves, isn’t it?
7. What is the goal of trigger point massage?
8. What method uses light strokes to improve the lymphatic flow in
edemas or neuropathies?
9. What are the health benefits of massage?
10. What are side effects of massage therapy?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
М’язи, сухожилля та зв’язки; пальці руки, лікті та стопи; легке
вдаряння; шведський масаж; розслаблювати м’язи; потік крові;
покращувати кровообіг; глибокий внутрішньом'язовий масаж;
сполучна тканина; пошкодження; нейром'язовий масаж;
напруження м’язів; м’язові волокна; лімфодренаж; захворювання
нервової системи; нетрадиційна медицина; серцебиття;
артеріальний тиск; опіки; переломи.

II. Say if the following statement are true or false. Correct the false
statements to make them true.
1. Throughout the history, massage hasn’t undergone any change.
2. Swedish massage uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the
deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.
3. Manual lymph drainage is used in the back massage to improve
circulation and relieve muscle tension.
4. Neuromuscular massage is applied to a specific muscle.
5. You can use massage as a replacement for regular medical care.
6. Massage therapy has serious side effects.
7. Massage is contraindicated for patients with severe osteoporosis.
8. Any nurse can become licensed massage therapist.

III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets.
The Back Massage
Historically, the back massage has been used by nurses … or
induce relaxation before sleep or to stimulate skin circulation in
association with hygienic measures. A variety of … or movements may
be used singly or … . These include effleurage (stroking), friction,
pressure, … (kneading or making large, quick pinches of the skin,
subcutaneous tissue, and muscle), vibration, and percussion.
The … of a massage ranges from 5 to 20 minutes, in accordance
with the patient’s tolerance. Before offering a massage, the nurse must
… that the room temperature is … for the
patient with the back uncovered. The nurse
must also feel relaxed and convey an attitude
that the massage will alleviate pain, stress, and
physical and … . Because cultural and religious
beliefs regarding personal touch may cause the
patient … during massage therapy, the nurse
must ensure that the patient is … to the
(Duration, emotional discomfort, receptive, to enhance, comfortable,
ensure, massage strokes, petrissage, in combination, mental tension)

IV. Read and translate some interesting facts.

 Massage therapy may be the oldest form of medical care. Egyptian
tomb paintings show people being massaged and it was also
mentioned in ancient Chinese, Japanese and Indian texts.
 There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin and
3000 in a fingertip.
 Touch is the first sense to develop in humans, and may be the last to
 Touch stimulates the release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain
killers) which is why a mother’s hug for a child’s skinned knee can
literally make it all better.
 A full hour massage is about the same to your body as 7-8 hours of
 Massage treatment before an athletic event, makes the athlete more
flexible, less prone to injury and enhances speed and power.

V. Match the term with its definition.
 Aromatherapy Massage  Reflexology
 Hot Stone Massage  Geriatric Massage
 Prenatal Massage  Postnatal Massage
 Sports Massage  Thai Massage
a) is used before and in between events during an athletic competition to
warm and loosen your muscles;
b) helps new moms to normalize their bodies and emotions and can help
them to bond with their new babies;
c) essential oils are incorporated into the oil that is massaged into your
skin to relieve tension, reduce pain and inflammation, influence mood, aid
d) helps to ease the discomforts of pregnancy;
e) relieves anxiety and depression in elderly patients;
f) uses warmed stones which are massaged over the body with warm oil to
melt away tension;
g) is a traditional form of healing that has been practiced in Thailand. It is
done on a mat on the floor. It combines gentle, rhythmic compressions
along energy flows called “sen” with deep yoga-like stretches;
h) applies pressure to areas in the hands and feet called “reflex zones”,
which relieves stress and promotes overall relaxation.

Grammar Exercises
I. Convert the dialogue to a paragraph of reported speech.
Lecturer: Tom, you aren't doing well in class, and you won't
pass. Tom: I know that, but I don't have any time to study.
Lecturer: Why don't you have any time?
Tom: I have to take my mother to the hospital every day. In fact, I took her
there last night.
Lecturer: Are you the only one who can do that?
Tom: She doesn't have anybody but me. My father died last year.
Lecturer: Stop taking the class if you have family problems. The stress
will kill you.
Tom: My mother wants me to continue. She told me to stay in school.
Lecturer: Don't kill yourself. Take care of your mother until she feels better.
Tom: She’s not sick. She feels fine.
Lecturer: Why does she have to go to the hospital every day?
Tom: She works there. She is a nurse.

II. Match the direct speech sentences in column A with the
appropriate introductory verbs in column B. Then turn the sentences
into reported speech.
I’m sorry I didn’t follow the doctors’ recomendations. threaten
You should see a massage therapist right now. invite
I’ll come back and finish your massage. explain
Stay away from open windows! There is a draught here. ask
Would you like to visit her after discharging from the hospital?
No, you won’t be cured in an hour after manipulating youradvise
muscles. You may need
Let’s combine two styles of massaging! warn
I’ll call the doctor if you don’t follow my instructions. remind
Don’t forget to take these medications to reduce anxiety. promise
Could you tell us who is on duty today? suggest

III. Read the following stories and report what you’ve learnt.
1. Whenever I do a little exercise I get out of breath very quickly. Even
when I am sleeping, I have breathing problems. I wake up in the middle
of the night and can’t get back to sleep. I don’t have pain in my chest,
so I don’t think I have heart problems.
2. I can’t talk very well because of my sore throat and a persistent cough. I
have had it for a few months. It’s strange as I don’t smoke. I seem to be
tired all the time, but I am never so sick that I can’t go to work. I have
been to the doctor and had some tests, but they can’t find anything
wrong with me.
3. My condition worries me a lot. At night it takes me time to fall asleep.
In the morning I feel a slight headache and pain in the chest. Sometimes
my back hurts and I get tired easily.
4. I’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I’ve had it for more than a week. It
goes down my left leg and I feel pins and needles in my foot all the
time. It’s keeping me awake at night. I have been taking aspirin but the
pain comes back again.

Lesson 1
The Nature of Food
Text: The Nature of
Grammar: Review
Active Vocabulary

appeal привабливість,
fuel паливо
starch крохмаль
fiber клітковина
building block структурний елемент
thiamin тіамін, вітамін B1
riboflavin niacin рибофлавін, вітамін B2
pantothenic acid ніацин, вітамін B3
пантотенова кислота,
pyridoxine вітамін B5
folic acid піридоксин, вітамін В6
trace mineral фолієва кислота, вітамін
celiac disease В9 мікроелемент
целіакія (захворювання
malabsorption тонкого кишечника)
мальабсорбція (розлад
copper всмоктування)
potassium мідь
selenium калій

