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To determine the characteristics of separately excited DC machines and examine the means for their control. 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Construction A cross section through a four pole DC machine is shown in fig. 1. The stator is made from solid steel and has salient poles around which the field windings are wound, producing alternate N and S poles. The main flux in the machine is produced by a dc current (If) flowing through the field coils. The rotor is cylindrical and is laminated because it is moving in the magnetic field produced by the stator. It carries the armature winding in which emfs and currents are induced. As the rotor spins, the armature conductors cut through the flux as they pass under the pole faces and ac emf's are induced in the coils of the armature winding. In the simplest machine each coil is made up from two conductors spanning 180 degrees so that the emf (E) induced in each conductor add together to give a total emf 2E. The ends of each of the coils are connected to a mechanical switch ( the commutator) which is an integral part of the rotor and connects adjacent coils in series. Connections to the external circuit are then made through spring-loaded carbon brushes bearing on the commutator.

Figure 1 DC Machine Construction 1.2 The Induced emf When a conductor of length l moves perpendicularly through a magnetic field of flux density B at a velocity v, the emf E induced across the ends of the conductor is

E = Blv volts



For a given coil or winding, the induced emf is seen to be dependent upon the flux density, the speed (of rotation of the armature) and the number of coils connected in series.. 1.3 Electromagnetic Torque The current flowing through the armature conductors on the rotor reacts with the flux provided by the field winding to produce the electromagnetic torque. Operated as a motor, this is the output torque; operated as a generator, the prime mover must supply this torque to drive the machine. The force F produced on a conductor carrying a current I situated in a magnetic field of flux density B is given by the cross product: F = BxI Newtons/metre .. (2a)

If the current and flux are orthogonal and the conductor length is l, this equation becomes: F = B I l (2b) Newtons per conductor .

The torque/speed characteristics of a machine is essentially dependent on the way in which the field and armature windings are supplied and there are two basic machine types: (a) Separately Excited Here the field current is supplied from an external source and there is no connection between the armature and field windings. (b) Self Excited Here the armature supplies the field current and there are three forms of machine connection: (i) (ii) (iii) shunt connected when the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature series connected when the field winding is connected in series with the armature compound connected machines which have both shunt and series field windings.

The characteristics of only the separately excited machine will be examined in this experiment. 2 MACHINE OPERATION 2.1 The Separately Excited Machine


Operation as a Generator

The schematic for the machine is shown in fig. 2(a) where the prime mover provides the shaft mechanical power which is converted into electrical power by the dc machine. Figure 2(b) shows the electrical equivalent circuit for the machine. It is clear that the armature emf must be large enough the pass the current to the load against the resistance of the armature (Ra). + _
Field winding

Ra Ia + E _ V +



(a) Schematic (b) Equivalent Circuit Fig. 2 A DC machine operated as a generator (a) Open Circuit Curve The machine is driven at a constant speed by the prime mover and the level of the field current (If) is varied to control the level of flux in the machine and so therefore the magnitude of the emf (E) induced in the armature winding. The open circuit curve shown in fig 3 is produced. If the machine has previously been magnetised there will be a residual flux in the machine and a small emf will be generated, even when the field current is zero. The machine would normally be operated above the knee of the magnetisation curve introducing a significant level of saturation.

Fig 3 Open Circuit Characteristic Fig 4 Load Characteristic Characteristics of a Separately Excited DC Generator (b) Load Characteristic The three equations which describe the operation of the generator are: E = Ke *B * N The induced emf equation (3)

V = E - Ia*Ra E*Ia = * T

The terminal electrical conditions . The power balance equation

(4) (5)

Where Ke is a constant for the machine, dependent upon size, connections and the number of armature conductors. B is the flux density in the machine N is the speed (usually in rpm) rather than the classical radians / sec With a constant induced emf (E) equation (4) shows that the terminal voltage will drop as a consequence of the Ia*Ra voltage drop. The load characteristic therefore takes on the typical linear drooping characteristic shown in fig 4. 2.2 Operation as a Motor Here separate dc supplies are provided for both the stator and the rotor. The same induced emf equation applies for the motor as for the generator. The terminal relationships are modified only in that of the direction of the armature current is reversed which modifies equation (4) to V = E + Ia*Ra (6) (i) No-load Speed From equations (3) and (4) the speed of the machine is given by N = V - Ia Ra Ke B (7) The terminal electrical conditions .....