Read the text and answer the following questions

The Nature of Food
Food is our nourishment. We appreciate food for
its appetizing qualities like taste, appeal and aroma.
Food is our source of necessary nutrients too. Knowing

what makes up food and how food functions in our body gives us
confidence to choose food wisely.
Food nutrients fall into two basic categories: macronutrients and
micronutrients. Additionally, in both categories there are foods called
“functional” that have beneficial effects on health. Functional foods have
physiologically active components from both plant and animal sources that
provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain.
Macronutrients are nutrients we need in large amounts in our diet.
They are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in plant and animal structures
that we need to obtain energy and the building materials for making our
own unique body structures.
Carbohydrates. These energy packed nutrients provide fuel for the
body. The main categories are sugars, starches, and fiber. Sugar and
starches supply energy to the body in the form of glucose, which is the
only energy source for red blood cells and is the preferred energy source
for the brain, central nervous system, placenta, and fetus.
Fats supply energy and essential fatty acids and serve as a carrier for
the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoids. Fats serve as
building blocks of membranes and play a key role in numerous biological
Proteins are vital to every cell in our body. They form our basic
structures such as skin, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and hair. Proteins are
part of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. A fresh supply is needed every
day because our body does not store protein.
Micronutrients are nutrients we need in small amounts in our diet.
They are the vitamins and minerals we must have to benefit from the
energy and content of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats we eat.
Vitamins fall into two categories: fat-soluble (meaning they dissolve
in fat) and water-soluble (meaning they dissolve in water). Fat soluble
vitamins are A, D, E and K. Water-soluble vitamins include thiamin (B1),
riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic
acid (B9), vitamin B12 and vitamin C.
Minerals are grouped according to amounts we need each day.
Macrominerals are those we need 100 mg a day or more. Microminerals
(trace minerals) are those we need less than 100 mg a day. Although there
are other minerals important for health, the following are commonly
malabsorbed or lost through diarrhea or vomiting in celiac disease and
other malabsorption disorders. They include calcium, copper, iron,
magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc.

1. What do we appreciate food for?
2. What helps us to choose food wisely?
3. What categories do food nutrients fall into?
4. Why do we need carbohydrates, fats, and proteins?
5. What are the main categories of carbohydrates?
6. Why are fats important for our health?
7. Are proteins or fats part of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes?
8. How can you explain the term micronutrients?
9. What categories do vitamins fall into?
10. What is the difference between macrominerals and microminerals?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Make
up word combinations and use them in your sentences.
to obtain on health
fat-soluble wisely
fatty vitamins
food for the brain and CNS
to have beneficial effect energy
energy source components
malabsorption acids
to choose food disorders
physiologically active nutrients
II. Substitute the words in bold type by the words from the text.
1. We appreciate food for its appetizing qualities like taste,
attractiveness and flavor.
2. Food nutrients fall into two principal categories: macroelements and
3. Sugar and starches supply the energy to the body in the form of
glucose, which is the only energy source for erythrocytes.
4. Proteins form our basic structures such as the natural outer layer
that covers a person, cartilage, muscle, fibrous tissue that connects
bones to other bones, and hair.
5. Proteins are part of antibodies, hormones, and ferments.
6. Minerals are classified according to amounts we require each day.
7. There are other minerals essential for health, the following are
usually malabsorbed or lost through diarrhea or emesis in celiac
disease and other abnormalities in absorption of food nutrients.

III. Choose the proper
prepositions. The Food Pyramid
The food pyramid was designed to
offer an easy-to-understand look (to/at)
healthy eating. Healthy eating is
(about/for) getting the correct amount
(of/from) nutrients.
The bottom (in/of) the pyramid
is the carbohydrate group,
recommending 6-11 servings per day
(bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals).
(On/In) the next level up, we have the
vegetable group (in/on) the left (3-5 servings per day) and the fruit group
(for/on) the right (2-4 servings per day). The next level consists (of/from)
the dairy group (some milk, cheese and yoghurt) (on/in) the left (2-3
servings per day) and the protein group (some meat, poultry, eggs, beans
and nuts) (on/in) the right (2-3 servings per day). All the way up top is the
fat group, which you should avoid whenever possible. They provide very
little (from/of) the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.
IV. Match the term with its definition.
Vitamin A Vitamins B Vitamin C Vitamin D Iodine
Proteins Carbohydrates Minerals
a) include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin,
and folate. They are critical for health serving various functions including
energy metabolism, brain health and nervous system integrity;
b)are not produced by the body and must be attained from the earth;
c) is essential for collagen and serotonin production - fortunately most
fruits contain abundant amounts;
d)is essential for absorption of calcium and therefore bone health;
e) is well known for its role in vision and skin care, but it also contributes
to health by controlling the inflammation process and immune system;
f) are the main energy providers for the body. They come in the form of
simple sugars and starches;
g)profoundly affects your thyroid hormones and metabolism. Deficiency
in pregnant women can cause mental impairment of the child;
h)are what most of our body is made up of in muscle, hair, nails, skin,
eyes, internal organs, and the brain.

V. Read the text for supplementary reading.
Foods are classified by taste (sweet, sour, bitter, salty) and their
thermic nature (hot, warm, cool, cold) and colour (yellow, green, red, blue,
black, white). Every meal is prepared to have a perfect balance of each of
these groups. If one flavour, colour and thermic nature is used too much or
too little, the body will get out of balance.
Each taste acts on or has direct influence on a specific vital organ.
Sweet flavored foods act on the spleen and stomach helping digestion
and neutralizing the toxic effects of other foods (potato, lotus root, wheat,
polished rice, pea, milk, pork, chestnut, honey).
Sour food acts on the liver and gallbladder and controls diarrhea and
excessive perspiration (tomato, tangerine, plum, lemon, grape, papaya,
cherry apple, pomegranate, vinegar).
Bitter food acts on the heart and small intestine and reduces body
heat and excessive fluids and induces diarrhea (bitter melon, almond,
orange peel, tea, coffee, bitter green).
Salty food acts on the kidneys and bladder and softens hardness of
muscles or glands (barley, millet, sea weed, kelp, pork, beef, crab, table
Eating a variety of foods while considering their characteristics is
essential for good health and vitality.

Grammar Exercises
I. Insert
the missing article.
1. … spleen is … organ that plays … role in immunity.
2. … lungs transfer … oxygen into … blood
3. … arteries are … vessels that carry … blood high in oxygen content
away from …heart to … farthest reaches of … body.
4. … lymphatic system plays … important role in immunity.
5. … aspirin is generally prescribed.
6. … injections for diabetes are usually given subcutaneously. …
injections are painless.
7. … fever is … (common) symptom associated with … chicken pox.
8. … most obvious symptom is … rash, which appears after 10 days.
II. Fill the gaps with the correct tense form.
I … (to learn) nursing for two years now. But last term I … (not to
work) hard enough for my study, that’s why my marks … (not to be) really

good then. As I … (to want) to pass all my exams successfully next year, I
… (to study) harder this term.
During my last two weeks’ holiday, my parents … (to send) me on a
nursing course to London. It … (to be) great and I … (to think) I … (to
learn) a lot. Before I … (to go) to London, I … (not to enjoy) learning
nursing. But while I … (to do) the course, I … (to meet) lots of young
people from all over the world. There I … (to notice) how important it …
(to be) to help people.
Now I … (to have) much more fun learning Anatomy than I … (to
have) before the course. And I .. (to begin / already) to read my textbooks
again. My exams … (to be) on 15 July and 3 August, so there … (not to
be) any time to be lost. If I … (to pass) my exams successfully, maybe I …
(to go) back to London to work there for a while.
III. Complete sentences with the appropriate form of much, many,
little, few or lot.
1. There were very … patients in the hall. It was almost empty.
2. - Cream? - No, thanks. And only … sugar. Bitter coffee helps me to feel
less tired and increase my energy levels.
3. There weren’t … nurses at the hospital yesterday. Were they on strike?
4. … people go there because they’ve opened some nice cafés with
healthy food.
5. - Did you take any book concerning food nutrients during your holiday?
– Not … I didn’t have … time to sit down and relax.
6. It’s a small ambulance. There is very … room in it.
7. I’m on a diet, so I can’t eat … .
IV. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice.
1. That patient is following the food pyramid.
2. A nurse on duty has given Mrs Jones some injections to detox the body.
3. John advised Elizabeth to avoid cakes and soft drinks.
4. He must give magnesium to this patient to prevent osteoporosis.
5. A patient is taking potassium to support normal blood pressure and
kidney health.
6. Not enough iron contributes to fatigue, irritability and poor memory.
7. You’ll need some calcium to build strong bones.
8. They have not taken any minerals.

Lesson 2
Infant’s Feeding
Text: Infant’s Feeding
Grammar: Review
Active Vocabulary

exclusive виключний
breastfeeding вигодовування груддю
formula молочна суміш (для грудних дітей)
cue знак, сигнал
rooting пошуковий рефлекс (поворот
reflex голови і відкривання рота при
дотику до щоки)
sucking reflex смоктальний рефлекс
pacifier соска-пустушка
obesity надмірна повнота, огрядність
nipple brush щітка для миття дитячих

Read the text and answer the following questions

Infant’s Feeding
Optimal nutrition during the neonatal
period supports newborn growth and
development. Feeding also provides an
opportunity for parents to bond with their
newborn. Current recommendations are for
exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months
of life, followed by a combination of solid
foods and human milk until 12 months of
age. Parents may also choose to feed their
newborn commercially prepared formula.
Breastfeeding. Human milk offers many health benefits for
newborns. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients which also
help to protect an infant against some common childhood illnesses and
infections. When helping a mother to get started with breastfeeding a
nurse should assess the infant for feeding-readiness cues: rooting and
sucking reflexes. Putting the mother and the newborn in direct skin-to-
skin contact facilitates the first breastfeeding experience. The baby is
sucking effectively if its chin, cheeks, and top of the nose all touch the
breast, and a nurse can hear it swallow. Breastfeeding patterns vary
among newborns, but in general, infants should be breastfed 8 to 12 times
a day. The duration of feedings also varies. A nurse has to teach parents
how to determine when their newborn is finished feeding. The breasts
will feel softer, the baby will suck slowly or release the breast, and it will
fall asleep. These cues help parents to determine the appropriate duration
of feeding. A nurse should tell the parents not to feed their baby formula
or water unless there are some medical indications for it. They should
also avoid pacifiers for at least 1 month, when breastfeeding is well
Some patients wish to pump and store breast milk to prepare
feedings. It is used when the baby is premature or unstable and must
remain in neonatal intensive or special care unit after its mother goes
home. A nurse should instruct these patients to store their breast milk in
glass container. They may keep freshly expressed breast milk at room
temperature for up to 8 hours and in a refrigerator up to 8 days.
Parents of formula-fed infants also need education and support for
their choice. They should use commercially prepared formula for all
feedings. Cues that the baby is satisfied include turning its head away,
stopping sucking, or falling asleep. A nurse should teach parents to
recognize these cues to help prevent overfeeding and obesity. During the
first 24 hours of life the baby usually drinks 15 to 30 ml of formula at each
feeding. The amount gradually increases during the first week (6 to 8
feedings a day). A nurse should instruct parents to wash bottles with warm
soapy water using a nipple brush and then to rinse them thoroughly. They
don’t need to boil them.
1. What does optimal nutrition support during the neonatal period?
2. What are current recommendations for infant’s feeding?
3. Why is human milk important for the baby’s health?
4. What should a nurse check before starting breastfeeding?
5. How can a mother determine when her newborn is finished feeding?
6. What are breastfeeding patterns in infants?
7. When is expressed breast milk used?
8. Do parents of formula-fed infants need education?
9. How can a mother determine that her baby is satisfied during formula
10. Must a baby bottle be boiled or just rinsed?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text.
Зблизитися із новонародженим; тверда їжа; правильний баланс
поживних речовин; дитячі захворювання та інфекції; підборіддя,
щоки та верхівка носа; повільно смоктати; засинати; зберігати грудне
молоко у скляному контейнері; недоношене немовля; кімнатна
температура; діти, яких вигодовують молочною сумішшю; запобігати
перегодовуванню; тепла мильна вода; ретельно сполоснути.
II. Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1. Optimal nutrition during … supports newborn … .
2. Breast milk contains … which also help to protect an infant against … .
3. When helping a mother to get started with … a nurse should assess the
infant for feeding-readiness cues: … .
4. The baby is … if its … all touch the breast, and a nurse can hear it … .
5. Breastfeeding patterns vary among newborns, but in general … .
6. Parents of … also need education and support for their choice.
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the brackets
The role of the nurse in support of breastfeeding
The nurse can … information about
breastfeeding. The prenatal nurse can inform
the mother of the advantages of breast feeding
to … and her baby. The labour and delivery
nurse can help the mother in her first contact
with the baby and comfort the mother who has
a Caesarean birth, or a premature or … . The
postnatal nurse can help breastfeeding to
continue by providing frequent maternal-infant
contact during the mother’s … . The nursery
nurse supports breastfeeding … from giving
the baby other fluids.
Mothers need to be informed about infant feeding options in order to
make a … based on awareness of alternatives. The nurse’s role in support
of breastfeeding varies with the time and place where … is provided. In
each setting, however, the nurse plays a … role in helping the mother to
begin breastfeeding and to enjoy it, at the same time providing her infant
with … for his early growth and development.

(Significant, by refraining, optimum nutrition, provide, hospital stay,
patient care, herself, sick infant, knowledgeable choice)
IV. There are some tips for bottle-fed mothers. But sentences are
broken. Try to combine them in order to use in your practice.
1) Make each feeding … a) 20 to 30 minutes after each
2) Avoid … feeding.
3) Burp your bottle-fed baby at b) If the hole is the proper size, a few
least every … drops should come out when you
4) Avoid feeding while … invert the bottle, and then stop.
5) Hold the baby in an upright c) she/he gets frantically hungry.
position for … d) calm, quiet, and leisurely.
6) Do not jostle or play e) put her/him to sleep on her/his
vigorously with the baby … back. This keeps her/his head
7) Try to feed her/him before … higher than her/his stomach and
8) Make sure the hole in the prevents her/him from choking in
nipple is neither too big case she/he spits up while
(which lets the formula flow sleeping.
too fast) nor too small (which f) interruptions, sudden noises, bright
frustrates your baby and lights, and other distractions
causes her/him to gulp air). … during feedings.
9) Elevate the head of the entire g) three to five minutes during
crib with blocks (don’t use a feedings.
pillow) and … h) immediately after feeding.
i) your infant is lying down.
V. Read the following text for supplementary reading.
The Birth of Baby Bottles
Have you known that one of the earliest ways to “bottle” feed was
using a cow’s horn? The Medieval example below used a piece of soft
leather as a teat.
Over the years, baby feeding equipment has been
made from a variety of materials including stone, metal,
wood, and pottery. It is known that Arizona Indians
have used vessels made from red clay.
By the 17th century in Europe, leather or wood
feeding bottles were popular. Most of these early
suckling bottles were of a flask shape, with screw tops -
forming a hard round nipple. They looked like a cross between a skittle
and a coffee jar! They must be a bit painful on sore gums!