If the small If*Ra voltage drop and the armature current to supply friction and windage losses are ignored, on no load the induced emf (E) will be equal to the terminal voltage (V). The noload speed (No) is then given by No = V Ke B (8)

Reduction of the field current (by variation of an external resistance) enables the no-load speed to be controlled to any practical value above the rated speed. (ii) Load Characteristic In the load characteristic (Speed ~ Ia or torque) the speed falls with increasing armature current due to the Ia * Ra voltage drop. If the armature resistance is small, when supplied at constant voltage, the machine is therefore essentially a constant speed machine. An important characteristic of this motor is that it can deliver full load torque at all speeds, in both directions including zero speed - standstill.

3 THE EXPERIMEMENT 3.1 Equipment to be used The workstation for this experiment consists of two identical DC machines mounted on a common shaft. Both machines are rated at 200 V, 3 kW, 15 A, 1500 rpm. Both machines have separate variable voltage DC supplies for both the field and the armature. The connections to the machines have already been made on the back of the panel and all instrumentation and control functions are available on the consoles. A PC is interfaced to the bench and is used to display graphs during the experiment. The relevant variables available on the PC menu are: Tacho output Instantaneous torque DC machine load Field current

The particular parameters to be displayed are listed in each section of the experimental procedure. A number of push buttons, potentiometers and switches on the console allow a variety of parameters to be activated, varied, controlled or limited: On the Left Hand DC machine the machine being tested The armature is supplied from a four quadrant drive in which: (i) The speed control potentiometer varies the armature voltage from 100 % to + 100 % enabling the speed to be controlled between - 100% to +100%. This enables the speed and torque of the test machine to be controlled from zero to maximum in both directions. A current limit potentiometer, limiting the level of the armature current is also available.


The current flowing in the field circuit is controlled by a single phase controlled rectifier to enable the main flux in the machine varied. On the Right Hand DC machine the machine being used as the load or drive The armature is supplied from a four quadrant drive in which: (i) (ii) The speed control potentiometer has the same function as for the LH machine. A current limit potentiometer is used set a limit on the armature current. In this experiment the current limit will be set to 100%, control of the machine then being done by varying the speed control potentiometer.

A constant field current is supplied from a simple diode rectifier.

3.2 Operation of a Fully Controlled Separately Excited Motor/Generator

On the oscilloscope:

Connect the VA signal to channel 1 Connect the IA signal to channel 4 Select VA for the X axis Select IA for the Y axis

For an X-Y plot on the computer:


Operation in the FIRST QUADRANT

On the left hand machine: Adjust the field control knob until 1.2 amps flows Set the current limit knob to 100% Adjust the armature voltage knob to give a speed of 1500 rpm (about 50%) As the left hand machine is driving the machine set it is operating as a motor in the positive speed direction. The lights on the VA I A speed and torque meters should all be green. On the right hand machine. Adjust the current limit control to 50% Note that the light of the torque meter remains green. Note that the light on the I A meter is red. Note the value of the armature voltage The right hand machine is operating as a generator in the forward speed direction. The sense of these volts, amps torque and speed define operation of the LH machine in the first quadrant. Sketch the shape of the current and voltage waveforms in the space provided in the answer book. Would you describe the voltage and current waveforms as DC voltages and current? Draw the operating point presented on the computer screen on the template provided in the answer book. 3.2.2 The First Change in operating conditions On the LH machine: Change the setting of the armature voltage knob to MINUS 50%. The lights on the VA and I A meters should be red. Is the LH machine operating as a motor or a generator ? On the RH machine:

The light on the speed meter should be red. The light on the torque meter should be red. The light on the ammeter should be green. Is the RH machine operating as a motor or a generator ? Note any significant changes in the voltage and current waveforms and insert the new operating point presented by the computer screen on the four quadrant chart. 3.2.3 The Second Change in operating conditions

On the RH machine: Adjust the speed knob to MINUS 50%. The light on the speed meter should remain red. The light on the I A meter should remain red. The light on the torque meter should be green. Is the RH machine operating as a motor or a generator ? Note any significant changes in the voltage and current waveforms and insert the new operating point presented by the computer screen on the four quadrant chart. 3.2.4 The Third Change in operating conditions

On the LH machine: Adjust the armature voltage knob to +50% On the RH machine: Adjust the speed knob to +50% The light on the speed meter should be green. The light on the I A meter should be green. The light on the torque meter should be red. Is the RH machine operating as a motor or a generator ? On the LH machine The light on the V A meter should be green. The light on the I A meter should be red. Is the LH machine operating as a motor or a generator ? Note any significant changes in the voltage and current waveforms and insert the new operating point presented by the computer screen on the four quadrant chart.


Comment on the overall controllability of the separately excited DC machine.


Test 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Left hand machine Armature Armature voltage current Torque Speed Right hand machine Armature Armature voltage current

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