Cleaning these things would have been a total nightmare – but then,
they were less concerned about hygiene than we are today.
Consequently, it is no surprise that before 1900, infant mortality rates
in Britain were about 50 per cent. About half of all live births resulted in a
death within a year or two. These awful, germ ridden
feeding devices contributed to these tragedies. Poor
hygiene combined with contaminated milk supplies,
limited knowledge of infant dietary needs, and
sterilization, resulted in the death (before the age of two) of
a catastrophic number of babies. The infant mortality rate
did not improve until after the First World War (the 1920’s). Ironically,
the Great Plagues which killed more than a third of adults had little effect
on child mortality. Thank heaven we live in today’s world!

Grammar Exercises
I. Complete
sentences with the appropriate form of there is (not)/there are(not).
1. The baby was hungry but … anything to give it.
2. … any prescriptions for me yesterday?
3. Where can I buy commercially prepared formula? – … a shop at the end
of street.
4. The container was empty. … any breast milk in it.
5. When you arrive to the hospital tomorrow, … a nurse in the reception
ward to meet you.
6. Ten years ago … 40 neonatal nurses in our department. Now … more
than a hundred.
7. I didn’t breastfeed my baby. … enough time.
8. I think everything will be OK. … any nutritional disorders in your baby.
IІ. Complete the sentences with either the adjectives given in brackets
or the corresponding adverb.
1. A nurse … injected a liquid. (successful)
2. She is a … nurse. (successful)
3. There was … temperature in the morning. (high)
4. A nurse offered a patient to sit down … in order to reach necessary
cutlery. (high)
5. I … disagree with you about unhealthy diet! (strong)
6. It is a … antibiotic. It will help you to prevent vomiting. (strong)
7. Our nutrition therapists work as … as possible. (efficient)

8. Is that your … decision to stop taking supplements? (final)
9. All our nurses behave themselves very … . (responsible)
10. I opened the door very … because all patients were asleep. (quiet)

III. Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets.

1. The polyclinic looks very old. (when / it / build?)
2. Dr. Smith is an experienced doctor. (he / like and respect / by
3. Have you seen the accident? — Yes. (a lot of people / to hospitalize).
4. Has Jane been examined? — I don’t know. (When I came / she /
examine / still).
5. Have you seen Pete lately? — Don’t you know? (he / admit to hospital /
last week).
6. This is a strong effective drug. (it / prescribe / by the doctor).
7. Is the mixture ready? — No. (it / prepare / still).
8. At last Nick has fallen asleep. — (he / give / a sedative?)
9. Is Jack feeling better? — Much better I think. (he / discharge / in some
10. Did anybody call an ambulance to the place of the accident? — Yes.
(but nobody / injure / so it / not need).

Lesson 3
Diet in Disease
Text: Diet in Disease
Grammar: Review
Active Vocabulary

restriction ' обмеження

dysphagia дисфагія, утруднене ковтання
to assimilate засвоювати (їжу)
beverage напій
raw сирий
to emphasize надавати особливого
значення; акцентувати;
relevant to суттєвий, важливий
enhance покращувати, підсилювати
cutlery столові прибори

Read the text and answer the following questions

Diet in Disease
Nutrition is an essential aspect of
nursing care. It is as vital as medication and
other types of treatment.
Before offering patients a meal, it is
important to establish whether they are
allowed to eat. Depending on their medical or
surgical status patients may have diet and/or
fluid restrictions. For example, patients with
dysphagia are among those at risk because of
their inability to swallow.
If the patient is able to eat, then this is
the best means of obtaining nutrition.
Choosing food that is high in energy and protein, for example milky
puddings, will help patients to meet their daily nutritional needs. In
ordinary medical practice tea, milk, eggs, toast and cereal are allowed to
the patients. This is wrong. The body does not need any building foods,
because it cannot digest or assimilate them. When fever is present,

grapefruit juice diluted with cold water is the best beverage. No solid
foods of any kind should be given. A cold, flue, or any illness in which a
cough is present would be cured much more quickly without any food
intake other than water and fruit juices. The only food that a sick person
is fit to take, when he has a headache, is fresh raw fruit or fruit juices,
and water. In case of nausea cold liquid, such as freshly made lemon
juice, is the best way to stimulate the stomach and relieve the feeling of
Such diseases as diabetes and kidney failure require special diets
that are a major part of the medical treatment. The doctor will prescribe
such diets in detail, and other foods should not be given to the patient.
For example, a high-protein diet may be ordered for some kidney
diseases. Such food as meat, fish and other seafood, poultry, eggs,
cheese, and milk will be emphasized in the high-protein diet. When a
patient has a poor appetite supplements may be necessary. They can be
either milk or fruit juice-based. The fruit juice type is not ideal for
patients with diabetes because of its higher sugar content. If supplements
are prescribed, it is the nurse’s responsibility to ensure that they are
taken and that all relevant details are documented correctly.
The timing of meals is very important for providing effective
nutrition to patients. The nurse must make sure that patients receive the
right food and drink at the right time. For many patients meal times are
something to look forward to. Eating with others can increase social
interaction and enhance consumption so, wherever possible, meals
should be taken sitting at a table with others. Food should be served as
quickly as possible after preparation, ensuring that it is still hot. During
meal times nurses should focus on patients who need assistance. This
may involve ensuring that appropriate aids are used, such as adapted
plates and cutlery or that the meal is placed within easy reach of the
1. Is nutrition an essential aspect of nursing care?
2. What is important to establish before offering patients a meal?
3. What will help patients to meet their daily nutritional needs?
4. What beverage is helpful when fever is present?
5. How can any illness in which a cough is present be cured?
6. Are cold or warm liquids indicated in case of nausea?
7. Does kidney failure require special diets?
8. What supplements may be needed when a patient has a poor appetite?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Make up word combinations and use them in your sentences.
1) diet/fluid a) food
2) prolonged periods b) restrictions
3) safe intake c) of fasting
4) to meet d) consumption
5) solid e) feeling of nausea
6) kidney f) nutritional needs
7) high-protein g) of food
8) to relieve h) failure
9) to enhance i) diet
II. Substitute the words in bold type by the words from the text.
1. Before proposing patients food, it is important to establish whether they
are permitted to eat.
2. Patients with difficulty in swallowing are among those at risk of
prolonged periods of fasting because of their inability to ingest.
3. The body does not require any building foods, because it cannot digest
or absorb them.
4. A chill, grippe, or any illness in which a common reflex action that
aims to clear the throat of mucus or foreign irritants is present would
be cured much more quickly without any food consumption.
5. In case of nausea cold fluid, such as freshly made lemon juice, is used.
6. When a patient has a poor appetite supplements may be needed.
7. During eating times nurses should concentrate their attention on
patients who need help.
III. Match the diet with its description.
Doctors prescribe a variety of diets for patients in a hospital setting,
ranging from a normal diet to nothing by mouth for a designated amount
of time. The type of diet depends on the patient’s needs and restrictions.
 Regular Diets  Soft Diets
 Liquids Diets  Restricted Diets
 Therapeutic Diets
a) transition patients from a liquid diet to a regular diet. Patients are
restricted to foods that can be mashed with a fork. This includes cooked
fruits and vegetables, bananas, soft eggs and tender meats. This diet allows

most foods as long as they can be chopped, ground, mashed or pureed to a
soft texture;
b) are used to treat disease or illness. They may include modification of
calorie intake, modification of certain nutrients including protein and
c) are also called normal or house diets. They are used to maintain or
achieve the highest level of nutrition in patients who do not have special
needs related to illness or injury. They can be altered to meet the needs of
the patient’s age, condition and personal beliefs. For example, a pregnant
woman may require more calories and different nutrients than a young
child would need;
d) encompass a variety of special diets that limit the amount of calories,
fat, salt and other substances based on the patient’s medical needs;
e) are typically prescribed as a transitional diets after illness or surgery.
Clear fluid diets include water, broth, clear juices. Full fluid diets allow all
the fluids in a clear fluid diet plus thicker fluids such as milk, pudding and
vegetable juices. A pureed diet allows all foods as long as they are
converted to a fluid form in a blender.
IV. Read and discuss the text for supplementary reading.
What do Nutrition Nurses do?
Nutrition nurses are clinical nurse specialists with knowledge and
experience in nutrition support. They carry out the following tasks:
 Assesment of the patient. It helps the nurse to determine the actual or
potential nutritional problem of the patient. It also helps in nutritional
 Care of the patient. It should be taken while feeding the patient. He
should be positioned comfortably;
 Oral intake always should be encouraged;
 Patients may have difficulty in adjusting to special or therapeutic diets.
Nurses should help them and explain the importance of particular diet in
early discovery;
 Special attention should be given to patients which have tendency
towards nausea and vomiting;
 Feeds should be adjusted according to patient’s acceptance and
 Nurses are supposed to take nutritional and special care while tube
feeding, special feeding or feeding the children;

 While feeding information regarding balance diet hygiene, adequate
water and food intake can be given to the patient and relatives.

Grammar Exercises
I. Complete
the sentences by filling in the blanks with the comparative forms of
adjectives given in brackets.
1. His cough is … than yours. (bad)
2. Following a healthy diet is the … way to prevent many diseases. (easy)
3. Avoiding soft drink is probably the … thing to do in your case. (wise)
4. Alice drinks … coffee than Alan does. She follows doctor’s
instructions. (little)
5. The kitchen must be the … room in the hospital. (clean)
6. The bread tastes even … than rolls. (good) And it is much more … .
II. Complete these sentences by putting some, something, somewhere,
someone, any, anything anywhere, anyone.
1. Where is a nurse? I can’t find her … .
2. I’m going to the chemist’s to by some supplements. Does … want to
come with me?
3. “You can call me … time you need a help”- said a nurse to a patient.
4. Could … give me an injection, please.
5. I’m afraid I haven’t had … time to visit you in a hospital this week.
6. Can you think of … healthy for Ann – not cakes and soda water we
always bring her. The nurse advised to buy … fruits and vegetables.
7. Have you seen my gown? I put it down … and now I can't find it.
8. I can feel a headache coming on. Have you got … for it?
III. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense and voice.
1. Pain-killers … (to administer) to relieve pain.
2. Where are the patient’s cards? — They … (to fill in). They … (to bring)
in 5 minutes.
3. The examination results … (to send) as soon as they are ready.
4. Where are the guests? — They … (to show) the University laboratories.
5. When I came back, the question still … (to discuss).
6. Penicillin … (to discover) in 1928.
7. The mother … (to tell) not to worry about her sick boy. ―He … (to
examine) soon by the doctor.
8. What’s going on in the consulting room? — A patient … (to question).

1. Greeting someone
 Morning!
 Good afternoon!
 Hello, there!
 Hello, everybody!
 You are just the person I want to see!
 Good to see you!

2. Introducing yourself
 Hello! ... I'm...
 Hello? My name's...
 Hello? ... speaking.
 May I introduce myself?
 How do you do? My name's...
 First let me introduce myself.
 Excuse me, my name's...

3. Introducing someone
 Oh, Paul, I'd like someone to meet.
 Oh look, here's Mary. Mary meet...
 I'd like to introduce...
 Paul, may I introduce Mary?
 This is...
 Let me introduce...
 Have you met...?
 Do you know...?

4. Answering an introduction
 Yes, we've already met.
 Pleased to meet you.
 I've been wanting to meet you.
 Good to meet you.
 How do you do?

5. Attracting someone's attention
 Look...
 Listen...
 Sorry, but...
 Sorry to trouble/bother you, but...
 May I have your attention, please?
 I wonder if we could begin.
 Excuse me!
6. Asking how someone is
 How are you?
 How are you keeping?
 How are things with you?
 What's new?
 How is it going?
 Are you better?
 How's life?
 Are you well?
7. Thanking
 Thanks a million for ...
 Great!
 That is really nice of you to....
 Thanks very much for....
 Thanks a lot.
 Thank you.
 Many thanks.
 I really can't thank you enough.
 Much appreciated.
 I'm very grateful to you.
8. Responding to thanks
 That's all right.
 That's 0K.
 Thank you.
 Any time.
 You're welcome.
 My pleasure.
 It's a pleasure.
 Don't mention it.
 No trouble at all.

9. Saying sorry
 Sorry for...
 I feel bad about...
 My fault.
 I'm very sorry.
 I'm really awfully sorry for...
 I am terribly sorry...
 Please, forgive me.
 Please, accept my apologies.
 I must apologize.
 I can't tell you how sorry I am for...

10. Accepting an apology

 That's 0. K.
 Please, don't feel bad about it.
 Forget it.
 There's no reason to apologize.
 That's quite all right.
 Please, don't worry.
 It really doesn't matter at all.
 All right.

11. Summing up
 To summarize// To sum up, …
 So, what I'm saying is …
 In other words, …
 In a word …
 To put it simply, ...
 All things considered, ...
 Taking everything into account, ...
12. Ending a conversation
 Well, better to going, I suppose.
 Sorry, I've got to rush.
 I've got to make a phone call, sorry.
 I'm (awfully) sorry, but I'm meeting someone....
 It's been very nice/interesting talking to you,but....
 I hope you'll excuse me, but....
 I'm afraid I must go now.

13. Giving an example
 Like ... for example.
 … for instance.
 …for example.
 Look at ...
 Such as ...
 An example of this would be ...
 Let me take an example: ...

14. Checking if you are understood

 Got it?
 Are you with me?
 Do you understand...?
 Do you see?
 That's clear, isn't it?
 Is that reasonably clear?
 Have I made myself clear?
 Does that seem to make sense?
 I hope that's clear.

15. Checking that you understand

 If I've got the picture, then ...
 Can I get this clear?
 That means......Right?
 So, am I right in saying....?
 In other words,......Right?
 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand.
 If I've got it right, then ...
 Do you mean...?

16. Showing you are listening

 Well, well!
 Well! Indeed?
 Tell me more.
 Really! Really?
 I see.
 I know what you mean.
 How interesting!

17. Reminding
 You haven't forgotten about ... have you?
 What about ...?
 You won't forget about ... will you?
 You will remember to ... won't you?
 Won't you forget it again?
 Should I phone you to remind ...?
 Will you, please, remember ...?
 Please, don't forget about/to ...

18. Comparing
 There's no way ... is better than ...
 You just can't compare ... and ...
 There's absolutely no comparison between... and ...
 On the whole, ...
 If you compare ... and ...
 I don't see how you can talk about ... and... in the same way.
 All in all, ...
 ... better than ...
 ... is less valuable than ...

19. Asking for information

 Have you got any idea ...?
 I'd like to know ...
 Can you tell me ... (please)?
 Can you help me?
 Do you happen to know ...?
 Have you heard about ...?
 Have you got any idea about ...?

20. Asking someone to say something again

 Sorry, I didn't get any of that.
 Pardon?
 I'm sorry.
 I'm sorry, what did you say?
 I'm sorry, I couldn't hear what you said.
 I'm sorry, I didn't hear ...
 I didn't catch ...
 Would you repeat what you said?

21. Expressing your opinion
 Well, I must say ...
 I'd say ...
 I'd like to say ...
 The way I see it, ...
 It seems to me ...
 I'm convinced that ...
 If you ask me, ...
 I think ...
 I believe...
 In my opinion ...
 As I see it, ...
 To my mind, ...

22. Listing points

 Firstly, ...
 First of all, ...
 In the first place, ...
 First and foremost, ...
 To begin with, ...
 Secondly, ...
 Thirdly, ...
 Finally, ...
 Lastly, ...
 Last but not least, ...

23. Buying time: fillers

 Well …
 Actually …
 You know/ see …
 As a matter of fact, …
 Let’s see.
 In fact, …
 I wonder …
 The thing is …
 It’s like this, you see …
 What I’m trying to say is …
 What I would say is …
 Let’s put it this way …

24. Giving Reasons
 This is why we have decided . . .
 The main reason is . . .
 Another important reason …
 Our decision is …
 Therefore, we believe …

25. Asking for someone's opinion

 I don't think much of ..., do you?
 What would you say to ...?
 What do you think of/about ...?
 What are your feelings about ...?
 What/How about …?
 How would you react to ...?
 How do you see...?
 How do you feel about ...?

26. Agreeing
 Well, that's the thing.
 I'm with you there.
 Yes, I agree ...
 That's what I was thinking.
 That's true.
 That's quite right.
 I agree absolutely with ...

27. Disagreeing
 You must be joking!
 You can't mean that!
 You can't be serious!
 No way!
 I disagree, I'm afraid.
 That's wrong...
 That's not the way I see ...
 Surely not! ...
 Not really.
 No, I don't think ...
 I'm not sure, in fact.
 I can't agree ...

28. Saying the information is not correct
 Nothing of the kind!
 I've never heard anything like that.
 I don't think you are right.
 You are wrong.
 You are not telling us the truth.
 It's not correct.
 Your information is not correct.
 I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken.

29. Expressing doubt

 I take/see your point but …

 I see what you mean but …
 I agree with you on the whole but …
 But don’t you think/see that …?
 That’s true I suppose but …
 Well, you have a point there but …

30. Expressing excitement

 What a great idea!
 Terrific!
 Super!
 Fantastic!
 It's very exciting.
 How wonderful!
 How marvelous!
 How exciting!

31. Saying you do not know

 I wish I knew ...
 I haven't got a clue ...
 I'm sorry, I really don't know ...
 I'm afraid, I've no idea ...
 I'm afraid, I don't know much about...
 I'm afraid, I don't know anything about ...
 I'm afraid, I haven't got that information.

32. Saying something is important
 Sure, it's most important.
 You shouldn't ignore it.
 That's of great concern.
 It's less important than ..., I think.
 It's absolutely important, believe me.
 It matters a lot.
 It's something you should pay more attention to...
 ... is of vital importance in this case.

33. Suggesting
 What about ..., then?
 Let's ...
 How about ..., then?
 Why don't we ..., then?
 We could always ..., then.
 Shall we ...?
 We might as well ...
 You may like to ...

34. Telling someone to do something

 I'd like you to.....(please).
 Would you mind....(please)?
 Would you ..., please?
 Will you ..., please?
 I have to ask you to..., (I'm afraid).
 Come and see ...
 Would you be so kind as to....?
 I must ask you to ..., please.
35. Telling someone how to do something
 You do it like this: you ...
 Watch. First you ...
 Look, all you do is ...
 Let me show you. First you ...
 It's like this: …
 First you have to ...
 First you ..., then you ...
 This is how you do it: you ...
 You should follow this procedure: ...

36. Saying someone should not do something
 You needn't ...
 You don't need to ...
 There's really no need to ...
 I can't see why you should ...
 Don't do it, please.
 You're not to ...
 You're not meant to ...

37. Giving permission

 Why not?
 Sure.
 No reason why you shouldn't ...
 No reason why not.
 It's 0K.
 Go ahead.
 Feel free ...
 You're welcome to ...
 Yes, certainly you can.

38. Offering to do something for someone

 Want a hand ...?
 Need some help, ...?
 Can I help out?
 What can I do to help ...?
 Shall I ...?
 Let me ...
 I'll do it for you.
 I'll ....
 Can I help?
 Would you like any help. . .?
 Is there anything I can do....?

39. Showing relief

 Thank heavens!
 Oh, what a relief!
 Oh, thank goodness for that.
 That's a great relief.
 I'm extremely glad to hear ...

40. Showing sympathy
 That is a shame.
 Oh, ... that's awful.
 I know how it feels.
 You must be very upset.
 That is a pity.
 I'm very sorry to hear ...
 How terrible!
 What a terrible situation for you!

41. Calming or reassuring someone

 Try and look on the bright side.
 The best thing is to keep cool.
 Relax.
 Now take it easy.
 Now, don't get upset.
 It's all right.
 It is not as bad as all that.
 Don't worry!
 Come on! It's 0K!
 There's nothing to worry about.

42. Defining
 People
 It’s a person who works in …
 someone you can find in …
 somebody who is known for …
 Things
 It’s something like …
 made of …
 It’s a kind/ type of …
 It’s a thing that is used to …
 People use it to …
 Places
 It’s a place where …
 Time
 It’s the time when …

43. Calling
 Hello/Good morning/afternoon. this is .... (name) from....
 Hello, my name's ... (name) I'm calling from.....(company)
 I’d like to speak to.. . .please?
 Could I have the. .department, please?
 Is....there, please?
 I’m ringing to....
 I'd like to....
 I need some information regarding...
 Can I leave him/her a message?
 Please tell him/her that...
 Please ask her/him to ring me on.(number)
44. Answering the phone
 Hello....Department, ... speaking, how can I help?
 Who's calling, please?
 Rease hold on a moment.
 Just a second
 I’ll see if he/she is in
 I'm sorry / I'm afraid he'she is not available.
 Would you like to leave a message?
 Can I take a message?
 Shall l ask him/her to call you back?
 Can l take your number please?
 OK. I'll make sure he/she gets the message
 Can anyone else help you?
 Can I help you at all?
45. Reporting severe adverse events
 The patient has a history of ...
 A report was received from the physician indicating that ...
 Before the event, the patient was on the following
medication: ...
 After examining the patient, the physician …
 After taking (drug), the patient experienced...
 At the time of the report, the patient’s condition was
 At the time of the report, the patient had completely

become became become ставати
begin began begun починати
bite bit bitten кусати
bleed bled bled кровоточити
break broke broken ламати
bring brought brought принести
build built built будувати
burn burnt burnt горіти; обпекти
buy bought bought купити
catch caught caught ловити
choose chose chosen вибирати
come came come приходити
cost cost cost коштувати
cut cut cut різати
do did done робити
draw drew drawn малювати, тягти
dream dreamt dreamt марити; мріяти
drink drank drunk пити;
drive drove driven водити; їхати
eat ate eaten їсти
fall fell fallen падати
feed fed fed годувати
feel felt felt відчувати
fight fought fought битися
find found found знаходити
fly flew flown літати
forget forgot forgotten забувати
forgive forgave forgiven пробачати
get got got отримувати
give gave given давати
go went gone йти
grow grew grown рости
have had had мати
hear heard heard чути
hit hit hit вдаряти;
hold held held тримати
hurt hurt hurt ранити, боліти
keep kept kept зберігати
know knew known знати
lay laid laid класти; покласти
leave left left залишати

let let let дозволяти
lie lay lain лежати
lose lost lost втрачати
make made made робити
mean meant meant означати
meet met met зустрічати
pay paid paid платити
put put put класти
read read read читати
ride rode ridden їздити верхи
ring rang rung дзвонити
run ran run бігти
say said said казати
see saw seen бачити
sell sold sold продавати
send sent sent відправляти
set set set встановлювати
shake shook shaken трясти
shoot shot shot стріляти
show showed shown показувати
shut shut shut закривати
sing sang sung співати
sink sank sunk занурювати; тонути
sit sat sat сидіти
sleep slept slept спати
smell smelt smelt пахнути
speak spoke spoken говорити
spend spent spent витрачати, проводити
spill spilt spilt проливати
spoil spoilt spoilt псувати
stand stood stood стояти
steal stole stolen вкрасти
strike struck struck вдаряти; бити
swim swam swum плисти
take took taken брати
teach taught taught навчати
tear tore torn рвати
tell told told розповідати
think thought thought думати
throw threw thrown кидати
understand understood understood розуміти
wake woke woken прокидатися
wear wore worn носити (одяг)
win won won вигравати
write wrote written писати

1. Англо-Український ілюстрований медичний словник Дорланда: У 2 т. –
Львів: Наутілус, 2002. – 2688 с.
2. Барановська Т. В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч.
посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповнене. – К.: ТОВ "ВП
Логос", 2005. – 384 с.
3. Верба Г. В., Верба Г. Г., Верба Л. Г. Довідник з граматики англійської
мови (з вправами): Навч. посібник. – 5-те вид., доопрац. – К.:
Освіта, 2001. – 414 с.
11. Голіцинський Ю. Б. Граматика: Зб. вправ – Перекл. з рос. 4-го вид. / К.:
А.С.К., 2005. – 544 с.
8. Голод Р. Б., Цебрук І. Ф., Кучірка Н. Р. Англійська мова для студентів-
медиків. Підручник. – Івано-Франківськ: Видавець Кушнір Г.М., 2009.
– 640 с.
9. Гурська А. І., Новосядла Є. Й., Марченко Л. Г. та ін. Англійська мова
для студентів-медиків: Підручник. – Львів: Світ, 2003. – 248 с.
10. Жилко Н.М., Панова Л.С. Вправи з граматики англійської мови. –
Ніжин, 2002. – 211 c.
11. Морська Л. І. Вправи з граматики англійської мови: Навчальний
посібник. – Тернопіль: Астон, 2002. – 162 с.
12. Проволоцкая Т.А., Петрова М.Н. Read and Speak Medical English. –
Минск, 2005. – 71 p.
13. Саблук А.Г. Левандовська Л.В. English for medical students —
Англійська мова для студентів-медиків. – Київ, 2012. – 574 c.
14. Соловйова Н. М., Михайлова-Бухуш С. С., Починок Л. І., Лапа Г. М.,
Томілова О. Б. English for Nursing (за ред. проф. Соловйової). –
Чернівці: Буковинський державний медичний університет, 2009. –
332 с.
15. Шпак В. К., Полулях В. Я., Кириченко З. Ф. та ін. Англійська мова для
повсякденного спілкування: Підручник. – 2-ге вид., допов. і перероб. –
К.: Вища шк., 2000. – 302 с.
16. Эккерсли С. Е., Маколей М. Живая грамматика английского языка с
упражнениями (Brighter Grammar. An English Grammar with Exercises):
В 4-х книгах. – Москва: Международные отношения, 1992. – 400 с.

17. Arakelian C., Bartram M., Magnall A. Hospital English: The Brilliant
Learning Workbook For International Nurses. – Radcliffe Medical Press,
2003. – 192 p.
18. Concise Colour Medical Dictionary. – Fourth Edition. – USA, New York:
Oxford University Press Inc., 2007. – 807 p.
19. David Austin, Tim Crosfield. English for Nurses. // Девід Остін, Тім
Кросфілд. Англійська мова для медсестер. Київ, 2009. – 176 p.
20. Dr. Sumathi Kumarswami. Nursing Higher Secondary – First Year Volume
– I. – Government of Tamilnadu, 2004. – 284 p.
21. Evans, Dooley, Tran. Career Paths. MedicalStudent’s Book. – 2011.
22. Joy Parkinson, Chris Brooker. Everyday English for International Nurses. –
London, UK, 2004. – 237 p.
23. Indah Dwi Pratiwi & Risa Herlianita. English for the Professional Nurse.
Book 1. – School of Nursing, Muhammadiyah University of Malang,
2011. – 36 p.
24. Leslie S. Treas, Judith M. Wilkinson. Basic Nursing. Concepts, Skills, &
Reasoning. – Philadelphia, 2014. – 1708 p.
25. Raymond Murthy. English Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and
practice book for intermediate students, with answers. – Cambridge
University Press, 1998. – 328 p.
26. Ros Wright, Bethany Cagnol, Maria Spada Symonds. English for Nursing.
Book 1. Pearson, 2012. – 80 p.
27. Ros Wright, Bethany Cagnol, Maria Spada Symonds. English for Nursing.
Book 2. Pearson, 2012. – 79 p.
28. Sue C. DeLaune, Patricia K. Ladner. Fundamentals of Nursing Standards &
Practice Fourth Edition. – New Orleans, Louisiana, 2011. – 1438 p.
29. Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, Lynn, LeBon. Fundamentals of Nursing. The Art
and Science of Nursing Care. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. –
424 p.
30. Tony Grice. Everyday English for Nursing. – Toronto, 2003. – 225 p.
31. Tony Grice. Nursing 1. Student’s Book. – Oxford University Press, 2008. –
135 p.
32. Tony Grice. James Greenan. Nursing 2. Student’s Book. - Oxford
University Press. 2008. – 135 p
33. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Trang M. Tran, MD. Career Paths. Medical.
– Express Publishing. 2012.

Lesson 1 I Study in Ivano-Frankivsk...…………………………………….. 3
Text: I Study in Ivano-Frankivsk
Grammar: The Pronoun (Personal, Possessive, Reflexive)
Lesson 2 I’m a Medical Student..………………………………………….. 9
Text: I am a Medical Student
Grammar: The Pronoun (Indefinite. Negative)
Lesson 1 At the Polyclinic ……………………………………...……….. 14
Text: At the Polyclinic
Grammar: Plural of Nouns
Lesson 2 At the Hospital……………………………………..……………. 21
Text: At the Hospital
Grammar: Possessive Case of Nouns
Lesson 3 Emergency Medical Care...……………………………………… 27
Text: Emergency Medical Care
Grammar: Adjective. Degrees of Comparison
Lesson 4 Health Resorts and Sanatoria……………………………..……… 34
Text: Health Resorts and Sanatoria
Grammar: Adverb. Degrees of Comparison
Lesson 5 At the Chemist’s……………………………………….………… 40
Text: At the Chemist’s
Grammar: Cardinal Numerals
Lesson 6 Types of Drugs……………………………………..…………… 46
Text: Types of Drugs
Grammar: Ordinal Numerals
Lesson 1 The Cell………………………………………………………….. 52
Text: Cell Structure and Functions
Grammar: Present Indefinite (to be, to have)
Lesson 2 Tissues of the Human Body……………………………………… 59
Text: Tissues of the Human Body
Grammar: Present Indefinite

Lesson 3 Systems of the Human Body …………………………………… 64
Text: Systems of the Human Body
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense (Questions)
Lesson 4 Musculoskeletal System………………………………………… 70
Text: Musculoskeletal System
Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense (Review)
Lesson 5 Nervous System………………………………………………… 75
Text: General Structure of the Nervous System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (to be)
Lesson 6 Cardiovascular System………………………………………… 81
Text: Organization of the Cardiovascular System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Regular Verbs)
Lesson 7 Digestive System………………………………………………… 87
Text: Human Digestive System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Irregular Verbs)
Lesson 8 Respiratory System……………………………………………… 94
Text: Respiratory System
Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense (Questions)
Lesson 9 Reproductive System..…………………………………………… 101
Text: Female and Male Reproductive System
Grammar: Present Indefinite and Past Indefinite. Review
Lesson 1 Nursing in Antiquity………………………….………………… 106
Text: Nursing in Antiquity
Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense
Lesson 2 Nursing in Early Modern Europe……………………………… 111
Text: Nursing in Early Modern Europe
Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense and to be going to
Lesson 3 -4 Florence Nightingale and the Origin of Professional Nursing... 117
Text: Florence Nightingale and the Origin of Professional Nursing
Grammar: The Indefinite Tenses. Review
Lesson 1 Qualities of a Professional Nurse……………………………… 126
Text: Qualities of a Professional Nurse
Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense
Lesson 2 Role and Functions of a Nurse…………………………...……… 133
Text: Role and Functions of a Nurse
Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense

Lesson 3 Person-Centred Nursing Care………………………………… 139
Text: Person-Centred Nursing Care
Grammar: The Future Continuous Tense
Lesson 4 Ethics in Nursing………………….…………………………….. 145
Text: Ethics in Nursing
Grammar: The Continuous Tenses (Review)
Lesson 5 Professional Organizations……………………………...……… 150
Text: Professional Organizations
Grammar: Indefinite and Continuous Tenses (Review)
Lesson 1 Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Ukraine…………….…… 156
Text: Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Ukraine
Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense
Lesson 2 Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Great Britain and the USA 162
Text: Requirements of Nurses’ Education in Great Britain and the USA
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.
Lesson 3 Nurses’ Specialties……………………………………………… 167
Text: Nurses’ Specialties
Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense
Lesson 4 A Working Day of a Nurse……………………………………… 173
Text: A Working Day of a Nurse
Grammar: Perfect Tenses (Review)
Lesson 5 My Future Profession (Self-Reliant Work) ……………….….… 178
Text: My Future Nursing Profession
Grammar: Perfect and Continuous Tenses
Lesson 1 Nursing Care Records …………………………..……………… 182
Text: Nursing Care Records
Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson 2 Electronic Health Records …….………...……………………… 187
Text: Electronic Health Records
Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson 3 Infection Prevention …………………………………..….……… 192
Text: Infection Prevention
Grammar: Perfect Continuous Tenses (Review)
Lesson 4 Daily Care Of The Patient ……………….……………………… 197
Text: Care of the Patient’s Body
Grammar: Types of Questions

Lesson 5 Patients With Limited Mobility………………………………… 203
Text: Care For The Patient With Limited Mobility
Grammar: Types of Questions
Lesson 6 Morning Rounds …………..…………………………………… 208
Text: Morning Rounds
Grammar: Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Tenses (Review)
Lesson 1 Temperature and Pulse…………………………………………… 213
Text: Temperature and Pulse
Grammar: Modal Verbs (can, may)
Lesson 2 Respiration. Difficulties in Breathing……………………………. 219
Text: Respiration. Difficulties in Breathing
Grammar: Modal Verbs (must)
Lesson 3 Laboratory Tests………………………………………………… 225
Text: Laboratory Tests
Grammar: Modal Verbs (should, ought to)
Lesson 4 Urine and Blood Analyses………………….…………………… 231
Text: Urine and Blood Analyses
Grammar: Modal Verbs (to be to)
Lesson 5 Faeces……………………………...…………………………… 236
Text: Faeces
Grammar: Modal Verbs (Review)
Lesson 1 Perioperative Nursing …………………………………………… 241
Text: Perioperative Nursing
Grammar: The Indefinite Article
Lesson 2 Intensive Care Nursing ………………………………………….. 248
Text: Intensive Care Nursing
Grammar: The Definite Article
Lesson 3 Rehabilitative Nursing ………………………………………… 254
Text: Rehabilitative Nursing
Grammar: Use of the Article with the Proper Names
Lesson 4 Infant Nursing ………………….………………………………. 261
Text: Infant Nursing
Grammar: The Zero Article
Lesson 1 Sterilization and Cleansing of Instruments …………………..…. 268
Text: Sterilization and Cleansing of Instruments
Grammar: Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses)

Lesson 2 Care of Wounds ………………………………………………..... 275
Text: Types and Care of Wounds
Grammar: Passive Voice (Continuous Tenses)
Lesson 3 Injections ………………………………………………………... 281
Text: Injections
Grammar: Passive Voice (Perfect Tenses)
Lesson 4 Infusions ………………….…………………………………… 286
Text: Infusions
Grammar: Reported Speech
Lesson 5 Intubations ………………….…………………………………… 292
Text: Intubations
Grammar: Reported Speech
Lesson 6 Enema……………………………...……………………………. 298
Text: Enema
Grammar: Reported Speech
Lesson 7 Bandages and Their Types ……………………………………… 304
Text: Types of Bandages
Grammar: Direct/Indirect Questions
Lesson 8 Splinting and Casting ……………………………………………. 309
Text: Splinting and Casting
Grammar: Direct/Indirect Orders
Lesson 9 Mustard Plasters, Medical Cups, Compresses ………………….. 315
Text: Mustard Plasters, Medical Cups, Compresses
Grammar: Reported Speech. Review
Lesson 10 Massage…………………………...……………………………. 321
Text: Massage
Grammar: Review
Lesson 1 The Nature of Food ……………………………………………… 327
Text: The Nature of Food
Grammar: Review
Lesson 2 Infant’s Feeding …………………………………………………. 333
Text: Infant’s Feeding
Grammar: Review
Lesson 3 Diet in Disease …………………………………………………... 339
Text: Diet in Disease
Grammar: Review
Functional Language……………………………………………………… 344
Irregular Verbs……………………………………………………………. 356
Bibliography……………………………………………………………...... 358


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